const path = require("path"); const fs = require('fs'); const zlib = require("zlib"); const glob = require('glob'); class BuildEventsHook { constructor(name, fn, stage = 'afterEmit') { = name; this.stage = stage; this.function = fn; } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks[this.stage].tap(, this.function); } } function createBuildEventsHook(options){ return new BuildEventsHook('Update C App', function (stats, arguments) { if (options.mode !== "production") return; let buildRootPath = path.join(process.cwd(), '..', '..', '..'); let wifiManagerPath = glob.sync(path.join(buildRootPath, 'components/**/wifi-manager*'))[0]; let buildCRootPath = glob.sync(buildRootPath)[0]; fs.appendFileSync('./dist/index.html.gz', zlib.gzipSync(fs.readFileSync('./dist/index.html'), { chunckSize: 65536, level: zlib.constants.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION })); let getDirectories = function getDirectories (src, callback) { let searchPath = path.posix.join(src, '/**/*(*.gz|favicon-32x32.png)'); console.log(`Post build: Getting file list from ${searchPath}`); glob(searchPath, callback); }; let cleanUpPath = path.posix.join(buildCRootPath, '/build/*.S'); console.log(`Post build: Cleaning up previous builds in ${cleanUpPath}`); glob(cleanUpPath, function (err, list) { if (err) { console.error('Error', err); } else { list.forEach(fileName => { try { console.log(`Post build: Purging old binary file ${fileName} from C project.`); fs.unlinkSync(fileName) //file removed } catch (ferr) { console.error(ferr) } }); } }, 'afterEmit' ); console.log('Generating C include files from webpack build output'); getDirectories('./dist', function (err, list) { console.log(`Post build: found ${list.length} files. Relative path: ${wifiManagerPath}.`); if (err) { console.log('Error', err); } else { let exportDefHead = `/*********************************** webpack_headers ${arguments[1]} ***********************************/ #pragma once #include extern const char * resource_lookups[]; extern const uint8_t * resource_map_start[]; extern const uint8_t * resource_map_end[];`; let exportDef = '// Automatically generated. Do not edit manually!.\n' + '#include \n'; let lookupDef = 'const char * resource_lookups[] = {\n'; let lookupMapStart = 'const uint8_t * resource_map_start[] = {\n'; let lookupMapEnd = 'const uint8_t * resource_map_end[] = {\n'; let cMake = ''; list.forEach(foundFile => { let exportName = path.basename(foundFile).replace(/[\. \-]/gm, '_'); //take the full path of the file and make it relative to the build directory let cmakeFileName = path.posix.relative(wifiManagerPath, glob.sync(path.resolve(foundFile))[0]); let httpRelativePath = path.posix.join('/', path.posix.relative('dist', foundFile)); exportDef += `extern const uint8_t _${exportName}_start[] asm("_binary_${exportName}_start");\nextern const uint8_t _${exportName}_end[] asm("_binary_${exportName}_end");\n`; lookupDef += `\t"${httpRelativePath}",\n`; lookupMapStart += '\t_' + exportName + '_start,\n'; lookupMapEnd += '\t_' + exportName + '_end,\n'; cMake += `target_add_binary_data( __idf_wifi-manager ${cmakeFileName} BINARY)\n`; console.log(`Post build: adding cmake file reference to ${cmakeFileName} from C project, with web path ${httpRelativePath}.`); }); lookupDef += '""\n};\n'; lookupMapStart = lookupMapStart.substring(0, lookupMapStart.length - 2) + '\n};\n'; lookupMapEnd = lookupMapEnd.substring(0, lookupMapEnd.length - 2) + '\n};\n'; try { fs.writeFileSync('webapp.cmake', cMake); fs.writeFileSync('webpack.c', exportDef + lookupDef + lookupMapStart + lookupMapEnd); fs.writeFileSync('webpack.h', exportDefHead); //file written successfully } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } }); console.log('Post build completed.'); }) } module.exports = { BuildEventsHook, createBuildEventsHook }