//#define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL ESP_LOG_VERBOSE #include "nvs_utilities.h" #include #include #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_console.h" #include "esp_vfs_dev.h" #include "driver/uart.h" #include "linenoise/linenoise.h" #include "argtable3/argtable3.h" #include "cmd_decl.h" #include "esp_vfs_fat.h" #include "nvs.h" #include "nvs_flash.h" #include "nvs_utilities.h" const char current_namespace[] = "config"; const char settings_partition[] = "settings"; static const char * TAG = "nvs_utilities"; void initialize_nvs() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing flash nvs "); esp_err_t err = nvs_flash_init(); if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES || err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "%s. Erasing nvs flash", esp_err_to_name(err)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase()); err = nvs_flash_init(); } if(err != ESP_OK){ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "nvs_flash_init failed. %s.", esp_err_to_name(err)); } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(err); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Initializing nvs partition %s",settings_partition); err = nvs_flash_init_partition(settings_partition); if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES || err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "%s. Erasing nvs on partition %s",esp_err_to_name(err),settings_partition); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase_partition(settings_partition)); err = nvs_flash_init_partition(settings_partition); } if(err!=ESP_OK){ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "nvs_flash_init_partition failed. %s",esp_err_to_name(err)); } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(err); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "nvs init completed"); } esp_err_t nvs_load_config(){ nvs_entry_info_t info; esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; size_t malloc_int = heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL); size_t malloc_spiram = heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM); nvs_iterator_t it = nvs_entry_find(settings_partition, NULL, NVS_TYPE_ANY); if(it == NULL) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "empty nvs partition %s, namespace %s",settings_partition,current_namespace ); } while (it != NULL) { nvs_entry_info(it, &info); if(strstr(info.namespace_name, current_namespace)) { void * value = get_nvs_value_alloc(info.type,info.key); if(value==NULL) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "nvs read failed."); return ESP_FAIL; } config_set_value(info.type, info.key, value); free(value ); } it = nvs_entry_next(it); } char * json_string= config_alloc_get_json(false); if(json_string!=NULL) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "config json : %s\n", json_string); free(json_string); } ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Config memory usage. Heap internal:%zu (min:%zu) (used:%zu) external:%zu (min:%zu) (used:%zd)", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL), heap_caps_get_minimum_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL), malloc_int-heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL), heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM), heap_caps_get_minimum_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM), malloc_spiram -heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM)); return err; } esp_err_t store_nvs_value(nvs_type_t type, const char *key, void * data) { if (type == NVS_TYPE_BLOB) return ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH; return store_nvs_value_len(type, key, data,0); } esp_err_t store_nvs_value_len(nvs_type_t type, const char *key, void * data, size_t data_len) { esp_err_t err; nvs_handle nvs; if (type == NVS_TYPE_ANY) { return ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH; } err = nvs_open_from_partition(settings_partition, current_namespace, NVS_READWRITE, &nvs); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } if (type == NVS_TYPE_I8) { err = nvs_set_i8(nvs, key, *(int8_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U8) { err = nvs_set_u8(nvs, key, *(uint8_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I16) { err = nvs_set_i16(nvs, key, *(int16_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U16) { err = nvs_set_u16(nvs, key, *(uint16_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I32) { err = nvs_set_i32(nvs, key, *(int32_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U32) { err = nvs_set_u32(nvs, key, *(uint32_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I64) { err = nvs_set_i64(nvs, key, *(int64_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U64) { err = nvs_set_u64(nvs, key, *(uint64_t *) data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_STR) { err = nvs_set_str(nvs, key, data); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_BLOB) { err = nvs_set_blob(nvs, key, (void *) data, data_len); } if (err == ESP_OK) { err = nvs_commit(nvs); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Value stored under key '%s'", key); } } nvs_close(nvs); return err; } void * get_nvs_value_alloc(nvs_type_t type, const char *key) { nvs_handle nvs; esp_err_t err; void * value=NULL; err = nvs_open_from_partition(settings_partition, current_namespace, NVS_READONLY, &nvs); if (err != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Could not open the nvs storage."); return NULL; } if (type == NVS_TYPE_I8) { value=malloc(sizeof(int8_t)); err = nvs_get_i8(nvs, key, (int8_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U8) { value=malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)); err = nvs_get_u8(nvs, key, (uint8_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I16) { value=malloc(sizeof(int16_t)); err = nvs_get_i16(nvs, key, (int16_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U16) { value=malloc(sizeof(uint16_t)); err = nvs_get_u16(nvs, key, (uint16_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I32) { value=malloc(sizeof(int32_t)); err = nvs_get_i32(nvs, key, (int32_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U32) { value=malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); err = nvs_get_u32(nvs, key, (uint32_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I64) { value=malloc(sizeof(int64_t)); err = nvs_get_i64(nvs, key, (int64_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U64) { value=malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)); err = nvs_get_u64(nvs, key, (uint64_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_STR) { size_t len=0; err = nvs_get_str(nvs, key, NULL, &len); if (err == ESP_OK) { value=malloc(len); err = nvs_get_str(nvs, key, value, &len); } } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_BLOB) { size_t len; err = nvs_get_blob(nvs, key, NULL, &len); if (err == ESP_OK) { value=malloc(len+1); err = nvs_get_blob(nvs, key, value, &len); } } if(err!=ESP_OK){ ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Value not found for key %s",key); if(value!=NULL) free(value); value=NULL; } nvs_close(nvs); return value; } esp_err_t get_nvs_value(nvs_type_t type, const char *key, void*value, const uint8_t buf_size) { nvs_handle nvs; esp_err_t err; err = nvs_open_from_partition(settings_partition, current_namespace, NVS_READONLY, &nvs); if (err != ESP_OK) { return err; } if (type == NVS_TYPE_I8) { err = nvs_get_i8(nvs, key, (int8_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U8) { err = nvs_get_u8(nvs, key, (uint8_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I16) { err = nvs_get_i16(nvs, key, (int16_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U16) { err = nvs_get_u16(nvs, key, (uint16_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I32) { err = nvs_get_i32(nvs, key, (int32_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U32) { err = nvs_get_u32(nvs, key, (uint32_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_I64) { err = nvs_get_i64(nvs, key, (int64_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_U64) { err = nvs_get_u64(nvs, key, (uint64_t *) value); } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_STR) { size_t len; if ((err = nvs_get_str(nvs, key, NULL, &len)) == ESP_OK) { if (len > buf_size) { //ESP_LOGE("Error reading value for %s. Buffer size: %d, Value Length: %d", key, buf_size, len); err = ESP_FAIL; } else { err = nvs_get_str(nvs, key, value, &len); } } } else if (type == NVS_TYPE_BLOB) { size_t len; if ((err = nvs_get_blob(nvs, key, NULL, &len)) == ESP_OK) { if (len > buf_size) { //ESP_LOGE("Error reading value for %s. Buffer size: %d, Value Length: %d", // key, buf_size, len); err = ESP_FAIL; } else { err = nvs_get_blob(nvs, key, value, &len); } } } nvs_close(nvs); return err; } esp_err_t erase_nvs(const char *key) { nvs_handle nvs; esp_err_t err = nvs_open(current_namespace, NVS_READWRITE, &nvs); if (err == ESP_OK) { err = nvs_erase_key(nvs, key); if (err == ESP_OK) { err = nvs_commit(nvs); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Value with key '%s' erased", key); } } nvs_close(nvs); } return err; }