123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410 |
- // 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP8266
- // Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Maarten Westenberg version for ESP8266
- // Version 6.1.5
- // Date: 2019-12-20
- //
- // based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway
- // and many others.
- //
- // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- // are made available under the terms of the MIT License
- // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- // https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- //
- //
- // Author: Maarten Westenberg (mw12554@hotmail.com)
- //
- // This file contains the LoRa filesystem specific code
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // WLANSTATUS prints the status of the Wlan.
- // The status of the Wlan "connection" can change if we have no relation
- // with the well known router anymore. Normally this relation is preserved
- // but sometimes we have to reconfirm to the router again and we get the same
- // address too.
- // So, if the router is still in range we can "survive" with the same address
- // and we may have to renew the "connection" from time to time.
- // But when we loose the SSID connection, we may have to look for another router.
- //
- // Parameters: <none>
- // Return value: Returns 1 when still WL_CONNETED, otherwise returns 0
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int WlanStatus() {
- switch (WiFi.status()) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=1 ) {
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: CONNECTED to " + String(WiFi.SSID())); // 3
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true); // Reconect to this AP if DISCONNECTED
- return(1);
- break;
- // In case we get disconnected from the AP we loose the IP address.
- // The ESP is configured to reconnect to the last router in memory.
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 ) {
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: DISCONNECTED, IP=" + String(WiFi.localIP().toString())); // 6
- }
- # endif
- //while (! WiFi.isConnected() ) {
- // Wait
- delay(1);
- //}
- return(0);
- break;
- // When still pocessing
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 ) {
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: IDLE"); // 0
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- // This code is generated as soonas the AP is out of range
- // Whene detected, the program will search for a better AP in range
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 )
- mPrint("WlanStatus:: NO SSID"); // 1
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 )
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: FAILED"); // 4
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- // Never seen this code
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 )
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: SCAN COMPLETE"); // 2
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- // Never seen this code
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 )
- mPrint("A WlanStatus:: Connection LOST"); // 5
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- // This code is generated for example when WiFi.begin() has not been called
- // before accessing WiFi functions
- case WL_NO_SHIELD:
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 )
- Serial.println(F("A WlanStatus:: WL_NO_SHIELD")); //
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- default:
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ( debug>=0 ) {
- mPrint("A WlanStatus Error:: code=" + String(WiFi.status())); // 255 means ERROR
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- break;
- }
- return(-1);
- } // WlanStatus
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // config.txt is a text file that contains lines(!) with WPA configuration items
- // Each line contains an KEY vaue pair describing the gateway configuration
- //
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int WlanReadWpa() {
- readConfig(CONFIGFILE, &gwayConfig);
- if (gwayConfig.sf != (uint8_t) 0) sf = (sf_t) gwayConfig.sf;
- ifreq = gwayConfig.ch;
- debug = gwayConfig.debug;
- pdebug = gwayConfig.pdebug;
- _cad = gwayConfig.cad;
- _hop = gwayConfig.hop;
- gwayConfig.boots++; // Every boot of the system we increase the reset
- if (gwayConfig.fcnt != (uint8_t) 0) frameCount = gwayConfig.fcnt+10;
- #endif
- String ssid=gwayConfig.ssid;
- String pass=gwayConfig.pass;
- char ssidBuf[ssid.length()+1];
- ssid.toCharArray(ssidBuf,ssid.length()+1);
- char passBuf[pass.length()+1];
- pass.toCharArray(passBuf,pass.length()+1);
- Serial.print(F("WlanReadWpa: ")); Serial.print(ssidBuf); Serial.print(F(", ")); Serial.println(passBuf);
- strcpy(wpa[0].login, ssidBuf); // XXX changed from wpa[0][0] = ssidBuf
- strcpy(wpa[0].passw, passBuf);
- Serial.print(F("WlanReadWpa: <"));
- Serial.print(wpa[0].login); // XXX
- Serial.print(F(">, <"));
- Serial.print(wpa[0].passw);
- Serial.println(F(">"));
- #endif
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Print the WPA data of last WiFiManager to the config file
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int WlanWriteWpa( char* ssid, char *pass) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug >=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) {
- mPrint("WlanWriteWpa:: ssid="+mPrint(ssid)+", pass="+mPrint(pass));
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- // Version 3.3 use of config file
- String s((char *) ssid);
- gwayConfig.ssid = s;
- String p((char *) pass);
- gwayConfig.pass = p;
- gwayConfig.fcnt = frameCount;
- # endif
- gwayConfig.ch = ifreq;
- gwayConfig.sf = sf;
- gwayConfig.cad = _cad;
- gwayConfig.hop = _hop;
- writeConfig( CONFIGFILE, &gwayConfig);
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Function to join the Wifi Network
- // It is a matter of returning to the main loop() asap and make sure in next loop
- // the reconnect is done first thing. By default the system will reconnect to the
- // samen SSID as it was connected to before.
- // Parameters:
- // int maxTry: Number of retries we do:
- // 0: Used during Setup first CONNECT
- // 1: Try once and if unsuccessful return(1);
- // x: Try x times
- //
- // Returns:
- // On failure: Return -1
- // On connect: return 1
- // On Disconnect state: return 0
- //
- // XXX After a few retries, the ESP8266 should be reset. Note: Switching between
- // two SSID's does the trick. Rettrying the same SSID does not.
- // Workaround is found below: Let the ESP8266 forget the SSID
- //
- // NOTE: The Serial works only on debug setting and not on pdebug. This is
- // because WiFi problems would make webserver (which works on WiFi) useless.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int WlanConnect(int maxTry) {
- WiFiManager wifiManager;
- #endif
- unsigned char agains = 0;
- unsigned char wpa_index = (_WIFIMANAGER >0 ? 0 : 1); // Skip over first record for WiFiManager
- // The initial setup() call is done with parameter 0
- // We clear the WiFi memory and start with previous AP.
- //
- if (maxTry==0) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- mPrint("WlanConnect:: Init para 0");
- # endif //_MONITOR
- WiFi.persistent(false);
- WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); // this is a temporary line, to be removed after SDK update to 1.5.4
- if (gwayConfig.ssid.length() >0) {
- WiFi.begin(gwayConfig.ssid.c_str(), gwayConfig.pass.c_str());
- delay(100);
- }
- }
- // So try to connect to WLAN as long as we are not connected.
- // The try parameters tells us how many times we try before giving up
- // Value 0 is reserved for setup() first time connect
- int i=0;
- while ( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && ( i<= maxTry ) )
- {
- // We try every SSID in wpa array until success
- for (int j=wpa_index; (j< (sizeof(wpa)/sizeof(wpa[0]))) && (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ); j++)
- {
- // Start with well-known access points in the list
- char *ssid = wpa[j].login;
- char *password = wpa[j].passw;
- #if _DUSB>=1
- if (debug>=0) {
- Serial.print(i);
- Serial.print(':');
- Serial.print(j);
- Serial.print(':');
- Serial.print(sizeof(wpa)/sizeof(wpa[0]));
- Serial.print(F(". WiFi connect SSID="));
- Serial.print(ssid);
- if ( debug>=1 ) {
- Serial.print(F(", pass="));
- Serial.print(password);
- }
- Serial.println();
- }
- #endif
- // Count the number of times we call WiFi.begin
- gwayConfig.wifis++;
- WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
- delay(1000);
- WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
- delay(8000);
- // Check the connection status again, return values
- // 1 = CONNECTED
- // 0 = DISCONNECTED (will reconnect)
- // -1 = No SSID or other cause
- int stat = WlanStatus();
- if ( stat == 1) {
- writeGwayCfg(CONFIGFILE); // Write configuration to SPIFFS
- return(1);
- }
- // We increase the time for connect but try the same SSID
- // We try for 10 times
- agains=1;
- while (((WiFi.status()) != WL_CONNECTED) && (agains < 10)) {
- agains++;
- delay(agains*500);
- # if _DUSB>=1
- if ( debug>=0 ) {
- Serial.print(".");
- }
- # endif //_DUSB
- }
- # if _DUSB>=1
- Serial.println();
- # endif //_DUSB
- //if ( WiFi.status() == WL_DISCONNECTED) return(0); // 180811 removed
- // Make sure that we can connect to different AP's than 1
- // this is a patch. Normally we connect to previous one.
- WiFi.persistent(false);
- WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); // this is a temporary line, to be removed after SDK update to 1.5.4
- } //for next WPA defined AP
- i++; // Number of times we try to connect
- } //while
- // If we are not connected to a well known AP
- // we can invoike _WIFIMANAGER or else return unsuccessful.
- if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (debug>=1) {
- mPrint("Starting Access Point Mode"));
- mPrint("Connect Wifi to accesspoint: "+mPrint(AP_NAME)+" and connect to IP:");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- wifiManager.autoConnect(AP_NAME, AP_PASSWD );
- //wifiManager.startConfigPortal(AP_NAME, AP_PASSWD );
- // At this point, there IS a Wifi Access Point found and connected
- // We must connect to the local SPIFFS storage to store the access point
- //String s = WiFi.SSID();
- //char ssidBuf[s.length()+1];
- //s.toCharArray(ssidBuf,s.length()+1);
- // Now look for the password
- struct station_config sta_conf;
- wifi_station_get_config(&sta_conf);
- //WlanWriteWpa(ssidBuf, (char *)sta_conf.password);
- WlanWriteWpa((char *)sta_conf.ssid, (char *)sta_conf.password);
- #else
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (debug>=0) {
- mPrint("WlanConnect:: Not connected, WLAN retry="+String(i)+", stat="+String(WiFi.status()) );
- }
- # endif // _MONITOR
- return(-1);
- #endif
- }
- yield();
- return(1);
- }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // resolveHost
- // This function will use MDNS or DNS to resolve a hostname.
- // So it may be .local or a normal hostname.
- // Return:
- // svrIP: 4 byte IP address of machine resolved
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IPAddress resolveHost(String svrName)
- {
- IPAddress svrIP;
- # if MONITOR>=1
- mPrint("Server " + String(svrName));
- # endif
- if (svrName.endsWith(".local")) {
- # if ESP32_ARCH==1
- svrName=svrName.substring(0,svrName.length()-6);
- svrIP = MDNS.queryHost(svrName);
- for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) { // Try 5 times MDNS
- svrIP = MDNS.queryHost(svrName);
- if (svrIP.toString() != "") break;
- # if (_MONITOR>=1)
- mPrint("ReTrying to resolve with mDNS");
- # endif
- die("resolveHost:: ERROR hostByName .local");
- delay(1000);
- }
- # else
- char cc[svrName.length() +1 ];
- strcpy(cc, svrName.c_str());
- if (!WiFi.hostByName(cc, svrIP)) // Use DNS to get server IP once
- {
- die("resolveHost:: ERROR hostByName="+ String(cc));
- };
- # endif
- }
- else
- {
- char cc[svrName.length() +1 ];
- strcpy(cc, svrName.c_str());
- if (!WiFi.hostByName(cc, svrIP)) // Use DNS to get server IP once
- {
- die("resolveHost:: ERROR hostByName="+ String(cc));
- };
- }
- return svrIP;
- }