* Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
* (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com
* (c) Philippe, philippe_44@outlook.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "squeezelite.h"
#define ALIGN8(n) (n << 8)
#define ALIGN16(n) (n)
#define ALIGN24(n) (n >> 8)
#define ALIGN32(n) (n >> 16)
#define ALIGN8(n) (n << 24)
#define ALIGN16(n) (n << 16)
#define ALIGN24(n) (n << 8)
#define ALIGN32(n) (n)
#define MIN_SPACE (MIN_READ * 4)
struct chunk_table {
u32_t sample, offset;
struct alac {
void *decoder;
u8_t *writebuf;
// following used for mp4 only
u32_t consume;
u32_t pos;
u32_t sample;
u32_t nextchunk;
void *stsc;
u32_t skip;
u64_t samples;
u64_t sttssamples;
bool empty;
struct chunk_table *chunkinfo;
u32_t *block_size, default_block_size, block_index;
unsigned sample_rate;
unsigned char channels, sample_size;
unsigned trak, play;
static struct alac *l;
extern log_level loglevel;
extern struct buffer *streambuf;
extern struct buffer *outputbuf;
extern struct streamstate stream;
extern struct outputstate output;
extern struct decodestate decode;
extern struct processstate process;
#define LOCK_S mutex_lock(streambuf->mutex)
#define UNLOCK_S mutex_unlock(streambuf->mutex)
#define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define LOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define UNLOCK_O_direct if (decode.direct) mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define LOCK_O_not_direct if (!decode.direct) mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define UNLOCK_O_not_direct if (!decode.direct) mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define IF_DIRECT(x) if (decode.direct) { x }
#define IF_PROCESS(x) if (!decode.direct) { x }
#define LOCK_O_direct mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define UNLOCK_O_direct mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex)
#define LOCK_O_not_direct
#define UNLOCK_O_not_direct
#define IF_DIRECT(x) { x }
#define IF_PROCESS(x)
// read mp4 header to extract config data
static int read_mp4_header(void) {
size_t bytes = min(_buf_used(streambuf), _buf_cont_read(streambuf));
char type[5];
u32_t len;
while (bytes >= 8) {
// count trak to find the first playable one
u32_t consume;
len = unpackN((u32_t *)streambuf->readp);
memcpy(type, streambuf->readp + 4, 4);
type[4] = '\0';
if (!strcmp(type, "moov")) {
l->trak = 0;
l->play = 0;
if (!strcmp(type, "trak")) {
// extract audio config from within alac
if (!strcmp(type, "alac") && bytes > len) {
u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp + 36;
l->decoder = alac_create_decoder(len - 36, ptr, &l->sample_size, &l->sample_rate, &l->channels);
l->play = l->trak;
// extract the total number of samples from stts
if (!strcmp(type, "stsz") && bytes > len) {
u32_t i;
u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp + 12;
l->default_block_size = unpackN((u32_t *) ptr); ptr += 4;
if (!l->default_block_size) {
u32_t entries = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr); ptr += 4;
l->block_size = malloc((entries + 1)* 4);
for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
l->block_size[i] = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr); ptr += 4;
l->block_size[entries] = 0;
LOG_DEBUG("total blocksize contained in stsz %u", entries);
} else {
LOG_DEBUG("fixed blocksize in stsz %u", l->default_block_size);
// extract the total number of samples from stts
if (!strcmp(type, "stts") && bytes > len) {
u32_t i;
u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp + 12;
u32_t entries = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr);
ptr += 4;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
u32_t count = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr);
u32_t size = unpackN((u32_t *)(ptr + 4));
l->sttssamples += count * size;
ptr += 8;
LOG_DEBUG("total number of samples contained in stts: " FMT_u64, l->sttssamples);
// stash sample to chunk info, assume it comes before stco
if (!strcmp(type, "stsc") && bytes > len && !l->chunkinfo) {
l->stsc = malloc(len - 12);
if (l->stsc == NULL) {
LOG_WARN("malloc fail");
return -1;
memcpy(l->stsc, streambuf->readp + 12, len - 12);
// build offsets table from stco and stored stsc
if (!strcmp(type, "stco") && bytes > len && l->play == l->trak) {
u32_t i;
// extract chunk offsets
u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp + 12;
u32_t entries = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr);
ptr += 4;
l->chunkinfo = malloc(sizeof(struct chunk_table) * (entries + 1));
if (l->chunkinfo == NULL) {
LOG_WARN("malloc fail");
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
l->chunkinfo[i].offset = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr);
l->chunkinfo[i].sample = 0;
ptr += 4;
l->chunkinfo[i].sample = 0;
l->chunkinfo[i].offset = 0;
// fill in first sample id for each chunk from stored stsc
if (l->stsc) {
u32_t stsc_entries = unpackN((u32_t *)l->stsc);
u32_t sample = 0;
u32_t last = 0, last_samples = 0;
u8_t *ptr = (u8_t *)l->stsc + 4;
while (stsc_entries--) {
u32_t first = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr);
u32_t samples = unpackN((u32_t *)(ptr + 4));
if (last) {
for (i = last - 1; i < first - 1; ++i) {
l->chunkinfo[i].sample = sample;
sample += last_samples;
if (stsc_entries == 0) {
for (i = first - 1; i < entries; ++i) {
l->chunkinfo[i].sample = sample;
sample += samples;
last = first;
last_samples = samples;
ptr += 12;
l->stsc = NULL;
// found media data, advance to start of first chunk and return
if (!strcmp(type, "mdat")) {
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, 8);
l->pos += 8;
bytes -= 8;
if (l->play) {
LOG_DEBUG("type: mdat len: %u pos: %u", len, l->pos);
if (l->chunkinfo && l->chunkinfo[0].offset > l->pos) {
u32_t skip = l->chunkinfo[0].offset - l->pos;
LOG_DEBUG("skipping: %u", skip);
if (skip <= bytes) {
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, skip);
l->pos += skip;
} else {
l->consume = skip;
l->sample = l->nextchunk = 1;
l->block_index = 0;
return 1;
} else {
LOG_DEBUG("type: mdat len: %u, no playable track found", len);
return -1;
// parse key-value atoms within ilst ---- entries to get encoder padding within iTunSMPB entry for gapless
if (!strcmp(type, "----") && bytes > len) {
u8_t *ptr = streambuf->readp + 8;
u32_t remain = len - 8, size;
if (!memcmp(ptr + 4, "mean", 4) && (size = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr)) < remain) {
ptr += size; remain -= size;
if (!memcmp(ptr + 4, "name", 4) && (size = unpackN((u32_t *)ptr)) < remain && !memcmp(ptr + 12, "iTunSMPB", 8)) {
ptr += size; remain -= size;
if (!memcmp(ptr + 4, "data", 4) && remain > 16 + 48) {
// data is stored as hex strings: 0 start end samples
u32_t b, c; u64_t d;
if (sscanf((const char *)(ptr + 16), "%x %x %x " FMT_x64, &b, &b, &c, &d) == 4) {
LOG_DEBUG("iTunSMPB start: %u end: %u samples: " FMT_u64, b, c, d);
if (l->sttssamples && l->sttssamples < b + c + d) {
LOG_DEBUG("reducing samples as stts count is less");
d = l->sttssamples - (b + c);
l->skip = b;
l->samples = d;
// default to consuming entire box
consume = len;
// read into these boxes so reduce consume
if (!strcmp(type, "moov") || !strcmp(type, "trak") || !strcmp(type, "mdia") || !strcmp(type, "minf") || !strcmp(type, "stbl") ||
!strcmp(type, "udta") || !strcmp(type, "ilst")) {
consume = 8;
// special cases which mix mix data in the enclosing box which we want to read into
if (!strcmp(type, "stsd")) consume = 16;
if (!strcmp(type, "mp4a")) consume = 36;
if (!strcmp(type, "meta")) consume = 12;
// consume rest of box if it has been parsed (all in the buffer) or is not one we want to parse
if (bytes >= consume) {
LOG_DEBUG("type: %s len: %u consume: %u", type, len, consume);
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, consume);
l->pos += consume;
bytes -= consume;
} else if ( !(!strcmp(type, "esds") || !strcmp(type, "stts") || !strcmp(type, "stsc") ||
!strcmp(type, "stsz") || !strcmp(type, "stco") || !strcmp(type, "----")) ) {
LOG_DEBUG("type: %s len: %u consume: %u - partial consume: %u", type, len, consume, bytes);
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, bytes);
l->pos += bytes;
l->consume = consume - bytes;
} else {
return 0;
static decode_state alac_decode(void) {
size_t bytes;
bool endstream;
u8_t *iptr;
u32_t frames, block_size;
// data not reached yet
if (l->consume) {
u32_t consume = min(l->consume, _buf_used(streambuf));
LOG_DEBUG("consume: %u of %u", consume, l->consume);
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, consume);
l->pos += consume;
l->consume -= consume;
if (decode.new_stream) {
int found = 0;
// mp4 - read header
found = read_mp4_header();
if (found == 1) {
bytes = min(_buf_used(streambuf), _buf_cont_read(streambuf));
LOG_INFO("setting track_start");
output.next_sample_rate = decode_newstream(l->sample_rate, output.supported_rates);
output.track_start = outputbuf->writep;
if (output.fade_mode) _checkfade(true);
decode.new_stream = false;
} else if (found == -1) {
LOG_WARN("[%p]: error reading stream header");
} else {
// not finished header parsing come back next time
bytes = _buf_used(streambuf);
block_size = l->default_block_size ? l->default_block_size : l->block_size[l->block_index];
// stream terminated
if (stream.state <= DISCONNECT && (bytes == 0 || block_size == 0)) {
LOG_DEBUG("end of stream");
// is there enough data for decoding
if (bytes < block_size) {
} else if (block_size != l->default_block_size) l->block_index++;
bytes = min(bytes, _buf_cont_read(streambuf));
// need to create a buffer with contiguous data
if (bytes < block_size) {
u8_t *buffer = malloc(block_size);
memcpy(buffer, streambuf->readp, bytes);
memcpy(buffer + bytes, streambuf->buf, block_size - bytes);
iptr = buffer;
} else iptr = streambuf->readp;
if (!alac_to_pcm(l->decoder, iptr, l->writebuf, 2, &frames)) {
LOG_ERROR("decode error");
// and free it
if (bytes < block_size) free(iptr);
LOG_SDEBUG("block of %u bytes (%u frames)", block_size, frames);
endstream = false;
// mp4 end of chunk - skip to next offset
if (l->chunkinfo && l->chunkinfo[l->nextchunk].offset && l->sample++ == l->chunkinfo[l->nextchunk].sample) {
if (l->chunkinfo[l->nextchunk].offset > l->pos) {
u32_t skip = l->chunkinfo[l->nextchunk].offset - l->pos;
if (_buf_used(streambuf) >= skip) {
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, skip);
l->pos += skip;
} else {
l->consume = skip;
} else {
LOG_ERROR("error: need to skip backwards!");
endstream = true;
// mp4 when not at end of chunk
} else if (frames) {
_buf_inc_readp(streambuf, block_size);
l->pos += block_size;
} else {
endstream = true;
if (endstream) {
LOG_WARN("unable to decode further");
// now point at the beginning of decoded samples
iptr = l->writebuf;
if (l->skip) {
u32_t skip;
if (l->empty) {
l->empty = false;
l->skip -= frames;
LOG_DEBUG("gapless: first frame empty, skipped %u frames at start", frames);
skip = min(frames, l->skip);
LOG_DEBUG("gapless: skipping %u frames at start", skip);
frames -= skip;
l->skip -= skip;
iptr += skip * l->channels * l->sample_size;
if (l->samples) {
if (l->samples < frames) {
LOG_DEBUG("gapless: trimming %u frames from end", frames - l->samples);
frames = (u32_t) l->samples;
l->samples -= frames;
while (frames > 0) {
size_t f, count;
ISAMPLE_T *optr;
f = min(frames, _buf_cont_write(outputbuf) / BYTES_PER_FRAME);
optr = (ISAMPLE_T *)outputbuf->writep;
f = min(frames, process.max_in_frames - process.in_frames);
optr = (ISAMPLE_T *)((u8_t *) process.inbuf + process.in_frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME);
f = min(f, frames);
count = f;
if (l->sample_size == 8) {
while (count--) {
*optr++ = ALIGN8(*iptr++);
*optr++ = ALIGN8(*iptr++);
} else if (l->sample_size == 16) {
u16_t *_iptr = (u16_t*) iptr;
while (count--) {
*optr++ = ALIGN16(*_iptr++);
*optr++ = ALIGN16(*_iptr++);
} else if (l->sample_size == 24) {
while (count--) {
*optr++ = ALIGN24(*(u32_t*) iptr);
*optr++ = ALIGN24(*(u32_t*) (iptr + 3));
iptr += 6;
} else if (l->sample_size == 32) {
u32_t *_iptr = (u32_t*) iptr;
while (count--) {
*optr++ = ALIGN32(*_iptr++);
*optr++ = ALIGN32(*_iptr++);
} else {
LOG_ERROR("unsupported bits per sample: %u", l->sample_size);
frames -= f;
_buf_inc_writep(outputbuf, f * BYTES_PER_FRAME);
process.in_frames = f;
// called only if there is enough space in process buffer
if (frames) LOG_ERROR("unhandled case");
static void alac_open(u8_t size, u8_t rate, u8_t chan, u8_t endianness) {
if (l->decoder) alac_delete_decoder(l->decoder);
else l->writebuf = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE * 2);
if (l->chunkinfo) free(l->chunkinfo);
if (l->block_size) free(l->block_size);
if (l->stsc) free(l->stsc);
l->decoder = l->chunkinfo = l->stsc = l->block_size = NULL;
l->skip = 0;
l->samples = l->sttssamples = 0;
l->empty = false;
l->pos = l->consume = l->sample = l->nextchunk = 0;
static void alac_close(void) {
if (l->decoder) alac_delete_decoder(l->decoder);
if (l->chunkinfo) free(l->chunkinfo);
if (l->block_size) free(l->block_size);
if (l->stsc) free(l->stsc);
l->decoder = l->chunkinfo = l->stsc = l->block_size = NULL;
struct codec *register_alac(void) {
static struct codec ret = {
'l', // id
"alc", // types
MIN_READ, // min read
MIN_SPACE, // min space assuming a ratio of 2
alac_open, // open
alac_close, // close
alac_decode, // decode
l = malloc(sizeof(struct alac));
if (!l) {
return NULL;
l->decoder = l->chunkinfo = l->stsc = l->block_size = NULL;
LOG_INFO("using alac to decode alc");
return &ret;