123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276 |
- /*
- * This program is a simple binary write/read benchmark.
- */
- #include "SdFat.h"
- #include "sdios.h"
- #include "FreeStack.h"
- // SD_FAT_TYPE = 0 for SdFat/File as defined in SdFatConfig.h,
- // 1 for FAT16/FAT32, 2 for exFAT, 3 for FAT16/FAT32 and exFAT.
- #define SD_FAT_TYPE 0
- /*
- Change the value of SD_CS_PIN if you are using SPI and
- your hardware does not use the default value, SS.
- Common values are:
- Arduino Ethernet shield: pin 4
- Sparkfun SD shield: pin 8
- Adafruit SD shields and modules: pin 10
- */
- // SDCARD_SS_PIN is defined for the built-in SD on some boards.
- #ifndef SDCARD_SS_PIN
- const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
- #else // SDCARD_SS_PIN
- // Assume built-in SD is used.
- const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SDCARD_SS_PIN;
- #endif // SDCARD_SS_PIN
- // Try max SPI clock for an SD. Reduce SPI_CLOCK if errors occur.
- #define SPI_CLOCK SD_SCK_MHZ(50)
- // Try to select the best SD card configuration.
- #define SD_CONFIG SdioConfig(FIFO_SDIO)
- #else // HAS_SDIO_CLASS
- #endif // HAS_SDIO_CLASS
- // Set PRE_ALLOCATE true to pre-allocate file clusters.
- const bool PRE_ALLOCATE = true;
- // Set SKIP_FIRST_LATENCY true if the first read/write to the SD can
- // be avoid by writing a file header or reading the first record.
- const bool SKIP_FIRST_LATENCY = true;
- // Size of read/write.
- const size_t BUF_SIZE = 512;
- // File size in MB where MB = 1,000,000 bytes.
- const uint32_t FILE_SIZE_MB = 5;
- // Write pass count.
- const uint8_t WRITE_COUNT = 2;
- // Read pass count.
- const uint8_t READ_COUNT = 2;
- //==============================================================================
- // End of configuration constants.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File size in bytes.
- const uint32_t FILE_SIZE = 1000000UL*FILE_SIZE_MB;
- // Insure 4-byte alignment.
- uint32_t buf32[(BUF_SIZE + 3)/4];
- uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)buf32;
- #if SD_FAT_TYPE == 0
- SdFat sd;
- File file;
- #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 1
- SdFat32 sd;
- File32 file;
- #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 2
- SdExFat sd;
- ExFile file;
- #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 3
- SdFs sd;
- FsFile file;
- #else // SD_FAT_TYPE
- #error Invalid SD_FAT_TYPE
- #endif // SD_FAT_TYPE
- // Serial output stream
- ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Store error strings in flash to save RAM.
- #define error(s) sd.errorHalt(&Serial, F(s))
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void cidDmp() {
- cid_t cid;
- if (!sd.card()->readCID(&cid)) {
- error("readCID failed");
- }
- cout << F("\nManufacturer ID: ");
- cout << hex << int(cid.mid) << dec << endl;
- cout << F("OEM ID: ") << cid.oid[0] << cid.oid[1] << endl;
- cout << F("Product: ");
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- cout << cid.pnm[i];
- }
- cout << F("\nVersion: ");
- cout << int(cid.prv_n) << '.' << int(cid.prv_m) << endl;
- cout << F("Serial number: ") << hex << cid.psn << dec << endl;
- cout << F("Manufacturing date: ");
- cout << int(cid.mdt_month) << '/';
- cout << (2000 + cid.mdt_year_low + 10 * cid.mdt_year_high) << endl;
- cout << endl;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void clearSerialInput() {
- uint32_t m = micros();
- do {
- if (Serial.read() >= 0) {
- m = micros();
- }
- } while (micros() - m < 10000);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // Wait for USB Serial
- while (!Serial) {
- SysCall::yield();
- }
- delay(1000);
- cout << F("\nUse a freshly formatted SD for best performance.\n");
- cout << F(
- "\nSet ENABLE_DEDICATED_SPI nonzero in\n"
- "SdFatConfig.h for best SPI performance.\n");
- }
- // use uppercase in hex and use 0X base prefix
- cout << uppercase << showbase << endl;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void loop() {
- float s;
- uint32_t t;
- uint32_t maxLatency;
- uint32_t minLatency;
- uint32_t totalLatency;
- bool skipLatency;
- // Discard any input.
- clearSerialInput();
- // F() stores strings in flash to save RAM
- cout << F("Type any character to start\n");
- while (!Serial.available()) {
- SysCall::yield();
- }
- cout << F("FreeStack: ") << FreeStack() << endl;
- #endif // HAS_UNUSED_STACK
- if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) {
- sd.initErrorHalt(&Serial);
- }
- if (sd.fatType() == FAT_TYPE_EXFAT) {
- cout << F("Type is exFAT") << endl;
- } else {
- cout << F("Type is FAT") << int(sd.fatType()) << endl;
- }
- cout << F("Card size: ") << sd.card()->sectorCount()*512E-9;
- cout << F(" GB (GB = 1E9 bytes)") << endl;
- cidDmp();
- // open or create file - truncate existing file.
- if (!file.open("bench.dat", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
- error("open failed");
- }
- // fill buf with known data
- if (BUF_SIZE > 1) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < (BUF_SIZE - 2); i++) {
- buf[i] = 'A' + (i % 26);
- }
- buf[BUF_SIZE-2] = '\r';
- }
- buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = '\n';
- cout << F("FILE_SIZE_MB = ") << FILE_SIZE_MB << endl;
- cout << F("BUF_SIZE = ") << BUF_SIZE << F(" bytes\n");
- cout << F("Starting write test, please wait.") << endl << endl;
- // do write test
- uint32_t n = FILE_SIZE/BUF_SIZE;
- cout <<F("write speed and latency") << endl;
- cout << F("speed,max,min,avg") << endl;
- cout << F("KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec") << endl;
- for (uint8_t nTest = 0; nTest < WRITE_COUNT; nTest++) {
- file.truncate(0);
- if (!file.preAllocate(FILE_SIZE)) {
- error("preAllocate failed");
- }
- }
- maxLatency = 0;
- minLatency = 9999999;
- totalLatency = 0;
- skipLatency = SKIP_FIRST_LATENCY;
- t = millis();
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- uint32_t m = micros();
- if (file.write(buf, BUF_SIZE) != BUF_SIZE) {
- error("write failed");
- }
- m = micros() - m;
- totalLatency += m;
- if (skipLatency) {
- // Wait until first write to SD, not just a copy to the cache.
- skipLatency = file.curPosition() < 512;
- } else {
- if (maxLatency < m) {
- maxLatency = m;
- }
- if (minLatency > m) {
- minLatency = m;
- }
- }
- }
- file.sync();
- t = millis() - t;
- s = file.fileSize();
- cout << s/t <<',' << maxLatency << ',' << minLatency;
- cout << ',' << totalLatency/n << endl;
- }
- cout << endl << F("Starting read test, please wait.") << endl;
- cout << endl <<F("read speed and latency") << endl;
- cout << F("speed,max,min,avg") << endl;
- cout << F("KB/Sec,usec,usec,usec") << endl;
- // do read test
- for (uint8_t nTest = 0; nTest < READ_COUNT; nTest++) {
- file.rewind();
- maxLatency = 0;
- minLatency = 9999999;
- totalLatency = 0;
- skipLatency = SKIP_FIRST_LATENCY;
- t = millis();
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = 0;
- uint32_t m = micros();
- int32_t nr = file.read(buf, BUF_SIZE);
- if (nr != BUF_SIZE) {
- error("read failed");
- }
- m = micros() - m;
- totalLatency += m;
- if (buf[BUF_SIZE-1] != '\n') {
- error("data check error");
- }
- if (skipLatency) {
- skipLatency = false;
- } else {
- if (maxLatency < m) {
- maxLatency = m;
- }
- if (minLatency > m) {
- minLatency = m;
- }
- }
- }
- s = file.fileSize();
- t = millis() - t;
- cout << s/t <<',' << maxLatency << ',' << minLatency;
- cout << ',' << totalLatency/n << endl;
- }
- cout << endl << F("Done") << endl;
- file.close();
- }