@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# greaseweazle/codec/ibm/mfm.py
+# Written & released by Keir Fraser <keir.xen@gmail.com>
+# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+# See the file COPYING for more details, or visit <http://unlicense.org>.
+import heapq, struct
+import itertools as it
+from bitarray import bitarray
+import crcmod.predefined
+from greaseweazle.track import MasterTrack, RawTrack
+default_trackset = 'c=0-79:h=0-1'
+default_revs = 2
+iam_sync_bytes = b'\x52\x24' * 3
+iam_sync = bitarray(endian='big')
+sync_bytes = b'\x44\x89' * 3
+sync = bitarray(endian='big')
+crc16 = crcmod.predefined.Crc('crc-ccitt-false')
+class TrackArea:
+ def __init__(self, start, end, crc=None):
+ self.start = start
+ self.end = end
+ self.crc = crc
+ def delta(self, delta):
+ self.start -= delta
+ self.end -= delta
+ def __eq__(self, x):
+ return (isinstance(x, type(self))
+ and self.start == x.start
+ and self.end == x.end
+ and self.crc == x.crc)
+class IDAM(TrackArea):
+ def __init__(self, start, end, crc, c, h, r, n):
+ super().__init__(start, end, crc)
+ self.c = c
+ self.h = h
+ self.r = r
+ self.n = n
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("IDAM:%6d-%6d c=%02x h=%02x r=%02x n=%02x CRC:%04x"
+ % (self.start, self.end, self.c, self.h, self.r, self.n,
+ self.crc))
+ def __eq__(self, x):
+ return (super().__eq__(x)
+ and self.c == x.c and self.h == x.h
+ and self.r == x.r and self.n == x.n)
+class DAM(TrackArea):
+ def __init__(self, start, end, crc, mark, data=None):
+ super().__init__(start, end, crc)
+ self.mark = mark
+ self.data = data
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "DAM: %6d-%6d mark=%02x" % (self.start, self.end, self.mark)
+ def __eq__(self, x):
+ return (super().__eq__(x)
+ and self.mark == x.mark
+ and self.data == x.data)
+class Sector(TrackArea):
+ def __init__(self, idam, dam):
+ super().__init__(idam.start, dam.end, idam.crc | dam.crc)
+ self.idam = idam
+ self.dam = dam
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = "Sec: %6d-%6d CRC:%04x\n" % (self.start, self.end, self.crc)
+ s += " " + str(self.idam) + "\n"
+ s += " " + str(self.dam)
+ return s
+ def delta(self, delta):
+ super().delta(delta)
+ self.idam.delta(delta)
+ self.dam.delta(delta)
+ def __eq__(self, x):
+ return (super().__eq__(x)
+ and self.idam == x.idam
+ and self.dam == x.dam)
+class IAM(TrackArea):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "IAM: %6d-%6d" % (self.start, self.end)
+class IBM_MFM:
+ IAM = 0xfc
+ IDAM = 0xfe
+ DAM = 0xfb
+ DDAM = 0xf8
+ gap_presync = 12
+ filler = 0x4e
+ def __init__(self, cyl, head):
+ self.cyl, self.head = cyl, head
+ self.sectors = []
+ self.iams = []
+ def summary_string(self):
+ return "IBM MFM"
+ def has_sec(self, sec_id):
+ return self.sectors[sec_id].crc == 0
+ def nr_missing(self):
+ return len(list(filter(lambda x: x.crc != 0, self.sectors)))
+ def flux_for_writeout(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.raw_track().flux_for_writeout(args, kwargs)
+ def flux(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.raw_track().flux(args, kwargs)
+ def decode_raw(self, track):
+ track.cue_at_index()
+ raw = RawTrack(clock = 1e-6, data = track)
+ bits, _ = raw.get_all_data()
+ areas = []
+ idam = None
+ ## 1. Calculate offsets within dump
+ for offs in bits.itersearch(iam_sync):
+ mark = decode(bits[offs+3*16:offs+4*16].tobytes())[0]
+ if mark == IBM_MFM.IAM:
+ areas.append(IAM(offs, offs+4*16))
+ self.has_iam = True
+ for offs in bits.itersearch(sync):
+ mark = decode(bits[offs+3*16:offs+4*16].tobytes())[0]
+ if mark == IBM_MFM.IDAM:
+ s, e = offs, offs+10*16
+ b = decode(bits[s:e].tobytes())
+ c,h,r,n = struct.unpack(">4x4B2x", b)
+ crc = crc16.new(b).crcValue
+ if idam is not None:
+ areas.append(idam)
+ idam = IDAM(s, e, crc, c=c, h=h, r=r, n=n)
+ elif mark == IBM_MFM.DAM or mark == IBM_MFM.DDAM:
+ if idam is None or idam.end - offs > 1000:
+ areas.append(DAM(offs, offs+4*16, 0xffff, mark=mark))
+ else:
+ sz = 128 << idam.n
+ s, e = offs, offs+(4+sz+2)*16
+ b = decode(bits[s:e].tobytes())
+ crc = crc16.new(b).crcValue
+ dam = DAM(s, e, crc, mark=mark, data=b[4:-2])
+ areas.append(Sector(idam, dam))
+ idam = None
+ else:
+ print("Unknown mark %02x" % mark)
+ if idam is not None:
+ areas.append(idam)
+ # Convert to offsets within track
+ areas.sort(key=lambda x:x.start)
+ index = iter(raw.revolutions)
+ p, n = 0, next(index)
+ for a in areas:
+ if a.start >= n:
+ p = n
+ try:
+ n = next(index)
+ except StopIteration:
+ n = float('inf')
+ a.delta(p)
+ areas.sort(key=lambda x:x.start)
+ # Add to the deduped lists
+ for a in areas:
+ match = False
+ if isinstance(a, IAM):
+ list = self.iams
+ elif isinstance(a, Sector):
+ list = self.sectors
+ else:
+ continue
+ for s in list:
+ if abs(s.start - a.start) < 1000:
+ match = True
+ break
+ if match and list == self.sectors and s.crc != 0 and a.crc == 0:
+ self.sectors = [x for x in self.sectors if x != a]
+ match = False
+ if not match:
+ list.append(a)
+ def raw_track(self):
+ areas = heapq.merge(self.iams, self.sectors, key=lambda x:x.start)
+ t = bytes()
+ for a in areas:
+ start = a.start//16 - self.gap_presync
+ gap = max(start - len(t)//2, 0)
+ t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))
+ t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
+ if isinstance(a, IAM):
+ t += iam_sync_bytes
+ t += encode(bytes([self.IAM]))
+ elif isinstance(a, Sector):
+ t += sync_bytes
+ idam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, self.IDAM,
+ a.idam.c, a.idam.h, a.idam.r, a.idam.n])
+ idam += struct.pack('>H', crc16.new(idam).crcValue)
+ t += encode(idam[3:])
+ start = a.dam.start//16 - self.gap_presync
+ gap = max(start - len(t)//2, 0)
+ t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))
+ t += encode(bytes(self.gap_presync))
+ t += sync_bytes
+ dam = bytes([0xa1, 0xa1, 0xa1, a.dam.mark]) + a.dam.data
+ dam += struct.pack('>H', crc16.new(dam).crcValue)
+ t += encode(dam[3:])
+ # Add the pre-index gap.
+ tlen = 200000//16
+ gap = max(tlen - len(t)//2, 0)
+ t += encode(bytes([self.filler] * gap))
+ track = MasterTrack(
+ bits = mfm_encode(t),
+ time_per_rev = 0.2)
+ track.verify = self
+ track.verify_revs = default_revs
+ return track
+ def verify_track(self, flux):
+ readback_track = decode_track(self.cyl, self.head, flux)
+ if readback_track.nr_missing() != 0:
+ return False
+ return self.sectors == readback_track.sectors
+class IBM_MFM_Formatted(IBM_MFM):
+ gap_4a = 80 # Post-Index
+ gap_1 = 50 # Post-IAM
+ gap_2 = 22 # Post-IDAM
+ def __init__(self, cyl, head):
+ super().__init__(cyl, head)
+ self.raw_iams, self.raw_sectors = [], []
+ pos = self.gap_4a
+ if self.gap_1 is not None:
+ self.iams = [IAM(pos*16,(pos+4)*16)]
+ pos += self.gap_1
+ for i in range(self.nsec):
+ pos += self.gap_presync
+ idam = IDAM(pos*16, (pos+10)*16, 0xffff,
+ c=cyl, h=head, r=self.id0+i, n = self.sz)
+ pos += 10 + self.gap_2
+ size = 128 << self.sz
+ dam = DAM(pos*16, (pos+4+size+2)*16, 0xffff,
+ mark=self.DAM, data=bytes(size))
+ self.sectors.append(Sector(idam, dam))
+ def decode_raw(self, track):
+ iams, sectors = self.iams, self.sectors
+ self.iams, self.sectors = self.raw_iams, self.raw_sectors
+ super().decode_raw(track)
+ self.iams, self.sectors = iams, sectors
+ for r in self.raw_sectors:
+ if r.idam.crc != 0:
+ continue
+ for s in self.sectors:
+ if (s.idam.c == r.idam.c and
+ s.idam.h == r.idam.h and
+ s.idam.r == r.idam.r and
+ s.idam.n == r.idam.n):
+ s.idam.crc = 0
+ if r.dam.crc == 0 and s.dam.crc != 0:
+ s.dam.crc = s.crc = 0
+ s.dam.data = r.dam.data
+ def set_img_track(self, tdat):
+ pos = 0
+ self.sectors.sort(key = lambda x: x.idam.r)
+ for s in self.sectors:
+ s.crc = s.idam.crc = s.dam.crc = 0
+ size = 128 << s.idam.n
+ s.dam.data = tdat[pos:pos+size]
+ pos += size
+ self.sectors.sort(key = lambda x: x.start)
+ def get_img_track(self):
+ tdat = bytearray()
+ sectors = self.sectors.copy()
+ sectors.sort(key = lambda x: x.idam.r)
+ for s in sectors:
+ tdat += s.dam.data
+ return tdat
+class IBM_MFM_1M44(IBM_MFM_Formatted):
+ gap_3 = 84 # Post-DAM
+ nsec = 18
+ id0 = 1
+ sz = 2
+def mfm_encode(dat):
+ y = 0
+ out = bytearray()
+ for x in dat:
+ y = (y<<8) | x
+ if (x & 0xaa) == 0:
+ y |= ~((y>>1)|(y<<1)) & 0xaaaa
+ y &= 255
+ out.append(y)
+ return bytes(out)
+encode_list = []
+for x in range(256):
+ y = 0
+ for i in range(8):
+ y <<= 2
+ y |= (x >> (7-i)) & 1
+ encode_list.append(y)
+def encode(dat):
+ out = bytearray()
+ for x in dat:
+ out += struct.pack('>H', encode_list[x])
+ return bytes(out)
+decode_list = bytearray()
+for x in range(0x5555+1):
+ y = 0
+ for i in range(16):
+ if x&(1<<(i*2)):
+ y |= 1<<i
+ decode_list.append(y)
+def decode(dat):
+ out = bytearray()
+ for x,y in zip(dat[::2], dat[1::2]):
+ out.append(decode_list[((x<<8)|y)&0x5555])
+ return bytes(out)
+def decode_track(cyl, head, track):
+ mfm = IBM_MFM_1M44(cyl, head)
+ mfm.decode_raw(track)
+ return mfm
+# Local variables:
+# python-indent: 4
+# End: