@@ -17,29 +17,41 @@ from greaseweazle.tools import util
from greaseweazle import usb as USB
def measure_bandwidth(usb, args):
- print(" Min / Mean / Max")
+ print()
+ print("%19s%-7s/ %-7s/ %-7s" % ("", "Min.", "Mean", "Max."))
w_nr = 1000000
start = timer()
end = timer()
- av_bw = (w_nr * 8) / ((end-start) * 1000000)
- min_bw, max_bw = usb.bw_stats()
- print("Write Bandwidth: %.3f / %.3f / %.3f Mbps"
- % (min_bw, av_bw, max_bw))
+ av_w_bw = (w_nr * 8) / ((end-start) * 1e6)
+ min_w_bw, max_w_bw = usb.bw_stats()
+ print("Write Bandwidth: %8.3f / %8.3f / %8.3f Mbps"
+ % (min_w_bw, av_w_bw, max_w_bw))
r_nr = 1000000
start = timer()
end = timer()
- av_bw = (r_nr * 8) / ((end-start) * 1000000)
- min_bw, max_bw = usb.bw_stats()
- print("Read Bandwidth: %.3f / %.3f / %.3f Mbps"
- % (min_bw, av_bw, max_bw))
+ av_r_bw = (r_nr * 8) / ((end-start) * 1e6)
+ min_r_bw, max_r_bw = usb.bw_stats()
+ print("Read Bandwidth: %8.3f / %8.3f / %8.3f Mbps"
+ % (min_r_bw, av_r_bw, max_r_bw))
+ est_min_bw = 0.9 * min(min_r_bw, min_w_bw)
+ print()
+ print("Estimated Consistent Min. Bandwidth: %.3f Mbps" % est_min_bw)
+ max_flux_rate = ((est_min_bw * 0.9) * 1e6) / 8
twobyte_us = 249/72 # Smallest time requiring a 2-byte transmission code
- min_bw = 16 / twobyte_us # Bandwidth (Mbps) to transmit above time
- print("Minimum *consistent* bandwidth required: %.3f Mbps" % min_bw)
+ req_min_bw = 16 / twobyte_us # Bandwidth (Mbps) to transmit above time
+ if req_min_bw > est_min_bw:
+ print(" -> **WARNING** BELOW REQUIRED MIN.: %.3f Mbps" % req_min_bw)
+ else:
+ print(" -> Max. Flux Rate: %.3f Msamples/sec"
+ % (max_flux_rate / 1e6))
+ print(" -> Min. Ave. Flux: %.3f us"
+ % (1e6 / max_flux_rate))
def main(argv):