WELCOME_TO_SQUEEZEESP32 EN Welcome to SqueezeESP32 PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32 EN SqueezeESP32 PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_BANNER EN WARNING PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_BANNER_TEXT EN You need to restart LMS for these parameters to be taken into account PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_DESC EN Adds a new player id (100) to enable display with SqueezeESP32 PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_WIDTH EN Screen width PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_SPECTRUM_SCALE EN Spectrum scale PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32_SPECTRUM_SCALE_DESC EN Sets the scale factor % of spectrum visualizer by halves for better representation. EN For example, 50 means that 50% of spectrum is displayed in 1/2 of the screen, so it's linear... EN But 25 means that only 25% of spectrum is displayed in 1/2 of the screen, so it's a sort of log