package main import ( "fmt" "log" "reflect" "strings" "sort" "" plugin "" ) type GeneratableType interface { IdentifierName() string CppType() string WriteDeclarations(gen *CppGenerator) WriteReflection(gen *CppGenerator) } type GenericType interface { GeneratableType GetInnerType() GeneratableType } type ForwardDeclarable interface { ForwardDeclaration() string } type DelcarationOrderable interface { DeclarationOrder() int } type Corntext struct { CG *CppGenerator Request *plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest // The input. Response *plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse // The output. AllTypes []GeneratableType PrimitiveTypes map[string]GeneratableType // types required for reflection TypeIDEnum GeneratableType ReflectType GeneratableType ReflectField GeneratableType ReflectEnumValue GeneratableType TypeKindEnum GeneratableType vectorOfReflectFields GeneratableType vectorOfReflectEnumValues GeneratableType } func NewCorntext() *Corntext { i64 := &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Int64", cppType: "int64_t"} return &Corntext{ Request: new(plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest), Response: new(plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse), CG: NewCppGenerator("protobuf.h"), AllTypes: []GeneratableType{}, PrimitiveTypes: map[string]GeneratableType{ "int": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Int", cppType: "int"}, // "unsigned int": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "UnsignedInt", cppType: "unsigned int"}, "char": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Char", cppType: "char"}, "unsigned char": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "UnsignedChar", cppType: "unsigned char"}, "double": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Double", cppType: "double"}, "float": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Float", cppType: "float"}, "bool": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Bool", cppType: "bool"}, "std::string": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "String", cppType: "std::string"}, "size_t": &AliasType{Of: i64, cppType: "size_t"}, "int32_t": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Int32", cppType: "int32_t"}, "int64_t": i64, "uint32_t": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Uint32", cppType: "uint32_t"}, "uint64_t": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Uint64", cppType: "uint64_t"}, "uint8_t": &PrimitiveType{identifierName: "Uint8", cppType: "uint8_t"}, }, } } func (c *Corntext) outputTypes() { c.CG.AddLibraryInclude("utility") c.CG.AddLibraryInclude("vector") vht := &VectorHelperTypes{} oht := &OptionalHelperTypes{} fmt.Fprintln(c.CG.Body, ` template void __reflectConstruct(void *mem) { new(mem) T; } template void __reflectDestruct(void *obj) { ((T*) obj)->~T(); } `) vht.GenerateVectorOperationsStruct(c.CG) oht.GenerateOptionalOperationsStruct(c.CG) for _, t := range c.AllTypes { if fwd, ok := t.(ForwardDeclarable); ok { fmt.Fprintf(c.CG.Body, "%v\n", fwd.ForwardDeclaration()) } } c.CG.AddLibraryInclude("type_traits") typesToDeclare := make([]GeneratableType, len(c.AllTypes)) for i := range c.AllTypes { typesToDeclare[i] = c.AllTypes[i] } sort.SliceStable(typesToDeclare, func(i, j int) bool { var ival, jval int if orderable, ok := typesToDeclare[i].(DelcarationOrderable); ok { ival = orderable.DeclarationOrder() } if orderable, ok := typesToDeclare[j].(DelcarationOrderable); ok { jval = orderable.DeclarationOrder() } return ival < jval }) for _, t := range typesToDeclare { t.WriteDeclarations(c.CG) } primitiveList := make([]GeneratableType, 0, len(c.PrimitiveTypes)) for _, pt := range c.PrimitiveTypes { primitiveList = append(primitiveList, pt) } GenerateAnyTypes(c.CG, primitiveList, c.AllTypes) vht.GenerateVectorManipulator(c.CG) oht.GenerateOptionalManipulator(c.CG) c.CG.OutputArrayVariableExtern(c.ReflectType.CppType(), "reflectTypeInfo", len(c.AllTypes)) dataFile := c.CG.SubFile("ReflectTypeInfo.cpp", false).AddLocalInclude(c.CG.Filename) dataFile.OutputArrayVariable(c.ReflectType.CppType(), "reflectTypeInfo", len(c.AllTypes), func() { for _, t := range c.AllTypes { if _, ok := t.(*AliasType); ok { continue } t.WriteReflection(dataFile) fmt.Fprintf(dataFile.Body, ",\n") } }) GenerateAnyTypesImplementation(c.CG) c.CG.OutputToDirectory("protos/") } func (c *Corntext) buildAllTypes() { c.generateReflectionTypes() c.AllTypes = append(c.AllTypes, c.TypeIDEnum, c.ReflectField, c.ReflectEnumValue, c.ReflectType, c.TypeKindEnum, c.vectorOfReflectFields, c.vectorOfReflectEnumValues, ) for _, t := range c.PrimitiveTypes { c.AllTypes = append(c.AllTypes, t) } c.generateProtobufTypes() i := 0 for _, t := range c.AllTypes { if _, ok := t.(*AliasType); ok { continue } c.TypeIDEnum.(*EnumType).Values = append(c.TypeIDEnum.(*EnumType).Values, EnumValue{Name: t.IdentifierName(), Value: fmt.Sprintf("%v", i)}) i++ } } func (c *Corntext) generateProtobufTypes() { var pbType2reflection = map[descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_Type]GeneratableType{ descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_INT32: c.PrimitiveTypes["int32_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_SINT32: c.PrimitiveTypes["int32_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_SINT64: c.PrimitiveTypes["int64_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_INT64: c.PrimitiveTypes["int64_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_UINT32: c.PrimitiveTypes["uint32_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_UINT64: c.PrimitiveTypes["uint64_t"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BOOL: c.PrimitiveTypes["bool"], descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BYTES: c.genericOf(NewVectorType, c.PrimitiveTypes["uint8_t"]), descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING: c.PrimitiveTypes["std::string"], } for _, f := range c.Request.ProtoFile { log.Printf("Doing file %v", *f.Name) typeMappings := map[string]GeneratableType{} for _, e := range f.EnumType { values := make([]EnumValue, 0, len(e.Value)) for _, v := range e.Value { values = append(values, EnumValue{ Name: *v.Name, Value: fmt.Sprint(*v.Number), }) } log.Printf("name: %v", *f.Name) et := &EnumType{ Name: *e.Name, Values: values, ProtoName: StripExtenstion(*f.Name), } typeMappings[*e.Name] = et c.AllTypes = append(c.AllTypes, et) } for _, m := range f.MessageType { ct := &ClassType{ Name: *m.Name, ProtoName: StripExtenstion(*f.Name), } typeMappings[*m.Name] = ct c.AllTypes = append(c.AllTypes, ct) } for _, m := range f.MessageType { fields := []ClassField{} for _, f := range m.Field { isMessage := *f.Type == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE isEnum := *f.Type == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM var fieldType GeneratableType if isMessage || isEnum { fqn := strings.Split(*f.TypeName, ".") className := fqn[1] fieldType = typeMappings[className] } else { primitiveType, ok := pbType2reflection[*f.Type] if !ok { log.Fatal("unsupported proto type", (*f.Type).String()) } fieldType = primitiveType // log.Printf("%#v == %v", primitiveType, *f.Type) } if f.Label != nil && *f.Label == descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED { fieldType = c.genericOf(NewVectorType, fieldType) } else if f.Label != nil && *f.Label != descriptor.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REQUIRED { fieldType = c.genericOf(NewOptionalType, fieldType) } fields = append(fields, ClassField{ Name: *f.Name, Type: fieldType, ProtobufTag: uint32(*f.Number), }) } ct := typeMappings[*m.Name].(*ClassType) ct.Fields = fields } } } func (c *Corntext) genericOf(constructor func(inner GeneratableType) GenericType, inner GeneratableType) (ret GeneratableType) { sample := constructor(nil) for _, t := range c.AllTypes { if v, ok := t.(GenericType); ok { if reflect.TypeOf(sample).String() == reflect.TypeOf(v).String() && v.GetInnerType() == inner { ret = v } } } if ret == nil { ret = constructor(inner) c.AllTypes = append(c.AllTypes, ret) } return } func (c *Corntext) generateReflectionTypes() { c.TypeIDEnum = &EnumType{ Name: "ReflectTypeID", ProtoName: "ReflectionInternal", Values: []EnumValue{}, } c.TypeKindEnum = &EnumType{ Name: "ReflectTypeKind", ProtoName: "ReflectionInternal", Values: []EnumValue{ {Name: "Primitive", Value: "0"}, {Name: "Enum", Value: "1"}, {Name: "Class", Value: "2"}, {Name: "Vector", Value: "3"}, {Name: "Optional", Value: "4"}, }, } c.ReflectField = &ClassType{ Name: "ReflectField", ProtoName: "ReflectionInternal", Fields: []ClassField{ {"typeID", 0, c.TypeIDEnum}, {"name", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["std::string"]}, {"offset", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["size_t"]}, {"protobufTag", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["uint32_t"]}, }, AdditionalLibraryIncludes: []string{ "string", }, AdditionalCode: ` ReflectField() {}; ReflectField(ReflectTypeID typeID, std::string name, size_t offset, uint32_t protobufTag) { this->typeID = typeID; this->name = name; this->offset = offset; this->protobufTag = protobufTag; } `, } c.ReflectEnumValue = &ClassType{ Name: "ReflectEnumValue", ProtoName: "ReflectionInternal", Fields: []ClassField{ {"name", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["std::string"]}, {"value", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["int"]}, }, AdditionalLibraryIncludes: []string{ "string", }, AdditionalCode: ` ReflectEnumValue(){}; ReflectEnumValue( std::string name, int value) { this->name = name; this->value = value; } `, } c.vectorOfReflectFields = &VectorType{ InnerType: c.ReflectField, } c.vectorOfReflectEnumValues = &VectorType{ InnerType: c.ReflectEnumValue, } c.ReflectType = &ClassType{ Name: "ReflectType", ProtoName: "ReflectionInternal", Fields: []ClassField{ {"typeID", 0, c.TypeIDEnum}, {"name", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["std::string"]}, {"kind", 0, c.TypeKindEnum}, {"size", 0, c.PrimitiveTypes["size_t"]}, {"innerType", 0, c.TypeIDEnum}, {"fields", 0, c.vectorOfReflectFields}, {"enumValues", 0, c.vectorOfReflectEnumValues}, }, AdditionalLibraryIncludes: []string{ "string", "vector", }, AdditionalCode: ` void (*_Construct)(void *mem); void (*_Destruct)(void *obj); VectorOperations vectorOps; OptionalOperations optionalOps; static ReflectType ofPrimitive(ReflectTypeID id, std::string name, size_t size) { ReflectType t; t.kind = ReflectTypeKind::Primitive; t.typeID = id; = name; t.size = size; return t; } static ReflectType ofEnum(ReflectTypeID id, std::string name, std::vector enumValues, size_t size) { ReflectType t; t.kind = ReflectTypeKind::Enum; t.typeID = id; = name; t.size = size; t.enumValues = enumValues; return t; } static ReflectType ofVector(ReflectTypeID id, ReflectTypeID innerType, size_t size, VectorOperations vectorOps, void (*_Construct)(void *mem), void (*_Destruct)(void *obj)) { ReflectType t; t.kind = ReflectTypeKind::Vector; t.typeID = id; t.innerType = innerType; t.size = size; t._Construct = _Construct; t._Destruct = _Destruct; t.vectorOps = vectorOps; return t; } static ReflectType ofOptional(ReflectTypeID id, ReflectTypeID innerType, size_t size, OptionalOperations optionalOps, void (*_Construct)(void *mem), void (*_Destruct)(void *obj)) { ReflectType t; t.kind = ReflectTypeKind::Optional; t.typeID = id; t.innerType = innerType; t.size = size; t._Construct = _Construct; t._Destruct = _Destruct; t.optionalOps = optionalOps; return t; } static ReflectType ofClass(ReflectTypeID id, std::string name, std::vector fields, size_t size, void (*_Construct)(void *mem), void (*_Destruct)(void *obj)) { ReflectType t; t.kind = ReflectTypeKind::Class; = name; t.typeID = id; t.size = size; t.fields = std::move(fields); t._Construct = _Construct; t._Destruct = _Destruct; return t; } `, } }