@@ -15,135 +15,30 @@ from greaseweazle import version
from greaseweazle import USB
from greaseweazle import USB
from greaseweazle.bitcell import Bitcell
from greaseweazle.bitcell import Bitcell
from greaseweazle.flux import Flux
from greaseweazle.flux import Flux
-# 40MHz
-scp_freq = 40000000
-# flux_to_scp:
-# Converts Greaseweazle flux samples into a Supercard Pro Track.
-# Returns the Track Data Header (TDH) and the SCP "bitcell" array.
-def flux_to_scp(flux, track, nr_revs):
- factor = scp_freq / flux.sample_freq
- tdh = struct.pack("<3sB", b"TRK", track)
- dat = bytearray()
- len_at_index = rev = 0
- to_index = flux.index_list[0]
- rem = 0.0
- for x in flux.list:
- # Are we processing initial samples before the first revolution?
- if rev == 0:
- if to_index >= x:
- # Discard initial samples
- to_index -= x
- continue
- # Now starting the first full revolution
- rev = 1
- to_index += flux.index_list[rev]
- # Does the next flux interval cross the index mark?
- while to_index < x:
- # Append to the Track Data Header for the previous full revolution
- tdh += struct.pack("<III",
- int(round(flux.index_list[rev]*factor)),
- (len(dat) - len_at_index) // 2,
- 4 + nr_revs*12 + len_at_index)
- # Set up for the next revolution
- len_at_index = len(dat)
- rev += 1
- if rev > nr_revs:
- # We're done: We simply discard any surplus flux samples
- return tdh, dat
- to_index += flux.index_list[rev]
- # Process the current flux sample into SCP "bitcell" format
- to_index -= x
- y = x * factor + rem
- val = int(round(y))
- if (val & 65535) == 0:
- val += 1
- rem = y - val
- while val >= 65536:
- dat.append(0)
- dat.append(0)
- val -= 65536
- dat.append(val>>8)
- dat.append(val&255)
- # Header for last track(s) in case we ran out of flux timings.
- while rev <= nr_revs:
- tdh += struct.pack("<III",
- int(round(flux.index_list[rev]*factor)),
- (len(dat) - len_at_index) // 2,
- 4 + nr_revs*12 + len_at_index)
- len_at_index = len(dat)
- rev += 1
- return tdh, dat
+from greaseweazle.scp import SCP
# read_to_scp:
# read_to_scp:
# Reads a floppy disk and dumps it into a new Supercard Pro image file.
# Reads a floppy disk and dumps it into a new Supercard Pro image file.
def read_to_scp(usb, args):
def read_to_scp(usb, args):
- trk_dat = bytearray()
- trk_offs = []
- if args.single_sided:
- track_range = range(args.scyl, args.ecyl+1)
- nr_sides = 1
- else:
- track_range = range(args.scyl*2, (args.ecyl+1)*2)
- nr_sides = 2
- for track in track_range:
- cyl = track >> (nr_sides - 1)
- side = track & (nr_sides - 1)
- print("\rReading Track %u.%u..." % (cyl, side), end="")
- trk_offs.append(len(trk_dat))
- usb.seek(cyl, side)
- for retry in range(1, 5):
- ack, index_list, enc_flux = usb.read_track(args.revs+1)
- if ack == USB.Ack.Okay:
- break
- elif ack == USB.Ack.FluxOverflow and retry < 5:
- print("Retry #%u..." % (retry))
- else:
- raise CmdError(ack)
- flux = Flux(index_list, usb.decode_flux(enc_flux), usb.sample_freq)
- tdh, dat = flux_to_scp(flux, track, args.revs)
- trk_dat += tdh
- trk_dat += dat
+ nr_sides = 1 if args.single_sided else 2
+ scp = SCP(args.scyl, nr_sides)
+ for cyl in range(args.scyl, args.ecyl+1):
+ for side in range(0, nr_sides):
+ print("\rReading Track %u.%u..." % (cyl, side), end="")
+ usb.seek(cyl, side)
+ for retry in range(1, 5):
+ ack, index_list, enc_flux = usb.read_track(args.revs+1)
+ if ack == USB.Ack.Okay:
+ break
+ elif ack == USB.Ack.FluxOverflow and retry < 5:
+ print("Retry #%u..." % (retry))
+ else:
+ raise CmdError(ack)
+ flux = Flux(index_list, usb.decode_flux(enc_flux), usb.sample_freq)
+ scp.append_track(flux)
- csum = 0
- for x in trk_dat:
- csum += x
- trk_offs_dat = bytearray()
- for x in trk_offs:
- trk_offs_dat += struct.pack("<I", 0x2b0 + x)
- trk_offs_dat += bytes(0x2a0 - len(trk_offs_dat))
- for x in trk_offs_dat:
- csum += x
- ds_flag = 0
- if args.single_sided:
- ds_flag = 1
- header_dat = struct.pack("<3s9BI",
- b"SCP", # Signature
- 0, # Version
- 0x80, # DiskType = Other
- args.revs, # Nr Revolutions
- track_range.start, # Start track
- track_range.stop-1, # End track
- 0x01, # Flags = Index
- 0, # 16-bit cell width
- ds_flag, # Double Sided
- 0, # 25ns capture
- csum & 0xffffffff)
with open(args.file, "wb") as f:
with open(args.file, "wb") as f:
- f.write(header_dat)
- f.write(trk_offs_dat)
- f.write(trk_dat)
+ f.write(scp.get_image())
# write_from_scp:
# write_from_scp:
@@ -162,7 +57,7 @@ def write_from_scp(usb, args):
drive_ticks = (index_list[1] + index_list[2]) / 2
drive_ticks = (index_list[1] + index_list[2]) / 2
# Simple ratio between the Greaseweazle and SCP sample frequencies.
# Simple ratio between the Greaseweazle and SCP sample frequencies.
- factor = usb.sample_freq / scp_freq
+ factor = usb.sample_freq / SCP.sample_freq
# Parse the SCP image header.
# Parse the SCP image header.
with open(args.file, "rb") as f:
with open(args.file, "rb") as f: