/* * (c) Philippe G. 2019, philippe_44@outlook.com * * This software is released under the MIT License. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ #pragma once #include "buttons.h" // BEWARE: this is the index of the array of action below (change actrls_action_s as well!) typedef enum { ACTRLS_NONE = -1, ACTRLS_POWER,ACTRLS_VOLUP, ACTRLS_VOLDOWN, ACTRLS_TOGGLE, ACTRLS_PLAY, ACTRLS_PAUSE, ACTRLS_STOP, ACTRLS_REW, ACTRLS_FWD, ACTRLS_PREV, ACTRLS_NEXT, BCTRLS_UP, BCTRLS_DOWN, BCTRLS_LEFT, BCTRLS_RIGHT, BCTRLS_PS1,BCTRLS_PS2,BCTRLS_PS3,BCTRLS_PS4,BCTRLS_PS5,BCTRLS_PS6,BCTRLS_PS7,BCTRLS_PS8,BCTRLS_PS9,BCTRLS_PS10, KNOB_LEFT, KNOB_RIGHT, KNOB_PUSH, ACTRLS_REMAP, ACTRLS_MAX } actrls_action_e; typedef void (*actrls_handler)(bool pressed); typedef actrls_handler actrls_t[ACTRLS_MAX - ACTRLS_NONE - 1]; typedef bool actrls_hook_t(int gpio, actrls_action_e action, button_event_e event, button_press_e press, bool long_press); typedef bool actrls_ir_handler_t(uint16_t addr, uint16_t cmd); // BEWARE any change to struct below must be mapped to actrls_config_map typedef struct { actrls_action_e action; const char * name; } actrls_action_detail_t; typedef struct actrl_config_s { int gpio; int type; bool pull; int debounce; int long_press; int shifter_gpio; actrls_action_detail_t normal[2], longpress[2], shifted[2], longshifted[2]; // [0] keypressed, [1] keyreleased } actrls_config_t; esp_err_t actrls_init(const char *profile_name); /* Set hook function to non-null to be set your own direct managemet function, which should return true if it managed the control request, false if the normal handling should be done The add_release boolean forces a release event to be sent if a press action has been set, whether a release action has been set or not */ void actrls_set_default(const actrls_t controls, bool raw_controls, actrls_hook_t *hook, actrls_ir_handler_t *ir_handler); void actrls_set(const actrls_t controls, bool raw_controls, actrls_hook_t *hook, actrls_ir_handler_t *ir_handler); void actrls_unset(void); bool actrls_ir_action(uint16_t addr, uint16_t code);