WiFiManager.template.html 11 KB

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  178. <div class='wrap'>
  179. <!-- <div class='wrap ql qinv'> -->
  180. <!-- /HTTP_HEAD_END -->
  181. <!-- SAMPLE -->
  182. <h2>/</h2><hR>
  183. <!-- /SAMPLE -->
  184. <!-- HTTP_PORTAL_OPTIONS -->
  185. <!-- /HTTP_PORTAL_OPTIONS -->
  186. <!-- HTTP_PORTAL_MENU[] -->
  187. <form action='/wifi' method='get'><button>Configure WiFi</button></form><br/>
  188. <form action='/0wifi' method='get'><button>Configure WiFi (No Scan)</button></form><br/>
  189. <form action='/info' method='get'><button>Info</button></form><br/>
  190. <form action='/param' method='get'><button>Setup</button></form><br/>
  191. <Hr><br/>
  192. <form action='/close' method='post'><button>Close</button></form><br/>
  193. <form action='/erase' method='post'><button class='D'>Erase</button></form><br/>
  194. <form action='/restart' method='post'><button>Restart</button></form><br/>
  195. <form action='/exit' method='post'><button>Exit</button></form><br/>
  196. <!-- /HTTP_PORTAL_MENU -->
  197. <!-- SAMPLE -->
  198. <h2>/wifi</h2><hr>
  199. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 01</a><div role='img' aria-label='88%' title='88%' class='q q-4 l'></div></div>
  200. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 02</a><div role='img' aria-label='88%' title='88%' class='q q-4'></div></div>
  201. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 03</a><div role='img' aria-label='60%' title='60%' class='q q-3 l'></div></div>
  202. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 04</a><div role='img' aria-label='60%' title='60%' class='q q-3'></div></div>
  203. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 05</a><div role='img' aria-label='60%' title='60%' class='q q-3'></div></div>
  204. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 06</a><div role='img' aria-label='40%' title='40%' class='q q-2'></div></div>
  205. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 07</a><div role='img' aria-label='40%' title='40%' class='q q-2 l'></div></div>
  206. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 08</a><div role='img' aria-label='20%' title='20%' class='q q-1'></div></div>
  207. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 09</a><div role='img' aria-label='20%' title='20%' class='q q-1'></div></div>
  208. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 10</a><div role='img' aria-label='20%' title='20%' class='q q-4 l'></div><div class='q '>100%</div></div>
  209. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 11</a><div role='img' aria-label='10%' title='10%' class='q q-3'></div><div class='q '>70%</div></div>
  210. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 12</a><div role='img' aria-label='10%' title='10%' class='q q-1 l'></div><div class='q '>10%</div></div>
  211. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 13</a><div role='img' aria-label='10%' title='10%' class='q q-0 h'></div><div class='q '>100%</div></div>
  212. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 14</a><div class='q'>66%</div></div>
  213. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>Acccess Point 15</a><div class='q'>56%</div></div>
  214. <!-- /SAMPLE -->
  215. <!-- HTTP_ITEM -->
  216. <div><a href='#p' onclick='c(this)'>{v}</a><div role='img' aria-label='{r}%' title='{r}%' class='q q-{q} {i}'></div></div>
  217. <!-- /HTTP_ITEM -->
  218. <!-- HTTP_FORM_START -->
  219. <form method='get' action='wifisave'><label for='s'>SSID</label><br/><input id='s' name='s' length=32 placeholder='SSID'><br/><label for='p'>Password</label><input id='p' name='p' length=64 type='password' placeholder='password'><br/>
  220. <!-- /HTTP_FORM_START -->
  221. <!-- SAMPLE -->
  222. <h3>custom parameter</h3><hr>
  223. <br/><label for='custom'>Label for Custom Param</label>
  224. <br/><input id='custom' name='custom' length='255' placeholder='placeholder' value='' {c}>
  225. <!-- /SAMPLE -->
  226. <!-- HTTP_FORM_LABEL -->
  227. <br/><label for='{i}'>{p}</label>
  228. <!-- /HTTP_FORM_LABEL -->
  229. <!-- HTTP_FORM_PARAM -->
  230. <br/><input id='{i}' name='{n}' length='{l}' placeholder='{p}' value='{v}' {c}>
  231. <!-- /HTTP_FORM_PARAM -->
  232. <!-- HTTP_FORM_END -->
  233. <br/><button type='submit'>Save</button></form>
  234. <!-- /HTTP_FORM_END -->
  235. <!-- HTTP_SCAN_LINK -->
  236. <br/><form action='/wifi' method='get'><button>Refresh</button></form>
  237. <!-- /HTTP_SCAN_LINK -->
  238. <!-- HTTP_SAVED -->
  239. <div class='msg'><h4>Saving Credentials</h4>Trying to connect ESP to network.<br />If it fails reconnect to AP to try again</div>
  240. <!-- /HTTP_SAVED -->
  241. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_ON -->
  242. <div class='msg P'><strong>Connected</strong> to {v}<br/><em><small>with IP {i}</small></em></div>
  243. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_ON -->
  244. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_OFF -->
  245. <div class='msg {c}'><strong>Not Connected</strong> to {v}{r}</div>
  246. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_OFF -->
  247. <!-- sample -->
  248. <div class='msg D'><strong>Not Connected</strong> to apname
  249. <!-- /sample -->
  250. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_OFFPW -->
  251. <br/>Authentication Failure
  252. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_OFFPW -->
  253. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_OFFNOAP -->
  254. <br/>AP not found
  255. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_OFFNOAP -->
  256. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_OFFFAIL -->
  257. <br/>Could not Connect
  258. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_OFFFAIL -->
  259. </div>
  260. <!-- HTTP_STATUS_NONE -->
  261. <div class='msg'>No AP set</div>
  262. <!-- /HTTP_STATUS_NONE -->
  263. <!-- SAMPLE -->
  264. <div class='msg P'><h4>H4 Color Header</h4>content</div>
  265. <!-- /SAMPLE -->
  266. <!-- SAMPLE -->
  267. <h2>/info</h3><hr>
  268. <dl>
  269. <dt>Chip ID</dt><dd>123456</dd>
  270. <dt>Flash Chip ID</dt><dd>1234556</dd>
  271. <dt>IDE Flash Size</dt><dd>4194304 bytes</dd>
  272. <dt>Real Flash Size</dt><dd>4194304 bytes</dd>
  273. <dt>Empty</dt><dd></dd>
  274. <dt>Soft AP IP</dt><dd></dd>
  275. <dt>Soft AP MAC</dt><dd>00:00:00:00:00:00</dd>
  276. <dt>Station MAC</dt><dd>00:00:00:00:00:00</dd>
  277. </dl>
  278. <!-- /SAMPLE -->
  279. <!-- HTTP_HELP -->
  280. <br/><h3>Available Pages</h3><hr>
  281. <table class='table'>
  282. <thead><tr><th>Page</th><th>Function</th></tr></thead><tbody>
  283. <tr><td><a href='/'>/</a></td>
  284. <td>Menu page.</td></tr>
  285. <tr><td><a href='/wifi'>/wifi</a></td>
  286. <td>Show WiFi scan results and enter WiFi configuration.(/0wifi noscan)</td></tr>
  287. <tr><td><a href='/wifisave'>/wifisave</a></td>
  288. <td>Save WiFi configuration information and configure device. Needs variables supplied.</td></tr>
  289. <tr><td><a href='/close'>/close</a></td>
  290. <td>Close the configuration server and configuration WiFi network.</td></tr>
  291. <tr><td><a href='/info'>/info</a></td>
  292. <td>Information page</td></tr>
  293. <tr><td><a href='/close'>/close</a></td>
  294. <td>Close the captiveportal popup,configportal will remain active</td></tr>
  295. <tr><td><a href='/exit'>/exit</a></td>
  296. <td>Exit Config Portal, configportal will close</td></tr>
  297. <tr><td><a href='/restart'>/restart</a></td>
  298. <td>Reboot the device</td></tr>
  299. <tr><td><a href='/erase'>/erase</a></td>
  300. <td>Erase WiFi configuration and reboot Device. Device will not reconnect to a network until new WiFi configuration data is entered.</td></tr>
  301. </table>
  302. <p/>More information about WiFiManager at <a href='https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager'>https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager</a>
  303. <!-- /HTTP_HELP -->
  304. <!-- FORM_UPLOAD -->
  305. <Br/><br/>Form UPLOAD<br/><form method='POST' action='u' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='update' accept='.bin,application/octet-stream'><button type='submit' value='Submit'>Submit</button></form>
  306. <!-- /FORM_UPLOAD -->
  307. <!-- HTTP_END -->
  308. </div>
  309. </body>
  310. </html>
  311. <!-- /HTTP_END -->