#include "BufferedStream.h" #include BufferedStream::BufferedStream( const std::string &taskName, uint32_t bufferSize, uint32_t readThreshold, uint32_t readSize, uint32_t readyThreshold, uint32_t notReadyThreshold, bool waitForReady) : bell::Task(taskName, 4096, 5, 0) { this->bufferSize = bufferSize; this->readAt = bufferSize - readThreshold; this->readSize = readSize; this->readyThreshold = readyThreshold; this->notReadyThreshold = notReadyThreshold; this->waitForReady = waitForReady; this->buf = static_cast(malloc(bufferSize)); this->bufEnd = buf + bufferSize; reset(); } BufferedStream::~BufferedStream() { this->close(); free(buf); } void BufferedStream::close() { this->terminate = true; this->readSem.give(); // force a read operation const std::lock_guard lock(runningMutex); if (this->source) this->source->close(); this->source = nullptr; } void BufferedStream::reset() { this->bufReadPtr = this->buf; this->bufWritePtr = this->buf; this->readTotal = 0; this->bufferTotal = 0; this->readAvailable = 0; this->terminate = false; } bool BufferedStream::open(const std::shared_ptr &stream) { if (this->running) this->close(); reset(); this->source = stream; startTask(); return source.get(); } bool BufferedStream::open(const StreamReader &newReader, uint32_t initialOffset) { if (this->running) this->close(); reset(); this->reader = newReader; this->bufferTotal = initialOffset; startTask(); return source.get(); } bool BufferedStream::isReady() const { return readAvailable >= readyThreshold; } bool BufferedStream::isNotReady() const { return readAvailable < notReadyThreshold; } size_t BufferedStream::skip(size_t len) { return read(nullptr, len); } size_t BufferedStream::position() { return readTotal; } size_t BufferedStream::size() { return source->size(); } uint32_t BufferedStream::lengthBetween(uint8_t *me, uint8_t *other) { const std::lock_guard lock(readMutex); if (other <= me) { // buf .... other ...... me ........ bufEnd // buf .... me/other ........ bufEnd return bufEnd - me; } else { // buf ........ me ........ other .... bufEnd return other - me; } } size_t BufferedStream::read(uint8_t *dst, size_t len) { if (waitForReady && isNotReady()) { while ((source || reader) && !isReady()) {} // end waiting after termination } if (!running && !readAvailable) { reset(); return 0; } uint32_t read = 0; uint32_t toReadTotal = std::min(readAvailable.load(), static_cast(len)); while (toReadTotal > 0) { uint32_t toRead = std::min(toReadTotal, lengthBetween(bufReadPtr, bufWritePtr)); if (dst) { memcpy(dst, bufReadPtr, toRead); dst += toRead; } readAvailable -= toRead; bufReadPtr += toRead; if (bufReadPtr >= bufEnd) bufReadPtr = buf; toReadTotal -= toRead; read += toRead; readTotal += toRead; } this->readSem.give(); return read; } void BufferedStream::runTask() { const std::lock_guard lock(runningMutex); running = true; if (!source && reader) { // get the initial request on the task's thread source = reader(this->bufferTotal); } while (!terminate) { if (!source) break; if (isReady()) { // buffer ready, wait for any read operations this->readSem.wait(); } if (terminate) break; if (readAvailable > readAt) continue; // here, the buffer needs re-filling uint32_t len; bool wasReady = isReady(); do { uint32_t toRead = std::min(readSize, lengthBetween(bufWritePtr, bufReadPtr)); if (!source) { len = 0; break; } len = source->read(bufWritePtr, toRead); readAvailable += len; bufferTotal += len; bufWritePtr += len; if (bufWritePtr >= bufEnd) // TODO is == enough here? bufWritePtr = buf; } while (len && readSize < bufferSize - readAvailable); // loop until there's no more free space in the buffer if (!len && reader) source = reader(bufferTotal); else if (!len) terminate = true; // signal that buffer is ready for reading if (!wasReady && isReady()) { this->readySem.give(); } } source = nullptr; reader = nullptr; running = false; }