@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# greaseweazle/track.py
+# Written & released by Keir Fraser <keir.xen@gmail.com>
+# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+# See the file COPYING for more details, or visit <http://unlicense.org>.
+import binascii
+from bitarray import bitarray
+from greaseweazle.flux import Flux
+# A pristine representation of a track, from a codec and/or a perfect image.
+class MasterTrack:
+ @property
+ def bitrate(self):
+ return len(self.bitarray) / self.time_per_rev
+ # bits: Track bitcell data (bitarray)
+ # time_per_rev: Time per revolution, in seconds (float)
+ # bit_ticks: Per-bitcell time values, in unitless 'ticks'
+ # splice: Location of the track splice, in bitcells, after the index.
+ def __init__(self, bits, time_per_rev):
+ self.bits = bits
+ self.time_per_rev = time_per_rev
+ self.bit_ticks = None
+ self.splice = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = "\nMaster Track:\n"
+ s += (" %d bits, %.1f kbit/s"
+ % (len(self.bits), self.bitrate))
+ if self.bit_ticks:
+ s += " (variable)"
+ s += ("\n Total Time = %.1f ms (%.1f rpm)\n "
+ % (self.time_per_rev * 1000, 60 / self.time_per_rev))
+ #s += str(binascii.hexlify(self.bits.tobytes()))
+ return s
+ def flux_for_writeout(self):
+ # We're going to mess with the track data, so take a copy.
+ bits = self.bits.copy()
+ bitlen = len(bits)
+ # Also copy the bit_ticks array (or create a dummy one), and remember
+ # the total ticks that it contains.
+ bit_ticks = self.bit_ticks.copy() if self.bit_ticks else [1] * bitlen
+ ticks_to_index = sum(bit_ticks)
+ splice_at_index = self.splice < 4 or bitlen - self.splice < 4
+ if splice_at_index:
+ # Splice is at the index (or within a few bitcells of it).
+ # We stretch the track with extra bytes of filler, in case the
+ # drive motor spins slower than expected and we need more filler
+ # to get us to the index pulse (where the write will terminate).
+ # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer footer.
+ pos = bitlen-4 if self.splice < 4 else self.splice-4
+ tick_pattern = bit_ticks[pos-32:pos]
+ fill_pattern = bits[pos-32:pos]
+ # We stretch by 10 percent, which is way more than enough.
+ for i in range(bitlen // (10*32)):
+ bit_ticks[pos:pos+32] = tick_pattern
+ bits[pos:pos+32] = fill_pattern
+ pos += 32
+ else:
+ # Splice is not at the index. We will write more than one
+ # revolution, and terminate the second revolution at the splice.
+ # For the first revolution we repeat the track header *backwards*
+ # to the very start of the write. This is in case the drive motor
+ # spins slower than expected and the write ends before the original
+ # splice position.
+ # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer header.
+ bit_ticks += bit_ticks[:self.splice-4]
+ bits += bits[:self.splice-4]
+ pos = self.splice+4
+ fill_pattern = bits[pos:pos+32]
+ while pos >= 32:
+ pos -= 32
+ bits[pos:pos+32] = fill_pattern
+ # Convert the stretched track data into flux.
+ bit_ticks_i = iter(bit_ticks)
+ flux_list = []
+ flux_ticks = 0
+ for bit in bits:
+ flux_ticks += next(bit_ticks_i)
+ if bit:
+ flux_list.append(flux_ticks)
+ flux_ticks = 0
+ if flux_ticks:
+ flux_list.append(flux_ticks)
+ # Package up the flux for return.
+ flux = Flux([ticks_to_index], flux_list,
+ self.time_per_rev / ticks_to_index)
+ flux.terminate_at_index = splice_at_index
+ return flux
+# Local variables:
+# python-indent: 4
+# End: