platenspeler 5 年 前
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+# Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway
+Version 6.0.1, October 20, 2019	  
+Author: M. Westenberg (  
+Copyright: M. Westenberg (  
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms 
+of the MIT License which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
+without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+Maintained by Maarten Westenberg (
+# Release Notes
+Make ready for Publishing (October 20, 2019)
+-Edit all files and make ready for publising to Github
+New features in version 5.3.4 (March 25, 2019)
+- Make use of the latest Arduino IDE available version 1.8.21
+- Added new iteams to the statc function so that it now has all the Package Statistics. Fieds are such as: mesg_ttl, msg_ttl_0 etc. Removed reference to the old counters.
+- Changed Json version in the IDE to ArduinoJSON 6 in _txRx.ino
+- Larger message history for ESP32 based on free heap
+New features in version 5.3.3 (August 25, 2018)
+- Bug Fixing SPIFFS Format in GUI
+- Included a confirm dialog in RESET, BOOT and STATISTICS buttons for user to confirm
+- Repaired WlanConnect issues
+- Improved Downlink function. Work for SF8-SF10. Does not work reliable for SF7, SF11, SF12
+- Provided documentation button o top of page
+- Added expert mode button in GUI (Wifi, System and Interrupt data is only shown in expert mode)
+- bug fixes and documentation
+New features in version 5.3.2 (July 07, 2018)
+- Support for local decoding of sensor messages received by the gateway. 
+	Use #define _LOCALSERVER 1, to enable this functionality. Also specify for each node that you want
+	to inspect the messages from the NwkSKey and AppSKey in the sensor.h file.
+	NOTE: the heap of the ESP32 is much larger than of the ESP8266. SO please be careful not to add too many 
+		features to the "old" gateway modules
+- As a result reworked the sensor functions and changes such as adding/changing DevAddrm NwkSKEY 
+	and AppSKey parameters to several functions
+- Several in-line documentaton enhancements and typos were fixed
+New features in version 5.3.1 (June 30, 2018)
+- Included support for T-Beam board including on board GPS sensor (_sensor.ino). #define GATEWAYNODE 1 will
+	turn the gateway into a node as well. Remember to set the address etc in ESP-sc-gway.h.
+- First version to explore possibilities of 433 MHz LoRa frequencies. 
+	Included frequency setting in the ESP-sc-gway.h file
+- Changes to the WiFi inplementation. The gateway does now store the SSID and password.
+New features in version 5.3.0 (June 20, 2018)
+- Connect to both public and private routers
+New features in version 5.2.1 (June 6, 2018)
+- Repair the downlink functions
+- Repair sersor functions
+- Bufgixes
+New features in version 5.2.0 (May 30, 2018)
+- Enable support for ESP32 from TTGO, several code changes where ESP32 differs from ESP8266. 
+OLED is supported but NOT tested. Some hardware specific reporting functions of the WebGUI do not work yet.
+- Include new ESP32WebServer library for support of ESP32
+- Made pin configuration definitions in Gateway.h file, and support in loraModem.h and .ino files.
+New features in version 5.1.1 (May 17, 2018)
+- The LOG button in the GUI now opens a txt .CSV file in the browser with loggin details.
+- Improved debugging in WebGUI, not only based on debug level but also on part of the software we want to debug.
+- Clean up of StateMachine
+- Enable filesystem formatting from the GUI
+New features in version 5.1.0 (May 03, 2018)
+- Improved debuggin in WebGUI, not only based on debug level but also on part of the software we want to debug.
+- Clean up of StateMachine
+New features in version 5.0.9 (Apr 08, 2018)
+- In statistics overview the option is added to specify names for known nodes (in ESP-sc-gateway.h file)
+- Keep track of the amount of messages per channel (only 3 channels supported).
+- Use the SPIFFS filesystem to provide log statistics of messages. Use the GUI and on the top select log. 
+The log data is displayed in the USB Serial area (for the moment).
+- Remove a lot of the debug==1 and debug==2 messages as they are not useful.
+New features in version 5.0.8 (Mar 26, 2018)
+- Simplified State machine and removed unnecessary code
+- Changed the WiFi Disconnect code (bug in SDK). When WiFi.begin() is executed, 
+  the previous accesspoint is not deleted. But the ESP8266 does also not connect 
+  to it anymore. The workaround restarts the WiFi completely.
+- Repair the bug causing the Channel setting to switch back to channel 0 when the RFM95 modem is reset 
+  (after upstream message)
+- Introduced the _utils.ino with Serial line utilities
+- Documentation Changes
+- Small bug fixes
+- Removal of unused global variables
+New features in version 5.0.7 (Feb 12, 2018)
+- On low debug value (0) we show the time in the rx status message on 
+- WlanConnect function updated
+New features in version 5.0.7 (Feb 24, 2018)
+- Changed WlaConnect function to not hang and give more debug info
+- Made the change to display correct MAC address info
+New features in version 5.0.6 (Feb 11, 2018)
+- All timer functions that show lists on website etc are now based on now() en NTP, 
+the realtime functions needed for LoRa messages are still based on micros() or millis()
+- Change some USB debug messages
+- Added to the documentation of the
+New Features in version 5.0.5 (Feb 2, 2018)
+- Change timer functions to now() and secons instead of millis() as the latter one overflows once 
+every 50 days.
+- Add more debug information
+- Simplified and enhanced the State Machine function
+New features in version 5.0.4 (January 1, 2018)
+- Cleanup of the State machine
+- Separate file for oLED work, support for 1.3" SH3006 chips based oLED.
+- Still not supported: Multi Frequency works, but with loss of #packages, 
+  and some packages are recognizeg at the wrong frequency (but since they are so close that could happen).
+- In-line documenattion cleaned up
+New features in version 5.0.1 (November 18, 2017)
+- Changed the state machine to run in user space only
+- No Watchdog Resets anymore
+- For each SF, percentage of such packages received of total packages
+- OTAA and downlink work (again) although not always
+- Nober of packages per hour displayed in webserver
+- All Serial communication only when DUSB==1 is defined at compile time
+New features in version 4.0.9 (August 11, 2017)
+- This release contains updates for memory leaks in several Gateway files
+- Also changes in OLED functions
+New features in version 4.0.8 (August 05, 2017)
+- This release updates for memory leaks in NTP routines (see ESP-sc-gway.h file for NTP_INTR
+- OLED support contributed by Dorijan Morelj (based on Adreas Spies' release)
+New features in version 4.0.7 (July 22, 2017)
+- This release contains merely updates to memory leaks and patches to avoid chip resets etc.
+- The webinterface allows the user to see more parameters and has buttons to set/reset these parameters.
+- By setting debug >=2, the webinterface will display more information.
+- The gateway allows OTA (Over the Air) update. Please have an Apple "Bonjour" somewhere on your network 
+(included in iTunes) and you will see the network port in the "Port" section of your IDE.
+New features in version 4.0.4 (June 24, 2017):
+- Review of the _wwwServer.ino file. Repaired some of the bugs causing crashes of the webserver.
+- Updated the file with more cofniguration information
+New features in version 4.0.3 (June 22, 2017):
+- Added CMAC functions so that the sensor functions work as expected over TTN
+- Webserver prints a page in chunks now, so that memory usage is lower and more heap is left over for variables
+- Webserver does refresh every 60 seconds
+- Implemented suggested change of M. for answer to PKT_PULL_RESP
+- Updated to correctly displa all headers
+- Several small bug fixes
+New features in version 4.0.0 (January 26, 2017)):
+- Implement both CAD (Channel Activity Detection) and HOP functions (HOP being experimental)
+- Message history visible in web interface
+- Repaired the WWW server memory leak (due to String assignments)
+- Still works on one interrupt line (GPIO15), or can be configured to work with 2 interrupt lines for dio0 and dio1
+  for two or more interrupt lines (better performance for automatic SF setting?)
+- Webserver with debug level 3 and level 4 (for interrupt testing).
+  dynamic setting thorugh the web interface. Level 3 and 4 will show more info
+  on sf, rssi, interrupt flags etc.
+- Tested on Arduino IDE 1.18.0
+- See for documentation
+New features in version 3.3.0 (January 1, 2017)):
+- Redesign of the Webserver interface
+- Use of the SPIFFS filesystem to store SSID, Frequency, Spreading Factor and Framecounter to survice reboots and resets of the ESP8266
+- Possibility to set the Spreading Factor dynamically throug the web interface
+- Possibility to set the Frequency in the web interface
+- Reset the Framecounter in te webinterface
+New features in version 3.2.2 (December 29, 2016)):
+- Repair the situation where WIFIMANAGER was set to 0 in the ESP-sc-gway.h file. The sketch would not compile which is now repaired
+- The compiler would issue a set of warnings related to the ssid and passw setting in the ESP-sc-gway.h file. Compiler was complaining (and it should) because char* were statically initialised and modified in the code.
+New features in version 3.2.1 (December 20, 2016)):
+- Repair the status messages to the server. All seconds, minutes, hours etc. are now reported in 2 digits. The year is reported in 4 digits.
+New features in version 3.2.0 (December 08, 2016)):
+- Several bugfixes
+New features in version 3.1 (September 29, 2016)):
+- In the ESP-sc-gway.h it is possible to set the gateway as sensor node as well. Just set the DevAddr and AppSKey in the _sensor.ino file and be able to forward any sensor or other values to the server as if they were coming from a LoRa node.
+- If the #define _STRICT_1CH is set (to 1) then the system will be able to send downlink messages to LoRa nodes that are strict 1-channel devices (all frequencies but frequency 0 are disabled and Spreading Factor (SF) is fixed to one value).
+- Code clean-up. The code has been made smaller in the area of loraWait() functions and where the radio is initiated for receiving of transmitting messages.
+- Several small bug fixes
+- Licensing, the license has been changed to MIT
+New features in version 3.0 (September 27, 2016):
+- WiFiManager support
+- Limited SPIFF (filesystem) support for persistent data storage
+- Added functions to webserver. Webserver port now 80 by default (!)
+- Supports ABP nodes (TeensyLC and Arduino Pro-mini)
+- Supports OTAA functions on TeensyLC and Arduino Pro-Mini (not all of them) for SF7 and SF8.
+- Supports SF7, SF8. SF7 is tested for downstream communication
+- Listens on configurable frequency and spreading factor
+- Send status updates to server (keepalive)
+- PULL_DATA messages to server
+- It can forward messages to two servers at the same time (and read from them as well)
+- DNS support for server lookup
+- NTP Support for time sync with internet time servers
+- Webserver support (default port 8080)
+- .h header file for configuration
+Not (yet) supported:
+- SF7BW250 modulation
+- FSK modulation
+- RX2 timeframe messages at frequency 869,525 MHz are not (yet) supported.
+- SF9-SF12 downlink messaging available but needs more testing
+# License
+The source files of the gateway sketch in this repository is made available under the MIT
+license. The libraries included in this repository are included for convenience only and all have their own license, and are not part of the ESP 1ch gateway code.

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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2019 things4u
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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+# Single Channel LoRaWAN Gateway
+Version 6.0.1, October 20, 2019  
+Author: M. Westenberg (  
+Copyright: M. Westenberg (  
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms 
+of the MIT License which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
+without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+Maintained by Maarten Westenberg (
+# Description
+First of all: PLEASE READ THIS FILE AND HTTP://THINGS4U.GITHUB.IO it should contain most of the 
+information you need to get going.
+Unfortunately I do not have the time to follow up on all emails, and as most information including pin-outs 
+etc etc are contained on these pages I hope you have the time to read them before posting any questions.
+I do have more than 10 Wemos D1 mini boards running, some I built myself, 
+some 10+ on Hallard, 3 on ComResult and 4 ESP32 boards. They ALL work without problems
+on this code.
+I did find however that good soldering joints and wiring makes all the difference,
+so if you get resets you cannot explain, please have a second look at your wiring.
+This repository contains a proof-of-concept implementation of a single channel LoRaWAN gateway for the ESP8266. 
+Starting version 5.2 also the ESP32 of TTGO (and others) is supported.
+The software implements a standard LoRa gateway with the following exceptions and changes:
+-  This LoRa gateway is not a full gateway but it implements just a one-channel/one frequency gateway. 
+The minimum amount of frequencies supported by a full gateway is 3, most support 9 or more frequencies.
+This software started as a proof-of-concept to prove that a single low-cost RRFM95 chip which was present 
+in almost every LoRa node in Europe could be used as a cheap alternative to the far more expensive full 
+gateways that were making use of the SX1301 chip.
+- As the software of this gateway will often be used during the development phase of a project or in 
+demo situations, the software is flexible and can be easily configured according to environment or 
+customer requirements. There are two ways of interacting with the software: 
+1. Modifying the ESP-sc-gway.h file at compile time allows the administrator to set almost all parameters. 
+2. Using the webinterface (http://<gateway_IP>) will allow administrators to set and reset several of the 
+parameters at runtime.
+Full documentation of the Single Channel Gateway is found at, please look at the Hardware Guide 
+under the Gateway chapter.
+## testing
+The single channel gateway has been tested on a gateway with the Wemos D1 Mini, using a HopeRF RFM95W transceiver.  
+The LoRa nodes tested againts this gateway are:
+- TeensyLC with HopeRF RFM95 radio
+- Arduino Pro-Mini (default Armega328 model, 8MHz 3.3V and 16MHz 3.3V)
+- ESP8266 based nodes with RFM95 transceivers.
+The code has been tested on at least 8 separate gateway boards both based on the Hallard and the Comresult boards. 
+I'm still working on the ESP32 pin-out and functions (expected soon).
+# Getting Started
+It is recommended to compile and start the single channel gateway with as little modificatons as possible. 
+This means that you should use the default settings in the configuration files as much as possible and 
+only change the SSID/Password for your WiFi setup and the pins of your ESP8266 that you use in loraModem.h.
+This section describes the minimum of configuration necessary to get a working gateway which than can be 
+configured further using the webpage.
+1. Unpack the source code including the libraries in a separate folder.
+2. Connect the gateway to a serial port of your computer, and configure that port in the IDE. 
+Switch on the Serial Monitor for the gateway. As the Wemos chip does not contain any code, you will probably 
+see nothing on the Serial Monitor.
+3. Modify the _loraModem.h file and change the "struct pins" area and configure either for a traditional
+(=Comresult) PCB or configure for a Hallard PCB where the dio0, dio1 and dio2 pins are shared. You HAVE to check 
+this section.
+4. Edit the ESP-sc-gway.h file and adapt the "wpas" structure. `Make sure that the first line of this structure 
+remains empty and put the SSID and Password of your router on the second line of the array.
+5. In the preferences part of the IDE, set the location of your sketch to the place where you put the 
+sketch on your computer. This will make sure that for example the required libraries that are shipped 
+with this sketch in the libraries folder can be found by the compiler
+6. If not yet done: Load the support for ESP8266 in your IDE. <Tools><Board><Board Manager...>
+7. Load the other necessary libraries that are not shipped with this sketch in your IDE. 
+Goto <Sketch><Include Library><Manage Libraries...> in the IDE to do so. 
+- ArduinoJson (version 5.13.1)
+- WifiManager (Version 0.12.0 by Tzapu)
+8. Compile the code and download the executable over USB to the gateway. If all is right, you should
+see the gateway starting up on the Serial Monitor.
+9. Note the IP address that the device receives from your router. Use that IP address in a browser on 
+your computer to connect to the gateway with the browser.
+Now your gateway should be running. Use the webpage to set "debug" to 1 and you should be able to see packages
+coming in on the Serial monitor.
+# Configuration
+There are two ways of changing the configuration of the single channel gateway:
+1. Changing the ESP-sc-gway.h file at compile-time
+2. Run the http://<gateway-IP> web interface to change settings at run time.
+## Editing the ESP-sc-gway.h file
+The ESP-sc-gway.h file contains all the user configurable settings. All have their definitions set through #define statements. 
+In general, setting a #define to 1 will enable the function and setting it to 0 will disable it. 
+Also, some settings cn be initialised by setting their value with a #define but can be changed at runtime in the web interface.
+For some settings, disabling the function with a #define will remove the function from the webserver as well.
+NOTE regarding memory usage: The ESP8266 has an enormous amount of memory available for program space and SPIFFS filesystem. 
+However the memory available for heap and variables is limited to about 80K bytes (For the ESP-32 this is higher). 
+The user is advised to turn off functions not used in order to save on memory usage. 
+If the heap drops below 18 KBytes some functions may not behave as expected (in extreme case the program may crash).
+### Setting USB
+The user can determine whether or not the USB console is used for output messages.
+When setting DUSB to 0 all output by Serial is disabled 
+(actually the Serial statements are not included in the code).
+ \#define DUSB 1
+### Debug
+The user can set the initial value of the DEBUG parameter. 
+Setting this parameter will also detemine some settings of the webserver.
+ \#define DEBUG 1
+### Selecting you standard pin-out
+We support two pin-out configurations out-of-the-box: HALLARD and COMPRESULT.
+If you use one of these two, just set the parameter to the right value.
+If your pin definitions are different, update the loraModem.h file to reflect these settings.
+	2: COMRESULT pin out
+	3: ESP32 pin out
+	4: Other, define your own in loraModem.h
+ \#define _PIN_OUT 1
+### Forcing a SPIFF format at startup
+The following parameter shoudl be set to 0 under normal circumstances.
+It does allow the system to foce formatting of the SPIFFS filesystem.
+ \#define SPIFF_FORMAT 0  
+### Setting Spreading Factor
+Set the _SPREADING factor to the desired SF7, SF8 - SF12 value. 
+Please note that this value is closely related to the value used for _CAD. 
+If _CAD is enabled, the value of _SPREADING is not used by the gateway as it has all sreading factors enabled.
+ \#define _SPREADING SF9
+Please note that the default frequency used is 868.1 MHz which can be changed in the loraModem.h file. 
+The user is advised NOT to change this etting and only use the default 868.1 MHz frequency.
+### Channel Activity Detection
+Channel Activity Detection (CAD) is a function of the LoRa RFM95 chip to detect incoming messages (activity). 
+These incoming messages might arrive on any of the well know spreading factors SF7-SF12. 
+By enabling CAD, the gateway can receive messages of any of the spreading factors.
+Actually it is used in normal operation to tell the receiver that another signal is using the 
+channel already.
+The CAD functionality comes at a (little) price: The chip will not be able to receive very weak signals as 
+the CAD function will use the RSSI register setting of the chip to determine whether or not it received a 
+signal (or just noise). As a result, very weak signals are not received which means that the range of the 
+gateway will be reduced in CAD mode.
+ \#define _CAD 1
+### Over the Air Updates (OTA)
+As from version 4.0.6 the gateway allows over the air updating if the setting A_OTA is on. 
+The over the air software requires once setting of the 4.0.6 version over USB to the gateway,
+after which the software is (default) enabled for use.
+The first release only supports OTA function using the IDE which in practice means the IDE has to 
+be on the same network segment as the gateway.
+Note: You have to use Bonjour software (Apple) on your network somewhere. A version is available
+for most platforms (shipped with iTunes for windows for example). The Bonjour software enables the
+gateway to use mDNS to resolve the gateway ID set by OTA after which download ports show up in the IDE.
+Todo: The OTA software has not (yet) been tested in conjuction with the WiFiManager software.
+ \#define A_OTA 1  
+### Enable Webserver
+This setting enables the webserver. Although the webserver itself takes a lot of memory, it greatly helps 
+to configure the gatewayat run-time and inspects its behaviour. It also provides statistics of last messages received.
+The A_REFRESH parameter defines whether the webserver should renew every X seconds.
+ \#define A_SERVER 1				// Define local WebServer only if this define is set  
+ \#define A_REFRESH 0				// Will the webserver refresh or not?  
+ \#define A_SERVERPORT 80			// local webserver port  
+ \#define A_MAXBUFSIZE 192			// Must be larger than 128, but small enough to work  
+ The A_REFRESH parameter determines the refresh frequency of the webserver.  
+### Strict LoRa behaviour
+In order to have the gateway send downlink messages on the pre-set spreading factor and 
+on the default frequency, you have to set the _STRICT_1CH parameter to 1. Note that when 
+it is not set to 1, the gateway will respond to downlink requests with the frequency 
+and spreading factor set by the backend server. And at the moment TTN responds to downlink 
+messages for SF9-SF12 in the RX2 timeslot and with frequency 869.525MHz and on SF12 
+(according to the LoRa standard when sending in the RX2 timeslot). 
+ \#define _STRICT_1CH 0
+You are advised not to change the default setting of this parameter.
+### Enable OLED panel
+By setting the OLED you configure the system to work with OLED panels over I2C.
+Some panels work by both SPI and I2C where I2c is solwer. However, since SPI is use for RFM95 transceiver 
+communication you are stronly discouvared using one of these as they will not work with this software.
+Instead choose a OLED solution that works over I2C.
+ \#define OLED 1
+The following values are defined for OLED:
+1. 0.9 inch OLED screen for I2C bus
+2. 1.1 inch OLED screen for I2C bus
+### Define to gather statistics
+When this is defined (==1) we will gather the statistics of every message and output
+it to the SPIFFS filesystem. We make sure that we use a number of files with each a fixed number of records
+for statistics. The REC number tells us how many records are allowed in each statistics file.
+As soon as the REC number is higher than the number of records allowed, we open a new file.
+Once the number of files exceeds the NUM amount of statistics files, we delete the oldeest file and 
+open a new file.
+When selecting the "log" button on top of the GUI screen, all rthe log files are ouptu to the USB
+Serial device. This way, we can examine far more records than fitting the GUI screen or the Serial
+ \#define STAT_LOG 1
+Setting the I2C SDA/SCL pins is done in the ESP-sc-gway.h file right after the #define of OLED.
+Standard the ESP8266 uses pins D1 and D2 for the I2C bus SCL and SDA lines but these can be changed by the user.
+Normally thsi is not necessary. 
+The OLED functions are found in the _loraModem.ino file, and can be adapted to show other fields. 
+The functions are called when a message is received(!) and therefore potentionally this will add to the
+instability of the ESP as these functions may require more time than expected.
+If so, swithc off the OLED function or build in a function in the main loop() that displays in user time 
+(not interrupt).
+### Setting TTN server
+The gateway allows to connect to 2 servers at the same time (as most LoRa gateways do BTW). 
+You have to connect to at least one standard LoRa router, in case you use The Things Network (TTN) 
+than make sure that you set:
+ \#define _TTNSERVER ""  
+ \#define _TTNPORT 1700  
+In case you setup your own server, you can specify as follows using your own router URL and your own port:
+ \#define _THINGSERVER ""			// Server URL of the LoRa udp.js server program  
+ \#define _THINGPORT 1701							// Your UDP server should listen to this port  
+### Gateway Identity
+Set the identity parameters for your gateway:   
+\#define _DESCRIPTION "ESP-Gateway"  
+\#define _EMAIL ""  
+\#define _PLATFORM "ESP8266"  
+\#define _LAT 52.00  
+\#define _LON 5.00  
+\#define _ALT 0  
+### Using the gateway as a sensor node
+It is possible to use the gateway as a node. This way, local/internal sensor values are reported.
+This is a cpu and memory intensive function as making a sensor message involves EAS and CMAC functions.
+ \#define GATEWAYNODE 0  
+Further below in the configuration file, it is possible to set the address and other  LoRa information of the gateway node.
+ \#if GATEWAYNODE==1  
+ \#define _DEVADDR { 0x26, 0x01, 0x15, 0x3D }  
+ \#define _APPSKEY { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }  
+ \#define _NWKSKEY { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }  
+ \#define _SENSOR_INTERVAL 300  
+ \#endif  
+### Connect to WiFi with WiFiManager
+The easiest way to configure the Gateway on WiFi is by using the WiFimanager function. This function works out of the box. 
+WiFiManager will put the gateway in accesspoint mode so that you can connect to it as a WiFi accesspoint. 
+ \#define WIFIMANAGER 0  
+If Wifi Manager is enabled, make sure to define the name of the accesspoint if the gateway is in accesspoint 
+mode and the password.
+ \#define AP_NAME "ESP8266-Gway-Things4U"  
+ \#define AP_PASSWD "ttnAutoPw"  
+The standard access point name used by the gateway is "ESP8266 Gway" and its password is "ttnAutoPw". 
+After binding to the access point with your mobile phone or computer, go to htp:// in a browser and tell the gateway to which WiFi network you want it to connect, and specify the password.
+The gateway will then reset and bind to the given network. If all goes well you are now set and the ESP8266 will remember the network that it must connect to. NOTE: As long as the accesspoint that the gateway is bound to is present, the gateway will not any longer work with the wpa list of known access points.
+If necessary, you can delete the current access point in the webserver and power cycle the gateway to force it to read the wpa array again.
+## Specify a name for known nodes
+- It is possible to substitue the address for known nodes with a chosen name. This will greatly enhance the readibility of the statistics overview 
+especially for your own nodes, Now you will find names for your own nodes in the webserver.
+- set the TRUSTED_NODES to either 0 (no names), 1 (specify names for known nodes) and 2 (Do not show or transfer to TTN other than known nodes)
+- Although this will work with OTAA nodes as well, please remind that OTAA nodes will change
+their LORA id with every reboot. So for these nodes this function does not add much value.
+### Other Settings
+- static char *wpa[WPASIZE][2] contains the array of known WiFi access points the Gateway will connect to.
+Make sure that the dimensions of the array are correctly defined in the WPASIZE settings. 
+Note: When the WiFiManager software is enabled (it is by default) there must at least be one entry in the wpa file, wpa[0] is used for storing WiFiManager information.
+- Only the sx1276 (and HopeRF 95) radio modules are supported at this time. The sx1272 code should be 
+working without much work, but as I do not have one of these modules available I cannot test this.
+## Webserver
+The built-in webserver can be used to display status and debugging information. 
+Also the webserver allows the user to change certain settings at run-time such as the debug level or switch on 
+and off the CAD function.
+It can be accessed with the following URL: http://<YourGatewayIP>:80 where <YourGatewayIP> is the IP given by 
+the router to the ESP8266 at startup. It is probably something like 192.168.1.XX
+The webserver shows various configuration settings as well as providing functions to set parameters.
+The following parameters can be set using the webServer. 
+- Debug Level (0-4)
+- CAD mode on or off (STD mode)
+- Switch frequency hopping on and off (Set to OFF)
+- When frequency Hopping is off: Select the frequency the gateway will work with. 
+NOTE: Frequency hopping is experimental and does not work correctly.
+- When CAD mode is off: Select the Spreading Factor (SF) the gateway will work with
+# Dependencies
+The software is dependent on several pieces of software, the Arduino IDE for ESP8266 
+being the most important. Several other libraries are also used by this program, 
+make sure you install those libraries with the IDE:
+- gBase64 library, The gBase library is actually a base64 library made 
+	by Adam Rudd (url= I changed the name because I had
+	another base64 library installed on my system and they did not coexist well.
+- Time library (
+- Arduino JSON; Needed to decode downstream messages
+- SimpleTimer; ot yet used, but reserved for interrupt and timing
+- WiFiManager
+- ESP8266 Web Server
+- Streaming library, used in the wwwServer part
+- AES library (taken from for downstream messages
+- Time
+For convenience, the libraries are also found in this github repository in the libraries directory. 
+Please note that they are NOT part of the ESP 1channel gateway and may have their own licensing.
+However, these libraries are not part of the single-channel Gateway software.
+# Pin Connections
+See in the hardware section for building and connection instructions.
+# To-DO
+The following things are still on my wish list to make to the single channel gateway:  
+- Receive downstream message with commands from the server. These can be used to configure
+  the gateway through downlink messages (such as setting the SF)
+- Support for ESP32 and RFM95 on 433 MHz
+- Use the SPIFFS for storing .css files
+- Look at CLass B and C support
+# License
+The source files of the gateway sketch in this repository is made available under the MIT
+license. The libraries included in this repository are included for convenience only and all have their own license, 
+and are not part of the ESP 1ch gateway code.