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edsk: Use a custom EDSK track representation insyead of using IBM_MFM.
This makes it much easier to represent copy protections.
Track verification is done bitwise, skipping weak areas.

Keir Fraser 4 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 157 pridanie a 23 odobranie
  1. 157 23

+ 157 - 23

@@ -5,24 +5,113 @@
 # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
 # See the file COPYING for more details, or visit <>.
-import math, struct
+import binascii, math, struct
 import itertools as it
+from bitarray import bitarray
 from greaseweazle import error
 from import mfm
+from greaseweazle.track import MasterTrack, RawTrack
 from .image import Image
+class EDSKTrack:
+    gap_presync = 12
+    gap_4a = 80 # Post-Index
+    gap_1  = 50 # Post-IAM
+    gap_2  = 22 # Post-IDAM
+    gapbyte = 0x4e
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.time_per_rev = 0.2
+        self.clock = 2e-6
+        self.bits, self.weak = [], []
+    def raw_track(self):
+        track = MasterTrack(
+            bits = self.bits,
+            time_per_rev = self.time_per_rev,
+            weak = self.weak)
+        track.verify = self
+        track.verify_revs = 1
+        return track
+    def _find_sync(self, bits, sync, start):
+        for offs in bits.itersearch(sync):
+            if offs >= start:
+                return offs
+        return None
+    def verify_track(self, flux):
+        flux.cue_at_index()
+        raw = RawTrack(clock = self.clock, data = flux)
+        bits, _ = raw.get_all_data()
+        weak_iter = it.chain(self.weak, [(self.verify_len+1,1)])
+        weak = next(weak_iter)
+        # Start checking from the IAM sync
+        dump_start = self._find_sync(bits, mfm.iam_sync, 0)
+        self_start = self._find_sync(self.bits, mfm.iam_sync, 0)
+        # Include the IAM pre-sync header
+        if dump_start is None:
+            return False
+        dump_start -= self.gap_presync * 16
+        self_start -= self.gap_presync * 16
+        while self_start is not None and dump_start is not None:
+            # Find the weak areas immediately before and after the current
+            # region to be checked.
+            s,n = None,None
+            while self_start > weak[0]:
+                s,n = weak
+                weak = next(weak_iter)
+            # If there is a weak area preceding us, move the start point to
+            # immediately follow the weak area.
+            if s is not None:
+                delta = self_start - (s + n + 16)
+                self_start -= delta
+                dump_start -= delta
+            # Truncate the region at the next weak area, or the last sector.
+            self_end = max(self_start, min(weak[0], self.verify_len+1))
+            dump_end = dump_start + self_end - self_start
+            # Extract the corresponding areas from the pristine track and
+            # from the dump, and check that they match.
+            if bits[dump_start:dump_end] != self.bits[self_start:self_end]:
+                return False
+            # Find the next A1A1A1 sync pattern
+            dump_start = self._find_sync(bits, mfm.sync, dump_end)
+            self_start = self._find_sync(self.bits, mfm.sync, self_end)
+        # Did we verify all regions in the pristine track?
+        return self_start is None
 class EDSK(Image):
     read_only = True
     default_format = 'ibm.mfm'
-    clock = 2e-6
-    time_per_rev = 0.2
     def __init__(self):
         self.to_track = dict()
+    # Currently only finds one weak range.
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_weak_ranges(dat, size):
+        orig = dat[:size]
+        s, e = size, 0
+        for i in range(1, len(dat)//size):
+            diff = [x^y for x, y in zip(orig, dat[size*i:size*(i+1)])]
+            weak = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(diff) if val != 0]
+            if weak:
+                s, e = min(s, weak[0]), max(e, weak[-1])
+        return [(s,e-s+1)] if s <= e else []
     def from_file(cls, name):
@@ -57,46 +146,91 @@ class EDSK(Image):
             error.check((cyl, head) not in edsk.to_track,
                         'EDSK: Track specified twice')
             while True:
-                track = mfm.IBM_MFM_Formatted(cyl, head)
-                track.clock = cls().clock
-                track.time_per_rev = cls().time_per_rev
-                pos = track.gap_4a
-                track.iams = [mfm.IAM(pos*16,(pos+4)*16)]
-                pos += 4 + track.gap_1
+                track = EDSKTrack()
+                t = bytes()
+                # Post-index gap
+                t += mfm.encode(bytes([track.gapbyte] * track.gap_4a))
+                # IAM
+                t += mfm.encode(bytes(track.gap_presync))
+                t += mfm.iam_sync_bytes
+                t += mfm.encode(bytes([mfm.IBM_MFM.IAM]))
+                t += mfm.encode(bytes([track.gapbyte] * track.gap_1))
                 secs = dat[o+24:o+24+8*nsecs]
                 data_pos = o + 256 # skip track header and sector-info table
                 while secs:
                     c, h, r, n, stat1, stat2, actual_length = struct.unpack(
                         '<6BH', secs[:8])
                     secs = secs[8:]
-                    pos += track.gap_presync
-                    idam = mfm.IDAM(pos*16, (pos+10)*16, 0,
-                                    c=c, h=h, r=r, n=n)
-                    pos += 10 + track.gap_2 + track.gap_presync
                     size = 128 << n
-                    error.check(size == actual_length,
-                                'EDSK: Weird sector size (copy protection?)')
+                    weak = []
+                    if size != actual_length:
+                        error.check(actual_length != 0
+                                    and actual_length % size == 0,
+                                    'EDSK: Weird sector size (GAP protection?)')
+                        weak = cls().find_weak_ranges(
+                            dat[data_pos:data_pos+actual_length], size)
+                    # Update CRCs according to status flags
+                    icrc, dcrc = 0, 0
+                    if stat1 & 0x20:
+                        if stat2 & 0x20:
+                            dcrc = 0xffff
+                        else:
+                            icrc = 0xffff
+                        stat1 &= ~0x20
+                        stat2 &= ~0x20
+                    # Update address marks according to status flags
+                    imark, dmark = mfm.IBM_MFM.IDAM, mfm.IBM_MFM.DAM
+                    if stat2 & 0x40:
+                        dmark = mfm.IBM_MFM.DDAM
+                    if stat2 & 0x01:
+                        dmark = 0
+                    elif stat1 & 0x01:
+                        imark = 0
+                    stat1 &= ~0x01
+                    stat2 &= ~0x41
                     error.check(stat1 == 0 and stat2 == 0,
                                 'EDSK: Mangled sector (copy protection?)')
                     sec_data = dat[data_pos:data_pos+size]
-                    dam = mfm.DAM(pos*16, (pos+4+size+2)*16, 0,
-                                  mark=track.DAM, data=sec_data)
-                    track.sectors.append(mfm.Sector(idam, dam))
-                    pos += 4 + size + 2 + gap_3
-                    data_pos += size
+                    data_pos += actual_length
+                    # IDAM
+                    t += mfm.encode(bytes(track.gap_presync))
+                    t += mfm.sync_bytes
+                    idam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, mfm.IBM_MFM.IDAM,
+                                  c, h, r, n])
+                    idam += struct.pack('>H',
+                    t += mfm.encode(idam[3:])
+                    t += mfm.encode(bytes([track.gapbyte] * track.gap_2))
+                    # DAM
+                    t += mfm.encode(bytes(track.gap_presync))
+                    t += mfm.sync_bytes
+                    track.weak += [((s+len(t)//2+4)*16, n*16) for s,n in weak]
+                    dam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, dmark]) + sec_data
+                    dam += struct.pack('>H',^dcrc)
+                    t += mfm.encode(dam[3:])
+                    t += mfm.encode(bytes([track.gapbyte] * gap_3))
                 # Some EDSK images have bogus GAP3 values. If the track is too
                 # long to comfortably fit in 300rpm at double density, shrink
                 # GAP3 as far as necessary.
                 tracklen = int((track.time_per_rev / track.clock) / 16)
-                overhang = int(pos - tracklen*0.99)
+                overhang = int(len(t)//2 - tracklen*0.99)
                 if overhang <= 0:
                 new_gap_3 = gap_3 - math.ceil(overhang / nsecs)
                 error.check(new_gap_3 >= 0,
                             'EDSK: Track %d.%d is too long '
                             '(%d bits @ GAP3=%d; %d bits @ GAP3=0)'
-                            % (cyl, head, pos*16, gap_3, (pos-gap_3*nsecs)*16))
+                            % (cyl, head, len(t)*8, gap_3,
+                               (len(t)//2-gap_3*nsecs)*16))
                 gap_3 = new_gap_3
+            # Pre-index gap
+            track.verify_len = len(t)*8
+            gap = tracklen - len(t)//2
+            t += mfm.encode(bytes([track.gapbyte] * gap))
+            track.bits = bitarray(endian='big')
+            track.bits.frombytes(mfm.mfm_encode(t))
             edsk.to_track[cyl,head] = track
             o += tsize