@@ -516,13 +516,24 @@ static void gatewaySettings()
// Debugging options, only when _DUSB is set, otherwise no
// serial activity
#if _DUSB>=1
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Debug level</td><td class=\"cell\" colspan=\"2\">";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Debug Level</td><td class=\"cell\" colspan=\"2\">";
response +=debug;
response +="</td>";
response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DEBUG=-1\"><button>-</button></a></td>";
response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DEBUG=1\"><button>+</button></a></td>";
response +="</tr>";
+ // Time Correction
+ if (gwayConfig.expert) {
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Time Correction (uSec)</td><td class=\"cell\" colspan=\"2\">";
+ response += txDelay;
+ response +="</td>";
+ response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DELAY=-1\"><button>-</button></a></td>";
+ response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DELAY=1\"><button>+</button></a></td>";
+ response +="</tr>";
+ }
+ // Debug Pattern
response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Debug pattern</td>";
bg = ( (pdebug & P_SCAN) ? "LightGreen" : "orange" );
@@ -577,7 +588,7 @@ static void gatewaySettings()
response +="<button>RDIO</button></a></td>";
response +="</tr>";
- // Serial Debugging
+ // USB Debug, Serial Debugging
response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Usb Debug</td><td class=\"cell\" colspan=\"2\">";
response += _DUSB;
response +="</td>";
@@ -603,6 +614,7 @@ static void gatewaySettings()
response +="</tr>";
+ /// WWW Refresh
#if A_REFRESH==1
bg = " background-color: ";
bg += ( (gwayConfig.refresh == 1) ? "LightGreen" : "orange" );
@@ -1062,7 +1074,6 @@ void setupWWW()
// Reset the boot counter
server.on("/BOOT", []() {
- Serial.println(F("BOOT"));
#if _STATISTICS >= 2
gwayConfig.boots = 0;
gwayConfig.wifis = 0;
@@ -1074,6 +1085,9 @@ void setupWWW()
gwayConfig.reents = 0; // Re-entrance
+#if _DUSB>=1
+ Serial.println(F("BOOT, config written"));
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");
@@ -1088,19 +1102,25 @@ void setupWWW()
server.on("/DEBUG=-1", []() { // Set debug level 0-2
debug = (debug+3)%4;
writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Save configuration to file
+#if _DUSB>=1
+ Serial.println(F("DEBUG -1: config written"));
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");
server.on("/DEBUG=1", []() {
debug = (debug+1)%4;
writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Save configuration to file
+#if _DUSB>=1
+ Serial.println(F("DEBUG +1: config written"));
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");
// Set PDEBUG parameter
- server.on("/PDEBUG=SCAN", []() { // Set debug level 0-2
+ server.on("/PDEBUG=SCAN", []() { // Set debug level 0-2
pdebug ^= P_SCAN;
writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Save configuration to file
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
@@ -1153,11 +1173,19 @@ void setupWWW()
// Set delay in microseconds
server.on("/DELAY=1", []() {
+ writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Save configuration to file
+#if _DUSB>=1
+ Serial.println(F("DELAY +, config written"));
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");
server.on("/DELAY=-1", []() {
+ writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Save configuration to file
+#if _DUSB>=1
+ Serial.println(F("DELAY +, config written"));
server.sendHeader("Location", String("/"), true);
server.send ( 302, "text/plain", "");
@@ -1353,44 +1381,46 @@ void setupWWW()
static void wifiConfig()
if (gwayConfig.expert) {
- String response="";
- response +="<h2>WiFi Config</h2>";
+ String response="";
+ response +="<h2>WiFi Config</h2>";
- response +="<table class=\"config_table\">";
+ response +="<table class=\"config_table\">";
- response +="<tr><th class=\"thead\">Parameter</th><th class=\"thead\">Value</th></tr>";
+ response +="<tr><th class=\"thead\">Parameter</th><th class=\"thead\">Value</th></tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">WiFi host</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">WiFi host</td><td class=\"cell\">";
#if ESP32_ARCH==1
- response +=WiFi.getHostname(); response+="</tr>";
+ response +=WiFi.getHostname(); response+="</tr>";
- response +=wifi_station_get_hostname(); response+="</tr>";
+ response +=wifi_station_get_hostname(); response+="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">WiFi SSID</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- response +=WiFi.SSID(); response+="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">WiFi SSID</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ response +=WiFi.SSID(); response+="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">IP Address</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- printIP((IPAddress)WiFi.localIP(),'.',response);
- response +="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">IP Gateway</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- printIP((IPAddress)WiFi.gatewayIP(),'.',response);
- response +="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">NTP Server</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=NTP_TIMESERVER; response+="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=_TTNSERVER; response+="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router IP</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- printIP((IPAddress)ttnServer,'.',response);
- response +="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">IP Address</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ printIP((IPAddress)WiFi.localIP(),'.',response);
+ response +="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">IP Gateway</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ printIP((IPAddress)WiFi.gatewayIP(),'.',response);
+ response +="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">NTP Server</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=NTP_TIMESERVER; response+="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=_TTNSERVER; response+="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router IP</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ printIP((IPAddress)ttnServer,'.',response);
+ response +="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router 2</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=_THINGSERVER;
- response += String() + ":" + _THINGPORT + "</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router 2 IP</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- printIP((IPAddress)thingServer,'.',response);
- response +="</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router 2</td><td class=\"cell\">"; response+=_THINGSERVER;
+ response += String() + ":" + _THINGPORT + "</tr>";
+ response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">LoRa Router 2 IP</td><td class=\"cell\">";
+ printIP((IPAddress)thingServer,'.',response);
+ response +="</tr>";
- response +="</table>";
- server.sendContent(response);
+ response +="</table>";
+ server.sendContent(response);
} // gwayConfig.expert
} // wifiConfig
@@ -1515,13 +1545,6 @@ static void interruptData()
response +="</td>";
response +="</tr>";
- response +="<tr><td class=\"cell\">Time Correction (uSec)</td><td class=\"cell\">";
- response += txDelay;
- response +="</td>";
- response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DELAY=-1\"><button>-</button></a></td>";
- response +="<td class=\"cell\"><a href=\"DELAY=1\"><button>+</button></a></td>";
- response +="</tr>";
response +="</table>";