// First, checks if it isn't implemented yet. if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function() { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match ; }); }; } var releaseURL = 'https://api.github.com/repos/sle118/squeezelite-esp32/releases'; var recovery = true; var enableTimers = true; var commandHeader = 'squeezelite -b 500:2000 -d all=info '; var apList = null; var selectedSSID = ""; var refreshAPInterval = null; var checkStatusInterval = null; var StatusIntervalActive = false; var ConfigIntervalActive = false; var RefreshAPIIntervalActive = false; var output = ''; //TODO check var to = 0, set_int = 0; function stopCheckStatusInterval(){ if(checkStatusInterval != null){ clearTimeout(checkStatusInterval); checkStatusInterval = null; } StatusIntervalActive = false; } function stopRefreshAPInterval(){ if(refreshAPInterval != null){ clearTimeout(refreshAPInterval); refreshAPInterval = null; } RefreshAPIIntervalActive = false; } function startCheckStatusInterval(){ StatusIntervalActive = true; checkStatusInterval = setTimeout(checkStatus, 950); } function startRefreshAPInterval(){ RefreshAPIIntervalActive = true; refreshAPInterval = setTimeout(refreshAP, 2800); } function RepeatCheckStatusInterval(){ if(StatusIntervalActive) startCheckStatusInterval(); } function RepeatCheckConfigInterval(){ if(ConfigIntervalActive) startCheckConfigInterval(); } function RepeatRefreshAPInterval(){ if(RefreshAPIIntervalActive) startRefreshAPInterval(); } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#wifi-status").on("click", ".ape", function() { $( "#wifi" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect-details" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#manual_add").on("click", ".ape", function() { selectedSSID = $(this).text(); $( "#ssid-pwd" ).text(selectedSSID); $( "#wifi" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect_manual" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); //update wait screen $( "#loading" ).show(); $( "#connect-success" ).hide(); $( "#connect-fail" ).hide(); }); $("#wifi-list").on("click", ".ape", function() { selectedSSID = $(this).text(); $( "#ssid-pwd" ).text(selectedSSID); $( "#wifi" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect_manual" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); //update wait screen $( "#loading" ).show(); $( "#connect-success" ).hide(); $( "#connect-fail" ).hide(); }); $("#cancel").on("click", function() { selectedSSID = ""; $( "#connect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect_manual" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#wifi" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#manual_cancel").on("click", function() { selectedSSID = ""; $( "#connect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect_manual" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#wifi" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#join").on("click", function() { performConnect(); }); $("#manual_join").on("click", function() { performConnect($(this).data('connect')); }); $("#ok-details").on("click", function() { $( "#connect-details" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#wifi" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#ok-credits").on("click", function() { $( "#credits" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#app" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#acredits").on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $( "#app" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#credits" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#ok-connect").on("click", function() { $( "#connect-wait" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#wifi" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#disconnect").on("click", function() { $( "#connect-details-wrap" ).addClass('blur'); $( "#diag-disconnect" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); }); $("#no-disconnect").on("click", function() { $( "#diag-disconnect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect-details-wrap" ).removeClass('blur'); }); $("#yes-disconnect").on("click", function() { stopCheckStatusInterval(); selectedSSID = ""; $( "#diag-disconnect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect-details-wrap" ).removeClass('blur'); $.ajax({ url: '/connect.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'DELETE', cache: false, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now()} }); startCheckStatusInterval(); $( "#connect-details" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#wifi" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}) }); $("#autoexec-cb").on("click", function() { autoexec = (this.checked)?1:0; $.ajax({ url: '/config.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, headers: { "X-Custom-autoexec": autoexec }, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now() } }); console.log('sent config JSON with headers:', autoexec); }); $("#save-autoexec1").on("click", function() { autoexec1 = $("#autoexec1").val(); $.ajax({ url: '/config.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, headers: { "X-Custom-autoexec1": autoexec1 }, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now() } }); console.log('sent config JSON with headers:', autoexec1); }); $("#recovery").on("click", function() { $.ajax({ url: '/recovery.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now()} }); }); $("#reboot").on("click", function() { $.ajax({ url: '/reboot.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now()} }); }); $("#generate-command").on("click", function() { var commandLine = commandHeader + '-n ' + $("#player").val(); if (output == 'bt') { commandLine += ' -o "BT -n \'' + $("#btsink").val() + '\'" -R -Z 192000'; } else if (output == 'spdif') { commandLine += ' -o SPDIF -R -Z 192000'; } else { commandLine += ' -o I2S'; } if ($("#optional").val() != '') { commandLine += ' ' + $("#optional").val(); } $("#autoexec1").val(commandLine); }); $('[name=audio]').on("click", function(){ if (this.id == 'bt') { $("#btsinkdiv").show(200); output = 'bt'; } else if (this.id == 'spdif') { $("#btsinkdiv").hide(200); output = 'spdif'; } else { $("#btsinkdiv").hide(200); output = 'i2s'; } }); $('#fwcheck').on("click", function(){ $("#releaseTable").html(""); $.getJSON(releaseURL, function(data) { data.forEach(function(release) { var url = ''; release.assets.forEach(function(asset) { if (asset.name.match(/\.bin$/)) { url = asset.browser_download_url; } }); var [ver, idf, cfg, branch] = release.name.split('-'); $("#releaseTable").append( ""+ ""+ver+""+ ""+idf+""+ ""+cfg+""+ ""+branch+""+ ""+ "" ); }); }) .fail(function() { alert("failed to fetch release history!"); }); }); //first time the page loads: attempt to get the connection status and start the wifi scan refreshAP(); getConfig(); //start timers startCheckStatusInterval(); startRefreshAPInterval(); }); function setURL(button) { var url = button.dataset.url; $.ajax({ url: '/config.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, headers: { "X-Custom-fwurl": url }, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now() } }); $('[data-url^="http"]').addClass("btn-success").removeClass("btn-danger"); $('[data-url="'+url+'"]').addClass("btn-danger").removeClass("btn-success"); } function performConnect(conntype){ //stop the status refresh. This prevents a race condition where a status //request would be refreshed with wrong ip info from a previous connection //and the request would automatically shows as succesful. stopCheckStatusInterval(); //stop refreshing wifi list stopRefreshAPInterval(); var pwd; if (conntype == 'manual') { //Grab the manual SSID and PWD selectedSSID=$('#manual_ssid').val(); pwd = $("#manual_pwd").val(); }else{ pwd = $("#pwd").val(); } //reset connection $( "#loading" ).show(); $( "#connect-success" ).hide(); $( "#connect-fail" ).hide(); $( "#ok-connect" ).prop("disabled",true); $( "#ssid-wait" ).text(selectedSSID); $( "#connect" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect_manual" ).slideUp( "fast", function() {}); $( "#connect-wait" ).slideDown( "fast", function() {}); $.ajax({ url: '/connect.json', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, headers: { 'X-Custom-ssid': selectedSSID, 'X-Custom-pwd': pwd }, data: { 'timestamp': Date.now()} }); //now we can re-set the intervals regardless of result startCheckStatusInterval(); startRefreshAPInterval(); } function rssiToIcon(rssi){ if(rssi >= -60){ return 'w0'; } else if(rssi >= -67){ return 'w1'; } else if(rssi >= -75){ return 'w2'; } else{ return 'w3'; } } function refreshAP(){ if (!enableTimers) return; $.getJSON( "/ap.json", function( data ) { if(data.length > 0){ //sort by signal strength data.sort(function (a, b) { var x = a["rssi"]; var y = b["rssi"]; return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0)); }); apList = data; refreshAPHTML(apList); } }); } function refreshAPHTML(data){ var h = ""; data.forEach(function(e, idx, array) { h += '
'.format(idx === array.length - 1?'':' brdb', rssiToIcon(e.rssi), e.auth==0?'':'pw',e.ssid); h += "\n"; }); $( "#wifi-list" ).html(h) } function checkStatus(){ if (!enableTimers) return; $.getJSON( "/status.json", function( data ) { if(data.hasOwnProperty('ssid') && data['ssid'] != ""){ if(data["ssid"] === selectedSSID){ //that's a connection attempt if(data["urc"] === 0){ //got connection $("#connected-to span").text(data["ssid"]); $("#connect-details h1").text(data["ssid"]); $("#ip").text(data["ip"]); $("#netmask").text(data["netmask"]); $("#gw").text(data["gw"]); $("#wifi-status").slideDown( "fast", function() {}); //unlock the wait screen if needed $( "#ok-connect" ).prop("disabled",false); //update wait screen $( "#loading" ).hide(); $( "#connect-success" ).append("

Your IP address now is: " + text(data["ip"]) + "

"); $( "#connect-success" ).show(); $( "#connect-fail" ).hide(); enableTimers = false; } else if(data["urc"] === 1){ //failed attempt $("#connected-to span").text(''); $("#connect-details h1").text(''); $("#ip").text(''); $("#netmask").text(''); $("#gw").text(''); //don't show any connection $("#wifi-status").slideUp( "fast", function() {}); //unlock the wait screen $( "#ok-connect" ).prop("disabled",false); //update wait screen $( "#loading" ).hide(); $( "#connect-fail" ).show(); $( "#connect-success" ).hide(); enableTimers = true; } } else if(data.hasOwnProperty('urc') && data['urc'] === 0){ //ESP32 is already connected to a wifi without having the user do anything if( !($("#wifi-status").is(":visible")) ){ $("#connected-to span").text(data["ssid"]); $("#connect-details h1").text(data["ssid"]); $("#ip").text(data["ip"]); $("#netmask").text(data["netmask"]); $("#gw").text(data["gw"]); $("#wifi-status").slideDown( "fast", function() {}); } enableTimers = false; } } else if(data.hasOwnProperty('urc') && data['urc'] === 2){ //that's a manual disconnect if($("#wifi-status").is(":visible")){ $("#wifi-status").slideUp( "fast", function() {}); } enableTimers = true; } }) .fail(function() { //don't do anything, the server might be down while esp32 recalibrates radio }); RepeatCheckStatusInterval(); } function getConfig() { $.getJSON("/config.json", function(data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty('autoexec')) { if (data["autoexec"] === 1) { console.log('turn on autoexec'); $("#autoexec-cb")[0].checked=true; } else { console.log('turn off autoexec'); $("#autoexec-cb")[0].checked=false; } } if (data.hasOwnProperty('recovery')) { if (data["recovery"] === 1) { recovery = true; $("#recoverydiv").hide(); $("#otadiv").show(); } else { recovery = false; $("#recoverydiv").show(); $("#otadiv").hide(); } } if (data.hasOwnProperty('list')) { data.list.forEach(function(line) { let key = Object.keys(line)[0]; let val = Object.values(line)[0]; console.log(key, val); if (key == 'autoexec1') { $("#autoexec1").val(val); } }); } }) .fail(function() { console.log("failed to fetch config!"); }); } //TODO daduke check function file_change() { document.getElementById('update').disabled = 0; } function do_upload(f) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); document.getElementById('update').disabled = 1; //ws.close(); document.getElementById("progr").class = "progr-ok"; xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(e) { document.getElementById("progr").value = parseInt(e.loaded / e.total * 100); if (e.loaded == e.total) { // document.getElementById("realpage").style.display = "none"; // document.getElementById("waiting").style.display = "block"; } }, false); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { console.log("rs" + xhr.readyState + " status " + xhr.status); if (xhr.readyState == 4) { /* it completed, for good or for ill */ // document.getElementById("realpage").style.display = "none"; // document.getElementById("waiting").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("progr").class = "progr-ok"; console.log("upload reached state 4: xhr status " + xhr.status); setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = location.origin + "/"; }, 9000 ); } }; /* kill the heart timer */ clearInterval(set_int); xhr.open("POST", f.action, true); xhr.send(new FormData(f)); return false; } function heart_timer() { var s; s = Math.round((95 * to) / (40 * 10)) / 100; if (s < 0) { clearInterval(set_int); set_int = 0; ws.close(); document.getElementById("realpage").style.opacity = "0.3"; } to--; document.getElementById("heart").style.opacity = s; } function heartbeat() { to = 40 * 10; if (!set_int) { set_int = setInterval(heart_timer, 100); } }