#include #include #include #include #include "nvs.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_console.h" #include "esp_pthread.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "platform_config.h" #include "audio_controls.h" #include "display.h" #include "accessors.h" #include "network_services.h" #include "http_server_handlers.h" #include "tools.h" #include "cspot_private.h" #include "cspot_sink.h" char EXT_RAM_ATTR deviceId[16]; static EXT_RAM_ATTR struct cspot_cb_s { cspot_cmd_vcb_t cmd; cspot_data_cb_t data; } cspot_cbs; static const char TAG[] = "cspot"; static struct cspot_s *cspot; static cspot_cmd_vcb_t cmd_handler_chain; static void cspot_volume_up(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_VOLUME_UP, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot volume up"); } static void cspot_volume_down(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_VOLUME_DOWN, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot volume down"); } static void cspot_toggle(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_TOGGLE, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot play/pause"); } static void cspot_pause(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_PAUSE, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot pause"); } static void cspot_play(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_PLAY, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot play"); } static void cspot_stop(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_STOP, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot stop"); } static void cspot_prev(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_PREV, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot previous"); } static void cspot_next(bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return; cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_NEXT, NULL); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "CSpot next"); } const static actrls_t controls = { NULL, // power cspot_volume_up, cspot_volume_down, // volume up, volume down cspot_toggle, cspot_play, // toggle, play cspot_pause, cspot_stop, // pause, stop NULL, NULL, // rew, fwd cspot_prev, cspot_next, // prev, next NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // left, right, up, down NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // pre1-6 cspot_volume_down, cspot_volume_up, cspot_toggle// knob left, knob_right, knob push }; /**************************************************************************************** * Download callback */ void got_artwork(uint8_t* data, size_t len, void *context) { if (data) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "got artwork of %zu bytes", len); displayer_artwork(data); free(data); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "artwork error or too large %zu", len); } } /**************************************************************************************** * Command handler */ static bool cmd_handler(cspot_event_t event, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, event); // handle audio event and stop if forbidden if (!cmd_handler_chain(event, args)) { va_end(args); return false; } // now handle events for display switch(event) { case CSPOT_START: actrls_set(controls, false, NULL, actrls_ir_action); displayer_control(DISPLAYER_ACTIVATE, "SPOTIFY", true); break; case CSPOT_PLAY: displayer_control(DISPLAYER_TIMER_RUN); break; case CSPOT_PAUSE: displayer_control(DISPLAYER_TIMER_PAUSE); break; case CSPOT_DISC: actrls_unset(); displayer_control(DISPLAYER_SUSPEND); break; case CSPOT_SEEK: displayer_timer(DISPLAYER_ELAPSED, va_arg(args, int), -1); break; case CSPOT_TRACK_INFO: { uint32_t duration = va_arg(args, int); uint32_t offset = va_arg(args, int); char *artist = va_arg(args, char*), *album = va_arg(args, char*), *title = va_arg(args, char*); char *artwork = va_arg(args, char*); if (artwork && displayer_can_artwork()) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "requesting artwork %s", artwork); http_download(artwork, 128*1024, got_artwork, NULL); } displayer_metadata(artist, album, title); displayer_timer(DISPLAYER_ELAPSED, offset, duration); break; } // nothing to do on CSPOT_FLUSH default: break; } va_end(args); return true; } /**************************************************************************************** * CSpot sink startup */ static void cspot_sink_start(nm_state_t state_id, int sub_state) { const char *hostname; uint8_t mac[6]; cmd_handler_chain = cspot_cbs.cmd; network_get_hostname(&hostname); esp_netif_get_mac(network_get_active_interface(), mac); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) sprintf(deviceId + 2*i, "%02x", mac[i]); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Starting Spotify (CSpot) servicename %s with id %s", hostname, deviceId); int port; httpd_handle_t server = http_get_server(&port); cspot = cspot_create(hostname, server, port, cmd_handler, cspot_cbs.data); } /**************************************************************************************** * CSpot sink initialization */ void cspot_sink_init(cspot_cmd_vcb_t cmd_cb, cspot_data_cb_t data_cb) { cspot_cbs.cmd = cmd_cb; cspot_cbs.data = data_cb; network_register_state_callback(NETWORK_WIFI_ACTIVE_STATE, WIFI_CONNECTED_STATE, "cspot_sink_start", cspot_sink_start); network_register_state_callback(NETWORK_ETH_ACTIVE_STATE, ETH_ACTIVE_CONNECTED_STATE, "cspot_sink_start", cspot_sink_start); } /**************************************************************************************** * CSpot forced disconnection */ void cspot_disconnect(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "forced disconnection"); displayer_control(DISPLAYER_SHUTDOWN); cspot_cmd(cspot, CSPOT_DISC, NULL); actrls_unset(); }