#pragma once #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_wifi.h" #include "esp_wifi_types.h" #include "squeezelite-ota.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include "esp_eth.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "hsm.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "network_services.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //! List of oven events #define ALL_NM_EVENTS \ ADD_FIRST_EVENT(EN_LINK_UP) \ ADD_EVENT(EN_LINK_DOWN)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_CONFIGURE)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_GOT_IP)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_ETH_GOT_IP)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_DELETE)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_TIMER)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_START)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_SCAN)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_FAIL)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_SUCCESS)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_SCAN_DONE)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_CONNECT)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_CONNECT_NEW)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_REBOOT)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_REBOOT_URL)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_LOST_CONNECTION)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_ETHERNET_FALLBACK)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_UPDATE_STATUS)\ ADD_EVENT(EN_CONNECTED) #define ADD_EVENT(name) name, #define ADD_FIRST_EVENT(name) name=1, typedef enum { ALL_NM_EVENTS } network_event_t; #undef ADD_EVENT #undef ADD_FIRST_EVENT typedef enum { OTA, RECOVERY, RESTART, } reboot_type_t; typedef struct { network_event_t trigger; char * ssid; char * password; reboot_type_t rtype; char* strval; wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t* disconnected_event; esp_netif_t *netif; } queue_message; typedef struct { state_machine_t Machine; //!< Abstract state machine const state_t* source_state; bool ethernet_connected; TimerHandle_t state_timer; uint32_t STA_duration; int32_t total_connected_time; int64_t last_connected; uint16_t num_disconnect; uint16_t retries; bool wifi_connected; esp_netif_t *wifi_netif; esp_netif_t *eth_netif; esp_netif_t *wifi_ap_netif; uint16_t sta_polling_min_ms; uint16_t sta_polling_max_ms; uint16_t eth_link_down_reboot_ms; uint16_t dhcp_timeout; uint16_t wifi_dhcp_fail_ms; queue_message * event_parameters; } network_t; /* * --------------------- External function prototype --------------------- */ void network_start(); network_t * network_get_state_machine(); void network_event_simple(network_event_t trigger); void network_event(network_event_t trigger, void* param); void network_async_event(network_event_t trigger, void* param); void network_async(network_event_t trigger); void network_async_fail(); void network_async_success(); void network_async_link_up(); void network_async_link_down(); void network_async_configure(); void network_async_got_ip(); void network_async_timer(); void network_async_start(); void network_async_scan(); void network_async_scan_done(); void network_async_connect(const char * ssid, const char * password); void network_async_lost_connection(wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t * disconnected_event); void network_async_reboot(reboot_type_t rtype); void network_reboot_ota(char* url); void network_async_delete(); void network_async_update_status(); void network_async_eth_got_ip(); void network_ip_event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data); bool network_is_interface_connected(esp_netif_t * interface); /* * --------------------- Inline functions --------------------- */ /** * @brief Defines the maximum size of a SSID name. 32 is IEEE standard. * @warning limit is also hard coded in wifi_config_t. Never extend this value. */ #define MAX_SSID_SIZE 32 /** * @brief Defines the maximum size of a WPA2 passkey. 64 is IEEE standard. * @warning limit is also hard coded in wifi_config_t. Never extend this value. */ #define MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE 64 #define MAX_COMMAND_LINE_SIZE 201 /** * @brief Defines the maximum number of access points that can be scanned. * * To save memory and avoid nasty out of memory errors, * we can limit the number of APs detected in a wifi scan. */ #define MAX_AP_NUM 15 /** * @brief Defines when a connection is lost/attempt to connect is made, how many retries should be made before giving up. * Setting it to 2 for instance means there will be 3 attempts in total (original request + 2 retries) */ #define WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_RETRY CONFIG_WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_RETRY /** @brief Defines the task priority of the wifi_manager. * * Tasks spawn by the manager will have a priority of WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY-1. * For this particular reason, minimum task priority is 1. It it highly not recommended to set * it to 1 though as the sub-tasks will now have a priority of 0 which is the priority * of freeRTOS' idle task. */ #define WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY CONFIG_WIFI_MANAGER_TASK_PRIORITY /** @brief Defines the auth mode as an access point * Value must be of type wifi_auth_mode_t * @see esp_wifi_types.h * @warning if set to WIFI_AUTH_OPEN, passowrd me be empty. See DEFAULT_AP_PASSWORD. */ #define AP_AUTHMODE WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PSK /** @brief Defines visibility of the access point. 0: visible AP. 1: hidden */ #define DEFAULT_AP_SSID_HIDDEN 0 /** @brief Defines access point's name. Default value: esp32. Run 'make menuconfig' to setup your own value or replace here by a string */ #define DEFAULT_AP_SSID CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_SSID /** @brief Defines access point's password. * @warning In the case of an open access point, the password must be a null string "" or "\0" if you want to be verbose but waste one byte. * In addition, the AP_AUTHMODE must be WIFI_AUTH_OPEN */ #define DEFAULT_AP_PASSWORD CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_PASSWORD /** @brief Defines access point's bandwidth. * Value: WIFI_BW_HT20 for 20 MHz or WIFI_BW_HT40 for 40 MHz * 20 MHz minimize channel interference but is not suitable for * applications with high data speeds */ #define DEFAULT_AP_BANDWIDTH WIFI_BW_HT20 /** @brief Defines access point's channel. * Channel selection is only effective when not connected to another AP. * Good practice for minimal channel interference to use * For 20 MHz: 1, 6 or 11 in USA and 1, 5, 9 or 13 in most parts of the world * For 40 MHz: 3 in USA and 3 or 11 in most parts of the world */ #define DEFAULT_AP_CHANNEL CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_CHANNEL /** @brief Defines the access point's default IP address. Default: " */ #define DEFAULT_AP_IP CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_IP /** @brief Defines the access point's gateway. This should be the same as your IP. Default: "" */ #define DEFAULT_AP_GATEWAY CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_GATEWAY /** @brief Defines the access point's netmask. Default: "" */ #define DEFAULT_AP_NETMASK CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_NETMASK /** @brief Defines access point's maximum number of clients. Default: 4 */ #define DEFAULT_AP_MAX_CONNECTIONS CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_MAX_CONNECTIONS /** @brief Defines access point's beacon interval. 100ms is the recommended default. */ #define DEFAULT_AP_BEACON_INTERVAL CONFIG_DEFAULT_AP_BEACON_INTERVAL /** @brief Defines if esp32 shall run both AP + STA when connected to another AP. * Value: 0 will have the own AP always on (APSTA mode) * Value: 1 will turn off own AP when connected to another AP (STA only mode when connected) * Turning off own AP when connected to another AP minimize channel interference and increase throughput */ #define DEFAULT_STA_ONLY 1 /** @brief Defines if wifi power save shall be enabled. * Value: WIFI_PS_NONE for full power (wifi modem always on) * Value: WIFI_PS_MODEM for power save (wifi modem sleep periodically) * Note: Power save is only effective when in STA only mode */ #define DEFAULT_STA_POWER_SAVE WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM void network_reboot_ota(char * url); /** * @brief simplified reason codes for a lost connection. * * esp-idf maintains a big list of reason codes which in practice are useless for most typical application. * UPDATE_CONNECTION_OK - Web UI expects this when attempting to connect to a new access point succeeds * UPDATE_FAILED_ATTEMPT - Web UI expects this when attempting to connect to a new access point fails * UPDATE_USER_DISCONNECT = 2, * UPDATE_LOST_CONNECTION = 3, * UPDATE_FAILED_ATTEMPT_AND_RESTORE - Web UI expects this when attempting to connect to a new access point fails and previous connection is restored * UPDATE_ETHERNET_CONNECTED = 5 */ typedef enum update_reason_code_t { UPDATE_CONNECTION_OK = 0, // expected when UPDATE_FAILED_ATTEMPT = 1, UPDATE_USER_DISCONNECT = 2, UPDATE_LOST_CONNECTION = 3, UPDATE_FAILED_ATTEMPT_AND_RESTORE = 4, UPDATE_ETHERNET_CONNECTED = 5 }update_reason_code_t; /** * Frees up all memory allocated by the wifi_manager and kill the task. */ void network_destroy(); /** * Filters the AP scan list to unique SSIDs */ void filter_unique( wifi_ap_record_t * aplist, uint16_t * ap_num); char* network_status_alloc_get_ap_list_json(); cJSON * network_manager_clear_ap_list_json(cJSON **old); /** * @brief A standard wifi event handler as recommended by Espressif */ esp_err_t network_manager_event_handler(void *ctx, system_event_t *event); /** * @brief Clears the connection status json. * @note This is not thread-safe and should be called only if network_status_lock_json_buffer call is successful. */ cJSON * network_status_clear_ip_info_json(cJSON **old); cJSON * network_status_get_new_json(cJSON **old); /** * @brief Start the mDNS service */ void network_manager_initialise_mdns(); /** * @brief Register a callback to a custom function when specific network manager states are reached. */ bool network_is_wifi_prioritized(); void network_set_timer(uint16_t duration); void network_set_hostname(esp_netif_t * netif); esp_err_t network_get_ip_info_for_netif(esp_netif_t* netif, tcpip_adapter_ip_info_t* ipInfo); void network_start_stop_dhcp(esp_netif_t* netif, bool start); void network_start_stop_dhcps(esp_netif_t* netif, bool start); void network_prioritize_wifi(bool activate); #define ADD_ROOT_FORWARD_DECLARATION(name, ...) ADD_STATE_FORWARD_DECLARATION_(name) #define ADD_ROOT_LEAF_FORWARD_DECLARATION(name, ...) ADD_STATE_FORWARD_DECLARATION_(name) #define ADD_LEAF_FORWARD_DECLARATION(name, ...) ADD_STATE_FORWARD_DECLARATION_(name) #define ADD_STATE_FORWARD_DECLARATION_(name) \ static state_machine_result_t name##_handler(state_machine_t* const State_Machine); \ static state_machine_result_t name##_entry_handler(state_machine_t* const State_Machine); \ static state_machine_result_t name##_exit_handler(state_machine_t* const State_Machine); void initialize_network_handlers(state_machine_t* state_machine); void network_manager_format_from_to_states(esp_log_level_t level, const char* prefix, state_t const * from_state, state_t const* current_state, network_event_t event,bool show_source, const char * caller ); void network_manager_format_state_machine(esp_log_level_t level, const char* prefix, state_machine_t * state_machine, bool show_source, const char * caller) ; char* network_manager_alloc_get_mac_string(uint8_t mac[6]); #if defined(LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL) && LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >=ESP_LOG_VERBOSE #define NETWORK_PRINT_TRANSITION(begin, prefix, source,target, event, print_source,caller ) network_manager_format_from_to_states(ESP_LOG_VERBOSE, prefix, source,target, event, print_source,caller ) #define NETWORK_DEBUG_STATE_MACHINE(begin, cb_prefix,state_machine,print_from,caller) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,cb_prefix,state_machine,print_from,caller) #define NETWORK_EXECUTE_CB(mch) network_execute_cb(mch,__FUNCTION__); #define network_handler_entry_print(State_Machine, begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"ENTRY START":"ENTRY END",State_Machine,false,__FUNCTION__) #define network_exit_handler_print(State_Machine, begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"EXIT START":"END END",State_Machine,false,__FUNCTION__) #define network_handler_print(State_Machine, begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"HANDLER START":"HANDLER END",State_Machine,false,__FUNCTION__) #elif defined(LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL) && LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_DEBUG #define network_handler_entry_print(State_Machine, begin) if(begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"BEGIN ENTRY":"END ENTRY",State_Machine,false,"") #define network_exit_handler_print(State_Machine, begin) if(begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"BEGIN EXIT":"END EXIT",State_Machine,false,"") #define network_handler_print(State_Machine, begin) if(begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,begin?"HANDLER START":"HANDLER END",State_Machine,false,"") #define NETWORK_PRINT_TRANSITION(begin, prefix, source,target, event, print_source,caller ) if(begin) network_manager_format_from_to_states(ESP_LOG_DEBUG, prefix, source,target, event, print_source,caller )#define NETWORK_EXECUTE_CB(mch) network_execute_cb(mch,__FUNCTION__); #define NETWORK_DEBUG_STATE_MACHINE(begin, cb_prefix,state_machine,print_from,caller) if(begin) network_manager_format_state_machine(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,cb_prefix,state_machine,print_from,caller) #else #define network_exit_handler_print(nm, begin) #define network_handler_entry_print(State_Machine, begin) #define network_handler_print(State_Machine, begin) #define NETWORK_EXECUTE_CB(mch) network_execute_cb(mch,NULL) #define NETWORK_PRINT_TRANSITION(begin, prefix, source,target, event, print_source,caller ) #define NETWORK_DEBUG_STATE_MACHINE(begin, cb_prefix,state_machine,print_from,caller) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif