@@ -147,18 +147,31 @@ def read_to_scp(args):
# write_from_scp:
# Writes the specified Supercard Pro image file to floppy disk.
def write_from_scp(args):
- factor = usb.sample_freq / scp_freq
+ if args.adjust_speed:
+ # @drive_ticks is the time in Gresaeweazle ticks between index pulses.
+ # We will adjust the flux intervals per track to allow for this.
+ usb.read_track(3)
+ index_times = usb.get_index_times(3)
+ drive_ticks = (index_times[1] + index_times[2]) / 2
+ else:
+ # Simple ratio between the Greaseweazle and SCP sample frequencies.
+ factor = usb.sample_freq / scp_freq
+ # Parse the SCP image header.
with open(args.file, "rb") as f:
dat = f.read()
header = struct.unpack("<3s9BI", dat[0:16])
assert header[0] == b"SCP"
trk_offs = struct.unpack("<168I", dat[16:0x2b0])
if args.single_sided:
track_range = range(args.scyl, args.ecyl+1)
nr_sides = 1
track_range = range(args.scyl*2, (args.ecyl+1)*2)
nr_sides = 2
for i in track_range:
cyl = i >> (nr_sides - 1)
side = i & (nr_sides - 1)
@@ -166,12 +179,20 @@ def write_from_scp(args):
if trk_offs[i] == 0:
usb.seek(cyl, side)
+ # Parse the SCP track header and extract the flux data.
thdr = struct.unpack("<3sBIII", dat[trk_offs[i]:trk_offs[i]+16])
- (sig,_,_,samples,off) = thdr
+ (sig,_,track_ticks,samples,off) = thdr
assert sig == b"TRK"
tdat = dat[trk_offs[i]+off:trk_offs[i]+off+samples*2]
+ # Decode the SCP flux data into a simple list of flux times.
flux = []
rem = 0.0
+ if args.adjust_speed:
+ # @factor adjusts flux times for speed variations between the
+ # read-in and write-out drives.
+ factor = drive_ticks / track_ticks
for i in range(0,len(tdat),2):
x = tdat[i]*256 + tdat[i+1]
if x == 0:
@@ -181,15 +202,18 @@ def write_from_scp(args):
val = int(round(y))
rem = y - val
+ # Encode the flux times for Greaseweazle, and write them out.
enc_flux = usb.encode_flux(flux)
for retry in range(1, 5):
ack = usb.write_track(enc_flux)
if ack == USB.Ack.Okay:
- elif ack == USB.Ack.FluxUnderflow and retry < 5:
+ elif ack == usb.Ack.FLUX_UNDERFLOW and retry < 5:
print("Retry #%u..." % (retry))
raise CmdError(ack)
@@ -254,7 +278,10 @@ def _main(argv):
help="first cylinder to read/write")
parser.add_argument("--ecyl", type=int, default=81,
help="last cylinder to read/write")
- parser.add_argument("--single-sided", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--single-sided", action="store_true",
+ help="read/write a single-sided image")
+ parser.add_argument("--adjust-speed", action="store_true",
+ help="adjust write-flux times for drive speed")
parser.add_argument("file", help="in/out filename")
parser.add_argument("device", help="serial device")
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])