@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){
Serial.print(" DIR : ");
- Serial.print (file.name());
+ Serial.println(file.name());
+ Serial.print(file.name());
time_t t= file.getLastWrite();
struct tm * tmstruct = localtime(&t);
Serial.printf(" LAST WRITE: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec);
@@ -44,14 +46,15 @@ void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){
Serial.print(" FILE: ");
Serial.print(" SIZE: ");
- Serial.print(file.size());
+ Serial.println(file.size());
+ Serial.print(file.size());
time_t t= file.getLastWrite();
struct tm * tmstruct = localtime(&t);
Serial.printf(" LAST WRITE: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec);
file = root.openNextFile();
@@ -141,6 +144,66 @@ void deleteFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
+// SPIFFS-like write and delete file
+// See: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/LittleFS/src/LittleFS.cpp#L60
+void writeFile2(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){
+ if(!fs.exists(path)){
+ if (strchr(path, '/')) {
+ Serial.printf("Create missing folders of: %s\r\n", path);
+ char *pathStr = strdup(path);
+ if (pathStr) {
+ char *ptr = strchr(pathStr, '/');
+ while (ptr) {
+ *ptr = 0;
+ fs.mkdir(pathStr);
+ *ptr = '/';
+ ptr = strchr(ptr+1, '/');
+ }
+ }
+ free(pathStr);
+ }
+ }
+ Serial.printf("Writing file to: %s\r\n", path);
+ File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE);
+ if(!file){
+ Serial.println("- failed to open file for writing");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(file.print(message)){
+ Serial.println("- file written");
+ } else {
+ Serial.println("- write failed");
+ }
+ file.close();
+// See: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob/master/libraries/LittleFS/src/LittleFS.h#L149
+void deleteFile2(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
+ Serial.printf("Deleting file and empty folders on path: %s\r\n", path);
+ if(fs.remove(path)){
+ Serial.println("- file deleted");
+ } else {
+ Serial.println("- delete failed");
+ }
+ char *pathStr = strdup(path);
+ if (pathStr) {
+ char *ptr = strrchr(pathStr, '/');
+ if (ptr) {
+ Serial.printf("Removing all empty folders on path: %s\r\n", path);
+ }
+ while (ptr) {
+ *ptr = 0;
+ fs.rmdir(pathStr);
+ ptr = strrchr(pathStr, '/');
+ }
+ free(pathStr);
+ }
void testFileIO(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){
Serial.printf("Testing file I/O with %s\r\n", path);
@@ -205,10 +268,14 @@ void setup(){
listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 0);
createDir(LITTLEFS, "/mydir");
writeFile(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/hello2.txt", "Hello2");
- listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 1);
+ //writeFile(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/newdir2/newdir3/hello3.txt", "Hello3");
+ writeFile2(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/newdir2/newdir3/hello3.txt", "Hello3");
+ listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 3);
deleteFile(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/hello2.txt");
+ //deleteFile(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/newdir2/newdir3/hello3.txt");
+ deleteFile2(LITTLEFS, "/mydir/newdir2/newdir3/hello3.txt");
removeDir(LITTLEFS, "/mydir");
- listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 1);
+ listDir(LITTLEFS, "/", 3);
writeFile(LITTLEFS, "/hello.txt", "Hello ");
appendFile(LITTLEFS, "/hello.txt", "World!\r\n");
readFile(LITTLEFS, "/hello.txt");