// 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP8266 // Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Maarten Westenberg version for ESP8266 // Version 6.1.1 // Date: 2019-11-06 // // based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway // and many others. // // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // are made available under the terms of the MIT License // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at // https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // // NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS PROVIDED // // Author: Maarten Westenberg (mw12554@hotmail.com) // // This file contains the LoRa filesystem specific code // ============================================================================ // LORA SPIFFS FILESYSTEM FUNCTIONS // // The LoRa supporting functions are in the section below // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Supporting function to readConfig // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void id_print (String id, String val) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print(id); Serial.print(F("=\t")); Serial.println(val); } #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INITCONFIG; Init the gateway configuration file // Espcecially when calling SPIFFS.format() the gateway is left in an init // which is not very well defined. This function will init some of the settings // to well known settings. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int initConfig(struct espGwayConfig *c) { (*c).ch = 0; (*c).sf = _SPREADING; (*c).debug = 1; (*c).pdebug = P_GUI; (*c).cad = _CAD; (*c).hop = false; (*c).expert = false; (*c).txDelay = 0; // First Value without saving is 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read the gateway configuration file // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int readConfig(const char *fn, struct espGwayConfig *c) { int tries = 0; #if _DUSB>=1 Serial.println(F("readConfig:: Starting ")); #endif if (!SPIFFS.exists(fn)) { #if _DUSB>=1 Serial.print(F("readConfig ERR:: file=")); Serial.print(fn); Serial.println(F(" does not exist .. Formatting")); #endif SPIFFS.format(); initConfig(c); // If we cannot read teh config, at least init known values return(-1); } File f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "r"); if (!f) { #if _DUSB>=1 Serial.println(F("ERROR:: SPIFFS open failed")); #endif return(-1); } while (f.available()) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print('.'); } #endif // If we wait for more than 10 times, reformat the filesystem // We do this so that the system will be responsive (over OTA for example). // if (tries >= 10) { f.close(); #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) Serial.println(F("Formatting")); #endif SPIFFS.format(); initConfig(c); f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "r"); tries = 0; } String id =f.readStringUntil('='); // Read keyword until '=', C++ thing String val=f.readStringUntil('\n'); // Read value until End of Line (EOL) #if _DUSB>=1 Serial.print(F("readConfig:: reading line=")); Serial.print(id); Serial.print(F("=")); Serial.print(val); Serial.println(); #endif if (id == "SSID") { // WiFi SSID id_print(id, val); (*c).ssid = val; // val contains ssid, we do NO check } else if (id == "PASS") { // WiFi Password id_print(id, val); (*c).pass = val; } else if (id == "CH") { // Frequency Channel id_print(id,val); (*c).ch = (uint32_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "SF") { // Spreading Factor id_print(id, val); (*c).sf = (uint32_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "FCNT") { // Frame Counter id_print(id, val); (*c).fcnt = (uint32_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "DEBUG") { // Debug Level id_print(id, val); (*c).debug = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "PDEBUG") { // pDebug Pattern Serial.print(F("PDEBUG=")); Serial.println(val); (*c).pdebug = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "CAD") { // CAD setting Serial.print(F("CAD=")); Serial.println(val); (*c).cad = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "HOP") { // HOP setting Serial.print(F("HOP=")); Serial.println(val); (*c).hop = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "BOOTS") { // BOOTS setting id_print(id, val); (*c).boots = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "RESETS") { // RESET setting id_print(id, val); (*c).resets = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "WIFIS") { // WIFIS setting id_print(id, val); (*c).wifis = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "VIEWS") { // VIEWS setting id_print(id, val); (*c).views = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "NODE") { // NODE setting id_print(id, val); (*c).isNode = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "REFR") { // REFR setting id_print(id, val); (*c).refresh = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "REENTS") { // REENTS setting id_print(id, val); (*c).reents = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "NTPERR") { // NTPERR setting id_print(id, val); (*c).ntpErr = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "NTPETIM") { // NTPERR setting id_print(id, val); (*c).ntpErrTime = (uint32_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "NTPS") { // NTPS setting id_print(id, val); (*c).ntps = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "FILENO") { // FILENO setting id_print(id, val); (*c).logFileNo = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "FILEREC") { // FILEREC setting id_print(id, val); (*c).logFileRec = (uint16_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "FILENUM") { // FILEREC setting id_print(id, val); (*c).logFileNum = (uint16_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "EXPERT") { // EXPERT setting id_print(id, val); (*c).expert = (uint8_t) val.toInt(); } else if (id == "DELAY") { // DELAY setting id_print(id, val); (*c).txDelay = (int32_t) val.toInt(); } else { #if _DUSB>=1 Serial.print(F("readConfig:: tries++")); #endif tries++; } } f.close(); #if _DUSB>=1 if (debug>=0) { Serial.println(F("readConfig:: Fini")); } #endif Serial.println(); return(1); }//readConfig // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the current gateway configuration to SPIFFS. First copy all the // separate data items to the gwayConfig structure // // Note: gwayConfig.expert contains the expert setting already // gwayConfig.txDelay // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int writeGwayCfg(const char *fn) { gwayConfig.ssid = WiFi.SSID(); gwayConfig.pass = WiFi.psk(); // XXX We should find a way to store the password too gwayConfig.ch = ifreq; // Frequency Index gwayConfig.sf = (uint8_t) sf; // Spreading Factor gwayConfig.debug = debug; gwayConfig.pdebug = pdebug; gwayConfig.cad = _cad; gwayConfig.hop = _hop; #if GATEWAYNODE==1 gwayConfig.fcnt = frameCount; #endif return(writeConfig(fn, &gwayConfig)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write the configuration as found in the espGwayConfig structure // to SPIFFS // Parameters: // fn; Filename // c; struct config // Returns: // 1 when successful, -1 on error // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int writeConfig(const char *fn, struct espGwayConfig *c) { if (!SPIFFS.exists(fn)) { Serial.print("WARNING:: writeConfig, file not exists, formatting "); SPIFFS.format(); initConfig(c); // XXX make all initial declarations here if config vars need to have a value Serial.println(fn); } File f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "w"); if (!f) { Serial.print("ERROR:: writeConfig, open file="); Serial.print(fn); Serial.println(); return(-1); } f.print("SSID"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).ssid); f.print('\n'); f.print("PASS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).pass); f.print('\n'); f.print("CH"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).ch); f.print('\n'); f.print("SF"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).sf); f.print('\n'); f.print("FCNT"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).fcnt); f.print('\n'); f.print("DEBUG"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).debug); f.print('\n'); f.print("PDEBUG"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).pdebug); f.print('\n'); f.print("CAD"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).cad); f.print('\n'); f.print("HOP"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).hop); f.print('\n'); f.print("NODE"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).isNode); f.print('\n'); f.print("BOOTS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).boots); f.print('\n'); f.print("RESETS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).resets); f.print('\n'); f.print("WIFIS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).wifis); f.print('\n'); f.print("VIEWS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).views); f.print('\n'); f.print("REFR"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).refresh); f.print('\n'); f.print("REENTS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).reents); f.print('\n'); f.print("NTPETIM"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).ntpErrTime); f.print('\n'); f.print("NTPERR"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).ntpErr); f.print('\n'); f.print("NTPS"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).ntps); f.print('\n'); f.print("FILEREC"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).logFileRec); f.print('\n'); f.print("FILENO"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).logFileNo); f.print('\n'); f.print("FILENUM"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).logFileNum); f.print('\n'); f.print("DELAY"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).txDelay); f.print('\n'); f.print("EXPERT"); f.print('='); f.print((*c).expert); f.print('\n'); f.close(); return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add a line with statistics to the log. // // We put the check in the function to protect against calling // the function without STAT_LOG being proper defined // ToDo: Store the fileNo and the fileRec in the status file to save for // restarts // Parameters: // line; char array with characters to write to log // cnt; // Returns: // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int addLog(const unsigned char * line, int cnt) { #if STAT_LOG==1 char fn[16]; if (gwayConfig.logFileRec > LOGFILEREC) { // Have to make define for this gwayConfig.logFileRec = 0; // In new logFile start with record 0 gwayConfig.logFileNo++; // Increase file ID gwayConfig.logFileNum++; // Increase number of log files } gwayConfig.logFileRec++; // If we have too many logfies, delete the oldest // if (gwayConfig.logFileNum > LOGFILEMAX){ sprintf(fn,"/log-%d", gwayConfig.logFileNo - LOGFILEMAX); #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_GUI )) { Serial.print(F("G addLog:: Too many logfile, deleting=")); Serial.println(fn); } #endif SPIFFS.remove(fn); gwayConfig.logFileNum--; } // Make sure we have the right fileno sprintf(fn,"/log-%d", gwayConfig.logFileNo); // If there is no SPIFFS, Error // Make sure to write the config record/line also if (!SPIFFS.exists(fn)) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug >= 1 ) && ( pdebug & P_GUI )) { Serial.print(F("G ERROR:: addLog:: file=")); Serial.print(fn); Serial.print(F(" does not exist .. rec=")); Serial.print(gwayConfig.logFileRec); Serial.println(); } #endif } File f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "a"); if (!f) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_GUI )) { Serial.println("G file open failed="); Serial.println(fn); } #endif return(0); // If file open failed, return } int i; #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_GUI )) { Serial.print(F("G addLog:: fileno=")); Serial.print(gwayConfig.logFileNo); Serial.print(F(", rec=")); Serial.print(gwayConfig.logFileRec); Serial.print(F(": ")); for (i=0; i< 12; i++) { // The first 12 bytes contain non printable characters Serial.print(line[i],HEX); Serial.print(' '); } Serial.print((char *) &line[i]); // The rest if the buffer contains ascii Serial.println(); } #endif //DUSB for (i=0; i< 12; i++) { // The first 12 bytes contain non printable characters // f.print(line[i],HEX); f.print('*'); } f.write(&(line[i]), cnt-12); // write/append the line to the file f.print('\n'); f.close(); // Close the file after appending to it #endif //STAT_LOG return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print (all) logfiles // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void printLog() { char fn[16]; int i=0; #if _DUSB>=1 while (i< LOGFILEMAX ) { sprintf(fn,"/log-%d", gwayConfig.logFileNo - i); if (!SPIFFS.exists(fn)) break; // break the loop // Open the file for reading File f = SPIFFS.open(fn, "r"); int j; for (j=0; j0 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // writeSeen // - Once every few messages, update the SPIFFS file and write the array. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int writeSeen(struct nodeSeen *listSeen) { return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // printSeen // - Once every few messages, update the SPIFFS file and write the array. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int printSeen(struct nodeSeen *listSeen) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print(F("printSeen:: print list")); Serial.println(); } #endif int i; #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { for (i=0; i<_SEENMAX; i++) { if (listSeen[i].idSeen != 0) { String response; Serial.print(i); Serial.print(F(", TM=")); stringTime(listSeen[i].timSeen, response); Serial.print(response); Serial.print(F(", addr=0x")); Serial.print(listSeen[i].idSeen,HEX); Serial.print(F(", SF=0x")); Serial.print(listSeen[i].sfSeen,HEX); Serial.println(); } } } #endif return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // addSeen // With every new message received: // - Look whether the message is already in the array, if so update existing // message. If not, create new record. // - With this record, update the SF settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int addSeen(struct nodeSeen *listSeen, uint32_t idSeen, uint8_t sfSeen, unsigned long timSeen) { int i; // ( message[4]<<24 | message[3]<<16 | message[2]<<8 | message[1] ) #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print(F("addSeen:: ")); // Serial.print(F(" listSeen[0]=")); // Serial.print(listSeen[0].idSeen,HEX); Serial.print(F(", tim=")); Serial.print(timSeen); Serial.print(F(", idSeen=")); Serial.print(idSeen,HEX); Serial.print(F(", sfSeen=")); Serial.print(sfSeen,HEX); Serial.println(); } #endif for (i=0; i< _SEENMAX; i++) { if ((listSeen[i].idSeen==idSeen) || (listSeen[i].idSeen==0)) { break; } } if (i>=_SEENMAX) { #if _DUSB>=1 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print(F("addSeen:: exit=0, index=")); Serial.println(i); } #endif return(0); } #if _DUSB>=2 if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) { Serial.print(F("addSeen:: index=")); Serial.print(i); } #endif listSeen[i].idSeen = idSeen; listSeen[i].sfSeen |= sfSeen; listSeen[i].timSeen = timSeen; return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initSeen // Init the lisrScreen array // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int initSeen(struct nodeSeen *listSeen) { int i; for (i=0; i< _SEENMAX; i++) { listSeen[i].idSeen=0; listSeen[i].sfSeen=0; listSeen[i].timSeen=0; } return(1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // listDir // List the directory and put it in // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void listDir(char * dir) { #if _DUSB>=1 // Nothing here #endif } #endif //_SEENMAX>0