menu "Wifi Manager Configuration" config WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY int "RTOS Task Priority for the wifi_manager" default 5 help Tasks spawn by the manager will have a priority of WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY-1. For this particular reason, minimum recommended task priority is 2. config WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_RETRY int "Max Retry on failed connection" default 2 help Defines when a connection is lost/attempt to connect is made, how many retries should be made before giving up. config DEFAULT_AP_SSID string "Access Point SSID" default "esp32" help SSID (network name) the the esp32 will broadcast. config DEFAULT_AP_PASSWORD string "Access Point Password" default "esp32pwd" help Password used for the Access Point. Leave empty and set AUTH MODE to WIFI_AUTH_OPEN for no password. config DEFAULT_AP_CHANNEL int "Access Point WiFi Channel" default 1 help Be careful you might not see the access point if you use a channel not allowed in your country. config DEFAULT_AP_IP string "Access Point IP Address" default "" help This is used for the redirection to the captive portal. It is recommended to leave unchanged. config DEFAULT_AP_GATEWAY string "Access Point IP Gateway" default "" help This is used for the redirection to the captive portal. It is recommended to leave unchanged. config DEFAULT_AP_NETMASK string "Access Point Netmask" default "" help This is used for the redirection to the captive portal. It is recommended to leave unchanged. config DEFAULT_AP_MAX_CONNECTIONS int "Access Point Max Connections" default 4 help Max is 4. config DEFAULT_AP_BEACON_INTERVAL int "Access Point Beacon Interval (ms)" default 100 help 100ms is the recommended default. config DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE string "Default command line to execute" default "squeezelite -o I2S -b 500:2000 -d all=info" help This is the command to run when starting the device endmenu