/* compile using : c++ dnix-traverse.cpp -o dnix-traverse Program to list and extract files from a DNIX FS. Should also be able to write to a DNIX file system. Possibly even add boot code and other things. */ #ifdef __linux__ #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* PATH_MAX */ #include typedef unsigned int dnix_daddr_t; typedef int dnix_time_t; typedef int dnix_ino_t; #pragma pack(1) #define daddr_t dnix_daddr_t #define time_t dnix_time_t #define ino_t dnix_ino_t #include "../dnix-headers/diskpar.h" #include "../dnix-headers/inode.h" #include "../dnix-headers/sysfile.h" #include "../dnix-headers/dir.h" #undef ino_t #undef time_t #ifdef __linux__ #undef daddr_t #endif #define time_t time_t #include /* mkdir(2) */ #include #define swap32(num) (((num>>24)&0xff) | ((num<<8)&0xff0000) | ((num>>8)&0xff00) | ((num<<24)&0xff000000)) #define swap16(num) (((num >> 8) & 0xff) | ((num << 8) & 0xff00)) bool sequential = false; int fseekWrapped (FILE * file, long pos, int type) { if (!sequential) { int track; int head = 0; int byte = (pos & 0xfff); track = (pos & 0xff000) >> 12; if (track>=80) { head = 1; track-=80; } pos = byte | (head << 12) | (track << 13); } return fseek(file, pos, type); } class DnixFs { struct sysfptr dnixPartitionInfo; struct sysfile sysfile; FILE * image; public: DnixFs(); void init( FILE * image ); bool readInode (int inumber, struct dinode * inode); int getVolumeSize (); int getBlockSize(); }; bool DnixFs:: readInode (int inumber, struct dinode * inode) { struct dinode dinode; char buffer[26]; struct tm * tm_info; time_t tim; int i; if (((inumber-1) * (sizeof dinode) + sysfile.s_inadr) > sysfile.s_insiz) { fprintf(stderr, "inode=%d is outside the inode area.\n", inumber); return false; } fprintf(stderr, "Diskaddress = %08lX\n",(inumber-1) * (sizeof dinode) + sysfile.s_inadr); fseekWrapped (image, (inumber-1) * (sizeof dinode) + sysfile.s_inadr, SEEK_SET); fread ( (void * ) &dinode, sizeof dinode, 1, image); inode->di_mode = swap16(dinode.di_mode); inode->di_nlink = swap16(dinode.di_nlink); inode->di_uid = swap16(dinode.di_uid); inode->di_gid = swap16(dinode.di_gid); inode->di_size = swap32(dinode.di_size); inode->di_atime = swap32(dinode.di_atime); inode->di_mtime = swap32(dinode.di_mtime); inode->di_ctime = swap32(dinode.di_ctime); memcpy((void *) inode->di_addr, (void *) dinode.di_addr, 40); tim = inode->di_atime; tm_info = localtime((time_t *) ( &tim)); strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info); tim = inode->di_mtime; tm_info = localtime((time_t *) ( &tim)); strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info); tim = inode->di_ctime; tm_info = localtime((time_t *) ( &tim)); strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info); return true; } int DnixFs::getVolumeSize() { return sysfile.s_vlsiz; } int DnixFs::getBlockSize() { return sysfile.s_bksiz; } void DnixFs::init(FILE * img) { char buffer[26]; struct tm * tm_info; daddr_t superblock_address; struct sysfile s; time_t tim; image = img; // Read the partition info fseekWrapped (image, SYSFPTR, SEEK_SET); fread ( (void * ) &dnixPartitionInfo, 512, 1, image); tim = swap32(dnixPartitionInfo.timestamp); tm_info = localtime((time_t *) ( &tim)); strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info); superblock_address = swap32(dnixPartitionInfo.vdsp); fseekWrapped (image, superblock_address, SEEK_SET); fread ( (void *) &s, sizeof sysfile, 1, image); memcpy ( (void *) &sysfile, (void *) &s, sizeof sysfile); sysfile.s_bmadr = swap32(s.s_bmadr); sysfile.s_inadr = swap32(s.s_inadr); sysfile.s_rtadr = swap32(s.s_rtadr); sysfile.s_swadr = swap32(s.s_swadr); sysfile.s_vlsiz = swap32(s.s_vlsiz); sysfile.s_bmsiz = swap32(s.s_bmsiz); sysfile.s_swsiz = swap32(s.s_swsiz); sysfile.s_bksiz = swap32(s.s_bksiz); sysfile.s_disiz = swap32(s.s_disiz); sysfile.s_insiz = swap32(s.s_insiz); sysfile.s_time = swap32(s.s_time); fprintf(stderr, "sysfile.s_inadr=%08X\n",sysfile.s_inadr); fprintf(stderr, "sysfile.s_insiz=%08X\n",sysfile.s_insiz); fprintf(stderr, "sysfile.s_bmsiz=%08X\n",sysfile.s_bmsiz); fprintf(stderr, "sysfile.s_disiz=%08X\n",sysfile.s_disiz); fprintf(stderr, "sysfile.s_vlsiz=%08X\n",sysfile.s_vlsiz); tim = sysfile.s_time; tm_info = localtime((time_t *) ( &tim)); strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm_info); } // Read a file - block number as specified - store in buf struct BlockCache { int disk_address; int block[512]; }; class DnixFile { struct dinode ino; FILE * image; int volumeSize; int blockSize; struct BlockCache blockCache [3]; void updateBlockCache(long disk_address, int level); public: void init( FILE * image, struct dinode * inode, int size, int blockSize); bool readFileBlock( int block_no, void * buf); }; void DnixFile::updateBlockCache(long disk_address, int level) { if (disk_address != blockCache[level].disk_address) { fseekWrapped (image, disk_address, SEEK_SET); fread (blockCache[level].block, 2048, 1, image); } } void DnixFile::init(FILE * img, struct dinode * inode, int size, int bSz ) { memcpy (&ino, inode, sizeof (struct dinode)); image = img; volumeSize = size; blockSize = bSz; } bool DnixFile::readFileBlock ( int block_no, void * buf ) { long disk_address; if (block_no<11) { // direct blocks disk_address = (((0xff& ino.di_addr[block_no*3]) <<16 ) | ((0xff & ino.di_addr[block_no*3 + 1]) <<8 ) | (ino.di_addr[block_no*3 + 2] & 0xff)) <<8; if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; } else if ((block_no > 10) && (block_no < 522)) { disk_address = (((0xff& ino.di_addr[30]) <<16 ) | ((0xff & ino.di_addr[31]) <<8 ) | (ino.di_addr[32] & 0xff))<<8; if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 0); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[0].block[block_no-11]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; } else if ((block_no >= 522) && (block_no < 262666)) { // Second level of indirect block disk_address = (((0xff& ino.di_addr[33]) <<16 ) | ((0xff & ino.di_addr[34]) <<8 ) | (ino.di_addr[35] & 0xff))<<8; if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 1); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[1].block[(block_no-522)>>9]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 0); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[0].block[(block_no-522) & 0x1ff]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; } else { // Third level of indirect block disk_address = (((0xff& ino.di_addr[36]) <<16 ) | ((0xff & ino.di_addr[37]) <<8 ) | (ino.di_addr[38] & 0xff))<<8; if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 2); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[2].block[(block_no-262666) >> 18]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 1); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[1].block[((block_no-262666) >>9) & 0x1ff]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; updateBlockCache(disk_address, 0); disk_address = swap32(blockCache[0].block[(block_no-262266) & 0x1ff]); if (disk_address > volumeSize) return false; } fprintf(stderr, "readFileBlock disk_address=%08lX\n", disk_address); fseekWrapped (image, disk_address, SEEK_SET); fread (buf, blockSize, 1, image); return true; } DnixFs::DnixFs() { } int mkdir_p(const char *path) { /* Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2336245/119527 */ const size_t len = strlen(path); char _path[PATH_MAX]; char *p; errno = 0; /* Copy string so its mutable */ if (len > sizeof(_path)-1) { errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return -1; } strcpy(_path, path); /* Iterate the string */ for (p = _path + 1; *p; p++) { if (*p == '/') { /* Temporarily truncate */ *p = '\0'; if (mkdir(_path, S_IRWXU) != 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) return -1; } *p = '/'; } } if (mkdir(_path, S_IRWXU) != 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) return -1; } return 0; } void readDir(int inumber, FILE * image_file, class DnixFs * dnixFs, char * path, int recursionCount) { char p [1024]; const char * slash = "/"; struct direct * dir; char * buf; class DnixFile * file = new class DnixFile; int size; FILE *output; int block_no=0; int dir_cnt; bool ret; struct utimbuf timebuf; struct dinode inode; if (recursionCount > 64) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many levels of directories. Likely due to a damaged file system. Aborting.."); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Reading inumber=%d\n", inumber); ret = dnixFs->readInode(inumber, &inode); if (!ret) return; dir = (struct direct *) malloc (2048); file->init(image_file, &inode, dnixFs->getVolumeSize(), dnixFs->getBlockSize()); size = inode.di_size; if (inode.di_mode & 0x4000) { mkdir_p(path); block_no = 0; do { ret=file->readFileBlock(block_no, (void * ) dir); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading filesystem. Tried to read block address outside volume.\n"); } else { dir_cnt=0; do { if (((strncmp(dir[dir_cnt].d_name,".",1)!=0) && (strncmp(dir[dir_cnt].d_name,"..",2)!=0)) || (strlen(dir[dir_cnt].d_name) > 2)) { memset(p,0,sizeof p); strcpy(p, path); fprintf(stderr, "Path=%s\n", path); strcat(p, slash); strncat(p, dir[dir_cnt].d_name,14); readDir(swap16(dir[dir_cnt].d_ino), image_file, dnixFs, p, recursionCount+1); } dir_cnt++; } while ((dir_cnt < 128) && (swap16(dir[dir_cnt].d_ino) != 0)); } size -= 2048; block_no ++; } while (size > 0 && swap16(dir[255].d_ino) !=0 ); } else { // Ordinary file output = fopen (path, "w"); buf = (char *) malloc(dnixFs->getBlockSize()); do { ret=file->readFileBlock(block_no, (void *) buf); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading filesystem. Tried to read block address outside volume.\n"); } else { if (size >= dnixFs->getBlockSize()) { fwrite(buf, 1, dnixFs->getBlockSize(), output); } else { fwrite(buf, 1, size, output); } } size -= dnixFs->getBlockSize(); block_no ++; } while (size > 0); free(buf); fclose(output); } chmod (path, inode.di_mode & 07777); chown (path, inode.di_gid, inode.di_uid); timebuf.actime = inode.di_atime; timebuf.modtime = inode.di_mtime; utime(path, &timebuf); delete file; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { FILE * image_file; int opt; class DnixFs dnixFs; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:s")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd': image_file = fopen (optarg, "r"); if (image_file == NULL) { perror ("Failure opening file."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 's': sequential = true; break; default: /* '?' */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-d disk-image-file]\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } dnixFs.init(image_file); readDir(INOROOT, image_file, &dnixFs, (char *) ".",0); }