123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310 |
- // 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP32 and ESP8266
- // Copyright (c) Maarten Westenberg 2016-2020
- // Specify the correct version and date of your gateway here.
- // Normally it is provided with the GitHub version
- #define VERSION "V.6.2.0.E.EU868; 200129b"
- //
- // Based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway and many others.
- // Contibutions of Dorijan Morelj and Andreas Spies for OLED support.
- //
- // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- // are made available under the terms of the MIT License
- // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- // https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- //
- //
- // Author: Maarten Westenberg (mw12554@hotmail.com)
- //
- // This file contains a number of compile-time settings that can be set on (=1) or off (=0)
- // The disadvantage of compile time is minor compared to the memory gain of not having
- // too much code compiled and loaded on your ESP device.
- //
- // NOTE:
- // If version is for ESP32 Heltec board, compile with ESP32 setting and board
- // "ESP32 Dev Module" or "Heltec WiFi Lora 32"
- //
- // For ESP8266 Wemos: compile with "Wemos R1 D1" and choose
- // the right _PIN_OUT below. Selecting OLED while that is not connected does not
- // really matter (so you can leave that in).
- //
- // ========================================================================================
- // Define whether we should do a formatting of SPIFFS when starting the gateway
- // This is usually a good idea if the webserver is interrupted halfway a writing
- // operation. Also to be used when software is upgraded
- // Normally, value 0 is a good default and should not be changed.
- #define _SPIFFS_FORMAT 0
- // Allows configuration through WifiManager AP setup. Must be 0 or 1
- #define _WIFIMANAGER 0
- // Debug message will be put on Serial is this one is set.
- // If set to 0, no printing to USB devices is done.
- // Set to 1 it will print all user level messages (with correct debug set)
- // If set to 2 it will also print interrupt messages (not recommended)
- #define _DUSB 1
- // Define the monitor screen. When it is greater than 0 then logging is displayed in
- // the special screen at the GUI.
- // If _DUSB is also set to 1 then most messages will also be copied to USB devices.
- #define _MONITOR 1
- // Gather statistics on sensor and Wifi status
- // 0= No statistics
- // 1= Keep track of messages statistics, number determined by _MAXSTAT
- // 2= Option 1 + Keep track of messages received PER each SF (default)
- // 3= See Option 2, but with extra channel info (Not used when Hopping is not selected)
- #define _STATISTICS 3
- // Define the frequency band the gateway will listen on. Valid options are
- // EU863_870 Europe
- // US902_928 North America
- // AU925_928 Australia
- // CN470_510 China
- // IN865_867 India
- // CN779-787 (Not Used!)
- // EU433 Europe
- // AS923 (Not Used)
- // You can find the definitions in "loraModem.h" and frequencies in
- // See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequency-plans.html
- #define EU863_870 1
- // Define the CLASS mode of the gateway
- // A: Baseline Class
- // B: Beacon/Battery Class
- // C: Continuous Listen Class
- #define _CLASS "A"
- // Define whether to use the old Semtech gateway API, which is still supported by TTN,
- // but is more lightweight than the new TTN tcp based protocol.
- // NOTE: Only one of the two should be defined! TTN Router project has stopped
- //
- #define _UDPROUTER 1
- //#define _TTNROUTER 1
- // The spreading factor is the most important parameter to set for a single channel
- // gateway. It specifies the speed/datarate in which the gateway and node communicate.
- // As the name says, in principle the single channel gateway listens to one channel/frequency
- // and to one spreading factor only.
- // This parameters contains the default value of SF, the actual version can be set with
- // the webserver and it will be stored in SPIFF
- // NOTE: The frequency is set in the loraModem.h file and is default 868.100000 MHz.
- #define _SPREADING SF9
- // Channel Activity Detection
- // This function will scan for valid LoRa headers and determine the Spreading
- // factor accordingly. If set to 1 we will use this function which means the
- // 1-channel gateway will become even more versatile. If set to 0 we will use the
- // continuous listen mode.
- // Using this function means that we HAVE to use more dio pins on the RFM95/sx1276
- // device and also connect enable dio1 to detect this state.
- #define _CAD 1
- // Defines whether we should check on the CRC of RXDONE messages (see stateMachine.ino)
- // This should prevent us from getting a lot os stranges messgages of unknown nodes.
- // Note: DIO3 must be connected for this to work (Heltec and later Wemos gateways).
- #define _CRCCHECK 1
- // Definitions for the admin webserver.
- // A_SERVER determines whether or not the admin webpage is included in the sketch.
- // Normally, leave it in!
- #define A_SERVER 1 // Define local WebServer only if this define is set
- #define A_REFRESH 1 // Allow the webserver refresh or not?
- #define A_SERVERPORT 80 // Local webserver port (normally 80)
- #define A_MAXBUFSIZE 192 // Must be larger than 128, but small enough to work
- // Definitions for over the air updates. At the moment we support OTA with IDE
- // Make sure that tou have installed Python version 2.7 and have Bonjour in your network.
- // Bonjour is included in iTunes (which is free) and OTA is recommended to install
- // the firmware on your router witout having to be really close to the gateway and
- // connect with USB.
- #define A_OTA 1
- // We support a few pin-out configurations out-of-the-box: HALLARD, COMPRESULT and TTGO ESP32.
- // If you use one of these two, just set the parameter to the right value.
- // If your pin definitions are different, update the loraModem.h file to reflect these settings.
- // 1: HALLARD
- // 2: COMRESULT pin out
- // 3: ESP32, Wemos pin out (Not used)
- // 4: ESP32, Heltec and TTGO pin out (should work for Heltec, 433 and OLED too).
- // 5: Other, define your own in loraModem.h (does not include GPS Code)
- #define _PIN_OUT 4
- // Single channel gateways if they behave strict should only use one frequency
- // channel and one, or in case _CAD all, spreading factors.
- // The TTN backend replies on RX1 timeslot for spreading factors SF9-SF12.
- // If the 1ch gateway is working in and for nodes that ONLY transmit and receive on the set
- // and agreed frequency and spreading factor. make sure to set STRICT to 1.
- // In this case, the frequency and spreading factor for downlink messages is adapted by this
- // gateway
- // NOTE: If your node has only one frequency enabled and one SF, you must set this to 1
- // in order to receive downlink messages. This is the default mode.
- // NOTE: In all other cases, value 0 works for most gateways with CAD enabled
- #define _STRICT_1CH 1
- //
- // Also, normally the server will respond with SF12 in the RX2 timeslot.
- // For TTN, thr RX2 timeslot is SF9, and we should use that one for TTN
- #define _RX2_SF 9
- // This section defines whether we use the gateway as a repeater
- // For his, we use another output channel as the channel (default==0) we are
- // receiving the messages on.
- #define _REPEATER 0
- // Will we use Mutex or not?
- // +SPI is input for SPI, SPO is output for SPI
- #define _MUTEX 0
- // Define if OLED Display is connected to I2C bus. Note that defining an OLED display does not
- // impact performance very much, certainly if no OLED is connected. Wrong OLED will not show
- // sensible results on display
- // OLED==0; No OLED display connected
- // OLED==1; 0.9 Oled Screen based on SSD1306
- // OLED==2; 1"3 Oled screens for Wemos, 128x64 SH1106
- #define OLED 1
- // Define whether we want to manage the gateway over UDP (next to management
- // thru webinterface).
- // This will allow us to send messages over the UDP connection to manage the gateway
- // and its parameters. Sometimes the gateway is not accesible from remote,
- // in this case we would allow it to use the SERVER UDP connection to receive
- // messages as well.
- // NOTE: Be aware that these messages are NOT LoRa and NOT LoRa Gateway spec compliant.
- // However that should not interfere with regular gateway operation but instead offer
- // functions to set/reset certain parameters from remote.
- #define _GATEWAYMGT 0
- // Do extensive logging
- // Use the ESP8266 SPIFS filesystem to do extensive logging.
- // We must take care that the filesystem never(!) is full, and for that purpose we
- // rather have new records/line of statistics than very old.
- // Of course we must store enough records to make the filesystem work
- #define _STAT_LOG 1
- // Set the Server Settings (IMPORTANT)
- #define _LOCUDPPORT 1700 // UDP port of gateway! Often 1700 or 1701 is used for upstream comms
- // Timing
- #define _MSG_INTERVAL 15 // Reset timer in seconds
- #define _PULL_INTERVAL 55 // PULL_DATA messages to server to get downstream in milliseconds
- #define _STAT_INTERVAL 120 // Send a 'stat' message to server
- #define _NTP_INTERVAL 3600 // How often do we want time NTP synchronization
- #define _WWW_INTERVAL 60 // Number of seconds before we refresh the WWW page
- // This defines whether or not we would use the gateway as
- // as sort of backend decoding system for local sensors which decodes
- // 1: _LOCALSERVER is used
- // 0: Do not use _LOCALSERVER
- #define _LOCALSERVER 1 // See server definitions for decodes
- // Gateway Ident definitions. Where is the gateway located?
- #define _DESCRIPTION "ESP Gateway" // Name of the gateway
- #define _EMAIL "mw12554@hotmail.com" // Owner
- #define _PLATFORM "ESP8266"
- #define _LAT 52.237367
- #define _LON 5.978654
- #define _ALT 14 // Altitude
- // ntp
- // Please add daylight saving time to NTP_TIMEZONES when desired
- #define NTP_TIMESERVER "nl.pool.ntp.org" // Country and region specific
- #define NTP_TIMEZONES 1 // How far is our Timezone from UTC (excl daylight saving/summer time)
- #define SECS_IN_HOUR 3600
- #define NTP_INTR 0 // Do NTP processing with interrupts or in loop();
- // lora sensor code definitions
- // Defines whether the gateway will also report sensor/status value on MQTT
- // (such as battery and GPS)
- // after all, a gateway can be a node to the system as well. Some sensors like GPS can be
- // sent to the backend as a parameter, some (like humidity for example) can only be sent
- // as a regular sensor value.
- // Set its LoRa address and key below in this file, See spec. para 4.3.2
- // NOTE: The node is switched off by default. Switch it on in the GUI
- #define _GATEWAYNODE 0
- // We can put the gateway in such a mode that it will (only) recognize
- // nodes that are put in a list of trusted nodes
- // Values:
- // 0: Do not use names for trusted Nodes
- // 1: Use the nodes as a translation table for hex codes to names (in TLN)
- // 2: Same as 1, but is nodes NOT in the nodes list below they are NOT shown
- // NOTE: We probably will make this list dynamic!
- #define _TRUSTED_NODES 1
- #define _TRUSTED_DECODE 1
- // ========================================================================
- // Probably do not change items below this line, only if lists or
- // configurations on configNode.h are not large enough for example.
- // ========================================================================
- // Maximum number of Message History statistics records gathered. 20 is a good maximum
- // (memory intensive). For ESP32 maybe 30 could be used as well
- #define _MAXSTAT 20
- // Define the maximum amount of itemas we monitor on the screen
- #define _MAXMONITOR 20
- // We will log a list of LoRa nodes that was forwarded using this gateway.
- // For eacht node we record:
- // - node Number, or known node name
- // - Last seen 'seconds since 1/1/1970'
- // - SF seen (8-bit integer with SF per bit)
- // The initial version _NUMMAX stores max this many nodes, please make
- // _MAXSEEN==0 when not used
- #define _MAXSEEN 20
- #define _SEENFILE "/gwayNum.txt"
- // Name of he configfile in SPIFFs filesystem
- // In this file we store the configuration and other relevant info that should
- // survive a reboot of the gateway
- #define CONFIGFILE "/gwayConfig.txt"
- // Define the correct radio type that you are using
- #define CFG_sx1276_radio
- //#define CFG_sx1272_radio
- // Serial Port speed
- #define _BAUDRATE 115200 // Works for debug messages to serial momitor
- // MQTT definitions, these settings should be standard for TTN
- // and need no changing
- #define _TTNSERVER "router.eu.thethings.network"
- #define _TTNPORT 1700 // Standard port for TTN