<p align="center"><a href="https://webserial.pro?ref=ghfeature" target="_blank"><img src="/docs/feature.png" width="1200"></a></p>
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<p><b>WebSerial</b> is a remote terminal to log, monitor or debug your firmware without being connected by wire. It lives on your wireless microcontroller itself and can be accessed anytime through your browser.


## Features

- 📜 Log, monitor or debug your firmware/product with ease
- 🔥 A powerful tool that lives in your microcontroller itself
- 🛜 Access it anytime & from anywhere within same network (LAN)
- 🎷 No need to learn HTML/CSS/JS
- 🛫 Ready to use within 4-5 lines of code


## Supported MCUs
WebSerial works on the following microcontrollers/boards:
- ESP8266
- ESP32
- *( more coming soon )*


<p>Learn more about Installation & Usage: <a href="https://docs.webserial.pro?ref=gitreadme">Click Here</a></p>


<h2>OSS Preview</h2>
<p>Once you have integrated WebSerial library in your code, a terminal like below will be accessible over your WiFi microcontroller's IP: 
<p align="center"><img src="/docs/preview.png" width="1200"></p>


## Want More? Upgrade to Pro

WebSerial Pro comes with the following extended functionality:

- Export logs into TXT, JSON or CSV file
- Lock scroll feature
- Timestamps
- Enable/Disable Command Input Bar
- Customizable font & terminal font size from UI itself
- Branding (Add your own Logo)
- Commercial License

<br> <b>Available here: </b>

- [Official Website ( webserial.pro )](https://webserial.pro?ref=ghrepo)


<a href="https://webserial.pro?ref=ghpropreview" target="_blank">
  <img src="/docs/pro-preview.png" alt="WebSerial Pro" width="1200">


<p>Every contribution to this repository is highly appreciated! If you spot any bug or problem, open a issue or pull request so that it can be rectified for everyone.</p>

**For feature requests:** Please open a issue and I'll add the feature in a future release once I get some time in my hands.



WebSerial open-source edition is licensed under Affero General Public License v3.0 ( AGPL-3.0 ).

If you are intending to use WebSerial in a commercial project, please consider purchasing [WebSerial Pro](https://webserial.pro?ref=ghlicense) which comes with a less restrictive SOFTT Commercial License 1.1 ( SCL-1.1 ).