#include #include #include #include #include #include #if __has_include("avahi-client/client.h") #include #include #include #include #elif !defined(BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI) #define BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI #endif #include "mdnssvc.h" #include "BellLogger.h" #include "MDNSService.h" using namespace bell; #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI static void groupHandler(AvahiEntryGroup *g, AvahiEntryGroupState state, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED void *userdata) { } #endif class implMDNSService : public MDNSService { private: #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI AvahiEntryGroup *avahiGroup; #endif struct mdns_service* service; public: #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI static AvahiClient *avahiClient; static AvahiSimplePoll *avahiPoll; #endif static struct mdnsd* mdnsServer; static in_addr_t host; implMDNSService(struct mdns_service* service) : service(service) { }; #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI implMDNSService(AvahiEntryGroup *avahiGroup) : avahiGroup(avahiGroup) { }; #endif void unregisterService(); }; struct mdnsd* implMDNSService::mdnsServer = NULL; in_addr_t implMDNSService::host = INADDR_ANY; #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI AvahiClient* implMDNSService::avahiClient = NULL; AvahiSimplePoll* implMDNSService::avahiPoll = NULL; #endif /** * Linux implementation of MDNSService using avahi. * @see https://www.avahi.org/doxygen/html/ **/ void implMDNSService::unregisterService() { #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI if (avahiGroup) { avahi_entry_group_free(avahiGroup); } else #endif { mdns_service_remove(implMDNSService::mdnsServer, service); } } std::unique_ptr MDNSService::registerService( const std::string& serviceName, const std::string& serviceType, const std::string& serviceProto, const std::string& serviceHost, int servicePort, const std::map txtData ) { #ifndef BELL_DISABLE_AVAHI // try avahi first if available if (!implMDNSService::avahiPoll) { implMDNSService::avahiPoll = avahi_simple_poll_new(); } if (implMDNSService::avahiPoll && !implMDNSService::avahiClient) { implMDNSService::avahiClient = avahi_client_new(avahi_simple_poll_get(implMDNSService::avahiPoll), AvahiClientFlags(0), NULL, NULL, NULL); } AvahiEntryGroup *avahiGroup; if (implMDNSService::avahiClient && (avahiGroup = avahi_entry_group_new(implMDNSService::avahiClient, groupHandler, NULL)) == NULL) { BELL_LOG(error, "MDNS", "cannot create service %s", serviceName.c_str()); } if (avahiGroup) { AvahiStringList* avahiTxt = NULL; for (auto& [key, value] : txtData) { avahiTxt = avahi_string_list_add_pair(avahiTxt, key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } std::string type(serviceType + "." + serviceProto); int ret = avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst(avahiGroup, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, (AvahiPublishFlags) 0, serviceName.c_str(), type.c_str(), NULL, NULL, servicePort, avahiTxt); avahi_string_list_free(avahiTxt); if (ret >= 0) { ret = avahi_entry_group_commit(avahiGroup); } if (ret < 0) { BELL_LOG(error, "MDNS", "cannot run service %s", serviceName.c_str()); avahi_entry_group_free(avahiGroup); } else { BELL_LOG(info, "MDNS", "using avahi for %s", serviceName.c_str()); return std::make_unique(avahiGroup); } } #endif // avahi failed, use build-in server struct ifaddrs* ifaddr; // get the host address first if (serviceHost.size()) { struct hostent *h = gethostbyname(serviceHost.c_str()); if (h) { memcpy(&implMDNSService::host, h->h_addr_list[0], 4); } } // try go guess ifaddr if we have nothing as listening to INADDR_ANY usually does not work if (implMDNSService::host == INADDR_ANY && getifaddrs(&ifaddr) != -1) { for (struct ifaddrs* ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL || ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET || !(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) || !(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) || (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) continue; implMDNSService::host = ((struct sockaddr_in*)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; break; } freeifaddrs(ifaddr); } if (!implMDNSService::mdnsServer) { char hostname[256]; struct in_addr addr; // it's the same, but who knows.. addr.s_addr = implMDNSService::host; gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); implMDNSService::mdnsServer = mdnsd_start(addr, false); if (implMDNSService::mdnsServer) { mdnsd_set_hostname(implMDNSService::mdnsServer, hostname, addr); } } if (implMDNSService::mdnsServer) { std::vector txt; std::vector> txtStr; for (auto& [key, value] : txtData) { auto str = make_unique(key + "=" + value); txtStr.push_back(std::move(str)); txt.push_back(txtStr.back()->c_str()); } txt.push_back(NULL); std::string type(serviceType + "." + serviceProto + ".local"); BELL_LOG(info, "MDNS", "using built-in mDNS for %s", serviceName.c_str()); struct mdns_service* mdnsService = mdnsd_register_svc(implMDNSService::mdnsServer, serviceName.c_str(), type.c_str(), servicePort, NULL, txt.data()); if (mdnsService) { auto service = mdnsd_register_svc(implMDNSService::mdnsServer, serviceName.c_str(), type.c_str(), servicePort, NULL, txt.data()); return std::make_unique(service); } } BELL_LOG(error, "MDNS", "cannot start any mDNS listener for %s", serviceName.c_str()); return NULL; }