/* * Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator * * (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com * Ralph Irving 2015-2017, ralph_irving@hotmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Additions (c) Paul Hermann, 2015-2017 under the same license terms * -Control of Raspberry pi GPIO for amplifier power * -Launch script on power status change from LMS */ #include "squeezelite.h" #include "slimproto.h" static log_level loglevel; #define SQUEEZENETWORK "mysqueezebox.com:3483" #define PORT 3483 #define MAXBUF 4096 #if SL_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define LOCAL_PLAYER_IP 0x0100007f // #define LOCAL_PLAYER_PORT 0x9b0d // 3483 #else #define LOCAL_PLAYER_IP 0x7f000001 // #define LOCAL_PLAYER_PORT 0x0d9b // 3483 #endif static sockfd sock = -1; static in_addr_t slimproto_ip = 0; static u16_t slimproto_hport = 9000; static u16_t slimproto_cport = 9090; static u8_t player_id; extern struct buffer *streambuf; extern struct buffer *outputbuf; extern struct streamstate stream; extern struct outputstate output; extern struct decodestate decode; extern struct codec *codecs[]; #if IR extern struct irstate ir; #endif event_event wake_e; #define LOCK_S mutex_lock(streambuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_S mutex_unlock(streambuf->mutex) #define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define LOCK_D mutex_lock(decode.mutex) #define UNLOCK_D mutex_unlock(decode.mutex) #if !EMBEDDED #define LOCK_P #define UNLOCK_P #endif #if IR #define LOCK_I mutex_lock(ir.mutex) #define UNLOCK_I mutex_unlock(ir.mutex) #endif static struct { u32_t updated; u32_t stream_start; u32_t stream_full; u32_t stream_size; u64_t stream_bytes; u32_t output_full; u32_t output_size; u32_t frames_played; u32_t device_frames; u32_t current_sample_rate; u32_t last; stream_state stream_state; } status; static int autostart; static bool sentSTMu, sentSTMo, sentSTMl; static u32_t new_server; static char *new_server_cap; #define PLAYER_NAME_LEN 64 static char player_name[PLAYER_NAME_LEN + 1] = ""; static const char *name_file = NULL; void send_packet(u8_t *packet, size_t len) { u8_t *ptr = packet; unsigned try = 0; ssize_t n; while (len) { n = send(sock, ptr, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0 && last_error() == ERROR_WOULDBLOCK && try < 10) { LOG_DEBUG("retrying (%d) writing to socket", ++try); usleep(1000); continue; } LOG_INFO("failed writing to socket: %s", strerror(last_error())); return; } ptr += n; len -= n; } } static void sendHELO(bool reconnect, const char *fixed_cap, const char *var_cap, u8_t mac[6]) { #ifndef BASE_CAP #define BASE_CAP "Model=squeezelite,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Firmware=" VERSION #endif #define SSL_CAP "CanHTTPS=1" const char *base_cap; struct HELO_packet pkt; #if USE_SSL #if !LINKALL && !NO_SSLSYM if (ssl_loaded) base_cap = SSL_CAP "," BASE_CAP; else base_cap = BASE_CAP; #endif base_cap = SSL_CAP "," BASE_CAP; #else base_cap = BASE_CAP; #endif if (!reconnect) player_id = PLAYER_ID; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); memcpy(&pkt.opcode, "HELO", 4); pkt.length = htonl(sizeof(struct HELO_packet) - 8 + strlen(base_cap) + strlen(fixed_cap) + strlen(var_cap)); pkt.deviceid = player_id; pkt.revision = 0; packn(&pkt.wlan_channellist, reconnect ? 0x4000 : 0x0000); packN(&pkt.bytes_received_H, (u64_t)status.stream_bytes >> 32); packN(&pkt.bytes_received_L, (u64_t)status.stream_bytes & 0xffffffff); memcpy(pkt.mac, mac, 6); LOG_INFO("mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", pkt.mac[0], pkt.mac[1], pkt.mac[2], pkt.mac[3], pkt.mac[4], pkt.mac[5]); LOG_INFO("cap: %s%s%s", base_cap, fixed_cap, var_cap); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); send_packet((u8_t *)base_cap, strlen(base_cap)); send_packet((u8_t *)fixed_cap, strlen(fixed_cap)); send_packet((u8_t *)var_cap, strlen(var_cap)); UNLOCK_P; } static void sendSTAT(const char *event, u32_t server_timestamp) { struct STAT_packet pkt; u32_t now = gettime_ms(); u32_t ms_played; if (status.current_sample_rate && status.frames_played && status.frames_played > status.device_frames) { ms_played = (u32_t)(((u64_t)(status.frames_played - status.device_frames) * (u64_t)1000) / (u64_t)status.current_sample_rate); if (now > status.updated) ms_played += (now - status.updated); LOG_SDEBUG("ms_played: %u (frames_played: %u device_frames: %u)", ms_played, status.frames_played, status.device_frames); } else if (status.frames_played && now > status.stream_start) { ms_played = now - status.stream_start; LOG_SDEBUG("ms_played: %u using elapsed time (frames_played: %u device_frames: %u)", ms_played, status.frames_played, status.device_frames); } else { LOG_SDEBUG("ms_played: 0"); ms_played = 0; } memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(struct STAT_packet)); memcpy(&pkt.opcode, "STAT", 4); pkt.length = htonl(sizeof(struct STAT_packet) - 8); memcpy(&pkt.event, event, 4); // num_crlf // mas_initialized; mas_mode; packN(&pkt.stream_buffer_fullness, status.stream_full); packN(&pkt.stream_buffer_size, status.stream_size); packN(&pkt.bytes_received_H, (u64_t)status.stream_bytes >> 32); packN(&pkt.bytes_received_L, (u64_t)status.stream_bytes & 0xffffffff); #if EMBEDDED packn(&pkt.signal_strength, get_RSSI()); packn(&pkt.voltage, (get_battery() << 4) | get_plugged()); #else pkt.signal_strength = 0xffff; #endif packN(&pkt.jiffies, now); packN(&pkt.output_buffer_size, status.output_size); packN(&pkt.output_buffer_fullness, status.output_full); packN(&pkt.elapsed_seconds, ms_played / 1000); packN(&pkt.elapsed_milliseconds, ms_played); pkt.server_timestamp = server_timestamp; // keep this is server format - don't unpack/pack // error_code; LOG_DEBUG("STAT: %s", event); if (loglevel == lSDEBUG) { LOG_SDEBUG("received bytesL: %u streambuf: %u outputbuf: %u calc elapsed: %u real elapsed: %u (diff: %d) device: %u delay: %d", (u32_t)status.stream_bytes, status.stream_full, status.output_full, ms_played, now - status.stream_start, ms_played - now + status.stream_start, status.device_frames * 1000 / status.current_sample_rate, now - status.updated); } LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); UNLOCK_P; } static void sendDSCO(disconnect_code disconnect) { struct DSCO_packet pkt; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); memcpy(&pkt.opcode, "DSCO", 4); pkt.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt) - 8); pkt.reason = disconnect & 0xFF; LOG_DEBUG("DSCO: %d", disconnect); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); UNLOCK_P; } static void sendRESP(const char *header, size_t len) { struct RESP_header pkt_header; memset(&pkt_header, 0, sizeof(pkt_header)); memcpy(&pkt_header.opcode, "RESP", 4); pkt_header.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt_header) + len - 8); LOG_DEBUG("RESP"); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt_header, sizeof(pkt_header)); send_packet((u8_t *)header, len); UNLOCK_P; } static void sendMETA(const char *meta, size_t len) { struct META_header pkt_header; memset(&pkt_header, 0, sizeof(pkt_header)); memcpy(&pkt_header.opcode, "META", 4); pkt_header.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt_header) + len - 8); LOG_DEBUG("META"); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt_header, sizeof(pkt_header)); send_packet((u8_t *)meta, len); UNLOCK_P; } static void sendSETDName(const char *name) { struct SETD_header pkt_header; memset(&pkt_header, 0, sizeof(pkt_header)); memcpy(&pkt_header.opcode, "SETD", 4); pkt_header.id = 0; // id 0 is playername S:P:Squeezebox2 pkt_header.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt_header) + strlen(name) + 1 - 8); LOG_DEBUG("set playername: %s", name); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt_header, sizeof(pkt_header)); send_packet((u8_t *)name, strlen(name) + 1); UNLOCK_P; } #if IR void sendIR(u32_t code, u32_t ts) { struct IR_packet pkt; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); memcpy(&pkt.opcode, "IR ", 4); pkt.length = htonl(sizeof(pkt) - 8); packN(&pkt.jiffies, ts); pkt.ir_code = htonl(code); LOG_DEBUG("IR: ir code: 0x%x ts: %u", code, ts); LOCK_P; send_packet((u8_t *)&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); UNLOCK_P; } #endif static void process_strm(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct strm_packet *strm = (struct strm_packet *)pkt; LOG_DEBUG("strm command %c", strm->command); switch(strm->command) { case 't': sendSTAT("STMt", strm->replay_gain); // STMt replay_gain is no longer used to track latency, but support it break; case 'f': case 'q': decode_flush(); if (!output.external) output_flush(); status.frames_played = 0; if (stream_disconnect() && strm->command == 'f') sendSTAT("STMf", 0); buf_flush(streambuf); output.stop_time = gettime_ms(); break; case 'p': { unsigned interval = unpackN(&strm->replay_gain); LOCK_O; output.pause_frames = interval * status.current_sample_rate / 1000; if (interval) { output.state = OUTPUT_PAUSE_FRAMES; } else if (output.state != OUTPUT_OFF) { output.state = OUTPUT_STOPPED; output.stop_time = gettime_ms(); } UNLOCK_O; if (!interval) sendSTAT("STMp", 0); LOG_DEBUG("pause interval: %u", interval); } break; case 'a': { unsigned interval = unpackN(&strm->replay_gain); LOCK_O; output.skip_frames = interval * status.current_sample_rate / 1000; output.state = OUTPUT_SKIP_FRAMES; UNLOCK_O; LOG_DEBUG("skip ahead interval: %u", interval); } break; case 'u': { unsigned jiffies = unpackN(&strm->replay_gain); LOCK_O; output.state = jiffies ? OUTPUT_START_AT : OUTPUT_RUNNING; output.start_at = jiffies; UNLOCK_O; LOG_DEBUG("unpause at: %u now: %u", jiffies, gettime_ms()); sendSTAT("STMr", 0); } break; case 's': { unsigned header_len = len - sizeof(struct strm_packet); char *header = (char *)(pkt + sizeof(struct strm_packet)); in_addr_t ip = (in_addr_t)strm->server_ip; // keep in network byte order u16_t port = strm->server_port; // keep in network byte order if (ip == 0) ip = slimproto_ip; LOG_DEBUG("strm s autostart: %c transition period: %u transition type: %u codec: %c", strm->autostart, strm->transition_period, strm->transition_type - '0', strm->format); autostart = strm->autostart - '0'; sendSTAT("STMf", 0); if (header_len > MAX_HEADER -1) { LOG_WARN("header too long: %u", header_len); break; } if (strm->format != '?') { codec_open(strm->format, strm->pcm_sample_size, strm->pcm_sample_rate, strm->pcm_channels, strm->pcm_endianness); } else if (autostart >= 2) { // extension to slimproto to allow server to detect codec from response header and send back in codc message LOG_DEBUG("streaming unknown codec"); } else { LOG_WARN("unknown codec requires autostart >= 2"); break; } if (ip == LOCAL_PLAYER_IP && port == LOCAL_PLAYER_PORT) { // extension to slimproto for LocalPlayer - header is filename not http header, don't expect cont stream_file(header, header_len, strm->threshold * 1024); autostart -= 2; } else { stream_sock(ip, port, header, header_len, strm->threshold * 1024, autostart >= 2); } sendSTAT("STMc", 0); sentSTMu = sentSTMo = sentSTMl = false; LOCK_O; #if EMBEDDED if (output.external) decode_restore(output.external); output.external = 0; _buf_resize(outputbuf, output.init_size); #endif output.threshold = strm->output_threshold; output.next_replay_gain = unpackN(&strm->replay_gain); output.fade_mode = strm->transition_type - '0'; output.fade_secs = strm->transition_period; output.invert = (strm->flags & 0x03) == 0x03; output.channels = (strm->flags & 0x0c) >> 2; LOG_DEBUG("set fade: %u, channels: %u, invert: %u", output.fade_mode, output.channels, output.invert); UNLOCK_O; } break; default: LOG_WARN("unhandled strm %c", strm->command); break; } } static void process_cont(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct cont_packet *cont = (struct cont_packet *)pkt; cont->metaint = unpackN(&cont->metaint); LOG_DEBUG("cont metaint: %u loop: %u", cont->metaint, cont->loop); if (autostart > 1) { autostart -= 2; LOCK_S; if (stream.state == STREAMING_WAIT) { stream.state = STREAMING_BUFFERING; stream.meta_interval = stream.meta_next = cont->metaint; } UNLOCK_S; wake_controller(); } } static void process_codc(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct codc_packet *codc = (struct codc_packet *)pkt; LOG_DEBUG("codc: %c", codc->format); codec_open(codc->format, codc->pcm_sample_size, codc->pcm_sample_rate, codc->pcm_channels, codc->pcm_endianness); } static void process_aude(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct aude_packet *aude = (struct aude_packet *)pkt; LOG_DEBUG("enable spdif: %d dac: %d", aude->enable_spdif, aude->enable_dac); LOCK_O; if (!aude->enable_spdif && output.state != OUTPUT_OFF) { output.state = OUTPUT_OFF; } if (aude->enable_spdif && output.state == OUTPUT_OFF && !output.idle_to) { output.state = OUTPUT_STOPPED; output.stop_time = gettime_ms(); } UNLOCK_O; } static void process_audg(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct audg_packet *audg = (struct audg_packet *)pkt; audg->gainL = unpackN(&audg->gainL); audg->gainR = unpackN(&audg->gainR); LOG_DEBUG("audg gainL: %u gainR: %u adjust: %u", audg->gainL, audg->gainR, audg->adjust); set_volume(audg->adjust ? audg->gainL : FIXED_ONE, audg->adjust ? audg->gainR : FIXED_ONE); } static void process_dsco(u8_t *pkt, int len) { LOG_INFO("got DSCO, switching from id %u to 12", (int) player_id); player_id = 12; } static void process_setd(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct setd_packet *setd = (struct setd_packet *)pkt; // handle player name query and change if (setd->id == 0) { if (len == 5) { if (strlen(player_name)) { sendSETDName(player_name); } } else if (len > 5) { strncpy(player_name, setd->data, PLAYER_NAME_LEN); player_name[PLAYER_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; LOG_INFO("set name: %s", setd->data); // confirm change to server sendSETDName(setd->data); #if EMBEDDED set_name(player_name); #endif // write name to name_file if -N option set if (name_file) { FILE *fp = fopen(name_file, "w"); if (fp) { LOG_INFO("storing name in %s", name_file); fputs(player_name, fp); fclose(fp); } else { LOG_WARN("unable to store new name in %s", name_file); } } } } } #define SYNC_CAP ",SyncgroupID=" #define SYNC_CAP_LEN 13 static void process_serv(u8_t *pkt, int len) { struct serv_packet *serv = (struct serv_packet *)pkt; unsigned slimproto_port = 0; char squeezeserver[] = SQUEEZENETWORK; if(pkt[4] == 0 && pkt[5] == 0 && pkt[6] == 0 && pkt[7] == 1) { server_addr(squeezeserver, &new_server, &slimproto_port); } else { new_server = serv->server_ip; } LOG_INFO("switch server"); if (len - sizeof(struct serv_packet) == 10) { if (!new_server_cap) { new_server_cap = malloc(SYNC_CAP_LEN + 10 + 1); } new_server_cap[0] = '\0'; strcat(new_server_cap, SYNC_CAP); strncat(new_server_cap, (const char *)(pkt + sizeof(struct serv_packet)), 10); } else { if (new_server_cap) { free(new_server_cap); new_server_cap = NULL; } } } struct handler { char opcode[5]; void (*handler)(u8_t *, int); }; static struct handler handlers[] = { { "strm", process_strm }, { "cont", process_cont }, { "codc", process_codc }, { "aude", process_aude }, { "audg", process_audg }, { "setd", process_setd }, { "serv", process_serv }, { "dsco", process_dsco }, { "", NULL }, }; static void process(u8_t *pack, int len) { struct handler *h = handlers; while (h->handler && strncmp((char *)pack, h->opcode, 4)) { h++; } if (h->handler) { LOG_DEBUG("%s", h->opcode); h->handler(pack, len); } else if (!slimp_handler || !(*slimp_handler)(pack, len)) { pack[4] = '\0'; LOG_WARN("unhandled %s", (char *)pack); } } static bool running; static void slimproto_run() { static u8_t EXT_BSS buffer[MAXBUF]; int expect = 0; int got = 0; u32_t now; static u32_t last = 0; event_handle ehandles[2]; int timeouts = 0; set_readwake_handles(ehandles, sock, wake_e); while (running && !new_server) { bool wake = false; event_type ev; if ((ev = wait_readwake(ehandles, 1000)) != EVENT_TIMEOUT) { if (ev == EVENT_READ) { if (expect > 0) { int n = recv(sock, buffer + got, expect, 0); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0 && last_error() == ERROR_WOULDBLOCK) { continue; } LOG_INFO("error reading from socket: %s", n ? strerror(last_error()) : "closed"); return; } expect -= n; got += n; if (expect == 0) { process(buffer, got); got = 0; } } else if (expect == 0) { int n = recv(sock, buffer + got, 2 - got, 0); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0 && last_error() == ERROR_WOULDBLOCK) { continue; } LOG_INFO("error reading from socket: %s", n ? strerror(last_error()) : "closed"); return; } got += n; if (got == 2) { expect = buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]; // length pack 'n' got = 0; if (expect > MAXBUF) { LOG_ERROR("FATAL: slimproto packet too big: %d > %d", expect, MAXBUF); return; } } } else { LOG_ERROR("FATAL: negative expect"); return; } } if (ev == EVENT_WAKE) { wake = true; } timeouts = 0; } else if (++timeouts > 35) { // expect message from server every 5 seconds, but 30 seconds on mysb.com so timeout after 35 seconds LOG_INFO("No messages from server - connection dead"); return; } // update playback state when woken or every 100ms now = gettime_ms(); if (wake || now - last > 100 || last > now) { bool _sendSTMs = false; bool _sendDSCO = false; bool _sendRESP = false; bool _sendMETA = false; bool _sendSTMd = false; bool _sendSTMt = false; bool _sendSTMl = false; bool _sendSTMu = false; bool _sendSTMo = false; bool _sendSTMn = false; bool _stream_disconnect = false; bool _start_output = false; decode_state _decode_state; disconnect_code disconnect_code; static char EXT_BSS header[MAX_HEADER]; size_t header_len = 0; #if IR bool _sendIR = false; u32_t ir_code, ir_ts; #endif last = now; LOCK_S; status.stream_full = _buf_used(streambuf); status.stream_size = streambuf->size; status.stream_bytes = stream.bytes; status.stream_state = stream.state; if (stream.state == DISCONNECT) { disconnect_code = stream.disconnect; stream.state = STOPPED; _sendDSCO = true; } if (!stream.sent_headers && (stream.state == STREAMING_HTTP || stream.state == STREAMING_WAIT || stream.state == STREAMING_BUFFERING)) { header_len = stream.header_len; memcpy(header, stream.header, header_len); _sendRESP = true; stream.sent_headers = true; } if (stream.meta_send) { header_len = stream.header_len; memcpy(header, stream.header, header_len); _sendMETA = true; stream.meta_send = false; } UNLOCK_S; LOCK_D; if ((status.stream_state == STREAMING_HTTP || status.stream_state == STREAMING_FILE || (status.stream_state == DISCONNECT && stream.disconnect == DISCONNECT_OK)) && !sentSTMl && decode.state == DECODE_READY) { if (autostart == 0) { decode.state = DECODE_RUNNING; _sendSTMl = true; sentSTMl = true; } else if (autostart == 1) { decode.state = DECODE_RUNNING; _start_output = true; } // autostart 2 and 3 require cont to be received first } if (decode.state == DECODE_COMPLETE || decode.state == DECODE_ERROR) { if (decode.state == DECODE_COMPLETE) _sendSTMd = true; if (decode.state == DECODE_ERROR) _sendSTMn = true; decode.state = DECODE_STOPPED; if (status.stream_state == STREAMING_HTTP || status.stream_state == STREAMING_FILE) { _stream_disconnect = true; } } _decode_state = decode.state; UNLOCK_D; LOCK_O; if (!output.external) { status.output_full = _buf_used(outputbuf); status.output_size = outputbuf->size; status.frames_played = output.frames_played_dmp; status.current_sample_rate = output.current_sample_rate; status.updated = output.updated; status.device_frames = output.device_frames; if (output.track_started) { _sendSTMs = true; output.track_started = false; status.stream_start = output.track_start_time; } #if PORTAUDIO if (output.pa_reopen) { _pa_open(); output.pa_reopen = false; } #endif if (_start_output && (output.state == OUTPUT_STOPPED || output.state == OUTPUT_OFF)) { output.state = OUTPUT_BUFFER; } if (output.state == OUTPUT_RUNNING && !sentSTMu && status.output_full == 0 && status.stream_state <= DISCONNECT && _decode_state == DECODE_STOPPED) { _sendSTMu = true; sentSTMu = true; LOG_DEBUG("output underrun"); output.state = OUTPUT_STOPPED; output.stop_time = now; } if (output.state == OUTPUT_RUNNING && !sentSTMo && status.output_full == 0 && status.stream_state == STREAMING_HTTP) { _sendSTMo = true; sentSTMo = true; } } if (output.state == OUTPUT_STOPPED && output.idle_to && (now - output.stop_time > output.idle_to)) { output.state = OUTPUT_OFF; LOG_DEBUG("output timeout"); } if (output.state == OUTPUT_RUNNING && now - status.last > 1000) { _sendSTMt = true; status.last = now; } UNLOCK_O; #if IR LOCK_I; if (ir.code) { _sendIR = true; ir_code = ir.code; ir_ts = ir.ts; ir.code = 0; } UNLOCK_I; #endif if (_stream_disconnect) stream_disconnect(); // send packets once locks released as packet sending can block if (_sendDSCO) sendDSCO(disconnect_code); if (_sendSTMs) sendSTAT("STMs", 0); if (_sendSTMd) sendSTAT("STMd", 0); if (_sendSTMt) sendSTAT("STMt", 0); if (_sendSTMl) sendSTAT("STMl", 0); if (_sendSTMu) sendSTAT("STMu", 0); if (_sendSTMo) sendSTAT("STMo", 0); if (_sendSTMn) sendSTAT("STMn", 0); if (_sendRESP) sendRESP(header, header_len); if (_sendMETA) sendMETA(header, header_len); #if IR if (_sendIR) sendIR(ir_code, ir_ts); #endif if (*slimp_loop) (*slimp_loop)(); } } } // called from other threads to wake state machine above void wake_controller(void) { wake_signal(wake_e); } in_addr_t discover_server(char *default_server, int max) { struct sockaddr_in d; struct sockaddr_in s; char buf[32], port_d[] = "JSON", clip_d[] = "CLIP"; struct pollfd pollinfo; unsigned port; u8_t len; int disc_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); socklen_t enable = 1; setsockopt(disc_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const void *)&enable, sizeof(enable)); len = sprintf(buf,"e%s%c%s", port_d, '\0', clip_d) + 1; memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d)); d.sin_family = AF_INET; d.sin_port = htons(PORT); d.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_BROADCAST); pollinfo.fd = disc_sock; pollinfo.events = POLLIN; do { LOG_INFO("sending discovery"); memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); if (sendto(disc_sock, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&d, sizeof(d)) < 0) { LOG_INFO("error sending discovery"); } if (poll(&pollinfo, 1, 5000) == 1) { char readbuf[64], *p; socklen_t slen = sizeof(s); memset(readbuf, 0, sizeof(readbuf)); recvfrom(disc_sock, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf) - 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&s, &slen); LOG_INFO("got response from: %s:%d", inet_ntoa(s.sin_addr), ntohs(s.sin_port)); if ((p = strstr(readbuf, port_d)) != NULL) { p += strlen(port_d); slimproto_hport = atoi(p + 1); } if ((p = strstr(readbuf, clip_d)) != NULL) { p += strlen(clip_d); slimproto_cport = atoi(p + 1); } } if (default_server) { server_addr(default_server, &s.sin_addr.s_addr, &port); } } while (s.sin_addr.s_addr == 0 && running && (!max || --max)); closesocket(disc_sock); return s.sin_addr.s_addr; } #define FIXED_CAP_LEN 256 #define VAR_CAP_LEN 128 void slimproto(log_level level, char *server, u8_t mac[6], const char *name, const char *namefile, const char *modelname, int maxSampleRate) { struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; static char fixed_cap[FIXED_CAP_LEN], var_cap[VAR_CAP_LEN] = ""; bool reconnect = false; unsigned failed_connect = 0; unsigned slimproto_port = 0; in_addr_t previous_server = 0; int i; memset(&status, 0, sizeof(status)); wake_create(wake_e); loglevel = level; running = true; if (server) { server_addr(server, &slimproto_ip, &slimproto_port); } if (!slimproto_ip) { slimproto_ip = discover_server(server, 0); } if (!slimproto_port) { slimproto_port = PORT; } if (name) { strncpy(player_name, name, PLAYER_NAME_LEN); player_name[PLAYER_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; } if (namefile) { FILE *fp; name_file = namefile; fp = fopen(namefile, "r"); if (fp) { if (!fgets(player_name, PLAYER_NAME_LEN, fp)) { player_name[PLAYER_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; } else { // strip any \n from fgets response int len = strlen(player_name); if (len > 0 && player_name[len - 1] == '\n') { player_name[len - 1] = '\0'; } LOG_INFO("retrieved name %s from %s", player_name, name_file); } fclose(fp); } } if (!running) return; LOCK_O; snprintf(fixed_cap, FIXED_CAP_LEN, ",ModelName=%s,MaxSampleRate=%u", modelname ? modelname : MODEL_NAME_STRING, #if RESAMPLE || RESAMPLE16 ((maxSampleRate > 0) ? maxSampleRate : output.supported_rates[0])); #else ((maxSampleRate > 0 && maxSampleRate < output.supported_rates[0]) ? maxSampleRate : output.supported_rates[0])); #endif for (i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++) { if (codecs[i] && codecs[i]->id && strlen(fixed_cap) < FIXED_CAP_LEN - 10) { strcat(fixed_cap, ","); strcat(fixed_cap, codecs[i]->types); } } UNLOCK_O; memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = slimproto_ip; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(slimproto_port); LOG_INFO("connecting to %s:%d", inet_ntoa(serv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(serv_addr.sin_port)); new_server = 0; while (running) { if (new_server) { previous_server = slimproto_ip; slimproto_ip = serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = new_server; LOG_INFO("switching server to %s:%d", inet_ntoa(serv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(serv_addr.sin_port)); new_server = 0; reconnect = false; } sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); set_nonblock(sock); set_nosigpipe(sock); if (connect_timeout(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr), 5) != 0) { if (previous_server) { slimproto_ip = serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = previous_server; LOG_INFO("new server not reachable, reverting to previous server %s:%d", inet_ntoa(serv_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(serv_addr.sin_port)); } else { LOG_INFO("unable to connect to server %u", failed_connect); sleep(5); } #if EMBEDDED // in embedded we give up after a while no matter what if (++failed_connect > 5 && !server) { slimproto_ip = serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = discover_server(NULL, MAX_SERVER_RETRIES); if (!slimproto_ip) return; } else if (reconnect && MAX_SERVER_RETRIES && failed_connect > 5 * MAX_SERVER_RETRIES) return; #else // rediscover server if it was not set at startup or exit if (!server && ++failed_connect > 5) { slimproto_ip = serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = discover_server(NULL, 0); } #endif } else { struct sockaddr_in our_addr; socklen_t len; LOG_INFO("connected"); var_cap[0] = '\0'; failed_connect = 0; // check if this is a local player now we are connected & signal to server via 'loc' format // this requires LocalPlayer server plugin to enable direct file access len = sizeof(our_addr); getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &our_addr, &len); if (our_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr) { LOG_INFO("local player"); strcat(var_cap, ",loc"); } // add on any capablity to be sent to the new server if (new_server_cap) { strcat(var_cap, new_server_cap); free(new_server_cap); new_server_cap = NULL; } sendHELO(reconnect, fixed_cap, var_cap, mac); #if EMBEDDED if (server_notify) (*server_notify)(slimproto_ip, slimproto_hport, slimproto_cport); #endif slimproto_run(); if (!reconnect) { reconnect = true; } usleep(100000); } previous_server = 0; closesocket(sock); } } void slimproto_stop(void) { LOG_INFO("slimproto stop"); running = false; }