cmd_squeezelite.c 4.7 KB

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <string.h>
  3. #include "application_name.h"
  4. #include "esp_log.h"
  5. #include "esp_console.h"
  6. #include "../cmd_system.h"
  7. #include "argtable3/argtable3.h"
  8. #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
  9. #include "freertos/event_groups.h"
  10. #include "pthread.h"
  11. #include "platform_esp32.h"
  12. #include "platform_config.h"
  13. #include "esp_app_format.h"
  14. extern esp_err_t process_recovery_ota(const char * bin_url, char * bin_buffer, uint32_t length);
  15. static const char * TAG = "squeezelite_cmd";
  16. #define SQUEEZELITE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE (8*1024)
  17. const __attribute__((section(".rodata_desc"))) esp_app_desc_t esp_app_desc = {
  18. .magic_word = ESP_APP_DESC_MAGIC_WORD,
  19. .version = PROJECT_VER,
  20. .project_name = CONFIG_PROJECT_NAME,
  21. .idf_ver = IDF_VER,
  24. #else
  25. .secure_version = 0,
  26. #endif
  28. .time = __TIME__,
  29. .date = __DATE__,
  30. #else
  31. .time = "",
  32. .date = "",
  33. #endif
  34. };
  35. extern int main(int argc, char **argv);
  36. static int launchsqueezelite(int argc, char **argv);
  37. /** Arguments used by 'squeezelite' function */
  38. static struct {
  39. struct arg_str *parameters;
  40. struct arg_end *end;
  41. } squeezelite_args;
  42. static struct {
  43. int argc;
  44. char ** argv;
  45. } thread_parms ;
  47. static void squeezelite_thread(void *arg){
  48. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Number of args received: %u",thread_parms.argc );
  49. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Values:");
  50. for(int i = 0;i<thread_parms.argc; i++){
  51. ESP_LOGV(TAG ," %s",thread_parms.argv[i]);
  52. }
  53. ESP_LOGI(TAG ,"Calling squeezelite");
  54. main(thread_parms.argc,thread_parms.argv);
  55. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Exited from squeezelite's main(). Freeing argv structure.");
  56. for(int i=0;i<thread_parms.argc;i++){
  57. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Freeing char buffer for parameter %u", i+1);
  58. free(thread_parms.argv[i]);
  59. }
  60. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Freeing argv pointer");
  61. free(thread_parms.argv);
  62. ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Exited from squeezelite thread, something's wrong ... rebooting (wait 30s for user to take action)");
  63. if(!wait_for_commit()){
  64. ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Unable to commit configuration. ");
  65. }
  66. vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 30*1000 ) );
  67. esp_restart();
  68. }
  69. static int launchsqueezelite(int argc, char **argv) {
  70. static DRAM_ATTR StaticTask_t xTaskBuffer __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
  71. static EXT_RAM_ATTR StackType_t xStack[SQUEEZELITE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
  72. static bool isRunning = false;
  73. if (isRunning) {
  74. ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Squeezelite already running. Exiting!");
  75. return -1;
  76. }
  77. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Begin");
  78. isRunning = true;
  79. ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Parameters:");
  80. for(int i = 0;i<argc; i++){
  81. ESP_LOGV(TAG, " %s",argv[i]);
  82. }
  83. ESP_LOGV(TAG,"Saving args in thread structure");
  84. thread_parms.argc=0;
  85. thread_parms.argv = malloc(sizeof(char**)*(argc+ADDITIONAL_SQUEEZELITE_ARGS));
  86. memset(thread_parms.argv,'\0',sizeof(char**)*(argc+ADDITIONAL_SQUEEZELITE_ARGS));
  87. for(int i=0;i<argc;i++){
  88. ESP_LOGD(TAG ,"assigning parm %u : %s",i,argv[i]);
  89. thread_parms.argv[thread_parms.argc++]=strdup(argv[i]);
  90. }
  91. if(argc==1){
  92. // There isn't a default configuration that would actually work
  93. // if no parameter is passed.
  94. ESP_LOGV(TAG ,"Adding argv value at %u. Prev value: %s",thread_parms.argc,thread_parms.argv[thread_parms.argc-1]);
  95. thread_parms.argv[thread_parms.argc++]=strdup("-?");
  96. }
  97. ESP_LOGD(TAG,"Starting Squeezelite Thread");
  98. xTaskCreateStaticPinnedToCore(squeezelite_thread, "squeezelite", SQUEEZELITE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE,
  100. ESP_LOGD(TAG ,"Back to console thread!");
  101. return 0;
  102. }
  103. void register_squeezelite() {
  104. squeezelite_args.parameters = arg_str0(NULL, NULL, "<parms>", "command line for squeezelite. -h for help, --defaults to launch with default values.");
  105. squeezelite_args.end = arg_end(1);
  106. const esp_console_cmd_t launch_squeezelite = {
  107. .command = "squeezelite",
  108. .help = "Starts squeezelite",
  109. .hint = NULL,
  110. .func = &launchsqueezelite,
  111. .argtable = &squeezelite_args
  112. };
  113. ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_console_cmd_register(&launch_squeezelite) );
  114. }
  115. esp_err_t start_ota(const char * bin_url, char * bin_buffer, uint32_t length) {
  116. if(!bin_url){
  117. ESP_LOGE(TAG,"missing URL parameter. Unable to start OTA");
  118. return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
  119. }
  120. ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Called to update the firmware from url: %s",bin_url);
  121. if(config_set_value(NVS_TYPE_STR, "fwurl", bin_url) != ESP_OK){
  122. ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to save the OTA url into nvs cache");
  123. return ESP_FAIL;
  124. }
  125. if(!wait_for_commit()){
  126. ESP_LOGW(TAG,"Unable to commit configuration. ");
  127. }
  128. ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Rebooting to recovery to complete the installation");
  129. return guided_factory();
  130. return ESP_OK;
  131. }