#!/bin/bash echo "Build process started" echo "Setting up build name and build number" if [ -z "${TARGET_BUILD_NAME}" ] then export TARGET_BUILD_NAME="I2S-4MFlash" echo "TARGET_BUILD_NAME is not set. Defaulting to ${TARGET_BUILD_NAME}" fi if [ -z "${BUILD_NUMBER}" ] then export BUILD_NUMBER="500" echo "BUILD_NUMBER is not set. Defaulting to ${BUILD_NUMBER}" fi if [ -z "$DEPTH" ] then export DEPTH="16" echo "DEPTH is not set. Defaulting to ${DEPTH}" fi if [ -z "$tag" ] then branch_name="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" branch_name="${branch_name//[^a-zA-Z0-9\-~!@_\.]/}" app_name="${TARGET_BUILD_NAME}.${DEPTH}.dev-$(git log --pretty=format:'%h' --max-count=1).${branch_name}" echo "${app_name}">version.txt echo "app_name is not set. Defaulting to ${app_name}" else echo "${tag}" >version.txt fi echo "Copying target sdkconfig" cp build-scripts/${TARGET_BUILD_NAME}-sdkconfig.defaults sdkconfig echo "Building project" idf.py build -DDEPTH=${DEPTH} -DBUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER}-${DEPTH} echo "Generating size report" idf.py size-components >build/size_components.txt idf.py size-components-squeezelite build/size_components_squeezelite.txt if [ -z "${artifact_file_name}" ] then echo "No artifact file name set. Will not generate zip file." else echo "Generating build artifact zip file" zip -r build_output.zip build zip build/${artifact_file_name} partitions*.csv components/ build/*.bin build/bootloader/bootloader.bin build/partition_table/partition-table.bin build/flash_project_args build/size_*.txt fi