Plugin.pm 3.0 KB

  1. package Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Plugin;
  2. use strict;
  3. use base qw(Slim::Plugin::Base);
  4. use Slim::Utils::Prefs;
  5. use Slim::Utils::Log;
  6. use Slim::Web::ImageProxy;
  7. my $prefs = preferences('plugin.squeezeesp32');
  8. my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory({
  9. 'category' => 'plugin.squeezeesp32',
  10. 'defaultLevel' => 'INFO',
  11. 'description' => 'PLUGIN_SQUEEZEESP32',
  12. });
  13. # migrate 'eq' pref, as that's a reserved word and could cause problems in the future
  14. $prefs->migrateClient(1, sub {
  15. my ($cprefs, $client) = @_;
  16. $cprefs->set('equalizer', $cprefs->get('eq'));
  17. $cprefs->remove('eq');
  18. 1;
  19. });
  20. $prefs->migrateClient(2, sub {
  21. my ($cprefs, $client) = @_;
  22. $cprefs->set('artwork', undef) if $cprefs->get('artwork') && ref $cprefs->get('artwork') ne 'HASH';
  23. 1;
  24. });
  25. $prefs->setChange(sub {
  26. $_[2]->send_equalizer;
  27. }, 'equalizer');
  28. sub initPlugin {
  29. my $class = shift;
  30. if ( main::WEBUI ) {
  31. require Plugins::SqueezeESP32::PlayerSettings;
  32. Plugins::SqueezeESP32::PlayerSettings->new;
  33. # require Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Settings;
  34. # Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Settings->new;
  35. }
  36. $class->SUPER::initPlugin(@_);
  37. # no name can be a subset of others due to a bug in addPlayerClass
  38. Slim::Networking::Slimproto::addPlayerClass($class, 100, 'squeezeesp32-basic', { client => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player', display => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Graphics' });
  39. Slim::Networking::Slimproto::addPlayerClass($class, 101, 'squeezeesp32-graphic', { client => 'Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player', display => 'Slim::Display::NoDisplay' });
  40. main::INFOLOG && $log->is_info && $log->info("Added class 100 and 101 for SqueezeESP32");
  41. # register a command to set the EQ - without saving the values! Send params as single comma separated list of values
  42. Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['squeezeesp32', 'seteq', '_eq'], [1, 0, 0, \&setEQ]);
  43. # Note for some forgetful know-it-all: we need to wrap the callback to make it unique. Otherwise subscriptions would overwrite each other.
  44. Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( sub { onNotification(@_) }, [ ['newmetadata'] ] );
  45. Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( sub { onNotification(@_) }, [ ['playlist'], ['open', 'newsong'] ]);
  46. Slim::Control::Request::subscribe( \&onStopClear, [ ['playlist'], ['stop', 'clear'] ]);
  47. }
  48. sub onStopClear {
  49. my $request = shift;
  50. my $client = $request->client || return;
  51. if ($client->isa('Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player')) {
  52. $client->clear_artwork(0, $request->getRequestString());
  53. }
  54. }
  55. sub onNotification {
  56. my $request = shift;
  57. my $client = $request->client || return;
  58. foreach my $player ($client->syncGroupActiveMembers) {
  59. next unless $player->isa('Plugins::SqueezeESP32::Player');
  60. $player->update_artwork;
  61. }
  62. }
  63. sub setEQ {
  64. my $request = shift;
  65. # check this is the correct command.
  66. if ($request->isNotCommand([['squeezeesp32'],['seteq']])) {
  67. $request->setStatusBadDispatch();
  68. return;
  69. }
  70. # get our parameters
  71. my $client = $request->client();
  72. my @eqParams = split(/,/, $request->getParam('_eq') || '');
  73. for (my $x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
  74. $eqParams[$x] ||= 0;
  75. }
  76. $client->send_equalizer(\@eqParams);
  77. }
  78. 1;