793 B

MOST IMPORTANT: create the right default config file

  • make defconfig Then adapt the config file to your wifi/BT/I2C device (can alos be done on the command line)
  • make menuconfig Then
  • make -j4
  • make flash monitor

Additional misc notes

  • for all libraries, add -mlongcalls
  • libmad, libflac (no esp's version), libvorbis (tremor - not esp's version), alac work
  • libfaad does not really support real time, but if you want to try
    • change ac_link in configure and case ac_files, remove ''
    • compiler but in cfft.c and cffti1, must disable optimization using #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC optimize ("O0") #pragma GCC pop_options
  • better use helixacc
  • set IDF_PATH=/home/esp-idf
  • set ESPPORT=COM9
  • update flash partition size