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 * Fixed-point HE-AAC decoder
 * Jon Recker (jrecker@real.com)
 * February 2005
 * filefmt.c - ADIF and ADTS header decoding, raw block handling

#include "coder.h"

 * Function:    UnpackADTSHeader
 * Description: parse the ADTS frame header and initialize decoder state
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 *              double pointer to buffer with complete ADTS frame header (byte aligned)
 *                header size = 7 bytes, plus 2 if CRC
 * Outputs:     filled in ADTS struct
 *              updated buffer pointer
 *              updated bit offset
 *              updated number of available bits
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
 * TODO:        test CRC
 *              verify that fixed fields don't change between frames
int UnpackADTSHeader(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo, unsigned char **buf, int *bitOffset, int *bitsAvail)
	int bitsUsed;
	PSInfoBase *psi;
	BitStreamInfo bsi;
	ADTSHeader *fhADTS;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);
	fhADTS = &(psi->fhADTS);

	/* init bitstream reader */
	SetBitstreamPointer(&bsi, (*bitsAvail + 7) >> 3, *buf);
	GetBits(&bsi, *bitOffset);

	/* verify that first 12 bits of header are syncword */
	if (GetBits(&bsi, 12) != 0x0fff) {

	/* fixed fields - should not change from frame to frame */ 
	fhADTS->id =               GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->layer =            GetBits(&bsi, 2);
	fhADTS->protectBit =       GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->profile =          GetBits(&bsi, 2);
	fhADTS->sampRateIdx =      GetBits(&bsi, 4);
	fhADTS->privateBit =       GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->channelConfig =    GetBits(&bsi, 3);
	fhADTS->origCopy =         GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->home =             GetBits(&bsi, 1);

	/* variable fields - can change from frame to frame */ 
	fhADTS->copyBit =          GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->copyStart =        GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADTS->frameLength =      GetBits(&bsi, 13);
	fhADTS->bufferFull =       GetBits(&bsi, 11);
	fhADTS->numRawDataBlocks = GetBits(&bsi, 2) + 1;

	/* note - MPEG4 spec, correction 1 changes how CRC is handled when protectBit == 0 and numRawDataBlocks > 1 */
	if (fhADTS->protectBit == 0)
		fhADTS->crcCheckWord = GetBits(&bsi, 16);

	/* byte align */
	ByteAlignBitstream(&bsi);	/* should always be aligned anyway */

	/* check validity of header */
	if (fhADTS->layer != 0 || fhADTS->profile != AAC_PROFILE_LC ||
		fhADTS->sampRateIdx >= NUM_SAMPLE_RATES || fhADTS->channelConfig >= NUM_DEF_CHAN_MAPS)

	if (fhADTS->id != 1)

	/* update codec info */
	psi->sampRateIdx = fhADTS->sampRateIdx;
	if (!psi->useImpChanMap)
		psi->nChans = channelMapTab[fhADTS->channelConfig];

	/* syntactic element fields will be read from bitstream for each element */
	aacDecInfo->prevBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currInstTag = -1;

	/* fill in user-accessible data (TODO - calc bitrate, handle tricky channel config cases) */
	aacDecInfo->bitRate = 0;
	aacDecInfo->nChans = psi->nChans;
	aacDecInfo->sampRate = sampRateTab[psi->sampRateIdx];
	aacDecInfo->profile = fhADTS->profile;
	aacDecInfo->sbrEnabled = 0;
	aacDecInfo->adtsBlocksLeft = fhADTS->numRawDataBlocks;

	/* update bitstream reader */
	bitsUsed = CalcBitsUsed(&bsi, *buf, *bitOffset);
	*buf += (bitsUsed + *bitOffset) >> 3;
	*bitOffset = (bitsUsed + *bitOffset) & 0x07;
	*bitsAvail -= bitsUsed ;
	if (*bitsAvail < 0)

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;

 * Function:    GetADTSChannelMapping
 * Description: determine the number of channels from implicit mapping rules
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 *              pointer to start of raw_data_block
 *              bit offset
 *              bits available 
 * Outputs:     updated number of channels
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
 * Notes:       calculates total number of channels using rules in 14496-3,
 *              does not attempt to deduce speaker geometry
int GetADTSChannelMapping(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo, unsigned char *buf, int bitOffset, int bitsAvail)
	int ch, nChans, elementChans, err;
	PSInfoBase *psi;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);

	nChans = 0;
	do {
		/* parse next syntactic element */
		err = DecodeNextElement(aacDecInfo, &buf, &bitOffset, &bitsAvail);
		if (err)
			return err;

		elementChans = elementNumChans[aacDecInfo->currBlockID];
		nChans += elementChans;

		for (ch = 0; ch < elementChans; ch++) {
			err = DecodeNoiselessData(aacDecInfo, &buf, &bitOffset, &bitsAvail, ch);
			if (err)
				return err;
	} while (aacDecInfo->currBlockID != AAC_ID_END);

	if (nChans <= 0)

	/* update number of channels in codec state and user-accessible info structs */ 
	psi->nChans = nChans;
	aacDecInfo->nChans = psi->nChans;
	psi->useImpChanMap = 1;

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;

 * Function:    GetNumChannelsADIF
 * Description: get number of channels from program config elements in an ADIF file
 * Inputs:      array of filled-in program config element structures
 *              number of PCE's
 * Outputs:     none
 * Return:      total number of channels in file
 *              -1 if error (invalid number of PCE's or unsupported mode)
static int GetNumChannelsADIF(ProgConfigElement *fhPCE, int nPCE)
	int i, j, nChans;

	if (nPCE < 1 || nPCE > MAX_NUM_PCE_ADIF)
		return -1;

	nChans = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nPCE; i++) {
		/* for now: only support LC, no channel coupling */
		if (fhPCE[i].profile != AAC_PROFILE_LC || fhPCE[i].numCCE > 0)
			return -1;

		/* add up number of channels in all channel elements (assume all single-channel) */
        nChans += fhPCE[i].numFCE;
        nChans += fhPCE[i].numSCE;
        nChans += fhPCE[i].numBCE;
        nChans += fhPCE[i].numLCE;

		/* add one more for every element which is a channel pair */
        for (j = 0; j < fhPCE[i].numFCE; j++) {
            if (CHAN_ELEM_IS_CPE(fhPCE[i].fce[j]))
        for (j = 0; j < fhPCE[i].numSCE; j++) {
            if (CHAN_ELEM_IS_CPE(fhPCE[i].sce[j]))
        for (j = 0; j < fhPCE[i].numBCE; j++) {
            if (CHAN_ELEM_IS_CPE(fhPCE[i].bce[j]))


	return nChans;

 * Function:    GetSampleRateIdxADIF
 * Description: get sampling rate index from program config elements in an ADIF file
 * Inputs:      array of filled-in program config element structures
 *              number of PCE's
 * Outputs:     none
 * Return:      sample rate of file
 *              -1 if error (invalid number of PCE's or sample rate mismatch)
static int GetSampleRateIdxADIF(ProgConfigElement *fhPCE, int nPCE)
	int i, idx;

	if (nPCE < 1 || nPCE > MAX_NUM_PCE_ADIF)
		return -1;

	/* make sure all PCE's have the same sample rate */
	idx = fhPCE[0].sampRateIdx;
	for (i = 1; i < nPCE; i++) {
		if (fhPCE[i].sampRateIdx != idx)
			return -1;

	return idx;

 * Function:    UnpackADIFHeader
 * Description: parse the ADIF file header and initialize decoder state
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 *              double pointer to buffer with complete ADIF header 
 *                (starting at 'A' in 'ADIF' tag)
 *              pointer to bit offset
 *              pointer to number of valid bits remaining in inbuf
 * Outputs:     filled-in ADIF struct
 *              updated buffer pointer
 *              updated bit offset
 *              updated number of available bits
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
int UnpackADIFHeader(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo, unsigned char **buf, int *bitOffset, int *bitsAvail)
	int i, bitsUsed;
	PSInfoBase *psi;
	BitStreamInfo bsi;
	ADIFHeader *fhADIF;
	ProgConfigElement *pce;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);

	/* init bitstream reader */
	SetBitstreamPointer(&bsi, (*bitsAvail + 7) >> 3, *buf);
	GetBits(&bsi, *bitOffset);

	/* unpack ADIF file header */
	fhADIF = &(psi->fhADIF);
	pce = psi->pce;

	/* verify that first 32 bits of header are "ADIF" */
	if (GetBits(&bsi, 8) != 'A' || GetBits(&bsi, 8) != 'D' || GetBits(&bsi, 8) != 'I' || GetBits(&bsi, 8) != 'F')

	/* read ADIF header fields */
	fhADIF->copyBit = GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	if (fhADIF->copyBit) {
		for (i = 0; i < ADIF_COPYID_SIZE; i++)
			fhADIF->copyID[i] = GetBits(&bsi, 8);
	fhADIF->origCopy = GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADIF->home =     GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADIF->bsType =   GetBits(&bsi, 1);
	fhADIF->bitRate =  GetBits(&bsi, 23);
	fhADIF->numPCE =   GetBits(&bsi, 4) + 1;	/* add 1 (so range = [1, 16]) */
	if (fhADIF->bsType == 0)
		fhADIF->bufferFull = GetBits(&bsi, 20);

	/* parse all program config elements */
	for (i = 0; i < fhADIF->numPCE; i++)
		DecodeProgramConfigElement(pce + i, &bsi);

	/* byte align */

	/* update codec info */
	psi->nChans = GetNumChannelsADIF(pce, fhADIF->numPCE);
	psi->sampRateIdx = GetSampleRateIdxADIF(pce, fhADIF->numPCE);

	/* check validity of header */
	if (psi->nChans < 0 || psi->sampRateIdx < 0 || psi->sampRateIdx >= NUM_SAMPLE_RATES)
	/* syntactic element fields will be read from bitstream for each element */
	aacDecInfo->prevBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currInstTag = -1;

	/* fill in user-accessible data */
	aacDecInfo->bitRate = 0;
	aacDecInfo->nChans = psi->nChans;
	aacDecInfo->sampRate = sampRateTab[psi->sampRateIdx];
	aacDecInfo->profile = pce[0].profile;
	aacDecInfo->sbrEnabled = 0;

	/* update bitstream reader */
	bitsUsed = CalcBitsUsed(&bsi, *buf, *bitOffset);
	*buf += (bitsUsed + *bitOffset) >> 3;
	*bitOffset = (bitsUsed + *bitOffset) & 0x07;
	*bitsAvail -= bitsUsed ;
	if (*bitsAvail < 0)

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;

 * Function:    SetRawBlockParams
 * Description: set internal state variables for decoding a stream of raw data blocks
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 *              flag indicating source of parameters (from previous headers or passed 
 *                explicitly by caller)
 *              number of channels
 *              sample rate
 *              profile ID
 * Outputs:     updated state variables in aacDecInfo
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
 * Notes:       if copyLast == 1, then psi->nChans, psi->sampRateIdx, and 
 *                aacDecInfo->profile are not changed (it's assumed that we already 
 *                set them, such as by a previous call to UnpackADTSHeader())
 *              if copyLast == 0, then the parameters we passed in are used instead
int SetRawBlockParams(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo, int copyLast, int nChans, int sampRate, int profile)
	int idx;
	PSInfoBase *psi;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);

	if (!copyLast) {
		aacDecInfo->profile = profile;
		psi->nChans = nChans;
		for (idx = 0; idx < NUM_SAMPLE_RATES; idx++) {
			if (sampRate == sampRateTab[idx]) {
				psi->sampRateIdx = idx;
		if (idx == NUM_SAMPLE_RATES)
	aacDecInfo->nChans = psi->nChans;
	aacDecInfo->sampRate = sampRateTab[psi->sampRateIdx];

	/* check validity of header */
	if (psi->sampRateIdx >= NUM_SAMPLE_RATES || psi->sampRateIdx < 0 || aacDecInfo->profile != AAC_PROFILE_LC)

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;

 * Function:    PrepareRawBlock
 * Description: reset per-block state variables for raw blocks (no ADTS/ADIF headers)
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 * Outputs:     updated state variables in aacDecInfo
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
int PrepareRawBlock(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo)
//	PSInfoBase *psi;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
//	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);

	/* syntactic element fields will be read from bitstream for each element */
	aacDecInfo->prevBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currBlockID = AAC_ID_INVALID;
	aacDecInfo->currInstTag = -1;

	/* fill in user-accessible data */
	aacDecInfo->bitRate = 0;
	aacDecInfo->sbrEnabled = 0;

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;

 * Function:    FlushCodec
 * Description: flush internal codec state (after seeking, for example)
 * Inputs:      valid AACDecInfo struct
 * Outputs:     updated state variables in aacDecInfo
 * Return:      0 if successful, error code (< 0) if error
 * Notes:       only need to clear data which is persistent between frames 
 *                (such as overlap buffer)
int FlushCodec(AACDecInfo *aacDecInfo)
	PSInfoBase *psi;

	/* validate pointers */
	if (!aacDecInfo || !aacDecInfo->psInfoBase)
	psi = (PSInfoBase *)(aacDecInfo->psInfoBase);
	ClearBuffer(psi->overlap, AAC_MAX_NCHANS * AAC_MAX_NSAMPS * sizeof(int));
	ClearBuffer(psi->prevWinShape, AAC_MAX_NCHANS * sizeof(int));

	return ERR_AAC_NONE;