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- /*
- * Control of LED strip within squeezelite-esp32
- *
- * (c) Wizmo 2021
- *
- * This software is released under the MIT License.
- * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- *
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define LED_VU_MAX 255U
- #define LED_VU_BRIGHT 20U
- #define led_vu_color_red(B) led_vu_color_all(B, 0, 0)
- #define led_vu_color_green(B) led_vu_color_all(0, B, 0)
- #define led_vu_color_blue(B) led_vu_color_all(0, 0, B)
- #define led_vu_color_yellow(B) led_vu_color_all(B/2, B/2, 0)
- extern struct led_strip_t* led_display;
- uint16_t led_vu_string_length();
- void led_vu_progress_bar(int pct, int bright);
- void led_vu_display(int vu_l, int vu_r, int bright, bool comet);
- void led_vu_spin_dial(int gain, int rate, bool comet);
- void led_vu_spectrum(uint8_t* data, int bright, int length, int style);
- void led_vu_color_all(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
- void led_vu_data(uint8_t* data, uint16_t offset, uint16_t length);
- void led_vu_clear();