Boilerplate - Bootstrap v4 - SASS - JQuery - WebPack

Webpack Webpack node-sass jquery jquery popper.js eslint Font Awesome Line Awesome

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SASS · Babel · Bootstrap · JQuery · PopperJS · Font Awesome

This Webpack4-Sass Boilerplate contains the following features: - Webpack4 & Dev-Server - TypeScript 3.7.5 - Babel ES6 Compiler - Bootstrap v4 - with Theme Support - Font Awesome v5.7 - Animate.css Library v3.7.2 - JQuery v3.3.1 - PopperJS v2 - _lodash - concentrate and minify JavaScript. - Compile, minify, Autoprefix SASS. - Optimize and Cache Images - Preconfigured BootsWatch Template (YETI & Slate) - Linting for your TS, JS and SASS ## Features ### Webpack Loaders & Plugins This project contains the following loaders & plugins: - `node-sass` for compiling sass (SCSS) - `babel-loader` for compiling ES6 code - `babel-eslint && eslint-loader` for Linting your .js - `tslint` for Linting your .ts - `lodash-webpack-plugin` create smaller Lodash builds by replacing feature sets of modules with noop, identity, or simpler alternatives. - `webpack-dev-server` for serving & Hot-Reloading - `css-loader` for compressing css - `sass-loader` for compressing and loading scss & sass - `url- & file-loader` for loading and optimizing images - `xml and csv loader` for loading data files - `html-loader` for loading & optimizing html files - `clean-webpack-plugin` for keeping your dist folder clean - `favicons-webpack-plugin` generate favicons form your "logo.png" ## Getting Started ### Dependencies Make sure these are installed first. - [Node.js]( - [Webpack]( `npm install --g webpack`
### Quick Start 1. Clone the repo : `git clone` 2. In bash/terminal/command line, `cd ` into project directory. 3. Run `npm i` to install required dependencies. 4. Run the Dev Server with (with Hot Reloading) `npm run dev`
### Build the Production Folder `npm run build` This will: - Bundle and Minify SASS(scss) to css & Hash and Cash it - generate GZip and Brodli Compressed Assets - Bundle and Minify JS - Optimize Images - Optimize HTML - generate Favicons
## Documentation ### Workflow structure `src` - > source directory `dist` -> build directory ``` ├── src │ ├── assets │ │ └── images │ ├── fonts │ ├── sass │ │ ├── layout | | | └── _features.scss │ │ ├── setup | | | └── _normalize.scss │ │ ├── themes | | | ├── _slate.scss | | | └── _yeti.scss │ │ ├── utils | | | ├── _mixins.scss | | | └── _variables.scss │ │ ├── _globals.scss │ │ ├── _headings.scss │ │ ├── _typography.scss │ │ ├── _vendor.scss │ │ └── main.scss │ ├── ts │ │ ├── custom.ts │ │ ├── line-awesome.ts │ │ ├── vendor.ts │ |── .htaccess │ |── 404.html │ |── index.html │ └── index.ts ├── dist │ ├── assets │ │ ├── images │ │ └── │ ├── css │ │ ├── vendors.[contenthash].css │ │ └── main.contenthash].css │ ├── js │ │ ├── main.[contenthash].js │ │ ├── runtime.[contenthash].js │ │ └── vendors.[contenthash].js │ │ │ └── index.html ``` ### Loading the Features you need in `src/js/vendor/_boostrap.js` uncomment all Features you need put your custom js to `src/js/_custom.js`
### Instructions - Add `sass`(.scss) files to `src/_scss` folder. - Make sure you import the scss file in `main.scss` ``` @import "filename"; ``` - Add your assets to `src/assets/` - Add `images` to `src/assets/images` ## TODO list - [x] Bootstrap 4 - [x] Webpack 4 - [x] Jquery - [x] PopperJS v2 - [x] Include ES-Lint - [x] Font-Awesome - [x] Assets Loader - [x] Separated location for Bundled Files - [x] Adding EsLint - [ ] Code Optimising - [x] Uglify and Minify JS with Terser ## Licence Code released under the [MIT License]( * with* :heart: *from Germany*