123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738 |
- // 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP8266
- // Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Maarten Westenberg version for ESP8266
- //
- // based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway
- // and many others.
- //
- // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- // are made available under the terms of the MIT License
- // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- // https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- //
- //
- // Author: Maarten Westenberg (mw12554@hotmail.com)
- //
- // This file contains the LoRa modem specific code enabling to receive
- // and transmit packages/messages.
- // ========================================================================================
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Send DOWN a LoRa packet over the air to the node. This function does all the
- // decoding of the server message and prepares a Payload buffer.
- // The payload is actually transmitted by the sendPkt() function.
- // This function is used for regular downstream messages and for JOIN_ACCEPT
- // messages.
- // NOTE: This is not an interrupt function, but is started by loop().
- // The _status is set an the end of the function to TX and in _stateMachine
- // function the actual transmission function is executed.
- // The LoraDown.tmst contains the timestamp that the tranmission should finish.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int sendPacket(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t length)
- {
- // Received package with Meta Data (for example):
- // codr : "4/5"
- // data : "Kuc5CSwJ7/a5JgPHrP29X9K6kf/Vs5kU6g==" // for example
- // freq : 868.1 // 868100000 default
- // ipol : true/false
- // modu : "LORA"
- // powe : 14 // Set by default
- // rfch : 0 // Set by default
- // size : 21
- // tmst : 1800642 // for example
- // datr : "SF7BW125"
- // 12-byte header;
- // HDR (1 byte)
- //
- //
- // Data Reply for JOIN_ACCEPT as sent by server:
- // AppNonce (3 byte)
- // NetID (3 byte)
- // DevAddr (4 byte) [ 31..25]:NwkID , [24..0]:NwkAddr
- // DLSettings (1 byte)
- // RxDelay (1 byte)
- // CFList (fill to 16 bytes)
- int i=0;
- StaticJsonDocument<312> jsonBuffer; // Use of arduinoJson version 6!
- char * bufPtr = (char *) (buf);
- buf[length] = 0;
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=2) && (pdebug & P_TX)) {
- mPrint("sendPacket:: " + String((char *)buf) + "< ");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- // Use JSON to decode the string after the first 4 bytes.
- // The data for the node is in the "data" field. This function destroys original buffer
- auto error = deserializeJson(jsonBuffer, bufPtr);
- if (error) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=1) && (pdebug & P_TX)) {
- mPrint("T sendPacket:: ERROR Json Decode: " + String(bufPtr) );
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- return(-1);
- }
- yield();
- // Meta Data sent by server (example)
- // {"txpk":{"codr":"4/5","data":"YCkEAgIABQABGmIwYX/kSn4Y","freq":868.1,"ipol":true,"modu":"LORA","powe":14,"rfch":0,"size":18,"tmst":1890991792,"datr":"SF7BW125"}}
- // Used in the protocol of Gateway:
- JsonObject root = jsonBuffer.as<JsonObject>(); // 191111 Avoid Crashes
- const char * data = root["txpk"]["data"]; // Downstream Payload
- uint8_t psize = root["txpk"]["size"]; // Payload size
- bool ipol = root["txpk"]["ipol"];
- uint8_t powe = root["txpk"]["powe"]; // power, e.g. 14 or 27
- LoraDown.tmst = (uint32_t) root["txpk"]["tmst"].as<unsigned long>();
- //const float ff = root["txpk"]["freq"]; // eg 869.525
- // Not used in the protocol of Gateway TTN:
- const char * datr = root["txpk"]["datr"]; // eg "SF7BW125"
- const char * modu = root["txpk"]["modu"]; // =="LORA"
- const char * codr = root["txpk"]["codr"]; // e.g. "4/5"
- //if (root["txpk"].containsKey("imme") ) {
- // const bool imme = root["txpk"]["imme"]; // Immediate Transmit (tmst don't care)
- //}
- if ( data != NULL ) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_TX )) {
- mPrint("sendPacket:: data=" + String(data));
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- }
- else { // There is data!
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ((debug>=0) && ( pdebug & P_TX )) {
- mPrint("sendPacket:: ERROR: data is NULL");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- return(-1);
- }
- LoraDown.sfTx = atoi(datr+2); // Convert "SF9BW125" or what is received from gateway to number
- LoraDown.iiq = (ipol? 0x40: 0x27); // if ipol==true 0x40 else 0x27
- LoraDown.crc = 0x00; // switch CRC off for TX
- LoraDown.payLength = base64_dec_len((char *) data, strlen(data));// Length of the Payload data
- base64_decode((char *) payLoad, (char *) data, strlen(data)); // Fill payload w decoded message
- // Compute wait time in microseconds
- uint32_t w = (uint32_t) (LoraDown.tmst - micros()); // Wait Time compute
- // _STRICT_1CH determines how we will react on downstream messages.
- //
- // If _STRICT==1, we will answer (in the RX1 timeslot) on the frequency we receive on.
- // We will anser in RX2 in rthe time set by _RX2_SF.
- // This way, we can better communicate as a single gateway machine
- // Otherwise we will answer in RX with RF==12 and use special answer frequency
- //
- #if _STRICT_1CH == 1
- // RX1 is requested frequency
- // RX2 is SF _RX2_SF probably SF9
- // If possible use RX1 timeslot as this is our frequency.
- // Do not use RX2 or JOIN2 as they contain other frequencies
- // Wait time RX1
- if ((w>1000000) && (w<3000000)) {
- LoraDown.tmst-=1000000;
- LoraDown.sfTx= sfi; // Take care, TX sf not to be mixed with SCAN
- }
- // RX2. Is tmst correction necessary
- else if ((w>6000000) && (w<7000000)) {
- LoraDown.tmst-=500000; // Corrrect the Timestamp
- LoraDown.sfTx= _RX2_SF; // Use the RX2 downstream SF (may be dedicated to TTN)
- }
- LoraDown.powe = 14; // On all freqs except 869.5MHz power is limited
- LoraDown.fff = freqs[gwayConfig.ch].dwnFreq; // Use the corresponding Down frequency
- #else
- // Elif _STRICT_1CH == 0, we will receive messags from the TTN gateway presumably on SF9/869.5MHz
- // And since the Gateway is a single channel gateway, and its nodes are probably
- // single channel too. They will not listen to that frequency at all.
- // Pleae note that this parameter is more for nodes (that cannot change freqs)
- // than for gateways.
- //
- LoraDown.powe = powe;
- // convert double frequency (MHz) into uint32_t frequency in Hz.
- LoraDown.fff = (uint32_t) ((uint32_t)((ff+0.000035)*1000)) * 1000;
- #endif //_STRICT_1CH
- LoraDown.payLoad = payLoad;
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_TX)) {
- mPrint("T LoraDown tmst=" + String(LoraDown.tmst));
- if ( debug>=2 ) {
- Serial.print(F(" Request:: "));
- Serial.print(F(" tmst=")); Serial.print(LoraDown.tmst); Serial.print(F(" wait=")); Serial.println(w);
- Serial.print(F(" strict=")); Serial.print(_STRICT_1CH);
- Serial.print(F(" datr=")); Serial.println(datr);
- Serial.print(F(" Rfreq=")); Serial.print(freqs[gwayConfig.ch].dwnFreq);
- Serial.print(F(" ->")); Serial.println(LoraDown.fff);
- Serial.print(F(" sf =")); Serial.print(atoi(datr+2)); Serial.print(F(" ->")); Serial.println(LoraDown.sfTx);
- Serial.print(F(" modu=")); Serial.println(modu);
- Serial.print(F(" powe=")); Serial.println(powe);
- Serial.print(F(" codr=")); Serial.println(codr);
- Serial.print(F(" ipol=")); Serial.println(ipol);
- Serial.println();
- }
- }
- # endif // _MONITOR
- if (LoraDown.payLength != psize) {
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- Serial.print(F("sendPacket:: WARNING payLength: "));
- Serial.print(LoraDown.payLength);
- Serial.print(F(", psize="));
- Serial.println(psize);
- if (debug>=2) Serial.flush();
- # endif //_MONITOR
- }
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- else if (( debug >= 2 ) && ( pdebug & P_TX )) {
- Serial.print(F("T Payload="));
- for (i=0; i<LoraDown.payLength; i++) {
- Serial.print(payLoad[i],HEX);
- Serial.print(':');
- }
- Serial.println();
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- // Update downstream statistics
- statc.msg_down++;
- switch(statr[0].ch) {
- case 0: statc.msg_down_0++; break;
- case 1: statc.msg_down_1++; break;
- case 2: statc.msg_down_2++; break;
- }
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_TX )) {
- mPrint("T sendPacket:: fini OK");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- // All data is in Payload and parameters and need to be transmitted.
- // The function is called in user-space
- _state = S_TX; // _state set to transmit
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ((debug>=1) && ( pdebug & P_TX)) {
- mPrint("sendPacket:: STRICT=" + String(_STRICT_1CH) );
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- return 1;
- }//sendPacket DOWN
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Based on the information read from the LoRa transceiver (or fake message)
- // build a gateway message to send upstream (to the user somewhere on the web).
- //
- // parameters:
- // tmst: Timestamp to include in the upstream message
- // buff_up: The buffer that is generated for upstream
- // LoraUP: Structure describing the message received from device
- // internal: Boolean value to indicate whether the local sensor is processed
- //
- // returns:
- // buff_index:
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int buildPacket(uint32_t tmst, uint8_t *buff_up, struct LoraUp LoraUp, bool internal)
- {
- int32_t SNR;
- int16_t rssicorr;
- int16_t prssi; // packet rssi
- char cfreq[12] = {0}; // Character array to hold freq in MHz
- //lastTmst = tmst; // Following/according to spec
- int buff_index=0;
- char b64[256];
- uint8_t *message = LoraUp.payLoad;
- char messageLength = LoraUp.payLength;
- #if _CHECK_MIC==1
- unsigned char NwkSKey[16] = _NWKSKEY;
- checkMic(message, messageLength, NwkSKey);
- #endif // _CHECK_MIC
- // Read SNR and RSSI from the register. Note: Not for internal sensors!
- // For internal sensor we fake these values as we cannot read a register
- if (internal) {
- SNR = 12;
- prssi = 50;
- rssicorr = 157;
- }
- else {
- SNR = LoraUp.snr;
- prssi = LoraUp.prssi; // read register 0x1A, packet rssi
- rssicorr = LoraUp.rssicorr;
- }
- #if _STATISTICS >= 1
- // Receive statistics, move old statistics down 1 position
- // and fill the new top line with the latest received sensor values.
- // This works fine for the sensor, EXCEPT when we decode data for _LOCALSERVER
- //
- for (int m=( _MAXSTAT -1); m>0; m--) statr[m]=statr[m-1];
- // From now on we can fill statr[0] with sensor data
- statr[0].datal=0;
- int index;
- if ((index = inDecodes((char *)(LoraUp.payLoad+1))) >=0 ) {
- uint16_t frameCount=LoraUp.payLoad[7]*256 + LoraUp.payLoad[6];
- for (int k=0; (k<LoraUp.payLength) && (k<23); k++) {
- statr[0].data[k] = LoraUp.payLoad[k+9];
- };
- // XXX Check that k<23 when leaving the for loop
- // XXX or we can not display in statr
- uint8_t DevAddr[4];
- DevAddr[0]= LoraUp.payLoad[4];
- DevAddr[1]= LoraUp.payLoad[3];
- DevAddr[2]= LoraUp.payLoad[2];
- DevAddr[3]= LoraUp.payLoad[1];
- statr[0].datal = encodePacket((uint8_t *)(statr[0].data),
- LoraUp.payLength-9-4,
- (uint16_t)frameCount,
- DevAddr,
- decodes[index].appKey,
- 0);
- }
- #endif //_LOCALSERVER
- statr[0].tmst = now();
- statr[0].ch = gwayConfig.ch;
- statr[0].prssi = prssi - rssicorr;
- statr[0].sf = LoraUp.sf;
- # if RSSI==1
- statr[0].rssi = _rssi - rssicorr;
- # endif // RSII
- # if _DUSB>=2
- if (debug>=0) {
- if ((message[4] != 0x26) || (message[1]==0x99)) {
- Serial.print(F("addr="));
- for (int i=messageLength; i>0; i--) {
- if (message[i]<0x10) Serial.print('0');
- Serial.print(message[i],HEX);
- Serial.print(' ');
- }
- Serial.println();
- }
- }
- # endif //DUSB
- statr[0].node = ( message[1]<<24 | message[2]<<16 | message[3]<<8 | message[4] );
- #if _STATISTICS >= 2
- // Fill in the statistics that we will also need for the GUI.
- // So
- switch (statr[0].sf) {
- case SF7: statc.sf7++; break;
- case SF8: statc.sf8++; break;
- case SF9: statc.sf9++; break;
- case SF10: statc.sf10++; break;
- case SF11: statc.sf11++; break;
- case SF12: statc.sf12++; break;
- }
- #endif // _STATISTICS >= 2
- #if _STATISTICS >= 3
- if (statr[0].ch == 0) {
- statc.msg_ttl_0++; // Increase #message received channel 0
- switch (statr[0].sf) {
- case SF7: statc.sf7_0++; break;
- case SF8: statc.sf8_0++; break;
- case SF9: statc.sf9_0++; break;
- case SF10: statc.sf10_0++; break;
- case SF11: statc.sf11_0++; break;
- case SF12: statc.sf12_0++; break;
- }
- }
- else
- if (statr[0].ch == 1) {
- statc.msg_ttl_1++;
- switch (statr[0].sf) {
- case SF7: statc.sf7_1++; break;
- case SF8: statc.sf8_1++; break;
- case SF9: statc.sf9_1++; break;
- case SF10: statc.sf10_1++; break;
- case SF11: statc.sf11_1++; break;
- case SF12: statc.sf12_1++; break;
- }
- }
- else
- if (statr[0].ch == 2) {
- statc.msg_ttl_2++;
- switch (statr[0].sf) {
- case SF7: statc.sf7_2++; break;
- case SF8: statc.sf8_2++; break;
- case SF9: statc.sf9_2++; break;
- case SF10: statc.sf10_2++; break;
- case SF11: statc.sf11_2++; break;
- case SF12: statc.sf12_2++; break;
- }
- }
- #endif //_STATISTICS >= 3
- #endif //_STATISTICS >= 2
- #if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )){
- Serial.print(F("R buildPacket:: pRSSI="));
- Serial.print(prssi-rssicorr);
- Serial.print(F(" RSSI: "));
- Serial.print(_rssi - rssicorr);
- Serial.print(F(" SNR: "));
- Serial.print(SNR);
- Serial.print(F(" Length: "));
- Serial.print((int)messageLength);
- Serial.print(F(" -> "));
- int i;
- for (i=0; i< messageLength; i++) {
- Serial.print(message[i],HEX);
- Serial.print(' ');
- }
- Serial.println();
- yield();
- }
- #endif // _MONITOR
- // Show received message status on OLED display
- #if OLED>=1
- char timBuff[20];
- sprintf(timBuff, "%02i:%02i:%02i", hour(), minute(), second());
- display.clear();
- display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16);
- display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
- display.drawString(0, 0, "Time: " );
- display.drawString(40, 0, timBuff);
- display.drawString(0, 16, "RSSI: " );
- display.drawString(40, 16, String(prssi-rssicorr));
- display.drawString(70, 16, ",SNR: " );
- display.drawString(110, 16, String(SNR) );
- display.drawString(0, 32, "Addr: " );
- if (message[4] < 0x10) display.drawString( 40, 32, "0"+String(message[4], HEX)); else display.drawString( 40, 32, String(message[4], HEX));
- if (message[3] < 0x10) display.drawString( 61, 32, "0"+String(message[3], HEX)); else display.drawString( 61, 32, String(message[3], HEX));
- if (message[2] < 0x10) display.drawString( 82, 32, "0"+String(message[2], HEX)); else display.drawString( 82, 32, String(message[2], HEX));
- if (message[1] < 0x10) display.drawString(103, 32, "0"+String(message[1], HEX)); else display.drawString(103, 32, String(message[1], HEX));
- display.drawString(0, 48, "LEN: " );
- display.drawString(40, 48, String((int)messageLength) );
- display.display();
- //yield();
- #endif //OLED>=1
- int j;
- // XXX Base64 library is nopad. So we may have to add padding characters until
- // message Length is multiple of 4!
- // Encode message with messageLength into b64
- int encodedLen = base64_enc_len(messageLength); // max 341
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ((debug>=1) && (encodedLen>255) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
- mPrint("R buildPacket:: b64 err, len=" + String(encodedLen));
- return(-1);
- }
- # endif // _MONITOR
- base64_encode(b64, (char *) message, messageLength);// max 341
- // start composing datagram with the header
- uint8_t token_h = (uint8_t)rand(); // random token
- uint8_t token_l = (uint8_t)rand(); // random token
- // pre-fill the data buffer with fixed fields
- buff_up[0] = PROTOCOL_VERSION; // 0x01 still
- buff_up[1] = token_h;
- buff_up[2] = token_l;
- buff_up[3] = PKT_PUSH_DATA; // 0x00
- // READ MAC ADDRESS OF ESP8266, and insert 0xFF 0xFF in the middle
- buff_up[4] = MAC_array[0];
- buff_up[5] = MAC_array[1];
- buff_up[6] = MAC_array[2];
- buff_up[7] = 0xFF;
- buff_up[8] = 0xFF;
- buff_up[9] = MAC_array[3];
- buff_up[10] = MAC_array[4];
- buff_up[11] = MAC_array[5];
- buff_index = 12; // 12-byte binary (!) header
- // start of JSON structure that will make payload
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"{\"rxpk\":[", 9);
- buff_index += 9;
- buff_up[buff_index] = '{';
- ++buff_index;
- j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, "\"tmst\":%u", tmst);
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if ((j<0) && ( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
- mPrint("buildPacket:: Error ");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- buff_index += j;
- ftoa((double)freqs[gwayConfig.ch].upFreq / 1000000, cfreq, 6); // XXX This can be done better
- j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"chan\":%1u,\"rfch\":%1u,\"freq\":%s", 0, 0, cfreq);
- buff_index += j;
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"stat\":1", 9);
- buff_index += 9;
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"modu\":\"LORA\"", 14);
- buff_index += 14;
- /* Lora datarate & bandwidth, 16-19 useful chars */
- switch (LoraUp.sf) {
- case SF6:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF6", 12);
- buff_index += 12;
- break;
- case SF7:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF7", 12);
- buff_index += 12;
- break;
- case SF8:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF8", 12);
- buff_index += 12;
- break;
- case SF9:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF9", 12);
- buff_index += 12;
- break;
- case SF10:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF10", 13);
- buff_index += 13;
- break;
- case SF11:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF11", 13);
- buff_index += 13;
- break;
- case SF12:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF12", 13);
- buff_index += 13;
- break;
- default:
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF?", 12);
- buff_index += 12;
- }
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"BW125\"", 6); buff_index += 6;
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"4/5\"", 13); buff_index += 13;
- buff_index += snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"lsnr\":%li", (long)SNR);
- buff_index += snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"rssi\":%d,\"size\":%u", prssi-rssicorr, messageLength);
- memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"data\":\"", 9); buff_index += 9;
- // Use gBase64 library to fill in the data string
- encodedLen = base64_enc_len(messageLength); // max 341
- buff_index += base64_encode((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), (char *) message, messageLength);
- buff_up[buff_index] = '"';
- ++buff_index;
- // End of packet serialization
- buff_up[buff_index] = '}';
- ++buff_index;
- buff_up[buff_index] = ']';
- ++buff_index;
- // end of JSON datagram payload */
- buff_up[buff_index] = '}';
- ++buff_index;
- buff_up[buff_index] = 0; // add string terminator, for safety
- // When we have the node address and the SF, fill the listSeen array
- // with the required data. _MAXSEEN must be >0 for this to happen.
- // statr[0] contains the statistics of the node last seen.
- #if _MAXSEEN >= 1
- yield(); // MMM May not be necessary
- addSeen(listSeen, statr[0] );
- #endif
- #if _STAT_LOG == 1
- // Do statistics logging. In first version we might only
- // write part of the record to files, later more
- addLog( (unsigned char *)(buff_up), buff_index );
- #endif //_STAT_LOG
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_RX )) { // debug: display JSON payload
- mPrint("RXPK:: "+String((char *)(buff_up + 12))+"R RXPK:: package length="+String(buff_index));
- }
- # endif
- return(buff_index);
- }// buildPacket
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Receive a LoRa package over the air, LoRa and deliver to server(s)
- //
- // Receive a LoRa message and fill the buff_up char buffer.
- // returns values:
- // - returns the length of string returned in buff_up
- // - returns -1 or -2 when no message arrived, depending connection.
- //
- // This is the "highlevel" read function called by loop(). The receive function
- // is started in the _stateMachine.ini file after CDONE event by interrupt
- // functions.
- // However, the actual read from the buffer (filled by interrupt) is done
- // by this function in the main loop() program.
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int receivePacket()
- {
- uint8_t buff_up[TX_BUFF_SIZE]; // buffer to compose the upstream packet to backend server
- // Regular message received, see SX1276 spec table 18
- // Next statement could also be a "while" to combine several messages received
- // in one UDP message as the Semtech Gateway spec does allow this.
- // XXX Bit ... Not yet supported
- // Take the timestamp as soon as possible, to have accurate reception timestamp
- // TODO: tmst can jump if micros() overflow.
- uint32_t tmst = (uint32_t) micros(); // Only microseconds, rollover in 5X minutes
- // Handle the physical data read from LoraUp
- if (LoraUp.payLength > 0) {
- // externally received packet, so last parameter is false (==LoRa external)
- int build_index = buildPacket(tmst, buff_up, LoraUp, false);
- // REPEATER is a special function where we retransmit received
- // message on _ICHANN to _OCHANN.
- // Note:: For the moment _OCHANN is not allowed to be same as _ICHANN
- #if _REPEATER==1
- if (!sendLora(LoraUp.payLoad, LoraUp.payLength)) {
- return(-3);
- }
- #endif
- // This is one of the potential problem areas.
- // If possible, USB traffic should be left out of interrupt routines
- // rxpk PUSH_DATA received from node is rxpk (*2, par. 3.2)
- #ifdef _TTNSERVER
- if (!sendUdp(ttnServer, _TTNPORT, buff_up, build_index)) {
- return(-1); // received a message
- }
- yield();
- #endif
- // Use our own defined server or a second well kon server
- if (!sendUdp(thingServer, _THINGPORT, buff_up, build_index)) {
- return(-2); // received a message
- }
- #endif
- // Or special case, we do not use a local server to receive
- // and decode the server. We use buildPacket() to call decode
- // and use statr[0] information to store decoded message
- //DecodePayload: para 4.3.1 of Lora 1.1 Spec
- // MHDR
- // 1 byte Payload[0]
- // FHDR
- // 4 byte Dev Addr Payload[1-4]
- // 1 byte FCtrl Payload[5]
- // 2 bytes FCnt Payload[6-7]
- // = Optional 0 to 15 bytes Options
- // FPort
- // 1 bytes, 0x00 Payload[8]
- // ------------
- //
- // FRMPayload
- // N bytes (Payload )
- //
- // 4 bytes MIC trailer
- int index=0;
- if ((index = inDecodes((char *)(LoraUp.payLoad+1))) >=0 ) {
- uint8_t DevAddr[4];
- DevAddr[0]= LoraUp.payLoad[4];
- DevAddr[1]= LoraUp.payLoad[3];
- DevAddr[2]= LoraUp.payLoad[2];
- DevAddr[3]= LoraUp.payLoad[1];
- //uint16_t frameCount=LoraUp.payLoad[7]*256 + LoraUp.payLoad[6];
- #if _DUSB>=1
- if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_RX )) {
- Serial.print(F("R receivePacket:: Ind="));
- Serial.print(index);
- Serial.print(F(", Len="));
- Serial.print(LoraUp.payLength);
- Serial.print(F(", A="));
- for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if (DevAddr[i]<0x0F) Serial.print('0');
- Serial.print(DevAddr[i],HEX);
- //Serial.print(' ');
- }
- Serial.print(F(", Msg="));
- for (int i=0; (i<statr[0].datal) && (i<23); i++) {
- if (statr[0].data[i]<0x0F) Serial.print('0');
- Serial.print(statr[0].data[i],HEX);
- Serial.print(' ');
- }
- Serial.println();
- }
- #endif //DUSB
- }
- # if _MONITOR>=1
- else if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_RX )) {
- mPrint("receivePacket:: No Index");
- }
- # endif //_MONITOR
- #endif // _LOCALSERVER
- // Reset the message area
- LoraUp.payLength = 0;
- LoraUp.payLoad[0] = 0x00;
- return(build_index);
- }
- return(0); // failure no message read
- }//receivePacket