123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549 |
- /**
- * WiFiManager.h
- *
- * WiFiManager, a library for the ESP8266/Arduino platform
- * for configuration of WiFi credentials using a Captive Portal
- *
- * @author Creator tzapu
- * @author tablatronix
- * @version 0.0.0
- * @license MIT
- */
- #ifndef WiFiManager_h
- #define WiFiManager_h
- #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
- #ifdef ESP8266
- #include <core_version.h>
- #endif
- #include <vector>
- // #define WM_MDNS // also set MDNS with sethostname
- // #define WM_FIXERASECONFIG // use erase flash fix
- // #define WM_ERASE_NVS // esp32 erase(true) will erase NVS
- // #define WM_RTC // esp32 info page will include reset reasons
- #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0
- #warning "ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0, some WM features disabled"
- #define WM_NOASYNC // esp8266 no async scan wifi
- #endif
- // #include "soc/efuse_reg.h" // include to add efuse chip rev to info, getChipRevision() is almost always the same though, so not sure why it matters.
- // #define esp32autoreconnect // implement esp32 autoreconnect event listener kludge, @DEPRECATED
- // autoreconnect is WORKING https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/issues/653#issuecomment-405604766
- #define WM_WEBSERVERSHIM // use webserver shim lib
- #ifdef ESP8266
- extern "C" {
- #include "user_interface.h"
- }
- #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
- #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
- #ifdef WM_MDNS
- #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
- #endif
- #define WIFI_getChipId() ESP.getChipId()
- #elif defined(ESP32)
- #include <WiFi.h>
- #include <esp_wifi.h>
- #define WIFI_getChipId() (uint32_t)ESP.getEfuseMac()
- #ifndef WEBSERVER_H
- #include <WebServer.h>
- #else
- #include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
- // Forthcoming official ?
- // https://github.com/esp8266/ESPWebServer
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef WM_ERASE_NVS
- #include <nvs.h>
- #include <nvs_flash.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef WM_MDNS
- #include <ESPmDNS.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef WM_RTC
- #include <rom/rtc.h>
- #endif
- #else
- #endif
- #include <DNSServer.h>
- #include <memory>
- #include "strings_en.h"
- #define WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_PARAMS 5 // params will autoincrement and realloc by this amount when max is reached
- #endif
- #define WFM_LABEL_BEFORE 1
- #define WFM_LABEL_AFTER 2
- #define WFM_NO_LABEL 0
- class WiFiManagerParameter {
- public:
- /**
- Create custom parameters that can be added to the WiFiManager setup web page
- @id is used for HTTP queries and must not contain spaces nor other special characters
- */
- WiFiManagerParameter();
- WiFiManagerParameter(const char *custom);
- WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label);
- WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length);
- WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom);
- WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom, int labelPlacement);
- ~WiFiManagerParameter();
- const char *getID();
- const char *getValue();
- const char *getLabel();
- const char *getPlaceholder(); // @deprecated, use getLabel
- int getValueLength();
- int getLabelPlacement();
- const char *getCustomHTML();
- void setValue(const char *defaultValue, int length);
- protected:
- void init(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom, int labelPlacement);
- private:
- const char *_id;
- const char *_label;
- char *_value;
- int _length;
- int _labelPlacement;
- const char *_customHTML;
- friend class WiFiManager;
- };
- class WiFiManager
- {
- public:
- WiFiManager(Stream& consolePort);
- WiFiManager();
- ~WiFiManager();
- void WiFiManagerInit();
- // auto connect to saved wifi, or custom, and start config portal on failures
- boolean autoConnect();
- boolean autoConnect(char const *apName, char const *apPassword = NULL);
- //manually start the config portal, autoconnect does this automatically on connect failure
- boolean startConfigPortal(); // auto generates apname
- boolean startConfigPortal(char const *apName, char const *apPassword = NULL);
- //manually stop the config portal if started manually, stop immediatly if non blocking, flag abort if blocking
- bool stopConfigPortal();
- //manually start the web portal, autoconnect does this automatically on connect failure
- void startWebPortal();
- //manually stop the web portal if started manually
- void stopWebPortal();
- // Run webserver processing, if setConfigPortalBlocking(false)
- boolean process();
- // get the AP name of the config portal, so it can be used in the callback
- String getConfigPortalSSID();
- int getRSSIasQuality(int RSSI);
- // erase wifi credentials
- void resetSettings();
- // reboot esp
- void reboot();
- // disconnect wifi, without persistent saving or erasing
- bool disconnect();
- // erase esp
- bool erase();
- bool erase(bool opt);
- //adds a custom parameter, returns false on failure
- bool addParameter(WiFiManagerParameter *p);
- //returns the list of Parameters
- WiFiManagerParameter** getParameters();
- // returns the Parameters Count
- int getParametersCount();
- //called after AP mode and config portal has started
- void setAPCallback( std::function<void(WiFiManager*)> func );
- //called after webserver has started
- void setWebServerCallback( std::function<void()> func );
- //called when settings reset have been triggered
- void setConfigResetCallback( std::function<void()> func );
- //called when wifi settings have been changed and connection was successful ( or setBreakAfterConfig(true) )
- void setSaveConfigCallback( std::function<void()> func );
- //called when settings have been changed and connection was successful
- void setSaveParamsCallback( std::function<void()> func );
- //called when settings before have been changed and connection was successful
- void setPreSaveConfigCallback( std::function<void()> func );
- //sets timeout before AP,webserver loop ends and exits even if there has been no setup.
- //useful for devices that failed to connect at some point and got stuck in a webserver loop
- //in seconds setConfigPortalTimeout is a new name for setTimeout, ! not used if setConfigPortalBlocking
- void setConfigPortalTimeout(unsigned long seconds);
- void setTimeout(unsigned long seconds); // @deprecated, alias
- //sets timeout for which to attempt connecting, useful if you get a lot of failed connects
- void setConnectTimeout(unsigned long seconds);
- //sets timeout for which to attempt connecting on saves, useful if there are bugs in esp waitforconnectloop
- void setSaveConnectTimeout(unsigned long seconds);
- // toggle debug output
- void setDebugOutput(boolean debug);
- //set min quality percentage to include in scan, defaults to 8% if not specified
- void setMinimumSignalQuality(int quality = 8);
- //sets a custom ip /gateway /subnet configuration
- void setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn);
- //sets config for a static IP
- void setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn);
- //sets config for a static IP with DNS
- void setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn, IPAddress dns);
- //if this is set, it will exit after config, even if connection is unsuccessful.
- void setBreakAfterConfig(boolean shouldBreak);
- // if this is set, portal will be blocking and wait until save or exit,
- // is false user must manually `process()` to handle config portal,
- // setConfigPortalTimeout is ignored in this mode, user is responsible for closing configportal
- void setConfigPortalBlocking(boolean shouldBlock);
- //if this is set, customise style
- void setCustomHeadElement(const char* element);
- //if this is true, remove duplicated Access Points - defaut true
- void setRemoveDuplicateAPs(boolean removeDuplicates);
- //setter for ESP wifi.persistent so we can remember it and restore user preference, as WIFi._persistent is protected
- void setRestorePersistent(boolean persistent);
- //if true, always show static net inputs, IP, subnet, gateway, else only show if set via setSTAStaticIPConfig
- void setShowStaticFields(boolean alwaysShow);
- //if true, always show static dns, esle only show if set via setSTAStaticIPConfig
- void setShowDnsFields(boolean alwaysShow);
- // toggle showing the saved wifi password in wifi form, could be a security issue.
- void setShowPassword(boolean show);
- //if false, disable captive portal redirection
- void setCaptivePortalEnable(boolean enabled);
- //if false, timeout captive portal even if a STA client connected to softAP (false), suggest disabling if captiveportal is open
- void setAPClientCheck(boolean enabled);
- //if true, reset timeout when webclient connects (true), suggest disabling if captiveportal is open
- void setWebPortalClientCheck(boolean enabled);
- // if true, enable autoreconnecting
- void setWiFiAutoReconnect(boolean enabled);
- // if true, wifiscan will show percentage instead of quality icons, until we have better templating
- void setScanDispPerc(boolean enabled);
- // if true (default) then start the config portal from autoConnect if connection failed
- void setEnableConfigPortal(boolean enable);
- // set a custom hostname, sets sta and ap dhcp client id for esp32, and sta for esp8266
- bool setHostname(const char * hostname);
- // show erase wifi onfig button on info page, true
- void setShowInfoErase(boolean enabled);
- // set ap channel
- void setWiFiAPChannel(int32_t channel);
- // set ap hidden
- void setWiFiAPHidden(bool hidden); // default false
- // clean connect, always disconnect before connecting
- void setCleanConnect(bool enable); // default false
- // set custom menu
- // set custom menu items and order
- void setMenu(std::vector<const char*>& menu);
- void setMenu(const char* menu[], uint8_t size);
- // add params to its own menu page and remove from wifi, NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH setMenu!
- void setParamsPage(bool enable);
- // get last connection result, includes autoconnect and wifisave
- uint8_t getLastConxResult();
- // get a status as string
- String getWLStatusString(uint8_t status);
- String getModeString(uint8_t mode);
- // check if the module has a saved ap to connect to
- bool getWiFiIsSaved();
- // helper to get saved ssid, if persistent get stored, else get current if connected
- String getWiFiPass(bool persistent = false);
- // helper to get saved password, if persistent get stored, else get current if connected
- String getWiFiSSID(bool persistent = false);
- // debug output the softap config
- void debugSoftAPConfig();
- // debug output platform info and versioning
- void debugPlatformInfo();
- String htmlEntities(String str);
- // set the country code for wifi settings
- void setCountry(String cc);
- // set body class (invert)
- void setClass(String str);
- String getDefaultAPName();
- std::unique_ptr<DNSServer> dnsServer;
- #if defined(ESP32) && defined(WM_WEBSERVERSHIM)
- using WM_WebServer = WebServer;
- #else
- using WM_WebServer = ESP8266WebServer;
- #endif
- std::unique_ptr<WM_WebServer> server;
- private:
- std::vector<uint8_t> _menuIds;
- std::vector<const char *> _menuIdsParams = {"wifi","param","info","exit"};
- std::vector<const char *> _menuIdsDefault = {"wifi","info","exit"};
- // ip configs @todo struct ?
- IPAddress _ap_static_ip;
- IPAddress _ap_static_gw;
- IPAddress _ap_static_sn;
- IPAddress _sta_static_ip;
- IPAddress _sta_static_gw;
- IPAddress _sta_static_sn;
- IPAddress _sta_static_dns;
- // defaults
- const byte DNS_PORT = 53;
- const byte HTTP_PORT = 80;
- String _apName = "no-net";
- String _apPassword = "";
- String _ssid = "";
- String _pass = "";
- // options flags
- unsigned long _configPortalTimeout = 0; // ms close config portal loop if set (depending on _cp/webClientCheck options)
- unsigned long _connectTimeout = 0; // ms stop trying to connect to ap if set
- unsigned long _saveTimeout = 0; // ms stop trying to connect to ap on saves, in case bugs in esp waitforconnectresult
- unsigned long _configPortalStart = 0; // ms config portal start time (updated for timeouts)
- unsigned long _webPortalAccessed = 0; // ms last web access time
- WiFiMode_t _usermode = WIFI_OFF;
- String _wifissidprefix = FPSTR(S_ssidpre); // auto apname prefix prefix+chipid
- uint8_t _lastconxresult = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
- int _numNetworks = 0;
- unsigned long _lastscan = 0; // ms for timing wifi scans
- unsigned long _startscan = 0; // ms for timing wifi scans
- int _cpclosedelay = 2000; // delay before wifisave, prevents captive portal from closing to fast.
- bool _cleanConnect = false; // disconnect before connect in connectwifi, increases stability on connects
- bool _disableSTA = false; // disable sta when starting ap, always
- bool _disableSTAConn = true; // disable sta when starting ap, if sta is not connected ( stability )
- bool _channelSync = false; // use same wifi sta channel when starting ap
- int32_t _apChannel = 0; // channel to use for ap
- bool _apHidden = false; // store softap hidden value
- #ifdef ESP32
- static uint8_t _lastconxresulttmp; // tmp var for esp32 callback
- #endif
- uint8_t WL_STATION_WRONG_PASSWORD = 7; // @kludge define a WL status for wrong password
- #endif
- // parameter options
- int _minimumQuality = -1; // filter wifiscan ap by this rssi
- int _staShowStaticFields = 0; // ternary 1=always show static ip fields, 0=only if set, -1=never(cannot change ips via web!)
- int _staShowDns = 0; // ternary 1=always show dns, 0=only if set, -1=never(cannot change dns via web!)
- boolean _removeDuplicateAPs = true; // remove dup aps from wifiscan
- boolean _showPassword = false; // show or hide saved password on wifi form, might be a security issue!
- boolean _shouldBreakAfterConfig = false; // stop configportal on save failure
- boolean _configPortalIsBlocking = true; // configportal enters blocking loop
- boolean _enableCaptivePortal = true; // enable captive portal redirection
- boolean _userpersistent = true; // users preffered persistence to restore
- boolean _wifiAutoReconnect = true; // there is no platform getter for this, we must assume its true and make it so
- boolean _apClientCheck = false; // keep cp alive if ap have station
- boolean _webClientCheck = true; // keep cp alive if web have client
- boolean _scanDispOptions = false; // show percentage in scans not icons
- boolean _paramsInWifi = true; // show custom parameters on wifi page
- boolean _showInfoErase = true; // info page erase button
- boolean _enableConfigPortal = true; // use config portal if autoconnect failed
- const char * _hostname = "";
- const char* _customHeadElement = ""; // store custom head element html from user
- String _bodyClass = ""; // class to add to body
- // internal options
- boolean _preloadwifiscan = true; // preload wifiscan if true
- boolean _asyncScan = false;
- unsigned int _scancachetime = 30000; // ms cache time for background scans
- boolean _disableIpFields = false; // modify function of setShow_X_Fields(false), forces ip fields off instead of default show if set, eg. _staShowStaticFields=-1
- String _wificountry = ""; // country code, @todo define in strings lang
- // wrapper functions for handling setting and unsetting persistent for now.
- bool esp32persistent = false;
- bool _hasBegun = false;
- void _begin();
- void _end();
- void setupConfigPortal();
- bool shutdownConfigPortal();
- #ifdef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP
- boolean _tryWPS = false; // try WPS on save failure, unsupported
- void startWPS();
- #endif
- bool startAP();
- uint8_t connectWifi(String ssid, String pass);
- bool setSTAConfig();
- bool wifiConnectDefault();
- bool wifiConnectNew(String ssid, String pass);
- uint8_t waitForConnectResult();
- uint8_t waitForConnectResult(uint16_t timeout);
- void updateConxResult(uint8_t status);
- // webserver handlers
- void handleRoot();
- void handleWifi(boolean scan);
- void handleWifiSave();
- void handleInfo();
- void handleReset();
- void handleNotFound();
- void handleExit();
- void handleClose();
- // void handleErase();
- void handleErase(boolean opt);
- void handleParam();
- void handleWiFiStatus();
- void handleRequest();
- void handleParamSave();
- void doParamSave();
- boolean captivePortal();
- boolean configPortalHasTimeout();
- uint8_t processConfigPortal();
- void stopCaptivePortal();
- // wifi platform abstractions
- bool WiFi_Mode(WiFiMode_t m);
- bool WiFi_Mode(WiFiMode_t m,bool persistent);
- bool WiFi_Disconnect();
- bool WiFi_enableSTA(bool enable);
- bool WiFi_enableSTA(bool enable,bool persistent);
- bool WiFi_eraseConfig();
- uint8_t WiFi_softap_num_stations();
- bool WiFi_hasAutoConnect();
- void WiFi_autoReconnect();
- String WiFi_SSID(bool persistent = false) const;
- String WiFi_psk(bool persistent = false) const;
- bool WiFi_scanNetworks();
- bool WiFi_scanNetworks(bool force,bool async);
- bool WiFi_scanNetworks(unsigned int cachetime,bool async);
- bool WiFi_scanNetworks(unsigned int cachetime);
- void WiFi_scanComplete(int networksFound);
- bool WiFiSetCountry();
- #ifdef ESP32
- void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event, system_event_info_t info);
- #endif
- // output helpers
- String getParamOut();
- String getIpForm(String id, String title, String value);
- String getScanItemOut();
- String getStaticOut();
- String getHTTPHead(String title);
- String getMenuOut();
- //helpers
- boolean isIp(String str);
- String toStringIp(IPAddress ip);
- boolean validApPassword();
- String encryptionTypeStr(uint8_t authmode);
- void reportStatus(String &page);
- String getInfoData(String id);
- // flags
- boolean connect;
- boolean abort;
- boolean reset = false;
- boolean configPortalActive = false;
- boolean webPortalActive = false;
- boolean portalTimeoutResult = false;
- boolean portalAbortResult = false;
- boolean storeSTAmode = true; // option store persistent STA mode in connectwifi
- int timer = 0;
- // WiFiManagerParameter
- int _paramsCount = 0;
- int _max_params;
- WiFiManagerParameter** _params = NULL;
- // debugging
- typedef enum {
- DEBUG_NOTIFY = 1, // default stable
- DEBUG_DEV = 3, // default dev
- } wm_debuglevel_t;
- boolean _debug = true;
- // build debuglevel support
- // @todo use DEBUG_ESP_x?
- uint8_t _debugLevel = (uint8_t)WM_DEBUG_LEVEL;
- #else
- uint8_t _debugLevel = DEBUG_DEV; // default debug level
- #endif
- // @todo use DEBUG_ESP_PORT ?
- #ifdef WM_DEBUG_PORT
- Stream& _debugPort = WM_DEBUG_PORT;
- #else
- Stream& _debugPort = Serial; // debug output stream ref
- #endif
- template <typename Generic>
- void DEBUG_WM(Generic text);
- template <typename Generic>
- void DEBUG_WM(wm_debuglevel_t level,Generic text);
- template <typename Generic, typename Genericb>
- void DEBUG_WM(Generic text,Genericb textb);
- template <typename Generic, typename Genericb>
- void DEBUG_WM(wm_debuglevel_t level, Generic text,Genericb textb);
- // callbacks
- // @todo use cb list (vector) maybe event ids, allow no return value
- std::function<void(WiFiManager*)> _apcallback;
- std::function<void()> _webservercallback;
- std::function<void()> _savewificallback;
- std::function<void()> _presavecallback;
- std::function<void()> _saveparamscallback;
- std::function<void()> _resetcallback;
- template <class T>
- auto optionalIPFromString(T *obj, const char *s) -> decltype( obj->fromString(s) ) {
- return obj->fromString(s);
- }
- auto optionalIPFromString(...) -> bool {
- // DEBUG_WM("NO fromString METHOD ON IPAddress, you need ESP8266 core 2.1.0 or newer for Custom IP configuration to work.");
- return false;
- }
- };
- #endif
- #endif