/* * audio control callbacks * * (c) Sebastien 2019 * Philippe G. 2019, philippe_44@outlook.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ //#define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_DEBUG #include #include #include #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include "buttons.h" #include "config.h" #include "audio_controls.h" typedef esp_err_t (actrls_config_map_handler) (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config,uint32_t offset); typedef struct { char * member; uint32_t offset; actrls_config_map_handler * handler; } actrls_config_map_t; static esp_err_t actrls_process_member(const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config); static esp_err_t actrls_process_button(const cJSON * button, actrls_config_t *cur_config); static esp_err_t actrls_process_int (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset); static esp_err_t actrls_process_type (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset); static esp_err_t actrls_process_bool (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset); static esp_err_t actrls_process_action (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset); static const actrls_config_map_t actrls_config_map[] = { {"gpio", offsetof(actrls_config_t,gpio), actrls_process_int}, {"debounce", offsetof(actrls_config_t,debounce), actrls_process_int}, {"type", offsetof(actrls_config_t,type), actrls_process_type}, {"pull", offsetof(actrls_config_t,pull), actrls_process_bool}, {"long_press", offsetof(actrls_config_t,long_press),actrls_process_int}, {"shifter_gpio", offsetof(actrls_config_t,shifter_gpio), actrls_process_int}, {"normal", offsetof(actrls_config_t,normal), actrls_process_action}, {"shifted", offsetof(actrls_config_t,shifted), actrls_process_action}, {"longpress", offsetof(actrls_config_t,longpress), actrls_process_action}, {"longshifted", offsetof(actrls_config_t,longshifted), actrls_process_action}, {"", 0, NULL} }; // BEWARE: the actions below need to stay aligned with the corresponding enum to properly support json parsing #define EP(x) [x] = #x /* ENUM PRINT */ static const char * actrls_action_s[ ] = { EP(ACTRLS_VOLUP),EP(ACTRLS_VOLDOWN),EP(ACTRLS_TOGGLE),EP(ACTRLS_PLAY), EP(ACTRLS_PAUSE),EP(ACTRLS_STOP),EP(ACTRLS_REW),EP(ACTRLS_FWD),EP(ACTRLS_PREV),EP(ACTRLS_NEXT), EP(BCTRLS_UP),EP(BCTRLS_DOWN),EP(BCTRLS_LEFT),EP(BCTRLS_RIGHT), EP(KNOB_LEFT),EP(KNOB_RIGHT),EP(KNOB_PUSH), ""} ; static const char * TAG = "audio controls"; static actrls_config_t *json_config; cJSON * control_profiles = NULL; static actrls_t default_controls, current_controls; static actrls_hook_t *default_hook, *current_hook; static struct { bool long_state; bool volume_lock; } rotary; /**************************************************************************************** * */ static void control_handler(void *client, button_event_e event, button_press_e press, bool long_press) { actrls_config_t *key = (actrls_config_t*) client; actrls_action_detail_t action_detail; switch(press) { case BUTTON_NORMAL: if (long_press) action_detail = key->longpress[event == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 0 : 1]; else action_detail = key->normal[event == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 0 : 1]; break; case BUTTON_SHIFTED: if (long_press) action_detail = key->longshifted[event == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 0 : 1]; else action_detail = key->shifted[event == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 0 : 1]; break; default: action_detail.action = ACTRLS_NONE; break; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "control gpio:%u press:%u long:%u event:%u action:%u", key->gpio, press, long_press, event,action_detail.action); // stop here if control hook served the request if (current_hook && (*current_hook)(key->gpio, action_detail.action, event, press, long_press)) return; // otherwise process using configuration if (action_detail.action == ACTRLS_REMAP) { // remap requested ESP_LOGD(TAG, "remapping buttons to profile %s",action_detail.name); cJSON * profile_obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(control_profiles,action_detail.name); if (profile_obj) { actrls_config_t *cur_config = (actrls_config_t *) cJSON_GetStringValue(profile_obj); if (cur_config) { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Remapping all the buttons that are found in the new profile"); while (cur_config->gpio != -1) { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Remapping button with gpio %u", cur_config->gpio); button_remap((void*) cur_config, cur_config->gpio, control_handler, cur_config->long_press, cur_config->shifter_gpio); cur_config++; } } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Profile %s exists, but is empty. Cannot remap buttons",action_detail.name); } } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Invalid profile name %s. Cannot remap buttons",action_detail.name); } } else if (action_detail.action != ACTRLS_NONE) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "calling action %u", action_detail.action); if (current_controls[action_detail.action]) (*current_controls[action_detail.action])(); } } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static void control_rotary_handler(void *client, rotary_event_e event, bool long_press) { actrls_action_e action = ACTRLS_NONE; switch(event) { case ROTARY_LEFT: if (rotary.long_state) action = ACTRLS_PREV; else if (rotary.volume_lock) action = ACTRLS_VOLDOWN; else action = KNOB_LEFT; break; case ROTARY_RIGHT: if (rotary.long_state) action = ACTRLS_NEXT; else if (rotary.volume_lock) action = ACTRLS_VOLUP; else action = KNOB_RIGHT; break; case ROTARY_PRESSED: if (long_press) rotary.long_state = !rotary.long_state; else if (rotary.volume_lock) action = ACTRLS_TOGGLE; else action = KNOB_RIGHT; break; default: break; } if (action != ACTRLS_NONE) (*current_controls[action])(); } /**************************************************************************************** * */ esp_err_t actrls_init(int n, const actrls_config_t *config) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { button_create((void*) (config + i), config[i].gpio, config[i].type, config[i].pull, config[i].debounce, control_handler, config[i].long_press, config[i].shifter_gpio); } return ESP_OK; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static actrls_action_e actrls_parse_action_json(const char * name){ actrls_action_e action = ACTRLS_NONE; if(!strcasecmp("ACTRLS_NONE",name)) return ACTRLS_NONE; for(int i=0;ivalueint; return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static esp_err_t actrls_process_type (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset){ esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Processing type member"); int *value = (int *)((char*) cur_config + offset); if (member->type == cJSON_String) { *value = !strcmp(member->valuestring, "BUTTON_LOW") ? BUTTON_LOW : BUTTON_HIGH; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Button type value expected string value of BUTTON_LOW or BUTTON_HIGH, none found"); err=ESP_FAIL; } return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static esp_err_t actrls_process_bool (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset){ esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; if (!member) { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Null json member pointer!"); err = ESP_FAIL; } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Processing bool member "); if (cJSON_IsBool(member)) { bool*value = (bool*)((char*) cur_config + offset); *value = cJSON_IsTrue(member); } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Member %s is not a boolean", member->string?member->string:"unknown"); err = ESP_FAIL; } } return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static esp_err_t actrls_process_action (const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config, uint32_t offset){ esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; cJSON * button_action= cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(member, "pressed"); actrls_action_detail_t*value = (actrls_action_detail_t*)((char *)cur_config + offset); if (button_action != NULL) { value[0].action = actrls_parse_action_json( button_action->valuestring); if(value[0].action == ACTRLS_REMAP){ value[0].name = strdup(button_action->valuestring); } } button_action = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(member, "released"); if (button_action != NULL) { value[1].action = actrls_parse_action_json( button_action->valuestring); if (value[1].action == ACTRLS_REMAP){ value[1].name = strdup(button_action->valuestring); } } return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static esp_err_t actrls_process_member(const cJSON * member, actrls_config_t *cur_config) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; const actrls_config_map_t * h=actrls_config_map; char * str = cJSON_Print(member); while (h->handler && strcmp(member->string, h->member)) { h++; } if (h->handler) { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"found handler for member %s, json value %s", h->member,str?str:""); err = h->handler(member, cur_config, h->offset); } else { err = ESP_FAIL; ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unknown json structure member : %s", str?str:""); } if (str) free(str); return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static esp_err_t actrls_process_button(const cJSON * button, actrls_config_t *cur_config) { esp_err_t err= ESP_OK; const cJSON *member; cJSON_ArrayForEach(member, button) { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Processing member %s. ", member->string); esp_err_t loc_err = actrls_process_member(member, cur_config); err = (err == ESP_OK) ? loc_err : err; } return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static actrls_config_t * actrls_init_alloc_structure(const cJSON *buttons, const char * name){ int member_count = 0; const cJSON *button; actrls_config_t * json_config=NULL; // Check if the main profiles array was created if(!control_profiles){ control_profiles = cJSON_CreateObject(); } ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Counting the number of buttons definition"); cJSON_ArrayForEach(button, buttons) { member_count++; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "config contains %u button definitions", member_count); if (member_count != 0) { json_config = calloc(sizeof(actrls_config_t) * (member_count + 1), 1); if (json_config){ json_config[member_count].gpio = -1; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Unable to allocate memory to hold configuration for %u buttons ",member_count); } } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"No button found in configuration structure"); } // we're cheating here; we're going to store the control profile // pointer as a string reference; this will prevent cJSON // from trying to free the structure if we ever want to free the object cJSON * new_profile = cJSON_CreateStringReference((const char *)json_config); cJSON_AddItemToObject(control_profiles, name, new_profile); return json_config; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ static void actrls_defaults(actrls_config_t *config) { config->type = BUTTON_LOW; config->pull = false; config->debounce = 0; config->long_press = 0; config->shifter_gpio = -1; config->normal[0].action = config->normal[1].action = ACTRLS_NONE; config->longpress[0].action = config->longpress[1].action = ACTRLS_NONE; config->shifted[0].action = config->shifted[1].action = ACTRLS_NONE; config->longshifted[0].action = config->longshifted[1].action = ACTRLS_NONE; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ esp_err_t actrls_init_json(const char *profile_name, bool create) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; actrls_config_t *cur_config = NULL; actrls_config_t *config_root = NULL; const cJSON *button; char *config = config_alloc_get_default(NVS_TYPE_STR, "rotary_config", NULL, 0); if (config && *config) { char *p; int A = -1, B = -1, SW = -1, longpress = 0; // parse config if ((p = strcasestr(config, "A")) != NULL) A = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1); if ((p = strcasestr(config, "B")) != NULL) B = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1); if ((p = strcasestr(config, "SW")) != NULL) SW = atoi(strchr(p, '=') + 1); if ((p = strcasestr(config, "volume")) != NULL) rotary.volume_lock = true; if ((p = strcasestr(config, "longpress")) != NULL) longpress = 1000; // create rotary (no handling of long press) err = create_rotary(NULL, A, B, SW, longpress, control_rotary_handler) ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL; } if (config) free(config); if (!profile_name || !*profile_name) return ESP_OK; config = config_alloc_get_default(NVS_TYPE_STR, profile_name, NULL, 0); if(!config) return ESP_FAIL; ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Parsing JSON structure %s", config); cJSON *buttons = cJSON_Parse(config); if (buttons == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"JSON Parsing failed for %s", config); err = ESP_FAIL; } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Json parsing completed"); if (cJSON_IsArray(buttons)) { ESP_LOGD(TAG,"configuration is an array as expected"); cur_config =config_root= actrls_init_alloc_structure(buttons, profile_name); if(!cur_config) { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Config buffer was empty. "); cJSON_Delete(buttons); return ESP_FAIL; } ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Processing button definitions. "); cJSON_ArrayForEach(button, buttons){ char * str = cJSON_Print(button); ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Processing %s. ", str?str:""); if(str){ free(str); } actrls_defaults(cur_config); esp_err_t loc_err = actrls_process_button(button, cur_config); err = (err == ESP_OK) ? loc_err : err; if (loc_err == ESP_OK) { if (create) button_create((void*) cur_config, cur_config->gpio,cur_config->type, cur_config->pull,cur_config->debounce, control_handler, cur_config->long_press, cur_config->shifter_gpio); } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Error parsing button structure. Button will not be registered."); } cur_config++; } } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Invalid configuration; array is expected and none received in %s ", config); } cJSON_Delete(buttons); } // Now update the global json_config object. If we are recursively processing menu structures, // the last init that completes will assigh the first json config object found, which will match // the default config from nvs. json_config = config_root; return err; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void actrls_set_default(const actrls_t controls, actrls_hook_t *hook) { memcpy(default_controls, controls, sizeof(actrls_t)); memcpy(current_controls, default_controls, sizeof(actrls_t)); default_hook = current_hook = hook; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void actrls_set(const actrls_t controls, actrls_hook_t *hook) { memcpy(current_controls, controls, sizeof(actrls_t)); current_hook = hook; } /**************************************************************************************** * */ void actrls_unset(void) { memcpy(current_controls, default_controls, sizeof(actrls_t)); current_hook = default_hook; }