/* * This software is released under the MIT License. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MDNSService.h" #include "SpircHandler.h" #include "LoginBlob.h" #include "CentralAudioBuffer.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "esp_http_server.h" #include "cspot_private.h" #include "cspot_sink.h" #include "platform_config.h" #include "tools.h" static class cspotPlayer *player; /**************************************************************************************** * Chunk manager class (task) */ class chunkManager : public bell::Task { public: std::atomic isRunning = true; std::atomic isPaused = true; chunkManager(std::shared_ptr centralAudioBuffer, std::function trackHandler, std::function dataHandler); void teardown(); private: std::shared_ptr centralAudioBuffer; std::function trackHandler; std::function dataHandler; std::mutex runningMutex; void runTask() override; }; chunkManager::chunkManager(std::shared_ptr centralAudioBuffer, std::function trackHandler, std::function dataHandler) : bell::Task("chunker", 4 * 1024, 0, 0) { this->centralAudioBuffer = centralAudioBuffer; this->trackHandler = trackHandler; this->dataHandler = dataHandler; startTask(); } void chunkManager::teardown() { isRunning = false; std::scoped_lock lock(runningMutex); } void chunkManager::runTask() { std::scoped_lock lock(runningMutex); size_t lastHash = 0; while (isRunning) { if (isPaused) { BELL_SLEEP_MS(100); continue; } auto chunk = centralAudioBuffer->readChunk(); if (!chunk || chunk->pcmSize == 0) { BELL_SLEEP_MS(50); continue; } // receiving first chunk of new track from Spotify server if (lastHash != chunk->trackHash) { CSPOT_LOG(info, "hash update %x => %x", lastHash, chunk->trackHash); lastHash = chunk->trackHash; trackHandler(); } dataHandler(chunk->pcmData, chunk->pcmSize); } } /**************************************************************************************** * Player's main class & task */ class cspotPlayer : public bell::Task { private: std::string name; bell::WrappedSemaphore clientConnected; std::shared_ptr centralAudioBuffer; int startOffset, volume = 0, bitrate = 160; httpd_handle_t serverHandle; int serverPort; cspot_cmd_cb_t cmdHandler; cspot_data_cb_t dataHandler; std::shared_ptr blob; std::unique_ptr spirc; std::unique_ptr chunker; void eventHandler(std::unique_ptr event); void trackHandler(void); void runTask(); public: typedef enum {TRACK_INIT, TRACK_NOTIFY, TRACK_STREAM, TRACK_END} TrackStatus; std::atomic trackStatus = TRACK_INIT; cspotPlayer(const char*, httpd_handle_t, int, cspot_cmd_cb_t, cspot_data_cb_t); esp_err_t handleGET(httpd_req_t *request); esp_err_t handlePOST(httpd_req_t *request); void command(cspot_event_t event); }; cspotPlayer::cspotPlayer(const char* name, httpd_handle_t server, int port, cspot_cmd_cb_t cmdHandler, cspot_data_cb_t dataHandler) : bell::Task("playerInstance", 32 * 1024, 0, 0), serverHandle(server), serverPort(port), cmdHandler(cmdHandler), dataHandler(dataHandler) { cJSON *item, *config = config_alloc_get_cjson("cspot_config"); if ((item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(config, "volume")) != NULL) volume = item->valueint; if ((item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(config, "bitrate")) != NULL) bitrate = item->valueint; if ((item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(config, "deviceName") ) != NULL) this->name = item->valuestring; else this->name = name; cJSON_Delete(config); if (bitrate != 96 && bitrate != 160 && bitrate != 320) bitrate = 160; } extern "C" { static esp_err_t handleGET(httpd_req_t *request) { return player->handleGET(request); } static esp_err_t handlePOST(httpd_req_t *request) { return player->handlePOST(request); } } esp_err_t cspotPlayer::handleGET(httpd_req_t *request) { std::string body = this->blob->buildZeroconfInfo(); if (body.size() == 0) { CSPOT_LOG(info, "cspot empty blob's body on GET"); return ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ; } httpd_resp_set_hdr(request, "Content-type", "application/json"); httpd_resp_send(request, body.c_str(), body.size()); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t cspotPlayer::handlePOST(httpd_req_t *request) { cJSON* response= cJSON_CreateObject(); //see https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/commercial-hardware/implementation/guides/zeroconf if (cmdHandler(CSPOT_BUSY)) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(response, "status", 101); cJSON_AddStringToObject(response, "statusString", "OK"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(response, "spotifyError", 0); // get body if any (add '\0' at the end if used as string) if (request->content_len) { char* body = (char*) calloc(1, request->content_len + 1); int size = httpd_req_recv(request, body, request->content_len); // I know this is very crude and unsafe... url_decode(body); char *key = strtok(body, "&"); std::map queryMap; while (key) { char *value = strchr(key, '='); *value++ = '\0'; queryMap[key] = value; key = strtok(NULL, "&"); }; free(body); // Pass user's credentials to the blob and give the token blob->loadZeroconfQuery(queryMap); clientConnected.give(); } } else { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(response, "status", 202); cJSON_AddStringToObject(response, "statusString", "ERROR-LOGIN-FAILED"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(response, "spotifyError", 0); CSPOT_LOG(info, "sink is busy, can't accept request"); } char *responseStr = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(response); cJSON_Delete(response); httpd_resp_set_hdr(request, "Content-type", "application/json"); esp_err_t rc = httpd_resp_send(request, responseStr, strlen(responseStr)); free(responseStr); return rc; } void cspotPlayer::eventHandler(std::unique_ptr event) { switch (event->eventType) { case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::PLAYBACK_START: { centralAudioBuffer->clearBuffer(); // we are not playing anymore trackStatus = TRACK_INIT; // memorize position for when track's beginning will be detected startOffset = std::get(event->data); // Spotify servers do not send volume at connection spirc->setRemoteVolume(volume); cmdHandler(CSPOT_START, 44100); CSPOT_LOG(info, "(re)start playing"); break; } case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::PLAY_PAUSE: { bool pause = std::get(event->data); cmdHandler(pause ? CSPOT_PAUSE : CSPOT_PLAY); chunker->isPaused = pause; break; } case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::TRACK_INFO: { auto trackInfo = std::get(event->data); cmdHandler(CSPOT_TRACK_INFO, trackInfo.duration, startOffset, trackInfo.artist.c_str(), trackInfo.album.c_str(), trackInfo.name.c_str(), trackInfo.imageUrl.c_str()); spirc->updatePositionMs(startOffset); startOffset = 0; break; } case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::NEXT: case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::PREV: case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::FLUSH: { // FLUSH is sent when there is no next, just clean everything centralAudioBuffer->clearBuffer(); cmdHandler(CSPOT_FLUSH); break; } case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::DISC: centralAudioBuffer->clearBuffer(); cmdHandler(CSPOT_DISC); chunker->teardown(); break; case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::SEEK: { centralAudioBuffer->clearBuffer(); cmdHandler(CSPOT_SEEK, std::get(event->data)); break; } case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::DEPLETED: trackStatus = TRACK_END; CSPOT_LOG(info, "playlist ended, no track left to play"); break; case cspot::SpircHandler::EventType::VOLUME: volume = std::get(event->data); cmdHandler(CSPOT_VOLUME, volume); break; default: break; } } void cspotPlayer::trackHandler(void) { // this is just informative auto trackInfo = spirc->getTrackPlayer()->getCurrentTrackInfo(); uint32_t remains; cmdHandler(CSPOT_QUERY_REMAINING, &remains); CSPOT_LOG(info, "next track <%s> will play in %d ms", trackInfo.name.c_str(), remains); // inform sink of track beginning trackStatus = TRACK_NOTIFY; cmdHandler(CSPOT_TRACK_MARK); } void cspotPlayer::command(cspot_event_t event) { if (!spirc) return; // switch...case consume a ton of extra .rodata switch (event) { // nextSong/previousSong come back through cspot::event as a FLUSH case CSPOT_PREV: spirc->previousSong(); break; case CSPOT_NEXT: spirc->nextSong(); break; // setPause comes back through cspot::event with PLAY/PAUSE case CSPOT_TOGGLE: spirc->setPause(!chunker->isPaused); break; case CSPOT_STOP: case CSPOT_PAUSE: spirc->setPause(true); break; case CSPOT_PLAY: spirc->setPause(false); break; // calling spirc->disconnect() might have been logical but it does not // generate any cspot::event, so we need to manually force exiting player // loop through chunker which will eventually do the disconnect case CSPOT_DISC: cmdHandler(CSPOT_DISC); chunker->teardown(); break; // spirc->setRemoteVolume does not generate a cspot::event so call cmdHandler case CSPOT_VOLUME_UP: volume += (UINT16_MAX / 50); volume = std::min(volume, UINT16_MAX); cmdHandler(CSPOT_VOLUME, volume); spirc->setRemoteVolume(volume); break; case CSPOT_VOLUME_DOWN: volume -= (UINT16_MAX / 50); volume = std::max(volume, 0); cmdHandler(CSPOT_VOLUME, volume); spirc->setRemoteVolume(volume); break; default: break; } } void cspotPlayer::runTask() { httpd_uri_t request = { .uri = "/spotify_info", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = ::handleGET, .user_ctx = NULL, }; // register GET and POST handler for built-in server httpd_register_uri_handler(serverHandle, &request); request.method = HTTP_POST; request.handler = ::handlePOST; httpd_register_uri_handler(serverHandle, &request); // construct blob for that player blob = std::make_unique(name); // Register mdns service, for spotify to find us bell::MDNSService::registerService( blob->getDeviceName(), "_spotify-connect", "_tcp", "", serverPort, { {"VERSION", "1.0"}, {"CPath", "/spotify_info"}, {"Stack", "SP"} }); static int count = 0; // gone with the wind... while (1) { clientConnected.wait(); CSPOT_LOG(info, "Spotify client connected for %s", name.c_str()); centralAudioBuffer = std::make_shared(32); auto ctx = cspot::Context::createFromBlob(blob); if (bitrate == 320) ctx->config.audioFormat = AudioFormat_OGG_VORBIS_320; else if (bitrate == 96) ctx->config.audioFormat = AudioFormat_OGG_VORBIS_96; else ctx->config.audioFormat = AudioFormat_OGG_VORBIS_160; ctx->session->connectWithRandomAp(); auto token = ctx->session->authenticate(blob); // Auth successful if (token.size() > 0) { spirc = std::make_unique(ctx); // set call back to calculate a hash on trackId spirc->getTrackPlayer()->setDataCallback( [this](uint8_t* data, size_t bytes, std::string_view trackId, size_t sequence) { return centralAudioBuffer->writePCM(data, bytes, sequence); }); // set event (PLAY, VOLUME...) handler spirc->setEventHandler( [this](std::unique_ptr event) { eventHandler(std::move(event)); }); // Start handling mercury messages ctx->session->startTask(); // Create a player, pass the tack handler chunker = std::make_unique(centralAudioBuffer, [this](void) { return trackHandler(); }, [this](const uint8_t* data, size_t bytes) { return dataHandler(data, bytes); }); // set volume at connection cmdHandler(CSPOT_VOLUME, volume); // exit when player has stopped (received a DISC) while (chunker->isRunning) { ctx->session->handlePacket(); // low-accuracy polling events if (trackStatus == TRACK_NOTIFY) { // inform Spotify that next track has started (don't need to be super accurate) uint32_t started; cmdHandler(CSPOT_QUERY_STARTED, &started); if (started) { CSPOT_LOG(info, "next track's audio has reached DAC"); spirc->notifyAudioReachedPlayback(); trackStatus = TRACK_STREAM; } } else if (trackStatus == TRACK_END) { // wait for end of last track uint32_t remains; cmdHandler(CSPOT_QUERY_REMAINING, &remains); if (!remains) { CSPOT_LOG(info, "last track finished"); trackStatus = TRACK_INIT; cmdHandler(CSPOT_STOP); spirc->setPause(true); } } } spirc->disconnect(); spirc.reset(); CSPOT_LOG(info, "disconnecting player %s", name.c_str()); } // we want to release memory ASAP and fore sure centralAudioBuffer.reset(); ctx.reset(); token.clear(); // update volume when we disconnect cJSON *config = config_alloc_get_cjson("cspot_config"); cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(config, "volume"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(config, "volume", volume); config_set_cjson_str_and_free("cspot_config", config); } } /**************************************************************************************** * API to create and start a cspot instance */ struct cspot_s* cspot_create(const char *name, httpd_handle_t server, int port, cspot_cmd_cb_t cmd_cb, cspot_data_cb_t data_cb) { bell::setDefaultLogger(); player = new cspotPlayer(name, server, port, cmd_cb, data_cb); player->startTask(); return (cspot_s*) player; } /**************************************************************************************** * Commands sent by local buttons/actions */ bool cspot_cmd(struct cspot_s* ctx, cspot_event_t event, void *param) { player->command(event); return true; }