Bladeren bron

Initial Commit

Bill Greiman 10 jaren geleden
100 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 17913 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 22 0
  2. 215 0
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. 98 0
  7. BIN
  8. BIN
  9. 21 0
  10. 39 0
  11. 82 0
  12. BIN
  13. 96 0
  14. 62 0
  15. 13 0
  16. 21 0
  17. 10 0
  18. 119 0
  19. 71 0
  20. 36 0
  21. 633 0
  22. 200 0
  23. 2024 0
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  52. 26 0
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  54. 135 0
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  59. 53 0
  60. 91 0
  61. 40 0
  62. 30 0
  63. 39 0
  64. 787 0
  65. 529 0
  66. 8 0
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  79. 34 0
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  86. 77 0
  87. 394 0
  88. 153 0
  89. 411 0
  90. 307 0
  91. 176 0
  92. 287 0
  93. 518 0
  94. 65 0
  95. 678 0
  96. 405 0
  97. 30 0
  98. 159 0
  99. 82 0
  100. 45 0

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
+* text=auto
+# Custom for Visual Studio
+*.cs     diff=csharp
+*.sln    merge=union
+*.csproj merge=union
+*.vbproj merge=union
+*.fsproj merge=union
+*.dbproj merge=union
+# Standard to msysgit
+*.doc	 diff=astextplain
+*.DOC	 diff=astextplain
+*.docx diff=astextplain
+*.DOCX diff=astextplain
+*.dot  diff=astextplain
+*.DOT  diff=astextplain
+*.pdf  diff=astextplain
+*.PDF	 diff=astextplain
+*.rtf	 diff=astextplain
+*.RTF	 diff=astextplain

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+## Eclipse
+# External tool builders
+# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"
+# CDT-specific
+# PDT-specific
+## Visual Studio
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+# User-specific files
+# Build results
+# MSTest test Results
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# NCrunch
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+# NuGet Packages Directory
+## TODO: If you have NuGet Package Restore enabled, uncomment the next line
+# Windows Azure Build Output
+# Windows Store app package directory
+# Others
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file to a newer
+# Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+## Windows detritus
+# Windows image file caches
+# Folder config file
+# Recycle Bin used on file shares
+# Mac crap
+## Python
+# Packages
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+#Mr Developer




+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Static Tests of the Arduino Internal ADC.
+Several people have asked about the DC accuracy of the Arduino ADC when used in my data logging applications at slow sample rates.
+Here are my results of some "hobby level" measurements of the Arduino ADC.
+One question is how important is the ADC clock rate.  I did measurents for an ADC clock rate of 125 kHz to 2MHz.
+Another question is how much does Noise Reduction Mode help.  I did a series of measurements using this mode.
+Noise Reduction Mode only reduced the mean absolute error slightly.
+I do calibration to remove Offset Error and Gain Error.  Calibration is very important for good accuracy.
+These tests depend on the Arduino voltage regulator providing a stable voltage during the tests.  The Arduino ADC reference voltage is Vcc for these tests.  This may not be realistic for practical applications
+Integral Non-linearity (INL) is the main remaining source of error.
+Here are my results for static (DC) tests of the internal ADC for three UNOs.
+The Arduinos are powered by a high quality nine volt power supply.
+These tests measure a DC level so do not include problems due to time jitter, S/H time, and other dynamic errors.
+There are several studies of the dynamic behavior of the Arduino ADC that determine ENOB (Effective Number Of Bits).
+I used a shield with a 12-bit MCP4921 DAC to generate voltage levels. This ADC has an output buffer so it provides a very low impedance source.
+I measured the voltage of the DAC with a calibrated 18-bit MCP3422 ADC on the shield.
+I used DAC levels from 20 to 4075 to avoid zero offset errors at low voltages and DAC buffer problems at high voltages.
+Each series of measurements has 4056 data points.
+This is a voltage range of about 0.023 to 4.972 volts.
+I calibrated the Arduino ADC for each series of measurements with a linear fit of the form.
+v = a + b*adcValue
+Errors are the difference between the value measured with the 18-bit ADC and the calibrated value measured with the AVR ADC.
+I also show the results for no calibration, the NoCal column, using the datasheet formula.
+Vin = Vref*adcValue/1024
+The rows in the tables tables are.
+Min - minimum error in millivolts
+Max - maximum error in millivolts
+MAE - mean absolute error in millivolts
+The columns in the tables are:
+Ideal - results for a perfect 10-bit ADC for comparison.
+NoCal - datasheet formula (5/1024)*adcValue with Noise Reduction Mode.
+NR128 - Noise Reduction mode with Prescaler of 128 (ADC clock of 125 kHz).
+PS128 - analogRead with Prescaler of 128 (ADC clock of 125 kHz).
+PS64 - analogRead with Prescaler of 64 (ADC clock of 250 kHz).
+PS32 - analogRead with Prescaler of 32 (ADC clock of 500 kHz).
+PS16 - analogRead with Prescaler of 16 (ADC clock of 1 MHz).
+PS8 - analogRead with Prescaler of 8 (ADC clock of 2 MHz).
+Results for three UNO Arduinos
+     First Arduino - Error Millivolts
+     Ideal NoCal NR128 PS128  PS64  PS32  PS16    PS8
+Min  -2.44 -2.43 -3.72 -4.01 -3.88 -4.53 -6.57 -27.18
+Max   2.44 11.69  3.74  4.24  4.15  5.17  8.69  23.21
+MAE   1.22  5.02  1.33  1.38  1.37  1.44  1.96   4.11
+     Second Arduino - Error Millivolts
+     Ideal NoCal NR128 PS128  PS64  PS32  PS16    PS8
+Min  -2.44 -9.24 -4.87 -4.86 -5.05 -5.34 -6.52 -24.04
+Max   2.44 11.62  3.95  4.64  4.69  5.71  8.41  21.29
+MAE   1.22  5.33  1.41  1.43  1.44  1.53  2.02   4.05
+     Third Arduino - Error Millivolts
+     Ideal NoCal NR128 PS128  PS64  PS32  PS16    PS8
+Min  -2.44 -7.88 -4.12 -4.40 -4.32 -4.41 -6.97 -26.93
+Max   2.44 12.53  3.80  4.04  4.18  5.27  8.84  24.59
+MAE   1.22  4.85  1.29  1.33  1.34  1.42  1.91   4.10



+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Maximum Sample Rate Table
+          ADC clock kHz 
+       125   250   500  1000
+1     7692 14286 25000 40000
+2     3810  6667 11111 16667
+3     2572  4790  8421 13559
+4     1942  3636  6452 10526
+5     1559  2930  5229  8602
+6     1303  2454  4396  7273
+7     1119  2111  3791  6299
+8      980  1852  3333  5556
+9      872  1649  2974  4969
+10     786  1487  2685  4494
+11     715  1354  2446  4103
+12     656  1242  2247  3774
+13     606  1148  2078  3493
+14     563  1067  1932  3252
+15     525   996  1806  3042
+16     493   935  1695  2857

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef AnalogBinLogger_h
+#define AnalogBinLogger_h
+// First block of file.
+struct metadata_t {
+  unsigned long  adcFrequency;     // ADC clock frequency
+  unsigned long  cpuFrequency;     // CPU clock frequency
+  unsigned long  sampleInterval;   // Sample interval in CPU cycles.
+  unsigned long  recordEightBits;  // Size of ADC values, nonzero for 8-bits.
+  unsigned long  pinCount;         // Number of analog pins in a sample.
+  unsigned long  pinNumber[123];   // List of pin numbers in a sample.
+// Data block for 8-bit ADC mode.
+const size_t DATA_DIM8 = 508;
+struct block8_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  unsigned char  data[DATA_DIM8];
+// Data block for 10-bit ADC mode.
+const size_t DATA_DIM16 = 254;
+struct block16_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  unsigned short data[DATA_DIM16];
+// Data block for PC use
+struct adcdata_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  union {
+    unsigned char  u8[DATA_DIM8];
+    unsigned short u16[DATA_DIM16];
+  } data;
+#endif  // AnalogBinLogger_h

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "AnalogBinLogger.h"
+FILE *source;
+FILE *destination;
+int count = 0;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  metadata_t meta;
+  adcdata_t adc;
+  // Make sure no padding/size problems.
+  if (sizeof(meta) != 512 || sizeof(adc) != 512) {
+    printf("block size error\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (argc != 3) {
+    printf("missing arguments:\n");
+    printf("%s binFile csvFile\n", argv[0]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  source = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
+  if (!source) {
+    printf("open failed for %s\n", argv[1]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (fread(&meta, sizeof(meta), 1, source) != 1) {
+    printf("read meta data failed\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if ( meta.pinCount == 0 
+    || meta.pinCount > (sizeof(meta.pinNumber)/sizeof(meta.pinNumber[0]))
+    || meta.adcFrequency < 50000 || meta.adcFrequency > 4000000) {
+    printf("Invalid meta data\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  destination = fopen(argv[2], "w");
+  if (!destination) {
+    printf("open failed for %s\n", argv[2]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  int pinCount = meta.pinCount;
+  printf("pinCount: %d\n", pinCount);
+  printf("Sample pins:");
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < meta.pinCount; i++) {
+    printf(" %d", meta.pinNumber[i]);
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("ADC clock rate: %g kHz\n", 0.001*meta.adcFrequency);
+  float sampleInterval = (float)meta.sampleInterval/(float)meta.cpuFrequency;
+  printf("Sample rate: %g per sec\n", 1.0/sampleInterval);
+  printf("Sample interval: %.4f usec\n", 1.0e6*sampleInterval);
+  fprintf(destination, "Interval,%.4f,usec\n", 1.0e6*sampleInterval);
+  // Write header with pin numbers
+  for (int i = 0; i < ((int)meta.pinCount - 1); i++) {
+    fprintf(destination, "pin%d,", meta.pinNumber[i]);
+  }
+  fprintf(destination, "pin%d\n", meta.pinNumber[meta.pinCount - 1]);
+  unsigned maxCount = meta.recordEightBits ? DATA_DIM8 : DATA_DIM16;
+  while (!feof(source)) {
+    if (fread(&adc, sizeof(adc), 1, source) != 1) break;
+    if (adc.count > maxCount) {
+      printf("****Invalid data block****\n");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if (adc.overrun) {
+      fprintf(destination, "Overruns,%d\n", adc.overrun);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < adc.count; i++) {
+      unsigned value = meta.recordEightBits ?[i] :[i];
+      if ((i + 1)%pinCount) {
+        fprintf(destination, "%d,", value);
+      } else {
+        fprintf(destination, "%d\n", value);
+      }
+    }
+    count += adc.count;
+  }
+  printf("%d ADC values read\n", count);
+  fclose(source);
+  fclose(destination);
+  return 0;


+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+AnalogBinLogger.ino logs analog data to a binary SD file at high rates.
+Samples are logged at regular intervals by using timer1.  Timer/Counter1
+Compare Match B is used to trigger the ADC for the first pin in a sample.
+The ADC is triggered for remaining sample pins in the ADC conversion complete
+interrupt routine.
+Data is captured in the ADC interrupt routine and saved in 512 byte buffers.
+Buffered data is written to the SD in a function called from loop().  The
+entire data set is written to a large contiguous file as a single multi-block
+write.  This reduces write latency problems.
+Many inexpensive SD cards work well at lower rates.  I used a $6.00
+SanDisk 4 GB class 4 card for testing.
+SanDisk class 4 cards work well at fairly high rates.  I used the 4 GB SanDisk
+card to log a single pin at 40,000 samples per second.
+You may need to increase the time between samples if your card has higher
+latency.  Using a Mega Arduino can help since it has more buffering.
+The bintocsv folder contains a PC program for converting binary files to
+CSV files.  I have included a executable for Windows.  Linux and Mac users
+can build from the included source files.  bintocvs is a command line program.
+bintocsv binFile csvFile 
+AnalogBinLogger requires a recent version of the SdFat library.  The SdFat
+folder contains a beta version I used for development.
+The latest stable version is here:
+You also need to install the included BufferedWriter library.  It provides
+fast text formatting.
+Example data for a 2 kHz sine wave logged at 40,000 samples per second is
+shown in DATA.PNG and FFT.PNG shows a FFT of the data.  See ExcelFFT.pdf
+in the ADCdocs folder for details on calculating a FFT.
+The accuracy of the ADC samples depends on the ADC clock rate.  See the
+ADC_ENOB.PNG file for a plot of accuracy vs ADC clock frequency.
+See files in the ADCdocs folder for more information on ADC accuracy.
+To modify this program you will need a good knowledge of the Arduino
+ADC, timer1 and C++ programming.  This is not for the newbie.
+I have an LED and resistor connected to pin 3 to signal fatal errors and
+data overruns. Fatal errors are indicated by a blinking led.  Overrun errors
+are indicated by a solid lit led.  The count of samples dropped is written
+to the SD and data logging continues.
+You can disable the error led feature by setting the error pin number negative:
+To use AnalogBinLogger, install these items. 
+Place the BufferWriter and SdFat folders in your sketchbook libraries folder.
+Place the AnalogIsrLogger folder in your sketchbook folder.
+You must edit the configuration constants at the beginning of the program 
+to set the sample pins, sample rate, and other configuration values.
+Initially the program is setup to log the first five analog pins at 5000
+samples per second.  Change these values to suit your needs.
+See RateTable.txt for maximum allowed sample rates vs pin count and ADC clock
+The program has four commands:
+c - convert file to CSV
+d - dump data to Serial
+e - overrun error details
+r - record ADC data
+All commands can be terminated by entering a character from the serial monitor.
+The c command converts the current binary file to a text file.  Entering a
+character on the serial monitor terminates the command.
+The d command converts the binary file to text and displays it on the serial
+monitor.  Entering a character on the serial monitor terminates the command.
+The e command displays details about overruns in the current binary file.
+Data overruns happen when data samples are lost due to long write latency
+of the SD.
+The r command will record ADC data to a binary file.  It will terminate
+when a character is entered on the serial monitor or the the maximum file
+block count has been reached.
+A number of program options can be set by changing constants at the beginning
+of the program.  

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Support has been added for the Arduino Due.
+You must connect your SD socket to the 6-pin "ISP connector".  You must have short
+wires or a custom shield to run at full speed, 42 MHz.
+If you have problems use a lower SPI speed.  You can also check for SPI
+errors by editing SdFatCobfig.h to enable CRC checking.
+You should be be able to use any digital pin for SD chip select.  The default
+pin is SS which is pin 10 for Due.
+The default SPI rate is 42 MHz.  You can set SD chip select and the SPI rate
+by calling:
+bool SdFat::begin(uint8_t chipSelectPin, uint8_t spiRateID);
+The second argument, spiRateID, sets the SCK rate and can be these symbols:
+Large reads and writes use fast multi-block SD read/write commands. For optimal
+speed, use records that are a multiple of 512 bytes.
+Run the bench.ino example to explore large read/write speed.
+Replace this line:
+#define BUF_SIZE 100
+With a large size like this:
+#define BUF_SIZE 8192
+For best results the record size should be a power of two (512, 1024, 2048,
+4096, 8192). In this case records will be aligned with FAT cluster boundaries.
+Since Due is fast, increase the test file size by editing this line:
+#define FILE_SIZE_MB 5
+Run the PrintBenchmark.ino example to compare text formatting speed of Due
+with AVR boards.
+A number of options are available to configure SPI for the Due board.
+You can use the standard SPI.h library by editing SdFatConfig.h and set
+USE_ARDUINO_SPI_LIBRARY nonzero.  You must include SPI.h in your sketch.
+Several options can be set in Sd2Card.cpp in the USE_NATIVE_SAM3X_SPI
+section.  These include USE_SAM3X_DMAC to control use of DMA and
+USE_SAM3X_BUS_MATRIX_FIX to change Bus Matrix operation.  Most people
+will not need to change these.

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SdFat has support for multiple SD cards.  This requires multiple instances
+of SdFat objects.
+You must edit SdFatConfig.h to enable multiple instances of SdFat. Set
+USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS nonzero like this:
+Look at TwoCards.pde in the SdFat/examples folder. This example demonstrates
+use of two SD cards.
+Read WorkingDirectory.txt for more information on volume working
+directories and the current working directory.

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+For those who don't like too much documentation.
+To use this library place the SdFat folder into the libraries
+subfolder in your main sketches folder.  You may need to 
+create the libraries folder.  Restart the Arduino IDE if
+it was open.
+Run the QuickStart.ino sketch from the 
+libraries/SdFat/examples/QuickStart folder. Click the 
+IDE up-arrow icon then -> libraries -> SdFat -> QuickStart.
+You can also click File -> Examples -> SdFat -> QuickStart.
+If problems occur try reading more documentation and use these
+forums for help:
+If QuickStart.ino runs successfully try more examples.

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<title>A web page that points a browser to a different page</title>
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=html/index.html">
+<meta name="keywords" content="automatic redirection">
+Your browser didn't automatically redirect. Open html/index.html manually.

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef ArduinoStream_h
+#define ArduinoStream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief ArduinoInStream and ArduinoOutStream classes
+ */
+#include <bufstream.h>
+ * \class ArduinoInStream
+ * \brief Input stream for Arduino Stream objects
+ */
+class ArduinoInStream : public ibufstream {
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Constructor
+   * \param[in] hws hardware stream
+   * \param[in] buf buffer for input line
+   * \param[in] size size of input buffer
+   */
+  ArduinoInStream(Stream &hws, char* buf, size_t size) {
+    m_hw = &hws;
+    m_line = buf;
+    m_size = size;
+  }
+  /** read a line. */
+  void readline() {
+    size_t i = 0;
+    uint32_t t;
+    m_line[0] = '\0';
+    while (!m_hw->available()) {}
+    while (1) {
+      t = millis();
+      while (!m_hw->available()) {
+        if ((millis() - t) > 10) goto done;
+      }
+      if (i >= (m_size - 1)) {
+        setstate(failbit);
+        return;
+      }
+      m_line[i++] = m_hw->read();
+      m_line[i] = '\0';
+    }
+  done:
+    init(m_line);
+  }
+ protected:
+  /** Internal - do not use.
+   * \param[in] off
+   * \param[in] way
+   * \return true/false.
+   */
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {return false;}
+ /** Internal - do not use.
+  * \param[in] pos
+  * \return true/false.
+  */
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {return false;}
+ private:
+  char *m_line;
+  size_t m_size;
+  Stream* m_hw;
+ * \class ArduinoOutStream
+ * \brief Output stream for Arduino Print objects
+ */
+class ArduinoOutStream : public ostream {
+ public:
+  /** constructor
+   *
+   * \param[in] pr Print object for this ArduinoOutStream.
+   */
+  explicit ArduinoOutStream(Print& pr) : m_pr(&pr) {}
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  /**
+   * Internal do not use
+   * \param[in] c
+   */
+  void putch(char c) {
+    if (c == '\n') m_pr->write('\r');
+    m_pr->write(c);
+  }
+  void putstr(const char* str) {m_pr->write(str);}
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {return false;}
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {return false;}
+  bool sync() {return true;}
+  pos_type tellpos() {return 0;}
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  ArduinoOutStream() {}
+  Print* m_pr;
+#endif  // ArduinoStream_h

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#if defined(UDR0) || defined(DOXYGEN)
+#include <MinimumSerial.h>
+ * Set baud rate for serial port zero and enable in non interrupt mode.
+ * Do not call this function if you use another serial library.
+ * \param[in] baud rate
+ */
+void MinimumSerial::begin(uint32_t baud) {
+  uint16_t baud_setting;
+  // don't worry, the compiler will squeeze out F_CPU != 16000000UL
+  if (F_CPU != 16000000UL || baud != 57600) {
+    // Double the USART Transmission Speed
+    UCSR0A = 1 << U2X0;
+    baud_setting = (F_CPU / 4 / baud - 1) / 2;
+  } else {
+    // hardcoded exception for compatibility with the bootloader shipped
+    // with the Duemilanove and previous boards and the firmware on the 8U2
+    // on the Uno and Mega 2560.
+    UCSR0A = 0;
+    baud_setting = (F_CPU / 8 / baud - 1) / 2;
+  }
+  // assign the baud_setting
+  UBRR0H = baud_setting >> 8;
+  UBRR0L = baud_setting;
+  // enable transmit and receive
+  UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);
+ *  Unbuffered read
+ *  \return -1 if no character is available or an available character.
+ */
+int MinimumSerial::read() {
+  if (UCSR0A & (1 << RXC0)) return UDR0;
+  return -1;
+ * Unbuffered write
+ *
+ * \param[in] b byte to write.
+ * \return 1
+ */
+size_t MinimumSerial::write(uint8_t b) {
+  while (((1 << UDRIE0) & UCSR0B) || !(UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0))) {}
+  UDR0 = b;
+  return 1;
+MinimumSerial MiniSerial;
+#endif  //  defined(UDR0) || defined(DOXYGEN)

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef MinimumSerial_h
+#define MinimumSerial_h
+ * \class MinimumSerial
+ * \brief mini serial class for the %SdFat library.
+ */
+class MinimumSerial : public Print {
+ public:
+  void begin(uint32_t baud);
+  int read();
+  size_t write(uint8_t b);
+  using Print::write;
+#ifdef UDR0
+extern MinimumSerial MiniSerial;
+#endif  // UDR0
+#endif  // MinimumSerial_h

+ 633 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+/* Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino Sd2Card Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <Sd2Card.h>
+#include <SdSpi.h>
+// debug trace macro
+#define SD_TRACE(m, b)
+// #define SD_TRACE(m, b) Serial.print(m);Serial.println(b);
+SdSpi Sd2Card::m_spi;
+// CRC functions
+static uint8_t CRC7(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t n) {
+  uint8_t crc = 0;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    uint8_t d = data[i];
+    for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+      crc <<= 1;
+      if ((d & 0x80) ^ (crc & 0x80)) crc ^= 0x09;
+      d <<= 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return (crc << 1) | 1;
+#if USE_SD_CRC == 1
+// slower CRC-CCITT
+// uses the x^16,x^12,x^5,x^1 polynomial.
+static uint16_t CRC_CCITT(const uint8_t *data, size_t n) {
+  uint16_t crc = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    crc = (uint8_t)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8);
+    crc ^= data[i];
+    crc ^= (uint8_t)(crc & 0xff) >> 4;
+    crc ^= crc << 12;
+    crc ^= (crc & 0xff) << 5;
+  }
+  return crc;
+#elif USE_SD_CRC > 1  // CRC_CCITT
+// faster CRC-CCITT
+// uses the x^16,x^12,x^5,x^1 polynomial.
+#ifdef __AVR__
+static const uint16_t crctab[] PROGMEM = {
+#else  // __AVR__
+static const uint16_t crctab[] = {
+#endif  // __AVR__
+  0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50A5, 0x60C6, 0x70E7,
+  0x8108, 0x9129, 0xA14A, 0xB16B, 0xC18C, 0xD1AD, 0xE1CE, 0xF1EF,
+  0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52B5, 0x4294, 0x72F7, 0x62D6,
+  0x9339, 0x8318, 0xB37B, 0xA35A, 0xD3BD, 0xC39C, 0xF3FF, 0xE3DE,
+  0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64E6, 0x74C7, 0x44A4, 0x5485,
+  0xA56A, 0xB54B, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xE5EE, 0xF5CF, 0xC5AC, 0xD58D,
+  0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76D7, 0x66F6, 0x5695, 0x46B4,
+  0xB75B, 0xA77A, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xF7DF, 0xE7FE, 0xD79D, 0xC7BC,
+  0x48C4, 0x58E5, 0x6886, 0x78A7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
+  0xC9CC, 0xD9ED, 0xE98E, 0xF9AF, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xA90A, 0xB92B,
+  0x5AF5, 0x4AD4, 0x7AB7, 0x6A96, 0x1A71, 0x0A50, 0x3A33, 0x2A12,
+  0xDBFD, 0xCBDC, 0xFBBF, 0xEB9E, 0x9B79, 0x8B58, 0xBB3B, 0xAB1A,
+  0x6CA6, 0x7C87, 0x4CE4, 0x5CC5, 0x2C22, 0x3C03, 0x0C60, 0x1C41,
+  0xEDAE, 0xFD8F, 0xCDEC, 0xDDCD, 0xAD2A, 0xBD0B, 0x8D68, 0x9D49,
+  0x7E97, 0x6EB6, 0x5ED5, 0x4EF4, 0x3E13, 0x2E32, 0x1E51, 0x0E70,
+  0xFF9F, 0xEFBE, 0xDFDD, 0xCFFC, 0xBF1B, 0xAF3A, 0x9F59, 0x8F78,
+  0x9188, 0x81A9, 0xB1CA, 0xA1EB, 0xD10C, 0xC12D, 0xF14E, 0xE16F,
+  0x1080, 0x00A1, 0x30C2, 0x20E3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
+  0x83B9, 0x9398, 0xA3FB, 0xB3DA, 0xC33D, 0xD31C, 0xE37F, 0xF35E,
+  0x02B1, 0x1290, 0x22F3, 0x32D2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
+  0xB5EA, 0xA5CB, 0x95A8, 0x8589, 0xF56E, 0xE54F, 0xD52C, 0xC50D,
+  0x34E2, 0x24C3, 0x14A0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
+  0xA7DB, 0xB7FA, 0x8799, 0x97B8, 0xE75F, 0xF77E, 0xC71D, 0xD73C,
+  0x26D3, 0x36F2, 0x0691, 0x16B0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
+  0xD94C, 0xC96D, 0xF90E, 0xE92F, 0x99C8, 0x89E9, 0xB98A, 0xA9AB,
+  0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18C0, 0x08E1, 0x3882, 0x28A3,
+  0xCB7D, 0xDB5C, 0xEB3F, 0xFB1E, 0x8BF9, 0x9BD8, 0xABBB, 0xBB9A,
+  0x4A75, 0x5A54, 0x6A37, 0x7A16, 0x0AF1, 0x1AD0, 0x2AB3, 0x3A92,
+  0xFD2E, 0xED0F, 0xDD6C, 0xCD4D, 0xBDAA, 0xAD8B, 0x9DE8, 0x8DC9,
+  0x7C26, 0x6C07, 0x5C64, 0x4C45, 0x3CA2, 0x2C83, 0x1CE0, 0x0CC1,
+  0xEF1F, 0xFF3E, 0xCF5D, 0xDF7C, 0xAF9B, 0xBFBA, 0x8FD9, 0x9FF8,
+  0x6E17, 0x7E36, 0x4E55, 0x5E74, 0x2E93, 0x3EB2, 0x0ED1, 0x1EF0
+static uint16_t CRC_CCITT(const uint8_t* data, size_t n) {
+  uint16_t crc = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+#ifdef __AVR__
+    crc = pgm_read_word(&crctab[(crc >> 8 ^ data[i]) & 0XFF]) ^ (crc << 8);
+#else  // __AVR__
+    crc = crctab[(crc >> 8 ^ data[i]) & 0XFF] ^ (crc << 8);
+#endif  // __AVR__
+  }
+  return crc;
+#endif  // CRC_CCITT
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+// Sd2Card member functions
+ * Initialize an SD flash memory card.
+ *
+ * \param[in] chipSelectPin SD chip select pin number.
+ * \param[in] sckDivisor SPI SCK clock rate divisor.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.  The reason for failure
+ * can be determined by calling errorCode() and errorData().
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::begin(uint8_t chipSelectPin, uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  m_errorCode = m_type = 0;
+  m_chipSelectPin = chipSelectPin;
+  // 16-bit init start time allows over a minute
+  uint16_t t0 = (uint16_t)millis();
+  uint32_t arg;
+  pinMode(m_chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
+  digitalWrite(m_chipSelectPin, HIGH);
+  m_spi.begin();
+  // set SCK rate for initialization commands
+  m_sckDivisor = SPI_SCK_INIT_DIVISOR;
+  m_spi.init(m_sckDivisor);
+  // must supply min of 74 clock cycles with CS high.
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) m_spi.send(0XFF);
+  // command to go idle in SPI mode
+  while (cardCommand(CMD0, 0) != R1_IDLE_STATE) {
+    if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
+      error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0);
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  if (cardCommand(CMD59, 1) != R1_IDLE_STATE) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD59);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+  // check SD version
+  while (1) {
+    if (cardCommand(CMD8, 0x1AA) == (R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND | R1_IDLE_STATE)) {
+      type(SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1);
+      break;
+    }
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_status = m_spi.receive();
+    if (m_status == 0XAA) {
+      type(SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2);
+      break;
+    }
+    if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
+      error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD8);
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // initialize card and send host supports SDHC if SD2
+  arg = type() == SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2 ? 0X40000000 : 0;
+  while (cardAcmd(ACMD41, arg) != R1_READY_STATE) {
+    // check for timeout
+    if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_INIT_TIMEOUT) {
+      error(SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD41);
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // if SD2 read OCR register to check for SDHC card
+  if (type() == SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2) {
+    if (cardCommand(CMD58, 0)) {
+      error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD58);
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if ((m_spi.receive() & 0XC0) == 0XC0) type(SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC);
+    // Discard rest of ocr - contains allowed voltage range.
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_spi.receive();
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  m_sckDivisor = sckDivisor;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+// send command and return error code.  Return zero for OK
+uint8_t Sd2Card::cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
+  // select card
+  chipSelectLow();
+  // wait if busy
+  waitNotBusy(SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
+  uint8_t *pa = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&arg);
+  // form message
+  uint8_t d[6] = {cmd | 0X40, pa[3], pa[2], pa[1], pa[0]};
+  // add crc
+  d[5] = CRC7(d, 5);
+  // send message
+  for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 6; k++) m_spi.send(d[k]);
+#else  // USE_SD_CRC
+  // send command
+  m_spi.send(cmd | 0x40);
+  // send argument
+  for (int8_t i = 3; i >= 0; i--) m_spi.send(pa[i]);
+  // send CRC - correct for CMD0 with arg zero or CMD8 with arg 0X1AA
+  m_spi.send(cmd == CMD0 ? 0X95 : 0X87);
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+  // skip stuff byte for stop read
+  if (cmd == CMD12) m_spi.receive();
+  // wait for response
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; ((m_status = m_spi.receive()) & 0X80) && i != 0XFF; i++) {
+  }
+  return m_status;
+ * Determine the size of an SD flash memory card.
+ *
+ * \return The number of 512 byte data blocks in the card
+ *         or zero if an error occurs.
+ */
+uint32_t Sd2Card::cardSize() {
+  csd_t csd;
+  if (!readCSD(&csd)) return 0;
+  if (csd.v1.csd_ver == 0) {
+    uint8_t read_bl_len = csd.v1.read_bl_len;
+    uint16_t c_size = (csd.v1.c_size_high << 10)
+                      | (csd.v1.c_size_mid << 2) | csd.v1.c_size_low;
+    uint8_t c_size_mult = (csd.v1.c_size_mult_high << 1)
+                          | csd.v1.c_size_mult_low;
+    return (uint32_t)(c_size + 1) << (c_size_mult + read_bl_len - 7);
+  } else if (csd.v2.csd_ver == 1) {
+    uint32_t c_size = 0X10000L * csd.v2.c_size_high + 0X100L
+                      * (uint32_t)csd.v2.c_size_mid + csd.v2.c_size_low;
+    return (c_size + 1) << 10;
+  } else {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_BAD_CSD);
+    return 0;
+  }
+void Sd2Card::chipSelectHigh() {
+  digitalWrite(m_chipSelectPin, HIGH);
+  // insure MISO goes high impedance
+  m_spi.send(0XFF);
+void Sd2Card::chipSelectLow() {
+  m_spi.init(m_sckDivisor);
+  digitalWrite(m_chipSelectPin, LOW);
+/** Erase a range of blocks.
+ *
+ * \param[in] firstBlock The address of the first block in the range.
+ * \param[in] lastBlock The address of the last block in the range.
+ *
+ * \note This function requests the SD card to do a flash erase for a
+ * range of blocks.  The data on the card after an erase operation is
+ * either 0 or 1, depends on the card vendor.  The card must support
+ * single block erase.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::erase(uint32_t firstBlock, uint32_t lastBlock) {
+  csd_t csd;
+  if (!readCSD(&csd)) goto fail;
+  // check for single block erase
+  if (!csd.v1.erase_blk_en) {
+    // erase size mask
+    uint8_t m = (csd.v1.sector_size_high << 1) | csd.v1.sector_size_low;
+    if ((firstBlock & m) != 0 || ((lastBlock + 1) & m) != 0) {
+      // error card can't erase specified area
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_type != SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) {
+    firstBlock <<= 9;
+    lastBlock <<= 9;
+  }
+  if (cardCommand(CMD32, firstBlock)
+    || cardCommand(CMD33, lastBlock)
+    || cardCommand(CMD38, 0)) {
+      error(SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE);
+      goto fail;
+  }
+  if (!waitNotBusy(SD_ERASE_TIMEOUT)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** Determine if card supports single block erase.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned if single block erase is supported.
+ * The value zero, false, is returned if single block erase is not supported.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::eraseSingleBlockEnable() {
+  csd_t csd;
+  return readCSD(&csd) ? csd.v1.erase_blk_en : false;
+ * Check for busy.  MISO low indicates the card is busy.
+ * 
+ * \return true if busy else false.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::isBusy() {
+  bool rtn;
+  chipSelectLow();
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    rtn = m_spi.receive() != 0XFF;
+    if (!rtn) break;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return rtn;
+ * Read a 512 byte block from an SD card.
+ *
+ * \param[in] blockNumber Logical block to be read.
+ * \param[out] dst Pointer to the location that will receive the data.
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::readBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t* dst) {
+  SD_TRACE("RB", blockNumber);
+  // use address if not SDHC card
+  if (type()!= SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) blockNumber <<= 9;
+  if (cardCommand(CMD17, blockNumber)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD17);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return readData(dst, 512);
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** Read one data block in a multiple block read sequence
+ *
+ * \param[in] dst Pointer to the location for the data to be read.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::readData(uint8_t *dst) {
+  chipSelectLow();
+  return readData(dst, 512);
+bool Sd2Card::readData(uint8_t* dst, size_t count) {
+  uint16_t crc;
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+  // wait for start block token
+  uint16_t t0 = millis();
+  while ((m_status = m_spi.receive()) == 0XFF) {
+    if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) > SD_READ_TIMEOUT) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_status != DATA_START_BLOCK) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_READ);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // transfer data
+  if ((m_status = m_spi.receive(dst, count))) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_SPI_DMA);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // get crc
+  crc = (m_spi.receive() << 8) | m_spi.receive();
+  if (crc != CRC_CCITT(dst, count)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // discard crc
+  m_spi.receive();
+  m_spi.receive();
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** read CID or CSR register */
+bool Sd2Card::readRegister(uint8_t cmd, void* buf) {
+  uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
+  if (cardCommand(cmd, 0)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return readData(dst, 16);
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** Start a read multiple blocks sequence.
+ *
+ * \param[in] blockNumber Address of first block in sequence.
+ *
+ * \note This function is used with readData() and readStop() for optimized
+ * multiple block reads.  SPI chipSelect must be low for the entire sequence.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::readStart(uint32_t blockNumber) {
+  SD_TRACE("RS", blockNumber);
+  if (type()!= SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) blockNumber <<= 9;
+  if (cardCommand(CMD18, blockNumber)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD18);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** End a read multiple blocks sequence.
+ *
+* \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::readStop() {
+  if (cardCommand(CMD12, 0)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD12);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+// wait for card to go not busy
+bool Sd2Card::waitNotBusy(uint16_t timeoutMillis) {
+  uint16_t t0 = millis();
+  while (m_spi.receive() != 0XFF) {
+    if (((uint16_t)millis() - t0) >= timeoutMillis) goto fail;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+ * Writes a 512 byte block to an SD card.
+ *
+ * \param[in] blockNumber Logical block to be written.
+ * \param[in] src Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::writeBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, const uint8_t* src) {
+  SD_TRACE("WB", blockNumber);
+  // use address if not SDHC card
+  if (type() != SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) blockNumber <<= 9;
+  if (cardCommand(CMD24, blockNumber)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD24);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (!writeData(DATA_START_BLOCK, src)) goto fail;
+  // wait for flash programming to complete
+  if (!waitNotBusy(SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // response is r2 so get and check two bytes for nonzero
+  if (cardCommand(CMD13, 0) || m_spi.receive()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** Write one data block in a multiple block write sequence
+ * \param[in] src Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::writeData(const uint8_t* src) {
+  chipSelectLow();
+  // wait for previous write to finish
+  if (!waitNotBusy(SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) goto fail;
+  if (!writeData(WRITE_MULTIPLE_TOKEN, src)) goto fail;
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+// send one block of data for write block or write multiple blocks
+bool Sd2Card::writeData(uint8_t token, const uint8_t* src) {
+  uint16_t crc = CRC_CCITT(src, 512);
+#else  // USE_SD_CRC
+  uint16_t crc = 0XFFFF;
+#endif  // USE_SD_CRC
+  m_spi.send(token);
+  m_spi.send(src, 512);
+  m_spi.send(crc >> 8);
+  m_spi.send(crc & 0XFF);
+  m_status = m_spi.receive();
+  if ((m_status & DATA_RES_MASK) != DATA_RES_ACCEPTED) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** Start a write multiple blocks sequence.
+ *
+ * \param[in] blockNumber Address of first block in sequence.
+ * \param[in] eraseCount The number of blocks to be pre-erased.
+ *
+ * \note This function is used with writeData() and writeStop()
+ * for optimized multiple block writes.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::writeStart(uint32_t blockNumber, uint32_t eraseCount) {
+  SD_TRACE("WS", blockNumber);
+  // send pre-erase count
+  if (cardAcmd(ACMD23, eraseCount)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD23);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // use address if not SDHC card
+  if (type() != SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) blockNumber <<= 9;
+  if (cardCommand(CMD25, blockNumber)) {
+    error(SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD25);
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;
+/** End a write multiple blocks sequence.
+ *
+* \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool Sd2Card::writeStop() {
+  chipSelectLow();
+  if (!waitNotBusy(SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) goto fail;
+  m_spi.send(STOP_TRAN_TOKEN);
+  if (!waitNotBusy(SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT)) goto fail;
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  chipSelectHigh();
+  return false;

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+/* Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino Sd2Card Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SpiCard_h
+#define SpiCard_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief Sd2Card class for V2 SD/SDHC cards
+ */
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <SdFatConfig.h>
+#include <SdInfo.h>
+#include <SdSpi.h>
+// SD card errors
+/** timeout error for command CMD0 (initialize card in SPI mode) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0 = 0X1;
+/** CMD8 was not accepted - not a valid SD card*/
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD8 = 0X2;
+/** card returned an error response for CMD12 (stop multiblock read) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD12 = 0X3;
+/** card returned an error response for CMD17 (read block) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD17 = 0X4;
+/** card returned an error response for CMD18 (read multiple block) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD18 = 0X5;
+/** card returned an error response for CMD24 (write block) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD24 = 0X6;
+/**  WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS command failed */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD25 = 0X7;
+/** card returned an error response for CMD58 (read OCR) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD58 = 0X8;
+/** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT failed */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD23 = 0X9;
+/** ACMD41 initialization process timeout */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD41 = 0XA;
+/** card returned a bad CSR version field */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_BAD_CSD = 0XB;
+/** erase block group command failed */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE = 0XC;
+/** card not capable of single block erase */
+/** Erase sequence timed out */
+/** card returned an error token instead of read data */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ = 0XF;
+/** read CID or CSD failed */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_REG = 0X10;
+/** timeout while waiting for start of read data */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT = 0X11;
+/** card did not accept STOP_TRAN_TOKEN */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_STOP_TRAN = 0X12;
+/** card returned an error token as a response to a write operation */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE = 0X13;
+/** attempt to write protected block zero */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_BLOCK_ZERO = 0X14;  // REMOVE - not used
+/** card did not go ready for a multiple block write */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_MULTIPLE = 0X15;
+/** card returned an error to a CMD13 status check after a write */
+/** timeout occurred during write programming */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 0X17;
+/** incorrect rate selected */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_SCK_RATE = 0X18;
+/** init() not called */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_INIT_NOT_CALLED = 0X19;
+/** card returned an error for CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF) */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD59 = 0X1A;
+/** invalid read CRC */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_CRC = 0X1B;
+/** SPI DMA error */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_SPI_DMA = 0X1C;
+// card types
+/** Standard capacity V1 SD card */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1  = 1;
+/** Standard capacity V2 SD card */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2  = 2;
+/** High Capacity SD card */
+uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC = 3;
+ * \class Sd2Card
+ * \brief Raw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards.
+ */
+class Sd2Card {
+ public:
+  /** Construct an instance of Sd2Card. */
+  Sd2Card() : m_errorCode(SD_CARD_ERROR_INIT_NOT_CALLED), m_type(0) {}
+  bool begin(uint8_t chipSelectPin = SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN,
+            uint8_t sckDivisor = SPI_FULL_SPEED);
+  uint32_t cardSize();
+  bool erase(uint32_t firstBlock, uint32_t lastBlock);
+  bool eraseSingleBlockEnable();
+  /**
+   *  Set SD error code.
+   *  \param[in] code value for error code.
+   */
+  void error(uint8_t code) {m_errorCode = code;}
+  /**
+   * \return error code for last error. See Sd2Card.h for a list of error codes.
+   */
+  int errorCode() const {return m_errorCode;}
+  /** \return error data for last error. */
+  int errorData() const {return m_status;}
+  /**
+ * Initialize an SD flash memory card.
+ *
+ * \param[in] chipSelectPin SD chip select pin number.
+ * \param[in] sckDivisor SPI SCK clock rate divisor.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.  The reason for failure
+ * can be determined by calling errorCode() and errorData().
+ */
+  bool init(uint8_t sckDivisor = SPI_FULL_SPEED,
+            uint8_t chipSelectPin = SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN) {
+    return begin(chipSelectPin, sckDivisor);
+  }
+  bool isBusy();
+  bool readBlock(uint32_t block, uint8_t* dst);
+  /**
+   * Read a card's CID register. The CID contains card identification
+   * information such as Manufacturer ID, Product name, Product serial
+   * number and Manufacturing date. 
+   *
+   * \param[out] cid pointer to area for returned data.
+   *
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool readCID(cid_t* cid) {
+    return readRegister(CMD10, cid);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Read a card's CSD register. The CSD contains Card-Specific Data that
+   * provides information regarding access to the card's contents.
+   *
+   * \param[out] csd pointer to area for returned data.
+   *
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool readCSD(csd_t* csd) {
+    return readRegister(CMD9, csd);
+  }
+  bool readData(uint8_t *dst);
+  bool readStart(uint32_t blockNumber);
+  bool readStop();
+  /** Return SCK divisor.
+   *
+   * \return Requested SCK divisor.
+   */
+  uint8_t sckDivisor() {return m_sckDivisor;}
+  /** Return the card type: SD V1, SD V2 or SDHC
+   * \return 0 - SD V1, 1 - SD V2, or 3 - SDHC.
+   */
+  int type() const {return m_type;}
+  bool writeBlock(uint32_t blockNumber, const uint8_t* src);
+  bool writeData(const uint8_t* src);
+  bool writeStart(uint32_t blockNumber, uint32_t eraseCount);
+  bool writeStop();
+ private:
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // private functions
+  uint8_t cardAcmd(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg) {
+    cardCommand(CMD55, 0);
+    return cardCommand(cmd, arg);
+  }
+  uint8_t cardCommand(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t arg);
+  bool readData(uint8_t* dst, size_t count);
+  bool readRegister(uint8_t cmd, void* buf);
+  void chipSelectHigh();
+  void chipSelectLow();
+  void type(uint8_t value) {m_type = value;}
+  bool waitNotBusy(uint16_t timeoutMillis);
+  bool writeData(uint8_t token, const uint8_t* src);
+  // private data
+  static SdSpi m_spi;
+  uint8_t m_chipSelectPin;
+  uint8_t m_errorCode;
+  uint8_t m_sckDivisor;
+  uint8_t m_status;
+  uint8_t m_type;
+#endif  // SpiCard_h

+ 2024 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// pointer to cwd directory
+SdBaseFile* SdBaseFile::m_cwd = 0;
+// callback function for date/time
+void (*SdBaseFile::m_dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) = 0;
+// add a cluster to a file
+bool SdBaseFile::addCluster() {
+  if (!m_vol->allocContiguous(1, &m_curCluster)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // if first cluster of file link to directory entry
+  if (m_firstCluster == 0) {
+    m_firstCluster = m_curCluster;
+    m_flags |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// Add a cluster to a directory file and zero the cluster.
+// return with first block of cluster in the cache
+cache_t* SdBaseFile::addDirCluster() {
+  uint32_t block;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  // max folder size
+  if (m_fileSize/sizeof(dir_t) >= 0XFFFF) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (!addCluster()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_curCluster);
+  pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, SdVolume::CACHE_RESERVE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  memset(pc, 0, 512);
+  // zero rest of clusters
+  for (uint8_t i = 1; i < m_vol->blocksPerCluster(); i++) {
+    if (!m_vol->writeBlock(block + i, pc->data)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // Increase directory file size by cluster size
+  m_fileSize += 512UL*m_vol->blocksPerCluster();
+  return pc;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+// cache a file's directory entry
+// return pointer to cached entry or null for failure
+dir_t* SdBaseFile::cacheDirEntry(uint8_t action) {
+  cache_t* pc;
+  pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(m_dirBlock, action);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return pc->dir + m_dirIndex;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+/** Close a file and force cached data and directory information
+ *  to be written to the storage device.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include no file is open or an I/O error.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::close() {
+  bool rtn = sync();
+  return rtn;
+/** Check for contiguous file and return its raw block range.
+ *
+ * \param[out] bgnBlock the first block address for the file.
+ * \param[out] endBlock the last  block address for the file.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include file is not contiguous, file has zero length
+ * or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock) {
+  // error if no blocks
+  if (m_firstCluster == 0) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  for (uint32_t c = m_firstCluster; ; c++) {
+    uint32_t next;
+    if (!m_vol->fatGet(c, &next)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // check for contiguous
+    if (next != (c + 1)) {
+      // error if not end of chain
+      if (!m_vol->isEOC(next)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      *bgnBlock = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_firstCluster);
+      *endBlock = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(c)
+                  + m_vol->blocksPerCluster() - 1;
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Create and open a new contiguous file of a specified size.
+ *
+ * \note This function only supports short DOS 8.3 names.
+ * See open() for more information.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile The directory where the file will be created.
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid DOS 8.3 file name.
+ * \param[in] size The desired file size.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include \a path contains
+ * an invalid DOS 8.3 file name, the FAT volume has not been initialized,
+ * a file is already open, the file already exists, the root
+ * directory is full or an I/O error.
+ *
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::createContiguous(SdBaseFile* dirFile,
+        const char* path, uint32_t size) {
+  uint32_t count;
+  // don't allow zero length file
+  if (size == 0) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (!open(dirFile, path, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // calculate number of clusters needed
+  count = ((size - 1) >> (m_vol->clusterSizeShift() + 9)) + 1;
+  // allocate clusters
+  if (!m_vol->allocContiguous(count, &m_firstCluster)) {
+    remove();
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  m_fileSize = size;
+  // insure sync() will update dir entry
+  m_flags |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  return sync();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Return a file's directory entry.
+ *
+ * \param[out] dir Location for return of the file's directory entry.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::dirEntry(dir_t* dir) {
+  dir_t* p;
+  // make sure fields on SD are correct
+  if (!sync()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // read entry
+  p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ);
+  if (!p) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // copy to caller's struct
+  memcpy(dir, p, sizeof(dir_t));
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Format the name field of \a dir into the 13 byte array
+ * \a name in standard 8.3 short name format.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dir The directory structure containing the name.
+ * \param[out] name A 13 byte char array for the formatted name.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::dirName(const dir_t& dir, char* name) {
+  uint8_t j = 0;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
+    if ([i] == ' ')continue;
+    if (i == 8) name[j++] = '.';
+    name[j++] =[i];
+  }
+  name[j] = 0;
+/** Test for the existence of a file in a directory
+ *
+ * \param[in] name Name of the file to be tested for.
+ *
+ * The calling instance must be an open directory file.
+ *
+ * dirFile.exists("TOFIND.TXT") searches for "TOFIND.TXT" in  the directory
+ * dirFile.
+ *
+ * \return true if the file exists else false.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::exists(const char* name) {
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  return, name, O_READ);
+ * Get a string from a file.
+ *
+ * fgets() reads bytes from a file into the array pointed to by \a str, until
+ * \a num - 1 bytes are read, or a delimiter is read and transferred to \a str,
+ * or end-of-file is encountered. The string is then terminated
+ * with a null byte.
+ *
+ * fgets() deletes CR, '\\r', from the string.  This insures only a '\\n'
+ * terminates the string for Windows text files which use CRLF for newline.
+ *
+ * \param[out] str Pointer to the array where the string is stored.
+ * \param[in] num Maximum number of characters to be read
+ * (including the final null byte). Usually the length
+ * of the array \a str is used.
+ * \param[in] delim Optional set of delimiters. The default is "\n".
+ *
+ * \return For success fgets() returns the length of the string in \a str.
+ * If no data is read, fgets() returns zero for EOF or -1 if an error occurred.
+ **/
+int16_t SdBaseFile::fgets(char* str, int16_t num, char* delim) {
+  char ch;
+  int16_t n = 0;
+  int16_t r = -1;
+  while ((n + 1) < num && (r = read(&ch, 1)) == 1) {
+    // delete CR
+    if (ch == '\r') continue;
+    str[n++] = ch;
+    if (!delim) {
+      if (ch == '\n') break;
+    } else {
+      if (strchr(delim, ch)) break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (r < 0) {
+    // read error
+    return -1;
+  }
+  str[n] = '\0';
+  return n;
+/** Get a file's name
+ *
+ * \param[out] name An array of 13 characters for the file's name.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::getFilename(char* name) {
+  dir_t* p;
+  if (!isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (isRoot()) {
+    name[0] = '/';
+    name[1] = '\0';
+    return true;
+  }
+  // cache entry
+  p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ);
+  if (!p) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // format name
+  dirName(*p, name);
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+void SdBaseFile::getpos(FatPos_t* pos) {
+  pos->position = m_curPosition;
+  pos->cluster = m_curCluster;
+// format directory name field from a 8.3 name string
+bool SdBaseFile::make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name, const char** ptr) {
+  uint8_t c;
+  uint8_t n = 7;  // max index for part before dot
+  uint8_t i = 0;
+  // blank fill name and extension
+  while (i < 11) name[i++] = ' ';
+  i = 0;
+  while (*str != '\0' && *str != '/') {
+    c = *str++;
+    if (c == '.') {
+      if (n == 10) {
+        // only one dot allowed
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      n = 10;  // max index for full 8.3 name
+      i = 8;   // place for extension
+    } else {
+      // illegal FAT characters
+#ifdef __AVR__
+      // store chars in flash
+      PGM_P p = PSTR("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\");
+      uint8_t b;
+      while ((b = pgm_read_byte(p++))) if (b == c) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+#else  // __AVR__
+      // store chars in RAM
+      if (strchr("|<>^+=?/[];,*\"\\", c)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+#endif  // __AVR__
+      // check size and only allow ASCII printable characters
+      if (i > n || c < 0X21 || c > 0X7E) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      // only upper case allowed in 8.3 names - convert lower to upper
+      name[i++] = c < 'a' || c > 'z' ?  c : c + ('A' - 'a');
+    }
+  }
+  *ptr = str;
+  // must have a file name, extension is optional
+  return name[0] != ' ';
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Make a new directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] parent An open SdFat instance for the directory that will contain
+ * the new directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for the new directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pFlag Create missing parent directories if true.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include this file is already open, \a parent is not a
+ * directory, \a path is invalid or already exists in \a parent.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::mkdir(SdBaseFile* parent, const char* path, bool pFlag) {
+  uint8_t dname[11];
+  SdBaseFile dir1, dir2;
+  SdBaseFile* sub = &dir1;
+  SdBaseFile* start = parent;
+  if (!parent || isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (*path == '/') {
+    while (*path == '/') path++;
+    if (!parent->isRoot()) {
+      if (!dir2.openRoot(parent->m_vol)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      parent = &dir2;
+    }
+  }
+  while (1) {
+    if (!make83Name(path, dname, &path)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    while (*path == '/') path++;
+    if (!*path) break;
+    if (!sub->open(parent, dname, O_READ)) {
+      if (!pFlag || !sub->mkdir(parent, dname)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    if (parent != start) parent->close();
+    parent = sub;
+    sub = parent != &dir1 ? &dir1 : &dir2;
+  }
+  return mkdir(parent, dname);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+bool SdBaseFile::mkdir(SdBaseFile* parent, const uint8_t dname[11]) {
+  uint32_t block;
+  dir_t d;
+  dir_t* p;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  if (!parent->isDir()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // create a normal file
+  if (!open(parent, dname, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // convert file to directory
+  m_flags = O_READ;
+  // allocate and zero first cluster
+  if (!addDirCluster()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // force entry to SD
+  if (!sync()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // cache entry - should already be in cache due to sync() call
+  p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!p) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // change directory entry  attribute
+  p->attributes = DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY;
+  // make entry for '.'
+  memcpy(&d, p, sizeof(d));
+[0] = '.';
+  for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 11; i++)[i] = ' ';
+  // cache block for '.'  and '..'
+  block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_firstCluster);
+  pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // copy '.' to block
+  memcpy(&pc->dir[0], &d, sizeof(d));
+  // make entry for '..'
+[1] = '.';
+  if (parent->isRoot()) {
+    d.firstClusterLow = 0;
+    d.firstClusterHigh = 0;
+  } else {
+    d.firstClusterLow = parent->m_firstCluster & 0XFFFF;
+    d.firstClusterHigh = parent->m_firstCluster >> 16;
+  }
+  // copy '..' to block
+  memcpy(&pc->dir[1], &d, sizeof(d));
+  // write first block
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+ /** Open a file in the current working directory.
+  *
+  * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
+  *
+  * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+  * OR of open flags. see SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile*, const char*, uint8_t).
+  *
+  * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+  * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+  */
+  bool SdBaseFile::open(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) {
+    return open(m_cwd, path, oflag);
+  }
+/** Open a file or directory by name.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile An open SdFat instance for the directory containing the
+ * file to be opened.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of flags from the following list
+ *
+ * O_READ - Open for reading.
+ *
+ * O_RDONLY - Same as O_READ.
+ *
+ * O_WRITE - Open for writing.
+ *
+ * O_WRONLY - Same as O_WRITE.
+ *
+ * O_RDWR - Open for reading and writing.
+ *
+ * O_APPEND - If set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the
+ * file prior to each write.
+ *
+ * O_AT_END - Set the initial position at the end of the file.
+ *
+ * O_CREAT - If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted
+ * under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file shall be created
+ *
+ * O_EXCL - If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists.
+ *
+ * O_SYNC - Call sync() after each write.  This flag should not be used with
+ * write(uint8_t), write_P(PGM_P), writeln_P(PGM_P), or the Arduino Print class.
+ * These functions do character at a time writes so sync() will be called
+ * after each byte.
+ *
+ * O_TRUNC - If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is
+ * successfully opened and is not read only, its length shall be truncated to 0.
+ *
+ * WARNING: A given file must not be opened by more than one SdBaseFile object
+ * of file corruption may occur.
+ *
+ * \note Directory files must be opened read only.  Write and truncation is
+ * not allowed for directory files.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include this file is already open, \a dirFile is not
+ * a directory, \a path is invalid, the file does not exist
+ * or can't be opened in the access mode specified by oflag.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* path, uint8_t oflag) {
+  uint8_t dname[11];
+  SdBaseFile dir1, dir2;
+  SdBaseFile *parent = dirFile;
+  SdBaseFile *sub = &dir1;
+  if (!dirFile) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // error if already open
+  if (isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (*path == '/') {
+    while (*path == '/') path++;
+    if (*path == 0) return openRoot(dirFile->m_vol);
+    if (!dirFile->isRoot()) {
+      if (!dir2.openRoot(dirFile->m_vol)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      parent = &dir2;
+    }
+  }
+  while (1) {
+    if (!make83Name(path, dname, &path)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    while (*path == '/') path++;
+    if (!*path) break;
+    if (!sub->open(parent, dname, O_READ)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (parent != dirFile) parent->close();
+    parent = sub;
+    sub = parent != &dir1 ? &dir1 : &dir2;
+  }
+  return open(parent, dname, oflag);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// open with filename in dname
+bool SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile* dirFile,
+  const uint8_t dname[11], uint8_t oflag) {
+  cache_t* pc;
+  bool emptyFound = false;
+  bool fileFound = false;
+  uint8_t index;
+  dir_t* p;
+  m_vol = dirFile->m_vol;
+  dirFile->rewind();
+  // search for file
+  while (dirFile->m_curPosition < dirFile->m_fileSize) {
+    // Cache directory block.
+    if (dirFile->read() < 0) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // Position to to next block
+    dirFile->m_curPosition += 511;
+    for (index = 0; index < 16; index++) {
+      p = &m_vol->cacheAddress()->dir[index];
+      if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE || p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) {
+        // remember first empty slot
+        if (!emptyFound) {
+          m_dirBlock = m_vol->cacheBlockNumber();
+          m_dirIndex = index;
+          emptyFound = true;
+        }
+        // done if no entries follow
+        if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) {
+          goto done;
+        }
+      } else if (!memcmp(dname, p->name, 11)) {
+         fileFound = true;
+         goto done;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ done:
+  if (fileFound) {
+    // don't open existing file if O_EXCL
+    if (oflag & O_EXCL) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // don't create unless O_CREAT and O_WRITE
+    if (!(oflag & O_CREAT) || !(oflag & O_WRITE)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (emptyFound) {
+      index = m_dirIndex;
+      p = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+      if (!p) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (dirFile->m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      // add and zero cluster for dirFile - first cluster is in cache for write
+      pc = dirFile->addDirCluster();
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      // use first entry in cluster
+      p = pc->dir;
+      index = 0;
+    }
+    // initialize as empty file
+    memset(p, 0, sizeof(dir_t));
+    memcpy(p->name, dname, 11);
+    // set timestamps
+    if (m_dateTime) {
+      // call user date/time function
+      m_dateTime(&p->creationDate, &p->creationTime);
+    } else {
+      // use default date/time
+      p->creationDate = FAT_DEFAULT_DATE;
+      p->creationTime = FAT_DEFAULT_TIME;
+    }
+    p->lastAccessDate = p->creationDate;
+    p->lastWriteDate = p->creationDate;
+    p->lastWriteTime = p->creationTime;
+    // write entry to SD
+    if (!dirFile->m_vol->cacheSync()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // open entry in cache
+  return openCachedEntry(index, oflag);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Open a file by index.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile An open SdFat instance for the directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] index The \a index of the directory entry for the file to be
+ * opened.  The value for \a index is (directory file position)/32.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of flags O_READ, O_WRITE, O_TRUNC, and O_SYNC.
+ *
+ * See open() by path for definition of flags.
+ * \return true for success or false for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag) {
+  dir_t* p;
+  m_vol = dirFile->m_vol;
+  // error if already open
+  if (isOpen() || !dirFile) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // don't open existing file if O_EXCL - user call error
+  if (oflag & O_EXCL) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // seek to location of entry
+  if (!dirFile->seekSet(32 * index)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // read entry into cache
+  p = dirFile->readDirCache();
+  if (!p) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // error if empty slot or '.' or '..'
+  if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE ||
+      p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // open cached entry
+  return openCachedEntry(index & 0XF, oflag);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// open a cached directory entry. Assumes m_vol is initialized
+bool SdBaseFile::openCachedEntry(uint8_t dirIndex, uint8_t oflag) {
+  // location of entry in cache
+  dir_t* p = &m_vol->cacheAddress()->dir[dirIndex];
+  // write or truncate is an error for a directory or read-only file
+  if (p->attributes & (DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY | DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY)) {
+    if (oflag & (O_WRITE | O_TRUNC)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // remember location of directory entry on SD
+  m_dirBlock = m_vol->cacheBlockNumber();
+  m_dirIndex = dirIndex;
+  // copy first cluster number for directory fields
+  m_firstCluster = (uint32_t)p->firstClusterHigh << 16;
+  m_firstCluster |= p->firstClusterLow;
+  // make sure it is a normal file or subdirectory
+  if (DIR_IS_FILE(p)) {
+    m_fileSize = p->fileSize;
+    m_type = FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL;
+  } else if (DIR_IS_SUBDIR(p)) {
+    if (!setDirSize()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    m_type = FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR;
+  } else {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // save open flags for read/write
+  m_flags = oflag & F_OFLAG;
+  // set to start of file
+  m_curCluster = 0;
+  m_curPosition = 0;
+  if ((oflag & O_TRUNC) && !truncate(0)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return oflag & O_AT_END ? seekEnd(0) : true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Open the next file or subdirectory in a directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile An open SdFat instance for the directory containing the
+ * file to be opened.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of flags O_READ, O_WRITE, O_TRUNC, and O_SYNC.
+ *
+ * See open() by path for definition of flags.
+ * \return true for success or false for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::openNext(SdBaseFile* dirFile, uint8_t oflag) {
+  dir_t* p;
+  uint8_t index;
+  if (!dirFile) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // error if already open
+  if (isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  m_vol = dirFile->m_vol;
+  while (1) {
+    index = 0XF & (dirFile->m_curPosition >> 5);
+    // read entry into cache
+    p = dirFile->readDirCache();
+    if (!p) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // done if last entry
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // skip empty slot or '.' or '..'
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // must be file or dir
+    if (DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) {
+      return openCachedEntry(index, oflag);
+    }
+  }
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Open a directory's parent directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dir Parent of this directory will be opened.  Must not be root.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::openParent(SdBaseFile* dir) {
+  dir_t entry;
+  dir_t* p;
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  uint32_t c;
+  uint32_t cluster;
+  uint32_t lbn;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  // error if already open or dir is root or dir is not a directory
+  if (isOpen() || !dir || dir->isRoot() || !dir->isDir()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  m_vol = dir->m_vol;
+  // position to '..'
+  if (!dir->seekSet(32)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // read '..' entry
+  if (dir->read(&entry, sizeof(entry)) != 32) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // verify it is '..'
+  if ([0] != '.' ||[1] != '.') {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // start cluster for '..'
+  cluster = entry.firstClusterLow;
+  cluster |= (uint32_t)entry.firstClusterHigh << 16;
+  if (cluster == 0) return openRoot(m_vol);
+  // start block for '..'
+  lbn = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(cluster);
+  // first block of parent dir
+    pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(lbn, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ);
+    if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  p = &pc->dir[1];
+  // verify name for '../..'
+  if (p->name[0] != '.' || p->name[1] != '.') {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // '..' is pointer to first cluster of parent. open '../..' to find parent
+  if (p->firstClusterHigh == 0 && p->firstClusterLow == 0) {
+    if (!file.openRoot(dir->volume())) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (!file.openCachedEntry(1, O_READ)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // search for parent in '../..'
+  do {
+    if (file.readDir(&entry) != 32) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    c = entry.firstClusterLow;
+    c |= (uint32_t)entry.firstClusterHigh << 16;
+  } while (c != cluster);
+  // open parent
+  return open(&file, file.curPosition()/32 - 1, O_READ);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Open a volume's root directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] vol The FAT volume containing the root directory to be opened.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include the file is already open, the FAT volume has
+ * not been initialized or it a FAT12 volume.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::openRoot(SdVolume* vol) {
+  // error if file is already open
+  if (isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  m_vol = vol;
+  if (vol->fatType() == 16 || (FAT12_SUPPORT && vol->fatType() == 12)) {
+    m_firstCluster = 0;
+    m_fileSize = 32 * vol->rootDirEntryCount();
+  } else if (vol->fatType() == 32) {
+    m_type = FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32;
+    m_firstCluster = vol->rootDirStart();
+    if (!setDirSize()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // volume is not initialized, invalid, or FAT12 without support
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // read only
+  m_flags = O_READ;
+  // set to start of file
+  m_curCluster = 0;
+  m_curPosition = 0;
+  // root has no directory entry
+  m_dirBlock = 0;
+  m_dirIndex = 0;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Return the next available byte without consuming it.
+ *
+ * \return The byte if no error and not at eof else -1;
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::peek() {
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  getpos(&pos);
+  int c = read();
+  if (c >= 0) setpos(&pos);
+  return c;
+/** Read the next byte from a file.
+ *
+ * \return For success read returns the next byte in the file as an int.
+ * If an error occurs or end of file is reached -1 is returned.
+ */
+int16_t SdBaseFile::read() {
+  uint8_t b;
+  return read(&b, 1) == 1 ? b : -1;
+/** Read data from a file starting at the current position.
+ *
+ * \param[out] buf Pointer to the location that will receive the data.
+ *
+ * \param[in] nbyte Maximum number of bytes to read.
+ *
+ * \return For success read() returns the number of bytes read.
+ * A value less than \a nbyte, including zero, will be returned
+ * if end of file is reached.
+ * If an error occurs, read() returns -1.  Possible errors include
+ * read() called before a file has been opened, corrupt file system
+ * or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::read(void* buf, size_t nbyte) {
+  uint8_t blockOfCluster;
+  uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
+  uint16_t offset;
+  size_t toRead;
+  uint32_t block;  // raw device block number
+  cache_t* pc;
+  // error if not open or write only
+  if (!isOpen() || !(m_flags & O_READ)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // max bytes left in file
+  if (nbyte >= (m_fileSize - m_curPosition)) {
+    nbyte = m_fileSize - m_curPosition;
+  }
+  // amount left to read
+  toRead = nbyte;
+  while (toRead > 0) {
+    size_t n;
+    offset = m_curPosition & 0X1FF;  // offset in block
+    blockOfCluster = m_vol->blockOfCluster(m_curPosition);
+    if (m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED) {
+      block = m_vol->rootDirStart() + (m_curPosition >> 9);
+    } else {
+      if (offset == 0 && blockOfCluster == 0) {
+        // start of new cluster
+        if (m_curPosition == 0) {
+          // use first cluster in file
+          m_curCluster = m_firstCluster;
+        } else {
+          // get next cluster from FAT
+          if (!m_vol->fatGet(m_curCluster, &m_curCluster)) {
+            DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+            goto fail;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_curCluster) + blockOfCluster;
+    }
+    if (offset != 0 || toRead < 512 || block == m_vol->cacheBlockNumber()) {
+      // amount to be read from current block
+      n = 512 - offset;
+      if (n > toRead) n = toRead;
+      // read block to cache and copy data to caller
+      pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ);
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      uint8_t* src = pc->data + offset;
+      memcpy(dst, src, n);
+    } else if (!USE_MULTI_BLOCK_SD_IO || toRead < 1024) {
+      // read single block
+      n = 512;
+      if (!m_vol->readBlock(block, dst)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    } else {
+      uint8_t nb = toRead >> 9;
+      if (m_type != FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED) {
+        uint8_t mb = m_vol->blocksPerCluster() - blockOfCluster;
+        if (mb < nb) nb = mb;
+      }
+      n = 512*nb;
+      if (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() <= block
+        && block < (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() + nb)) {
+        // flush cache if a block is in the cache
+        if (!m_vol->cacheSync()) {
+          DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+          goto fail;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!m_vol->sdCard()->readStart(block)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      for (uint8_t b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
+        if (!m_vol->sdCard()->readData(dst + b*512)) {
+          DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+          goto fail;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!m_vol->sdCard()->readStop()) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    dst += n;
+    m_curPosition += n;
+    toRead -= n;
+  }
+  return nbyte;
+ fail:
+  return -1;
+/** Read the next directory entry from a directory file.
+ *
+ * \param[out] dir The dir_t struct that will receive the data.
+ *
+ * \return For success readDir() returns the number of bytes read.
+ * A value of zero will be returned if end of file is reached.
+ * If an error occurs, readDir() returns -1.  Possible errors include
+ * readDir() called before a directory has been opened, this is not
+ * a directory file or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+int8_t SdBaseFile::readDir(dir_t* dir) {
+  int16_t n;
+  // if not a directory file or miss-positioned return an error
+  if (!isDir() || (0X1F & m_curPosition)) return -1;
+  while (1) {
+    n = read(dir, sizeof(dir_t));
+    if (n != sizeof(dir_t)) return n == 0 ? 0 : -1;
+    // last entry if DIR_NAME_FREE
+    if (dir->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) return 0;
+    // skip empty entries and entry for .  and ..
+    if (dir->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || dir->name[0] == '.') continue;
+    // return if normal file or subdirectory
+    if (DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(dir)) return n;
+  }
+// Read next directory entry into the cache
+// Assumes file is correctly positioned
+dir_t* SdBaseFile::readDirCache() {
+  uint8_t i;
+  // error if not directory
+  if (!isDir()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // index of entry in cache
+  i = (m_curPosition >> 5) & 0XF;
+  // use read to locate and cache block
+  if (read() < 0) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // advance to next entry
+  m_curPosition += 31;
+  // return pointer to entry
+  return m_vol->cacheAddress()->dir + i;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+/** Remove a file.
+ *
+ * The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted.
+ *
+ * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a
+ * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name
+ * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT".
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include the file read-only, is a directory,
+ * or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::remove() {
+  dir_t* d;
+  // free any clusters - will fail if read-only or directory
+  if (!truncate(0)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // cache directory entry
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // mark entry deleted
+  d->name[0] = DIR_NAME_DELETED;
+  // set this file closed
+  // write entry to SD
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Remove a file.
+ *
+ * The directory entry and all data for the file are deleted.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile The directory that contains the file.
+ * \param[in] path Path for the file to be removed.
+ *
+ * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a
+ * file that has a long name. For example if a file has the long name
+ * "New Text Document.txt" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWTEX~1.TXT".
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include the file is a directory, is read only,
+ * \a dirFile is not a directory, \a path is not found
+ * or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::remove(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* path) {
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  if (!, path, O_WRITE)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return file.remove();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Rename a file or subdirectory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dirFile Directory for the new path.
+ * \param[in] newPath New path name for the file/directory.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include \a dirFile is not open or is not a directory
+ * file, newPath is invalid or already exists, or an I/O error occurs.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::rename(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* newPath) {
+  dir_t entry;
+  uint32_t dirCluster = 0;
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  dir_t* d;
+  // must be an open file or subdirectory
+  if (!(isFile() || isSubDir())) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // can't move file
+  if (m_vol != dirFile->m_vol) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // sync() and cache directory entry
+  sync();
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // save directory entry
+  memcpy(&entry, d, sizeof(entry));
+  // mark entry deleted
+  d->name[0] = DIR_NAME_DELETED;
+  // make directory entry for new path
+  if (isFile()) {
+    if (!, newPath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRITE)) {
+      goto restore;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // don't create missing path prefix components
+    if (!file.mkdir(dirFile, newPath, false)) {
+      goto restore;
+    }
+    // save cluster containing new dot dot
+    dirCluster = file.m_firstCluster;
+  }
+  // change to new directory entry
+  m_dirBlock = file.m_dirBlock;
+  m_dirIndex = file.m_dirIndex;
+  // mark closed to avoid possible destructor close call
+  file.m_type = FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED;
+  // cache new directory entry
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // copy all but name field to new directory entry
+  memcpy(&d->attributes, &entry.attributes, sizeof(entry) - sizeof(d->name));
+  // update dot dot if directory
+  if (dirCluster) {
+    // get new dot dot
+    uint32_t block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(dirCluster);
+    pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_READ);
+    if (!pc) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    memcpy(&entry, &pc->dir[1], sizeof(entry));
+    // free unused cluster
+    if (!m_vol->freeChain(dirCluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // store new dot dot
+    block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_firstCluster);
+    pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+    if (!pc) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    memcpy(&pc->dir[1], &entry, sizeof(entry));
+  }
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+ restore:
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // restore entry
+  d->name[0] =[0];
+  m_vol->cacheSync();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Remove a directory file.
+ *
+ * The directory file will be removed only if it is empty and is not the
+ * root directory.  rmdir() follows DOS and Windows and ignores the
+ * read-only attribute for the directory.
+ *
+ * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of a
+ * directory that has a long name. For example if a directory has the
+ * long name "New folder" you should not delete the 8.3 name "NEWFOL~1".
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include the file is not a directory, is the root
+ * directory, is not empty, or an I/O error occurred.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::rmdir() {
+  // must be open subdirectory
+  if (!isSubDir()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  rewind();
+  // make sure directory is empty
+  while (m_curPosition < m_fileSize) {
+    dir_t* p = readDirCache();
+    if (!p) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // done if past last used entry
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break;
+    // skip empty slot, '.' or '..'
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') continue;
+    // error not empty
+    if (DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // convert empty directory to normal file for remove
+  m_flags |= O_WRITE;
+  return remove();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Recursively delete a directory and all contained files.
+ *
+ * This is like the Unix/Linux 'rm -rf *' if called with the root directory
+ * hence the name.
+ *
+ * Warning - This will remove all contents of the directory including
+ * subdirectories.  The directory will then be removed if it is not root.
+ * The read-only attribute for files will be ignored.
+ *
+ * \note This function should not be used to delete the 8.3 version of
+ * a directory that has a long name.  See remove() and rmdir().
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::rmRfStar() {
+  uint16_t index;
+  SdBaseFile f;
+  rewind();
+  while (m_curPosition < m_fileSize) {
+    // remember position
+    index = m_curPosition/32;
+    dir_t* p = readDirCache();
+    if (!p) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // done if past last entry
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) break;
+    // skip empty slot or '.' or '..'
+    if (p->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED || p->name[0] == '.') continue;
+    // skip if part of long file name or volume label in root
+    if (!DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(p)) continue;
+    if (!, index, O_READ)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (f.isSubDir()) {
+      // recursively delete
+      if (!f.rmRfStar()) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // ignore read-only
+      f.m_flags |= O_WRITE;
+      if (!f.remove()) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    // position to next entry if required
+    if (m_curPosition != (32UL*(index + 1))) {
+      if (!seekSet(32UL*(index + 1))) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // don't try to delete root
+  if (!isRoot()) {
+    if (!rmdir()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/**  Create a file object and open it in the current working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of open flags. see SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile*, const char*, uint8_t).
+ */
+SdBaseFile::SdBaseFile(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) {
+  writeError = false;
+  open(path, oflag);
+/** Sets a file's position.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pos The new position in bytes from the beginning of the file.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::seekSet(uint32_t pos) {
+  uint32_t nCur;
+  uint32_t nNew;
+  // error if file not open or seek past end of file
+  if (!isOpen() || pos > m_fileSize) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED) {
+    m_curPosition = pos;
+    goto done;
+  }
+  if (pos == 0) {
+    // set position to start of file
+    m_curCluster = 0;
+    m_curPosition = 0;
+    goto done;
+  }
+  // calculate cluster index for cur and new position
+  nCur = (m_curPosition - 1) >> (m_vol->clusterSizeShift() + 9);
+  nNew = (pos - 1) >> (m_vol->clusterSizeShift() + 9);
+  if (nNew < nCur || m_curPosition == 0) {
+    // must follow chain from first cluster
+    m_curCluster = m_firstCluster;
+  } else {
+    // advance from curPosition
+    nNew -= nCur;
+  }
+  while (nNew--) {
+    if (!m_vol->fatGet(m_curCluster, &m_curCluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  m_curPosition = pos;
+ done:
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// set m_fileSize for a directory
+bool SdBaseFile::setDirSize() {
+  uint16_t s = 0;
+  uint32_t cluster = m_firstCluster;
+  do {
+    if (!m_vol->fatGet(cluster, &cluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    s += m_vol->blocksPerCluster();
+    // max size if a directory file is 4096 blocks
+    if (s >= 4096) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  } while (!m_vol->isEOC(cluster));
+  m_fileSize = 512L*s;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+void SdBaseFile::setpos(FatPos_t* pos) {
+  m_curPosition = pos->position;
+  m_curCluster = pos->cluster;
+/** The sync() call causes all modified data and directory fields
+ * to be written to the storage device.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include a call to sync() before a file has been
+ * opened or an I/O error.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::sync() {
+  // only allow open files and directories
+  if (!isOpen()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (m_flags & F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY) {
+    dir_t* d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+    // check for deleted by another open file object
+    if (!d || d->name[0] == DIR_NAME_DELETED) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // do not set filesize for dir files
+    if (!isDir()) d->fileSize = m_fileSize;
+    // update first cluster fields
+    d->firstClusterLow = m_firstCluster & 0XFFFF;
+    d->firstClusterHigh = m_firstCluster >> 16;
+    // set modify time if user supplied a callback date/time function
+    if (m_dateTime) {
+      m_dateTime(&d->lastWriteDate, &d->lastWriteTime);
+      d->lastAccessDate = d->lastWriteDate;
+    }
+    // clear directory dirty
+    m_flags &= ~F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  }
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+ fail:
+  writeError = true;
+  return false;
+/** Copy a file's timestamps
+ *
+ * \param[in] file File to copy timestamps from.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * Modify and access timestamps may be overwritten if a date time callback
+ * function has been set by dateTimeCallback().
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::timestamp(SdBaseFile* file) {
+  dir_t* d;
+  dir_t dir;
+  // get timestamps
+  if (!file->dirEntry(&dir)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // update directory fields
+  if (!sync()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // copy timestamps
+  d->lastAccessDate = dir.lastAccessDate;
+  d->creationDate = dir.creationDate;
+  d->creationTime = dir.creationTime;
+  d->creationTimeTenths = dir.creationTimeTenths;
+  d->lastWriteDate = dir.lastWriteDate;
+  d->lastWriteTime = dir.lastWriteTime;
+  // write back entry
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Set a file's timestamps in its directory entry.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags Values for \a flags are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of flags from the following list
+ *
+ * T_ACCESS - Set the file's last access date.
+ *
+ * T_CREATE - Set the file's creation date and time.
+ *
+ * T_WRITE - Set the file's last write/modification date and time.
+ *
+ * \param[in] year Valid range 1980 - 2107 inclusive.
+ *
+ * \param[in] month Valid range 1 - 12 inclusive.
+ *
+ * \param[in] day Valid range 1 - 31 inclusive.
+ *
+ * \param[in] hour Valid range 0 - 23 inclusive.
+ *
+ * \param[in] minute Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive.
+ *
+ * \param[in] second Valid range 0 - 59 inclusive
+ *
+ * \note It is possible to set an invalid date since there is no check for
+ * the number of days in a month.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * Modify and access timestamps may be overwritten if a date time callback
+ * function has been set by dateTimeCallback().
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::timestamp(uint8_t flags, uint16_t year, uint8_t month,
+         uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) {
+  uint16_t dirDate;
+  uint16_t dirTime;
+  dir_t* d;
+  if (!isOpen()
+    || year < 1980
+    || year > 2107
+    || month < 1
+    || month > 12
+    || day < 1
+    || day > 31
+    || hour > 23
+    || minute > 59
+    || second > 59) {
+      goto fail;
+  }
+  // update directory entry
+  if (!sync()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  d = cacheDirEntry(SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!d) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  dirDate = FAT_DATE(year, month, day);
+  dirTime = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second);
+  if (flags & T_ACCESS) {
+    d->lastAccessDate = dirDate;
+  }
+  if (flags & T_CREATE) {
+    d->creationDate = dirDate;
+    d->creationTime = dirTime;
+    // seems to be units of 1/100 second not 1/10 as Microsoft states
+    d->creationTimeTenths = second & 1 ? 100 : 0;
+  }
+  if (flags & T_WRITE) {
+    d->lastWriteDate = dirDate;
+    d->lastWriteTime = dirTime;
+  }
+  return m_vol->cacheSync();
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Truncate a file to a specified length.  The current file position
+ * will be maintained if it is less than or equal to \a length otherwise
+ * it will be set to end of file.
+ *
+ * \param[in] length The desired length for the file.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include file is read only, file is a directory,
+ * \a length is greater than the current file size or an I/O error occurs.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::truncate(uint32_t length) {
+  uint32_t newPos;
+  // error if not a normal file or read-only
+  if (!isFile() || !(m_flags & O_WRITE)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // error if length is greater than current size
+  if (length > m_fileSize) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // fileSize and length are zero - nothing to do
+  if (m_fileSize == 0) return true;
+  // remember position for seek after truncation
+  newPos = m_curPosition > length ? length : m_curPosition;
+  // position to last cluster in truncated file
+  if (!seekSet(length)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (length == 0) {
+    // free all clusters
+    if (!m_vol->freeChain(m_firstCluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    m_firstCluster = 0;
+  } else {
+    uint32_t toFree;
+    if (!m_vol->fatGet(m_curCluster, &toFree)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (!m_vol->isEOC(toFree)) {
+      // free extra clusters
+      if (!m_vol->freeChain(toFree)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      // current cluster is end of chain
+      if (!m_vol->fatPutEOC(m_curCluster)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  m_fileSize = length;
+  // need to update directory entry
+  m_flags |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  if (!sync()) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // set file to correct position
+  return seekSet(newPos);
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Write data to an open file.
+ *
+ * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the
+ * storage device until sync() is called.
+ *
+ * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
+ *
+ * \param[in] nbyte Number of bytes to write.
+ *
+ * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always
+ * \a nbyte.  If an error occurs, write() returns -1.  Possible errors
+ * include write() is called before a file has been opened, write is called
+ * for a read-only file, device is full, a corrupt file system or an I/O error.
+ *
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::write(const void* buf, size_t nbyte) {
+  // convert void* to uint8_t*  -  must be before goto statements
+  const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf);
+  cache_t* pc;
+  uint8_t cacheOption;
+  // number of bytes left to write  -  must be before goto statements
+  size_t nToWrite = nbyte;
+  size_t n;
+  // error if not a normal file or is read-only
+  if (!isFile() || !(m_flags & O_WRITE)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // seek to end of file if append flag
+  if ((m_flags & O_APPEND) && m_curPosition != m_fileSize) {
+    if (!seekEnd()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // Don't exceed max fileSize.
+  if (nbyte > (0XFFFFFFFF - m_curPosition)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  while (nToWrite) {
+    uint8_t blockOfCluster = m_vol->blockOfCluster(m_curPosition);
+    uint16_t blockOffset = m_curPosition & 0X1FF;
+    if (blockOfCluster == 0 && blockOffset == 0) {
+      // start of new cluster
+      if (m_curCluster != 0) {
+        uint32_t next;
+        if (!m_vol->fatGet(m_curCluster, &next)) {
+          DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+          goto fail;
+        }
+        if (m_vol->isEOC(next)) {
+          // add cluster if at end of chain
+          if (!addCluster()) {
+            DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+            goto fail;
+          }
+        } else {
+          m_curCluster = next;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (m_firstCluster == 0) {
+          // allocate first cluster of file
+          if (!addCluster()) {
+            DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+            goto fail;
+          }
+        } else {
+          m_curCluster = m_firstCluster;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // block for data write
+    uint32_t block = m_vol->clusterStartBlock(m_curCluster) + blockOfCluster;
+    if (blockOffset != 0 || nToWrite < 512) {
+      // partial block - must use cache
+     if (blockOffset == 0 && m_curPosition >= m_fileSize) {
+        // start of new block don't need to read into cache
+        cacheOption = SdVolume::CACHE_RESERVE_FOR_WRITE;
+      } else {
+        // rewrite part of block
+        cacheOption = SdVolume::CACHE_FOR_WRITE;
+      }
+      pc = m_vol->cacheFetch(block, cacheOption);
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      // max space in block
+      uint16_t space = 512 - blockOffset;
+      // lesser of space and amount to write
+      n = space < nToWrite ? space : nToWrite;
+      uint8_t* dst = pc->data + blockOffset;
+      memcpy(dst, src, n);
+      // flush cache if all space used.
+      if (n == space) {
+        if (!m_vol->cacheWriteData()) {
+          DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+          goto fail;
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (!USE_MULTI_BLOCK_SD_IO || nToWrite < 1024) {
+      // use single block write command
+      n = 512;
+      if (m_vol->cacheBlockNumber() == block) {
+        m_vol->cacheInvalidate();
+      }
+      if (!m_vol->writeBlock(block, src)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // use multiple block write command
+      uint8_t maxBlocks = m_vol->blocksPerCluster() - blockOfCluster;
+      uint8_t nBlock = nToWrite >> 9;
+      if (nBlock > maxBlocks) nBlock = maxBlocks;
+      n = 512*nBlock;
+      if (!m_vol->sdCard()->writeStart(block, nBlock)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      for (uint8_t b = 0; b < nBlock; b++) {
+        // invalidate cache if block is in cache
+        if ((block + b) == m_vol->cacheBlockNumber()) {
+          m_vol->cacheInvalidate();
+        }
+        if (!m_vol->sdCard()->writeData(src + 512*b)) {
+          DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+          goto fail;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!m_vol->sdCard()->writeStop()) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_curPosition += n;
+    src += n;
+    nToWrite -= n;
+  }
+  if (m_curPosition > m_fileSize) {
+    // update fileSize and insure sync will update dir entry
+    m_fileSize = m_curPosition;
+    m_flags |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  } else if (m_dateTime && nbyte) {
+    // insure sync will update modified date and time
+    m_flags |= F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY;
+  }
+  if (m_flags & O_SYNC) {
+    if (!sync()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  return nbyte;
+ fail:
+  // return for write error
+  writeError = true;
+  return -1;

+ 288 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdBaseFile_h
+#define SdBaseFile_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief SdBaseFile class
+ */
+#ifdef __AVR__
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#else  // __AVR__
+#ifndef PGM_P
+/** pointer to flash for ARM */
+#define PGM_P const char*
+#endif  // PGM_P
+#ifndef PSTR
+/** store literal string in flash for ARM */
+#define PSTR(x) (x)
+#endif  // PSTR
+#ifndef pgm_read_byte
+/** read 8-bits from flash for ARM */
+#define pgm_read_byte(addr) (*(const unsigned char*)(addr))
+#endif  // pgm_read_byte
+#ifndef pgm_read_word
+/** read 16-bits from flash for ARM */
+#define pgm_read_word(addr) (*(const uint16_t*)(addr))
+#endif  // pgm_read_word
+#ifndef PROGMEM
+/** store in flash for ARM */
+#define PROGMEM const
+#endif  // PROGMEM
+#endif  // __AVR__
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <SdFatConfig.h>
+#include <SdVolume.h>
+#include <utility/FatApiConstants.h>
+ * \struct FatPos_t
+ * \brief internal type for istream
+ * do not use in user apps
+ */
+struct FatPos_t {
+  /** stream position */
+  uint32_t position;
+  /** cluster for position */
+  uint32_t cluster;
+  FatPos_t() : position(0), cluster(0) {}
+// values for m_type
+/** This file has not been opened. */
+uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED = 0;
+/** A normal file */
+uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL = 1;
+/** A FAT12 or FAT16 root directory */
+uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED = 2;
+/** A FAT32 root directory */
+uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32 = 3;
+/** A subdirectory file*/
+uint8_t const FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR = 4;
+/** Test value for directory type */
+ * \class SdBaseFile
+ * \brief Base class for SdFile with Print and C++ streams.
+ */
+class SdBaseFile {
+ public:
+  /** Create an instance. */
+  SdBaseFile() : writeError(false), m_type(FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED) {}
+  SdBaseFile(const char* path, uint8_t oflag);
+  ~SdBaseFile() {if(isOpen()) close();}
+  /**
+   * writeError is set to true if an error occurs during a write().
+   * Set writeError to false before calling print() and/or write() and check
+   * for true after calls to print() and/or write().
+   */
+  bool writeError;
+  /** \return value of writeError */
+  bool getWriteError() {return writeError;}
+  /** Set writeError to zero */
+  void clearWriteError() {writeError = 0;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // helpers for stream classes
+  /** get position for streams
+   * \param[out] pos struct to receive position
+   */
+  void getpos(FatPos_t* pos);
+  /** set position for streams
+   * \param[out] pos struct with value for new position
+   */
+  void setpos(FatPos_t* pos);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** \return number of bytes available from yhe current position to EOF */
+  uint32_t available() {return fileSize() - curPosition();}
+  bool close();
+  bool contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock);
+  bool createContiguous(SdBaseFile* dirFile,
+          const char* path, uint32_t size);
+  /** \return The current cluster number for a file or directory. */
+  uint32_t curCluster() const {return m_curCluster;}
+  /** \return The current position for a file or directory. */
+  uint32_t curPosition() const {return m_curPosition;}
+  /** \return Current working directory */
+  static SdBaseFile* cwd() {return m_cwd;}
+  /** Set the date/time callback function
+   *
+   * \param[in] dateTime The user's call back function.  The callback
+   * function is of the form:
+   *
+   * \code
+   * void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) {
+   *   uint16_t year;
+   *   uint8_t month, day, hour, minute, second;
+   *
+   *   // User gets date and time from GPS or real-time clock here
+   *
+   *   // return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields
+   *   *date = FAT_DATE(year, month, day);
+   *
+   *   // return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields
+   *   *time = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second);
+   * }
+   * \endcode
+   *
+   * Sets the function that is called when a file is created or when
+   * a file's directory entry is modified by sync(). All timestamps,
+   * access, creation, and modify, are set when a file is created.
+   * sync() maintains the last access date and last modify date/time.
+   *
+   * See the timestamp() function.
+   */
+  static void dateTimeCallback(
+    void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time)) {
+    m_dateTime = dateTime;
+  }
+  /**  Cancel the date/time callback function. */
+  static void dateTimeCallbackCancel() {m_dateTime = 0;}
+  bool dirEntry(dir_t* dir);
+  static void dirName(const dir_t& dir, char* name);
+  bool exists(const char* name);
+  int16_t fgets(char* str, int16_t num, char* delim = 0);
+  /** \return The total number of bytes in a file or directory. */
+  uint32_t fileSize() const {return m_fileSize;}
+  /** \return The first cluster number for a file or directory. */
+  uint32_t firstCluster() const {return m_firstCluster;}
+  bool getFilename(char* name);
+  /** \return True if this is a directory else false. */
+  bool isDir() const {return m_type >= FAT_FILE_TYPE_MIN_DIR;}
+  /** \return True if this is a normal file else false. */
+  bool isFile() const {return m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL;}
+  /** \return True if this is an open file/directory else false. */
+  bool isOpen() const {return m_type != FAT_FILE_TYPE_CLOSED;}
+  /** \return True if this is a subdirectory else false. */
+  bool isSubDir() const {return m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_SUBDIR;}
+  /** \return True if this is the root directory. */
+  bool isRoot() const {
+    return m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT_FIXED || m_type == FAT_FILE_TYPE_ROOT32;
+  }
+  void ls(Print* pr, uint8_t flags = 0, uint8_t indent = 0);
+  void ls(uint8_t flags = 0);
+  bool mkdir(SdBaseFile* dir, const char* path, bool pFlag = true);
+  // alias for backward compactability
+  bool makeDir(SdBaseFile* dir, const char* path) {
+    return mkdir(dir, path, false);
+  }
+  bool open(SdBaseFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag);
+  bool open(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* path, uint8_t oflag);
+  bool open(const char* path, uint8_t oflag = O_READ);
+  bool openNext(SdBaseFile* dirFile, uint8_t oflag);
+  bool openRoot(SdVolume* vol);
+  int peek();
+  bool printCreateDateTime(Print* pr);
+  static void printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate);
+  static void printFatDate(Print* pr, uint16_t fatDate);
+  static void printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime);
+  static void printFatTime(Print* pr, uint16_t fatTime);
+  int printField(int16_t value, char term);
+  int printField(uint16_t value, char term);
+  int printField(int32_t value, char term);
+  int printField(uint32_t value, char term);
+  bool printModifyDateTime(Print* pr);
+  size_t printName();
+  size_t printName(Print* pr);
+  size_t printFileSize(Print* pr);
+  int16_t read();
+  int read(void* buf, size_t nbyte);
+  int8_t readDir(dir_t* dir);
+  static bool remove(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* path);
+  bool remove();
+  /** Set the file's current position to zero. */
+  void rewind() {seekSet(0);}
+  bool rename(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const char* newPath);
+  bool rmdir();
+  // for backward compatibility
+  bool rmDir() {return rmdir();}
+  bool rmRfStar();
+  /** Set the files position to current position + \a pos. See seekSet().
+   * \param[in] offset The new position in bytes from the current position.
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool seekCur(int32_t offset) {
+    return seekSet(m_curPosition + offset);
+  }
+  /** Set the files position to end-of-file + \a offset. See seekSet().
+   * \param[in] offset The new position in bytes from end-of-file.
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool seekEnd(int32_t offset = 0) {return seekSet(m_fileSize + offset);}
+  bool seekSet(uint32_t pos);
+  bool sync();
+  bool timestamp(SdBaseFile* file);
+  bool timestamp(uint8_t flag, uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
+          uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second);
+  /** Type of file.  You should use isFile() or isDir() instead of type()
+   * if possible.
+   *
+   * \return The file or directory type.
+   */
+  uint8_t type() const {return m_type;}
+  bool truncate(uint32_t size);
+  /** \return SdVolume that contains this file. */
+  SdVolume* volume() const {return m_vol;}
+  int write(const void* buf, size_t nbyte);
+ private:
+  // allow SdFat to set m_cwd
+  friend class SdFat;
+  /** experimental don't use */
+  bool openParent(SdBaseFile* dir);
+  // private functions
+  bool addCluster();
+  cache_t* addDirCluster();
+  dir_t* cacheDirEntry(uint8_t action);
+  int8_t lsPrintNext(Print *pr, uint8_t flags, uint8_t indent);
+  static bool make83Name(const char* str, uint8_t* name, const char** ptr);
+  bool mkdir(SdBaseFile* parent, const uint8_t dname[11]);
+  bool open(SdBaseFile* dirFile, const uint8_t dname[11], uint8_t oflag);
+  bool openCachedEntry(uint8_t cacheIndex, uint8_t oflags);
+  dir_t* readDirCache();
+  static void setCwd(SdBaseFile* cwd) {m_cwd = cwd;}
+  bool setDirSize();
+  // bits defined in m_flags
+  // should be 0X0F
+  static uint8_t const F_OFLAG = (O_ACCMODE | O_APPEND | O_SYNC);
+  // sync of directory entry required
+  static uint8_t const F_FILE_DIR_DIRTY = 0X80;
+  // global pointer to cwd dir
+  static SdBaseFile* m_cwd;
+  // data time callback function
+  static void (*m_dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time);
+  // private data
+  uint8_t   m_flags;         // See above for definition of m_flags bits
+  uint8_t   m_type;          // type of file see above for values
+  uint8_t   m_dirIndex;      // index of directory entry in dirBlock
+  SdVolume* m_vol;           // volume where file is located
+  uint32_t  m_curCluster;    // cluster for current file position
+  uint32_t  m_curPosition;   // current file position in bytes from beginning
+  uint32_t  m_dirBlock;      // block for this files directory entry
+  uint32_t  m_fileSize;      // file size in bytes
+  uint32_t  m_firstCluster;  // first cluster of file
+#endif  // SdBaseFile_h

+ 322 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <utility/FmtNumber.h>
+/** List directory contents to stdOut.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
+ *
+ * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
+ *
+ * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
+ *
+ * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::ls(uint8_t flags) {
+  ls(SdFat::stdOut(), flags, 0);
+/** List directory contents.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for list.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
+ *
+ * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
+ *
+ * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
+ *
+ * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
+ *
+ * \param[in] indent Amount of space before file name. Used for recursive
+ * list to indicate subdirectory level.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::ls(Print* pr, uint8_t flags, uint8_t indent) {
+  if (!isDir()) {
+    pr->println(F("bad dir"));
+    return;
+  }
+  rewind();
+  int8_t status;
+  while ((status = lsPrintNext(pr, flags, indent))) {
+    if (status > 1 && (flags & LS_R)) {
+      uint16_t index = curPosition()/32 - 1;
+      SdBaseFile s;
+      if (, index, O_READ)), flags, indent + 2);
+      seekSet(32 * (index + 1));
+    }
+  }
+// saves 32 bytes on stack for ls recursion
+// return 0 - EOF, 1 - normal file, or 2 - directory
+int8_t SdBaseFile::lsPrintNext(Print *pr, uint8_t flags, uint8_t indent) {
+  dir_t dir;
+  uint8_t w = 0;
+  while (1) {
+    if (read(&dir, sizeof(dir)) != sizeof(dir)) return 0;
+    if ([0] == DIR_NAME_FREE) return 0;
+    // skip deleted entry and entries for . and  ..
+    if ([0] != DIR_NAME_DELETED &&[0] != '.'
+      && DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(&dir)) break;
+  }
+  // indent for dir level
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) pr->write(' ');
+  // print name
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
+    if ([i] == ' ')continue;
+    if (i == 8) {
+      pr->write('.');
+      w++;
+    }
+    pr->write([i]);
+    w++;
+  }
+  if (DIR_IS_SUBDIR(&dir)) {
+    pr->write('/');
+    w++;
+  }
+  if (flags & (LS_DATE | LS_SIZE)) {
+    while (w++ < 14) pr->write(' ');
+  }
+  // print modify date/time if requested
+  if (flags & LS_DATE) {
+    pr->write(' ');
+    printFatDate(pr, dir.lastWriteDate);
+    pr->write(' ');
+    printFatTime(pr, dir.lastWriteTime);
+  }
+  // print size if requested
+  if (!DIR_IS_SUBDIR(&dir) && (flags & LS_SIZE)) {
+    pr->write(' ');
+    pr->print(dir.fileSize);
+  }
+  pr->println();
+  return DIR_IS_FILE(&dir) ? 1 : 2;
+// print uint8_t with width 2
+static void print2u(Print* pr, uint8_t v) {
+  if (v < 10) pr->write('0');
+  pr->print(v, DEC);
+/** Print a file's creation date and time
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for output.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::printCreateDateTime(Print* pr) {
+  dir_t dir;
+  if (!dirEntry(&dir)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  printFatDate(pr, dir.creationDate);
+  pr->write(' ');
+  printFatTime(pr, dir.creationTime);
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** %Print a directory date field to stdOut.
+ *
+ *  Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
+ *
+ * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate) {
+  printFatDate(SdFat::stdOut(), fatDate);
+/** %Print a directory date field.
+ *
+ *  Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for output.
+ * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::printFatDate(Print* pr, uint16_t fatDate) {
+  pr->print(FAT_YEAR(fatDate));
+  pr->write('-');
+  print2u(pr, FAT_MONTH(fatDate));
+  pr->write('-');
+  print2u(pr, FAT_DAY(fatDate));
+/** %Print a directory time field to stdOut.
+ *
+ * Format is hh:mm:ss.
+ *
+ * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime) {
+  printFatTime(SdFat::stdOut(), fatTime);
+/** %Print a directory time field.
+ *
+ * Format is hh:mm:ss.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for output.
+ * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry.
+ */
+void SdBaseFile::printFatTime(Print* pr, uint16_t fatTime) {
+  print2u(pr, FAT_HOUR(fatTime));
+  pr->write(':');
+  print2u(pr, FAT_MINUTE(fatTime));
+  pr->write(':');
+  print2u(pr, FAT_SECOND(fatTime));
+/** Template for SdBaseFile::printField() */
+template <typename Type>
+static int printFieldT(SdBaseFile* file, char sign, Type value, char term) {
+  char buf[3*sizeof(Type) + 3];
+  char* str = &buf[sizeof(buf)];
+  if (term) {
+    *--str = term;
+    if (term == '\n') {
+      *--str = '\r';
+    }
+  }
+  do {
+    Type m = value;
+    value /= 10;
+    *--str = '0' + m - 10*value;
+  } while (value);
+  if (sign) {
+    *--str = sign;
+  }
+  return file->write(str, &buf[sizeof(buf)] - str);
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.  Use '\\n' for CR LF.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::printField(uint16_t value, char term) {
+  return printFieldT(this, 0, value, term);
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.  Use '\\n' for CR LF.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::printField(int16_t value, char term) {
+  char sign = 0;
+  if (value < 0) {
+    sign = '-';
+    value = -value;
+  }
+  return printFieldT(this, sign, (uint16_t)value, term);
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.  Use '\\n' for CR LF.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::printField(uint32_t value, char term) {
+  return printFieldT(this, 0, value, term);
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.  Use '\\n' for CR LF.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+int SdBaseFile::printField(int32_t value, char term) {
+  char sign = 0;
+  if (value < 0) {
+    sign = '-';
+    value = -value;
+  }
+  return printFieldT(this, sign, (uint32_t)value, term);
+/** Print a file's modify date and time
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for output.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdBaseFile::printModifyDateTime(Print* pr) {
+  dir_t dir;
+  if (!dirEntry(&dir)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  printFatDate(pr, dir.lastWriteDate);
+  pr->write(' ');
+  printFatTime(pr, dir.lastWriteTime);
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Print a file's name
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for output.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+size_t SdBaseFile::printName(Print* pr) {
+  char name[13];
+  if (!getFilename(name)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return pr->print(name);
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+/** Print a file's name to stdOut
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+size_t SdBaseFile::printName() {
+  return printName(SdFat::stdOut());
+size_t SdBaseFile::printFileSize(Print* pr) {
+  char buf[10];
+  char *ptr = fmtDec(fileSize(), buf + sizeof(buf));
+  while (ptr > buf) *--ptr = ' ';
+  return pr->write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(buf), sizeof(buf));

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#if USE_SERIAL_FOR_STD_OUT || !defined(UDR0)
+Print* SdFat::m_stdOut = &Serial;
+#include <MinimumSerial.h>
+Print* SdFat::m_stdOut = &MiniSerial;
+ * Initialize an SdFat object.
+ *
+ * Initializes the SD card, SD volume, and root directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] chipSelectPin SD chip select pin. See Sd2Card::init().
+ * \param[in] sckDivisor value for SPI SCK divisor. See Sd2Card::init().
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::begin(uint8_t chipSelectPin, uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  return m_card.begin(chipSelectPin, sckDivisor)
+         && m_vol.init(&m_card) && chdir(1);
+/** Change a volume's working directory to root
+ *
+ * Changes the volume's working directory to the SD's root directory.
+ * Optionally set the current working directory to the volume's
+ * working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] set_cwd Set the current working directory to this volume's
+ *  working directory if true.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::chdir(bool set_cwd) {
+  if (set_cwd) SdBaseFile::setCwd(&m_vwd);
+  if (m_vwd.isOpen()) m_vwd.close();
+  return m_vwd.openRoot(&m_vol);
+/** Change a volume's working directory
+ *
+ * Changes the volume working directory to the \a path subdirectory.
+ * Optionally set the current working directory to the volume's
+ * working directory.
+ *
+ * Example: If the volume's working directory is "/DIR", chdir("SUB")
+ * will change the volume's working directory from "/DIR" to "/DIR/SUB".
+ *
+ * If path is "/", the volume's working directory will be changed to the
+ * root directory
+ *
+ * \param[in] path The name of the subdirectory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] set_cwd Set the current working directory to this volume's
+ *  working directory if true.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::chdir(const char *path, bool set_cwd) {
+  SdBaseFile dir;
+, path, O_READ);
+  // Check for correctly open directory.
+  if (!dir.isDir()) goto fail;
+  m_vwd = dir;
+  if (set_cwd) SdBaseFile::setCwd(&m_vwd);
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Set the current working directory to a volume's working directory.
+ *
+ * This is useful with multiple SD cards.
+ *
+ * The current working directory is changed to this volume's working directory.
+ *
+ * This is like the Windows/DOS \<drive letter>: command.
+ */
+void SdFat::chvol() {
+  SdBaseFile::setCwd(&m_vwd);
+ * Test for the existence of a file.
+ *
+ * \param[in] name Name of the file to be tested for.
+ *
+ * \return true if the file exists else false.
+ */
+bool SdFat::exists(const char* name) {
+  return m_vwd.exists(name);
+/** List the directory contents of the volume working directory to stdOut.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
+ *
+ * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
+ *
+ * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
+ *
+ * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
+ */
+void SdFat::ls(uint8_t flags) {
+, flags);
+/** List the directory contents of the volume working directory to stdOut.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path directory to list.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
+ *
+ * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
+ *
+ * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
+ *
+ * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
+ */
+void SdFat::ls(const char* path, uint8_t flags) {
+  ls(m_stdOut, path, flags);
+/** List the directory contents of the volume working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print stream for list.
+ *
+ * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
+ *
+ * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
+ *
+ * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
+ *
+ * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
+ */
+void SdFat::ls(Print* pr, uint8_t flags) {
+, flags);
+void SdFat::ls(Print* pr, const char* path, uint8_t flags) {
+  SdBaseFile dir(path, O_READ);
+, flags);
+/** Make a subdirectory in the volume working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for the subdirectory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pFlag Create missing parent directories if true.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::mkdir(const char* path, bool pFlag) {
+  SdBaseFile sub;
+  return sub.mkdir(&m_vwd, path, pFlag);
+/** Remove a file from the volume working directory.
+* \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for the file.
+* \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+* the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+bool SdFat::remove(const char* path) {
+  return SdBaseFile::remove(&m_vwd, path);
+/** Rename a file or subdirectory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oldPath Path name to the file or subdirectory to be renamed.
+ *
+ * \param[in] newPath New path name of the file or subdirectory.
+ *
+ * The \a newPath object must not exist before the rename call.
+ *
+ * The file to be renamed must not be open.  The directory entry may be
+ * moved and file system corruption could occur if the file is accessed by
+ * a file object that was opened before the rename() call.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::rename(const char *oldPath, const char *newPath) {
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  if (!, O_READ)) return false;
+  return file.rename(&m_vwd, newPath);
+/** Remove a subdirectory from the volume's working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for the subdirectory.
+ *
+ * The subdirectory file will be removed only if it is empty.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ */
+bool SdFat::rmdir(const char* path) {
+  SdBaseFile sub;
+  if (!, O_READ)) return false;
+  return sub.rmdir();
+/** Truncate a file to a specified length.  The current file position
+ * will be maintained if it is less than or equal to \a length otherwise
+ * it will be set to end of file.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for the file.
+ * \param[in] length The desired length for the file.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.
+ * Reasons for failure include file is read only, file is a directory,
+ * \a length is greater than the current file size or an I/O error occurs.
+ */
+bool SdFat::truncate(const char* path, uint32_t length) {
+  SdBaseFile file;
+  if (!, O_WRITE)) return false;
+  return file.truncate(length);

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdFat_h
+#define SdFat_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief SdFat class
+ */
+/** Macro for debug. */
+#define DBG_FAIL_MACRO  // Serial.print(__FILE__);Serial.println(__LINE__)
+/** SdFat version YYYYMMDD */
+#define SD_FAT_VERSION 20140806
+/** error if old IDE */
+#if !defined(ARDUINO) || ARDUINO < 100
+#error Arduino IDE must be 1.0 or greater
+#endif  // ARDUINO < 100
+#include <SdFile.h>
+#include <SdStream.h>
+#include <ArduinoStream.h>
+#include <MinimumSerial.h>
+ * \class SdFat
+ * \brief Integration class for the %SdFat library.
+ */
+class SdFat {
+ public:
+  SdFat() {}
+  /** \return a pointer to the Sd2Card object. */
+  Sd2Card* card() {return &m_card;}
+  bool chdir(bool set_cwd = false);
+  bool chdir(const char* path, bool set_cwd = false);
+  void chvol();
+  void errorHalt();
+  void errorHalt(char const *msg);
+  void errorPrint();
+  void errorPrint(char const *msg);
+  bool exists(const char* name);
+  bool begin(uint8_t chipSelectPin = SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN,
+    uint8_t sckDivisor = SPI_FULL_SPEED);
+  void initErrorHalt();
+  void initErrorHalt(char const *msg);
+  void initErrorPrint();
+  void initErrorPrint(char const *msg);
+  void ls(uint8_t flags = 0);
+  void ls(const char* path, uint8_t flags = 0);
+  void ls(Print* pr, uint8_t flags = 0);
+  void ls(Print* pr, const char* path, uint8_t flags = 0);
+  bool mkdir(const char* path, bool pFlag = true);
+  bool remove(const char* path);
+  bool rename(const char *oldPath, const char *newPath);
+  bool rmdir(const char* path);
+  bool truncate(const char* path, uint32_t length);
+  /** \return a pointer to the SdVolume object. */
+  SdVolume* vol() {return &m_vol;}
+  /** \return a pointer to the volume working directory. */
+  SdBaseFile* vwd() {return &m_vwd;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void errorHalt_P(PGM_P msg);
+  void errorPrint_P(PGM_P msg);
+  void initErrorHalt_P(PGM_P msg);
+  void initErrorPrint_P(PGM_P msg);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   *  Set stdOut Print stream for messages.
+   * \param[in] stream The new Print stream.
+   */
+  static void setStdOut(Print* stream) {m_stdOut = stream;}
+  /** \return Print stream for messages. */
+  static Print* stdOut() {return m_stdOut;}
+ private:
+  Sd2Card m_card;
+  SdVolume m_vol;
+  SdBaseFile m_vwd;
+  static Print* m_stdOut;
+#endif  // SdFat_h

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief configuration definitions
+ */
+#ifndef SdFatConfig_h
+#define SdFatConfig_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+ * Set USE_SEPARATE_FAT_CACHE nonzero to use a second 512 byte cache
+ * for FAT table entries.  Improves performance for large writes that
+ * are not a multiple of 512 bytes.
+ */
+#ifdef __arm__
+#else  // __arm__
+#endif  // __arm__
+ * Set USE_MULTI_BLOCK_SD_IO nonzero to use multi-block SD read/write.
+ *
+ * Don't use mult-block read/write on small AVR boards.
+ */
+#if defined(RAMEND) && RAMEND < 3000
+ * Force use of Arduino Standard SPI library if USE_ARDUINO_SPI_LIBRARY
+ * is nonzero.
+ */
+ * To enable SD card CRC checking set USE_SD_CRC nonzero.
+ *
+ * Set USE_SD_CRC to 1 to use a smaller slower CRC-CCITT function.
+ *
+ * Set USE_SD_CRC to 2 to used a larger faster table driven CRC-CCITT function.
+ */
+#define USE_SD_CRC 0
+ * To use multiple SD cards set USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS nonzero.
+ *
+ * Using multiple cards costs about 200  bytes of flash.
+ *
+ * Each card requires about 550 bytes of SRAM so use of a Mega is recommended.
+ */
+ * Set DESTRUCTOR_CLOSES_FILE nonzero to close a file in its destructor.
+ *
+ * Causes use of lots of heap in ARM.
+ */
+ * For AVR
+ *
+ * Set USE_SERIAL_FOR_STD_OUT nonzero to use Serial (the HardwareSerial class)
+ * for error messages and output from print functions like ls().
+ *
+ * If USE_SERIAL_FOR_STD_OUT is zero, a small non-interrupt driven class
+ * is used to output messages to serial port zero.  This allows an alternate
+ * Serial library like SerialPort to be used with SdFat.
+ *
+ * You can redirect stdOut with SdFat::setStdOut(Print* stream) and
+ * get the current stream with SdFat::stdOut().
+ */
+ * Call flush for endl if ENDL_CALLS_FLUSH is nonzero
+ *
+ * The standard for iostreams is to call flush.  This is very costly for
+ * SdFat.  Each call to flush causes 2048 bytes of I/O to the SD.
+ *
+ * SdFat has a single 512 byte buffer for SD I/O so it must write the current
+ * data block to the SD, read the directory block from the SD, update the
+ * directory entry, write the directory block to the SD and read the data
+ * block back into the buffer.
+ *
+ * The SD flash memory controller is not designed for this many rewrites
+ * so performance may be reduced by more than a factor of 100.
+ *
+ * If ENDL_CALLS_FLUSH is zero, you must call flush and/or close to force
+ * all data to be written to the SD.
+ */
+ * Allow FAT12 volumes if FAT12_SUPPORT is nonzero.
+ * FAT12 has not been well tested.
+ */
+#define FAT12_SUPPORT 0
+ * SPI SCK divisor for SD initialization commands.
+ * or greater
+ */
+#ifdef __AVR__
+const uint8_t SPI_SCK_INIT_DIVISOR = 64;
+const uint8_t SPI_SCK_INIT_DIVISOR = 128;
+ * Define MEGA_SOFT_SPI nonzero to use software SPI on Mega Arduinos.
+ * Default pins used are SS 10, MOSI 11, MISO 12, and SCK 13.
+ * Edit Software Spi pins to change pin numbers.
+ *
+ * MEGA_SOFT_SPI allows an unmodified 328 Shield to be used
+ * on Mega Arduinos.
+ */
+#define MEGA_SOFT_SPI 0
+ * Define LEONARDO_SOFT_SPI nonzero to use software SPI on Leonardo Arduinos.
+ * Default pins used are SS 10, MOSI 11, MISO 12, and SCK 13.
+ * Edit Software Spi pins to change pin numbers.
+ *
+ * LEONARDO_SOFT_SPI allows an unmodified 328 Shield to be used
+ * on Leonardo Arduinos.
+ */
+ * Set USE_SOFTWARE_SPI nonzero to always use software SPI on AVR.
+ */
+// define software SPI pins so Mega can use unmodified 168/328 shields
+/** Default Software SPI chip select pin */
+uint8_t const SOFT_SPI_CS_PIN = 10;
+/** Software SPI Master Out Slave In pin */
+uint8_t const SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN = 11;
+/** Software SPI Master In Slave Out pin */
+uint8_t const SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN = 12;
+/** Software SPI Clock pin */
+uint8_t const SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN = 13;
+#endif  // SdFatConfig_h

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#ifndef PSTR
+#define PSTR(x) x
+#define PGM_P const char*
+static void pstrPrint(PGM_P str) {
+  for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) SdFat::stdOut()->write(c);
+static void pstrPrintln(PGM_P str) {
+  pstrPrint(str);
+  SdFat::stdOut()->println();
+/** %Print any SD error code and halt. */
+void SdFat::errorHalt() {
+  errorPrint();
+  while (1) {}
+/** %Print msg, any SD error code, and halt.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::errorHalt(char const* msg) {
+  errorPrint(msg);
+  while (1) {}
+/** %Print msg, any SD error code, and halt.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message in program space (flash memory) to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::errorHalt_P(PGM_P msg) {
+  errorPrint_P(msg);
+  while (1) {}
+/** %Print any SD error code. */
+void SdFat::errorPrint() {
+  if (!m_card.errorCode()) return;
+  pstrPrint(PSTR("SD errorCode: 0X"));
+  m_stdOut->print(m_card.errorCode(), HEX);
+  pstrPrint(PSTR(",0X"));
+  m_stdOut->println(m_card.errorData(), HEX);
+/** %Print msg, any SD error code.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::errorPrint(char const* msg) {
+  pstrPrint(PSTR("error: "));
+  m_stdOut->println(msg);
+  errorPrint();
+/** %Print msg, any SD error code.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message in program space (flash memory) to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::errorPrint_P(PGM_P msg) {
+  pstrPrint(PSTR("error: "));
+  pstrPrintln(msg);
+  errorPrint();
+/** %Print error details and halt after SdFat::init() fails. */
+void SdFat::initErrorHalt() {
+  initErrorPrint();
+  while (1) {}
+/**Print message, error details, and halt after SdFat::init() fails.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::initErrorHalt(char const *msg) {
+  m_stdOut->println(msg);
+  initErrorHalt();
+/**Print message, error details, and halt after SdFat::init() fails.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message in program space (flash memory) to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::initErrorHalt_P(PGM_P msg) {
+  pstrPrintln(msg);
+  initErrorHalt();
+/** Print error details after SdFat::init() fails. */
+void SdFat::initErrorPrint() {
+  if (m_card.errorCode()) {
+    pstrPrintln(PSTR("Can't access SD card. Do not reformat."));
+    if (m_card.errorCode() == SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0) {
+      pstrPrintln(PSTR("No card, wrong chip select pin, or SPI problem?"));
+    }
+    errorPrint();
+  } else if (m_vol.fatType() == 0) {
+    pstrPrintln(PSTR("Invalid format, reformat SD."));
+  } else if (!m_vwd.isOpen()) {
+    pstrPrintln(PSTR("Can't open root directory."));
+  } else {
+    pstrPrintln(PSTR("No error found."));
+  }
+/**Print message and error details and halt after SdFat::init() fails.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::initErrorPrint(char const *msg) {
+  m_stdOut->println(msg);
+  initErrorPrint();
+/**Print message and error details after SdFat::init() fails.
+ *
+ * \param[in] msg Message in program space (flash memory) to print.
+ */
+void SdFat::initErrorPrint_P(PGM_P msg) {
+  pstrPrintln(msg);
+  initErrorHalt();

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#ifdef __arm__
+// should use uinstd.h to define sbrk but Due causes a conflict
+extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);
+#else  // __ARM__
+extern char *__brkval;
+extern char __bss_end;
+#endif  // __arm__
+/** Amount of free RAM
+ * \return The number of free bytes.
+ */
+int SdFatUtil::FreeRam() {
+  char top;
+#ifdef __arm__
+  return &top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(sbrk(0));
+#else  // __arm__
+  return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - &__bss_end;
+#endif  // __arm__
+/** %Print a string in flash memory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print object for output.
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
+ */
+void SdFatUtil::print_P(Print* pr, PGM_P str) {
+  for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) pr->write(c);
+/** %Print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.
+ *
+ * \param[in] pr Print object for output.
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
+ */
+void SdFatUtil::println_P(Print* pr, PGM_P str) {
+  print_P(pr, str);
+  pr->println();
+/** %Print a string in flash memory to Serial.
+ *
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
+ */
+void SdFatUtil::SerialPrint_P(PGM_P str) {
+  print_P(SdFat::stdOut(), str);
+/** %Print a string in flash memory to Serial followed by a CR/LF.
+ *
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to string stored in flash memory.
+ */
+void SdFatUtil::SerialPrintln_P(PGM_P str) {
+  println_P(SdFat::stdOut(), str);

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdFatUtil_h
+#define SdFatUtil_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief Useful utility functions.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+/** Store and print a string in flash memory.*/
+#define PgmPrint(x) SerialPrint_P(PSTR(x))
+/** Store and print a string in flash memory followed by a CR/LF.*/
+#define PgmPrintln(x) SerialPrintln_P(PSTR(x))
+namespace SdFatUtil {
+  int FreeRam();
+  void print_P(Print* pr, PGM_P str);
+  void println_P(Print* pr, PGM_P str);
+  void SerialPrint_P(PGM_P str);
+  void SerialPrintln_P(PGM_P str);
+using namespace SdFatUtil;  // NOLINT
+#endif  // #define SdFatUtil_h

+ 219 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *  
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *  
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+\mainpage Arduino %SdFat Library
+<CENTER>Copyright &copy; 2012, 2013, 2014 by William Greiman
+\section Intro Introduction
+The Arduino %SdFat Library is a minimal implementation of FAT16 and FAT32
+file systems on SD flash memory cards. Standard SD and high capacity SDHC
+cards are supported.
+Experimental support for FAT12 can be enabled by setting FAT12_SUPPORT
+nonzero in SdFatConfig.h.
+The %SdFat library only supports short 8.3 names.
+The main classes in %SdFat are SdFat, SdFile, StdioStream, \ref fstream,
+\ref ifstream, and \ref ofstream.
+The SdFat class maintains a volume working directories, a current working
+directory, and simplifies initialization of other classes.
+The SdFile class provides binary file access functions such as open(), read(),
+remove(), write(), close() and sync(). This class supports access to the root
+directory and subdirectories.
+The StdioStream class implements functions similar to Linux/Unix standard
+buffered input/output. 
+The \ref fstream class implements C++ iostreams for both reading and writing
+text files.
+The \ref ifstream class implements the C++ iostreams for reading text files.
+The \ref ofstream class implements the C++ iostreams for writing text files.
+The classes \ref ibufstream and \ref obufstream format and parse character
+ strings in memory buffers.
+the classes ArduinoInStream and ArduinoOutStream provide iostream functions
+for Serial, LiquidCrystal, and other devices.
+The SdVolume class supports FAT16 and FAT32 partitions.  Most applications
+will not need to call SdVolume member function.
+The Sd2Card class supports access to standard SD cards and SDHC cards.  Most
+applications will not need to call Sd2Card functions.  The Sd2Card class can
+be used for raw access to the SD card.
+A number of example are provided in the %SdFat/examples folder.  These were
+developed to test %SdFat and illustrate its use.
+%SdFat was developed for high speed data recording.  %SdFat was used to
+implement an audio record/play class, WaveRP, for the Adafruit Wave Shield.
+This application uses special Sd2Card calls to write to contiguous files in
+raw mode.  These functions reduce write latency so that audio can be
+recorded with the small amount of RAM in the Arduino.
+\section SDcard SD\SDHC Cards
+Arduinos access SD cards using the cards SPI protocol.  PCs, Macs, and
+most consumer devices use the 4-bit parallel SD protocol.  A card that
+functions well on A PC or Mac may not work well on the Arduino.
+Most cards have good SPI read performance but cards vary widely in SPI
+write performance.  Write performance is limited by how efficiently the
+card manages internal erase/remapping operations.  The Arduino cannot
+optimize writes to reduce erase operations because of its limit RAM.
+SanDisk cards generally have good write performance.  They seem to have
+more internal RAM buffering than other cards and therefore can limit
+the number of flash erase operations that the Arduino forces due to its
+limited RAM.
+\section Hardware Hardware Configuration
+%SdFat was developed using an
+<A HREF = ""> Adafruit Industries</A> 
+Data Logging Shield.
+The hardware interface to the SD card should not use a resistor based level
+shifter.  %SdFat sets the SPI bus frequency to 8 MHz which results in signal
+rise times that are too slow for the edge detectors in many newer SD card
+controllers when resistor voltage dividers are used.
+The 5 to 3.3 V level shifter for 5 V Arduinos should be IC based like the
+74HC4050N based circuit shown in the file SdLevel.png.  The Adafruit Wave Shield
+uses a 74AHC125N.  Gravitech sells SD and MicroSD Card Adapters based on the
+If you are using a resistor based level shifter and are having problems try
+setting the SPI bus frequency to 4 MHz.  This can be done by using 
+card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED) to initialize the SD card.
+\section comment Bugs and Comments
+If you wish to report bugs or have comments, send email to
+\section SdFatClass SdFat Usage
+%SdFat uses a slightly restricted form of short names.
+Only printable ASCII characters are supported. No characters with code point
+values greater than 127 are allowed.  Space is not allowed even though space
+was allowed in the API of early versions of DOS.
+Short names are limited to 8 characters followed by an optional period (.)
+and extension of up to 3 characters.  The characters may be any combination
+of letters and digits.  The following special characters are also allowed:
+$ % ' - _ @ ~ ` ! ( ) { } ^ # &
+Short names are always converted to upper case and their original case
+value is lost.
+An application which writes to a file using print(), println() or
+\link SdFile::write write() \endlink must call \link SdFile::sync() sync() \endlink
+at the appropriate time to force data and directory information to be written
+to the SD Card.  Data and directory information are also written to the SD card
+when \link SdFile::close() close() \endlink is called.
+Applications must use care calling \link SdFile::sync() sync() \endlink
+since 2048 bytes of I/O is required to update file and
+directory information.  This includes writing the current data block, reading
+the block that contains the directory entry for update, writing the directory
+block back and reading back the current data block.
+It is possible to open a file with two or more instances of SdFile.  A file may
+be corrupted if data is written to the file by more than one instance of SdFile.
+\section HowTo How to format SD Cards as FAT Volumes
+You should use a freshly formatted SD card for best performance.  FAT
+file systems become slower if many files have been created and deleted.
+This is because the directory entry for a deleted file is marked as deleted,
+but is not deleted.  When a new file is created, these entries must be scanned
+before creating the file, a flaw in the FAT design.  Also files can become
+fragmented which causes reads and writes to be slower.
+A formatter sketch, SdFormatter.pde, is included in the
+%SdFat/examples/SdFormatter directory.  This sketch attempts to
+emulate SD Association's SDFormatter.
+The best way to restore an SD card's format on a PC is to use SDFormatter
+which can be downloaded from:
+SDFormatter aligns flash erase boundaries with file
+system structures which reduces write latency and file system overhead.
+SDFormatter does not have an option for FAT type so it may format
+small cards as FAT12.
+After the MBR is restored by SDFormatter you may need to reformat small
+cards that have been formatted FAT12 to force the volume type to be FAT16.
+If you reformat the SD card with an OS utility, choose a cluster size that
+will result in:
+4084 < CountOfClusters && CountOfClusters < 65525
+The volume will then be FAT16.
+If you are formatting an SD card on OS X or Linux, be sure to use the first
+partition. Format this partition with a cluster count in above range for FAT16.
+SDHC cards should be formatted FAT32 with a cluster size of 32 KB.
+Microsoft operating systems support removable media formatted with a
+Master Boot Record, MBR, or formatted as a super floppy with a FAT Boot Sector
+in block zero.
+Microsoft operating systems expect MBR formatted removable media
+to have only one partition. The first partition should be used.
+Microsoft operating systems do not support partitioning SD flash cards.
+If you erase an SD card with a program like KillDisk, Most versions of
+Windows will format the card as a super floppy.
+\section  References References
+The Arduino site:
+For more information about FAT file systems see:
+For information about using SD cards as SPI devices see:
+The ATmega328 datasheet:
+ */  

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFile.h>
+/**  Create a file object and open it in the current working directory.
+ *
+ * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
+ *
+ * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive
+ * OR of open flags. see SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile*, const char*, uint8_t).
+ */
+SdFile::SdFile(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) : SdBaseFile(path, oflag) {
+/** Write data to an open file.
+ *
+ * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the
+ * storage device until sync() is called.
+ *
+ * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
+ *
+ * \param[in] nbyte Number of bytes to write.
+ *
+ * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always
+ * \a nbyte.  If an error occurs, write() returns -1.  Possible errors
+ * include write() is called before a file has been opened, write is called
+ * for a read-only file, device is full, a corrupt file system or an I/O error.
+ *
+ */
+int SdFile::write(const void* buf, size_t nbyte) {
+  return SdBaseFile::write(buf, nbyte);
+/** Write a byte to a file. Required by the Arduino Print class.
+ * \param[in] b the byte to be written.
+ * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
+ * \return 1 for success and 0 for failure.
+ */
+size_t SdFile::write(uint8_t b) {
+  return SdBaseFile::write(&b, 1) == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+/** Write a string to a file. Used by the Arduino Print class.
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to the string.
+ * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
+ * \return count of characters written for success or -1 for failure.
+ */
+int SdFile::write(const char* str) {
+  return SdBaseFile::write(str, strlen(str));
+/** Write a PROGMEM string to a file.
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to the PROGMEM string.
+ * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
+ */
+void SdFile::write_P(PGM_P str) {
+  for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) write(c);
+/** Write a PROGMEM string followed by CR/LF to a file.
+ * \param[in] str Pointer to the PROGMEM string.
+ * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
+ */
+void SdFile::writeln_P(PGM_P str) {
+  write_P(str);
+  write_P(PSTR("\r\n"));

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief SdFile class
+ */
+#include <SdBaseFile.h>
+#ifndef SdFile_h
+#define SdFile_h
+ * \class SdFile
+ * \brief SdBaseFile with Print.
+ */
+class SdFile : public SdBaseFile, public Print {
+ public:
+  SdFile() {}
+  SdFile(const char* name, uint8_t oflag);
+  ~SdFile() {}
+  /** \return value of writeError */
+  bool getWriteError() {return SdBaseFile::getWriteError();}
+  /** Set writeError to zero */
+  void clearWriteError() {SdBaseFile::clearWriteError();}
+  size_t write(uint8_t b);
+  int write(const char* str);
+  int write(const void* buf, size_t nbyte);
+  size_t write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) {
+    return SdBaseFile::write(buf, size);}
+  void write_P(PGM_P str);
+  void writeln_P(PGM_P str);
+#endif  // SdFile_h

+ 303 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+/* Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino Sd2Card Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino Sd2Card Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdInfo_h
+#define SdInfo_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+// Based on the document:
+// SD Specifications
+// Part 1
+// Physical Layer
+// Simplified Specification
+// Version 3.01
+// May 18, 2010
+// SPI divisor constants
+/** Set SCK to max rate of F_CPU/2. */
+uint8_t const SPI_FULL_SPEED = 2;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/3 for Due */
+uint8_t const SPI_DIV3_SPEED = 3;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/4. */
+uint8_t const SPI_HALF_SPEED = 4;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/6 for Due */
+uint8_t const SPI_DIV6_SPEED = 6;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/8. */
+uint8_t const SPI_QUARTER_SPEED = 8;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/16. */
+uint8_t const SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED = 16;
+/** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/32. */
+uint8_t const SPI_SIXTEENTH_SPEED = 32;
+// SD operation timeouts
+/** init timeout ms */
+uint16_t const SD_INIT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
+/** erase timeout ms */
+uint16_t const SD_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
+/** read timeout ms */
+uint16_t const SD_READ_TIMEOUT = 300;
+/** write time out ms */
+uint16_t const SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 600;
+// SD card commands
+/** GO_IDLE_STATE - init card in spi mode if CS low */
+uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00;
+/** SEND_IF_COND - verify SD Memory Card interface operating condition.*/
+uint8_t const CMD8 = 0X08;
+/** SEND_CSD - read the Card Specific Data (CSD register) */
+uint8_t const CMD9 = 0X09;
+/** SEND_CID - read the card identification information (CID register) */
+uint8_t const CMD10 = 0X0A;
+/** STOP_TRANSMISSION - end multiple block read sequence */
+uint8_t const CMD12 = 0X0C;
+/** SEND_STATUS - read the card status register */
+uint8_t const CMD13 = 0X0D;
+/** READ_SINGLE_BLOCK - read a single data block from the card */
+uint8_t const CMD17 = 0X11;
+/** READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - read a multiple data blocks from the card */
+uint8_t const CMD18 = 0X12;
+/** WRITE_BLOCK - write a single data block to the card */
+uint8_t const CMD24 = 0X18;
+/** WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - write blocks of data until a STOP_TRANSMISSION */
+uint8_t const CMD25 = 0X19;
+/** ERASE_WR_BLK_START - sets the address of the first block to be erased */
+uint8_t const CMD32 = 0X20;
+/** ERASE_WR_BLK_END - sets the address of the last block of the continuous
+    range to be erased*/
+uint8_t const CMD33 = 0X21;
+/** ERASE - erase all previously selected blocks */
+uint8_t const CMD38 = 0X26;
+/** APP_CMD - escape for application specific command */
+uint8_t const CMD55 = 0X37;
+/** READ_OCR - read the OCR register of a card */
+uint8_t const CMD58 = 0X3A;
+/** CRC_ON_OFF - enable or disable CRC checking */
+uint8_t const CMD59 = 0X3B;
+/** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT - Set the number of write blocks to be
+     pre-erased before writing */
+uint8_t const ACMD23 = 0X17;
+/** SD_SEND_OP_COMD - Sends host capacity support information and
+    activates the card's initialization process */
+uint8_t const ACMD41 = 0X29;
+/** status for card in the ready state */
+uint8_t const R1_READY_STATE = 0X00;
+/** status for card in the idle state */
+uint8_t const R1_IDLE_STATE = 0X01;
+/** status bit for illegal command */
+uint8_t const R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND = 0X04;
+/** start data token for read or write single block*/
+uint8_t const DATA_START_BLOCK = 0XFE;
+/** stop token for write multiple blocks*/
+uint8_t const STOP_TRAN_TOKEN = 0XFD;
+/** start data token for write multiple blocks*/
+uint8_t const WRITE_MULTIPLE_TOKEN = 0XFC;
+/** mask for data response tokens after a write block operation */
+uint8_t const DATA_RES_MASK = 0X1F;
+/** write data accepted token */
+uint8_t const DATA_RES_ACCEPTED = 0X05;
+/** Card IDentification (CID) register */
+typedef struct CID {
+  // byte 0
+  /** Manufacturer ID */
+  unsigned char mid;
+  // byte 1-2
+  /** OEM/Application ID */
+  char oid[2];
+  // byte 3-7
+  /** Product name */
+  char pnm[5];
+  // byte 8
+  /** Product revision least significant digit */
+  unsigned char prv_m : 4;
+  /** Product revision most significant digit */
+  unsigned char prv_n : 4;
+  // byte 9-12
+  /** Product serial number */
+  uint32_t psn;
+  // byte 13
+  /** Manufacturing date year low digit */
+  unsigned char mdt_year_high : 4;
+  /** not used */
+  unsigned char reserved : 4;
+  // byte 14
+  /** Manufacturing date month */
+  unsigned char mdt_month : 4;
+  /** Manufacturing date year low digit */
+  unsigned char mdt_year_low :4;
+  // byte 15
+  /** not used always 1 */
+  unsigned char always1 : 1;
+  /** CRC7 checksum */
+  unsigned char crc : 7;
+}__attribute__((packed)) cid_t;
+/** CSD for version 1.00 cards */
+typedef struct CSDV1 {
+  // byte 0
+  unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
+  unsigned char csd_ver : 2;
+  // byte 1
+  unsigned char taac;
+  // byte 2
+  unsigned char nsac;
+  // byte 3
+  unsigned char tran_speed;
+  // byte 4
+  unsigned char ccc_high;
+  // byte 5
+  unsigned char read_bl_len : 4;
+  unsigned char ccc_low : 4;
+  // byte 6
+  unsigned char c_size_high : 2;
+  unsigned char reserved2 : 2;
+  unsigned char dsr_imp : 1;
+  unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1;
+  unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1;
+  unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1;
+  // byte 7
+  unsigned char c_size_mid;
+  // byte 8
+  unsigned char vdd_r_curr_max : 3;
+  unsigned char vdd_r_curr_min : 3;
+  unsigned char c_size_low :2;
+  // byte 9
+  unsigned char c_size_mult_high : 2;
+  unsigned char vdd_w_cur_max : 3;
+  unsigned char vdd_w_curr_min : 3;
+  // byte 10
+  unsigned char sector_size_high : 6;
+  unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1;
+  unsigned char c_size_mult_low : 1;
+  // byte 11
+  unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7;
+  unsigned char sector_size_low : 1;
+  // byte 12
+  unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2;
+  unsigned char r2w_factor : 3;
+  unsigned char reserved3 : 2;
+  unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1;
+  // byte 13
+  unsigned char reserved4 : 5;
+  unsigned char write_partial : 1;
+  unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2;
+  // byte 14
+  unsigned char reserved5: 2;
+  unsigned char file_format : 2;
+  unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1;
+  unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1;
+  unsigned char copy : 1;
+  /** Indicates the file format on the card */
+  unsigned char file_format_grp : 1;
+  // byte 15
+  unsigned char always1 : 1;
+  unsigned char crc : 7;
+}__attribute__((packed)) csd1_t;
+/** CSD for version 2.00 cards */
+typedef struct CSDV2 {
+  // byte 0
+  unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
+  unsigned char csd_ver : 2;
+  // byte 1
+  /** fixed to 0X0E */
+  unsigned char taac;
+  // byte 2
+  /** fixed to 0 */
+  unsigned char nsac;
+  // byte 3
+  unsigned char tran_speed;
+  // byte 4
+  unsigned char ccc_high;
+  // byte 5
+  /** This field is fixed to 9h, which indicates READ_BL_LEN=512 Byte */
+  unsigned char read_bl_len : 4;
+  unsigned char ccc_low : 4;
+  // byte 6
+  /** not used */
+  unsigned char reserved2 : 4;
+  unsigned char dsr_imp : 1;
+  /** fixed to 0 */
+  unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1;
+  /** fixed to 0 */
+  unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1;
+  /** fixed to 0 - no partial read */
+  unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1;
+  // byte 7
+  /** high part of card size */
+  unsigned char c_size_high : 6;
+  /** not used */
+  unsigned char reserved3 : 2;
+  // byte 8
+  /** middle part of card size */
+  unsigned char c_size_mid;
+  // byte 9
+  /** low part of card size */
+  unsigned char c_size_low;
+  // byte 10
+  /** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */
+  unsigned char sector_size_high : 6;
+  /** fixed to 1 - erase single is supported */
+  unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1;
+  /** not used */
+  unsigned char reserved4 : 1;
+  // byte 11
+  unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7;
+  /** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */
+  unsigned char sector_size_low : 1;
+  // byte 12
+  /** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */
+  unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2;
+  /** fixed value of 2 */
+  unsigned char r2w_factor : 3;
+  /** not used */
+  unsigned char reserved5 : 2;
+  /** fixed value of 0 - no write protect groups */
+  unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1;
+  // byte 13
+  unsigned char reserved6 : 5;
+  /** always zero - no partial block read*/
+  unsigned char write_partial : 1;
+  /** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */
+  unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2;
+  // byte 14
+  unsigned char reserved7: 2;
+  /** Do not use always 0 */
+  unsigned char file_format : 2;
+  unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1;
+  unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1;
+  unsigned char copy : 1;
+  /** Do not use always 0 */
+  unsigned char file_format_grp : 1;
+  // byte 15
+  /** not used always 1 */
+  unsigned char always1 : 1;
+  /** checksum */
+  unsigned char crc : 7;
+}__attribute__((packed)) csd2_t;
+/** union of old and new style CSD register */
+union csd_t {
+  csd1_t v1;
+  csd2_t v2;
+#endif  // SdInfo_h

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/* Arduino SdSpi Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpi Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdSpi Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \file
+ * \brief SdSpi class for V2 SD/SDHC cards
+ */
+#ifndef SdSpi_h
+#define SdSpi_h
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <SdFatConfig.h>
+// AVR Arduinos
+#ifdef __AVR__
+#elif LEONARDO_SOFT_SPI && defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) && !defined(CORE_TEENSY)
+#elif MEGA_SOFT_SPI&&(defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)||defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__))
+#endif  // USE_SOFTWARE_SPI
+#endif  // __AVR__
+// Due
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(CORE_TEENSY)
+/** Nonzero - use native SAM3X SPI */
+#else  //  USE_NATIVE_SAM3X_SPI
+/** Zero - don't use native SAM3X SPI */
+#endif  // USE_NATIVE_SAM3X_SPI
+// Teensy 3.0
+#if defined(__arm__) && defined(CORE_TEENSY)
+/** Nonzero - use native MK20DX128 SPI */
+#define USE_NATIVE_MK20DX128_SPI 1
+#else  // USE_NATIVE_MK20DX128_SPI
+/** Zero - don't use native MK20DX128 SPI */
+#define USE_NATIVE_MK20DX128_SPI 0
+#endif  // USE_NATIVE_MK20DX128_SPI
+// define default chip select pin
+/** The default chip select pin for the SD card is SS. */
+uint8_t const  SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = SS;
+/** SPI chip select pin for software SPI. */
+ * \class SdSpi
+ * \brief SPI class for access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards.
+ */
+class SdSpi {
+ public:
+  /** Initialize the SPI bus */
+  void begin();
+  /** Set SPI options for access to SD/SDHC cards.
+   * 
+   * \param[in] spiDivisor SCK clock divider relative to the system clock.
+   */
+  void init(uint8_t spiDivisor);
+  /** Receive a byte. 
+   *
+   * \return The byte.
+   */
+  uint8_t receive();
+  /** Receive multiple bytes.
+   *
+   * \param[out] buf Buffer to receive the data.   
+   * \param[in] n Number of bytes to receive.
+   *
+   * \return Zero for no error or nonzero error code.
+   */   
+  uint8_t receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n);
+  /** Send a byte.
+   *
+   * \param[in] data Byte to send
+   */
+  void send(uint8_t data);
+   /** Send multiple bytes.
+   *
+   * \param[in] buf Buffer for data to be sent.   
+   * \param[in] n Number of bytes to send.
+   */   
+  void send(const uint8_t* buf, size_t n);
+// Use of inline for AVR results in up to 10% better write performance.
+// Inline also save a little flash memory.
+/** inline avr native functions if nonzero. */
+inline uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  SPDR = 0XFF;
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+  return SPDR;
+inline uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  if (n-- == 0) return 0;
+  SPDR = 0XFF;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+    uint8_t b = SPDR;
+    SPDR = 0XFF;
+    buf[i] = b;
+  }
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+  buf[n] = SPDR;
+  return 0;
+inline void SdSpi::send(uint8_t data) {
+  SPDR = data;
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+inline void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  if (n == 0) return;
+  SPDR = buf[0];
+  if (n > 1) {
+    uint8_t b = buf[1];
+    size_t i = 2;
+    while (1) {
+      while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+      SPDR = b;
+      if (i == n) break;
+      b = buf[i++];
+    }
+  }
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) {}
+#endif  // SdSpi_h

+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* Arduino SdSpi Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpi Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdSpi Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */#include <SdSpi.h>
+void SdSpi::begin() {
+ // set SS high - may be chip select for another SPI device
+  digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
+  // SS must be in output mode even it is not chip select
+  pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
+  pinMode(MISO, INPUT);
+  pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
+  pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
+void SdSpi::init(uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  uint8_t r = 0;
+  for (uint8_t b = 2; sckDivisor > b && r < 6; b <<= 1, r++);
+  // See avr processor documentation
+  SPCR = (1 << SPE) | (1 << MSTR) | (r >> 1);
+  SPSR = r & 1 || r == 6 ? 0 : 1 << SPI2X;
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  SPDR = 0XFF;
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+  return SPDR;
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  if (n-- == 0) return 0;
+  SPDR = 0XFF;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+    uint8_t b = SPDR;
+    SPDR = 0XFF;
+    buf[i] = b;
+  }
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+  buf[n] = SPDR;
+  return 0;
+void SdSpi::send(uint8_t data) {
+  SPDR = data;
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  if (n == 0) return;
+  SPDR = buf[0];
+  if (n > 1) {
+    uint8_t b = buf[1];
+    size_t i = 2;
+    while (1) {
+      while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+      SPDR = b;
+      if (i == n) break;
+      b = buf[i++];
+    }
+  }
+  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
+#endif  // USE_NATIVE_AVR_SPI
+#include <SoftSPI.h>
+ * initialize SPI pins
+ */
+void SdSpi::begin() {
+  softSpiBus.begin();
+ * Initialize hardware SPI - dummy for soft SPI
+ */
+void SdSpi::init(uint8_t sckDivisor) {}
+/** Soft SPI receive byte */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  return softSpiBus.receive();
+/** Soft SPI read data */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    buf[i] = receive();
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** Soft SPI send byte */
+void SdSpi::send(uint8_t data) {
+  softSpiBus.send(data);
+void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    send(buf[i]);
+  }

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* Arduino SdSpi Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpi Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdSpi Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdSpi.h>
+#include <SPI.h>
+void SdSpi::begin() {
+  SPI.begin();
+void SdSpi::init(uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);
+  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);
+#ifndef SPI_CLOCK_DIV128
+  SPI.setClockDivider(sckDivisor);
+#else  // SPI_CLOCK_DIV128
+  int v;
+  if (sckDivisor <= 2) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV2;
+  else  if (sckDivisor <= 4) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV4;
+  else  if (sckDivisor <= 8) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV8;
+  else  if (sckDivisor <= 16) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV16;
+  else  if (sckDivisor <= 32) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV32;
+  else  if (sckDivisor <= 64) v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV64;
+  else  v = SPI_CLOCK_DIV128;
+  SPI.setClockDivider(v);
+#endif  // SPI_CLOCK_DIV128
+/** SPI receive a byte */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  return SPI.transfer(0XFF);
+/** SPI receive multiple bytes */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    buf[i] = SPI.transfer(0XFF);
+  }
+  return 0;
+/** SPI send a byte */
+void SdSpi::send(uint8_t b) {
+  SPI.transfer(b);
+/** SPI send multiple bytes */
+void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    SPI.transfer(buf[i]);
+  }

+ 223 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/* Arduino SdSpi Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpi Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdSpi Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdSpi.h>
+// Teensy 3.0 functions
+#include <mk20dx128.h>
+// use 16-bit frame if SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME is zero
+#define SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME 0
+// Limit initial fifo to three entries to avoid fifo overrun
+// define some symbols that are not in mk20dx128.h
+#ifndef SPI_SR_RXCTR
+#define SPI_SR_RXCTR 0XF0
+#endif  // SPI_SR_RXCTR
+#define SPI_PUSHR_CONT 0X80000000
+#endif   // SPI_PUSHR_CONT
+#define SPI_PUSHR_CTAS(n) (((n) & 7) << 28)
+#endif  // SPI_PUSHR_CTAS
+ * initialize SPI pins
+ */
+void SdSpi::begin() {
+ * Initialize hardware SPI
+ *
+ */
+void SdSpi::init(uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  uint32_t ctar, ctar0, ctar1;
+  if (sckDivisor <= 2) {
+    // 1/2 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_DBR | SPI_CTAR_BR(0) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(0);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 4) {
+    // 1/4 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_BR(0) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(0);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 8) {
+    // 1/8 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_BR(1) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(1);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 12) {
+    // 1/12 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_BR(2) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(2);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 16) {
+    // 1/16 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_BR(3) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(3);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 32) {
+    // 1/32 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_PBR(1) | SPI_CTAR_BR(4) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(4);
+  } else if (sckDivisor <= 64) {
+    // 1/64 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_PBR(1) | SPI_CTAR_BR(5) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(5);
+  } else {
+    // 1/128 speed
+    ctar = SPI_CTAR_PBR(1) | SPI_CTAR_BR(6) | SPI_CTAR_CSSCK(6);
+  }
+  // CTAR0 - 8 bit transfer
+  ctar0 = ctar | SPI_CTAR_FMSZ(7);
+  // CTAR1 - 16 bit transfer
+  ctar1 = ctar | SPI_CTAR_FMSZ(15);
+  if (SPI0_CTAR0 != ctar0 || SPI0_CTAR1 != ctar1) {
+    SPI0_CTAR0 = ctar0;
+    SPI0_CTAR1 = ctar1;
+  }
+/** SPI receive a byte */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  SPI0_PUSHR = 0xFF;
+  while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_TCF)) {}
+  return SPI0_POPR;
+/** SPI receive multiple bytes */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  // clear any data in RX FIFO
+  // initial number of bytes to push into TX FIFO
+  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
+    SPI0_PUSHR = 0XFF;
+  }
+  // limit for pushing dummy data into TX FIFO
+  uint8_t* limit = buf + n - nf;
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    SPI0_PUSHR = 0XFF;
+    *buf++ = SPI0_POPR;
+  }
+  // limit for rest of RX data
+  limit += nf;
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    *buf++ = SPI0_POPR;
+  }
+#else  // SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME
+  // use 16 bit frame to avoid TD delay between frames
+  // get one byte if n is odd
+  if (n & 1) {
+    *buf++ = receive();
+    n--;
+  }
+  // initial number of words to push into TX FIFO
+  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
+  }
+  uint8_t* limit = buf + n - 2*nf;
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    uint16_t w = SPI0_POPR;
+    *buf++ = w >> 8;
+    *buf++ = w & 0XFF;
+  }
+  // limit for rest of RX data
+  limit += 2*nf;
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    uint16_t w = SPI0_POPR;
+    *buf++ = w >> 8;
+    *buf++ = w & 0XFF;
+  }
+#endif  // SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME
+  return 0;
+/** SPI send a byte */
+void SdSpi::send(uint8_t b) {
+  SPI0_PUSHR = b;
+  while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_TCF)) {}
+/** SPI send multiple bytes */
+void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  // clear any data in RX FIFO
+  // initial number of bytes to push into TX FIFO
+  // limit for pushing data into TX fifo
+  const uint8_t* limit = buf + n;
+  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
+    SPI0_PUSHR = *buf++;
+  }
+  // write data to TX FIFO
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    SPI0_PUSHR = *buf++;
+    SPI0_POPR;
+  }
+  // wait for data to be sent
+  while (nf) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    SPI0_POPR;
+    nf--;
+  }
+#else  // SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME
+  // use 16 bit frame to avoid TD delay between frames
+  // send one byte if n is odd
+  if (n & 1) {
+    send(*buf++);
+    n--;
+  }
+  // initial number of words to push into TX FIFO
+  // limit for pushing data into TX fifo
+  const uint8_t* limit = buf + n;
+  for (int i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
+    uint16_t w = (*buf++) << 8;
+    w |= *buf++;
+  }
+  // write data to TX FIFO
+  while (buf < limit) {
+    uint16_t w = *buf++ << 8;
+    w |= *buf++;
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    SPI0_POPR;
+  }
+  // wait for data to be sent
+  while (nf) {
+    while (!(SPI0_SR & SPI_SR_RXCTR)) {}
+    SPI0_POPR;
+    nf--;
+  }
+#endif  // SPI_USE_8BIT_FRAME
+#endif  // USE_NATIVE_MK20DX128_SPI

+ 216 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* Arduino SdSpi Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpi Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdSpi Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdSpi.h>
+/** Use SAM3X DMAC if nonzero */
+#define USE_SAM3X_DMAC 1
+/** Use extra Bus Matrix arbitration fix if nonzero */
+/** Time in ms for DMA receive timeout */
+#define SAM3X_DMA_TIMEOUT 100
+/** chip select register number */
+#define SPI_CHIP_SEL 3
+/** DMAC receive channel */
+#define SPI_DMAC_RX_CH  1
+/** DMAC transmit channel */
+#define SPI_DMAC_TX_CH  0
+/** DMAC Channel HW Interface Number for SPI TX. */
+#define SPI_TX_IDX  1
+/** DMAC Channel HW Interface Number for SPI RX. */
+#define SPI_RX_IDX  2
+/** Disable DMA Controller. */
+static void dmac_disable() {
+/** Enable DMA Controller. */
+static void dmac_enable() {
+/** Disable DMA Channel. */
+static void dmac_channel_disable(uint32_t ul_num) {
+  DMAC->DMAC_CHDR = DMAC_CHDR_DIS0 << ul_num;
+/** Enable DMA Channel. */
+static void dmac_channel_enable(uint32_t ul_num) {
+  DMAC->DMAC_CHER = DMAC_CHER_ENA0 << ul_num;
+/** Poll for transfer complete. */
+static bool dmac_channel_transfer_done(uint32_t ul_num) {
+  return (DMAC->DMAC_CHSR & (DMAC_CHSR_ENA0 << ul_num)) ? false : true;
+void SdSpi::begin() {
+  PIO_Configure(
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MOSI].pPort,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MOSI].ulPinType,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MOSI].ulPin,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MOSI].ulPinConfiguration);
+  PIO_Configure(
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MISO].pPort,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MISO].ulPinType,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MISO].ulPin,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_MISO].ulPinConfiguration);
+  PIO_Configure(
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_SCK].pPort,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_SCK].ulPinType,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_SCK].ulPin,
+      g_APinDescription[PIN_SPI_SCK].ulPinConfiguration);
+  pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_SPI0);
+  pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_DMAC);
+  dmac_disable();
+  dmac_enable();
+  MATRIX->MATRIX_WPMR = 0x4d415400;
+  MATRIX->MATRIX_SCFG[0] = 0x01000010;
+  MATRIX->MATRIX_SCFG[1] = 0x01000010;
+  MATRIX->MATRIX_SCFG[7] = 0x01000010;
+#endif  // USE_SAM3X_DMAC
+// start RX DMA
+static void spiDmaRX(uint8_t* dst, uint16_t count) {
+  dmac_channel_disable(SPI_DMAC_RX_CH);
+  dmac_channel_enable(SPI_DMAC_RX_CH);
+// start TX DMA
+static void spiDmaTX(const uint8_t* src, uint16_t count) {
+  static uint8_t ff = 0XFF;
+  uint32_t src_incr = DMAC_CTRLB_SRC_INCR_INCREMENTING;
+  if (!src) {
+    src = &ff;
+    src_incr = DMAC_CTRLB_SRC_INCR_FIXED;
+  }
+  dmac_channel_disable(SPI_DMAC_TX_CH);
+    src_incr | DMAC_CTRLB_DST_INCR_FIXED;
+  dmac_channel_enable(SPI_DMAC_TX_CH);
+//  initialize SPI controller
+void SdSpi::init(uint8_t sckDivisor) {
+  uint8_t scbr = sckDivisor;
+  Spi* pSpi = SPI0;
+  //  disable SPI
+  // reset SPI
+  // no mode fault detection, set master mode
+  // mode 0, 8-bit,
+  // enable SPI
+  pSpi->SPI_CR |= SPI_CR_SPIEN;
+static inline uint8_t spiTransfer(uint8_t b) {
+  Spi* pSpi = SPI0;
+  pSpi->SPI_TDR = b;
+  while ((pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_RDRF) == 0) {}
+  b = pSpi->SPI_RDR;
+  return b;
+/** SPI receive a byte */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive() {
+  return spiTransfer(0XFF);
+/** SPI receive multiple bytes */
+uint8_t SdSpi::receive(uint8_t* buf, size_t n) {
+  Spi* pSpi = SPI0;
+  int rtn = 0;
+  // clear overrun error
+  uint32_t s = pSpi->SPI_SR;
+  spiDmaRX(buf, n);
+  spiDmaTX(0, n);
+  uint32_t m = millis();
+  while (!dmac_channel_transfer_done(SPI_DMAC_RX_CH)) {
+    if ((millis() - m) > SAM3X_DMA_TIMEOUT)  {
+      dmac_channel_disable(SPI_DMAC_RX_CH);
+      dmac_channel_disable(SPI_DMAC_TX_CH);
+      rtn = 2;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_OVRES) rtn |= 1;
+#else  // USE_SAM3X_DMAC
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    pSpi->SPI_TDR = 0XFF;
+    while ((pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_RDRF) == 0) {}
+    buf[i] = pSpi->SPI_RDR;
+  }
+#endif  // USE_SAM3X_DMAC
+  return rtn;
+/** SPI send a byte */
+void SdSpi::send(uint8_t b) {
+  spiTransfer(b);
+void SdSpi::send(const uint8_t* buf , size_t n) {
+  Spi* pSpi = SPI0;
+  spiDmaTX(buf, n);
+  while (!dmac_channel_transfer_done(SPI_DMAC_TX_CH)) {}
+#else  // #if USE_SAM3X_DMAC
+  while ((pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TXEMPTY) == 0) {}
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    pSpi->SPI_TDR = buf[i];
+    while ((pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TDRE) == 0) {}
+  }
+#endif  // #if USE_SAM3X_DMAC
+  while ((pSpi->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TXEMPTY) == 0) {}
+  // leave RDR empty
+  uint8_t b = pSpi->SPI_RDR;
+#endif  // USE_NATIVE_SAM3X_SPI

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+int16_t SdStreamBase::getch() {
+  uint8_t c;
+  int8_t s = read(&c, 1);
+  if (s != 1) {
+    if (s < 0) {
+      setstate(badbit);
+    } else {
+      setstate(eofbit);
+    }
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if (c != '\r' || (getmode() & ios::binary)) return c;
+  s = read(&c, 1);
+  if (s == 1 && c == '\n') return c;
+  if (s == 1) seekCur(-1);
+  return '\r';
+void SdStreamBase::open(const char* path, ios::openmode mode) {
+uint8_t flags;
+  switch (mode & (app | in | out | trunc)) {
+    case app | in:
+    case app | in | out:
+      flags = O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT;
+      break;
+    case app:
+    case app | out:
+      flags = O_WRITE | O_APPEND | O_CREAT;
+      break;
+    case in:
+      flags = O_READ;
+      break;
+    case in | out:
+      flags = O_RDWR;
+      break;
+    case in | out | trunc:
+      flags = O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT;
+      break;
+    case out:
+    case out | trunc:
+      flags = O_WRITE | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT;
+      break;
+    default:
+      goto fail;
+  }
+  if (mode & ios::ate) flags |= O_AT_END;
+  if (!SdBaseFile::open(path, flags)) goto fail;
+  setmode(mode);
+  clear();
+  return;
+ fail:
+  SdBaseFile::close();
+  setstate(failbit);
+  return;
+void SdStreamBase::putch(char c) {
+  if (c == '\n' && !(getmode() & ios::binary)) {
+    write('\r');
+  }
+  write(c);
+  if (writeError) setstate(badbit);
+void SdStreamBase::putstr(const char* str) {
+  size_t n = 0;
+  while (1) {
+    char c = str[n];
+    if (c == '\0' || (c == '\n' && !(getmode() & ios::binary))) {
+      if (n > 0) write(str, n);
+      if (c == '\0') break;
+      write('\r');
+      str += n;
+      n = 0;
+    }
+    n++;
+  }
+  if (writeError) setstate(badbit);
+/** Internal do not use
+ * \param[in] off
+ * \param[in] way
+ */
+bool SdStreamBase::seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+  pos_type pos;
+  switch (way) {
+    case beg:
+      pos = off;
+      break;
+    case cur:
+      pos = curPosition() + off;
+      break;
+    case end:
+      pos = fileSize() + off;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return false;
+  }
+  return seekpos(pos);
+/** Internal do not use
+ * \param[in] pos
+ */
+bool SdStreamBase::seekpos(pos_type pos) {
+  return seekSet(pos);
+int SdStreamBase::write(const void* buf, size_t n) {
+  return SdBaseFile::write(buf, n);
+void SdStreamBase::write(char c) {
+  write(&c, 1);
+/// @endcond

+ 263 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdStream_h
+#define SdStream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief \ref fstream, \ref ifstream, and \ref ofstream classes
+ */
+#include <SdBaseFile.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+ * \class SdStreamBase
+ * \brief Base class for SD streams
+ */
+class SdStreamBase : protected SdBaseFile, virtual public ios {
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  int16_t getch();
+  void putch(char c);
+  void putstr(const char *str);
+  void open(const char* path, ios::openmode mode);
+  /** Internal do not use
+   * \return mode
+   */
+  ios::openmode getmode() {return m_mode;}
+  /** Internal do not use
+   * \param[in] mode
+   */
+  void setmode(ios::openmode mode) {m_mode = mode;}
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way);
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos);
+  int write(const void* buf, size_t n);
+  void write(char c);
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  ios::openmode m_mode;
+ * \class fstream
+ * \brief SD file input/output stream.
+ */
+class fstream : public iostream, SdStreamBase {
+ public:
+  using iostream::peek;
+  fstream() {}
+  /** Constructor with open
+   *
+   * \param[in] path path to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   */
+  explicit fstream(const char* path, openmode mode = in | out) {
+    open(path, mode);
+  }
+  ~fstream() {}
+  /** Clear state and writeError
+   * \param[in] state new state for stream
+   */
+  void clear(iostate state = goodbit) {
+    ios::clear(state);
+    SdBaseFile::writeError = false;
+  }
+  /**  Close a file and force cached data and directory information
+   *  to be written to the storage device.
+   */
+  void close() {SdBaseFile::close();}
+  /** Open a fstream
+   * \param[in] path file to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   *
+   * Valid open modes are (at end, ios::ate, and/or ios::binary may be added):
+   *
+   * ios::in - Open file for reading.
+   *
+   * ios::out or ios::out | ios::trunc - Truncate to 0 length, if existent,
+   * or create a file for writing only.
+   *
+   * ios::app or ios::out | ios::app - Append; open or create file for
+   * writing at end-of-file.
+   *
+   * ios::in | ios::out - Open file for update (reading and writing).
+   *
+   * ios::in | ios::out | ios::trunc - Truncate to zero length, if existent,
+   * or create file for update.
+   *
+   * ios::in | ios::app or ios::in | ios::out | ios::app - Append; open or
+   * create text file for update, writing at end of file.
+   */
+  void open(const char* path, openmode mode = in | out) {
+    SdStreamBase::open(path, mode);
+  }
+  /** \return True if stream is open else false. */
+  bool is_open () {return SdBaseFile::isOpen();}
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \return
+   */
+  int16_t getch() {return SdStreamBase::getch();}
+    /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[out] pos
+   */
+  void getpos(FatPos_t* pos) {SdBaseFile::getpos(pos);}
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[in] c
+   */
+  void putch(char c) {SdStreamBase::putch(c);}
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[in] str
+   */
+  void putstr(const char *str) {SdStreamBase::putstr(str);}
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[in] pos
+   */
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+    return SdStreamBase::seekoff(off, way);
+  }
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {return SdStreamBase::seekpos(pos);}
+  void setpos(FatPos_t* pos) {SdBaseFile::setpos(pos);}
+  bool sync() {return SdStreamBase::sync();}
+  pos_type tellpos() {return SdStreamBase::curPosition();}
+  /// @endcond
+ * \class ifstream
+ * \brief SD file input stream.
+ */
+class ifstream : public istream, SdStreamBase {
+ public:
+  using istream::peek;
+  ifstream() {}
+  /** Constructor with open
+   * \param[in] path file to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   */
+  explicit ifstream(const char* path, openmode mode = in) {
+    open(path, mode);
+  }
+  ~ifstream() {}
+  /**  Close a file and force cached data and directory information
+   *  to be written to the storage device.
+   */
+  void close() {SdBaseFile::close();}
+  /** \return True if stream is open else false. */
+  bool is_open() {return SdBaseFile::isOpen();}
+  /** Open an ifstream
+   * \param[in] path file to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   *
+   * \a mode See fstream::open() for valid modes.
+   */
+  void open(const char* path, openmode mode = in) {
+    SdStreamBase::open(path, mode | in);
+  }
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \return
+   */
+  int16_t getch() {return SdStreamBase::getch();}
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[out] pos
+   */
+  void getpos(FatPos_t* pos) {SdBaseFile::getpos(pos);}
+  /** Internal - do not use
+   * \param[in] pos
+   */
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+    return SdStreamBase::seekoff(off, way);
+  }
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {return SdStreamBase::seekpos(pos);}
+  void setpos(FatPos_t* pos) {SdBaseFile::setpos(pos);}
+  pos_type tellpos() {return SdStreamBase::curPosition();}
+  /// @endcond
+ * \class ofstream
+ * \brief SD card output stream.
+ */
+class ofstream : public ostream, SdStreamBase {
+ public:
+  ofstream() {}
+  /** Constructor with open
+   * \param[in] path file to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   */
+  explicit ofstream(const char* path, ios::openmode mode = out) {
+    open(path, mode);
+  }
+  ~ofstream() {}
+  /** Clear state and writeError
+   * \param[in] state new state for stream
+   */
+  void clear(iostate state = goodbit) {
+    ios::clear(state);
+    SdBaseFile::writeError = false;
+  }
+  /**  Close a file and force cached data and directory information
+   *  to be written to the storage device.
+   */
+  void close() {SdBaseFile::close();}
+  /** Open an ofstream
+   * \param[in] path file to open
+   * \param[in] mode open mode
+   *
+   * \a mode See fstream::open() for valid modes.
+   */
+  void open(const char* path, openmode mode = out) {
+    SdStreamBase::open(path, mode | out);
+  }
+  /** \return True if stream is open else false. */
+  bool is_open() {return SdBaseFile::isOpen();}
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  /**
+   * Internal do not use
+   * \param[in] c
+   */
+  void putch(char c) {SdStreamBase::putch(c);}
+  void putstr(const char* str) {SdStreamBase::putstr(str);}
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+    return SdStreamBase::seekoff(off, way);
+  }
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {return SdStreamBase::seekpos(pos);}
+  /**
+   * Internal do not use
+   * \param[in] b
+   */
+  bool sync() {return SdStreamBase::sync();}
+  pos_type tellpos() {return SdStreamBase::curPosition();}
+  /// @endcond
+#endif  // SdStream_h

+ 595 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// raw block cache
+uint8_t  SdVolume::m_fatCount;          // number of FATs on volume
+uint32_t SdVolume::m_blocksPerFat;      // FAT size in blocks
+cache_t  SdVolume::m_cacheBuffer;       // 512 byte cache for Sd2Card
+uint32_t SdVolume::m_cacheBlockNumber;  // current block number
+uint8_t  SdVolume::m_cacheStatus;       // status of cache block
+cache_t  SdVolume::m_cacheFatBuffer;       // 512 byte cache for FAT
+uint32_t SdVolume::m_cacheFatBlockNumber;  // current Fat block number
+uint8_t  SdVolume::m_cacheFatStatus;       // status of cache Fatblock
+Sd2Card* SdVolume::m_sdCard;            // pointer to SD card object
+// find a contiguous group of clusters
+bool SdVolume::allocContiguous(uint32_t count, uint32_t* curCluster) {
+  // start of group
+  uint32_t bgnCluster;
+  // end of group
+  uint32_t endCluster;
+  // last cluster of FAT
+  uint32_t fatEnd = m_clusterCount + 1;
+  // flag to save place to start next search
+  bool setStart;
+  // set search start cluster
+  if (*curCluster) {
+    // try to make file contiguous
+    bgnCluster = *curCluster + 1;
+    // don't save new start location
+    setStart = false;
+  } else {
+    // start at likely place for free cluster
+    bgnCluster = m_allocSearchStart;
+    // save next search start if no holes.
+    setStart = true;
+  }
+  // end of group
+  endCluster = bgnCluster;
+  // search the FAT for free clusters
+  for (uint32_t n = 0;; n++, endCluster++) {
+    // can't find space checked all clusters
+    if (n >= m_clusterCount) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // past end - start from beginning of FAT
+    if (endCluster > fatEnd) {
+      bgnCluster = endCluster = 2;
+    }
+    uint32_t f;
+    if (!fatGet(endCluster, &f)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (f != 0) {
+      // don't update search start if unallocated clusters before endCluster.
+      if (bgnCluster != endCluster) setStart = false;
+      // cluster in use try next cluster as bgnCluster
+      bgnCluster = endCluster + 1;
+    } else if ((endCluster - bgnCluster + 1) == count) {
+      // done - found space
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // remember possible next free cluster
+  if (setStart) m_allocSearchStart = endCluster + 1;
+  // mark end of chain
+  if (!fatPutEOC(endCluster)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // link clusters
+  while (endCluster > bgnCluster) {
+    if (!fatPut(endCluster - 1, endCluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    endCluster--;
+  }
+  if (*curCluster != 0) {
+    // connect chains
+    if (!fatPut(*curCluster, bgnCluster)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  // return first cluster number to caller
+  *curCluster = bgnCluster;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// cache functions
+cache_t* SdVolume::cacheFetch(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options) {
+  return cacheFetchData(blockNumber, options);
+cache_t* SdVolume::cacheFetchData(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options) {
+  if (m_cacheBlockNumber != blockNumber) {
+    if (!cacheWriteData()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (!(options & CACHE_OPTION_NO_READ)) {
+      if (!m_sdCard->readBlock(blockNumber, {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_cacheStatus = 0;
+    m_cacheBlockNumber = blockNumber;
+  }
+  m_cacheStatus |= options & CACHE_STATUS_MASK;
+  return &m_cacheBuffer;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+cache_t* SdVolume::cacheFetchFat(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options) {
+  if (m_cacheFatBlockNumber != blockNumber) {
+    if (!cacheWriteFat()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (!(options & CACHE_OPTION_NO_READ)) {
+      if (!m_sdCard->readBlock(blockNumber, {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_cacheFatStatus = 0;
+    m_cacheFatBlockNumber = blockNumber;
+  }
+  m_cacheFatStatus |= options & CACHE_STATUS_MASK;
+  return &m_cacheFatBuffer;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+bool SdVolume::cacheSync() {
+  return cacheWriteData() && cacheWriteFat();
+bool SdVolume::cacheWriteData() {
+  if (m_cacheStatus & CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY) {
+    if (!m_sdCard->writeBlock(m_cacheBlockNumber, {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    m_cacheStatus &= ~CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+bool SdVolume::cacheWriteFat() {
+  if (m_cacheFatStatus & CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY) {
+    if (!m_sdCard->writeBlock(m_cacheFatBlockNumber, {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // mirror second FAT
+    if (m_fatCount > 1) {
+      uint32_t lbn = m_cacheFatBlockNumber + m_blocksPerFat;
+      if (!m_sdCard->writeBlock(lbn, {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_cacheFatStatus &= ~CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+cache_t* SdVolume::cacheFetch(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options) {
+  if (m_cacheBlockNumber != blockNumber) {
+    if (!cacheSync()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (!(options & CACHE_OPTION_NO_READ)) {
+      if (!m_sdCard->readBlock(blockNumber, {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_cacheStatus = 0;
+    m_cacheBlockNumber = blockNumber;
+  }
+  m_cacheStatus |= options & CACHE_STATUS_MASK;
+  return &m_cacheBuffer;
+ fail:
+  return 0;
+cache_t* SdVolume::cacheFetchFat(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options) {
+  return cacheFetch(blockNumber, options | CACHE_STATUS_FAT_BLOCK);
+bool SdVolume::cacheSync() {
+  if (m_cacheStatus & CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY) {
+    if (!m_sdCard->writeBlock(m_cacheBlockNumber, {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // mirror second FAT
+    if ((m_cacheStatus & CACHE_STATUS_FAT_BLOCK) && m_fatCount > 1) {
+      uint32_t lbn = m_cacheBlockNumber + m_blocksPerFat;
+      if (!m_sdCard->writeBlock(lbn, {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    m_cacheStatus &= ~CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+bool SdVolume::cacheWriteData() {
+  return cacheSync();
+void SdVolume::cacheInvalidate() {
+    m_cacheBlockNumber = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+    m_cacheStatus = 0;
+uint32_t SdVolume::clusterStartBlock(uint32_t cluster) const {
+  return m_dataStartBlock + ((cluster - 2) << m_clusterSizeShift);
+// Fetch a FAT entry
+bool SdVolume::fatGet(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t* value) {
+  uint32_t lba;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  // error if reserved cluster of beyond FAT
+  if (cluster < 2  || cluster > (m_clusterCount + 1)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (FAT12_SUPPORT && m_fatType == 12) {
+    uint16_t index = cluster;
+    index += index >> 1;
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (index >> 9);
+    pc = cacheFetchFat(lba, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+    if (!pc) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    index &= 0X1FF;
+    uint16_t tmp = pc->data[index];
+    index++;
+    if (index == 512) {
+      pc = cacheFetchFat(lba + 1, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      index = 0;
+    }
+    tmp |= pc->data[index] << 8;
+    *value = cluster & 1 ? tmp >> 4 : tmp & 0XFFF;
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (m_fatType == 16) {
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (cluster >> 8);
+  } else if (m_fatType == 32) {
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (cluster >> 7);
+  } else {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  pc = cacheFetchFat(lba, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (m_fatType == 16) {
+    *value = pc->fat16[cluster & 0XFF];
+  } else {
+    *value = pc->fat32[cluster & 0X7F] & FAT32MASK;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// Store a FAT entry
+bool SdVolume::fatPut(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t value) {
+  uint32_t lba;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  // error if reserved cluster of beyond FAT
+  if (cluster < 2 || cluster > (m_clusterCount + 1)) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  if (FAT12_SUPPORT && m_fatType == 12) {
+    uint16_t index = cluster;
+    index += index >> 1;
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (index >> 9);
+    pc = cacheFetchFat(lba, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+    if (!pc) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    index &= 0X1FF;
+    uint8_t tmp = value;
+    if (cluster & 1) {
+      tmp = (pc->data[index] & 0XF) | tmp << 4;
+    }
+    pc->data[index] = tmp;
+    index++;
+    if (index == 512) {
+      lba++;
+      index = 0;
+      pc = cacheFetchFat(lba, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+    }
+    tmp = value >> 4;
+    if (!(cluster & 1)) {
+      tmp = ((pc->data[index] & 0XF0)) | tmp >> 4;
+    }
+    pc->data[index] = tmp;
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (m_fatType == 16) {
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (cluster >> 8);
+  } else if (m_fatType == 32) {
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock + (cluster >> 7);
+  } else {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  pc = cacheFetchFat(lba, CACHE_FOR_WRITE);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  // store entry
+  if (m_fatType == 16) {
+    pc->fat16[cluster & 0XFF] = value;
+  } else {
+    pc->fat32[cluster & 0X7F] = value;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+// free a cluster chain
+bool SdVolume::freeChain(uint32_t cluster) {
+  uint32_t next;
+  do {
+    if (!fatGet(cluster, &next)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    // free cluster
+    if (!fatPut(cluster, 0)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    if (cluster < m_allocSearchStart) m_allocSearchStart = cluster;
+    cluster = next;
+  } while (!isEOC(cluster));
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;
+/** Volume free space in clusters.
+ *
+ * \return Count of free clusters for success or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+int32_t SdVolume::freeClusterCount() {
+  uint32_t free = 0;
+  uint32_t lba;
+  uint32_t todo = m_clusterCount + 2;
+  uint16_t n;
+  if (FAT12_SUPPORT && m_fatType == 12) {
+    for (unsigned i = 2; i < todo; i++) {
+      uint32_t c;
+      if (!fatGet(i, &c)) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      if (c == 0) free++;
+    }
+  } else if (m_fatType == 16 || m_fatType == 32) {
+    lba = m_fatStartBlock;
+    while (todo) {
+      cache_t* pc = cacheFetchFat(lba++, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+      if (!pc) {
+        DBG_FAIL_MACRO;
+        goto fail;
+      }
+      n = m_fatType == 16 ? 256 : 128;
+      if (todo < n) n = todo;
+      if (m_fatType == 16) {
+        for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+          if (pc->fat16[i] == 0) free++;
+        }
+      } else {
+        for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+          if (pc->fat32[i] == 0) free++;
+        }
+      }
+      todo -= n;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // invalid FAT type
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  return free;
+ fail:
+  return -1;
+/** Initialize a FAT volume.
+ *
+ * \param[in] dev The SD card where the volume is located.
+ *
+ * \param[in] part The partition to be used.  Legal values for \a part are
+ * 1-4 to use the corresponding partition on a device formatted with
+ * a MBR, Master Boot Record, or zero if the device is formatted as
+ * a super floppy with the FAT boot sector in block zero.
+ *
+ * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+ * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.  Reasons for
+ * failure include not finding a valid partition, not finding a valid
+ * FAT file system in the specified partition or an I/O error.
+ */
+bool SdVolume::init(Sd2Card* dev, uint8_t part) {
+  uint8_t tmp;
+  uint32_t totalBlocks;
+  uint32_t volumeStartBlock = 0;
+  fat32_boot_t* fbs;
+  cache_t* pc;
+  m_sdCard = dev;
+  m_fatType = 0;
+  m_allocSearchStart = 2;
+  m_cacheStatus = 0;  // cacheSync() will write block if true
+  m_cacheBlockNumber = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+  m_cacheFatStatus = 0;  // cacheSync() will write block if true
+  m_cacheFatBlockNumber = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+  // if part == 0 assume super floppy with FAT boot sector in block zero
+  // if part > 0 assume mbr volume with partition table
+  if (part) {
+    if (part > 4) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    pc = cacheFetch(volumeStartBlock, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+    if (!pc) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    part_t* p = &pc->mbr.part[part-1];
+    if ((p->boot & 0X7F) != 0 || p->firstSector == 0) {
+      // not a valid partition
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    volumeStartBlock = p->firstSector;
+  }
+  pc = cacheFetch(volumeStartBlock, CACHE_FOR_READ);
+  if (!pc) {
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  fbs = &(pc->fbs32);
+  if (fbs->bytesPerSector != 512 ||
+    fbs->fatCount == 0 ||
+    fbs->reservedSectorCount == 0) {
+       // not valid FAT volume
+      goto fail;
+  }
+  m_fatCount = fbs->fatCount;
+  m_blocksPerCluster = fbs->sectorsPerCluster;
+  m_clusterBlockMask = m_blocksPerCluster - 1;
+  // determine shift that is same as multiply by m_blocksPerCluster
+  m_clusterSizeShift = 0;
+  for (tmp = 1; m_blocksPerCluster != tmp; m_clusterSizeShift++) {
+    tmp <<= 1;
+    if (tmp == 0) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  m_blocksPerFat = fbs->sectorsPerFat16 ?
+                    fbs->sectorsPerFat16 : fbs->sectorsPerFat32;
+  m_fatStartBlock = volumeStartBlock + fbs->reservedSectorCount;
+  // count for FAT16 zero for FAT32
+  m_rootDirEntryCount = fbs->rootDirEntryCount;
+  // directory start for FAT16 dataStart for FAT32
+  m_rootDirStart = m_fatStartBlock + fbs->fatCount * m_blocksPerFat;
+  // data start for FAT16 and FAT32
+  m_dataStartBlock = m_rootDirStart + ((32 * fbs->rootDirEntryCount + 511)/512);
+  // total blocks for FAT16 or FAT32
+  totalBlocks = fbs->totalSectors16 ?
+                           fbs->totalSectors16 : fbs->totalSectors32;
+  // total data blocks
+  m_clusterCount = totalBlocks - (m_dataStartBlock - volumeStartBlock);
+  // divide by cluster size to get cluster count
+  m_clusterCount >>= m_clusterSizeShift;
+  // FAT type is determined by cluster count
+  if (m_clusterCount < 4085) {
+    m_fatType = 12;
+    if (!FAT12_SUPPORT) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  } else if (m_clusterCount < 65525) {
+    m_fatType = 16;
+  } else {
+    m_rootDirStart = fbs->fat32RootCluster;
+    m_fatType = 32;
+  }
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  return false;

+ 216 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdVolume_h
+#define SdVolume_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief SdVolume class
+ */
+#include <SdFatConfig.h>
+#include <Sd2Card.h>
+#include <utility/FatStructs.h>
+// SdVolume class
+ * \brief Cache for an SD data block
+ */
+union cache_t {
+           /** Used to access cached file data blocks. */
+  uint8_t  data[512];
+           /** Used to access cached FAT16 entries. */
+  uint16_t fat16[256];
+           /** Used to access cached FAT32 entries. */
+  uint32_t fat32[128];
+           /** Used to access cached directory entries. */
+  dir_t    dir[16];
+           /** Used to access a cached Master Boot Record. */
+  mbr_t    mbr;
+           /** Used to access to a cached FAT boot sector. */
+  fat_boot_t fbs;
+           /** Used to access to a cached FAT32 boot sector. */
+  fat32_boot_t fbs32;
+           /** Used to access to a cached FAT32 FSINFO sector. */
+  fat32_fsinfo_t fsinfo;
+ * \class SdVolume
+ * \brief Access FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on SD and SDHC cards.
+ */
+class SdVolume {
+ public:
+  /** Create an instance of SdVolume */
+  SdVolume() : m_fatType(0) {}
+  /** Clear the cache and returns a pointer to the cache.  Used by the WaveRP
+   * recorder to do raw write to the SD card.  Not for normal apps.
+   * \return A pointer to the cache buffer or zero if an error occurs.
+   */
+  cache_t* cacheClear() {
+    if (!cacheSync()) return 0;
+    m_cacheBlockNumber = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+    return &m_cacheBuffer;
+  }
+  /** Initialize a FAT volume.  Try partition one first then try super
+   * floppy format.
+   *
+   * \param[in] dev The Sd2Card where the volume is located.
+   *
+   * \return The value one, true, is returned for success and
+   * the value zero, false, is returned for failure.  Reasons for
+   * failure include not finding a valid partition, not finding a valid
+   * FAT file system or an I/O error.
+   */
+  bool init(Sd2Card* dev) { return init(dev, 1) ? true : init(dev, 0);}
+  bool init(Sd2Card* dev, uint8_t part);
+  // inline functions that return volume info
+  /** \return The volume's cluster size in blocks. */
+  uint8_t blocksPerCluster() const {return m_blocksPerCluster;}
+  /** \return The number of blocks in one FAT. */
+  uint32_t blocksPerFat()  const {return m_blocksPerFat;}
+  /** \return The total number of clusters in the volume. */
+  uint32_t clusterCount() const {return m_clusterCount;}
+  /** \return The shift count required to multiply by blocksPerCluster. */
+  uint8_t clusterSizeShift() const {return m_clusterSizeShift;}
+  /** \return The logical block number for the start of file data. */
+  uint32_t dataStartBlock() const {return clusterStartBlock(2);}
+  /** \return The number of FAT structures on the volume. */
+  uint8_t fatCount() const {return m_fatCount;}
+  /** \return The logical block number for the start of the first FAT. */
+  uint32_t fatStartBlock() const {return m_fatStartBlock;}
+  /** \return The FAT type of the volume. Values are 12, 16 or 32. */
+  uint8_t fatType() const {return m_fatType;}
+  int32_t freeClusterCount();
+  /** \return The number of entries in the root directory for FAT16 volumes. */
+  uint32_t rootDirEntryCount() const {return m_rootDirEntryCount;}
+  /** \return The logical block number for the start of the root directory
+       on FAT16 volumes or the first cluster number on FAT32 volumes. */
+  uint32_t rootDirStart() const {return m_rootDirStart;}
+  /** Sd2Card object for this volume
+   * \return pointer to Sd2Card object.
+   */
+  Sd2Card* sdCard() {return m_sdCard;}
+  /** Debug access to FAT table
+   *
+   * \param[in] n cluster number.
+   * \param[out] v value of entry
+   * \return true for success or false for failure
+   */
+  bool dbgFat(uint32_t n, uint32_t* v) {return fatGet(n, v);}
+ private:
+  // Allow SdBaseFile access to SdVolume private data.
+  friend class SdBaseFile;
+  uint32_t m_allocSearchStart;   // Start cluster for alloc search.
+  uint8_t m_blocksPerCluster;    // Cluster size in blocks.
+  uint8_t m_clusterBlockMask;    // Mask to extract block of cluster.
+  uint32_t m_clusterCount;       // Clusters in one FAT.
+  uint8_t m_clusterSizeShift;    // Cluster count to block count shift.
+  uint32_t m_dataStartBlock;     // First data block number.
+  uint32_t m_fatStartBlock;      // Start block for first FAT.
+  uint8_t m_fatType;             // Volume type (12, 16, OR 32).
+  uint16_t m_rootDirEntryCount;  // Number of entries in FAT16 root dir.
+  uint32_t m_rootDirStart;       // Start block for FAT16, cluster for FAT32.
+// block caches
+// use of static functions save a bit of flash - maybe not worth complexity
+  static const uint8_t CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY = 1;
+  static const uint8_t CACHE_STATUS_FAT_BLOCK = 2;
+  static const uint8_t CACHE_STATUS_MASK
+  static const uint8_t CACHE_OPTION_NO_READ = 4;
+  // value for option argument in cacheFetch to indicate read from cache
+  static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_READ = 0;
+  // value for option argument in cacheFetch to indicate write to cache
+  static uint8_t const CACHE_FOR_WRITE = CACHE_STATUS_DIRTY;
+  // reserve cache block with no read
+  static uint8_t const CACHE_RESERVE_FOR_WRITE
+  uint8_t m_fatCount;           // number of FATs on volume
+  uint32_t m_blocksPerFat;      // FAT size in blocks
+  cache_t m_cacheBuffer;        // 512 byte cache for device blocks
+  uint32_t m_cacheBlockNumber;  // Logical number of block in the cache
+  Sd2Card* m_sdCard;            // Sd2Card object for cache
+  uint8_t m_cacheStatus;        // status of cache block
+  cache_t m_cacheFatBuffer;       // 512 byte cache for FAT
+  uint32_t m_cacheFatBlockNumber;  // current Fat block number
+  uint8_t  m_cacheFatStatus;       // status of cache Fatblock
+  static uint8_t m_fatCount;            // number of FATs on volume
+  static uint32_t m_blocksPerFat;       // FAT size in blocks
+  static cache_t m_cacheBuffer;        // 512 byte cache for device blocks
+  static uint32_t m_cacheBlockNumber;  // Logical number of block in the cache
+  static uint8_t m_cacheStatus;        // status of cache block
+  static cache_t m_cacheFatBuffer;       // 512 byte cache for FAT
+  static uint32_t m_cacheFatBlockNumber;  // current Fat block number
+  static uint8_t  m_cacheFatStatus;       // status of cache Fatblock
+  static Sd2Card* m_sdCard;            // Sd2Card object for cache
+  cache_t *cacheAddress() {return &m_cacheBuffer;}
+  uint32_t cacheBlockNumber() {return m_cacheBlockNumber;}
+  cache_t* cacheFetch(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  cache_t* cacheFetchData(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  cache_t* cacheFetchFat(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  void cacheInvalidate();
+  bool cacheSync();
+  bool cacheWriteData();
+  bool cacheWriteFat();
+  static cache_t* cacheFetch(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  static cache_t* cacheFetchData(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  static cache_t* cacheFetchFat(uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t options);
+  static void cacheInvalidate();
+  static bool cacheSync();
+  static bool cacheWriteData();
+  static bool cacheWriteFat();
+  bool allocContiguous(uint32_t count, uint32_t* curCluster);
+  uint8_t blockOfCluster(uint32_t position) const {
+    return (position >> 9) & m_clusterBlockMask;}
+  uint32_t clusterStartBlock(uint32_t cluster) const;
+  bool fatGet(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t* value);
+  bool fatPut(uint32_t cluster, uint32_t value);
+  bool fatPutEOC(uint32_t cluster) {
+    return fatPut(cluster, 0x0FFFFFFF);
+  }
+  bool freeChain(uint32_t cluster);
+  bool isEOC(uint32_t cluster) const {
+    if (FAT12_SUPPORT && m_fatType == 12) return  cluster >= FAT12EOC_MIN;
+    if (m_fatType == 16) return cluster >= FAT16EOC_MIN;
+    return  cluster >= FAT32EOC_MIN;
+  }
+  bool readBlock(uint32_t block, uint8_t* dst) {
+    return m_sdCard->readBlock(block, dst);}
+  bool writeBlock(uint32_t block, const uint8_t* dst) {
+    return m_sdCard->writeBlock(block, dst);
+  }
+#endif  // SdVolume

+ 535 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+/* Arduino RamDisk Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino RamDisk Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino RamDisk Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \file
+ * StdioStream implementation
+ */
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <StdioStream.h>
+#include <utility/FmtNumber.h>
+int StdioStream::fclose() {
+  int rtn = 0;
+  if (!m_flags) {
+    return EOF;
+  }
+  if (m_flags & F_SWR) {
+    if (!flushBuf()) rtn = EOF;
+  }
+  if (!SdBaseFile::close()) rtn = EOF;
+  m_r = 0;
+  m_w = 0;
+  m_flags = 0;
+  return rtn;
+int StdioStream::fflush() {
+  if ((m_flags & (F_SWR | F_SRW)) && !(m_flags & F_SRD)) {
+    if (flushBuf() && SdBaseFile::sync()) return 0;
+  }
+  return EOF;
+char* StdioStream::fgets(char* str, int num, size_t* len) {
+  char* s = str;
+  size_t n;
+  if (num-- <= 0) return 0;
+  while (num) {
+    if ((n = m_r) == 0) {
+      if (!fillBuf()) {
+        if (s == str) return 0;
+        break;
+      }
+      n = m_r;
+    }
+    if (n > num) n = num;
+    uint8_t* end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(memchr(m_p, '\n', n));
+    if (end != 0) {
+      n = ++end - m_p;
+      memcpy(s, m_p, n);
+      m_r -= n;
+      m_p = end;
+      s += n;
+      break;
+    }
+    memcpy(s, m_p, n);
+    m_r -= n;
+    m_p += n;
+    s += n;
+    num -= n;
+  }
+  *s = 0;
+  if (len) *len = s - str;
+  return str;
+bool StdioStream::fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode) {
+  uint8_t oflags;
+  switch (*mode++) {
+  case 'a':
+    m_flags = F_SWR;
+    oflags = O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_AT_END;
+    break;
+  case 'r':
+    m_flags = F_SRD;
+    oflags = O_READ;
+    break;
+  case 'w':
+    m_flags = F_SWR;
+    oflags = O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
+    break;
+  default:
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  while (*mode) {
+    switch (*mode++) {
+    case '+':
+      m_flags |= F_SRW;
+      oflags |= O_RDWR;
+      break;
+    case 'b':
+      break;
+    case 'x':
+      oflags |= O_EXCL;
+      break;
+    default:
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  if ((oflags & O_EXCL) && !(oflags & O_WRITE)) goto fail;
+  if (!SdBaseFile::open(filename, oflags)) goto fail;
+  m_r = 0;
+  m_w = 0;
+  m_p = m_buf;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  m_flags = 0;
+  return false;
+int StdioStream::fputs(const char* str) {
+  size_t len = strlen(str);
+  return fwrite(str, 1, len) == len ? len : EOF;
+int StdioStream::fputs_P(PGM_P str) {
+  PGM_P bgn = str;
+  for (char c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) {
+    if (putc(c) < 0) return EOF;
+  }
+  return str - bgn;
+size_t StdioStream::fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count) {
+  uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
+  size_t total = size*count;
+  if (total == 0) return 0;
+  size_t need = total;
+  while (need > m_r) {
+    memcpy(dst, m_p, m_r);
+    dst += m_r;
+    m_p += m_r;
+    need -= m_r;
+    if (!fillBuf()) {
+      return (total - need)/size;
+    }
+  }
+  memcpy(dst, m_p, need);
+  m_r -= need;
+  m_p += need;
+  return count;
+int StdioStream::fseek(int32_t offset, int origin) {
+  int32_t pos;
+  if (m_flags & F_SWR) {
+    if (!flushBuf()) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+  }
+  switch (origin) {
+  case SEEK_CUR:
+    pos = ftell();
+    if (pos < 0) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    pos += offset;
+    if (!SdBaseFile::seekCur(pos)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    break;
+  case SEEK_SET:
+    if (!SdBaseFile::seekSet(offset)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    break;
+  case SEEK_END:
+    if (!SdBaseFile::seekEnd(offset)) {
+      goto fail;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    goto fail;
+  }
+  m_r = 0;
+  m_p = m_buf;
+  return 0;
+ fail:
+  return EOF;
+int32_t StdioStream::ftell() {
+  uint32_t pos = SdBaseFile::curPosition();
+  if (m_flags & F_SRD) {
+    if (m_r > pos) return -1L;
+    pos -= m_r;
+  } else if (m_flags & F_SWR) {
+    pos += m_p - m_buf;
+  }
+  return pos;
+size_t StdioStream::fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count) {
+  return write(ptr, count*size) < 0 ? EOF : count;
+#if 0  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  const uint8_t* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(ptr);
+  size_t total = count*size;
+  if (total == 0) return 0;
+  size_t todo = total;
+  while (todo > m_w) {
+    memcpy(m_p, src, m_w);
+    m_p += m_w;
+    src += m_w;
+    todo -= m_w;
+    if (!flushBuf()) {
+      return (total - todo)/size;
+    }
+  }
+  memcpy(m_p, src, todo);
+  m_p += todo;
+  m_w -= todo;
+  return count;
+#endif  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  int StdioStream::write(const void* buf, size_t count) {
+  const uint8_t* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf);
+  size_t todo = count;
+  while (todo > m_w) {
+    memcpy(m_p, src, m_w);
+    m_p += m_w;
+    src += m_w;
+    todo -= m_w;
+    if (!flushBuf()) return EOF;
+  }
+  memcpy(m_p, src, todo);
+  m_p += todo;
+  m_w -= todo;
+  return count;
+size_t StdioStream::print(const __FlashStringHelper *str) {
+  const char PROGMEM *p = (const char PROGMEM *)str;
+  uint8_t c;
+  while (c = pgm_read_byte(p)) {
+    if (putc(c) < 0) return 0;
+    p++;
+  }
+  return p - (const char PROGMEM *)str;
+int StdioStream::printDec(float value, uint8_t prec) {
+#define FLOAT_NEW_WAY
+  char buf[24];
+  char *ptr = fmtFloat(value, buf + sizeof(buf), prec);
+  // return fputs(ptr);
+  // uint8_t len = buf + sizeof(buf) - ptr;
+  return write(ptr, buf + sizeof(buf) - ptr);
+  char* ptr;
+  uint8_t rtn = 0;
+  uint8_t sign = 0;
+  if (value < 0) {
+    value = -value;
+    sign = '-';
+  }
+  // check for NaN INF OVF
+  if (isnan(value)) {
+    if (fputs_P(PSTR("nan")) < 0) return -1;
+    rtn += 3;
+  } else if (isinf(value)) {
+    if (fputs_P(PSTR("inf")) < 0) return -1;
+    rtn += 3;
+  } else if (value > 4294967040.0) {
+    if (fputs_P(PSTR("ovf")) < 0) return -1;;
+    rtn += 3;
+  } else {
+    if (sign) {
+     if (putc(sign) < 0) return -1;
+      rtn++;
+    }
+    if (prec > 9) prec = 9;
+ /*
+    uint32_t s = 1;
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < prec; i++) {
+      // s *= 10;
+      s = ((s << 2) + s) << 1;
+    }
+    // round value
+    value += 0.5/s;
+  */
+    value += scale10(0.5, -prec);
+    uint32_t whole = value;
+    int np;
+    if ((np = printDec(whole)) < 0) return -1;
+    rtn += np;
+    if (prec) {
+      if (putc('.') < 0) return -1;
+      char* str = fmtSpace(prec);
+      if (!str) return -1;
+      char* tmp = str - prec;
+  //  uint32_t fraction = s*(value - whole);
+      uint32_t fraction =  scale10(value - whole, prec);
+      ptr = fmtDec(fraction, str);
+      while (ptr > tmp) *--ptr = '0';
+      rtn += prec + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return rtn;
+  #endif
+int StdioStream::printDec(signed char n) {
+  uint8_t s = 0;
+  if (n < 0) {
+    if (fputc('-') < 0) return -1;
+    n = -n;
+    s = 1;
+  }
+  printDec((unsigned char)n);
+int StdioStream::printDec(int16_t n) {
+  int s;
+  uint8_t rtn = 0;
+  if (n < 0) {
+    if (fputc('-') < 0) return -1;
+    n = -n;
+    rtn++;
+  }
+  if ((s = printDec((uint16_t)n)) < 0) return s;
+  return rtn;
+int StdioStream::printDec(uint16_t n) {
+#define NEW_WAY
+#ifdef NEW_WAY
+  char buf[5];
+  char *ptr = fmtDec(n, buf + sizeof(buf));
+  uint8_t len = buf + sizeof(buf) - ptr;
+  return write(ptr, len);
+  uint8_t len;
+  if (n < 100) {
+    len = n < 10 ? 1 : 2;
+  } else {
+    len = n < 1000 ? 3 : n < 10000 ? 4 : 5;
+  }
+  char* str = fmtSpace(len);
+  if (!str) return -1;
+  fmtDec(n, str);
+  return len;
+int StdioStream::printDec(int32_t n) {
+  uint8_t s = 0;
+  if (n < 0) {
+    if (fputc('-') < 0) return -1;
+    n = -n;
+    s = 1;
+  }
+  int rtn = printDec((uint32_t)n);
+  return rtn > 0 ? rtn + s : -1;
+int StdioStream::printDec(uint32_t n) {
+#ifdef NEW_WAY
+  char buf[10];
+  char *ptr = fmtDec(n, buf + sizeof(buf));
+  uint8_t len = buf + sizeof(buf) - ptr;
+  return write(ptr, len);
+  uint8_t len;
+  if (n < 0X10000) {
+    return printDec((uint16_t)n);
+  }
+  if (n < 10000000) {
+    len = n < 100000 ? 5 : n < 1000000 ? 6 : 7;
+  } else {
+    len = n < 100000000 ? 8 : n < 1000000000 ? 9 : 10;
+  }
+  char* str = fmtSpace(len);
+  if (!str) return -1;
+  fmtDec(n, str);
+  return len;
+int StdioStream::printHex(uint32_t n) {
+#ifdef NEW_WAY
+  char buf[8];
+  char *ptr = fmtHex(n, buf + sizeof(buf));
+  uint8_t len = buf + sizeof(buf) - ptr;
+  return write(ptr, len);
+  size_t len;
+  if (n < 0X10000) {
+    len = n < 0X10 ? 1 : n < 0X100 ? 2 : n < 0X1000 ? 3 : 4;
+  } else {
+    len = n < 0X100000 ? 5 : n < 0X1000000 ? 6 : n < 0X10000000 ? 7 : 8;
+  }
+  char* str = fmtSpace(len);
+  if (!str) return -1;
+  do {
+    uint8_t h = n & 0XF;
+    *str-- = h + (h < 10 ? '0' : 'A' - 10);
+    n >>= 4;
+  } while (n);
+  return len;
+bool StdioStream::rewind() {
+  if (m_flags & F_SWR) {
+    if (!flushBuf()) return false;
+  }
+  SdBaseFile::seekSet(0);
+  m_r = 0;
+  return true;
+int StdioStream::ungetc(int c) {
+  // error if EOF.
+  if (c == EOF) return EOF;
+  // error if not reading.
+  if ((m_flags & F_SRD) == 0) return EOF;
+  // error if no space.
+  if (m_p == m_buf) return EOF;
+  m_r++;
+  m_flags &= ~F_EOF;
+  return *--m_p = (uint8_t)c;
+// private
+int StdioStream::fillGet() {
+  if (!fillBuf()) {
+    return EOF;
+  }
+  m_r--;
+  return *m_p++;
+// private
+bool StdioStream::fillBuf() {
+  if (!(m_flags & F_SRD)) {  /////////////check for F_ERR and F_EOF ??/////////////////
+    if (!(m_flags & F_SRW)) {
+      m_flags |= F_ERR;
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (m_flags & F_SWR) {
+      if (!flushBuf()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      m_flags &= ~F_SWR;
+      m_flags |= F_SRD;
+      m_w = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  m_p = m_buf + UNGETC_BUF_SIZE;
+  int nr = SdBaseFile::read(m_p, sizeof(m_buf) - UNGETC_BUF_SIZE);
+  if (nr <= 0) {
+    m_flags |= nr < 0 ? F_ERR : F_EOF;
+    m_r = 0;
+    return false;
+  }
+  m_r = nr;
+  return true;
+// private
+bool StdioStream::flushBuf() {
+  if (!(m_flags & F_SWR)) {  /////////////////check for F_ERR ??////////////////////////
+    if (!(m_flags & F_SRW)) {
+      m_flags |= F_ERR;
+      return false;
+    }
+    m_flags &= ~F_SRD;
+    m_flags |= F_SWR;
+    m_r = 0;
+    m_w = sizeof(m_buf);
+    m_p = m_buf;
+    return true;
+  }
+  uint8_t n = m_p - m_buf;
+  m_p = m_buf;
+  m_w = sizeof(m_buf);
+  if (SdBaseFile::write(m_buf, n) == n) return true;
+  m_flags |= F_ERR;
+  return false;
+int StdioStream::flushPut(uint8_t c) {
+  if (!flushBuf()) return EOF;
+  m_w--;
+  return *m_p++ = c;
+char* StdioStream::fmtSpace(uint8_t len) {
+  if (m_w < len) {
+    if (!flushBuf() || m_w < len) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if (len > m_w) return 0;
+  m_p += len;
+  m_w -= len;
+  return reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_p);

+ 656 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+/* Arduino RamDisk Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino RamDisk Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino RamDisk Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef StdioStream_h
+#define StdioStream_h
+ * \file
+ * StdioStream class
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdBaseFile.h>
+/** Total size of stream buffer. The entire buffer is used for output.
+  * During input UNGETC_BUF_SIZE of this space is reserved for ungetc.
+  */
+const uint8_t STREAM_BUF_SIZE = 64;
+/** Amount of buffer allocated for ungetc during input. */
+const uint8_t UNGETC_BUF_SIZE = 2;
+// Get rid of any macros defined in <stdio.h>.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#undef clearerr
+#undef fclose
+#undef feof
+#undef ferror
+#undef fflush
+#undef fgetc
+#undef fgetpos
+#undef fgets
+#undef fopen
+#undef fprintf
+#undef fputc
+#undef fputs
+#undef fread
+#undef freopen
+#undef fscanf
+#undef fseek
+#undef fsetpos
+#undef ftell
+#undef fwrite
+#undef getc
+#undef getchar
+#undef gets
+#undef perror
+#undef printf
+#undef putc
+#undef putchar
+#undef puts
+#undef remove
+#undef rename
+#undef rewind
+#undef scanf
+#undef setbuf
+#undef setvbuf
+#undef sprintf  // NOLINT
+#undef sscanf
+#undef tmpfile
+#undef tmpnam
+#undef ungetc
+#undef vfprintf
+#undef vprintf
+#undef vsprintf
+// make sure needed macros are defined
+#ifndef EOF
+/** End-of-file return value. */
+#define EOF (-1)
+#endif  // EOF
+#ifndef NULL
+/** Null pointer */
+#define NULL 0
+#endif  // NULL
+#ifndef SEEK_CUR
+/** Seek relative to current position. */
+#define SEEK_CUR 1
+#endif  // SEEK_CUR
+#ifndef  SEEK_END
+/** Seek relative to end-of-file. */
+#define SEEK_END 2
+#endif  // SEEK_END
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+/** Seek relative to start-of-file. */
+#define SEEK_SET 0
+#endif  // SEEK_SET
+/** \class StdioStream
+ * \brief StdioStream implements a minimal stdio stream.
+ *
+ * StdioStream does not support subdirectories or long file names.
+ */
+class StdioStream : private SdBaseFile {
+ public:
+ /** Constructor
+  *
+  */
+  StdioStream() {
+    m_w = m_r = 0;
+    m_p = m_buf;
+    m_flags = 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Clear the stream's end-of-file and error indicators. */
+  void clearerr() {m_flags &= ~(F_ERR | F_EOF);}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Close a stream.
+   *
+   * A successful call to the fclose function causes the stream  to be
+   * flushed and the associated file to be closed. Any unwritten buffered
+   * data is written to the file; any unread buffered data is discarded.
+   * Whether or not the call succeeds, the stream is disassociated from
+   * the file.
+   *
+   * \return zero if the stream was successfully closed, or EOF if any any
+   * errors are detected.
+   */
+  int fclose();
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Test the stream's end-of-file indicator.
+   * \return non-zero if and only if the end-of-file indicator is set.
+   */
+  int feof() {return (m_flags & F_EOF) != 0;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Test the stream's error indicator.
+   * \return return non-zero if and only if the error indicator is set.
+   */
+  int ferror() {return (m_flags & F_ERR) != 0;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Flush the stream.
+   *
+   * If stream is an output stream or an update stream in which the most
+   * recent operation was not input, any unwritten data is written to the
+   * file; otherwise the call is an error since any buffered input data
+   * would be lost.
+   *
+   * \return sets the error indicator for the stream and returns EOF if an
+   * error occurs, otherwise it returns zero.
+   */
+  int fflush();
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Get a byte from the stream.
+   *
+   * \return If the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set, or if the
+   * stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is
+   * set and the fgetc function returns EOF. Otherwise, the fgetc function
+   * returns the next character from the input stream.
+   */
+  int fgetc() {return m_r-- == 0 ? fillGet() : *m_p++;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Get a string from a stream.
+   *
+   * The fgets function reads at most one less than the number of
+   * characters specified by num from the stream into the array pointed
+   * to by str. No additional characters are read after a new-line
+   * character (which is retained) or after end-of-file. A null character
+   * is written immediately after the last character read into the array.
+   *
+   * \param[out] str Pointer to an array of where the string is copied.
+   *
+   * \param[in] num Maximum number of characters including the null
+   * character.
+   *
+   * \param[out] len If len is not null and fgets is successful, the
+   * length of the string is returned.
+   *
+   * \return str if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no
+   * characters have been read into the array, the contents of the array
+   * remain unchanged and a null pointer is returned. If a read error
+   * occurs during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate
+   * and a null pointer is returned.
+   */
+  char* fgets(char* str, int num, size_t* len = 0);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Open a stream.
+   *
+   * Open a file and associates the stream with it.
+   *
+   * \param[in] filename name of the file to be opened.
+   *
+   * \param[in] mode a string that indicates the open mode.
+   *
+   * <table>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"r" or "rb"</td>
+   * <td>Open a file for reading. The file must exist.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"w" or "wb"</td>
+   * <td>Truncate an existing to zero length or create an empty file
+   * for writing.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"wx" or "wbx"</td>
+   * <td>Create a file for writing. Fails if the file already exists.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"a" or "ab"</td>
+   * <td>Append; open or create file for writing at end-of-file.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"r+" or "rb+" or "r+b"</td>
+   * <td>Open a file for update (reading and writing).</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"w+" or "w+b" or "wb+"</td>
+   * <td>Truncate an existing to zero length or create a file for update.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"w+x" or "w+bx" or "wb+x"</td>
+   * <td>Create a file for update. Fails if the file already exists.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * <tr>
+   * <td>"a+" or "a+b" or "ab+"</td>
+   * <td>Append; open or create a file for update, writing at end-of-file.</td>
+   * </tr>
+   * </table>
+   * The character 'b' shall have no effect, but is allowed for ISO C
+   * standard conformance.
+   *
+   * Opening a file with append mode causes all subsequent writes to the
+   * file to be forced to the then current end-of-file, regardless of
+   * intervening calls to the fseek function.
+   *
+   * When a file is opened with update mode, both input and output may be
+   * performed on the associated stream. However, output shall not be
+   * directly followed by input without an intervening call to the fflush
+   * function or to a file positioning function (fseek, or rewind), and
+   * input shall not be directly followed by output without an intervening
+   * call to a file positioning function, unless the input operation
+   * encounters endof-file.
+   *
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool fopen(const char* filename, const char * mode);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a byte to a stream.
+   *
+   * \param[in] c the byte to be written  (converted to an unsigned char).
+   *
+   * \return Upon successful completion, fputc() returns the value it
+   * has written. Otherwise, it returns EOF and sets the error indicator for
+   * the stream.
+   */
+  int fputc(int c) {return m_w-- == 0 ? flushPut(c) : *m_p++ = c;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a string to a stream.
+   *
+   * \param[in] str a pointer to the string to be written.
+   *
+   * \return for success, fputs() returns a non-negative
+   * number. Otherwise, it returns EOF and sets the error indicator for
+   * the stream.
+   */
+  int fputs(const char* str);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a string stored in flash.
+   *
+   * \param[in] str string to be written.
+   *
+   * \return for success, fputs() returns a non-negative
+   * number. Otherwise, it returns EOF and sets the error indicator for
+   * the stream.
+   */
+  int fputs_P(PGM_P str);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Binary input.
+   *
+   * Reads an array of up to count elements, each one with a size of size
+   * bytes.
+   * \param[out] ptr pointer to area of at least (size*count) bytes where
+   * the data will be stored.
+   *
+   * \param[in] size the size, in bytes, of each element to be read.
+   *
+   * \param[in] count the number of elements to be read.
+   *
+   * \return number of elements successfully read, which may be less than
+   * count if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If size or count
+   * is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array and the
+   * state of the stream remain unchanged.
+   */
+  size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Set the file position for the stream.
+   *
+   * \param[in] offset number of offset from the origin.
+   *
+   * \param[in] origin position used as reference for the offset. It is
+   * specified by one of the following constants.
+   *
+   * SEEK_SET	- Beginning of file.
+   *
+   * SEEK_CUR	- Current position of the file pointer.
+   *
+   * SEEK_END	- End of file.
+   *
+   * \return zero for success. Otherwise, it returns non-zero and sets the
+   * error indicator for the stream.
+   */
+  int fseek(int32_t offset, int origin);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Get the current position in a stream.
+   *
+   * \return If successful, ftell return the current value of the position
+   * indicator. On failure, ftell returns −1L.
+   */
+  int32_t ftell();
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Binary output.
+   *
+   * Writes an array of up to count elements, each one with a size of size
+   * bytes.
+   * \param[in] ptr pointer to (size*count) bytes of data to be written.
+   *
+   * \param[in] size the size, in bytes, of each element to be written.
+   *
+   * \param[in] count the number of elements to be written.
+   *
+   * \return number of elements successfully written. if this number is
+   * less than count, an error has occured.  If size or count is zero,
+   * fwrite returns zero.
+   */
+  size_t fwrite(const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Get a byte from the stream.
+   *
+   * getc and fgetc are equivalent but getc is inline so it is faster but
+   * require more flash memory.
+   *
+   * \return If the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set, or if the
+   * stream is at end-of-file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is
+   * set and the fgetc function returns EOF. Otherwise, the fgetc function
+   * returns the next character from the input stream.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  int getc() {return m_r-- == 0 ? fillGet() : *m_p++;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a byte to a stream.
+   *
+   * putc and fputc are equivalent but putc is inline so it is faster but
+   * require more flash memory.
+   *
+   * \param[in] c the byte to be written  (converted to an unsigned char).
+   *
+   * \return Upon successful completion, fputc() returns the value it
+   * has written. Otherwise, it returns EOF and sets the error indicator for
+   * the stream.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  int putc(int c) {return m_w-- == 0 ? flushPut(c) : *m_p++ = c;}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a CR/LF.
+   *
+   * \return two, the number of bytes written, for success or -1 for failure.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  int putCRLF() {
+    if (m_w < 2) {
+      if (!flushBuf()) return -1;
+    }
+    *m_p++ = '\r';
+    *m_p++ = '\n';
+    m_w -= 2;
+    return 2;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a character.
+   * \param[in] c the character to write.
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t print(char c) {
+    return putc(c) < 0 ? 0 : 1;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a string.
+   *
+   * \param[in] str the string to be written.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t print(const char* str) {
+    int n = fputs(str);
+    return n < 0 ? 0 : n;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a string stored in flash memory.
+   *
+   * \param[in] str the string to print.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t print(const __FlashStringHelper *str);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a floating point number.
+   *
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the number to be printed.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t print(double val, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    return print(static_cast<float>(val), prec);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a floating point number.
+   *
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the number to be printed.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t print(float val, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    int n = printDec(val, prec);
+    return n > 0 ? n : 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**  Print a number.
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the number to be printed.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  template <typename T>
+  size_t print(T val) {
+    int n = printDec(val);
+    return n > 0 ? n : 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write a CR/LF.
+   *
+   * \return two, the number of bytes written, for success or zero for failure.
+   */
+  size_t println() {
+    return putCRLF() > 0 ? 2 : 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a floating point number followed by CR/LF.
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the number to be printed.
+   *
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t println(double val, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    return println(static_cast<float>(val), prec);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a floating point number followed by CR/LF.
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the number to be printed.
+   *
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  size_t println(float val, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    int n = printDec(val, prec);
+    return n > 0 && putCRLF() > 0 ? n + 2 : 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print an item followed by CR/LF
+   *
+   * \param[in] val the item to be printed.
+   *
+   * \return the number of bytes written.
+   */
+  template <typename T>
+  size_t println(T val) {
+    int n = print(val);
+    return putCRLF() > 0 ? n + 2 : 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a char as a number.
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(char n) {
+    if (CHAR_MIN == 0) {
+      return printDec((unsigned char)n);
+    } else {
+      return printDec((signed char)n);
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** print a signed 8-bit integer
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(signed char n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print an unsigned 8-bit number.
+   * \param[in] n number to be print.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(unsigned char n) {
+    return printDec((uint16_t)n);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a int16_t
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(int16_t n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** print a uint16_t.
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(uint16_t n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a signed 32-bit integer.
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(int32_t n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write an unsigned 32-bit number.
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(uint32_t n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a double.
+   * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(double value, uint8_t prec) {
+    return printDec(static_cast<float>(value), prec);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print a float.
+   * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+   * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printDec(float value, uint8_t prec);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.
+ * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+  int printField(double value, char term, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    return printField(static_cast<float>(value), term, prec) > 0;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.
+ * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+  int printField(float value, char term, uint8_t prec = 2) {
+    int rtn = printDec(value, prec);
+    return rtn < 0 || putc(term) < 0 ? -1 : rtn + 1;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] term The field terminator.
+ * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+ */
+  template <typename T>
+  int printField(T value, char term) {
+    int rtn = printDec(value);
+    return rtn < 0 || putc(term) < 0 ? -1 : rtn + 1;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print HEX
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed as HEX.
+   *
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printHex(uint32_t n);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Print HEX with CRLF
+   * \param[in] n number to be printed as HEX.
+   *
+   * \return The number of bytes written or -1 if an error occurs.
+   */
+  int printHexln(uint32_t n) {
+    int rtn = printHex(n);
+    return  rtn < 0 || putCRLF() != 2 ? -1 : rtn + 2;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Set position of a stream to the beginning.
+   *
+   * The rewind function sets the file position to the beginning of the
+   * file. It is equivalent to fseek(0L, SEEK_SET) except that the error
+   * indicator for the stream is also cleared.
+   *
+   * \return true for success or false for failure.
+   */
+  bool rewind();
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Push a byte back into an input stream.
+   *
+   * \param[in] c the byte (converted to an unsigned char) to be pushed back.
+   *
+   * One character of pushback is guaranteed. If the ungetc function is
+   * called too many times without an intervening read or file positioning
+   * operation on that stream, the operation may fail.
+   *
+   * A successful intervening call to a file positioning function (fseek,
+   * fsetpos, or rewind) discards any pushed-back characters for the stream.
+   *
+   * \return Upon successful completion, ungetc() returns the byte pushed
+   * back after conversion. Otherwise it returns EOF.
+   */
+  int ungetc(int c);
+  //============================================================================
+ private:
+  bool fillBuf();
+  int fillGet();
+  bool flushBuf();
+  int flushPut(uint8_t c);
+  char* fmtSpace(uint8_t len);
+  int write(const void* buf, size_t count);
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // F_SRD and F_WR are never simultaneously asserted
+  static const uint8_t F_SRD = 0x01;  // OK to read
+  static const uint8_t F_SWR = 0x02;  // OK to write
+  static const uint8_t F_SRW = 0x04;  // open for reading & writing
+  static const uint8_t F_EOF = 0x10;  // found EOF
+  static const uint8_t F_ERR = 0x20;  // found error
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  uint8_t  m_flags;
+  uint8_t* m_p;
+  uint8_t  m_r;
+  uint8_t  m_w;
+  uint8_t  m_buf[STREAM_BUF_SIZE];
+#endif  // StdioStream_h

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef bufstream_h
+#define bufstream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief \ref ibufstream and \ref obufstream classes
+ */
+#include <iostream.h>
+ * \class ibufstream
+ * \brief parse a char string
+ */
+class ibufstream : public istream {
+ public:
+  /** Constructor */
+  ibufstream() : m_buf(0), m_len(0) {}
+  /** Constructor
+   * \param[in] str pointer to string to be parsed
+   * Warning: The string will not be copied so must stay in scope.
+   */
+  explicit ibufstream(const char* str) {
+  init(str);
+  }
+  /** Initialize an ibufstream
+   * \param[in] str pointer to string to be parsed
+   * Warning: The string will not be copied so must stay in scope.
+   */
+  void init(const char* str) {
+    m_buf = str;
+    m_len = strlen(m_buf);
+    m_pos = 0;
+    clear();
+  }
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  int16_t getch() {
+    if (m_pos < m_len) return m_buf[m_pos++];
+    setstate(eofbit);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  void getpos(FatPos_t *pos) {
+    pos->position = m_pos;
+  }
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {return false;}
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {
+    if (pos < m_len) {
+      m_pos = pos;
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  void setpos(FatPos_t *pos) {
+    m_pos = pos->position;
+  }
+  pos_type tellpos() {
+    return m_pos;
+  }
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  const char* m_buf;
+  size_t m_len;
+  size_t m_pos;
+ * \class obufstream
+ * \brief format a char string
+ */
+class obufstream : public ostream {
+ public:
+  /** constructor */
+  obufstream() : m_in(0) {}
+  /** Constructor
+   * \param[in] buf buffer for formatted string
+   * \param[in] size buffer size
+   */
+  obufstream(char *buf, size_t size) {
+    init(buf, size);
+  }
+  /** Initialize an obufstream
+   * \param[in] buf buffer for formatted string
+   * \param[in] size buffer size
+   */
+  void init(char *buf, size_t size) {
+    m_buf = buf;
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    m_size = size;
+    m_in = 0;
+  }
+  /** \return a pointer to the buffer */
+  char* buf() {return m_buf;}
+  /** \return the length of the formatted string */
+  size_t length() {return m_in;}
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  void putch(char c) {
+    if (m_in >= (m_size - 1)) {
+      setstate(badbit);
+      return;
+    }
+    m_buf[m_in++] = c;
+    m_buf[m_in]= '\0';
+  }
+  void putstr(const char *str) {
+    while (*str) putch(*str++);
+  }
+  bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) {return false;}
+  bool seekpos(pos_type pos) {
+    if (pos > m_in) return false;
+    m_in = pos;
+    m_buf[m_in] = '\0';
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool sync() {return true;}
+  pos_type tellpos() {
+    return m_in;
+  }
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  char *m_buf;
+  size_t m_size;
+  size_t m_in;
+#endif  // bufstream_h

+ 172 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// A simple data logger for the Arduino analog pins with optional DS1307
+// uses RTClib from
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>  // define FreeRam()
+#define SD_CHIP_SELECT  SS  // SD chip select pin
+#define USE_DS1307       0  // set nonzero to use DS1307 RTC
+#define LOG_INTERVAL  1000  // mills between entries
+#define SENSOR_COUNT     3  // number of analog pins to log
+#define ECHO_TO_SERIAL   1  // echo data to serial port if nonzero
+#define WAIT_TO_START    1  // Wait for serial input in setup()
+#define ADC_DELAY       10  // ADC delay for high impedence sensors
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// text file for logging
+ofstream logfile;
+// Serial print stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// buffer to format data - makes it eaiser to echo to Serial
+char buf[80];
+#error SENSOR_COUNT too large
+#endif  // SENSOR_COUNT
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+#if USE_DS1307
+// use RTClib from Adafruit
+// The Arduino IDE has a bug that causes Wire and RTClib to be loaded even
+// if USE_DS1307 is false.
+#error remove this line and uncomment the next two lines.
+//#include <Wire.h>
+//#include <RTClib.h>
+RTC_DS1307 RTC;  // define the Real Time Clock object
+// call back for file timestamps
+void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) {
+    DateTime now =;
+  // return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields
+  *date = FAT_DATE(now.year(), now.month(),;
+  // return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields
+  *time = FAT_TIME(now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second());
+// format date/time
+ostream& operator << (ostream& os, DateTime& dt) {
+  os << dt.year() << '/' << int(dt.month()) << '/' << int( << ',';
+  os << int(dt.hour()) << ':' << setfill('0') << setw(2) << int(dt.minute());
+  os << ':' << setw(2) << int(dt.second()) << setfill(' ');
+  return os;
+#endif  // USE_DS1307
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial){}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << endl << pstr("FreeRam: ") << FreeRam() << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+#endif  // WAIT_TO_START
+#if USE_DS1307
+  // connect to RTC
+  Wire.begin();
+  if (!RTC.begin()) error("RTC failed");
+  // set date time callback function
+  SdFile::dateTimeCallback(dateTime);
+  DateTime now =;
+  cout  << now << endl;
+#endif  // USE_DS1307
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // create a new file in root, the current working directory
+  char name[] = "LOGGER00.CSV";
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+    name[6] = i/10 + '0';
+    name[7] = i%10 + '0';
+    if (sd.exists(name)) continue;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (!logfile.is_open()) error("");
+  cout << pstr("Logging to: ") << name << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to stop\n\n");
+  // format header in buffer
+  obufstream bout(buf, sizeof(buf));
+  bout << pstr("millis");
+#if USE_DS1307
+  bout << pstr(",date,time");
+#endif  // USE_DS1307
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SENSOR_COUNT; i++) {
+    bout << pstr(",sens") << int(i);
+  }
+  logfile << buf << endl;
+  cout << buf << endl;
+#endif  // ECHO_TO_SERIAL
+void loop() {
+  uint32_t m;
+  // wait for time to be a multiple of interval
+  do {
+    m = millis();
+  } while (m % LOG_INTERVAL);
+  // use buffer stream to format line
+  obufstream bout(buf, sizeof(buf));
+  // start with time in millis
+  bout << m;
+#if USE_DS1307
+  DateTime now =;
+  bout << ',' << now;
+#endif  // USE_DS1307
+  // read analog pins and format data
+  for (uint8_t ia = 0; ia < SENSOR_COUNT; ia++) {
+    analogRead(ia);
+    delay(ADC_DELAY);
+#endif  // ADC_DELAY
+    bout << ',' << analogRead(ia);
+  }
+  bout << endl;
+  // log data and flush to SD
+  logfile << buf << flush;
+  // check for error
+  if (!logfile) error("write data failed");
+  cout << buf;
+#endif  // ECHO_TO_SERIAL
+  // don't log two points in the same millis
+  if (m == millis()) delay(1);
+  if (!Serial.available()) return;
+  logfile.close();
+  cout << pstr("Done!");
+  while (1);

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <SdFat.h>
+//  create a serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(2000);
+  cout << "Hello, World!\n";
+void loop() {}

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// This example illustrates use of SdFat's
+// minimal unbuffered AVR Serial support.
+// This is useful for debug and saves RAM
+// Will not work on Due, Leonardo, or Teensy
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#ifndef UDR0
+#error no AVR serial port0
+void setup() {
+  MiniSerial.begin(9600);
+  MiniSerial.println(FreeRam());
+  MiniSerial.println(F("Type any Character"));
+  while( < 0) {}
+  MiniSerial.println(F("Done"));
+void loop() {}

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * This sketch is a simple Print benchmark.
+ */
+#include <SD.h>
+#include <SPI.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// number of lines to print
+const uint16_t N_PRINT = 20000;
+// test file
+File file;
+void error(char* s) {
+  Serial.println(s);
+  while(1);
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {
+    // wait for Leonardo
+  }
+void loop() {
+  uint32_t maxLatency;
+  uint32_t minLatency;
+  uint32_t totalLatency;
+  while ( >= 0) {
+  }
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to start"));
+  while ( <= 0) {
+  }
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card
+  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) error("begin");
+  Serial.println(F("Starting print test.  Please wait.\n"));
+  // do write test
+  for (int test = 0; test < 2; test++) {
+    file ="BENCH.TXT", FILE_WRITE);
+  if (!file) error("open failed");
+    switch(test) {
+    case 0:
+      Serial.println(F("Test of println(uint16_t)"));
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      Serial.println(F("Test of println(double)"));
+      break;
+    }
+    maxLatency = 0;
+    minLatency = 999999;
+    totalLatency = 0;
+    uint32_t t = millis();
+    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < N_PRINT; i++) {
+      uint32_t m = micros();
+      switch(test) {
+      case 0:
+        file.println(i);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        file.println((double)0.01*i);
+        break;
+      }
+//      if (file.writeError) {
+//        error("write failed");
+//      }
+      m = micros() - m;
+      if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+      if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+      totalLatency += m;
+    }
+    file.flush();
+    t = millis() - t;
+    double s = file.size();
+    Serial.print(F("Time "));
+    Serial.print(0.001*t);
+    Serial.println(F(" sec"));
+    Serial.print(F("File size "));
+    Serial.print(0.001*s);
+    Serial.print(F(" KB\n"));
+    Serial.print(F("Write "));
+    Serial.print(s/t);
+    Serial.print(F(" KB/sec\n"));
+    Serial.print(F("Maximum latency: "));
+    Serial.print(maxLatency);
+    Serial.print(F(" usec, Minimum Latency: "));
+    Serial.print(minLatency);
+    Serial.print(F(" usec, Avg Latency: "));
+    Serial.print(totalLatency/N_PRINT);
+    Serial.println(F(" usec\n"));
+    SD.remove("BENCH.TXT");
+  }
+  file.close();
+  Serial.println(F("Done!\n"));

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Sketch to compare size of Arduino SD library with SdFat V2.
+ * See SdFatSize.pde for SdFat sketch.
+ */
+#include <SPI.h>
+#include <SD.h>
+File file;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  if (!SD.begin()) {
+    Serial.println("begin failed");
+    return;
+  }
+  file ="TEST_SD.TXT", FILE_WRITE);
+  file.println("Hello");
+  file.close();
+  Serial.println("Done");
+void loop() {}

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Sketch to compare size of SdFat V2 with Arduino SD library.
+ * See SD_Size.pde for Arduino SD sketch.
+ *
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile file;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  if (!sd.begin()) {
+    Serial.println("begin failed");
+    return;
+  }
+  file.println("Hello");
+  file.close();
+  Serial.println("Done");
+void loop() {}

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * This sketch is a test of subdirectory and file creation.
+ * It also tests allocation of clusters to directories.
+ *
+ * It will create two subdirectories and create enough files 
+ * to force the allocation of a cluster to each directory.
+ *
+ * More than 3000 files may be created on a FAT32 volume.
+ *
+ * Note: Some cards may 'stutter' others just get slow due 
+ * to the number of flash erases this program causes.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+const uint8_t SD_CHIP_SELECT = SS;
+SdFat sd;
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+ * create enough files to force a cluster to be allocated to dir.
+ */
+void dirAllocTest(SdBaseFile* dir) {
+  char buf[13], name[13];
+  SdFile file;
+  uint16_t n; 
+  uint32_t size = dir->fileSize();
+  // create files and write name to file
+  for (n = 0; ; n++){
+    // make file name
+    sprintf(name, "%u.TXT", n);
+    // open start time
+    uint32_t t0 = millis();
+    if (!, name, O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) {
+      error("open for write failed");
+    }
+    // open end time and write start time
+    uint32_t t1 = millis();
+    // write file name to file
+    file.print(name);
+    if (!file.close()) error("close write");
+    // write end time
+    uint32_t t2 = millis();
+    PgmPrint("WR ");
+    Serial.print(n);
+    Serial.write(' ');
+    // print time to create file
+    Serial.print(t1 - t0);
+    Serial.write(' ');
+    // print time to write file
+    Serial.println(t2 - t1);
+    // directory size will change when a cluster is added
+    if (dir->fileSize() != size) break;
+  }
+  // read files and check content
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
+    sprintf(name, "%u.TXT", i);
+    // open start time
+    uint32_t t0 = millis();
+    if (!, name, O_READ)) {
+      error("open for read failed");
+    }
+    // open end time and read start time
+    uint32_t t1 = millis();
+    int16_t nr =, 13);
+    if (nr < 5) error(" failed");
+    // read end time
+    uint32_t t2 = millis();
+    // check file content
+    if (strlen(name) != nr || strncmp(name, buf, nr)) {
+      error("content compare failed");
+    }
+    if (!file.close()) error("close read failed");
+    PgmPrint("RD ");
+    Serial.print(i);
+    Serial.write(' ');
+    // print open time
+    Serial.print(t1 - t0);
+    Serial.write(' ');
+    // print read time
+    Serial.println(t2 - t1);
+  }
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  PgmPrintln("Type any character to start");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(200);  // Catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_FULL_SPEED for best performance.
+  // try SPI_HALF_SPEED if bus errors occur.
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // write files to root if FAT32
+  if (sd.vol()->fatType() == 32) {
+    PgmPrintln("Writing files to root");
+    dirAllocTest(sd.vwd());
+  }
+  // create sub1 and write files
+  SdFile sub1;
+  if (!sub1.makeDir(sd.vwd(), "SUB1")) error("makdeDir SUB1 failed");
+  PgmPrintln("Writing files to SUB1");
+  dirAllocTest(&sub1);
+  // create sub2 and write files
+  SdFile sub2;
+  if (!sub2.makeDir(&sub1, "SUB2")) error("makeDir SUB2 failed");
+  PgmPrintln("Writing files to SUB2"); 
+  dirAllocTest(&sub2);
+  PgmPrintln("Done");
+void loop() { }

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Append Example
+ *
+ * This sketch shows how to use open for append.
+ * The sketch will append 100 line each time it opens the file.
+ * The sketch will open and close the file 100 times.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// create Serial stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void setup() {
+  // filename for this example
+  char name[] = "APPEND.TXT";
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // pstr() stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << endl << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // Catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  cout << pstr("Appending to: ") << name;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+    // open stream for append
+    ofstream sdout(name, ios::out | ios::app);
+    if (!sdout) error("open failed");
+    // append 100 lines to the file
+    for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
+      // use int() so byte will print as decimal number
+      sdout << "line " << int(j) << " of pass " << int(i);
+      sdout << " millis = " << millis() << endl;
+    }
+    // close the stream
+    sdout.close();
+    if (!sdout) error("append data failed");
+    // output progress indicator
+    if (i % 25 == 0) cout << endl;
+    cout << '.';
+  }
+  cout << endl << "Done" << endl;
+void loop() {}

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Calculate the sum and average of a list of floating point numbers 
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// object for the SD file system
+SdFat sd;
+// define a serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+void writeTestFile() {
+  // open the output file
+  ofstream sdout("AVG_TEST.TXT");
+  // write a series of float numbers
+  for (int16_t i = -1001; i < 2000; i += 13) {
+    sdout << 0.1 * i << endl;
+  }
+  if (!sdout) sd.errorHalt("sdout failed");
+  sdout.close();
+void calcAverage() {
+  uint16_t n = 0;  // count of input numbers
+  double num;      // current input number
+  double sum = 0;  // sum of input numbers
+  // open the input file
+  ifstream sdin("AVG_TEST.TXT");
+  // check for an open failure
+  if (!sdin) sd.errorHalt("sdin failed");
+  // read and sum the numbers
+  while (sdin >> num) {
+    n++;
+    sum += num;
+  }
+  // print the results
+  cout << "sum of " << n << " numbers = " << sum << endl;
+  cout << "average = " << sum/n << endl;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // Catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // write the test file
+  writeTestFile();
+  // read the test file and calculate the average
+  calcAverage();
+void loop() {}

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * This sketch is a simple binary write/read benchmark
+ * for the standard Arduino SD.h library.
+ */
+#include <SPI.h>
+#include <SD.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+#define FILE_SIZE_MB 5
+#define FILE_SIZE (1000000UL*FILE_SIZE_MB)
+#define BUF_SIZE 100
+uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
+// test file
+File file;
+void error(char* s) {
+  Serial.println(s);
+  while(1);
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial){}  // wait for Leonardo
+void loop() {
+  uint32_t maxLatency;
+  uint32_t minLatency;
+  uint32_t totalLatency;
+  // discard any input
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to start"));
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) error("begin");
+  // open or create file - truncate existing file.
+//  file ="BENCH.DAT", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT);
+  if (!file) {
+    error("open failed");
+  }
+  // fill buf with known data
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < (BUF_SIZE-2); i++) {
+    buf[i] = 'A' + (i % 26);
+  }
+  buf[BUF_SIZE-2] = '\r';
+  buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = '\n';
+  Serial.print(F("File size "));
+  Serial.print(FILE_SIZE_MB);
+  Serial.println(F("MB"));
+  Serial.print(F("Buffer size "));
+  Serial.print(BUF_SIZE);
+  Serial.println(F(" bytes"));
+  Serial.println(F("Starting write test.  Please wait up to a minute"));
+  // do write test
+  uint32_t n = FILE_SIZE/sizeof(buf);
+  maxLatency = 0;
+  minLatency = 999999;
+  totalLatency = 0;
+  uint32_t t = millis();
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    uint32_t m = micros();
+    if (file.write(buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
+      error("write failed");
+    }
+    m = micros() - m;
+    if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+    if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+    totalLatency += m;
+  }
+  file.flush();
+  t = millis() - t;
+  double s = file.size();
+  Serial.print(F("Write "));
+  Serial.print(s/t);
+  Serial.print(F(" KB/sec\n"));
+  Serial.print(F("Maximum latency: "));
+  Serial.print(maxLatency);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec, Minimum Latency: "));
+  Serial.print(minLatency);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec, Avg Latency: "));
+  Serial.print(totalLatency/n);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec\n\n"));
+  Serial.println(F("Starting read test.  Please wait up to a minute"));
+  // do read test
+  maxLatency = 0;
+  minLatency = 99999;
+  totalLatency = 0;
+  t = millis();
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = 0;
+    uint32_t m = micros();
+    if (, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
+      error("read failed");
+    }
+    m = micros() - m;
+    if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+    if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+    totalLatency += m;
+    if (buf[BUF_SIZE-1] != '\n') {
+      error("data check");
+    }
+  }
+  t = millis() - t;
+  Serial.print(F("Read "));
+  Serial.print(s/t);
+  Serial.print(F(" KB/sec\n"));
+  Serial.print(F("Maximum latency: "));
+  Serial.print(maxLatency);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec, Minimum Latency: "));
+  Serial.print(minLatency);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec, Avg Latency: "));
+  Serial.print(totalLatency/n);
+  Serial.print(F(" usec\n\n"));
+  Serial.print(F("Done\n\n"));
+  file.close();

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Use of ibufsteam to parse a line and obufstream to format a line
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// create a serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+void setup() {
+  char buf[20];   // buffer for formatted line
+  int i, j, k;    // values from parsed line
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(2000);
+  // initialize input string
+  ibufstream bin("123 456 789");
+  // parse the string "123 456 789"
+  bin >> i >> j >> k;
+  // initialize output buffer
+  obufstream bout(buf, sizeof(buf));
+  // format the output string
+  bout << k << ',' << j << ',' << i << endl;
+  // write the string to serial
+  cout << buf;
+void loop() {}

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Append a line to a file - demo of pathnames and streams
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// define a serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+ * Append a line to LOGFILE.TXT
+ */
+void logEvent(const char *msg) {
+  // create dir if needed
+  sd.mkdir("LOGS/2011/JAN");
+  // create or open a file for append
+  ofstream sdlog("LOGS/2011/JAN/LOGFILE.TXT", ios::out | ios::app);
+  // append a line to the file
+  sdlog << msg << endl;
+  // check for errors
+  if (!sdlog) sd.errorHalt("append failed");
+  sdlog.close();
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // append a line to the logfile
+  logEvent("Another line for the logfile");
+  cout << "Done - check /LOGS/2011/JAN/LOGFILE.TXT on the SD" << endl;
+void loop() {}

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Demo of rewriting a line read by fgets
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD card chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system
+SdFat sd;
+// print stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash memory
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void demoFgets() {
+  char line[25];
+  int c;
+  uint32_t pos;
+  // open test file
+  SdFile rdfile("FGETS.TXT", O_RDWR);
+  // check for open error
+  if (!rdfile.isOpen()) error("demoFgets");
+  // list file
+  cout << pstr("-----Before Rewrite\r\n");
+  while ((c = >= 0) Serial.write(c); 
+  rdfile.rewind();  
+  // read lines from the file to get position
+  while (1) {
+    pos = rdfile.curPosition();
+    if (rdfile.fgets(line, sizeof(line)) < 0) {
+      error("Line not found");
+    }
+    // find line that contains "Line C"
+    if (strstr(line, "Line C"))break;
+  }
+  // rewrite line with 'C'  
+  if (!rdfile.seekSet(pos))error("seekSet");
+  rdfile.println("Line R");
+  rdfile.rewind();
+  // list file
+  cout << pstr("\r\n-----After Rewrite\r\n");
+  while ((c = >= 0) Serial.write(c);
+  // close so rewrite is not lost
+  rdfile.close();
+void makeTestFile() {
+  // create or open test file
+  SdFile wrfile("FGETS.TXT", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
+  // check for open error
+  if (!wrfile.isOpen()) error("MakeTestFile");
+  // write test file
+  wrfile.write_P(PSTR(
+    "Line A\r\n"
+    "Line B\r\n"
+    "Line C\r\n"
+    "Line D\r\n"
+    "Line E\r\n"
+  ));
+  wrfile.close();
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial){}  // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  makeTestFile();
+  demoFgets();
+  cout << pstr("\nDone\n");
+void loop(void) {}

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Read the logfile created by the eventlog.pde example.
+ * Demo of pathnames and working directories
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// define a serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+void setup() {
+  int c;
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // set current working directory
+  if (!sd.chdir("LOGS/2011/JAN/")) {
+    sd.errorHalt("chdir failed. Did you run eventlog.pde?");
+  }
+  // open file in current working directory
+  ifstream file("LOGFILE.TXT");
+  if (!file.is_open()) sd.errorHalt("open failed");
+  // copy the file to Serial
+  while ((c = file.get()) >= 0) cout << (char)c;
+  cout << "Done" << endl;
+void loop() {}

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Old and debug examples.
+AnalogLogger - A simple data logger for one or more analog pins.
+append - This sketch creates a large file by successive
+         open/write/close operations.
+average - A demonstration of parsing floating point numbers.
+benchSD - A read/write benchmark for the standard Arduino SD.h library.
+bufstream - ibufsteam to parse a line and obufstream to format a line.             
+eventlog - Append a line to a file - demo of pathnames and streams.
+fgetsRewrite - Demo of rewriting a line read by fgets.
+HelloWorld - Create a serial output stream.
+MiniSerial - SdFat minimal serial support for debug.
+PrintBenchmarkSD - Bench mark SD.h print.
+readlog - Read file. Demo of pathnames and current working directory.
+SD_Size - Determine flash used by SD.h example.
+SdFatSize - Determine flash used by SdFat.
+TestMkdirRmdir - Test mkdir, rmdir, and directory management.

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef AnalogBinLogger_h
+#define AnalogBinLogger_h
+// First block of file.
+struct metadata_t {
+  unsigned long  adcFrequency;     // ADC clock frequency
+  unsigned long  cpuFrequency;     // CPU clock frequency
+  unsigned long  sampleInterval;   // Sample interval in CPU cycles.
+  unsigned long  recordEightBits;  // Size of ADC values, nonzero for 8-bits.
+  unsigned long  pinCount;         // Number of analog pins in a sample.
+  unsigned long  pinNumber[123];   // List of pin numbers in a sample.
+// Data block for 8-bit ADC mode.
+const size_t DATA_DIM8 = 508;
+struct block8_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  unsigned char  data[DATA_DIM8];
+// Data block for 10-bit ADC mode.
+const size_t DATA_DIM16 = 254;
+struct block16_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  unsigned short data[DATA_DIM16];
+// Data block for PC use
+struct adcdata_t {
+  unsigned short count;    // count of data bytes
+  unsigned short overrun;  // count of overruns since last block
+  union {
+    unsigned char  u8[DATA_DIM8];
+    unsigned short u16[DATA_DIM16];
+  } data;
+#endif  // AnalogBinLogger_h

+ 787 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+ * This program logs data from the Arduino ADC to a binary file.
+ *
+ * Samples are logged at regular intervals. Each Sample consists of the ADC
+ * values for the analog pins defined in the PIN_LIST array.  The pins numbers
+ * may be in any order.
+ * 
+ * Edit the configuration constants below to set the sample pins, sample rate,
+ * and other configuration values.
+ *
+ * If your SD card has a long write latency, it may be necessary to use
+ * slower sample rates.  Using a Mega Arduino helps overcome latency
+ * problems since 13 512 byte buffers will be used.
+ *
+ * Each 512 byte data block in the file has a four byte header followed by up
+ * to 508 bytes of data. (508 values in 8-bit mode or 254 values in 10-bit mode)
+ * Each block contains an integral number of samples with unused space at the
+ * end of the block.
+ *
+ * Data is written to the file using a SD multiple block write command.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#include <StdioStream.h>
+#include "AnalogBinLogger.h"
+// Analog pin number list for a sample.  Pins may be in any order and pin
+// numbers may be repeated.
+const uint8_t PIN_LIST[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
+// Sample rate in samples per second.
+const float SAMPLE_RATE = 5000;  // Must be 0.25 or greater.
+// The interval between samples in seconds, SAMPLE_INTERVAL, may be set to a
+// constant instead of being calculated from SAMPLE_RATE.  SAMPLE_RATE is not
+// used in the code below.  For example, setting SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 2.0e-4
+// will result in a 200 microsecond sample interval.
+// Setting ROUND_SAMPLE_INTERVAL non-zero will cause the sample interval to
+// be rounded to a a multiple of the ADC clock period and will reduce sample
+// time jitter.
+// ADC clock rate.
+// The ADC clock rate is normally calculated from the pin count and sample
+// interval.  The calculation attempts to use the lowest possible ADC clock
+// rate.
+// You can select an ADC clock rate by defining the symbol ADC_PRESCALER to
+// one of these values.  You must choose an appropriate ADC clock rate for
+// your sample interval. 
+// #define ADC_PRESCALER 7 // F_CPU/128 125 kHz on an Uno
+// #define ADC_PRESCALER 6 // F_CPU/64  250 kHz on an Uno
+// #define ADC_PRESCALER 5 // F_CPU/32  500 kHz on an Uno
+// #define ADC_PRESCALER 4 // F_CPU/16 1000 kHz on an Uno
+// #define ADC_PRESCALER 3 // F_CPU/8  2000 kHz on an Uno (8-bit mode only)
+// Reference voltage.  See the processor data-sheet for reference details.
+// uint8_t const ADC_REF = 0; // External Reference AREF pin.
+uint8_t const ADC_REF = (1 << REFS0);  // Vcc Reference.
+// uint8_t const ADC_REF = (1 << REFS1);  // Internal 1.1 (only 644 1284P Mega)
+// uint8_t const ADC_REF = (1 << REFS1) | (1 << REFS0);  // Internal 1.1 or 2.56
+// File definitions.
+// Maximum file size in blocks.
+// The program creates a contiguous file with FILE_BLOCK_COUNT 512 byte blocks.
+// This file is flash erased using special SD commands.  The file will be
+// truncated if logging is stopped early.
+const uint32_t FILE_BLOCK_COUNT = 256000;
+// log file base name.  Must be six characters or less.
+// Set RECORD_EIGHT_BITS non-zero to record only the high 8-bits of the ADC.
+// Pin definitions.
+// Digital pin to indicate an error, set to -1 if not used.
+// The led blinks for fatal errors. The led goes on solid for SD write
+// overrun errors and logging continues.
+const int8_t ERROR_LED_PIN = 3;
+// SD chip select pin.
+const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
+// Buffer definitions.
+// The logger will use SdFat's buffer plus BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT additional 
+// buffers.  QUEUE_DIM must be a power of two larger than
+#if RAMEND < 0X8FF
+#error Too little SRAM
+#elif RAMEND < 0X10FF
+// Use total of two 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 1;
+// Dimension for queues of 512 byte SD blocks.
+const uint8_t QUEUE_DIM = 4;  // Must be a power of two!
+#elif RAMEND < 0X20FF
+// Use total of five 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 4;
+// Dimension for queues of 512 byte SD blocks.
+const uint8_t QUEUE_DIM = 8;  // Must be a power of two!
+#elif RAMEND < 0X40FF
+// Use total of 13 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 12;
+// Dimension for queues of 512 byte SD blocks.
+const uint8_t QUEUE_DIM = 16;  // Must be a power of two!
+#else  // RAMEND
+// Use total of 29 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 28;
+// Dimension for queues of 512 byte SD blocks.
+const uint8_t QUEUE_DIM = 32;  // Must be a power of two!
+#endif  // RAMEND
+// End of configuration constants.
+// Temporary log file.  Will be deleted if a reset or power failure occurs.
+// Size of file base name.  Must not be larger than six.
+const uint8_t BASE_NAME_SIZE = sizeof(FILE_BASE_NAME) - 1;
+// Number of analog pins to log.
+const uint8_t PIN_COUNT = sizeof(PIN_LIST)/sizeof(PIN_LIST[0]);
+// Minimum ADC clock cycles per sample interval
+const uint16_t MIN_ADC_CYCLES = 15;
+// Extra cpu cycles to setup ADC with more than one pin per sample.
+const uint16_t ISR_SETUP_ADC = 100;
+// Maximum cycles for timer0 system interrupt, millis, micros.
+const uint16_t ISR_TIMER0 = 160;
+SdFat sd;
+SdBaseFile binFile;
+char binName[13] = FILE_BASE_NAME "00.BIN";
+typedef block8_t block_t;
+typedef block16_t block_t;
+block_t* emptyQueue[QUEUE_DIM];
+uint8_t emptyHead;
+uint8_t emptyTail;
+block_t* fullQueue[QUEUE_DIM];
+volatile uint8_t fullHead;  // volatile insures non-interrupt code sees changes.
+uint8_t fullTail;
+// queueNext assumes QUEUE_DIM is a power of two
+inline uint8_t queueNext(uint8_t ht) {return (ht + 1) & (QUEUE_DIM -1);}
+// Interrupt Service Routines
+// Pointer to current buffer.
+block_t* isrBuf;
+// Need new buffer if true.
+bool isrBufNeeded = true;
+// overrun count
+uint16_t isrOver = 0;
+// ADC configuration for each pin.
+uint8_t adcmux[PIN_COUNT];
+uint8_t adcsra[PIN_COUNT];
+uint8_t adcsrb[PIN_COUNT];
+uint8_t adcindex = 1;
+// Insure no timer events are missed.
+volatile bool timerError = false;
+volatile bool timerFlag = false;
+// ADC done interrupt.
+ISR(ADC_vect) {
+  // Read ADC data.
+  uint8_t d = ADCH;
+  // This will access ADCL first. 
+  uint16_t d = ADC;
+  if (isrBufNeeded && emptyHead == emptyTail) {
+    // no buffers - count overrun
+    if (isrOver < 0XFFFF) isrOver++;
+    // Avoid missed timer error.
+    timerFlag = false;
+    return;
+  }
+  // Start ADC
+  if (PIN_COUNT > 1) {
+    ADMUX = adcmux[adcindex];
+    ADCSRB = adcsrb[adcindex];
+    ADCSRA = adcsra[adcindex];
+    if (adcindex == 0) timerFlag = false;
+    adcindex =  adcindex < (PIN_COUNT - 1) ? adcindex + 1 : 0;
+  } else {
+    timerFlag = false;
+  }
+  // Check for buffer needed.
+  if (isrBufNeeded) {   
+    // Remove buffer from empty queue.
+    isrBuf = emptyQueue[emptyTail];
+    emptyTail = queueNext(emptyTail);
+    isrBuf->count = 0;
+    isrBuf->overrun = isrOver;
+    isrBufNeeded = false;    
+  }
+  // Store ADC data.
+  isrBuf->data[isrBuf->count++] = d;
+  // Check for buffer full.
+  if (isrBuf->count >= PIN_COUNT*SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK) {
+    // Put buffer isrIn full queue.  
+    uint8_t tmp = fullHead;  // Avoid extra fetch of volatile fullHead.
+    fullQueue[tmp] = (block_t*)isrBuf;
+    fullHead = queueNext(tmp);
+    // Set buffer needed and clear overruns.
+    isrBufNeeded = true;
+    isrOver = 0;
+  }
+// timer1 interrupt to clear OCF1B
+  // Make sure ADC ISR responded to timer event.
+  if (timerFlag) timerError = true;
+  timerFlag = true;
+// Error messages stored in flash.
+#define error(msg) error_P(PSTR(msg))
+void error_P(const char* msg) {
+  sd.errorPrint_P(msg);
+  fatalBlink();
+void fatalBlink() {
+  while (true) {
+    if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+      digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, HIGH);
+      delay(200);
+      digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, LOW);
+      delay(200);
+    }
+  }
+#if ADPS0 != 0 || ADPS1 != 1 || ADPS2 != 2
+#error unexpected ADC prescaler bits
+// initialize ADC and timer1
+void adcInit(metadata_t* meta) {
+  uint8_t adps;  // prescaler bits for ADCSRA 
+  uint32_t ticks = F_CPU*SAMPLE_INTERVAL + 0.5;  // Sample interval cpu cycles.
+  if (ADC_REF & ~((1 << REFS0) | (1 << REFS1))) {
+    error("Invalid ADC reference");
+  }
+  if (ADC_PRESCALER > 7 || ADC_PRESCALER < 2) {
+    error("Invalid ADC prescaler");
+  }
+  adps = ADC_PRESCALER;
+#else  // ADC_PRESCALER
+  // Allow extra cpu cycles to change ADC settings if more than one pin.
+  int32_t adcCycles = (ticks - ISR_TIMER0)/PIN_COUNT;
+                      - (PIN_COUNT > 1 ? ISR_SETUP_ADC : 0);
+  for (adps = 7; adps > 0; adps--) {
+     if (adcCycles >= (MIN_ADC_CYCLES << adps)) break;
+  }
+#endif  // ADC_PRESCALER
+  meta->adcFrequency = F_CPU >> adps;
+  if (meta->adcFrequency > (RECORD_EIGHT_BITS ? 2000000 : 1000000)) {
+    error("Sample Rate Too High");
+  }
+  // Round so interval is multiple of ADC clock.
+  ticks += 1 << (adps - 1);
+  ticks >>= adps;
+  ticks <<= adps;
+  if (PIN_COUNT > sizeof(meta->pinNumber)/sizeof(meta->pinNumber[0])) {
+    error("Too many pins");
+  }
+  meta->pinCount = PIN_COUNT;
+  meta->recordEightBits = RECORD_EIGHT_BITS;
+  for (int i = 0; i < PIN_COUNT; i++) {
+    uint8_t pin = PIN_LIST[i];
+    if (pin >= NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS) error("Invalid Analog pin number");
+    meta->pinNumber[i] = pin;
+   // Set ADC reference and low three bits of analog pin number.   
+    adcmux[i] = (pin & 7) | ADC_REF;
+    if (RECORD_EIGHT_BITS) adcmux[i] |= 1 << ADLAR;
+    // If this is the first pin, trigger on timer/counter 1 compare match B.
+    adcsrb[i] = i == 0 ? (1 << ADTS2) | (1 << ADTS0) : 0;
+#ifdef MUX5
+    if (pin > 7) adcsrb[i] |= (1 << MUX5);
+#endif  // MUX5
+    adcsra[i] = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADIE) | adps;
+    adcsra[i] |= i == 0 ? 1 << ADATE : 1 << ADSC;
+  }
+  // Setup timer1
+  TCCR1A = 0;
+  uint8_t tshift;
+  if (ticks < 0X10000) {
+    // no prescale, CTC mode
+    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10);
+    tshift = 0;
+  } else if (ticks < 0X10000*8) {
+    // prescale 8, CTC mode
+    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11);
+    tshift = 3;
+  } else if (ticks < 0X10000*64) {
+    // prescale 64, CTC mode
+    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10);
+    tshift = 6;
+  } else if (ticks < 0X10000*256) {
+    // prescale 256, CTC mode
+    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12);
+    tshift = 8;
+  } else if (ticks < 0X10000*1024) {
+    // prescale 1024, CTC mode
+    TCCR1B = (1 << WGM13) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10);
+    tshift = 10;
+  } else {
+    error("Sample Rate Too Slow");
+  }
+  // divide by prescaler
+  ticks >>= tshift;
+  // set TOP for timer reset
+  ICR1 = ticks - 1;
+  // compare for ADC start
+  OCR1B = 0;
+  // multiply by prescaler
+  ticks <<= tshift;
+  // Sample interval in CPU clock ticks.
+  meta->sampleInterval = ticks;
+  meta->cpuFrequency = F_CPU;
+  float sampleRate = (float)meta->cpuFrequency/meta->sampleInterval;
+  Serial.print(F("Sample pins:"));
+  for (int i = 0; i < meta->pinCount; i++) {
+    Serial.print(' ');
+    Serial.print(meta->pinNumber[i], DEC);
+  }
+  Serial.println(); 
+  Serial.print(F("ADC bits: "));
+  Serial.println(meta->recordEightBits ? 8 : 10);
+  Serial.print(F("ADC clock kHz: "));
+  Serial.println(meta->adcFrequency/1000);
+  Serial.print(F("Sample Rate: "));
+  Serial.println(sampleRate);  
+  Serial.print(F("Sample interval usec: "));
+  Serial.println(1000000.0/sampleRate, 4); 
+// enable ADC and timer1 interrupts
+void adcStart() {
+  // initialize ISR
+  isrBufNeeded = true;
+  isrOver = 0;
+  adcindex = 1;
+  // Clear any pending interrupt.
+  ADCSRA |= 1 << ADIF;
+  // Setup for first pin.
+  ADMUX = adcmux[0];
+  ADCSRB = adcsrb[0];
+  ADCSRA = adcsra[0];
+  // Enable timer1 interrupts.
+  timerError = false;
+  timerFlag = false;
+  TCNT1 = 0;
+  TIFR1 = 1 << OCF1B;
+  TIMSK1 = 1 << OCIE1B;
+void adcStop() {
+  TIMSK1 = 0;
+  ADCSRA = 0;
+// Convert binary file to CSV file.
+void binaryToCsv() {
+  uint8_t lastPct = 0;
+  block_t buf;
+  metadata_t* pm;
+  uint32_t t0 = millis();
+  char csvName[13];
+  StdioStream csvStream;
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  if (! , 512) == 512) error("Read metadata failed");
+  // Create a new CSV file.
+  strcpy(csvName, binName);
+  strcpy_P(&csvName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 3], PSTR("CSV"));
+  if (!csvStream.fopen(csvName, "w")) {
+    error("open csvStream failed");  
+  }
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.print(F("Writing: "));
+  Serial.print(csvName);
+  Serial.println(F(" - type any character to stop"));
+  pm = (metadata_t*)&buf;
+  csvStream.print(F("Interval,"));
+  float intervalMicros = 1.0e6*pm->sampleInterval/(float)pm->cpuFrequency;
+  csvStream.print(intervalMicros, 4);
+  csvStream.println(F(",usec"));
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pm->pinCount; i++) {
+    if (i) csvStream.putc(',');
+    csvStream.print(F("pin"));
+    csvStream.print(pm->pinNumber[i]);
+  }
+  csvStream.println(); 
+  uint32_t tPct = millis();
+  while (!Serial.available() &&, 512) == 512) {
+    uint16_t i;
+    if (buf.count == 0) break;
+    if (buf.overrun) {
+      csvStream.print(F("OVERRUN,"));
+      csvStream.println(buf.overrun);     
+    }
+    for (uint16_t j = 0; j < buf.count; j += PIN_COUNT) {
+      for (uint16_t i = 0; i < PIN_COUNT; i++) {
+        if (i) csvStream.putc(',');
+        csvStream.print([i + j]);     
+      }
+      csvStream.println();
+    }
+    if ((millis() - tPct) > 1000) {
+      uint8_t pct = binFile.curPosition()/(binFile.fileSize()/100);
+      if (pct != lastPct) {
+        tPct = millis();
+        lastPct = pct;
+        Serial.print(pct, DEC);
+        Serial.println('%');
+      }
+    }
+    if (Serial.available()) break;
+  }
+  csvStream.fclose();  
+  Serial.print(F("Done: "));
+  Serial.print(0.001*(millis() - t0));
+  Serial.println(F(" Seconds"));
+// read data file and check for overruns
+void checkOverrun() {
+  bool headerPrinted = false;
+  block_t buf;
+  uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock;
+  uint32_t bn = 0;
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!binFile.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) {
+    error("contiguousRange failed");
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("Checking overrun errors - type any character to stop"));
+  if (! , 512) == 512) {
+    error("Read metadata failed");
+  }
+  bn++;
+  while (, 512) == 512) {
+    if (buf.count == 0) break;
+    if (buf.overrun) {
+      if (!headerPrinted) {
+        Serial.println();
+        Serial.println(F("Overruns:"));
+        Serial.println(F("fileBlockNumber,sdBlockNumber,overrunCount"));
+        headerPrinted = true;
+      }
+      Serial.print(bn);
+      Serial.print(',');
+      Serial.print(bgnBlock + bn);
+      Serial.print(',');
+      Serial.println(buf.overrun);
+    }
+    bn++;
+  }
+  if (!headerPrinted) {
+    Serial.println(F("No errors found"));
+  } else {
+    Serial.println(F("Done"));
+  }
+// dump data file to Serial
+void dumpData() {
+  block_t buf;
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  if ( , 512) != 512) {
+    error("Read metadata failed");
+  }
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to stop"));
+  delay(1000);
+  while (!Serial.available() && , 512) == 512) {
+    if (buf.count == 0) break;
+    if (buf.overrun) {
+      Serial.print(F("OVERRUN,"));
+      Serial.println(buf.overrun);
+    }
+    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf.count; i++) {
+      Serial.print([i], DEC);
+      if ((i+1)%PIN_COUNT) {
+        Serial.print(',');
+      } else {
+        Serial.println();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Serial.println(F("Done"));
+// log data
+// max number of blocks to erase per erase call
+uint32_t const ERASE_SIZE = 262144L;
+void logData() {
+  uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock;
+  // Allocate extra buffer space.
+  block_t block[BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT];
+  Serial.println();
+  // Initialize ADC and timer1.
+  adcInit((metadata_t*) &block[0]);
+  // Find unused file name.
+  if (BASE_NAME_SIZE > 6) {
+    error("FILE_BASE_NAME too long");
+  }
+  while (sd.exists(binName)) {
+    if (binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] != '9') {
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1]++;
+    } else {
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] = '0';
+      if (binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE] == '9') {
+        error("Can't create file name");
+      }
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE]++;
+    }
+  }
+  // Delete old tmp file.
+  if (sd.exists(TMP_FILE_NAME)) {
+    Serial.println(F("Deleting tmp file"));
+    if (!sd.remove(TMP_FILE_NAME)) {
+      error("Can't remove tmp file");
+    }
+  }
+  // Create new file.
+  Serial.println(F("Creating new file"));
+  binFile.close();
+  if (!binFile.createContiguous(sd.vwd(),
+    error("createContiguous failed");
+  }
+  // Get the address of the file on the SD.
+  if (!binFile.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) {
+    error("contiguousRange failed");
+  }
+  // Use SdFat's internal buffer.
+  uint8_t* cache = (uint8_t*)sd.vol()->cacheClear();
+  if (cache == 0) error("cacheClear failed"); 
+  // Flash erase all data in the file.
+  Serial.println(F("Erasing all data"));
+  uint32_t bgnErase = bgnBlock;
+  uint32_t endErase;
+  while (bgnErase < endBlock) {
+    endErase = bgnErase + ERASE_SIZE;
+    if (endErase > endBlock) endErase = endBlock;
+    if (!sd.card()->erase(bgnErase, endErase)) {
+      error("erase failed");
+    }
+    bgnErase = endErase + 1;
+  }
+  // Start a multiple block write.
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStart(bgnBlock, FILE_BLOCK_COUNT)) {
+    error("writeBegin failed");
+  }
+  // Write metadata.
+  if (!sd.card()->writeData((uint8_t*)&block[0])) {
+    error("Write metadata failed");
+  } 
+  // Initialize queues.
+  emptyHead = emptyTail = 0;
+  fullHead = fullTail = 0;
+  // Use SdFat buffer for one block.
+  emptyQueue[emptyHead] = (block_t*)cache;
+  emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+  // Put rest of buffers in the empty queue.
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) {
+    emptyQueue[emptyHead] = &block[i];
+    emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+  }
+  // Give SD time to prepare for big write.
+  delay(1000);
+  Serial.println(F("Logging - type any character to stop"));
+  // Wait for Serial Idle.
+  Serial.flush();
+  delay(10);
+  uint32_t bn = 1;
+  uint32_t t0 = millis();
+  uint32_t t1 = t0;
+  uint32_t overruns = 0;
+  uint32_t count = 0;
+  uint32_t maxLatency = 0;
+  // Start logging interrupts.
+  adcStart();
+  while (1) {
+    if (fullHead != fullTail) {
+      // Get address of block to write.
+      block_t* pBlock = fullQueue[fullTail];
+      // Write block to SD.
+      uint32_t usec = micros();
+      if (!sd.card()->writeData((uint8_t*)pBlock)) {
+        error("write data failed");
+      }
+      usec = micros() - usec;
+      t1 = millis();
+      if (usec > maxLatency) maxLatency = usec;
+      count += pBlock->count;
+      // Add overruns and possibly light LED. 
+      if (pBlock->overrun) {
+        overruns += pBlock->overrun;
+        if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+          digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, HIGH);
+        }
+      }
+      // Move block to empty queue.
+      emptyQueue[emptyHead] = pBlock;
+      emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+      fullTail = queueNext(fullTail);
+      bn++;
+      if (bn == FILE_BLOCK_COUNT) {
+        // File full so stop ISR calls.
+        adcStop();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (timerError) {
+      error("Missed timer event - rate too high");
+    }
+    if (Serial.available()) {
+      // Stop ISR calls.
+      adcStop();
+      if (isrBuf != 0 && isrBuf->count >= PIN_COUNT) {
+        // Truncate to last complete sample.
+        isrBuf->count = PIN_COUNT*(isrBuf->count/PIN_COUNT);
+        // Put buffer in full queue.
+        fullQueue[fullHead] = isrBuf;
+        fullHead = queueNext(fullHead);
+        isrBuf = 0;
+      }
+      if (fullHead == fullTail) break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStop()) {
+    error("writeStop failed");
+  }
+  // Truncate file if recording stopped early.
+  if (bn != FILE_BLOCK_COUNT) {    
+    Serial.println(F("Truncating file"));
+    if (!binFile.truncate(512L * bn)) {
+      error("Can't truncate file");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!binFile.rename(sd.vwd(), binName)) {
+     error("Can't rename file");
+   }
+  Serial.print(F("File renamed: "));
+  Serial.println(binName);
+  Serial.print(F("Max block write usec: "));
+  Serial.println(maxLatency);
+  Serial.print(F("Record time sec: "));
+  Serial.println(0.001*(t1 - t0), 3);
+  Serial.print(F("Sample count: "));
+  Serial.println(count/PIN_COUNT);
+  Serial.print(F("Samples/sec: "));
+  Serial.println((1000.0/PIN_COUNT)*count/(t1-t0));
+  Serial.print(F("Overruns: "));
+  Serial.println(overruns);
+  Serial.println(F("Done"));
+void setup(void) {
+  if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+    pinMode(ERROR_LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
+  }
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  // Read the first sample pin to init the ADC.
+  analogRead(PIN_LIST[0]);
+  Serial.print(F("FreeRam: "));
+  Serial.println(FreeRam());
+  // initialize file system.
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CS_PIN, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) {
+    sd.initErrorPrint();
+    fatalBlink();
+  }
+void loop(void) {
+  // discard any input
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("type:"));
+  Serial.println(F("c - convert file to CSV")); 
+  Serial.println(F("d - dump data to Serial"));  
+  Serial.println(F("e - overrun error details"));
+  Serial.println(F("r - record ADC data"));
+  while(!Serial.available()) {}
+  char c = tolower(;
+  if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+    digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, LOW);
+  }
+  // Read any extra Serial data.
+  do {
+    delay(10);
+  } while ( >= 0);
+  if (c == 'c') {
+    binaryToCsv();
+  } else if (c == 'd') {
+    dumpData();
+  } else if (c == 'e') {    
+    checkOverrun();
+  } else if (c == 'r') {
+    logData();
+  } else {
+    Serial.println(F("Invalid entry"));
+  }

+ 529 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ * This program logs data to a binary file.  Functions are included
+ * to convert the binary file to a CSV text file.
+ *
+ * Samples are logged at regular intervals.  The maximum logging rate
+ * depends on the quality of your SD card and the time required to
+ * read sensor data.  This example has been tested at 500 Hz with
+ * good SD card on an Uno.  4000 HZ is possible on a Due.
+ *
+ * If your SD card has a long write latency, it may be necessary to use
+ * slower sample rates.  Using a Mega Arduino helps overcome latency
+ * problems since 13 512 byte buffers will be used.
+ *
+ * Data is written to the file using a SD multiple block write command.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+// User data functions.  Modify these functions for your data items.
+#include "UserDataType.h"  // Edit this include file to change data_t.
+// Acquire a data record.
+void acquireData(data_t* data) {
+  data->time = micros();
+  for (int i = 0; i < ADC_DIM; i++) {
+    data->adc[i] = analogRead(i);
+  }
+// Print a data record.
+void printData(Print* pr, data_t* data) {
+  pr->print(data->time);
+  for (int i = 0; i < ADC_DIM; i++) {
+    pr->write(',');  
+    pr->print(data->adc[i]);
+  }
+  pr->println();
+// Print data header.
+void printHeader(Print* pr) {
+  pr->print(F("time"));
+  for (int i = 0; i < ADC_DIM; i++) {
+    pr->print(F(",adc"));
+    pr->print(i);
+  }
+  pr->println();
+// Start of configuration constants.
+//Interval between data records in microseconds.
+const uint32_t LOG_INTERVAL_USEC = 2000;
+// Pin definitions.
+// SD chip select pin.
+const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
+// Digital pin to indicate an error, set to -1 if not used.
+// The led blinks for fatal errors. The led goes on solid for SD write
+// overrun errors and logging continues.
+const int8_t ERROR_LED_PIN = 3;
+// File definitions.
+// Maximum file size in blocks.
+// The program creates a contiguous file with FILE_BLOCK_COUNT 512 byte blocks.
+// This file is flash erased using special SD commands.  The file will be
+// truncated if logging is stopped early.
+const uint32_t FILE_BLOCK_COUNT = 256000;
+// log file base name.  Must be six characters or less.
+// Buffer definitions.
+// The logger will use SdFat's buffer plus BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT additional 
+// buffers.
+#ifndef RAMEND
+// Assume ARM. Use total of nine 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 8;
+#elif RAMEND < 0X8FF
+#error Too little SRAM
+#elif RAMEND < 0X10FF
+// Use total of two 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 1;
+#elif RAMEND < 0X20FF
+// Use total of five 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 4;
+#else  // RAMEND
+// Use total of 13 512 byte buffers.
+const uint8_t BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT = 12;
+#endif  // RAMEND
+// End of configuration constants.
+// Temporary log file.  Will be deleted if a reset or power failure occurs.
+// Size of file base name.  Must not be larger than six.
+const uint8_t BASE_NAME_SIZE = sizeof(FILE_BASE_NAME) - 1;
+SdFat sd;
+SdBaseFile binFile;
+char binName[13] = FILE_BASE_NAME "00.BIN";
+// Number of data records in a block.
+const uint16_t DATA_DIM = (512 - 4)/sizeof(data_t);
+//Compute fill so block size is 512 bytes.  FILL_DIM may be zero.
+const uint16_t FILL_DIM = 512 - 4 - DATA_DIM*sizeof(data_t);
+struct block_t {
+  uint16_t count;
+  uint16_t overrun;
+  data_t data[DATA_DIM];
+  uint8_t fill[FILL_DIM];
+const uint8_t QUEUE_DIM = BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT + 2;
+block_t* emptyQueue[QUEUE_DIM];
+uint8_t emptyHead;
+uint8_t emptyTail;
+block_t* fullQueue[QUEUE_DIM];
+uint8_t fullHead;
+uint8_t fullTail;
+// Advance queue index.
+inline uint8_t queueNext(uint8_t ht) {return ht < (QUEUE_DIM - 1) ? ht + 1 : 0;}
+// Error messages stored in flash.
+#define error(msg) error_P(PSTR(msg))
+void error_P(const char* msg) {
+  sd.errorPrint_P(msg);
+  fatalBlink();
+void fatalBlink() {
+  while (true) {
+    if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+      digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, HIGH);
+      delay(200);
+      digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, LOW);
+      delay(200);
+    }
+  }
+// Convert binary file to CSV file.
+void binaryToCsv() {
+  uint8_t lastPct = 0;
+  block_t block;
+  uint32_t t0 = millis();
+  uint32_t syncCluster = 0;
+  SdFile csvFile;
+  char csvName[13];
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println();
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  // Create a new csvFile.
+  strcpy(csvName, binName);
+  strcpy_P(&csvName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 3], PSTR("CSV"));
+  if (!, O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
+    error("open csvFile failed");  
+  }
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.print(F("Writing: "));
+  Serial.print(csvName);
+  Serial.println(F(" - type any character to stop"));
+  printHeader(&csvFile);
+  uint32_t tPct = millis();
+  while (!Serial.available() &&, 512) == 512) {
+    uint16_t i;
+    if (block.count == 0) break;
+    if (block.overrun) {
+      csvFile.print(F("OVERRUN,"));
+      csvFile.println(block.overrun);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < block.count; i++) {
+      printData(&csvFile, &[i]);
+    }
+    if (csvFile.curCluster() != syncCluster) {
+      csvFile.sync();
+      syncCluster = csvFile.curCluster();
+    }
+    if ((millis() - tPct) > 1000) {
+      uint8_t pct = binFile.curPosition()/(binFile.fileSize()/100);
+      if (pct != lastPct) {
+        tPct = millis();
+        lastPct = pct;
+        Serial.print(pct, DEC);
+        Serial.println('%');
+      }
+    }
+    if (Serial.available()) break;
+  }
+  csvFile.close();
+  Serial.print(F("Done: "));
+  Serial.print(0.001*(millis() - t0));
+  Serial.println(F(" Seconds"));
+// read data file and check for overruns
+void checkOverrun() {
+  bool headerPrinted = false;
+  block_t block;
+  uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock;
+  uint32_t bn = 0;
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println();
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!binFile.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) {
+    error("contiguousRange failed");
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("Checking overrun errors - type any character to stop"));
+  while (, 512) == 512) {
+    if (block.count == 0) break;
+    if (block.overrun) {
+      if (!headerPrinted) {
+        Serial.println();
+        Serial.println(F("Overruns:"));
+        Serial.println(F("fileBlockNumber,sdBlockNumber,overrunCount"));
+        headerPrinted = true;
+      }
+      Serial.print(bn);
+      Serial.print(',');
+      Serial.print(bgnBlock + bn);
+      Serial.print(',');
+      Serial.println(block.overrun);
+    }
+    bn++;
+  }
+  if (!headerPrinted) {
+    Serial.println(F("No errors found"));
+  } else {
+    Serial.println(F("Done"));
+  }
+// dump data file to Serial
+void dumpData() {
+  block_t block;
+  if (!binFile.isOpen()) {
+    Serial.println();
+    Serial.println(F("No current binary file"));
+    return;
+  }
+  binFile.rewind();
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to stop"));
+  delay(1000);
+  printHeader(&Serial);
+  while (!Serial.available() && , 512) == 512) {
+    if (block.count == 0) break;
+    if (block.overrun) {
+      Serial.print(F("OVERRUN,"));
+      Serial.println(block.overrun);
+    }
+    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < block.count; i++) {
+      printData(&Serial, &[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  Serial.println(F("Done"));
+// log data
+// max number of blocks to erase per erase call
+uint32_t const ERASE_SIZE = 262144L;
+void logData() {
+  uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock;
+  // Allocate extra buffer space.
+  block_t block[BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT];
+  block_t* curBlock = 0;
+  Serial.println();
+  // Find unused file name.
+  if (BASE_NAME_SIZE > 6) {
+    error("FILE_BASE_NAME too long");
+  }
+  while (sd.exists(binName)) {
+    if (binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] != '9') {
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1]++;
+    } else {
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] = '0';
+      if (binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE] == '9') {
+        error("Can't create file name");
+      }
+      binName[BASE_NAME_SIZE]++;
+    }
+  }
+  // Delete old tmp file.
+  if (sd.exists(TMP_FILE_NAME)) {
+    Serial.println(F("Deleting tmp file"));
+    if (!sd.remove(TMP_FILE_NAME)) {
+      error("Can't remove tmp file");
+    }
+  }
+  // Create new file.
+  Serial.println(F("Creating new file"));
+  binFile.close();
+  if (!binFile.createContiguous(sd.vwd(),
+    error("createContiguous failed");
+  }
+  // Get the address of the file on the SD.
+  if (!binFile.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) {
+    error("contiguousRange failed");
+  }
+  // Use SdFat's internal buffer.
+  uint8_t* cache = (uint8_t*)sd.vol()->cacheClear();
+  if (cache == 0) error("cacheClear failed"); 
+  // Flash erase all data in the file.
+  Serial.println(F("Erasing all data"));
+  uint32_t bgnErase = bgnBlock;
+  uint32_t endErase;
+  while (bgnErase < endBlock) {
+    endErase = bgnErase + ERASE_SIZE;
+    if (endErase > endBlock) endErase = endBlock;
+    if (!sd.card()->erase(bgnErase, endErase)) {
+      error("erase failed");
+    }
+    bgnErase = endErase + 1;
+  }
+  // Start a multiple block write.
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStart(bgnBlock, FILE_BLOCK_COUNT)) {
+    error("writeBegin failed");
+  }
+  // Initialize queues.
+  emptyHead = emptyTail = 0;
+  fullHead = fullTail = 0;
+  // Use SdFat buffer for one block.
+  emptyQueue[emptyHead] = (block_t*)cache;
+  emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+  // Put rest of buffers in the empty queue.
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BUFFER_BLOCK_COUNT; i++) {
+    emptyQueue[emptyHead] = &block[i];
+    emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+  }
+  Serial.println(F("Logging - type any character to stop"));
+  // Wait for Serial Idle.
+  Serial.flush();
+  delay(10);
+  uint32_t bn = 0;
+  uint32_t t0 = millis();
+  uint32_t t1 = t0;
+  uint32_t overrun = 0;
+  uint32_t overrunTotal = 0;
+  uint32_t count = 0;
+  uint32_t maxLatency = 0;
+  int32_t diff;
+  // Start at a multiple of interval.
+  uint32_t logTime = micros()/LOG_INTERVAL_USEC + 1;
+  logTime *= LOG_INTERVAL_USEC;
+  bool closeFile = false;
+  while (1) {
+    // Time for next data record.
+    logTime += LOG_INTERVAL_USEC;
+    if (Serial.available()) closeFile = true;
+    if (closeFile) {
+       if (curBlock != 0 && curBlock->count >= 0) {
+        // Put buffer in full queue.
+        fullQueue[fullHead] = curBlock;
+        fullHead = queueNext(fullHead);
+        curBlock = 0;
+      }   
+    } else {
+      if (curBlock == 0 && emptyTail != emptyHead) {
+        curBlock = emptyQueue[emptyTail];
+        emptyTail = queueNext(emptyTail);
+        curBlock->count = 0;
+        curBlock->overrun = overrun;
+        overrun = 0;
+      }
+      do {
+        diff = logTime - micros();
+      } while(diff > 0);
+      if (diff < -10) error("LOG_INTERVAL_USEC too small");
+      if (curBlock == 0) {
+        overrun++;
+      } else {
+        acquireData(&curBlock->data[curBlock->count++]);
+        if (curBlock->count == DATA_DIM) {
+          fullQueue[fullHead] = curBlock;
+          fullHead = queueNext(fullHead);        
+          curBlock = 0;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (fullHead == fullTail) {
+      // Exit loop if done.
+      if (closeFile) break;
+    } else if (!sd.card()->isBusy()) {
+      // Get address of block to write.
+      block_t* pBlock = fullQueue[fullTail];
+      fullTail = queueNext(fullTail);     
+      // Write block to SD.
+      uint32_t usec = micros();
+      if (!sd.card()->writeData((uint8_t*)pBlock)) {
+        error("write data failed");
+      }
+      usec = micros() - usec;
+      t1 = millis();
+      if (usec > maxLatency) maxLatency = usec;
+      count += pBlock->count;
+      // Add overruns and possibly light LED. 
+      if (pBlock->overrun) {
+        overrunTotal += pBlock->overrun;
+        if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+          digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, HIGH);
+        }
+      }
+      // Move block to empty queue.
+      emptyQueue[emptyHead] = pBlock;
+      emptyHead = queueNext(emptyHead);
+      bn++;
+      if (bn == FILE_BLOCK_COUNT) {
+        // File full so stop
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStop()) {
+    error("writeStop failed");
+  }
+  // Truncate file if recording stopped early.
+  if (bn != FILE_BLOCK_COUNT) {    
+    Serial.println(F("Truncating file"));
+    if (!binFile.truncate(512L * bn)) {
+      error("Can't truncate file");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!binFile.rename(sd.vwd(), binName)) {
+     error("Can't rename file");
+   }
+  Serial.print(F("File renamed: "));
+  Serial.println(binName);
+  Serial.print(F("Max block write usec: "));
+  Serial.println(maxLatency);
+  Serial.print(F("Record time sec: "));
+  Serial.println(0.001*(t1 - t0), 3);
+  Serial.print(F("Sample count: "));
+  Serial.println(count);
+  Serial.print(F("Samples/sec: "));
+  Serial.println((1000.0)*count/(t1-t0));
+  Serial.print(F("Overruns: "));
+  Serial.println(overrunTotal);
+  Serial.println(F("Done"));
+void setup(void) {
+  if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+    pinMode(ERROR_LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
+  }
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  Serial.print(F("FreeRam: "));
+  Serial.println(FreeRam());
+  Serial.print(F("Records/block: "));
+  Serial.println(DATA_DIM);
+  if (sizeof(block_t) != 512) error("Invalid block size");
+  // initialize file system.
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CS_PIN, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) {
+    sd.initErrorPrint();
+    fatalBlink();
+  }
+void loop(void) {
+  // discard any input
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  Serial.println();
+  Serial.println(F("type:"));
+  Serial.println(F("c - convert file to CSV")); 
+  Serial.println(F("d - dump data to Serial"));  
+  Serial.println(F("e - overrun error details"));
+  Serial.println(F("r - record data"));
+  while(!Serial.available()) {}
+  char c = tolower(;
+  // Discard extra Serial data.
+  do {
+    delay(10);
+  } while ( >= 0);
+  if (ERROR_LED_PIN >= 0) {
+    digitalWrite(ERROR_LED_PIN, LOW);
+  }
+  if (c == 'c') {
+    binaryToCsv();
+  } else if (c == 'd') {
+    dumpData();
+  } else if (c == 'e') {    
+    checkOverrun();
+  } else if (c == 'r') {
+    logData();
+  } else {
+    Serial.println(F("Invalid entry"));
+  }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#ifndef UserDataType_h
+#define UserDataType_h
+const uint8_t ADC_DIM = 4;
+struct data_t {
+  unsigned long time;
+  unsigned short adc[ADC_DIM];
+#endif  // UserDataType_h

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Print size, modify date/time, and name for all files in root.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile file;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(1000);
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // open next file in root.  The volume working directory, vwd, is root
+  while (file.openNext(sd.vwd(), O_READ)) {
+    file.printFileSize(&Serial);
+    Serial.write(' ');
+    file.printModifyDateTime(&Serial);
+    Serial.write(' ');    
+    file.printName(&Serial);
+    if (file.isDir()) {
+      // Indicate a directory.
+      Serial.write('/');
+    }
+    Serial.println();
+    file.close();
+  }
+  Serial.println("Done!");
+void loop() {}

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * This sketch is a simple Print benchmark.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// number of lines to print
+const uint16_t N_PRINT = 20000;
+// file system
+SdFat sd;
+// test file
+SdFile file;
+// Serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {
+    // wait for Leonardo
+  }
+void loop() {
+  uint32_t maxLatency;
+  uint32_t minLatency;
+  uint32_t totalLatency;
+  while ( >= 0) {
+  }
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {
+  }
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  cout << pstr("Free RAM: ") << FreeRam() << endl;
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_FULL_SPEED for best performance.
+  // try SPI_HALF_SPEED if bus errors occur.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  cout << pstr("Type is FAT") << int(sd.vol()->fatType()) << endl;
+  // open or create file - truncate existing file.
+  if (!"BENCH.TXT", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR)) {
+    error("open failed");
+  }
+  cout << pstr("Starting print test.  Please wait.\n\n");
+  // do write test
+  for (int test = 0; test < 3; test++) {
+    switch(test) {
+    case 0:
+      cout << pstr("Test of println(uint16_t)\n");
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      cout << pstr("Test of printField(uint16_t, char)\n");
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      cout << pstr("Test of println(double)\n");
+      break;
+    }
+    file.truncate(0);
+    maxLatency = 0;
+    minLatency = 999999;
+    totalLatency = 0;
+    uint32_t t = millis();
+    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < N_PRINT; i++) {
+      uint32_t m = micros();
+      switch(test) {
+      case 0:
+        file.println(i);
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        file.printField(i, '\n');
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        file.println((double)0.01*i);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (file.writeError) {
+        error("write failed");
+      }
+      m = micros() - m;
+      if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+      if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+      totalLatency += m;
+    }
+    file.sync();
+    t = millis() - t;
+    double s = file.fileSize();
+    cout << pstr("Time ") << 0.001*t << pstr(" sec\n");
+    cout << pstr("File size ") << 0.001*s << pstr(" KB\n");
+    cout << pstr("Write ") << s/t << pstr(" KB/sec\n");
+    cout << pstr("Maximum latency: ") << maxLatency;
+    cout << pstr(" usec, Minimum Latency: ") << minLatency;
+    cout << pstr(" usec, Avg Latency: ");
+    cout << totalLatency/N_PRINT << pstr(" usec\n\n");
+  }
+  file.close();
+  cout << pstr("Done!\n\n");

+ 156 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Quick hardware test.
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// Set DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT to disable a second SPI device.
+// For example, with the Ethernet shield, set DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT
+// to 10 to disable the Ethernet controller.
+const int8_t DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT = -1;
+// Test with reduced SPI speed for breadboards.
+// Change spiSpeed to SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance
+// Use SPI_QUARTER_SPEED for even slower SPI bus speed
+const uint8_t spiSpeed = SPI_HALF_SPEED;
+// Normally the SdFat class is used in applications in place
+// of Sd2Card, SdVolume, and SdFile for root.
+// These internal classes are used here to diagnose problems.
+Sd2Card card;
+SdVolume volume;
+SdFile root;
+// Serial streams
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// input buffer for line
+char cinBuf[40];
+ArduinoInStream cin(Serial, cinBuf, sizeof(cinBuf));
+// SD card chip select
+int chipSelect;
+void cardOrSpeed() {
+  cout << pstr("Try another SD card or reduce the SPI bus speed.\n");
+  cout << pstr("Edit spiSpeed in this sketch to change it.\n");
+void reformatMsg() {
+  cout << pstr("Try reformatting the card.  For best results use\n");
+  cout << pstr("the SdFormatter sketch in SdFat/examples or download\n");
+  cout << pstr("and use SDFormatter from\n");
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // Wait for Leonardo.
+  delay(1000);        // Delay for Due.
+  cout << pstr("\nSPI pins:\n");
+  cout << pstr("MOSI: ") << int(MOSI) << endl;  
+  cout << pstr("MISO: ") << int(MISO) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("SCK:  ") << int(SCK) << endl;
+    cout << pstr(
+      "\nBe sure to edit DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT if you have\n"
+      "a second SPI device.  For example, with the Ethernet\n"
+      "shield, DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT should be set to 10\n"
+      "to disable the Ethernet controller.\n");
+  }
+  cout << pstr(
+    "\nSD chip select is the key hardware option.\n"
+    "Common values are:\n"
+    "Arduino Ethernet shield, pin 4\n"
+    "Sparkfun SD shield, pin 8\n"
+    "Adafruit SD shields and modules, pin 10\n");
+bool firstTry = true;
+void loop() {
+  // read any existing Serial data
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  if (!firstTry) cout << pstr("\nRestarting\n");
+  firstTry = false;
+  cout << pstr("\nEnter the chip select pin number: ");
+  cin.readline();
+  if (cin >> chipSelect) {
+    cout << chipSelect << endl;
+  } else {
+    cout << pstr("\nInvalid pin number\n");
+    return;
+  }
+    cout << pstr(
+      "\nAssuming the SD is the only SPI device.\n"
+      "Edit DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT to disable another device.\n");
+  } else {
+    cout << pstr("\nDisabling SPI device on pin ");
+    cout << int(DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT) << endl;
+    digitalWrite(DISABLE_CHIP_SELECT, HIGH);
+  }
+  if (!card.init(spiSpeed, chipSelect)) {
+    cout << pstr(
+      "\nSD initialization failed.\n"
+      "Do not reformat the card!\n"
+      "Is the card correctly inserted?\n"
+      "Is chipSelect set to the correct value?\n"
+      "Does another SPI device need to be disabled?\n"
+      "Is there a wiring/soldering problem?\n");
+    cout << pstr("errorCode: ") << hex << showbase << int(card.errorCode());
+    cout << pstr(", errorData: ") << int(card.errorData());
+    cout << dec << noshowbase << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nCard successfully initialized.\n");
+  cout << endl;
+  uint32_t size = card.cardSize();
+  if (size == 0) {
+    cout << pstr("Can't determine the card size.\n");
+    cardOrSpeed();
+    return;
+  }
+  uint32_t sizeMB = 0.000512 * size + 0.5;
+  cout << pstr("Card size: ") << sizeMB;
+  cout << pstr(" MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)\n");
+  cout << endl;
+  if (!volume.init(&card)) {
+    if (card.errorCode()) {
+      cout << pstr("Can't read the card.\n");
+      cardOrSpeed();
+    } else {
+      cout << pstr("Can't find a valid FAT16/FAT32 partition.\n");
+      reformatMsg();
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("Volume is FAT") << int(volume.fatType());
+  cout << pstr(", Cluster size (bytes): ") << 512L * volume.blocksPerCluster();
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  root.close();
+  if (!root.openRoot(&volume)) {
+    cout << pstr("Can't open root directory.\n");
+    reformatMsg();
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("Files found (name date time size):\n");
+  if ((sizeMB > 1100 && volume.blocksPerCluster() < 64)
+    || (sizeMB < 2200 && volume.fatType() == 32)) {
+    cout << pstr("\nThis card should be reformatted for best performance.\n");
+    cout << pstr("Use a cluster size of 32 KB for cards larger than 1 GB.\n");
+    cout << pstr("Only cards larger than 2 GB should be formatted FAT32.\n");
+    reformatMsg();
+    return;
+  }
+  // read any existing Serial data
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  cout << pstr("\nSuccess!  Type any character to restart.\n");
+  while ( < 0) {}

+ 174 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * This sketch illustrates raw write functions in SdFat that
+ * can be used for high speed data logging.  These functions
+ * are used in the WaveRP library to record audio with the
+ * Adafruit Wave Shield using the built-in Arduino ADC.
+ *
+ * The WaveRP library captures data from the ADC in an ISR
+ * that is driven driven by timer one.  Data is collected in
+ * two 512 byte buffers and written to the SD card.
+ *
+ * This sketch simulates logging from a source that produces
+ * data at a constant rate of one block every MICROS_PER_BLOCK.
+ *
+ * If a high quality SanDisk card is used with this sketch
+ * no overruns occur and the maximum block write time is
+ * under 2000 micros.
+ *
+ * Note: WaveRP creates a very large file then truncates it
+ * to the length that is used for a recording. It only takes
+ * a few seconds to erase a 500 MB file since the card only
+ * marks the blocks as erased; no data transfer is required.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// number of blocks in the contiguous file
+const uint32_t BLOCK_COUNT = 10000UL;
+// time to produce a block of data
+const uint32_t MICROS_PER_BLOCK = 10000;
+// file system
+SdFat sd;
+// test file
+SdFile file;
+// file extent
+uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock;
+// Serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+// log of first overruns
+#define OVER_DIM 20
+struct {
+  uint32_t block;
+  uint32_t micros;
+} over[OVER_DIM];
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+void loop(void) {
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  cout << pstr("Free RAM: ") << FreeRam() << endl;
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_FULL_SPEED for best performance.
+  // try SPI_HALF_SPEED if bus errors occur.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // delete possible existing file
+  sd.remove("RAW.TXT");
+  // create a contiguous file
+  if (!file.createContiguous(sd.vwd(), "RAW.TXT", 512UL*BLOCK_COUNT)) {
+    error("createContiguous failed");
+  }
+  // get the location of the file's blocks
+  if (!file.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) {
+    error("contiguousRange failed");
+  }
+  //*********************NOTE**************************************
+  // NO SdFile calls are allowed while cache is used for raw writes
+  //***************************************************************
+  // clear the cache and use it as a 512 byte buffer
+  uint8_t* pCache = (uint8_t*)sd.vol()->cacheClear();
+  // fill cache with eight lines of 64 bytes each
+  memset(pCache, ' ', 512);
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 512; i += 64) {
+    // put line number at end of line then CR/LF
+    pCache[i + 61] = '0' + (i/64);
+    pCache[i + 62] = '\r';
+    pCache[i + 63] = '\n';
+  }
+  cout << pstr("Start raw write of ") << file.fileSize() << pstr(" bytes at\n");
+  cout << 512000000UL/MICROS_PER_BLOCK << pstr(" bytes per second\n");
+  cout << pstr("Please wait ") << (BLOCK_COUNT*MICROS_PER_BLOCK)/1000000UL;
+  cout << pstr(" seconds\n");
+  // tell card to setup for multiple block write with pre-erase
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStart(bgnBlock, BLOCK_COUNT)) {
+    error("writeStart failed");
+  }
+  // init stats
+  uint16_t overruns = 0;
+  uint32_t maxWriteTime = 0;
+  uint32_t t = micros();
+  uint32_t tNext = t;
+  // write data
+  for (uint32_t b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; b++) {
+    // write must be done by this time
+    tNext += MICROS_PER_BLOCK;
+    // put block number at start of first line in block
+    uint32_t n = b;
+    for (int8_t d = 5; d >= 0; d--){
+      pCache[d] = n || d == 5 ? n % 10 + '0' : ' ';
+      n /= 10;
+    }
+    // write a 512 byte block
+    uint32_t tw = micros();
+    if (!sd.card()->writeData(pCache)) error("writeData failed");
+    tw = micros() - tw;
+    // check for max write time
+    if (tw > maxWriteTime) {
+      maxWriteTime = tw;
+    }
+    // check for overrun
+    if (micros() > tNext) {
+      if (overruns < OVER_DIM) {
+        over[overruns].block = b;
+        over[overruns].micros = tw;
+      }
+      overruns++;
+      // advance time to reflect overrun
+      tNext = micros();
+    }
+    else {
+      // wait for time to write next block
+      while(micros() < tNext);
+    }
+  }
+  // total write time
+  t = micros() - t;
+  // end multiple block write mode
+  if (!sd.card()->writeStop()) error("writeStop failed");
+  cout << pstr("Done\n");
+  cout << pstr("Elapsed time: ") << setprecision(3)<< 1.e-6*t;
+  cout << pstr(" seconds\n");
+  cout << pstr("Max write time: ") << maxWriteTime << pstr(" micros\n");
+  cout << pstr("Overruns: ") << overruns << endl;
+  if (overruns) {
+    uint8_t n = overruns > OVER_DIM ? OVER_DIM : overruns;
+    cout << pstr("fileBlock,micros") << endl;
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      cout << over[i].block << ',' << over[i].micros << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  // close file for next pass of loop
+  file.close();
+  Serial.println();

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Ported to SdFat from the native Arduino SD library example by Bill Greiman
+// On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. SdFat handles setting SS
+const int chipSelect = 4;
+ SD card read/write
+ This example shows how to read and write data to and from an SD card file 	
+ The circuit:
+ * SD card attached to SPI bus as follows:
+ ** MOSI - pin 11
+ ** MISO - pin 12
+ ** CLK - pin 13
+ ** CS - pin 4
+ created   Nov 2010
+ by David A. Mellis
+ updated 2 Dec 2010
+ by Tom Igoe
+ modified by Bill Greiman 11 Apr 2011
+ This example code is in the public domain.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile myFile;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  Serial.println("Type any character to start");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // Initialize SdFat or print a detailed error message and halt
+  // Use half speed like the native library.
+  // change to SPI_FULL_SPEED for more performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // open the file for write at end like the Native SD library
+  if (!"test.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_AT_END)) {
+    sd.errorHalt("opening test.txt for write failed");
+  }
+  // if the file opened okay, write to it:
+  Serial.print("Writing to test.txt...");
+  myFile.println("testing 1, 2, 3.");
+  // close the file:
+  myFile.close();
+  Serial.println("done.");
+  // re-open the file for reading:
+  if (!"test.txt", O_READ)) {
+    sd.errorHalt("opening test.txt for read failed");
+  }
+  Serial.println("test.txt:");
+  // read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
+  int data;
+  while ((data = >= 0) Serial.write(data);
+  // close the file:
+  myFile.close();
+void loop() {
+  // nothing happens after setup

+ 486 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+ * This sketch will format an SD or SDHC card.
+ * Warning all data will be deleted!
+ *
+ * For SD/SDHC cards larger than 64 MB this
+ * sketch attempts to match the format
+ * generated by SDFormatter available here:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * For smaller cards this sketch uses FAT16
+ * and SDFormatter uses FAT12.
+ */
+// Print extra info for debug if DEBUG_PRINT is nonzero
+#define DEBUG_PRINT 0
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#endif  // DEBUG_PRINT
+// Change the value of chipSelect if your hardware does
+// not use the default value, SS.  Common values are:
+// Arduino Ethernet shield: pin 4
+// Sparkfun SD shield: pin 8
+// Adafruit SD shields and modules: pin 10
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// Change spiSpeed to SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance
+// Use SPI_QUARTER_SPEED for even slower SPI bus speed
+const uint8_t spiSpeed = SPI_HALF_SPEED;
+// Serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+Sd2Card card;
+uint32_t cardSizeBlocks;
+uint16_t cardCapacityMB;
+// cache for SD block
+cache_t cache;
+// MBR information
+uint8_t partType;
+uint32_t relSector;
+uint32_t partSize;
+// Fake disk geometry
+uint8_t numberOfHeads;
+uint8_t sectorsPerTrack;
+// FAT parameters
+uint16_t reservedSectors;
+uint8_t sectorsPerCluster;
+uint32_t fatStart;
+uint32_t fatSize;
+uint32_t dataStart;
+// constants for file system structure
+uint16_t const BU16 = 128;
+uint16_t const BU32 = 8192;
+//  strings needed in file system structures
+char noName[] = "NO NAME    ";
+char fat16str[] = "FAT16   ";
+char fat32str[] = "FAT32   ";
+#define sdError(msg) sdError_P(PSTR(msg))
+void sdError_P(const char* str) {
+  cout << pstr("error: ");
+  cout << pgm(str) << endl;
+  if (card.errorCode()) {
+    cout << pstr("SD error: ") << hex << int(card.errorCode());
+    cout << ',' << int(card.errorData()) << dec << endl;
+  }
+  while (1);
+void debugPrint() {
+  cout << pstr("FreeRam: ") << FreeRam() << endl;
+  cout << pstr("partStart: ") << relSector << endl;
+  cout << pstr("partSize: ") << partSize << endl;
+  cout << pstr("reserved: ") << reservedSectors << endl;
+  cout << pstr("fatStart: ") << fatStart << endl;
+  cout << pstr("fatSize: ") << fatSize << endl;
+  cout << pstr("dataStart: ") << dataStart << endl;
+  cout << pstr("clusterCount: ");
+  cout << ((relSector + partSize - dataStart)/sectorsPerCluster) << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Heads: ") << int(numberOfHeads) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Sectors: ") << int(sectorsPerTrack) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Cylinders: ");
+  cout << cardSizeBlocks/(numberOfHeads*sectorsPerTrack) << endl;
+#endif  // DEBUG_PRINT
+// write cached block to the card
+uint8_t writeCache(uint32_t lbn) {
+  return card.writeBlock(lbn,;
+// initialize appropriate sizes for SD capacity
+void initSizes() {
+  if (cardCapacityMB <= 6) {
+    sdError("Card is too small.");
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 16) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 2;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 32) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 4;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 64) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 8;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 128) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 16;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 1024) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 32;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 32768) {
+    sectorsPerCluster = 64;
+  } else {
+    // SDXC cards
+    sectorsPerCluster = 128;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("Blocks/Cluster: ") << int(sectorsPerCluster) << endl;
+  // set fake disk geometry
+  sectorsPerTrack = cardCapacityMB <= 256 ? 32 : 63;
+  if (cardCapacityMB <= 16) {
+    numberOfHeads = 2;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 32) {
+    numberOfHeads = 4;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 128) {
+    numberOfHeads = 8;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 504) {
+    numberOfHeads = 16;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 1008) {
+    numberOfHeads = 32;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 2016) {
+    numberOfHeads = 64;
+  } else if (cardCapacityMB <= 4032) {
+    numberOfHeads = 128;
+  } else {
+    numberOfHeads = 255;
+  }
+// zero cache and optionally set the sector signature
+void clearCache(uint8_t addSig) {
+  memset(&cache, 0, sizeof(cache));
+  if (addSig) {
+    cache.mbr.mbrSig0 = BOOTSIG0;
+    cache.mbr.mbrSig1 = BOOTSIG1;
+  }
+// zero FAT and root dir area on SD
+void clearFatDir(uint32_t bgn, uint32_t count) {
+  clearCache(false);
+  if (!card.writeStart(bgn, count)) {
+    sdError("Clear FAT/DIR writeStart failed");
+  }
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+    if ((i & 0XFF) == 0) cout << '.';
+    if (!card.writeData( {
+      sdError("Clear FAT/DIR writeData failed");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!card.writeStop()) {
+    sdError("Clear FAT/DIR writeStop failed");
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+// return cylinder number for a logical block number
+uint16_t lbnToCylinder(uint32_t lbn) {
+  return lbn / (numberOfHeads * sectorsPerTrack);
+// return head number for a logical block number
+uint8_t lbnToHead(uint32_t lbn) {
+  return (lbn % (numberOfHeads * sectorsPerTrack)) / sectorsPerTrack;
+// return sector number for a logical block number
+uint8_t lbnToSector(uint32_t lbn) {
+  return (lbn % sectorsPerTrack) + 1;
+// format and write the Master Boot Record
+void writeMbr() {
+  clearCache(true);
+  part_t* p = cache.mbr.part;
+  p->boot = 0;
+  uint16_t c = lbnToCylinder(relSector);
+  if (c > 1023) sdError("MBR CHS");
+  p->beginCylinderHigh = c >> 8;
+  p->beginCylinderLow = c & 0XFF;
+  p->beginHead = lbnToHead(relSector);
+  p->beginSector = lbnToSector(relSector);
+  p->type = partType;
+  uint32_t endLbn = relSector + partSize - 1;
+  c = lbnToCylinder(endLbn);
+  if (c <= 1023) {
+    p->endCylinderHigh = c >> 8;
+    p->endCylinderLow = c & 0XFF;
+    p->endHead = lbnToHead(endLbn);
+    p->endSector = lbnToSector(endLbn);
+  } else {
+    // Too big flag, c = 1023, h = 254, s = 63
+    p->endCylinderHigh = 3;
+    p->endCylinderLow = 255;
+    p->endHead = 254;
+    p->endSector = 63;
+  }
+  p->firstSector = relSector;
+  p->totalSectors = partSize;
+  if (!writeCache(0)) sdError("write MBR");
+// generate serial number from card size and micros since boot
+uint32_t volSerialNumber() {
+  return (cardSizeBlocks << 8) + micros();
+// format the SD as FAT16
+void makeFat16() {
+  uint32_t nc;
+  for (dataStart = 2 * BU16;; dataStart += BU16) {
+    nc = (cardSizeBlocks - dataStart)/sectorsPerCluster;
+    fatSize = (nc + 2 + 255)/256;
+    uint32_t r = BU16 + 1 + 2 * fatSize + 32;
+    if (dataStart < r) continue;
+    relSector = dataStart - r + BU16;
+    break;
+  }
+  // check valid cluster count for FAT16 volume
+  if (nc < 4085 || nc >= 65525) sdError("Bad cluster count");
+  reservedSectors = 1;
+  fatStart = relSector + reservedSectors;
+  partSize = nc * sectorsPerCluster + 2 * fatSize + reservedSectors + 32;
+  if (partSize < 32680) {
+    partType = 0X01;
+  } else if (partSize < 65536) {
+    partType = 0X04;
+  } else {
+    partType = 0X06;
+  }
+  // write MBR
+  writeMbr();
+  clearCache(true);
+  fat_boot_t* pb = &cache.fbs;
+  pb->jump[0] = 0XEB;
+  pb->jump[1] = 0X00;
+  pb->jump[2] = 0X90;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pb->oemId); i++) {
+    pb->oemId[i] = ' ';
+  }
+  pb->bytesPerSector = 512;
+  pb->sectorsPerCluster = sectorsPerCluster;
+  pb->reservedSectorCount = reservedSectors;
+  pb->fatCount = 2;
+  pb->rootDirEntryCount = 512;
+  pb->mediaType = 0XF8;
+  pb->sectorsPerFat16 = fatSize;
+  pb->sectorsPerTrack = sectorsPerTrack;
+  pb->headCount = numberOfHeads;
+  pb->hidddenSectors = relSector;
+  pb->totalSectors32 = partSize;
+  pb->driveNumber = 0X80;
+  pb->bootSignature = EXTENDED_BOOT_SIG;
+  pb->volumeSerialNumber = volSerialNumber();
+  memcpy(pb->volumeLabel, noName, sizeof(pb->volumeLabel));
+  memcpy(pb->fileSystemType, fat16str, sizeof(pb->fileSystemType));
+  // write partition boot sector
+  if (!writeCache(relSector)) {
+    sdError("FAT16 write PBS failed");
+  }
+  // clear FAT and root directory
+  clearFatDir(fatStart, dataStart - fatStart);
+  clearCache(false);
+  cache.fat16[0] = 0XFFF8;
+  cache.fat16[1] = 0XFFFF;
+  // write first block of FAT and backup for reserved clusters
+  if (!writeCache(fatStart)
+    || !writeCache(fatStart + fatSize)) {
+    sdError("FAT16 reserve failed");
+  }
+// format the SD as FAT32
+void makeFat32() {
+  uint32_t nc;
+  relSector = BU32;
+  for (dataStart = 2 * BU32;; dataStart += BU32) {
+    nc = (cardSizeBlocks - dataStart)/sectorsPerCluster;
+    fatSize = (nc + 2 + 127)/128;
+    uint32_t r = relSector + 9 + 2 * fatSize;
+    if (dataStart >= r) break;
+  }
+  // error if too few clusters in FAT32 volume
+  if (nc < 65525) sdError("Bad cluster count");
+  reservedSectors = dataStart - relSector - 2 * fatSize;
+  fatStart = relSector + reservedSectors;
+  partSize = nc * sectorsPerCluster + dataStart - relSector;
+  // type depends on address of end sector
+  // max CHS has lbn = 16450560 = 1024*255*63
+  if ((relSector + partSize) <= 16450560) {
+    // FAT32
+    partType = 0X0B;
+  } else {
+    // FAT32 with INT 13
+    partType = 0X0C;
+  }
+  writeMbr();
+  clearCache(true);
+  fat32_boot_t* pb = &cache.fbs32;
+  pb->jump[0] = 0XEB;
+  pb->jump[1] = 0X00;
+  pb->jump[2] = 0X90;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pb->oemId); i++) {
+    pb->oemId[i] = ' ';
+  }
+  pb->bytesPerSector = 512;
+  pb->sectorsPerCluster = sectorsPerCluster;
+  pb->reservedSectorCount = reservedSectors;
+  pb->fatCount = 2;
+  pb->mediaType = 0XF8;
+  pb->sectorsPerTrack = sectorsPerTrack;
+  pb->headCount = numberOfHeads;
+  pb->hidddenSectors = relSector;
+  pb->totalSectors32 = partSize;
+  pb->sectorsPerFat32 = fatSize;
+  pb->fat32RootCluster = 2;
+  pb->fat32FSInfo = 1;
+  pb->fat32BackBootBlock = 6;
+  pb->driveNumber = 0X80;
+  pb->bootSignature = EXTENDED_BOOT_SIG;
+  pb->volumeSerialNumber = volSerialNumber();
+  memcpy(pb->volumeLabel, noName, sizeof(pb->volumeLabel));
+  memcpy(pb->fileSystemType, fat32str, sizeof(pb->fileSystemType));
+  // write partition boot sector and backup
+  if (!writeCache(relSector)
+    || !writeCache(relSector + 6)) {
+    sdError("FAT32 write PBS failed");
+  }
+  clearCache(true);
+  // write extra boot area and backup
+  if (!writeCache(relSector + 2)
+    || !writeCache(relSector + 8)) {
+    sdError("FAT32 PBS ext failed");
+  }
+  fat32_fsinfo_t* pf = &cache.fsinfo;
+  pf->leadSignature = FSINFO_LEAD_SIG;
+  pf->structSignature = FSINFO_STRUCT_SIG;
+  pf->freeCount = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+  pf->nextFree = 0XFFFFFFFF;
+  // write FSINFO sector and backup
+  if (!writeCache(relSector + 1)
+    || !writeCache(relSector + 7)) {
+    sdError("FAT32 FSINFO failed");
+  }
+  clearFatDir(fatStart, 2 * fatSize + sectorsPerCluster);
+  clearCache(false);
+  cache.fat32[0] = 0x0FFFFFF8;
+  cache.fat32[1] = 0x0FFFFFFF;
+  cache.fat32[2] = 0x0FFFFFFF;
+  // write first block of FAT and backup for reserved clusters
+  if (!writeCache(fatStart)
+    || !writeCache(fatStart + fatSize)) {
+    sdError("FAT32 reserve failed");
+  }
+// flash erase all data
+uint32_t const ERASE_SIZE = 262144L;
+void eraseCard() {
+  cout << endl << pstr("Erasing\n");
+  uint32_t firstBlock = 0;
+  uint32_t lastBlock;
+  uint16_t n = 0;
+  do {
+    lastBlock = firstBlock + ERASE_SIZE - 1;
+    if (lastBlock >= cardSizeBlocks) lastBlock = cardSizeBlocks - 1;
+    if (!card.erase(firstBlock, lastBlock)) sdError("erase failed");
+    cout << '.';
+    if ((n++)%32 == 31) cout << endl;
+    firstBlock += ERASE_SIZE;
+  } while (firstBlock < cardSizeBlocks);
+  cout << endl;
+  if (!card.readBlock(0, sdError("readBlock");
+  cout << hex << showbase << setfill('0') << internal;
+  cout << pstr("All data set to ") << setw(4) << int([0]) << endl;
+  cout << dec << noshowbase << setfill(' ') << right;
+  cout << pstr("Erase done\n");
+void formatCard() {
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Formatting\n");
+  initSizes();
+  if (card.type() != SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC) {
+    cout << pstr("FAT16\n");
+    makeFat16();
+  } else {
+    cout << pstr("FAT32\n");
+    makeFat32();
+  }
+  debugPrint();
+#endif  // DEBUG_PRINT
+  cout << pstr("Format done\n");
+void setup() {
+  char c;
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr(
+    "\n"
+    "This sketch can erase and/or format SD/SDHC cards.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Erase uses the card's fast flash erase command.\n"
+    "Flash erase sets all data to 0X00 for most cards\n"
+    "and 0XFF for a few vendor's cards.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Cards larger than 2 GB will be formatted FAT32 and\n"
+    "smaller cards will be formatted FAT16.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Warning, all data on the card will be erased.\n"
+    "Enter 'Y' to continue: ");
+  while (!Serial.available()) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due restart problem
+  c =;
+  cout << c << endl;
+  if (c != 'Y') {
+    cout << pstr("Quiting, you did not enter 'Y'.\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  // read any existing Serial data
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  cout << pstr(
+    "\n"
+    "Options are:\n"
+    "E - erase the card and skip formatting.\n"
+    "F - erase and then format the card. (recommended)\n"
+    "Q - quick format the card without erase.\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Enter option: ");
+  while (!Serial.available()) {}
+  c =;
+  cout << c << endl;
+  if (!strchr("EFQ", c)) {
+    cout << pstr("Quiting, invalid option entered.") << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!card.init(spiSpeed, chipSelect)) {
+    cout << pstr(
+     "\nSD initialization failure!\n"
+     "Is the SD card inserted correctly?\n"
+     "Is chip select correct at the top of this sketch?\n");
+    sdError("card.init failed");
+  }
+  cardSizeBlocks = card.cardSize();
+  if (cardSizeBlocks == 0) sdError("cardSize");
+  cardCapacityMB = (cardSizeBlocks + 2047)/2048;
+  cout << pstr("Card Size: ") << cardCapacityMB;
+  cout << pstr(" MB, (MB = 1,048,576 bytes)") << endl;
+  if (c == 'E' || c == 'F') {
+    eraseCard();
+  }
+  if (c == 'F' || c == 'Q') {
+    formatCard();
+  }
+void loop() {}

+ 197 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * This sketch attempts to initialize an SD card and analyze its structure.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+ * SD chip select pin.  Common values are:
+ *
+ * Arduino Ethernet shield, pin 4.
+ * SparkFun SD shield, pin 8.
+ * Adafruit SD shields and modules, pin 10.
+ * Default SD chip select is the SPI SS pin.
+ */
+const uint8_t SdChipSelect = SS;
+Sd2Card card;
+SdVolume vol;
+// serial output steam
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// global for card size
+uint32_t cardSize;
+// global for card erase size
+uint32_t eraseSize;
+// store error strings in flash
+#define sdErrorMsg(msg) sdErrorMsg_P(PSTR(msg));
+void sdErrorMsg_P(const char* str) {
+  cout << pgm(str) << endl;
+  if (card.errorCode()) {
+    cout << pstr("SD errorCode: ");
+    cout << hex << int(card.errorCode()) << endl;
+    cout << pstr("SD errorData: ");
+    cout << int(card.errorData()) << dec << endl;
+  }
+uint8_t cidDmp() {
+  cid_t cid;
+  if (!card.readCID(&cid)) {
+    sdErrorMsg("readCID failed");
+    return false;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nManufacturer ID: ");
+  cout << hex << int(cid.mid) << dec << endl;
+  cout << pstr("OEM ID: ") << cid.oid[0] << cid.oid[1] << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Product: ");
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+    cout << cid.pnm[i];
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nVersion: ");
+  cout << int(cid.prv_n) << '.' << int(cid.prv_m) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Serial number: ") << hex << cid.psn << dec << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Manufacturing date: ");
+  cout << int(cid.mdt_month) << '/';
+  cout << (2000 + cid.mdt_year_low + 10 * cid.mdt_year_high) << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  return true;
+uint8_t csdDmp() {
+  csd_t csd;
+  uint8_t eraseSingleBlock;
+  if (!card.readCSD(&csd)) {
+    sdErrorMsg("readCSD failed");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (csd.v1.csd_ver == 0) {
+    eraseSingleBlock = csd.v1.erase_blk_en;
+    eraseSize = (csd.v1.sector_size_high << 1) | csd.v1.sector_size_low;
+  } else if (csd.v2.csd_ver == 1) {
+    eraseSingleBlock = csd.v2.erase_blk_en;
+    eraseSize = (csd.v2.sector_size_high << 1) | csd.v2.sector_size_low;
+  } else {
+    cout << pstr("csd version error\n");
+    return false;
+  }
+  eraseSize++;
+  cout << pstr("cardSize: ") << 0.000512*cardSize;
+  cout << pstr(" MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)\n");
+  cout << pstr("flashEraseSize: ") << int(eraseSize) << pstr(" blocks\n");
+  cout << pstr("eraseSingleBlock: ");
+  if (eraseSingleBlock) {
+    cout << pstr("true\n");
+  } else {
+    cout << pstr("false\n");
+  }
+  return true;
+// print partition table
+uint8_t partDmp() {
+  cache_t *p = vol.cacheClear();
+  if (!p) {
+    sdErrorMsg("cacheClear failed");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!card.readBlock(0, p->data)) {
+      sdErrorMsg("read MBR failed");
+      return false;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nSD Partition Table\n");
+  cout << pstr("part,boot,type,start,length\n");
+  for (uint8_t ip = 1; ip < 5; ip++) {
+    part_t *pt = &p->mbr.part[ip - 1];
+    cout << int(ip) << ',' << hex << int(pt->boot) << ',' << int(pt->type);
+    cout << dec << ',' << pt->firstSector <<',' << pt->totalSectors << endl;
+  }
+  return true;
+void volDmp() {
+  cout << pstr("\nVolume is FAT") << int(vol.fatType()) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("blocksPerCluster: ") << int(vol.blocksPerCluster()) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("clusterCount: ") << vol.clusterCount() << endl;
+  uint32_t volFree = vol.freeClusterCount();
+  cout << pstr("freeClusters: ") <<  volFree << endl;
+  float fs = 0.000512*volFree*vol.blocksPerCluster();
+  cout << pstr("freeSpace: ") << fs << pstr(" MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)\n");
+  cout << pstr("fatStartBlock: ") << vol.fatStartBlock() << endl;
+  cout << pstr("fatCount: ") << int(vol.fatCount()) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("blocksPerFat: ") << vol.blocksPerFat() << endl;
+  cout << pstr("rootDirStart: ") << vol.rootDirStart() << endl;
+  cout << pstr("dataStartBlock: ") << vol.dataStartBlock() << endl;
+  if (vol.dataStartBlock() % eraseSize) {
+    cout << pstr("Data area is not aligned on flash erase boundaries!\n");
+    cout << pstr("Download and use formatter from!\n");
+  }
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while(!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // use uppercase in hex and use 0X base prefix
+  cout << uppercase << showbase << endl;
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("SdFat version: ") << SD_FAT_VERSION << endl;
+void loop() {
+  // read any existing Serial data
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("\ntype any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  uint32_t t = millis();
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED, SdChipSelect)) {
+    sdErrorMsg("\ncard.init failed");
+    return;
+  }
+  t = millis() - t;
+  cardSize = card.cardSize();
+  if (cardSize == 0) {
+    sdErrorMsg("cardSize failed");
+    return;
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\ninit time: ") << t << " ms" << endl;
+  cout << pstr("\nCard type: ");
+  switch (card.type()) {
+    case SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1:
+      cout << pstr("SD1\n");
+      break;
+    case SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2:
+      cout << pstr("SD2\n");
+      break;
+    case SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC:
+      if (cardSize < 70000000) {
+        cout << pstr("SDHC\n");
+      } else {
+        cout << pstr("SDXC\n");
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      cout << pstr("Unknown\n");
+  }
+  if (!cidDmp()) return;
+  if (!csdDmp()) return;
+  if (!partDmp()) return;
+  if (!vol.init(&card)) {
+    sdErrorMsg("\nvol.init failed");
+    return;
+  }
+  volDmp();

+ 201 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <StdioStream.h>
+// Define PRINT_FIELD nonzero to use printField.
+#define PRINT_FIELD 0
+// Number of lines to list on Serial.
+const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile printFile;
+StdioStream stdioFile;
+float f[100];
+char buf[20];
+char* label[] = 
+  {"uint8_t 0 to 255, 100 times ", "uint16_t 0 to 20000",
+  "uint32_t 0 to 20000", "uint32_t 1000000000 to 1000010000",
+  "float nnn.ffff, 10000 times"};
+void setup() {
+  uint32_t m;
+  uint32_t printSize;
+  uint32_t stdioSize;
+  uint32_t printTime;
+  uint32_t stdioTime;
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to start"));
+  while (!Serial.available());
+  Serial.println(F("Starting test"));
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) sd.errorHalt();
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+    f[i] = 123.0 + 0.12345*i;
+  }  
+  for (uint8_t dataType = 0; dataType < 5; dataType++) {
+    for (uint8_t fileType = 0; fileType < 2; fileType++) {
+      if (!fileType) {
+        if (!"PRRINT.TXT", O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC)) {
+          Serial.println("open fail");
+            return;
+        }
+        printTime = millis();
+        switch (dataType) {
+        case 0:
+          for (uint16_t i =0; i < 100; i++) {
+            for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 255; j++) {
+              printFile.println(j);
+            }
+          }            
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            printFile.println(i);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            printFile.println(i);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 3:
+          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+            printFile.println(i + 1000000000UL);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 4:
+          for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
+            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+              printFile.println(f[i], 4);
+            }
+          }
+          break;        
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+        printFile.sync();        
+        printTime = millis() - printTime;
+        printFile.rewind();
+        printSize = printFile.fileSize(); 
+      } else {
+        if (!stdioFile.fopen("STREAM.TXT", "w+")) {
+          Serial.println("fopen fail");
+          return;
+        }
+        stdioTime = millis();
+         switch (dataType) {
+        case 0:
+          for (uint16_t i =0; i < 100; i++) {
+            for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 255; j++) {
+              #if PRINT_FIELD
+              stdioFile.printField(j, '\n');
+              #else  // PRINT_FIELD
+              stdioFile.println(j);
+              #endif  // PRINT_FIELD
+            }
+          }            
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            #if PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.printField(i, '\n');
+            #else  // PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.println(i);
+            #endif  // PRINT_FIELD
+          }
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
+            #if PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.printField(i, '\n');
+            #else  // PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.println(i);
+            #endif  // PRINT_FIELD
+          }
+          break;
+        case 3:
+          for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+            #if PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.printField(i + 1000000000UL, '\n');
+            #else  // PRINT_FIELD
+            stdioFile.println(i + 1000000000UL);
+            #endif  // PRINT_FIELD      
+          }
+          break;
+        case 4:
+          for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
+            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+              #if PRINT_FIELD
+              stdioFile.printField(f[i], '\n', 4);
+              #else  // PRINT_FIELD
+              stdioFile.println(f[i], 4);              
+              #endif  // PRINT_FIELD                            
+            }
+          }
+          break;        
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+        stdioFile.fflush();
+        stdioTime = millis() - stdioTime;
+        stdioSize = stdioFile.ftell();   
+        if (STDIO_LIST_COUNT) {
+          size_t len;
+          stdioFile.rewind();
+          for (int i = 0; i < STDIO_LIST_COUNT; i++) {
+            stdioFile.fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), &len);
+            Serial.print(len);Serial.print(',');
+            Serial.print(buf);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    Serial.println(label[dataType]);    
+    if (VERIFY_CONTENT && printSize == stdioSize) {
+      printFile.rewind();
+      stdioFile.rewind();
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stdioSize; i++) {
+        if ( != stdioFile.getc()) {
+          Serial.print(F("Files differ at pos: "));
+          Serial.println(i);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    Serial.print("fileSize: ");
+    if (printSize != stdioSize) {
+      Serial.print(printSize);
+      Serial.print(" != ");
+    }
+    Serial.println(stdioSize);    
+    Serial.print("print millis: ");
+    Serial.println(printTime);
+    Serial.print("stdio millis: ");
+    Serial.println(stdioTime);
+    Serial.print("ratio: ");
+    Serial.println((float)printTime/(float)stdioTime);
+    Serial.println();
+    printFile.close();     
+    stdioFile.fclose();    
+  }
+  Serial.println("Done");
+void loop() {}

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// This stress test will create and write files until the SD is full.
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin.
+const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
+// Set write buffer size.
+#ifdef __arm__
+#ifndef CORE_TEENSY
+// Due
+const size_t BUF_SIZE = 32768;
+#else  // CORE_TEENSY
+// Teensy 3.0
+const size_t BUF_SIZE = 8192;
+#endif  // CORE_TEENSY
+#elif defined(RAMEND) && RAMEND > 5000
+// AVR with more than 4 KB RAM
+const size_t BUF_SIZE = 4096;
+#else  // __arm__
+// other
+const size_t BUF_SIZE = 512;
+#endif  // __arm__
+const size_t FILE_SIZE_KB = 10240;
+const uint16_t BUFS_PER_FILE = (1024L*FILE_SIZE_KB/BUF_SIZE);
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile file;
+uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
+char name[13];
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  Serial.print("BUF_SIZE ");
+  Serial.println(BUF_SIZE);
+  Serial.println("Type any character to start");
+  while ( < 0) {}
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CS_PIN))sd.errorHalt("sd.begin");
+  // Fill buf with known value.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) buf[i] = i;
+  // Wait to begin.
+  do {delay(10);} while ( >= 0);
+  Serial.println("Type any character to stop after next file");
+void loop() {
+  // Free KB on SD.
+  uint32_t freeKB = sd.vol()->freeClusterCount()*sd.vol()->blocksPerCluster()/2;
+  Serial.print("Free KB: ");
+  Serial.println(freeKB);
+  if (freeKB < 2*FILE_SIZE_KB) {
+    Serial.println(" Done!");
+    while(1);
+  }
+  sprintf(name, "%lu.DAT", freeKB);
+  if (!, O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
+    sd.errorHalt("Open error!");
+  }
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < BUFS_PER_FILE; i++) {
+    if (file.write(buf, BUF_SIZE) != BUF_SIZE) {
+      sd.errorHalt("Write error!");
+    }
+  }
+  file.close();
+  if (Serial.available()) {
+    Serial.println("Stopped!");
+    while(1);
+  }

+ 168 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * This sketch tests the dateTimeCallback() function
+ * and the timestamp() function.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+SdFat sd;
+SdFile file;
+// Default SD chip select is SS pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// create Serial stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+ * date/time values for debug
+ * normally supplied by a real-time clock or GPS
+ */
+// date 1-Oct-09
+uint16_t year = 2009;
+uint8_t month = 10;
+uint8_t day = 1;
+// time 20:30:40
+uint8_t hour = 20;
+uint8_t minute = 30;
+uint8_t second = 40;
+ * User provided date time callback function.
+ * See SdFile::dateTimeCallback() for usage.
+ */
+void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time) {
+  // User gets date and time from GPS or real-time
+  // clock in real callback function
+  // return date using FAT_DATE macro to format fields
+  *date = FAT_DATE(year, month, day);
+  // return time using FAT_TIME macro to format fields
+  *time = FAT_TIME(hour, minute, second);
+ * Function to print all timestamps.
+ */
+void printTimestamps(SdFile& f) {
+  dir_t d;
+  if (!f.dirEntry(&d)) error("f.dirEntry failed");
+  cout << pstr("Creation: ");
+  f.printFatDate(d.creationDate);
+  cout << ' ';
+  f.printFatTime(d.creationTime);
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Modify: ");
+  f.printFatDate(d.lastWriteDate);
+  cout <<' ';
+  f.printFatTime(d.lastWriteTime);
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Access: ");
+  f.printFatDate(d.lastAccessDate);
+  cout << endl;
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while (!Serial.available());
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // remove files if they exist
+  sd.remove("CALLBACK.TXT");
+  sd.remove("DEFAULT.TXT");
+  sd.remove("STAMP.TXT");
+  // create a new file with default timestamps
+  if (!"DEFAULT.TXT", O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) {
+    error("open DEFAULT.TXT failed");
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nOpen with default times\n");
+  printTimestamps(file);
+  // close file
+  file.close();
+  /*
+   * Test the date time callback function.
+   *
+   * dateTimeCallback() sets the function
+   * that is called when a file is created
+   * or when a file's directory entry is
+   * modified by sync().
+   *
+   * The callback can be disabled by the call
+   * SdFile::dateTimeCallbackCancel()
+   */
+  // set date time callback function
+  SdFile::dateTimeCallback(dateTime);
+  // create a new file with callback timestamps
+    error("open CALLBACK.TXT failed");
+  }
+  cout << ("\nOpen with callback times\n");
+  printTimestamps(file);
+  // change call back date
+  day += 1;
+  // must add two to see change since FAT second field is 5-bits
+  second += 2;
+  // modify file by writing a byte
+  file.write('t');
+  // force dir update
+  file.sync();
+  cout << pstr("\nTimes after write\n");
+  printTimestamps(file);
+  // close file
+  file.close();
+  /*
+   * Test timestamp() function
+   *
+   * Cancel callback so sync will not
+   * change access/modify timestamp
+   */
+  SdFile::dateTimeCallbackCancel();
+  // create a new file with default timestamps
+  if (!"STAMP.TXT", O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) {
+    error("open STAMP.TXT failed");
+  }
+  // set creation date time
+  if (!file.timestamp(T_CREATE, 2009, 11, 10, 1, 2, 3)) {
+    error("set create time failed");
+  }
+  // set write/modification date time
+  if (!file.timestamp(T_WRITE, 2009, 11, 11, 4, 5, 6)) {
+    error("set write time failed");
+  }
+  // set access date
+  if (!file.timestamp(T_ACCESS, 2009, 11, 12, 7, 8, 9)) {
+    error("set access time failed");
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nTimes after timestamp() calls\n");
+  printTimestamps(file);
+  file.close();
+  cout << pstr("\nDone\n");
+void loop(void){}

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Example use of two SD cards.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#error You must set USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS nonzero in SdFatConfig.h
+SdFat sd1;
+const uint8_t SD1_CS = 10;  // chip select for sd1
+SdFat sd2;
+const uint8_t SD2_CS = 9;   // chip select for sd2
+const uint8_t BUF_DIM = 100;
+uint8_t buf[BUF_DIM];
+const uint32_t FILE_SIZE = 1000000;
+const uint16_t NWRITE = FILE_SIZE/BUF_DIM;
+// print error msg, any SD error codes, and halt.
+// store messages in flash
+#define errorExit(msg) errorHalt_P(PSTR(msg))
+#define initError(msg) initErrorHalt_P(PSTR(msg))
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  PgmPrint("FreeRam: ");
+  Serial.println(FreeRam());
+  // fill buffer with known data
+  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) buf[i] = i;
+  PgmPrintln("type any character to start");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // disable sd2 while initializing sd1
+  pinMode(SD2_CS, OUTPUT);
+  digitalWrite(SD2_CS, HIGH);
+  // initialize the first card
+  if (!sd1.begin(SD1_CS)) {
+    sd1.initError("sd1:");
+  }
+  // create DIR1 on sd1 if it does not exist
+  if (!sd1.exists("/DIR1")) {
+    if (!sd1.mkdir("/DIR1")) sd1.errorExit("sd1.mkdir");
+  }
+  // initialize the second card
+  if (!sd2.begin(SD2_CS)) {
+    sd2.initError("sd2:");
+  }
+ // create DIR2 on sd2 if it does not exist
+  if (!sd2.exists("/DIR2")) {
+    if (!sd2.mkdir("/DIR2")) sd2.errorExit("sd2.mkdir");
+  }
+  // list root directory on both cards
+  PgmPrintln("------sd1 root-------");
+  PgmPrintln("------sd2 root-------");
+  // make /DIR1 the default directory for sd1
+  if (!sd1.chdir("/DIR1")) sd1.errorExit("sd1.chdir");
+  // make /DIR2 the default directory for sd2
+  if (!sd2.chdir("/DIR2")) sd2.errorExit("sd2.chdir");
+  // list current directory on both cards
+  PgmPrintln("------sd1 DIR1-------");
+  PgmPrintln("------sd2 DIR2-------");
+  PgmPrintln("---------------------");
+  // remove RENAME.BIN from /DIR2 directory of sd2
+  if (sd2.exists("RENAME.BIN")) {
+    if (!sd2.remove("RENAME.BIN")) {
+      sd2.errorExit("remove RENAME.BIN");
+    }
+  }
+  // set the current working directory for open() to sd1
+  sd1.chvol();
+  // create or open /DIR1/TEST.BIN and truncate it to zero length
+  SdFile file1;
+  if (!"TEST.BIN", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
+    sd1.errorExit("file1");
+  }
+  PgmPrintln("Writing TEST.BIN to sd1");
+  // write data to /DIR1/TEST.BIN on sd1
+  for (int i = 0; i < NWRITE; i++) {
+    if (file1.write(buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
+      sd1.errorExit("sd1.write");
+    }
+  }
+  // set the current working directory for open() to sd2
+  sd2.chvol();
+  // create or open /DIR2/COPY.BIN and truncate it to zero length
+  SdFile file2;
+  if (!"COPY.BIN", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
+    sd2.errorExit("file2");
+  }
+  PgmPrintln("Copying TEST.BIN to COPY.BIN");
+  // copy file1 to file2
+  file1.rewind();
+  uint32_t t = millis();
+  while (1) {
+    int n =, sizeof(buf));
+    if (n < 0) sd1.errorExit("read1");
+    if (n == 0) break;
+    if (file2.write(buf, n) != n) sd2.errorExit("write2");
+  }
+  t = millis() - t;
+  PgmPrint("File size: ");
+  Serial.println(file2.fileSize());
+  PgmPrint("Copy time: ");
+  Serial.print(t);
+  PgmPrintln(" millis");
+  // close TEST.BIN
+  file1.close();
+  // rename the copy
+  file2.close();
+  if (!sd2.rename("COPY.BIN", "RENAME.BIN")) {
+    sd2.errorExit("sd2.rename");
+  }
+  PgmPrintln("Done");
+void loop() {}

+ 173 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * This sketch is a simple binary write/read benchmark.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// Size of read/write.
+const size_t BUF_SIZE = 512;
+// File size in MB where MB = 1,000,000 bytes.
+const uint32_t FILE_SIZE_MB = 5;
+// Write pass count.
+const uint8_t WRITE_COUNT = 10;
+// Read pass count.
+const uint8_t READ_COUNT = 5;
+// End of configuration constants.
+// File size in bytes.
+const uint32_t FILE_SIZE = 1000000UL*FILE_SIZE_MB;
+uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
+// file system
+SdFat sd;
+// test file
+SdFile file;
+// Serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void cidDmp() {
+  cid_t cid;
+  if (!sd.card()->readCID(&cid)) {
+    error("readCID failed");
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nManufacturer ID: ");
+  cout << hex << int(cid.mid) << dec << endl;
+  cout << pstr("OEM ID: ") << cid.oid[0] << cid.oid[1] << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Product: ");
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+    cout << cid.pnm[i];
+  }
+  cout << pstr("\nVersion: ");
+  cout << int(cid.prv_n) << '.' << int(cid.prv_m) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Serial number: ") << hex << cid.psn << dec << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Manufacturing date: ");
+  cout << int(cid.mdt_month) << '/';
+  cout << (2000 + cid.mdt_year_low + 10 * cid.mdt_year_high) << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial){}  // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("\nUse a freshly formatted SD for best performance.\n");
+  // use uppercase in hex and use 0X base prefix
+  cout << uppercase << showbase << endl;
+void loop() {
+  float s;
+  uint32_t t;
+  uint32_t maxLatency;
+  uint32_t minLatency;
+  uint32_t totalLatency;
+  // discard any input
+  while ( >= 0) {}
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  cout << pstr("Free RAM: ") << FreeRam() << endl;
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_FULL_SPEED for best performance.
+  // try SPI_HALF_SPEED if bus errors occur.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  cout << pstr("Type is FAT") << int(sd.vol()->fatType()) << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Card size: ") << sd.card()->cardSize()*512E-9;
+  cout << pstr(" GB (GB = 1E9 bytes)") << endl;
+  cidDmp();
+  // open or create file - truncate existing file.
+  if (!"BENCH.DAT", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR)) {
+    error("open failed");
+  }
+  // fill buf with known data
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < (BUF_SIZE-2); i++) {
+    buf[i] = 'A' + (i % 26);
+  }
+  buf[BUF_SIZE-2] = '\r';
+  buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = '\n';
+  cout << pstr("File size ") << FILE_SIZE_MB << pstr(" MB\n");
+  cout << pstr("Buffer size ") << BUF_SIZE << pstr(" bytes\n");
+  cout << pstr("Starting write test, please wait.") << endl << endl;
+  // do write test
+  uint32_t n = FILE_SIZE/sizeof(buf);
+  cout <<pstr("write speed and latency") << endl;
+  cout << pstr("speed,max,min,avg") << endl;
+  cout << pstr("KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec") << endl;
+  for (uint8_t nTest = 0; nTest < WRITE_COUNT; nTest++) {
+    file.truncate(0);
+    maxLatency = 0;
+    minLatency = 9999999;
+    totalLatency = 0;
+    t = millis();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      uint32_t m = micros();
+      if (file.write(buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
+        error("write failed");
+      }
+      m = micros() - m;
+      if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+      if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+      totalLatency += m;
+    }
+    file.sync();
+    t = millis() - t;
+    s = file.fileSize();
+    cout << s/t <<',' << maxLatency << ',' << minLatency; 
+    cout << ',' << totalLatency/n << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl << pstr("Starting read test, please wait.") << endl;
+  cout << endl <<pstr("read speed and latency") << endl;
+  cout << pstr("speed,max,min,avg") << endl;
+  cout << pstr("KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec") << endl;
+  // do read test
+  for (uint8_t nTest = 0; nTest < READ_COUNT; nTest++) {
+    file.rewind();
+    maxLatency = 0;
+    minLatency = 9999999;
+    totalLatency = 0;
+    t = millis();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = 0;
+      uint32_t m = micros();
+      if (, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
+        error("read failed");
+      }
+      m = micros() - m;
+      if (maxLatency < m) maxLatency = m;
+      if (minLatency > m) minLatency = m;
+      totalLatency += m;
+      if (buf[BUF_SIZE-1] != '\n') {
+        error("data check");
+      }
+    }
+    t = millis() - t;
+    cout << s/t <<',' << maxLatency << ',' << minLatency; 
+    cout << ',' << totalLatency/n << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl << pstr("Done") << endl;
+  file.close();

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * Demo of ArduinoInStream and ArduinoOutStream
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// create serial output stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// input buffer for line
+char cinBuf[40];
+// create serial input stream
+ArduinoInStream cin(Serial, cinBuf, sizeof(cinBuf));
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+void loop() {
+  int32_t n;
+  cout << "\nenter an integer\n";
+  cin.readline();
+  if (cin >> n) {
+    cout << "The number is: " << n;
+  } else {
+    // will fail if no digits or not in range [-2147483648, 2147483647]
+    cout << "Invalid input: " << cinBuf;
+  }
+  cout << endl;

+ 138 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * Simple data logger.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin.  Be sure to disable any other SPI devices such as Enet.
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// Interval between data records in milliseconds. 
+// The interval must be greater than the maximum SD write latency plus the
+// time to acquire and write data to the SD to avoid overrun errors.
+// Run the bench example to check the quality of your SD card.
+const uint32_t SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS = 200;
+// Log file base name.  Must be six characters or less.
+// File system object.
+SdFat sd;
+// Log file.
+SdFile file;
+// Time in micros for next data record.
+uint32_t logTime;
+// User functions.  Edit writeHeader() and logData() for your requirements.
+const uint8_t ANALOG_COUNT = 4;
+// Write data header.
+void writeHeader() {
+  file.print(F("micros"));
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ANALOG_COUNT; i++) {
+    file.print(F(",adc"));
+    file.print(i, DEC);
+  }
+  file.println();
+// Log a data record.
+void logData() {
+  uint16_t data[ANALOG_COUNT];
+  // Read all channels to avoid SD write latency between readings.
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ANALOG_COUNT; i++) {
+    data[i] = analogRead(i);
+  }
+  // Write data to file.  Start with log time in micros.
+  file.print(logTime);
+  // Write ADC data to CSV record.
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ANALOG_COUNT; i++) {
+    file.write(',');
+    file.print(data[i]);
+  }
+  file.println();
+// Error messages stored in flash.
+#define error(msg) error_P(PSTR(msg))
+void error_P(const char* msg) {
+  sd.errorHalt_P(msg);
+void setup() {
+  const uint8_t BASE_NAME_SIZE = sizeof(FILE_BASE_NAME) - 1;
+  char fileName[13] = FILE_BASE_NAME "00.CSV";
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(1000);
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to start"));
+  while (!Serial.available()) {}
+  // Initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // Find an unused file name.
+  if (BASE_NAME_SIZE > 6) {
+    error("FILE_BASE_NAME too long");
+  }
+  while (sd.exists(fileName)) {
+    if (fileName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] != '9') {
+      fileName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1]++;
+    } else if (fileName[BASE_NAME_SIZE] != '9') {
+      fileName[BASE_NAME_SIZE + 1] = '0';
+      fileName[BASE_NAME_SIZE]++;
+    } else {
+      error("Can't create file name");
+    }
+  }
+  if (!, O_CREAT | O_WRITE | O_EXCL)) error("");
+  do {
+    delay(10);
+  } while ( >= 0);
+  Serial.print(F("Logging to: "));
+  Serial.println(fileName);
+  Serial.println(F("Type any character to stop"));
+  // Write data header.
+  writeHeader();
+  // Start on a multiple of the sample interval.
+  logTime = micros()/(1000UL*SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS) + 1;
+  logTime *= 1000UL*SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS;
+void loop() {
+  // Time for next record.
+  logTime += 1000UL*SAMPLE_INTERVAL_MS;
+  // Wait for log time.
+  int32_t diff;
+  do {
+    diff = micros() - logTime;
+  } while (diff < 0);
+  // Check for data rate too high. 
+  if (diff > 10) error("Missed data record");
+  logData();
+  // Force data to SD and update the directory entry to avoid data loss.
+  if (!file.sync() || file.getWriteError()) error("write error"); 
+  if (Serial.available()) {
+    // Close file and stop.
+    file.close();
+    Serial.println(F("Done"));
+    while(1) {}
+  }

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Example use of chdir(), ls(), mkdir(), and  rmdir().
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD card chip select pin.
+const uint8_t SD_CHIP_SELECT = SS;
+// Permit SD to be wiped if ALLOW_WIPE is true.
+const bool ALLOW_WIPE = false;
+// File system object.
+SdFat sd;
+// Use for file creation in folders.
+SdFile file;
+// Create a Serial output stream.
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// Buffer for Serial input.
+char cinBuf[40];
+// Create a serial input stream.
+ArduinoInStream cin(Serial, cinBuf, sizeof(cinBuf));
+// Error messages stored in flash.
+#define error(msg) error_P(PSTR(msg))
+void error_P(const char* msg) {
+  sd.errorHalt_P(msg);
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(1000);
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  // Wait for input line and discard.
+  cin.readline();
+  // Initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // Check for empty SD.
+  if (file.openNext(sd.vwd(), O_READ)) {
+    cout << pstr("Found files/folders in the root directory.\n");    
+    if (!ALLOW_WIPE) {
+      error("SD not empty, use a blank SD or set ALLOW_WIPE true.");  
+    } else {
+      cout << pstr("Type: 'WIPE' to delete all SD files.\n");
+      char buf[10];
+      cin.readline();
+      cin.get(buf, sizeof(buf));
+      if ( || strncmp(buf, "WIPE", 4) || buf[4] >= ' ') {
+        error("Invalid WIPE input");
+      }
+      file.close();
+      sd.vwd()->rmRfStar();
+      cout << pstr("***SD wiped clean.***\n\n");
+    }
+  }
+  // Create a new folder.
+  if (!sd.mkdir("FOLDER1")) error("Create FOLDER1 failed");
+  cout << pstr("Created FOLDER1\n");
+  // Create a file in FOLDER1 using a path.
+  if (!"FOLDER1/FILE1.TXT", O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) {
+    error("create FOLDER1/FILE1.TXT failed");
+  }
+  file.close();
+  cout << pstr("Created FOLDER1/FILE1.TXT\n");
+  // Change volume working directory to FOLDER1.
+  if (!sd.chdir("FOLDER1")) error("chdir failed for FOLDER1.\n");
+  cout << pstr("chdir to FOLDER1\n");
+  // Create FILE2.TXT in current directory.
+  if (!"FILE2.TXT", O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) {
+    error("create FILE2.TXT failed");
+  }
+  file.close();
+  cout << pstr("Created FILE2.TXT in current directory\n");
+  cout << pstr("List of files on the SD.\n");
+"/", LS_R);
+  // Remove files from current directory.
+  if (!sd.remove("FILE1.TXT") || !sd.remove("FILE2.TXT")) error("remove failed");
+  cout << pstr("\nFILE1.TXT and FILE2.TXT removed.\n");
+  // Change current directory to root.
+  if (!sd.chdir()) error("chdir to root failed.\n");
+  cout << pstr("List of files on the SD.\n");
+  // Remove FOLDER1.
+  if (!sd.rmdir("FOLDER1")) error("rmdir for FOLDER1 failed\n");
+  cout << pstr("\nFOLDER1 removed, SD empty.\n");
+  cout << pstr("Done!\n");
+// Nothing happens in loop.
+void loop() {}

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Demo of fgets function to read lines from a file.
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+SdFat sd;
+// print stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash memory
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void demoFgets() {
+  char line[25];
+  int n;
+  // open test file
+  SdFile rdfile("FGETS.TXT", O_READ);
+  // check for open error
+  if (!rdfile.isOpen()) error("demoFgets");
+  cout << endl << pstr(
+    "Lines with '>' end with a '\\n' character\n"
+    "Lines with '#' do not end with a '\\n' character\n"
+    "\n");
+  // read lines from the file
+  while ((n = rdfile.fgets(line, sizeof(line))) > 0) {
+    if (line[n - 1] == '\n') {
+      cout << '>' << line;
+    } else {
+      cout << '#' << line << endl;
+    }
+  }
+void makeTestFile() {
+  // create or open test file
+  SdFile wrfile("FGETS.TXT", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
+  // check for open error
+  if (!wrfile.isOpen()) error("MakeTestFile");
+  // write test file
+  wrfile.write_P(PSTR(
+    "Line with CRLF\r\n"
+    "Line with only LF\n"
+    "Long line that will require an extra read\n"
+    "\n"  // empty line
+    "Line at EOF without NL"
+  ));
+  wrfile.close();
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // Wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  makeTestFile();
+  demoFgets();
+  cout << pstr("\nDone\n");
+void loop(void) {}

+ 66 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Print a table with various formatting options
+ * Format dates
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// create Serial stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// print a table to demonstrate format manipulators
+void example(void) {
+  const int max = 10;
+  const int width = 4;
+  for (int row = 1; row <= max; row++) {
+    for (int col = 1; col <= max; col++) {
+     cout << setw(width) << row * col << (col == max ? '\n' : ' ');
+    }
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+// print a date as mm/dd/yyyy with zero fill in mm and dd
+// shows how to set and restore the fill character
+void showDate(int m, int d, int y) {
+  // convert two digit year
+  if (y < 100) y += 2000;
+  // set new fill to '0' save old fill character
+  char old = cout.fill('0');
+  // print date
+  cout << setw(2) << m << '/' << setw(2) << d << '/' << y << endl;
+  // restore old fill character
+  cout.fill(old);
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  delay(2000);
+  cout << endl << "default formatting" << endl;
+  example();
+  cout << showpos << "showpos" << endl;
+  example();
+  cout << hex << left << showbase << "hex left showbase" << endl;
+  example();
+  cout << internal << setfill('0') << uppercase;
+  cout << "uppercase hex internal showbase fill('0')" <<endl;
+  example();
+  // restore default format flags and fill character
+  cout.flags(ios::dec | ios::right | ios::skipws);
+  cout.fill(' ');
+  cout << "showDate example" <<endl;
+  showDate(7, 4, 11);
+  showDate(12, 25, 11);
+void loop(void) {}

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Example of getline from section of the C++ standard
+ * Demonstrates the behavior of getline for various exceptions.
+ * See
+ *
+ * Note: This example is meant to demonstrate subtleties the standard and
+ * may not the best way to read a file.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// create a serial stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+void makeTestFile() {
+  ofstream sdout("GETLINE.TXT");
+  // use flash for text to save RAM
+  sdout << pstr(
+    "short line\n"
+    "\n"
+    "17 character line\n"
+    "too long for buffer\n"
+    "line with no nl");
+  sdout.close();
+void testGetline() {
+  const int line_buffer_size = 18;
+  char buffer[line_buffer_size];
+  ifstream sdin("GETLINE.TXT");
+  int line_number = 0;
+  while (sdin.getline(buffer, line_buffer_size, '\n') || sdin.gcount()) {
+    int count = sdin.gcount();
+    if ( {
+      cout << "Partial long line";
+      sdin.clear(sdin.rdstate() & ~ios_base::failbit);
+    } else if (sdin.eof()) {
+      cout << "Partial final line";  // is false
+    } else {
+      count--;  // Don’t include newline in count
+      cout << "Line " << ++line_number;
+    }
+    cout << " (" << count << " chars): " << buffer << endl;
+  }
+void setup(void) {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  // pstr stores strings in flash to save RAM
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // make the test file
+  makeTestFile();
+  // run the example
+  testGetline();
+  cout << "\nDone!\n";
+void loop(void) {}

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ *  This example reads a simple CSV, comma-separated values, file.
+ *  Each line of the file has three values, a long and two floats.
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system object
+SdFat sd;
+// create Serial stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+char fileName[] = "TESTFILE.CSV";
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+// read and print CSV test file
+void readFile() {
+  long lg;
+  float f1, f2;
+  char text[10];
+  char c1, c2, c3;  // space for commas.
+  // open input file
+  ifstream sdin(fileName);
+  // check for open error
+  if (!sdin.is_open()) error("open");
+  // read until input fails
+  while (1) {
+    // Get text field.
+    sdin.get(text, sizeof(text), ',');
+    // Assume EOF if fail.
+    if ( break;
+    // Get commas and numbers.
+    sdin >> c1 >> lg >> c2 >> f1 >> c3 >> f2;
+    // Skip CR/LF.
+    sdin.skipWhite();
+    if ( error("bad input");
+    // error in line if not commas
+    if (c1 != ',' || c2 != ',' || c3 != ',') error("comma");
+    // print in six character wide columns
+    cout << text << setw(6) << lg << setw(6) << f1 << setw(6) << f2 << endl;
+  }
+  // Error in an input line if file is not at EOF.
+  if (!sdin.eof()) error("readFile");
+// write test file
+void writeFile() {
+  // create or open and truncate output file
+  ofstream sdout(fileName);
+  // write file from string stored in flash
+  sdout << pstr(
+    "Line 1,1,2.3,4.5\n"
+    "Line 2,6,7.8,9.0\n"
+    "Line 3,9,8.7,6.5\n"
+    "Line 4,-4,-3.2,-1\n") << flush;
+  // check for any errors
+  if (!sdout) error("writeFile");
+  sdout.close();
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("Type any character to start\n");
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // create test file
+  writeFile();
+  cout << endl;
+  // read and print test
+  readFile();  
+  cout << "\nDone!" << endl;
+void loop() {}

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * This sketch demonstrates use of SdFile::rename() 
+ * and SdFat::rename().
+ */
+#include <SdFat.h>
+// SD chip select pin
+const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
+// file system
+SdFat sd;
+// Serial print stream
+ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
+// store error strings in flash to save RAM
+#define error(s) sd.errorHalt_P(PSTR(s))
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for Leonardo
+  cout << pstr("Insert an empty SD.  Type any character to start.") << endl;
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(400);  // catch Due reset problem
+  // initialize the SD card at SPI_HALF_SPEED to avoid bus errors with
+  // breadboards.  use SPI_FULL_SPEED for better performance.
+  if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();
+  // create a file and write one line to the file
+  SdFile file("NAME1.TXT", O_WRITE | O_CREAT);
+  if (!file.isOpen()) error("NAME1");
+  file.println("A test line for NAME1.TXT");
+  // rename the file NAME2.TXT and add a line.
+  // sd.vwd() is the volume working directory, root.
+  if (!file.rename(sd.vwd(), "NAME2.TXT")) error("NAME2");
+  file.println("A test line for NAME2.TXT");
+  // list files
+  cout << pstr("------") << endl;
+  // make a new directory - "DIR1"
+  if (!sd.mkdir("DIR1")) error("DIR1");
+  // move file into DIR1, rename it NAME3.TXT and add a line
+  if (!file.rename(sd.vwd(), "DIR1/NAME3.TXT")) error("NAME3");
+  file.println("A line for DIR1/NAME3.TXT");
+  // list files
+  cout << pstr("------") << endl;
+  // make directory "DIR2"
+  if (!sd.mkdir("DIR2")) error("DIR2");
+  // close file before rename(oldPath, newPath)
+  file.close();
+  // move DIR1 into DIR2 and rename it DIR3
+  if (!sd.rename("DIR1", "DIR2/DIR3")) error("DIR2/DIR3");
+  // open file for append in new location and add a line
+  if (!"DIR2/DIR3/NAME3.TXT", O_WRITE | O_APPEND)) {
+    error("DIR2/DIR3/NAME3.TXT");
+  }
+  file.println("A line for DIR2/DIR3/NAME3.TXT");
+  // list files
+  cout << pstr("------") << endl;
+  cout << pstr("Done") << endl;
+void loop() {}

+ 394 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef ios_h
+#define ios_h
+#include <SdBaseFile.h>
+ * \file 
+ * \brief \ref ios_base and \ref ios classes
+ */
+ * \class ios_base
+ * \brief Base class for all streams
+ */
+class ios_base {
+ public:
+  /** typedef for iostate bitmask */
+  typedef unsigned char iostate;
+  // State flags.
+  /** iostate for no flags */
+  static const iostate goodbit = 0x00;
+  /** iostate bad bit for a nonrecoverable error. */
+  static const iostate badbit = 0X01;
+  /** iostate bit for end of file reached */
+  static const iostate eofbit = 0x02;
+  /** iostate fail bit for nonfatal error */
+  static const iostate failbit = 0X04;
+  /**
+   * unsigned size that can represent maximum file size.
+   *  (violates spec - should be signed)
+   */
+  typedef uint32_t streamsize;
+  /** type for absolute seek position */
+  typedef uint32_t pos_type;
+  /** type for relative seek offset */
+  typedef int32_t off_type;
+  /** enumerated type for the direction of relative seeks */
+  enum seekdir {
+    /** seek relative to the beginning of the stream */
+    beg,
+    /** seek relative to the current stream position */
+    cur,
+    /** seek relative to the end of the stream */
+    end
+  };
+  /** type for format flags */
+  typedef unsigned int fmtflags;
+  /** left adjust fields */
+  static const fmtflags left       = 0x0001;
+  /** right adjust fields */
+  static const fmtflags right      = 0x0002;
+  /** fill between sign/base prefix and number */
+  static const fmtflags internal   = 0x0004;
+  /** base 10 flag*/
+  static const fmtflags dec        = 0x0008;
+  /** base 16 flag */
+  static const fmtflags hex        = 0x0010;
+  /** base 8 flag */
+  static const fmtflags oct        = 0x0020;
+  // static const fmtflags fixed      = 0x0040;
+  // static const fmtflags scientific = 0x0080;
+  /** use strings true/false for bool */
+  static const fmtflags boolalpha  = 0x0100;
+  /** use prefix 0X for hex and 0 for oct */
+  static const fmtflags showbase   = 0x0200;
+  /** always show '.' for floating numbers */
+  static const fmtflags showpoint  = 0x0400;
+  /** show + sign for nonnegative numbers */
+  static const fmtflags showpos    = 0x0800;
+  /** skip initial white space */
+  static const fmtflags skipws     = 0x1000;
+  // static const fmtflags unitbuf    = 0x2000;
+  /** use uppercase letters in number representations */
+  static const fmtflags uppercase  = 0x4000;
+  /** mask for adjustfield */
+  static const fmtflags adjustfield = left | right | internal;
+  /** mask for basefield */
+  static const fmtflags basefield   = dec | hex | oct;
+  // static const fmtflags floatfield  = scientific | fixed;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** typedef for iostream open mode */
+  typedef uint8_t openmode;
+  // Openmode flags.
+  /** seek to end before each write */
+  static const openmode app    = 0X4;
+  /** open and seek to end immediately after opening */
+  static const openmode ate    = 0X8;
+  /** perform input and output in binary mode (as opposed to text mode) */
+  static const openmode binary = 0X10;
+  /** open for input */
+  static const openmode in     = 0X20;
+  /** open for output */
+  static const openmode out    = 0X40;
+  /** truncate an existing stream when opening */
+  static const openmode trunc  = 0X80;
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ios_base() : m_fill(' '), m_fmtflags(dec | right | skipws)
+    , m_precision(2), m_width(0) {}
+  /** \return fill character */
+  char fill() {return m_fill;}
+  /** Set fill character
+   * \param[in] c new fill character
+   * \return old fill character
+   */
+  char fill(char c) {
+    char r = m_fill;
+    m_fill = c;
+    return r;
+  }
+  /** \return format flags */
+  fmtflags flags() const {return m_fmtflags;}
+  /** set format flags
+   * \param[in] fl new flag
+   * \return old flags
+   */
+  fmtflags flags(fmtflags fl) {
+    fmtflags tmp = m_fmtflags;
+    m_fmtflags = fl;
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /** \return precision */
+  int precision() const {return m_precision;}
+  /** set precision
+   * \param[in] n new precision
+   * \return old precision
+   */
+  int precision(unsigned int n) {
+    int r = m_precision;
+    m_precision = n;
+    return r;
+  }
+  /** set format flags
+   * \param[in] fl new flags to be or'ed in
+   * \return old flags
+   */
+  fmtflags setf(fmtflags fl) {
+    fmtflags r = m_fmtflags;
+    m_fmtflags |= fl;
+    return r;
+  }
+  /** modify format flags
+   * \param[in] mask flags to be removed
+   * \param[in] fl flags to be set after mask bits have been cleared
+   * \return old flags
+   */
+  fmtflags setf(fmtflags fl, fmtflags mask) {
+    fmtflags r = m_fmtflags;
+    m_fmtflags &= ~mask;
+    m_fmtflags |= fl;
+    return r;
+  }
+  /** clear format flags
+   * \param[in] fl flags to be cleared
+   * \return old flags
+   */
+  void unsetf(fmtflags fl) {
+    m_fmtflags &= ~fl;
+  }
+  /** \return width */
+  unsigned width() {return m_width;}
+  /** set width
+   * \param[in] n new width
+   * \return old width
+   */
+  unsigned width(unsigned n) {
+    unsigned r = m_width;
+    m_width = n;
+    return r;
+  }
+ protected:
+  /** \return current number base */
+  uint8_t flagsToBase() {
+    uint8_t f = flags() & basefield;
+    return f == oct ? 8 : f != hex ? 10 : 16;
+  }
+ private:
+  char m_fill;
+  fmtflags m_fmtflags;
+  unsigned char m_precision;
+  unsigned int m_width;
+/** function for boolalpha manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& boolalpha(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::boolalpha);
+  return str;
+/** function for dec manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& dec(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield);
+  return str;
+/** function for hex manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& hex(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield);
+  return str;
+/** function for internal manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& internal(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield);
+  return str;
+/** function for left manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& left(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield);
+  return str;
+/** function for noboolalpha manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& noboolalpha(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha);
+  return str;
+/** function for noshowbase manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& noshowbase(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::showbase);
+  return str;
+/** function for noshowpoint manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& noshowpoint(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint);
+  return str;
+/** function for noshowpos manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& noshowpos(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::showpos);
+  return str;
+/** function for noskipws manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& noskipws(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::skipws);
+  return str;
+/** function for nouppercase manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& nouppercase(ios_base& str) {
+  str.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase);
+  return str;
+/** function for oct manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& oct(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield);
+  return str;
+/** function for right manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& right(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield);
+  return str;
+/** function for showbase manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& showbase(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::showbase);
+  return str;
+/** function for showpos manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& showpos(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::showpos);
+  return str;
+/** function for showpoint manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& showpoint(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::showpoint);
+  return str;
+/** function for skipws manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& skipws(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::skipws);
+  return str;
+/** function for uppercase manipulator
+ * \param[in] str The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ios_base& uppercase(ios_base& str) {
+  str.setf(ios_base::uppercase);
+  return str;
+ * \class ios
+ * \brief Error and state information for all streams
+ */
+class ios : public ios_base {
+ public:
+  /** Create ios with no error flags set */
+  ios() : m_iostate(0) {}
+  /** \return null pointer if fail() is true. */
+  operator const void*() const {
+    return !fail() ? reinterpret_cast<const void*>(this) : 0;
+  }
+  /** \return true if fail() else false.  */
+  bool operator!() const {return fail();}
+  /** \return The iostate flags for this file. */
+  iostate rdstate() const {return m_iostate;}
+  /** \return True if no iostate flags are set else false. */
+  bool good() const {return m_iostate == goodbit;}
+  /** \return true if end of file has been reached else false.
+   *
+   * Warning: An empty file returns false before the first read.
+   *
+   * Moral: eof() is only useful in combination with fail(), to find out
+   * whether EOF was the cause for failure
+   */
+  bool eof() const {return m_iostate & eofbit;}
+  /** \return true if any iostate bit other than eof are set else false. */
+  bool fail() const {return m_iostate & (failbit | badbit);}
+  /** \return true if bad bit is set else false. */
+  bool bad() const {return m_iostate & badbit;}
+  /** Clear iostate bits.
+   *
+   * \param[in] state The flags you want to set after clearing all flags.
+   **/
+  void clear(iostate state = goodbit) {m_iostate = state;}
+  /** Set iostate bits.
+   *
+   * \param[in] state Bitts to set.
+   **/
+  void setstate(iostate state) {m_iostate |= state;}
+ private:
+  iostate m_iostate;
+#endif  // ios_h

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef iostream_h
+#define iostream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief \ref iostream class
+ */
+#include <istream.h>
+#include <ostream.h>
+/** Skip white space
+ * \param[in] is the Stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline istream& ws(istream& is) {
+  is.skipWhite();
+  return is;
+/** insert endline
+ * \param[in] os The Stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ostream& endl(ostream& os) {
+  os.put('\n');
+  os.flush();
+#endif  // ENDL_CALLS_FLUSH
+  return os;
+/** flush manipulator
+ * \param[in] os The stream
+ * \return The stream
+ */
+inline ostream& flush(ostream& os) {
+  os.flush();
+  return os;
+ * \struct setfill
+ * \brief type for setfill manipulator
+ */
+struct setfill {
+  /** fill character */
+  char c;
+  /** constructor
+   *
+   * \param[in] arg new fill character
+   */
+  explicit setfill(char arg) : c(arg) {}
+/** setfill manipulator
+ * \param[in] os the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setfill object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const setfill &arg) {
+  os.fill(arg.c);
+  return os;
+/** setfill manipulator
+ * \param[in] obj the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setfill object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline istream &operator>>(istream &obj, const setfill &arg) {
+  obj.fill(arg.c);
+  return obj;
+/** \struct setprecision
+ * \brief type for setprecision manipulator
+ */
+struct setprecision {
+  /** precision */
+  unsigned int p;
+  /** constructor
+   * \param[in] arg new precision
+   */
+  explicit setprecision(unsigned int arg) : p(arg) {}
+/** setprecision manipulator
+ * \param[in] os the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setprecision object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const setprecision &arg) {
+  os.precision(arg.p);
+  return os;
+/** setprecision manipulator
+ * \param[in] is the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setprecision object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline istream &operator>>(istream &is, const setprecision &arg) {
+  is.precision(arg.p);
+  return is;
+/** \struct setw
+ * \brief type for setw manipulator
+ */
+struct setw {
+  /** width */
+  unsigned w;
+  /** constructor
+   * \param[in] arg new width
+   */
+  explicit setw(unsigned arg) : w(arg) {}
+/** setw manipulator
+ * \param[in] os the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setw object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const setw &arg) {
+  os.width(arg.w);
+  return os;
+/** setw manipulator
+ * \param[in] is the stream
+ * \param[in] arg set setw object
+ * \return the stream
+ */
+inline istream &operator>>(istream &is, const setw &arg) {
+  is.width(arg.w);
+  return is;
+ * \class iostream
+ * \brief Input/Output stream
+ */
+class iostream : public istream, public ostream {
+#endif  // iostream_h

+ 411 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <float.h>
+#include <istream.h>
+ * Extract a character if one is available.
+ *
+ * \return The character or -1 if a failure occurs.  A failure is indicated
+ * by the stream state.
+ */
+int istream::get() {
+  int c;
+  m_gcount = 0;
+  c = getch();
+  if (c < 0) {
+    setstate(failbit);
+  } else {
+    m_gcount = 1;
+  }
+  return c;
+ * Extract a character if one is available.
+ *
+ * \param[out] c location to receive the extracted character.
+ *
+ * \return always returns *this. A failure is indicated by the stream state.
+ */
+istream& istream::get(char& c) {
+  int tmp = get();
+  if (tmp >= 0) c = tmp;
+  return *this;
+ * Extract characters. 
+ *
+ * \param[out] str Location to receive extracted characters.
+ * \param[in] n Size of str.
+ * \param[in] delim Delimiter
+ *
+ * Characters are extracted until extraction fails, n is less than 1,
+ * n-1 characters are extracted, or the next character equals
+ * \a delim (delim is not extracted). If no characters are extracted
+ * failbit is set.  If end-of-file occurs the eofbit is set.
+ *
+ * \return always returns *this. A failure is indicated by the stream state.
+ */
+istream& istream::get(char *str, streamsize n, char delim) {
+  int c;
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  m_gcount = 0;
+  while ((m_gcount + 1)  < n) {
+    c = getch(&pos);
+    if (c < 0) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (c == delim) {
+      setpos(&pos);
+      break;
+    }
+    str[m_gcount++] = c;
+  }
+  if (n > 0) str[m_gcount] = '\0';
+  if (m_gcount == 0) setstate(failbit);
+  return *this;
+void istream::getBool(bool *b) {
+  if ((flags() & boolalpha) == 0) {
+    getNumber(b);
+    return;
+  }
+  PGM_P truePtr = PSTR("true");
+  PGM_P falsePtr = PSTR("false");
+  const uint8_t true_len = 4;
+  const uint8_t false_len = 5;
+  bool trueOk = true;
+  bool falseOk = true;
+  uint8_t i = 0;
+  int c = readSkip();
+  while (1) {
+    falseOk = falseOk && c == pgm_read_byte(falsePtr + i);
+    trueOk = trueOk && c == pgm_read_byte(truePtr + i);
+    if (trueOk == false && falseOk == false) break;
+    i++;
+    if (trueOk && i == true_len) {
+      *b = true;
+      return;
+    }
+    if (falseOk && i == false_len) {
+      *b = false;
+      return;
+    }
+    c = getch();
+  }
+  setstate(failbit);
+void istream::getChar(char* ch) {
+  int16_t c = readSkip();
+  if (c < 0) {
+    setstate(failbit);
+  } else {
+    *ch = c;
+  }
+int16_t const EXP_LIMIT = 100;
+static const uint32_t uint32_max = (uint32_t)-1;
+bool istream::getDouble(double* value) {
+  bool got_digit = false;
+  bool got_dot = false;
+  bool neg;
+  int16_t c;
+  bool expNeg = false;
+  int16_t exp = 0;
+  int16_t fracExp = 0;
+  uint32_t frac = 0;
+  FatPos_t endPos;
+  double pow10;
+  double v;
+  getpos(&endPos);
+  c = readSkip();
+  neg = c == '-';
+  if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
+    c = getch();
+  }
+  while (1) {
+    if (isdigit(c)) {
+      got_digit = true;
+      if (frac < uint32_max/10) {
+        frac = frac * 10 + (c  - '0');
+        if (got_dot) fracExp--;
+      } else {
+        if (!got_dot) fracExp++;
+      }
+    } else if (!got_dot && c == '.') {
+      got_dot = true;
+    } else {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (fracExp < -EXP_LIMIT || fracExp > EXP_LIMIT) goto fail;
+    c = getch(&endPos);
+  }
+  if (!got_digit) goto fail;
+  if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
+    c = getch();
+    expNeg = c == '-';
+    if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
+      c = getch();
+    }
+    while (isdigit(c)) {
+      if (exp > EXP_LIMIT) goto fail;
+      exp = exp * 10 + (c - '0');
+      c = getch(&endPos);
+    }
+  }
+  v = static_cast<double>(frac);
+  exp = expNeg ? fracExp - exp : fracExp + exp;
+  expNeg = exp < 0;
+  if (expNeg) exp = -exp;
+  pow10 = 10.0;
+  while (exp) {
+    if (exp & 1) {
+      if (expNeg) {
+        // check for underflow
+        if (v < FLT_MIN * pow10  && frac != 0) goto fail;
+        v /= pow10;
+      } else {
+        // check for overflow
+        if (v > FLT_MAX / pow10) goto fail;
+        v *= pow10;
+      }
+    }
+    pow10 *= pow10;
+    exp >>= 1;
+  }
+  setpos(&endPos);
+  *value = neg ? -v : v;
+  return true;
+ fail:
+  // error restore position to last good place
+  setpos(&endPos);
+  setstate(failbit);
+  return false;
+ * Extract characters
+ *
+ * \param[out] str Location to receive extracted characters.
+ * \param[in] n Size of str.
+ * \param[in] delim Delimiter
+ *
+ * Characters are extracted until extraction fails,
+ * the next character equals \a delim (delim is extracted), or n-1
+ * characters are extracted.
+ *
+ * The failbit is set if no characters are extracted or n-1 characters
+ * are extracted.  If end-of-file occurs the eofbit is set.
+ *
+ * \return always returns *this. A failure is indicated by the stream state.
+ */
+istream& istream::getline(char *str, streamsize n, char delim) {
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  int c;
+  m_gcount = 0;
+  if (n > 0) str[0] = '\0';
+  while (1) {
+    c = getch(&pos);
+    if (c < 0) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (c == delim) {
+      m_gcount++;
+      break;
+    }
+    if ((m_gcount + 1)  >=  n) {
+      setpos(&pos);
+      setstate(failbit);
+      break;
+    }
+    str[m_gcount++] = c;
+    str[m_gcount] = '\0';
+  }
+  if (m_gcount == 0) setstate(failbit);
+  return *this;
+bool istream::getNumber(uint32_t posMax, uint32_t negMax, uint32_t* num) {
+  int16_t c;
+  int8_t any = 0;
+  int8_t have_zero = 0;
+  uint8_t neg;
+  uint32_t val = 0;
+  uint32_t cutoff;
+  uint8_t cutlim;
+  FatPos_t endPos;
+  uint8_t f = flags() & basefield;
+  uint8_t base = f == oct ? 8 : f != hex ? 10 : 16;
+  getpos(&endPos);
+  c = readSkip();
+  neg = c == '-' ? 1 : 0;
+  if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
+    c = getch();
+  }
+  if (base == 16 && c == '0') {  // TESTSUITE
+    c = getch(&endPos);
+    if (c == 'X' || c == 'x') {
+      c = getch();
+      // remember zero in case no hex digits follow x/X
+      have_zero = 1;
+    } else {
+      any = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  // set values for overflow test
+  cutoff = neg ? negMax : posMax;
+  cutlim = cutoff % base;
+  cutoff /= base;
+  while (1) {
+    if (isdigit(c)) {
+      c -= '0';
+    } else if (isalpha(c)) {
+      c -= isupper(c) ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10;
+    } else {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (c >= base) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (val > cutoff || (val == cutoff && c > cutlim)) {
+      // indicate overflow error
+      any = -1;
+      break;
+    }
+    val = val * base + c;
+    c = getch(&endPos);
+    any = 1;
+  }
+  setpos(&endPos);
+  if (any > 0 || (have_zero && any >= 0)) {
+    *num =  neg ? -val : val;
+    return true;
+  }
+  setstate(failbit);
+  return false;
+ *
+ */
+void istream::getStr(char *str) {
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  uint16_t i = 0;
+  uint16_t m = width() ? width() - 1 : 0XFFFE;
+  if (m != 0) {
+    getpos(&pos);
+    int c = readSkip();
+    while (i < m) {
+      if (c < 0) {
+        break;
+      }
+      if (isspace(c)) {
+        setpos(&pos);
+        break;
+      }
+      str[i++] = c;
+      c = getch(&pos);
+    }
+  }
+  str[i] = '\0';
+  if (i == 0) setstate(failbit);
+  width(0);
+ * Extract characters and discard them.
+ *
+ * \param[in] n maximum number of characters to ignore.
+ * \param[in] delim Delimiter.
+ *
+ * Characters are extracted until extraction fails, \a n characters
+ * are extracted, or the next input character equals \a delim
+ * (the delimiter is extracted).  If end-of-file occurs the eofbit is set.
+ *
+ * Failures are indicated by the state of the stream.
+ *
+ * \return *this
+ *
+ */
+istream& istream::ignore(streamsize n, int delim) {
+  int c;
+  m_gcount = 0;
+  while (m_gcount < n) {
+    c = getch();
+    if (c < 0) {
+      break;
+    }
+    m_gcount++;
+    if (c == delim) break;
+  }
+  return *this;
+ * Return the next available character without consuming it.
+ *
+ * \return The character if the stream state is good else -1;
+ *
+ */
+int istream::peek() {
+  int16_t c;
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  m_gcount = 0;
+  getpos(&pos);
+  c = getch();
+  if (c < 0) {
+    if (!bad()) setstate(eofbit);
+  } else {
+    setpos(&pos);
+  }
+  return c;
+int16_t istream::readSkip() {
+  int16_t c;
+  do {
+    c = getch();
+  } while (isspace(c) && (flags() & skipws));
+  return c;
+/** used to implement ws() */
+void istream::skipWhite() {
+  int c;
+  FatPos_t pos;
+  do {
+    c = getch(&pos);
+  } while (isspace(c));
+  setpos(&pos);

+ 307 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef istream_h
+#define istream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief \ref istream class
+ */
+#include <ios.h>
+ * \class istream
+ * \brief Input Stream
+ */
+class istream : public virtual ios {
+ public:
+  istream() {}
+  /** call manipulator
+   * \param[in] pf function to call
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  istream& operator>>(istream& (*pf)(istream& str)) {
+    return pf(*this);
+  }
+  /** call manipulator
+   * \param[in] pf function to call
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  istream& operator>>(ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base& str)) {
+    pf(*this);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** call manipulator
+   * \param[in] pf function to call
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  istream& operator>>(ios& (*pf)(ios& str)) {
+    pf(*this);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character string
+  * \param[out] str location to store the string.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(char *str) {
+    getStr(str);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character
+  * \param[out] ch location to store the character.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(char& ch) {
+    getChar(&ch);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character string
+  * \param[out] str location to store the string.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(signed char *str) {
+    getStr(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str));
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character
+  * \param[out] ch location to store the character.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(signed char& ch) {
+    getChar(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ch));
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character string
+  * \param[out] str location to store the string.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(unsigned char *str) {
+    getStr(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str));
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a character
+  * \param[out] ch location to store the character.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(unsigned char& ch) {
+    getChar(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ch));
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type bool.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream& operator>>(bool& arg) {
+    getBool(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type short.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(short& arg) {  // NOLINT
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type unsigned short.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(unsigned short& arg) {  // NOLINT
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type int.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(int& arg) {
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type unsigned int.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(unsigned int& arg) {
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type long.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(long& arg) {  // NOLINT
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type unsigned long.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>>(unsigned long& arg) {  // NOLINT
+    getNumber(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+   /**
+  * Extract a value of type double.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>> (double& arg) {
+    getDouble(&arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ /**
+  * Extract a value of type float.
+  * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+  * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+  */
+  istream &operator>> (float& arg) {
+    double v;
+    getDouble(&v);
+    arg = v;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Extract a value of type void*.
+   * \param[out] arg location to store the value.
+   * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+   */
+  istream& operator>> (void*& arg) {
+    uint32_t val;
+    getNumber(&val);
+    arg = reinterpret_cast<void*>(val);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * \return The number of characters extracted by the last unformatted
+   * input function.
+   */
+  streamsize gcount() const {return m_gcount;}
+  int get();
+  istream& get(char& ch);
+  istream& get(char *str, streamsize n, char delim = '\n');
+  istream& getline(char *str, streamsize count, char delim = '\n');
+  istream& ignore(streamsize n = 1, int delim= -1);
+  int peek();
+// istream& read(char *str, streamsize count);
+// streamsize readsome(char *str, streamsize count);
+  /**
+   * \return the stream position
+   */
+  pos_type tellg() {return tellpos();}
+  /**
+   * Set the stream position
+   * \param[in] pos The absolute position in which to move the read pointer.
+   * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+   */
+  istream& seekg(pos_type pos) {
+    if (!seekpos(pos)) setstate(failbit);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the stream position.
+   *
+   * \param[in] off An offset to move the read pointer relative to way.
+   * \a off is a signed 32-bit int so the offset is limited to +- 2GB.
+   * \param[in] way One of ios::beg, ios::cur, or ios::end.
+   * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+   */
+  istream& seekg(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+    if (!seekoff(off, way)) setstate(failbit);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void skipWhite();
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+   /**
+   * Internal - do not use
+   * \return
+   */
+  virtual int16_t getch() = 0;
+  /**
+   * Internal - do not use
+   * \param[out] pos
+   * \return
+   */
+  int16_t getch(FatPos_t* pos) {
+    getpos(pos);
+    return getch();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Internal - do not use
+   * \param[out] pos
+   */
+  virtual void getpos(FatPos_t* pos) = 0;
+  /**
+   * Internal - do not use
+   * \param[in] pos
+   */
+  virtual bool seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way) = 0;
+  virtual bool seekpos(pos_type pos) = 0;
+  virtual void setpos(FatPos_t* pos) = 0;
+  virtual pos_type tellpos() = 0;
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  void getBool(bool *b);
+  void getChar(char* ch);
+  bool getDouble(double* value);
+  template <typename T>  void getNumber(T* value);
+  bool getNumber(uint32_t posMax, uint32_t negMax, uint32_t* num);
+  void getStr(char *str);
+  int16_t readSkip();
+  size_t m_gcount;
+template <typename T>
+void istream::getNumber(T* value) {
+  uint32_t tmp;
+  if ((T)-1 < 0) {
+    // number is signed, max positive value
+    uint32_t const m = ((uint32_t)-1) >> (33 - sizeof(T) * 8);
+    // max absolute value of negative number is m + 1.
+    if (getNumber(m, m + 1, &tmp)) {
+      *value = (T)tmp;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // max unsigned value for T
+    uint32_t const m = (T)-1;
+    if (getNumber(m, m, &tmp)) {
+      *value = (T)tmp;
+    }
+  }
+#endif  // istream_h

+ 176 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <ostream.h>
+#ifndef PSTR
+#define PSTR(x) x
+void ostream::do_fill(unsigned len) {
+  for (; len < width(); len++) putch(fill());
+  width(0);
+void ostream::fill_not_left(unsigned len) {
+  if ((flags() & adjustfield) != left) {
+    do_fill(len);
+  }
+char* ostream::fmtNum(uint32_t n, char *ptr, uint8_t base) {
+  char a = flags() & uppercase ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10;
+  do {
+    uint32_t m = n;
+    n /= base;
+    char c = m - base * n;
+    *--ptr = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + a;
+  } while (n);
+  return ptr;
+void ostream::putBool(bool b) {
+  if (flags() & boolalpha) {
+    if (b) {
+      putPgm(PSTR("true"));
+    } else {
+      putPgm(PSTR("false"));
+    }
+  } else {
+    putChar(b ? '1' : '0');
+  }
+void ostream::putChar(char c) {
+  fill_not_left(1);
+  putch(c);
+  do_fill(1);
+void ostream::putDouble(double n) {
+  uint8_t nd = precision();
+  double round = 0.5;
+  char sign;
+  char buf[13];  // room for sign, 10 digits, '.', and zero byte
+  char *end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
+  char *str = end;
+  // terminate string
+  *end = '\0';
+  // get sign and make nonnegative
+  if (n < 0.0) {
+    sign = '-';
+    n = -n;
+  } else {
+    sign = flags() & showpos ? '+' : '\0';
+  }
+  // check for larger than uint32_t
+  if (n > 4.0E9) {
+    putPgm(PSTR("BIG FLT"));
+    return;
+  }
+  // round up and separate in and fraction parts
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nd; ++i) round *= 0.1;
+  n += round;
+  uint32_t intPart = n;
+  double fractionPart = n - intPart;
+  // format intPart and decimal point
+  if (nd || (flags() & showpoint)) *--str = '.';
+  str = fmtNum(intPart, str, 10);
+  // calculate length for fill
+  uint8_t len = sign ? 1 : 0;
+  len += nd + end - str;
+  // extract adjust field
+  fmtflags adj = flags() & adjustfield;
+  if (adj == internal) {
+    if (sign) putch(sign);
+    do_fill(len);
+  } else {
+    // do fill for internal or right
+    fill_not_left(len);
+    if (sign) *--str = sign;
+  }
+  putstr(str);
+  // output fraction
+  while (nd-- > 0) {
+    fractionPart *= 10.0;
+    int digit = static_cast<int>(fractionPart);
+    putch(digit + '0');
+    fractionPart -= digit;
+  }
+  // do fill if not done above
+  do_fill(len);
+void ostream::putNum(int32_t n) {
+  bool neg = n < 0 && flagsToBase() == 10;
+  if (neg) n = -n;
+  putNum(n, neg);
+void ostream::putNum(uint32_t n, bool neg) {
+  char buf[13];
+  char* end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
+  char* num;
+  char* str;
+  uint8_t base = flagsToBase();
+  *end = '\0';
+  str = num = fmtNum(n, end, base);
+  if (base == 10) {
+    if (neg) {
+      *--str = '-';
+    } else if (flags() & showpos) {
+      *--str = '+';
+    }
+  } else if (flags() & showbase) {
+    if (flags() & hex) {
+      *--str = flags() & uppercase ? 'X' : 'x';
+    }
+    *--str = '0';
+  }
+  uint8_t len = end - str;
+  fmtflags adj = flags() & adjustfield;
+  if (adj == internal) {
+    while (str < num) putch(*str++);
+  }
+  if (adj != left) {
+    do_fill(len);
+  }
+  putstr(str);
+  do_fill(len);
+void ostream::putPgm(const char* str) {
+  int n;
+  for (n = 0; pgm_read_byte(&str[n]); n++) {}
+  fill_not_left(n);
+  for (uint8_t c; (c = pgm_read_byte(str)); str++) {
+    putch(c);
+  }
+  do_fill(n);
+void ostream::putStr(const char *str) {
+  unsigned n = strlen(str);
+  fill_not_left(n);
+  putstr(str);
+  do_fill(n);

+ 287 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef ostream_h
+#define ostream_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief \ref ostream class
+ */
+#include <ios.h>
+/** macro for flash inserter */
+#define pstr(str) pgm(PSTR(str))
+/** \struct pgm
+ * \brief type for string in flash
+ */
+struct pgm {
+  /** Pointer to flash string */
+  char *ptr;
+  /** constructor
+   * \param[in] str initializer for pointer.
+   */
+  explicit pgm(char* str) : ptr(str) {}
+  /** constructor
+   * \param[in] str initializer for pointer.
+   */
+  explicit pgm(const char *str) : ptr(const_cast<char*>(str)) {}
+ * \class ostream
+ * \brief Output Stream
+ */
+class ostream : public virtual ios {
+ public:
+  ostream() {}
+  /** call manipulator
+   * \param[in] pf function to call
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream& operator<< (ostream& (*pf)(ostream& str)) {
+    return pf(*this);
+  }
+  /** call manipulator
+   * \param[in] pf function to call
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream& operator<< (ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base& str)) {
+    pf(*this);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output bool
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (bool arg) {
+    putBool(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output string
+   * \param[in] arg string to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (const char *arg) {
+    putStr(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output string
+   * \param[in] arg string to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (const signed char *arg) {
+    putStr((const char*)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output string
+   * \param[in] arg string to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (const unsigned char *arg) {
+    putStr((const char*)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output character
+   * \param[in] arg character to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (char arg) {
+    putChar(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output character
+   * \param[in] arg character to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (signed char arg) {
+    putChar(static_cast<char>(arg));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output character
+   * \param[in] arg character to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (unsigned char arg) {
+    putChar(static_cast<char>(arg));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output double
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (double arg) {
+    putDouble(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output float
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (float arg) {
+    putDouble(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output signed short
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (short arg) {  // NOLINT
+    putNum((int32_t)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output unsigned short
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (unsigned short arg) {  // NOLINT
+    putNum((uint32_t)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output signed int
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (int arg) {
+    putNum((int32_t)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output unsigned int
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (unsigned int arg) {
+    putNum((uint32_t)arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output signed long
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (long arg) {  // NOLINT
+    putNum(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output unsigned long
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (unsigned long arg) {  // NOLINT
+    putNum(arg);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output pointer
+   * \param[in] arg value to output
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream& operator<< (const void* arg) {
+    putNum(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(arg));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output a string from flash using the pstr() macro
+   * \param[in] arg pgm struct pointing to string
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (pgm arg) {
+    putPgm(arg.ptr);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /** Output a string from flash using the Arduino F() macro.
+   * \param[in] arg pointing to flash string
+   * \return the stream
+   */
+  ostream &operator<< (const __FlashStringHelper *arg) {
+    putPgm(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(arg));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Puts a character in a stream.
+   *
+   * The unformatted output function inserts the element \a ch.
+   * It returns *this.
+   *
+   * \param[in] ch The character
+   * \return A reference to the ostream object.
+   */
+  ostream& put(char ch) {
+    putch(ch);
+    return *this;
+  }
+//  ostream& write(char *str, streamsize count);
+  /**
+   * Flushes the buffer associated with this stream. The flush function
+   * calls the sync function of the associated file.
+   * \return A reference to the ostream object.
+   */
+  ostream& flush() {
+    if (!sync()) setstate(badbit);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * \return the stream position
+   */
+  pos_type tellp() {return tellpos();}
+  /**
+   * Set the stream position
+   * \param[in] pos The absolute position in which to move the write pointer.
+   * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+   */
+  ostream& seekp(pos_type pos) {
+    if (!seekpos(pos)) setstate(failbit);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the stream position.
+   *
+   * \param[in] off An offset to move the write pointer relative to way.
+   * \a off is a signed 32-bit int so the offset is limited to +- 2GB.
+   * \param[in] way One of ios::beg, ios::cur, or ios::end.
+   * \return Is always *this.  Failure is indicated by the state of *this.
+   */
+  ostream& seekp(off_type off, seekdir way) {
+    if (!seekoff(off, way)) setstate(failbit);
+    return *this;
+  }
+ protected:
+  /// @cond SHOW_PROTECTED
+  /** Put character with binary/text conversion
+   * \param[in] ch character to write
+   */
+  virtual void putch(char ch) = 0;
+  virtual void putstr(const char *str) = 0;
+  virtual bool seekoff(off_type pos, seekdir way) = 0;
+  virtual bool seekpos(pos_type pos) = 0;
+  virtual bool sync() = 0;
+  virtual pos_type tellpos() = 0;
+  /// @endcond
+ private:
+  void do_fill(unsigned len);
+  void fill_not_left(unsigned len);
+  char* fmtNum(uint32_t n, char *ptr, uint8_t base);
+  void putBool(bool b);
+  void putChar(char c);
+  void putDouble(double n);
+  void putNum(uint32_t n, bool neg = false);
+  void putNum(int32_t n);
+  void putPgm(const char* str);
+  void putStr(const char* str);
+#endif  // ostream_h

+ 518 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+/* Arduino DigitalIO Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino DigitalIO Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino DigitalIO Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ * @file
+ * @brief Fast Digital Pin functions
+ *
+ * @defgroup digitalPin Fast Pin I/O
+ * @details  Fast Digital I/O functions and template class.
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef DigitalPin_h
+#define DigitalPin_h
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <util/atomic.h>
+ * @class pin_map_t
+ * @brief struct for mapping digital pins
+ */
+struct pin_map_t {
+  volatile uint8_t* ddr;   /**< address of DDR for this pin */
+  volatile uint8_t* pin;   /**< address of PIN for this pin */
+  volatile uint8_t* port;  /**< address of PORT for this pin */
+  uint8_t bit;             /**< bit number for this pin */
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)\
+// 168 and 328 Arduinos
+const static pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0  0
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1  1
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2  2
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3  3
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4  4
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 5},  // D5  5
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6},  // D6  6
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7  7
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0  8
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1  9
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2 10
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3 11
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4 12
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5 13
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 0},  // C0 14
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 1},  // C1 15
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 2},  // C2 16
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 3},  // C3 17
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 4},  // C4 18
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 5}   // C5 19
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
+// Mega
+static const pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 0},  // E0  0
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 1},  // E1  1
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 4},  // E4  2
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 5},  // E5  3
+  {&DDRG, &PING, &PORTG, 5},  // G5  4
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 3},  // E3  5
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 3},  // H3  6
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 4},  // H4  7
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 5},  // H5  8
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 6},  // H6  9
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4 10
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5 11
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6 12
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7},  // B7 13
+  {&DDRJ, &PINJ, &PORTJ, 1},  // J1 14
+  {&DDRJ, &PINJ, &PORTJ, 0},  // J0 15
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 1},  // H1 16
+  {&DDRH, &PINH, &PORTH, 0},  // H0 17
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3 18
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2 19
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1 20
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0 21
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 0},  // A0 22
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 1},  // A1 23
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 2},  // A2 24
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 3},  // A3 25
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 4},  // A4 26
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 5},  // A5 27
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 6},  // A6 28
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 7},  // A7 29
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7},  // C7 30
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6},  // C6 31
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 5},  // C5 32
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 4},  // C4 33
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 3},  // C3 34
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 2},  // C2 35
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 1},  // C1 36
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 0},  // C0 37
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7 38
+  {&DDRG, &PING, &PORTG, 2},  // G2 39
+  {&DDRG, &PING, &PORTG, 1},  // G1 40
+  {&DDRG, &PING, &PORTG, 0},  // G0 41
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 7},  // L7 42
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 6},  // L6 43
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 5},  // L5 44
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 4},  // L4 45
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 3},  // L3 46
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 2},  // L2 47
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 1},  // L1 48
+  {&DDRL, &PINL, &PORTL, 0},  // L0 49
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3 50
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2 51
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1 52
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0 53
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0},  // F0 54
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1},  // F1 55
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 2},  // F2 56
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 3},  // F3 57
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4},  // F4 58
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5},  // F5 59
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6},  // F6 60
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7},  // F7 61
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 0},  // K0 62
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 1},  // K1 63
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 2},  // K2 64
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 3},  // K3 65
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 4},  // K4 66
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 5},  // K5 67
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 6},  // K6 68
+  {&DDRK, &PINK, &PORTK, 7}   // K7 69
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega644__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega64__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega32__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega324__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_ATmega16__)
+// Mighty Layout
+static const pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0  0
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1  1
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2  2
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3  3
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4  4
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5  5
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6  6
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7},  // B7  7
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0  8
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1  9
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2 10
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3 11
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4 12
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 5},  // D5 13
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6},  // D6 14
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7 15
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 0},  // C0 16
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 1},  // C1 17
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 2},  // C2 18
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 3},  // C3 19
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 4},  // C4 20
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 5},  // C5 21
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6},  // C6 22
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7},  // C7 23
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 0},  // A0 24
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 1},  // A1 25
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 2},  // A2 26
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 3},  // A3 27
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 4},  // A4 28
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 5},  // A5 29
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 6},  // A6 30
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 7}   // A7 31
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
+// Teensy 2.0
+static const pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0  0
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1  1
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2  2
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3  3
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7},  // B7  4
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0  5
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1  6
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2  7
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3  8
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6},  // C6  9
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7},  // C7 10
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6},  // D6 11
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7 12
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4 13
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5 14
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6 15
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7},  // F7 16
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6},  // F6 17
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5},  // F5 18
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4},  // F4 19
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1},  // F1 20
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0},  // F0 21
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4 22
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 5},  // D5 23
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 6}   // E6 24
+#else  // CORE_TEENSY
+// Leonardo
+static const pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2  0
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3  1
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1  2
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0  3
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4  4
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6},  // C6  5
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7  6
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 6},  // E6  7
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4  8
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5  9
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6 10
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7},  // B7 11
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6},  // D6 12
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7},  // C7 13
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3 14
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1 15
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2 16
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0 17
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7},  // F7 18
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6},  // F6 19
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5},  // F5 20
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4},  // F4 21
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1},  // F1 22
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0},  // F0 23
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4 24
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7 25
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4 26
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5 27
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6 28
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6}   // D6 29
+#endif  // CORE_TEENSY
+#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__)\
+|| defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__)
+// Teensy++ 1.0 & 2.0
+static const pin_map_t pinMap[] = {
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 0},  // D0  0
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 1},  // D1  1
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 2},  // D2  2
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 3},  // D3  3
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 4},  // D4  4
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 5},  // D5  5
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 6},  // D6  6
+  {&DDRD, &PIND, &PORTD, 7},  // D7  7
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 0},  // E0  8
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 1},  // E1  9
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 0},  // C0 10
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 1},  // C1 11
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 2},  // C2 12
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 3},  // C3 13
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 4},  // C4 14
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 5},  // C5 15
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 6},  // C6 16
+  {&DDRC, &PINC, &PORTC, 7},  // C7 17
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 6},  // E6 18
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 7},  // E7 19
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 0},  // B0 20
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 1},  // B1 21
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 2},  // B2 22
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 3},  // B3 23
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 4},  // B4 24
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 5},  // B5 25
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 6},  // B6 26
+  {&DDRB, &PINB, &PORTB, 7},  // B7 27
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 0},  // A0 28
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 1},  // A1 29
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 2},  // A2 30
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 3},  // A3 31
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 4},  // A4 32
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 5},  // A5 33
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 6},  // A6 34
+  {&DDRA, &PINA, &PORTA, 7},  // A7 35
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 4},  // E4 36
+  {&DDRE, &PINE, &PORTE, 5},  // E5 37
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 0},  // F0 38
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 1},  // F1 39
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 2},  // F2 40
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 3},  // F3 41
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 4},  // F4 42
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 5},  // F5 43
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 6},  // F6 44
+  {&DDRF, &PINF, &PORTF, 7}   // F7 45
+#else  // CPU type
+#error unknown CPU type
+#endif  // CPU type
+/** count of pins */
+static const uint8_t digitalPinCount = sizeof(pinMap)/sizeof(pin_map_t);
+/** generate bad pin number error */
+void badPinNumber(void)
+  __attribute__((error("Pin number is too large or not a constant")));
+/** Check for valid pin number
+ * @param[in] pin Number of pin to be checked.
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void badPinCheck(uint8_t pin) {
+  if (!__builtin_constant_p(pin) || pin >= digitalPinCount) {
+     badPinNumber();
+  }
+/** fast write helper
+ * @param[in] address I/O register address
+ * @param[in] bit bit number to write
+ * @param[in] level value for bit
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void fastBitWriteSafe(volatile uint8_t* address, uint8_t bit, bool level) {
+  uint8_t oldSREG;
+  if (address > (uint8_t*)0X5F) {
+    oldSREG = SREG;
+    cli();
+  }
+  if (level) {
+    *address |= 1 << bit;
+  } else {
+    *address &= ~(1 << bit);
+  }
+  if (address > (uint8_t*)0X5F) {
+    SREG = oldSREG;
+  }
+/** read pin value
+ * @param[in] pin Arduino pin number
+ * @return value read
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+bool fastDigitalRead(uint8_t pin) {
+  badPinCheck(pin);
+  return (*pinMap[pin].pin >> pinMap[pin].bit) & 1;
+/** toggle a pin
+ * @param[in] pin Arduino pin number
+ *
+ * If the pin is in output mode toggle the pin level.
+ * If the pin is in input mode toggle the state of the 20K pullup.
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void fastDigitalToggle(uint8_t pin) {
+  badPinCheck(pin);
+    if (pinMap[pin].pin > (uint8_t*)0X5F) {
+      // must write bit to high address port
+      *pinMap[pin].pin = 1 << pinMap[pin].bit;
+    } else {
+      // will compile to sbi and PIN register will not be read.
+      *pinMap[pin].pin |= 1 << pinMap[pin].bit;
+    }
+/** Set pin value
+ * @param[in] pin Arduino pin number
+ * @param[in] level value to write
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void fastDigitalWrite(uint8_t pin, bool level) {
+  badPinCheck(pin);
+  fastBitWriteSafe(pinMap[pin].port, pinMap[pin].bit, level);
+/** set pin mode
+ * @param[in] pin Arduino pin number
+ * @param[in] mode if true set output mode else input mode
+ *
+ * fastPinMode does not enable or disable the 20K pullup for input mode.
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void fastPinMode(uint8_t pin, bool mode) {
+  badPinCheck(pin);
+  fastBitWriteSafe(pinMap[pin].ddr, pinMap[pin].bit, mode);
+/** set pin configuration
+ * @param[in] pin Arduino pin number
+ * @param[in] mode If true set output mode else input mode
+ * @param[in] level If mode is output, set level high/low.
+ *                  If mode is input, enable or disable the pin's 20K pullup.
+ */
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+void fastPinConfig(uint8_t pin, bool mode, bool level) {
+  fastPinMode(pin, mode);
+  fastDigitalWrite(pin, level);
+ * @class DigitalPin
+ * @brief Fast AVR digital port I/O
+ */
+template<uint8_t PinNumber>
+class DigitalPin {
+ public:
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Constructor */
+  DigitalPin() {}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Constructor
+   * @param[in] pinMode if true set output mode else input mode.
+   */
+  explicit DigitalPin(bool pinMode) {
+    mode(pinMode);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Constructor
+   * @param[in] mode If true set output mode else input mode
+   * @param[in] level If mode is output, set level high/low.
+   *                  If mode is input, enable or disable the pin's 20K pullup.
+   */
+  DigitalPin(bool mode, bool level) {
+    config(mode, level);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Asignment operator
+   * @param[in] value If true set the pin's level high else set the
+   *  pin's level low.
+   *
+   * @return This DigitalPin instance.
+   */
+  inline DigitalPin & operator = (bool value) __attribute__((always_inline)) {
+    write(value);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Parenthesis operator
+   * @return Pin's level
+   */
+	inline operator bool () const __attribute__((always_inline)) {
+    return read();
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** set pin configuration
+   * @param[in] mode If true set output mode else input mode
+   * @param[in] level If mode is output, set level high/low.
+   *                  If mode is input, enable or disable the pin's 20K pullup.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void config(bool mode, bool level) {
+    fastPinConfig(PinNumber, mode, level);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Set pin level high if output mode or enable 20K pullup if input mode.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void high() {write(true);}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Set pin level low if output mode or disable 20K pullup if input mode.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void low() {write(false);}
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Set pin mode
+   * @param[in] pinMode if true set output mode else input mode.
+   *
+   * mode() does not enable or disable the 20K pullup for input mode.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void mode(bool pinMode) {
+    fastPinMode(PinNumber, pinMode);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** @return Pin's level */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  bool read() const {
+    return fastDigitalRead(PinNumber);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** toggle a pin
+   *
+   * If the pin is in output mode toggle the pin's level.
+   * If the pin is in input mode toggle the state of the 20K pullup.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void toggle() {
+    fastDigitalToggle(PinNumber);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Write the pin's level.
+   * @param[in] value If true set the pin's level high else set the
+   *  pin's level low.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void write(bool value) {
+    fastDigitalWrite(PinNumber, value);
+  }
+#endif  // DigitalPin_h
+/** @} */

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* FatLib Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the FatLib Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the FatLib Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef FatApiConstants_h
+#define FatApiConstants_h
+// use the gnu style oflag in open()
+/** open() oflag for reading */
+uint8_t const O_READ = 0X01;
+/** open() oflag - same as O_IN */
+uint8_t const O_RDONLY = O_READ;
+/** open() oflag for write */
+uint8_t const O_WRITE = 0X02;
+/** open() oflag - same as O_WRITE */
+uint8_t const O_WRONLY = O_WRITE;
+/** open() oflag for reading and writing */
+uint8_t const O_RDWR = (O_READ | O_WRITE);
+/** open() oflag mask for access modes */
+uint8_t const O_ACCMODE = (O_READ | O_WRITE);
+/** The file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write. */
+uint8_t const O_APPEND = 0X04;
+/** synchronous writes - call sync() after each write */
+uint8_t const O_SYNC = 0X08;
+/** truncate the file to zero length */
+uint8_t const O_TRUNC = 0X10;
+/** set the initial position at the end of the file */
+uint8_t const O_AT_END = 0X20;
+/** create the file if nonexistent */
+uint8_t const O_CREAT = 0X40;
+/** If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists */
+uint8_t const O_EXCL = 0X80;
+// SdBaseFile class static and const definitions
+// flags for ls()
+/** ls() flag to print modify date */
+uint8_t const LS_DATE = 1;
+/** ls() flag to print file size */
+uint8_t const LS_SIZE = 2;
+/** ls() flag for recursive list of subdirectories */
+uint8_t const LS_R = 4;
+// flags for timestamp
+/** set the file's last access date */
+uint8_t const T_ACCESS = 1;
+/** set the file's creation date and time */
+uint8_t const T_CREATE = 2;
+/** Set the file's write date and time */
+uint8_t const T_WRITE = 4;
+#endif  // FatApiConstants_h

+ 678 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+/* FatLib Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the FatLib Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the FatLib Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef FatStructs_h
+#define FatStructs_h
+ * \file
+ * \brief FAT file structures
+ */
+ * mostly from Microsoft document fatgen103.doc
+ *
+ */
+/** Value for byte 510 of boot block or MBR */
+uint8_t const BOOTSIG0 = 0X55;
+/** Value for byte 511 of boot block or MBR */
+uint8_t const BOOTSIG1 = 0XAA;
+/** Value for bootSignature field int FAT/FAT32 boot sector */
+uint8_t const EXTENDED_BOOT_SIG = 0X29;
+ * \struct partitionTable
+ * \brief MBR partition table entry
+ *
+ * A partition table entry for a MBR formatted storage device.
+ * The MBR partition table has four entries.
+ */
+struct partitionTable {
+          /**
+           * Boot Indicator . Indicates whether the volume is the active
+           * partition.  Legal values include: 0X00. Do not use for booting.
+           * 0X80 Active partition.
+           */
+  uint8_t  boot;
+          /**
+            * Head part of Cylinder-head-sector address of the first block in
+            * the partition. Legal values are 0-255. Only used in old PC BIOS.
+            */
+  uint8_t  beginHead;
+          /**
+           * Sector part of Cylinder-head-sector address of the first block in
+           * the partition. Legal values are 1-63. Only used in old PC BIOS.
+           */
+  unsigned beginSector : 6;
+           /** High bits cylinder for first block in partition. */
+  unsigned beginCylinderHigh : 2;
+          /**
+           * Combine beginCylinderLow with beginCylinderHigh. Legal values
+           * are 0-1023.  Only used in old PC BIOS.
+           */
+  uint8_t  beginCylinderLow;
+          /**
+           * Partition type. See defines that begin with PART_TYPE_ for
+           * some Microsoft partition types.
+           */
+  uint8_t  type;
+          /**
+           * head part of cylinder-head-sector address of the last sector in the
+           * partition.  Legal values are 0-255. Only used in old PC BIOS.
+           */
+  uint8_t  endHead;
+          /**
+           * Sector part of cylinder-head-sector address of the last sector in
+           * the partition.  Legal values are 1-63. Only used in old PC BIOS.
+           */
+  unsigned endSector : 6;
+           /** High bits of end cylinder */
+  unsigned endCylinderHigh : 2;
+          /**
+           * Combine endCylinderLow with endCylinderHigh. Legal values
+           * are 0-1023.  Only used in old PC BIOS.
+           */
+  uint8_t  endCylinderLow;
+           /** Logical block address of the first block in the partition. */
+  uint32_t firstSector;
+           /** Length of the partition, in blocks. */
+  uint32_t totalSectors;
+/** Type name for partitionTable */
+typedef struct partitionTable part_t;
+ * \struct masterBootRecord
+ *
+ * \brief Master Boot Record
+ *
+ * The first block of a storage device that is formatted with a MBR.
+ */
+struct masterBootRecord {
+           /** Code Area for master boot program. */
+  uint8_t  codeArea[440];
+           /** Optional Windows NT disk signature. May contain boot code. */
+  uint32_t diskSignature;
+           /** Usually zero but may be more boot code. */
+  uint16_t usuallyZero;
+           /** Partition tables. */
+  part_t   part[4];
+           /** First MBR signature byte. Must be 0X55 */
+  uint8_t  mbrSig0;
+           /** Second MBR signature byte. Must be 0XAA */
+  uint8_t  mbrSig1;
+/** Type name for masterBootRecord */
+typedef struct masterBootRecord mbr_t;
+ * \struct fat_boot
+ *
+ * \brief Boot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume.
+ *
+ */
+struct fat_boot {
+         /**
+          * The first three bytes of the boot sector must be valid,
+          * executable x 86-based CPU instructions. This includes a
+          * jump instruction that skips the next non-executable bytes.
+          */
+  uint8_t jump[3];
+         /**
+          * This is typically a string of characters that identifies
+          * the operating system that formatted the volume.
+          */
+  char    oemId[8];
+          /**
+           * The size of a hardware sector. Valid decimal values for this
+           * field are 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. For most disks used in
+           * the United States, the value of this field is 512.
+           */
+  uint16_t bytesPerSector;
+          /**
+           * Number of sectors per allocation unit. This value must be a
+           * power of 2 that is greater than 0. The legal values are
+           * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128.  128 should be avoided.
+           */
+  uint8_t  sectorsPerCluster;
+          /**
+           * The number of sectors preceding the start of the first FAT,
+           * including the boot sector. The value of this field is always 1.
+           */
+  uint16_t reservedSectorCount;
+          /**
+           * The number of copies of the FAT on the volume.
+           * The value of this field is always 2.
+           */
+  uint8_t  fatCount;
+          /**
+           * For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the count of
+           * 32-byte directory entries in the root directory. For FAT32 volumes,
+           * this field must be set to 0. For FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this
+           * value should always specify a count that when multiplied by 32
+           * results in a multiple of bytesPerSector.  FAT16 volumes should
+           * use the value 512.
+           */
+  uint16_t rootDirEntryCount;
+          /**
+           * This field is the old 16-bit total count of sectors on the volume.
+           * This count includes the count of all sectors in all four regions
+           * of the volume. This field can be 0; if it is 0, then totalSectors32
+           * must be non-zero.  For FAT32 volumes, this field must be 0. For
+           * FAT12 and FAT16 volumes, this field contains the sector count, and
+           * totalSectors32 is 0 if the total sector count fits
+           * (is less than 0x10000).
+           */
+  uint16_t totalSectors16;
+          /**
+           * This dates back to the old MS-DOS 1.x media determination and is
+           * no longer usually used for anything.  0xF8 is the standard value
+           * for fixed (nonremovable) media. For removable media, 0xF0 is
+           * frequently used. Legal values are 0xF0 or 0xF8-0xFF.
+           */
+  uint8_t  mediaType;
+          /**
+           * Count of sectors occupied by one FAT on FAT12/FAT16 volumes.
+           * On FAT32 volumes this field must be 0, and sectorsPerFat32
+           * contains the FAT size count.
+           */
+  uint16_t sectorsPerFat16;
+           /** Sectors per track for interrupt 0x13. Not used otherwise. */
+  uint16_t sectorsPerTrack;
+           /** Number of heads for interrupt 0x13.  Not used otherwise. */
+  uint16_t headCount;
+          /**
+           * Count of hidden sectors preceding the partition that contains this
+           * FAT volume. This field is generally only relevant for media
+           * visible on interrupt 0x13.
+           */
+  uint32_t hidddenSectors;
+          /**
+           * This field is the new 32-bit total count of sectors on the volume.
+           * This count includes the count of all sectors in all four regions
+           * of the volume.  This field can be 0; if it is 0, then
+           * totalSectors16 must be non-zero.
+           */
+  uint32_t totalSectors32;
+           /**
+            * Related to the BIOS physical drive number. Floppy drives are
+            * identified as 0x00 and physical hard disks are identified as
+            * 0x80, regardless of the number of physical disk drives.
+            * Typically, this value is set prior to issuing an INT 13h BIOS
+            * call to specify the device to access. The value is only
+            * relevant if the device is a boot device.
+            */
+  uint8_t  driveNumber;
+           /** used by Windows NT - should be zero for FAT */
+  uint8_t  reserved1;
+           /** 0X29 if next three fields are valid */
+  uint8_t  bootSignature;
+           /**
+            * A random serial number created when formatting a disk,
+            * which helps to distinguish between disks.
+            * Usually generated by combining date and time.
+            */
+  uint32_t volumeSerialNumber;
+           /**
+            * A field once used to store the volume label. The volume label
+            * is now stored as a special file in the root directory.
+            */
+  char     volumeLabel[11];
+           /**
+            * A field with a value of either FAT, FAT12 or FAT16,
+            * depending on the disk format.
+            */
+  char     fileSystemType[8];
+           /** X86 boot code */
+  uint8_t  bootCode[448];
+           /** must be 0X55 */
+  uint8_t  bootSectorSig0;
+           /** must be 0XAA */
+  uint8_t  bootSectorSig1;
+/** Type name for FAT Boot Sector */
+typedef struct fat_boot fat_boot_t;
+ * \struct fat32_boot
+ *
+ * \brief Boot sector for a FAT32 volume.
+ *
+ */
+struct fat32_boot {
+         /**
+          * The first three bytes of the boot sector must be valid,
+          * executable x 86-based CPU instructions. This includes a
+          * jump instruction that skips the next non-executable bytes.
+          */
+  uint8_t jump[3];
+         /**
+          * This is typically a string of characters that identifies
+          * the operating system that formatted the volume.
+          */
+  char    oemId[8];
+          /**
+           * The size of a hardware sector. Valid decimal values for this
+           * field are 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. For most disks used in
+           * the United States, the value of this field is 512.
+           */
+  uint16_t bytesPerSector;
+          /**
+           * Number of sectors per allocation unit. This value must be a
+           * power of 2 that is greater than 0. The legal values are
+           * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128.  128 should be avoided.
+           */
+  uint8_t  sectorsPerCluster;
+          /**
+           * The number of sectors preceding the start of the first FAT,
+           * including the boot sector. Must not be zero
+           */
+  uint16_t reservedSectorCount;
+          /**
+           * The number of copies of the FAT on the volume.
+           * The value of this field is always 2.
+           */
+  uint8_t  fatCount;
+          /**
+           * FAT12/FAT16 only. For FAT32 volumes, this field must be set to 0.
+           */
+  uint16_t rootDirEntryCount;
+          /**
+           * For FAT32 volumes, this field must be 0.
+           */
+  uint16_t totalSectors16;
+          /**
+           * This dates back to the old MS-DOS 1.x media determination and is
+           * no longer usually used for anything.  0xF8 is the standard value
+           * for fixed (non-removable) media. For removable media, 0xF0 is
+           * frequently used. Legal values are 0xF0 or 0xF8-0xFF.
+           */
+  uint8_t  mediaType;
+          /**
+           * On FAT32 volumes this field must be 0, and sectorsPerFat32
+           * contains the FAT size count.
+           */
+  uint16_t sectorsPerFat16;
+           /** Sectors per track for interrupt 0x13. Not used otherwise. */
+  uint16_t sectorsPerTrack;
+           /** Number of heads for interrupt 0x13.  Not used otherwise. */
+  uint16_t headCount;
+          /**
+           * Count of hidden sectors preceding the partition that contains this
+           * FAT volume. This field is generally only relevant for media
+           * visible on interrupt 0x13.
+           */
+  uint32_t hidddenSectors;
+          /**
+           * Contains the total number of sectors in the FAT32 volume.
+           */
+  uint32_t totalSectors32;
+         /**
+           * Count of sectors occupied by one FAT on FAT32 volumes.
+           */
+  uint32_t sectorsPerFat32;
+          /**
+           * This field is only defined for FAT32 media and does not exist on
+           * FAT12 and FAT16 media.
+           * Bits 0-3 -- Zero-based number of active FAT.
+           *             Only valid if mirroring is disabled.
+           * Bits 4-6 -- Reserved.
+           * Bit 7	-- 0 means the FAT is mirrored at runtime into all FATs.
+	         *        -- 1 means only one FAT is active; it is the one referenced
+	         *             in bits 0-3.
+           * Bits 8-15 	-- Reserved.
+           */
+  uint16_t fat32Flags;
+          /**
+           * FAT32 version. High byte is major revision number.
+           * Low byte is minor revision number. Only 0.0 define.
+           */
+  uint16_t fat32Version;
+          /**
+           * Cluster number of the first cluster of the root directory for FAT32.
+           * This usually 2 but not required to be 2.
+           */
+  uint32_t fat32RootCluster;
+          /**
+           * Sector number of FSINFO structure in the reserved area of the
+           * FAT32 volume. Usually 1.
+           */
+  uint16_t fat32FSInfo;
+          /**
+           * If non-zero, indicates the sector number in the reserved area
+           * of the volume of a copy of the boot record. Usually 6.
+           * No value other than 6 is recommended.
+           */
+  uint16_t fat32BackBootBlock;
+          /**
+           * Reserved for future expansion. Code that formats FAT32 volumes
+           * should always set all of the bytes of this field to 0.
+           */
+  uint8_t  fat32Reserved[12];
+           /**
+            * Related to the BIOS physical drive number. Floppy drives are
+            * identified as 0x00 and physical hard disks are identified as
+            * 0x80, regardless of the number of physical disk drives.
+            * Typically, this value is set prior to issuing an INT 13h BIOS
+            * call to specify the device to access. The value is only
+            * relevant if the device is a boot device.
+            */
+  uint8_t  driveNumber;
+           /** used by Windows NT - should be zero for FAT */
+  uint8_t  reserved1;
+           /** 0X29 if next three fields are valid */
+  uint8_t  bootSignature;
+           /**
+            * A random serial number created when formatting a disk,
+            * which helps to distinguish between disks.
+            * Usually generated by combining date and time.
+            */
+  uint32_t volumeSerialNumber;
+           /**
+            * A field once used to store the volume label. The volume label
+            * is now stored as a special file in the root directory.
+            */
+  char     volumeLabel[11];
+           /**
+            * A text field with a value of FAT32.
+            */
+  char     fileSystemType[8];
+           /** X86 boot code */
+  uint8_t  bootCode[420];
+           /** must be 0X55 */
+  uint8_t  bootSectorSig0;
+           /** must be 0XAA */
+  uint8_t  bootSectorSig1;
+/** Type name for FAT32 Boot Sector */
+typedef struct fat32_boot fat32_boot_t;
+/** Lead signature for a FSINFO sector */
+uint32_t const FSINFO_LEAD_SIG = 0x41615252;
+/** Struct signature for a FSINFO sector */
+uint32_t const FSINFO_STRUCT_SIG = 0x61417272;
+ * \struct fat32_fsinfo
+ *
+ * \brief FSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume.
+ *
+ */
+struct fat32_fsinfo {
+           /** must be 0X52, 0X52, 0X61, 0X41 */
+  uint32_t  leadSignature;
+           /** must be zero */
+  uint8_t  reserved1[480];
+           /** must be 0X72, 0X72, 0X41, 0X61 */
+  uint32_t  structSignature;
+          /**
+           * Contains the last known free cluster count on the volume.
+           * If the value is 0xFFFFFFFF, then the free count is unknown
+           * and must be computed. Any other value can be used, but is
+           * not necessarily correct. It should be range checked at least
+           * to make sure it is <= volume cluster count.
+           */
+  uint32_t freeCount;
+          /**
+           * This is a hint for the FAT driver. It indicates the cluster
+           * number at which the driver should start looking for free clusters.
+           * If the value is 0xFFFFFFFF, then there is no hint and the driver
+           * should start looking at cluster 2.
+           */
+  uint32_t nextFree;
+           /** must be zero */
+  uint8_t  reserved2[12];
+           /** must be 0X00, 0X00, 0X55, 0XAA */
+  uint8_t  tailSignature[4];
+/** Type name for FAT32 FSINFO Sector */
+typedef struct fat32_fsinfo fat32_fsinfo_t;
+// End Of Chain values for FAT entries
+/** FAT12 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
+uint16_t const FAT12EOC = 0XFFF;
+/** Minimum value for FAT12 EOC.  Use to test for EOC. */
+uint16_t const FAT12EOC_MIN = 0XFF8;
+/** FAT16 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
+uint16_t const FAT16EOC = 0XFFFF;
+/** Minimum value for FAT16 EOC.  Use to test for EOC. */
+uint16_t const FAT16EOC_MIN = 0XFFF8;
+/** FAT32 end of chain value used by Microsoft. */
+uint32_t const FAT32EOC = 0X0FFFFFFF;
+/** Minimum value for FAT32 EOC.  Use to test for EOC. */
+uint32_t const FAT32EOC_MIN = 0X0FFFFFF8;
+/** Mask a for FAT32 entry. Entries are 28 bits. */
+uint32_t const FAT32MASK = 0X0FFFFFFF;
+ * \struct directoryEntry
+ * \brief FAT short directory entry
+ *
+ * Short means short 8.3 name, not the entry size.
+ *  
+ * Date Format. A FAT directory entry date stamp is a 16-bit field that is 
+ * basically a date relative to the MS-DOS epoch of 01/01/1980. Here is the
+ * format (bit 0 is the LSB of the 16-bit word, bit 15 is the MSB of the 
+ * 16-bit word):
+ *   
+ * Bits 9-15: Count of years from 1980, valid value range 0-127 
+ * inclusive (1980-2107).
+ *   
+ * Bits 5-8: Month of year, 1 = January, valid value range 1-12 inclusive.
+ *
+ * Bits 0-4: Day of month, valid value range 1-31 inclusive.
+ *
+ * Time Format. A FAT directory entry time stamp is a 16-bit field that has
+ * a granularity of 2 seconds. Here is the format (bit 0 is the LSB of the 
+ * 16-bit word, bit 15 is the MSB of the 16-bit word).
+ *   
+ * Bits 11-15: Hours, valid value range 0-23 inclusive.
+ * 
+ * Bits 5-10: Minutes, valid value range 0-59 inclusive.
+ *      
+ * Bits 0-4: 2-second count, valid value range 0-29 inclusive (0 - 58 seconds).
+ *   
+ * The valid time range is from Midnight 00:00:00 to 23:59:58.
+ */
+struct directoryEntry {
+           /** Short 8.3 name.
+            *
+            * The first eight bytes contain the file name with blank fill.
+            * The last three bytes contain the file extension with blank fill.
+            */
+  uint8_t  name[11];
+          /** Entry attributes.
+           *
+           * The upper two bits of the attribute byte are reserved and should
+           * always be set to 0 when a file is created and never modified or
+           * looked at after that.  See defines that begin with DIR_ATT_.
+           */
+  uint8_t  attributes;
+          /**
+           * Reserved for use by Windows NT. Set value to 0 when a file is
+           * created and never modify or look at it after that.
+           */
+  uint8_t  reservedNT;
+          /**
+           * The granularity of the seconds part of creationTime is 2 seconds
+           * so this field is a count of tenths of a second and its valid
+           * value range is 0-199 inclusive. (WHG note - seems to be hundredths)
+           */
+  uint8_t  creationTimeTenths;
+           /** Time file was created. */
+  uint16_t creationTime;
+           /** Date file was created. */
+  uint16_t creationDate;
+          /**
+           * Last access date. Note that there is no last access time, only
+           * a date.  This is the date of last read or write. In the case of
+           * a write, this should be set to the same date as lastWriteDate.
+           */
+  uint16_t lastAccessDate;
+          /**
+           * High word of this entry's first cluster number (always 0 for a
+           * FAT12 or FAT16 volume).
+           */
+  uint16_t firstClusterHigh;
+           /** Time of last write. File creation is considered a write. */
+  uint16_t lastWriteTime;
+           /** Date of last write. File creation is considered a write. */
+  uint16_t lastWriteDate;
+           /** Low word of this entry's first cluster number. */
+  uint16_t firstClusterLow;
+           /** 32-bit unsigned holding this file's size in bytes. */
+  uint32_t fileSize;
+// Definitions for directory entries
+/** Type name for directoryEntry */
+typedef struct directoryEntry dir_t;
+/** escape for name[0] = 0XE5 */
+uint8_t const DIR_NAME_0XE5 = 0X05;
+/** name[0] value for entry that is free after being "deleted" */
+uint8_t const DIR_NAME_DELETED = 0XE5;
+/** name[0] value for entry that is free and no allocated entries follow */
+uint8_t const DIR_NAME_FREE = 0X00;
+/** file is read-only */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY = 0X01;
+/** File should hidden in directory listings */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_HIDDEN = 0X02;
+/** Entry is for a system file */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_SYSTEM = 0X04;
+/** Directory entry contains the volume label */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID = 0X08;
+/** Entry is for a directory */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY = 0X10;
+/** Old DOS archive bit for backup support */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_ARCHIVE = 0X20;
+/** Test value for long name entry.  Test is
+  (d->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME. */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME = 0X0F;
+/** Test mask for long name entry */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK = 0X3F;
+/** defined attribute bits */
+uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DEFINED_BITS = 0X3F;
+/** Directory entry is part of a long name
+ * \param[in] dir Pointer to a directory entry.
+ *
+ * \return true if the entry is for part of a long name else false.
+ */
+static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_LONG_NAME(const dir_t* dir) {
+  return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME;
+/** Mask for file/subdirectory tests */
+/** Directory entry is for a file
+ * \param[in] dir Pointer to a directory entry.
+ *
+ * \return true if the entry is for a normal file else false.
+ */
+static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE(const dir_t* dir) {
+  return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_FILE_TYPE_MASK) == 0;
+/** Directory entry is for a subdirectory
+ * \param[in] dir Pointer to a directory entry.
+ *
+ * \return true if the entry is for a subdirectory else false.
+ */
+static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_SUBDIR(const dir_t* dir) {
+  return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_FILE_TYPE_MASK) == DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY;
+/** Directory entry is for a file or subdirectory
+ * \param[in] dir Pointer to a directory entry.
+ *
+ * \return true if the entry is for a normal file or subdirectory else false.
+ */
+static inline uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR(const dir_t* dir) {
+  return (dir->attributes & DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID) == 0;
+/** date field for FAT directory entry
+ * \param[in] year [1980,2107]
+ * \param[in] month [1,12]
+ * \param[in] day [1,31]
+ *
+ * \return Packed date for dir_t entry.
+ */
+static inline uint16_t FAT_DATE(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day) {
+  return (year - 1980) << 9 | month << 5 | day;
+/** year part of FAT directory date field
+ * \param[in] fatDate Date in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted year [1980,2107]
+ */
+static inline uint16_t FAT_YEAR(uint16_t fatDate) {
+  return 1980 + (fatDate >> 9);
+/** month part of FAT directory date field
+ * \param[in] fatDate Date in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted month [1,12]
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FAT_MONTH(uint16_t fatDate) {
+  return (fatDate >> 5) & 0XF;
+/** day part of FAT directory date field
+ * \param[in] fatDate Date in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted day [1,31]
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FAT_DAY(uint16_t fatDate) {
+  return fatDate & 0X1F;
+/** time field for FAT directory entry
+ * \param[in] hour [0,23]
+ * \param[in] minute [0,59]
+ * \param[in] second [0,59]
+ *
+ * \return Packed time for dir_t entry.
+ */
+static inline uint16_t FAT_TIME(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) {
+  return hour << 11 | minute << 5 | second >> 1;
+/** hour part of FAT directory time field
+ * \param[in] fatTime Time in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted hour [0,23]
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FAT_HOUR(uint16_t fatTime) {
+  return fatTime >> 11;
+/** minute part of FAT directory time field
+ * \param[in] fatTime Time in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted minute [0,59]
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FAT_MINUTE(uint16_t fatTime) {
+  return(fatTime >> 5) & 0X3F;
+/** second part of FAT directory time field
+ * Note second/2 is stored in packed time.
+ *
+ * \param[in] fatTime Time in packed dir format.
+ *
+ * \return Extracted second [0,58]
+ */
+static inline uint8_t FAT_SECOND(uint16_t fatTime) {
+  return 2*(fatTime & 0X1F);
+/** Default date for file timestamps is 1 Jan 2000 */
+uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_DATE = ((2000 - 1980) << 9) | (1 << 5) | 1;
+/** Default time for file timestamp is 1 am */
+uint16_t const FAT_DEFAULT_TIME = (1 << 11);
+#endif  // FatStructs_h

+ 405 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* FatLib Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the FatLib Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the FatLib Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include <FmtNumber.h>
+// Use Stimmer div/mod 10 on avr
+#ifdef __AVR__
+#define USE_STIMMER
+#endif  // __AVR__
+// Stimmer div/mod 10 for AVR
+// this code fragment works out i/10 and i%10 by calculating
+// i*(51/256)*(256/255)/2 == i*51/510 == i/10
+// by "j.k" I mean 32.8 fixed point, j is integer part, k is fractional part
+// j.k = ((j+1.0)*51.0)/256.0
+// (we add 1 because we will be using the floor of the result later)
+// divmod10_asm16 and divmod10_asm32 are public domain code by Stimmer.
+#define divmod10_asm16(in32, mod8, tmp8)    \
+asm volatile(          \
+      " ldi %2,51     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %A0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %A0       \n\t"     \
+      " add r0,%2     \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " mov %1,r0     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %B0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %B0       \n\t"     \
+      " add %A0,r0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " clr r1        \n\t"     \
+      " add %1,%A0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,%B0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,r1   \n\t"      \
+      " add %1,%B0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,r1   \n\t"      \
+      " adc %B0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " lsr %B0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %A0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %1        \n\t"     \
+      " ldi %2,10     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %1,%2     \n\t"     \
+      " mov %1,r1     \n\t"     \
+      " clr r1        \n\t"     \
+      :"+r"(in32), "=d"(mod8), "=d"(tmp8) : : "r0")
+#define divmod10_asm32(in32, mod8, tmp8)    \
+asm volatile(          \
+      " ldi %2,51     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %A0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %A0       \n\t"     \
+      " add r0,%2     \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " mov %1,r0     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %B0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %B0       \n\t"     \
+      " add %A0,r0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " mul %C0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %C0       \n\t"     \
+      " add %B0,r0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %C0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " mul %D0,%2    \n\t"     \
+      " clr %D0       \n\t"     \
+      " add %C0,r0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %D0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " clr r1        \n\t"     \
+      " add %1,%A0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,%B0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,%C0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %C0,%D0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %D0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " add %1,%B0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,%C0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,%D0   \n\t"     \
+      " adc %C0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %D0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " add %1,%D0    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %A0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %B0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %C0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " adc %D0,r1    \n\t"     \
+      " lsr %D0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %C0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %B0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %A0       \n\t"     \
+      " ror %1        \n\t"     \
+      " ldi %2,10     \n\t"     \
+      " mul %1,%2     \n\t"     \
+      " mov %1,r1     \n\t"     \
+      " clr r1        \n\t"     \
+      :"+r"(in32), "=d"(mod8), "=d"(tmp8) : : "r0")
+// C++ code is based on this version of divmod10 by robtillaart.
+// from robtillaart post:
+// The code is based upon the divu10() code from the book Hackers Delight1.
+// My insight was that the error formula in divu10() was in fact modulo 10
+// but not always. Sometimes it was 10 more.
+void divmod10(uint32_t in, uint32_t &div, uint32_t &mod)
+  // q = in * 0.8;
+  uint32_t q = (in >> 1) + (in >> 2);
+  q = q + (q >> 4);
+  q = q + (q >> 8);
+  q = q + (q >> 16);  // not needed for 16 bit version
+  // q = q / 8;  ==> q =  in *0.1;
+  q = q >> 3;
+  // determine error
+  uint32_t  r = in - ((q << 3) + (q << 1));   // r = in - q*10;
+  div = q + (r > 9);
+  if (r > 9) mod = r - 10;
+  else mod = r;
+// Hackers delight function is here:
+// Code below uses 8/10 = 0.1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100.
+// 15 ops including the multiply, or 17 elementary ops.
+unsigned divu10(unsigned n) {
+   unsigned q, r;
+   q = (n >> 1) + (n >> 2);
+   q = q + (q >> 4);
+   q = q + (q >> 8);
+   q = q + (q >> 16);
+   q = q >> 3;
+   r = n - q*10;
+   return q + ((r + 6) >> 4);
+// return q + (r > 9);
+static const float m[] PROGMEM = {1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-4, 1e-8, 1e-16, 1e-32};
+static const float p[] PROGMEM = {1e+1, 1e+2, 1e+4, 1e+8, 1e+16, 1e+32};
+// scale float v by power of ten. return v*10^n
+float scale10(float v, int8_t n) {
+  const float *s;
+  if (n < 0) {
+    n = -n;
+    s = m;
+  } else {
+    s = p;
+  }
+  n &= 63;
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; n; n >>= 1, i++) {
+    if (n & 1) v *= pgm_read_float(&s[i]);
+  }
+  return v;
+// Format 16-bit unsigned
+char* fmtDec(uint16_t n, char* p) {
+  while (n > 9) {
+    uint8_t tmp8, r;
+    divmod10_asm16(n, r, tmp8);
+#else  // USE_STIMMER
+    uint16_t t = n;
+    n = (n >> 1) + (n >> 2);
+    n = n + (n >> 4);
+    n = n + (n >> 8);
+    // n = n + (n >> 16);  // no code for 16-bit n
+    n = n >> 3;
+    uint8_t r = t - (((n << 2) + n) << 1);
+    if (r > 9) {
+      n++;
+      r -= 10;
+    }
+#endif  // USE_STIMMER
+    *--p = r + '0';
+  }
+  *--p = n + '0';
+  return p;
+// format 32-bit unsigned
+char* fmtDec(uint32_t n, char* p) {
+  while (n >> 16) {
+    uint8_t tmp8, r;
+    divmod10_asm32(n, r, tmp8);
+#else  //  USE_STIMMER
+    uint32_t t = n;
+    n = (n >> 1) + (n >> 2);
+    n = n + (n >> 4);
+    n = n + (n >> 8);
+    n = n + (n >> 16);
+    n = n >> 3;
+    uint8_t r = t - (((n << 2) + n) << 1);
+    if (r > 9) {
+      n++;
+      r -= 10;
+    }
+#endif  // USE_STIMMER
+    *--p = r + '0';
+  }
+  return fmtDec((uint16_t)n, p);
+char* fmtFloat(float value, char* p, uint8_t prec) {
+  char sign = value < 0 ? '-' : 0;
+  if (sign) value = -value;
+  if (isnan(value)) {
+    *--p = 'n';
+    *--p = 'a';
+    *--p = 'n';
+    return p;
+  }
+  if (isinf(value)) {
+    *--p = 'f';
+    *--p = 'n';
+    *--p = 'i';
+    return p;
+  }
+  if (value > 4294967040.0) {
+    *--p = 'f';
+    *--p = 'v';
+    *--p = 'o';
+    return p;
+  }
+  if (prec > 9) prec = 9;
+  value += scale10(0.5, -prec);
+  uint32_t whole = value;
+  if (prec) {
+    char* tmp = p - prec;
+    uint32_t fraction = scale10(value - whole, prec);
+    p = fmtDec(fraction, p);
+    while (p > tmp) *--p = '0';
+    *--p = '.';
+  }
+  p = fmtDec(whole, p);
+  if (sign) *--p = sign;
+  return p;
+/** Print a number followed by a field terminator.
+ * \param[in] value The number to be printed.
+ * \param[in] ptr Pointer to last char in buffer.
+ * \param[in] prec Number of digits after decimal point.
+ * \param[in] expChar Use exp format if non zero.
+ * \return Pointer to first character of result.
+ */
+char* fmtFloat(float value, char* ptr, uint8_t prec, char expChar) {
+  bool neg = value < 0;
+  if (neg) value = -value;
+  // check for nan inf ovf
+  if (isnan(value)) {
+    *--ptr = 'n';
+    *--ptr = 'a';
+    *--ptr = 'n';
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  if (isinf(value)) {
+    *--ptr = 'f';
+    *--ptr = 'n';
+    *--ptr = 'i';
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  if (!expChar && value > 4294967040.0) {
+    *--ptr = 'f';
+    *--ptr = 'v';
+    *--ptr = 'o';
+    return ptr;
+  }
+  if (prec > 9) prec = 9;
+  float round = scale10(0.5, -prec);
+  if (expChar) {
+    int8_t exp = 0;
+    bool expNeg = false;
+    if (value) {
+      while (value > 10.0) {
+        value *= 0.1;
+        exp++;
+      }
+      while (value < 1.0) {
+        value *= 10.0;
+        exp--;
+      }
+      value += round;
+      if (value > 10.0) {
+        value *= 0.1;
+        exp++;
+      }
+      expNeg = exp < 0;
+      if (expNeg) exp = -exp;
+    }
+    ptr = fmtDec((uint16_t)exp, ptr);
+    if (exp < 10) *--ptr = '0';
+    *--ptr = expNeg ? '-' : '+';
+    *--ptr = expChar;
+  } else {
+    // round value
+    value += round;
+  }
+  uint32_t whole = value;
+  if (prec) {
+    char* tmp = ptr - prec;
+    uint32_t fraction = scale10(value - whole, prec);
+    ptr = fmtDec(fraction, ptr);
+    while (ptr > tmp) *--ptr = '0';
+    *--ptr = '.';
+  }
+  ptr = fmtDec(whole, ptr);
+  if (neg) *--ptr = '-';
+  return ptr;
+char* fmtHex(uint32_t n, char* p) {
+  do {
+    uint8_t h = n & 0XF;
+    *--p = h + (h < 10 ? '0' : 'A' - 10);
+    n >>= 4;
+  } while (n);
+  return p;
+float scanFloat(const char* str, char** ptr) {
+  int16_t const EXP_LIMIT = 100;
+  bool digit = false;
+  bool dot = false;
+  uint32_t fract = 0;
+  int fracExp = 0;
+  uint8_t nd = 0;
+  bool neg;
+  int c;
+  float v;
+  const char* successPtr;
+  if (ptr) *ptr = const_cast<char*>(str);
+  while (isspace((c = *str++))) {}
+  neg = c == '-';
+  if (c == '-' || c == '+') c = *str++;
+  // Skip leading zeros
+  while (c == '0') {
+    c = *str++;
+    digit = true;
+  }
+  for (;;) {
+    if (isdigit(c)) {
+      digit = true;
+      if (nd < 9) {
+        fract = 10*fract + c - '0';
+        nd++;
+        if (dot) fracExp--;
+      } else {
+        if (!dot) fracExp++;
+      }
+    } else if (c == '.') {
+      if (dot) goto fail;
+      dot = true;
+    } else {
+      if (!digit) goto fail;
+      break;
+    }
+    successPtr = str;
+    c = *str++;
+  }
+  if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
+    int exp = 0;
+    c = *str++;
+    bool expNeg = c == '-';
+    if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
+      c = *str++;
+    }
+    while (isdigit(c)) {
+      if (exp > EXP_LIMIT) goto fail;
+      exp = 10*exp + c - '0';
+      successPtr = str;
+      c = *str++;
+    }
+    fracExp += expNeg ? -exp : exp;
+  }
+  if (ptr) *ptr = const_cast<char*>(successPtr);
+  v = scale10(static_cast<float>(fract), fracExp);
+  return neg ? -v: v;
+ fail:
+  return 0;

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* FatLib Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the FatLib Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the FatLib Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef FmtNumber_h
+#define FmtNumber_h
+#include <Arduino.h>
+char* fmtDec(uint16_t n, char* p);
+char* fmtDec(uint32_t n, char* p);
+char* fmtFloat(float value, char* p, uint8_t prec);
+char* fmtFloat(float value, char* ptr, uint8_t prec, char expChar);
+char* fmtHex(uint32_t n, char* p);
+float scale10(float v, int8_t n);
+float scanFloat(const char* str, char** ptr);
+#endif  // FmtNumber_h

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* Arduino DigitalIO Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino DigitalIO Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino DigitalIO Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+ * @file 
+ * @brief  Software SPI.
+ *
+ * @defgroup softSPI Software SPI
+ * @details  Software SPI Template Class.
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef SoftSPI_h
+#define SoftSPI_h
+#include <DigitalPin.h>
+/** Nop for timing. */
+#define nop asm volatile ("nop\n\t")
+/** Pin Mode for MISO is input.*/
+const bool MISO_MODE  = false;
+/** Pullups disabled for MISO are disabled. */
+const bool MISO_LEVEL = false;
+/** Pin Mode for MOSI is output.*/
+const bool MOSI_MODE  = true;
+/** Pin Mode for SCK is output. */
+const bool SCK_MODE   = true;
+ * @class SoftSPI
+ * @brief Fast software SPI.
+ */
+template<uint8_t MisoPin, uint8_t MosiPin, uint8_t SckPin, uint8_t Mode = 0>
+class SoftSPI {
+ public:
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Initialize SoftSPI pins. */
+  void begin() {
+    fastPinConfig(MisoPin, MISO_MODE, MISO_LEVEL);
+    fastPinConfig(MosiPin, MOSI_MODE, !MODE_CPHA(Mode));
+    fastPinConfig(SckPin, SCK_MODE, MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Soft SPI receive byte.
+   * @return Data byte received.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  uint8_t receive() {
+    uint8_t data = 0;
+    receiveBit(7, &data);
+    receiveBit(6, &data);
+    receiveBit(5, &data);
+    receiveBit(4, &data);
+    receiveBit(3, &data);
+    receiveBit(2, &data);
+    receiveBit(1, &data);
+    receiveBit(0, &data);
+    return data;
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Soft SPI send byte.
+   * @param[in] data Data byte to send.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void send(uint8_t data) {
+    sendBit(7, data);
+    sendBit(6, data);
+    sendBit(5, data);
+    sendBit(4, data);
+    sendBit(3, data);
+    sendBit(2, data);
+    sendBit(1, data);
+    sendBit(0, data);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /** Soft SPI transfer byte.
+   * @param[in] txData Data byte to send.
+   * @return Data byte received.
+   */
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  uint8_t transfer(uint8_t txData) {
+    uint8_t rxData = 0;
+    transferBit(7, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(6, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(5, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(4, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(3, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(2, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(1, &rxData, txData);
+    transferBit(0, &rxData, txData);
+    return rxData;
+  }
+ private:
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  bool MODE_CPHA(uint8_t mode) {return (mode & 1) != 0;}
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  bool MODE_CPOL(uint8_t mode) {return (mode & 2) != 0;}
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void receiveBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t* data) {
+    if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+    nop;nop;
+    fastDigitalWrite(SckPin,
+      MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    if (fastDigitalRead(MisoPin)) *data |= 1 << bit;
+    if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void sendBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t data) {
+    if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+    fastDigitalWrite(MosiPin, data & (1 << bit));
+    fastDigitalWrite(SckPin,
+      MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    nop;nop;
+    if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+  void transferBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t* rxData, uint8_t txData) {
+    if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+    fastDigitalWrite(MosiPin, txData & (1 << bit));
+    fastDigitalWrite(SckPin,
+      MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    if (fastDigitalRead(MisoPin)) *rxData |= 1 << bit;
+    if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) {
+      fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode));
+    }
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif  // SoftSPI_h
+/** @} */

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#include <SdFatTestSuite.h>
+static uint16_t failCount;
+static uint16_t testCount;
+static Print* testOut = &Serial;
+static size_t strlenPGM(PGM_P str) {
+  PGM_P end = str;
+  while (pgm_read_byte(end++)) {}
+  return end - str;
+void testBegin() {
+  Serial.begin(9600);
+  while (!Serial) {}  // wait for leonardo
+  testOut = &Serial;
+  SerialPrintln_P(PSTR("Type any character to begin."));
+  while ( <= 0) {}
+  delay(200); // Catch Due reset problem
+  print_P(testOut, PSTR("FreeRam: "));
+  testOut->println(FreeRam());
+  testOut->println();
+  failCount = 0;
+  testCount = 0;
+void testEnd() {
+  testOut->println();
+  println_P(testOut, PSTR("Compiled: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__));
+  print_P(testOut, PSTR("FreeRam: "));
+  testOut->println(FreeRam());
+  print_P(testOut, PSTR("Test count: "));
+  testOut->println(testCount);
+  print_P(testOut, PSTR("Fail count: "));
+  testOut->println(failCount);
+static void testResult(bool b, uint8_t n) {
+ while (n++ < 60) testOut->write(' ');
+  if (b) {
+    println_P(testOut, PSTR("..ok"));
+  } else {
+    println_P(testOut, PSTR("FAIL"));
+    failCount++;
+  }
+  testCount++;
+void testVerify_P(char* result, PGM_P expect) {
+  testOut->write('"');
+  testOut->print(result);
+  testOut->print("\",\"");
+  print_P(testOut, expect);
+  testOut->write('"');
+  uint8_t n = strlen(result) + strlenPGM(expect) + 5;
+  testResult(!strcmp_P(result, expect), n);
+void testVerify_P(bool b, PGM_P msg) {
+  print_P(testOut, msg);
+  uint8_t n = strlenPGM(msg);
+  testResult(b, n);

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Arduino SdFat Library
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 by William Greiman
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
+ *
+ * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with the Arduino SdFat Library.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ */
+#ifndef SdFatTestSuite_h
+#define SdFatTestSuite_h
+#include <SdFat.h>
+#include <SdFatUtil.h>
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(strcmp_P)
+#define strcmp_P(a, b) strcmp((a), (b))
+#endif  // strcmp_P
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(strncpy_P)
+#define strncpy_P(s, t, n) strncpy(s, t, n)
+#endif  // strncpy_P
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(strlen_P)
+#define strlen_P(str) strlen(str)
+#endif  // strlen_P
+#define testVerifyBool(result) testVerify_P(result, PSTR(#result))
+#define testVerifyMsg(result, msg) testVerify_P(result, PSTR(msg))
+#define testVerifyStr(result, expect) testVerify_P(result, PSTR(expect))
+void testBegin();
+void testEnd();
+void testVerify_P(bool b, PGM_P msg);
+void testVerify_P(char* result, PGM_P expect);
+#endif  // SdFatTestSuite_h

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff