/* * Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator * * (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com * Ralph Irving 2015-2017, ralph_irving@hotmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ // sample processing - only included when building with PROCESS set #include "squeezelite.h" #if PROCESS extern log_level loglevel; extern struct buffer *outputbuf; extern struct decodestate decode; struct processstate process; extern struct codec *codec; #define LOCK_D mutex_lock(decode.mutex); #define UNLOCK_D mutex_unlock(decode.mutex); #define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) // macros to map to processing functions - currently only resample.c // this can be made more generic when multiple processing mechanisms get added #if RESAMPLE || RESAMPLE16 #define SAMPLES_FUNC resample_samples #define DRAIN_FUNC resample_drain #define NEWSTREAM_FUNC resample_newstream #define FLUSH_FUNC resample_flush #define INIT_FUNC resample_init #endif // transfer all processed frames to the output buf static void _write_samples(void) { frames_t frames = process.out_frames; ISAMPLE_T *iptr = (ISAMPLE_T *) process.outbuf; unsigned cnt = 10; LOCK_O; while (frames > 0) { frames_t f = min(_buf_space(outputbuf), _buf_cont_write(outputbuf)) / BYTES_PER_FRAME; ISAMPLE_T *optr = (ISAMPLE_T*) outputbuf->writep; if (f > 0) { f = min(f, frames); memcpy(optr, iptr, f * BYTES_PER_FRAME); frames -= f; _buf_inc_writep(outputbuf, f * BYTES_PER_FRAME); iptr += f * BYTES_PER_FRAME / sizeof(*iptr); } else if (cnt--) { // there should normally be space in the output buffer, but may need to wait during drain phase UNLOCK_O; usleep(10000); LOCK_O; } else { // bail out if no space found after 100ms to avoid locking LOG_ERROR("unable to get space in output buffer"); UNLOCK_O; return; } } UNLOCK_O; } // process samples - called with decode mutex set void process_samples(void) { SAMPLES_FUNC(&process); _write_samples(); process.in_frames = 0; } // drain at end of track - called with decode mutex set void process_drain(void) { bool done; do { done = DRAIN_FUNC(&process); _write_samples(); } while (!done); LOG_DEBUG("processing track complete - frames in: %lu out: %lu", process.total_in, process.total_out); } // new stream - called with decode mutex set unsigned process_newstream(bool *direct, unsigned raw_sample_rate, unsigned supported_rates[]) { bool active = NEWSTREAM_FUNC(&process, raw_sample_rate, supported_rates); LOG_INFO("processing: %s", active ? "active" : "inactive"); *direct = !active; if (active) { unsigned max_in_frames, max_out_frames; process.in_frames = process.out_frames = 0; process.total_in = process.total_out = 0; max_in_frames = codec->min_space / BYTES_PER_FRAME ; // increase size of output buffer by 10% as output rate is not an exact multiple of input rate if (process.out_sample_rate % process.in_sample_rate == 0) { max_out_frames = max_in_frames * (process.out_sample_rate / process.in_sample_rate); } else { max_out_frames = (int)(1.1 * (float)max_in_frames * (float)process.out_sample_rate / (float)process.in_sample_rate); } if (process.max_in_frames != max_in_frames) { LOG_DEBUG("creating process buf in frames: %u", max_in_frames); if (process.inbuf) free(process.inbuf); process.inbuf = malloc(max_in_frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME); process.max_in_frames = max_in_frames; } if (process.max_out_frames != max_out_frames) { LOG_DEBUG("creating process buf out frames: %u", max_out_frames); if (process.outbuf) free(process.outbuf); process.outbuf = malloc(max_out_frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME); process.max_out_frames = max_out_frames; } if (!process.inbuf || !process.outbuf) { LOG_ERROR("malloc fail creating process buffers"); *direct = true; return raw_sample_rate; } return process.out_sample_rate; } return raw_sample_rate; } // process flush - called with decode mutex set void process_flush(void) { LOG_INFO("process flush"); FLUSH_FUNC(); process.in_frames = 0; } // init - called with no mutex void process_init(char *opt) { bool enabled = INIT_FUNC(opt); memset(&process, 0, sizeof(process)); if (enabled) { LOCK_D; decode.process = true; UNLOCK_D; } } #endif // #if PROCESS