/* * Squeezelite - lightweight headless squeezebox emulator * * (c) Adrian Smith 2012-2015, triode1@btinternet.com * Ralph Irving 2015-2017, ralph_irving@hotmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ // decode thread #include "squeezelite.h" log_level loglevel; extern struct buffer *streambuf; extern struct buffer *outputbuf; extern struct streamstate stream; extern struct outputstate output; extern struct processstate process; struct decodestate decode; struct codec *codecs[MAX_CODECS]; struct codec *codec; static bool running = true; #define LOCK_S mutex_lock(streambuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_S mutex_unlock(streambuf->mutex) #define LOCK_O mutex_lock(outputbuf->mutex) #define UNLOCK_O mutex_unlock(outputbuf->mutex) #define LOCK_D mutex_lock(decode.mutex); #define UNLOCK_D mutex_unlock(decode.mutex); #if PROCESS #define IF_DIRECT(x) if (decode.direct) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) if (!decode.direct) { x } #define MAY_PROCESS(x) { x } #else #define IF_DIRECT(x) { x } #define IF_PROCESS(x) #define MAY_PROCESS(x) #endif static void *decode_thread() { while (running) { size_t bytes, space, min_space; bool toend; bool ran = false; LOCK_S; bytes = _buf_used(streambuf); toend = (stream.state <= DISCONNECT); UNLOCK_S; LOCK_O; space = _buf_space(outputbuf); UNLOCK_O; LOCK_D; if (decode.state == DECODE_RUNNING && codec) { LOG_SDEBUG("streambuf bytes: %u outputbuf space: %u", bytes, space); IF_DIRECT( min_space = codec->min_space; ); IF_PROCESS( min_space = process.max_out_frames * BYTES_PER_FRAME; ); if (space > min_space && (bytes > codec->min_read_bytes || toend)) { decode.state = codec->decode(); IF_PROCESS( if (process.in_frames) { process_samples(); } if (decode.state == DECODE_COMPLETE) { process_drain(); } ); if (decode.state != DECODE_RUNNING) { LOG_INFO("decode %s", decode.state == DECODE_COMPLETE ? "complete" : "error"); LOCK_O; if (output.fade_mode) _checkfade(false); UNLOCK_O; wake_controller(); } ran = true; } } UNLOCK_D; if (!ran) { usleep(100000); } } #if EMBEDDED deregister_external(); #endif return 0; } static void sort_codecs(int pry, struct codec* ptr) { static int priority[MAX_CODECS]; int i, tpry; struct codec* tptr; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++) { if (!codecs[i]) { codecs[i] = ptr; priority[i] = pry; return; } if (pry < priority[i]) { tptr = codecs[i]; codecs[i] = ptr; ptr = tptr; tpry = priority[i]; priority[i] = pry; pry = tpry; } } } static thread_type thread; void decode_init(log_level level, const char *include_codecs, const char *exclude_codecs) { int i; char* order_codecs = NULL; loglevel = level; LOG_INFO("init decode"); // register codecs // dsf,dff,alc,wma,wmap,wmal,aac,spt,ogg,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3 i = 0; #if DSD if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "dsd") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "dsd")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_dsd()); #endif #if FFMPEG if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "alac") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "alac")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_ff("alc")); if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "wma") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "wma")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_ff("wma")); #else if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "alac") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "alac")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_alac()); #endif #ifndef NO_FAAD if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "aac") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "aac")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_faad()); #endif if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "aac") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "aac")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_helixaac()); if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "ogg") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "ogg")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_vorbis()); if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "ops") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "ops")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_opus()); if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "flac") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "flac")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_flac()); if (!strstr(exclude_codecs, "pcm") && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "pcm")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_pcm()); // try mad then mpg for mp3 unless command line option passed if (!(strstr(exclude_codecs, "mp3") || strstr(exclude_codecs, "mad")) && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "mp3")) || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "mad")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_mad()); else if (!(strstr(exclude_codecs, "mp3") || strstr(exclude_codecs, "mpg")) && (!include_codecs || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "mp3")) || (order_codecs = strstr(include_codecs, "mpg")))) sort_codecs((include_codecs ? order_codecs - include_codecs : i), register_mpg()); #if EMBEDDED register_external(); #endif LOG_DEBUG("include codecs: %s exclude codecs: %s", include_codecs ? include_codecs : "", exclude_codecs); mutex_create(decode.mutex); #if LINUX || OSX || FREEBSD || EMBEDDED pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); #ifdef PTHREAD_STACK_MIN pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, PTHREAD_STACK_MIN + DECODE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); #endif pthread_create_name(&thread, &attr, decode_thread, NULL, "decode"); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); #endif #if WIN thread = CreateThread(NULL, DECODE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&decode_thread, NULL, 0, NULL); #endif decode.new_stream = true; decode.state = DECODE_STOPPED; MAY_PROCESS( decode.direct = true; decode.process = false; ); } void decode_close(void) { LOG_INFO("close decode"); LOCK_D; if (codec) { codec->close(); codec = NULL; } running = false; UNLOCK_D; #if LINUX || OSX || FREEBSD || EMBEDDED pthread_join(thread, NULL); #endif mutex_destroy(decode.mutex); } void decode_flush(void) { LOG_INFO("decode flush"); LOCK_D; decode.state = DECODE_STOPPED; IF_PROCESS( process_flush(); ); UNLOCK_D; } unsigned decode_newstream(unsigned sample_rate, unsigned supported_rates[]) { // called with O locked to get sample rate for potentially processed output stream // release O mutex during process_newstream as it can take some time MAY_PROCESS( if (decode.process) { UNLOCK_O; sample_rate = process_newstream(&decode.direct, sample_rate, supported_rates); LOCK_O; } ); return sample_rate; } void codec_open(u8_t format, u8_t sample_size, u8_t sample_rate, u8_t channels, u8_t endianness) { int i; LOG_INFO("codec open: '%c'", format); LOCK_D; decode.new_stream = true; decode.state = DECODE_STOPPED; MAY_PROCESS( decode.direct = true; // potentially changed within codec when processing enabled ); // find the required codec for (i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; ++i) { if (codecs[i] && codecs[i]->id == format) { if (codec && codec != codecs[i]) { LOG_INFO("closing codec: '%c'", codec->id); codec->close(); } codec = codecs[i]; codec->open(sample_size, sample_rate, channels, endianness); decode.state = DECODE_READY; UNLOCK_D; return; } } UNLOCK_D; LOG_ERROR("codec not found"); }