Per Mårtensson 8 months ago
13 changed files with 2860 additions and 6007 deletions
  1. 431 356
  2. 2 0
  3. 85 11
  4. 193 193
  5. 0 238
  6. 220 168
  7. 0 2171
  8. 171 171
  9. 0 1069
  10. 792 623
  11. 717 583
  12. 249 180
  13. 0 244

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 431 - 356

+ 2 - 0

@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
     "active_layer": 0,
     "active_layer_preset": "",
     "auto_track_width": false,
+    "hidden_netclasses": [],
     "hidden_nets": [],
     "high_contrast_mode": 0,
     "net_color_mode": 1,
     "opacity": {
+      "images": 0.6,
       "pads": 1.0,
       "tracks": 1.0,
       "vias": 1.0,

+ 85 - 11

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "board": {
+    "3dviewports": [],
     "design_settings": {
       "defaults": {
         "board_outline_line_width": 0.049999999999999996,
@@ -34,8 +35,8 @@
         "other_text_upright": false,
         "pads": {
           "drill": 0.0,
-          "height": 4.6,
-          "width": 1.5
+          "height": 0.4,
+          "width": 1.475
         "silk_line_width": 0.12,
         "silk_text_italic": false,
@@ -55,7 +56,10 @@
           "width": 0.0
-      "drc_exclusions": [],
+      "drc_exclusions": [
+        "silk_edge_clearance|196000000|113962000|fc56b098-c3aa-474b-aac9-da58d4f42386|67e5e8b2-a523-4f55-af07-652fedfa92c5",
+        "silk_edge_clearance|196000000|97112000|fc56b098-c3aa-474b-aac9-da58d4f42386|471a9dc0-32ae-4cb5-bb94-efe6f9efd4e7"
+      ],
       "meta": {
         "filename": "board_design_settings.json",
         "version": 2
@@ -63,20 +67,26 @@
       "rule_severities": {
         "annular_width": "error",
         "clearance": "error",
+        "connection_width": "warning",
         "copper_edge_clearance": "error",
+        "copper_sliver": "warning",
         "courtyards_overlap": "error",
         "diff_pair_gap_out_of_range": "error",
         "diff_pair_uncoupled_length_too_long": "error",
         "drill_out_of_range": "error",
         "duplicate_footprints": "warning",
         "extra_footprint": "warning",
-        "footprint_type_mismatch": "error",
+        "footprint": "error",
+        "footprint_type_mismatch": "ignore",
         "hole_clearance": "error",
         "hole_near_hole": "error",
         "invalid_outline": "error",
+        "isolated_copper": "warning",
         "item_on_disabled_layer": "error",
         "items_not_allowed": "error",
         "length_out_of_range": "error",
+        "lib_footprint_issues": "warning",
+        "lib_footprint_mismatch": "warning",
         "malformed_courtyard": "error",
         "microvia_drill_out_of_range": "error",
         "missing_courtyard": "ignore",
@@ -86,9 +96,14 @@
         "padstack": "error",
         "pth_inside_courtyard": "ignore",
         "shorting_items": "error",
+        "silk_edge_clearance": "warning",
         "silk_over_copper": "warning",
         "silk_overlap": "warning",
         "skew_out_of_range": "error",
+        "solder_mask_bridge": "error",
+        "starved_thermal": "error",
+        "text_height": "warning",
+        "text_thickness": "warning",
         "through_hole_pad_without_hole": "error",
         "too_many_vias": "error",
         "track_dangling": "warning",
@@ -97,7 +112,6 @@
         "unconnected_items": "error",
         "unresolved_variable": "error",
         "via_dangling": "warning",
-        "zone_has_empty_net": "error",
         "zones_intersect": "error"
       "rule_severitieslegacy_courtyards_overlap": true,
@@ -107,18 +121,63 @@
         "allow_microvias": false,
         "max_error": 0.005,
         "min_clearance": 0.0,
+        "min_connection": 0.0,
         "min_copper_edge_clearance": 0.075,
         "min_hole_clearance": 0.25,
         "min_hole_to_hole": 0.25,
         "min_microvia_diameter": 0.19999999999999998,
         "min_microvia_drill": 0.09999999999999999,
+        "min_resolved_spokes": 2,
         "min_silk_clearance": 0.0,
+        "min_text_height": 0.6,
+        "min_text_thickness": 0.08,
         "min_through_hole_diameter": 0.3,
         "min_track_width": 0.19999999999999998,
         "min_via_annular_width": 0.049999999999999996,
         "min_via_diameter": 0.39999999999999997,
+        "solder_mask_to_copper_clearance": 0.0,
         "use_height_for_length_calcs": true
+      "teardrop_options": [
+        {
+          "td_allow_use_two_tracks": true,
+          "td_curve_segcount": 5,
+          "td_on_pad_in_zone": false,
+          "td_onpadsmd": true,
+          "td_onroundshapesonly": false,
+          "td_ontrackend": false,
+          "td_onviapad": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "teardrop_parameters": [
+        {
+          "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+          "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+          "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+          "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+          "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+          "td_target_name": "td_round_shape",
+          "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+        },
+        {
+          "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+          "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+          "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+          "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+          "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+          "td_target_name": "td_rect_shape",
+          "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+        },
+        {
+          "td_curve_segcount": 0,
+          "td_height_ratio": 1.0,
+          "td_length_ratio": 0.5,
+          "td_maxheight": 2.0,
+          "td_maxlen": 1.0,
+          "td_target_name": "td_track_end",
+          "td_width_to_size_filter_ratio": 0.9
+        }
+      ],
       "track_widths": [
@@ -131,7 +190,8 @@
       "zones_allow_external_fillets": false,
       "zones_use_no_outline": true
-    "layer_presets": []
+    "layer_presets": [],
+    "viewports": []
   "boards": [],
   "cvpcb": {
@@ -315,18 +375,23 @@
     "rule_severities": {
       "bus_definition_conflict": "error",
       "bus_entry_needed": "error",
-      "bus_label_syntax": "error",
       "bus_to_bus_conflict": "error",
       "bus_to_net_conflict": "error",
+      "conflicting_netclasses": "error",
       "different_unit_footprint": "error",
       "different_unit_net": "error",
       "duplicate_reference": "error",
       "duplicate_sheet_names": "error",
+      "endpoint_off_grid": "warning",
       "extra_units": "error",
       "global_label_dangling": "warning",
       "hier_label_mismatch": "error",
       "label_dangling": "error",
       "lib_symbol_issues": "warning",
+      "missing_bidi_pin": "warning",
+      "missing_input_pin": "warning",
+      "missing_power_pin": "error",
+      "missing_unit": "warning",
       "multiple_net_names": "warning",
       "net_not_bus_member": "warning",
       "no_connect_connected": "warning",
@@ -336,6 +401,7 @@
       "pin_to_pin": "warning",
       "power_pin_not_driven": "error",
       "similar_labels": "warning",
+      "simulation_model_issue": "error",
       "unannotated": "error",
       "unit_value_mismatch": "error",
       "unresolved_variable": "error",
@@ -353,7 +419,7 @@
   "net_settings": {
     "classes": [
-        "bus_width": 12.0,
+        "bus_width": 12,
         "clearance": 0.15,
         "diff_pair_gap": 0.25,
         "diff_pair_via_gap": 0.25,
@@ -367,13 +433,15 @@
         "track_width": 0.25,
         "via_diameter": 0.8,
         "via_drill": 0.4,
-        "wire_width": 6.0
+        "wire_width": 6
     "meta": {
-      "version": 2
+      "version": 3
-    "net_colors": null
+    "net_colors": null,
+    "netclass_assignments": null,
+    "netclass_patterns": []
   "pcbnew": {
     "last_paths": {
@@ -389,6 +457,8 @@
   "schematic": {
     "annotate_start_num": 0,
     "drawing": {
+      "dashed_lines_dash_length_ratio": 12.0,
+      "dashed_lines_gap_length_ratio": 3.0,
       "default_line_thickness": 6.0,
       "default_text_size": 50.0,
       "field_names": [],
@@ -420,7 +490,11 @@
     "page_layout_descr_file": "",
     "plot_directory": "pdf",
     "spice_adjust_passive_values": false,
+    "spice_current_sheet_as_root": false,
     "spice_external_command": "spice \"%I\"",
+    "spice_model_current_sheet_as_root": true,
+    "spice_save_all_currents": false,
+    "spice_save_all_voltages": false,
     "subpart_first_id": 65,
     "subpart_id_separator": 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 193 - 193

+ 0 - 238

@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-update=tor 15 jul 2021 14:18:08

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 220 - 168

+ 0 - 2171

@@ -1,2171 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 4
-$Descr A4 11693 8268
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 4 4
-Title "Greaseweazle F7 Lighting, USB PD"
-Date "2021-07-25"
-Rev "1.01"
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994341
-P 10850 2000
-AR Path="/61994341" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994341" Ref="C22"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C22" H 10942 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 10942 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 10850 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10850 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 10850 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10850 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 6199434D
-P 10450 2000
-AR Path="/6199434D" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6199434D" Ref="C21"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C21" H 10542 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 10542 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 10450 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10450 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 10450 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10450 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994353
-P 10050 2000
-AR Path="/61994353" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994353" Ref="C20"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C20" H 10142 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 10142 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 10050 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10050 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 10050 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10050 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994359
-P 9650 2000
-AR Path="/61994359" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994359" Ref="C17"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C17" H 9742 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 9742 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 9650 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 9650 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 9650 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    9650 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 6199435F
-P 9250 2000
-AR Path="/6199435F" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6199435F" Ref="C16"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C16" H 9342 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 9342 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 9250 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 9250 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 9250 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    9250 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994365
-P 8850 2000
-AR Path="/61994365" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994365" Ref="C14"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C14" H 8942 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 8942 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8850 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8850 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 8850 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8850 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 6199436B
-P 8450 2000
-AR Path="/6199436B" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6199436B" Ref="C12"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C12" H 8542 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 8542 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8450 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8450 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 8450 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8450 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994371
-P 8050 2000
-AR Path="/61994371" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994371" Ref="C10"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C10" H 8142 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 8142 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8050 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8050 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 8050 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8050 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994377
-P 7600 2000
-AR Path="/61994377" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994377" Ref="C8"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C8" H 7692 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 7692 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 7600 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7600 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 7600 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7600 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 6199437D
-P 7200 2000
-AR Path="/6199437D" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6199437D" Ref="C6"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C6" H 7292 2046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 7292 1955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 7200 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7200 2000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 7200 2000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7200 2000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994383
-P 8200 3900
-AR Path="/61994383" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994383" Ref="C7"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C7" H 8050 4000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 8050 3800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 8200 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8200 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 8200 3900 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8200 3900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61994389
-P 7800 4300
-AR Path="/61994389" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994389" Ref="C9"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C9" H 7892 4346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 7892 4255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 7800 4300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7800 4300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 7800 4300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7800 4300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R?
-U 1 1 619943A1
-P 8600 5000
-AR Path="/619943A1" Ref="R?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/619943A1" Ref="R5"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "R5" V 8404 5000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "3k" V 8495 5000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 8600 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8600 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C137987" H 8600 5000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8600 5000
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	8700 5000 8900 5000
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 619943A8
-P 8350 5050
-AR Path="/619943A8" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/619943A8" Ref="#PWR011"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR011" H 8350 4800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8355 4877 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8350 5050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8350 5050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8350 5050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 5050 8350 5000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 5000 8500 5000
-L Greaseweazle:STM32F730Z8T6 U?
-U 1 1 61994339
-P 8800 2900
-AR Path="/61994339" Ref="U?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61994339" Ref="U1"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "U1" H 9800 3165 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "STM32F730Z8T6" H 9800 3074 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:STMicroelectronics-LQFP144-1A-0-3-IPC_A" H 8800 3300 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "" H 8800 3400 50  0001 L CNN
-F 4 "C508478" H 8800 2900 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8800 2900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+3.3V #PWR?
-U 1 1 619A72A6
-P 7200 1750
-AR Path="/5CDC6C9A/619A72A6" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619A72A6" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/5F1899BF/619A72A6" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/619A72A6" Ref="#PWR0101"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0101" H 7200 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3.3V" H 7215 1923 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7200 1750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7200 1750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7200 1750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 1750 7200 1800
-Connection ~ 7200 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 1800 7200 1900
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 2100 7200 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 2250 7600 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 1800 7600 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	7600 1800 7600 1900
-Connection ~ 7600 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	7600 1800 8050 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8050 1800 8050 1900
-Connection ~ 8050 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8050 1800 8450 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8450 1900 8450 1800
-Connection ~ 8450 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8450 1800 8850 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 1800 8850 1900
-Connection ~ 8850 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 1800 9250 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	9250 1900 9250 1800
-Connection ~ 9250 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	9250 1800 9650 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	9650 1800 9650 1900
-Connection ~ 9650 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	9650 1800 10050 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10050 1900 10050 1800
-Connection ~ 10050 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10050 1800 10450 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10450 1900 10450 1800
-Connection ~ 10450 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10450 1800 10850 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10850 1900 10850 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10850 2100 10850 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	10450 2100 10450 2250
-Connection ~ 10450 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	10450 2250 10850 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	10050 2100 10050 2250
-Connection ~ 10050 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	10050 2250 10450 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	9650 2100 9650 2250
-Connection ~ 9650 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	9650 2250 10050 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	9250 2100 9250 2250
-Connection ~ 9250 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	9250 2250 9650 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 2100 8850 2250
-Connection ~ 8850 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 2250 9250 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8450 2100 8450 2250
-Connection ~ 8450 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8450 2250 8850 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8050 2100 8050 2250
-Connection ~ 8050 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	8050 2250 8450 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7600 2100 7600 2250
-Connection ~ 7600 2250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7600 2250 8050 2250
-L power:GND #PWR0109
-U 1 1 61A13217
-P 7200 2350
-F 0 "#PWR0109" H 7200 2100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 7205 2177 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7200 2350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7200 2350 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7200 2350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7200 2250 7200 2350
-Connection ~ 7200 2250
-L Device:C_Small C38
-U 1 1 6025CAC8
-P 4000 5350
-F 0 "C38" V 3950 5200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "100nF" V 3950 5550 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 4000 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4000 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 4000 5350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4000 5350
-	0    1    1    0   
-L Device:D_Schottky D24
-U 1 1 6025D921
-P 4450 5950
-F 0 "D24" V 4350 5750 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" V 4550 5550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 4450 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4450 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 4450 5950 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4450 5950
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3650 5450 4250 5450
-L Device:R_Small R35
-U 1 1 6025EAB6
-P 5450 5600
-F 0 "R35" H 5250 5650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "10.2k" H 5200 5550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5450 5600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5450 5600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11660" H 5450 5600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5450 5600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R36
-U 1 1 6025F1BC
-P 5450 5950
-F 0 "R36" H 5250 6000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "3.24k" H 5200 5900 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5450 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5450 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11457" H 5450 5950 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5450 5950
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L sm6uax:TPS54331 U8
-U 1 1 60260C96
-P 3150 5550
-F 0 "U8" H 3150 6017 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "TPS54331" H 3150 5926 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" H 3200 5200 50  0001 L CIN
-F 3 "" H 3150 5550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C9865" H 3150 5550 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3150 5550
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3650 5350 3900 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	4100 5350 4250 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	4250 5350 4250 5450
-Connection ~ 4250 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	4250 5450 4450 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 5450 4750 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 5450 5450 5500
-Connection ~ 4450 5450
-L Device:C_Small C58
-U 1 1 60264C69
-P 5900 5750
-F 0 "C58" H 5700 5850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 5700 5650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 5900 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5900 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 5900 5750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5900 5750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 5450 5900 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 5450 5900 5650
-Connection ~ 5450 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 5950 3050 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 6150 4450 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 6150 5450 6050
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 6150 5900 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 6150 5900 5850
-Connection ~ 5450 6150
-Connection ~ 5900 6150
-Connection ~ 5900 5450
-Connection ~ 4450 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 6150 5450 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 5750 5450 5700
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 5750 5450 5850
-Connection ~ 5450 5750
-L Device:C_Small C37
-U 1 1 6026CBED
-P 3850 6450
-F 0 "C37" H 3650 6550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "5600pF" H 3550 6350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 3850 6450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3850 6450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C170143" H 3850 6450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3850 6450
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C57
-U 1 1 6026D80D
-P 4250 6700
-F 0 "C57" H 4050 6800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "390pF" H 4000 6600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 4250 6700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4250 6700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C363517" H 4250 6700 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4250 6700
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R34
-U 1 1 6026DD71
-P 3850 6800
-F 0 "R34" H 3650 6900 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "12.7k" H 3600 6700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3850 6800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3850 6800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25853" H 3850 6800 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3850 6800
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3650 5650 3850 5650
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 5650 3850 6300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6300 4250 6300
-Wire Wire Line
-	4250 6300 4250 6600
-Connection ~ 3850 6300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6300 3850 6350
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6550 3850 6700
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6900 3850 7050
-Wire Wire Line
-	4250 7050 4250 6800
-L power:GND #PWR0145
-U 1 1 60272B15
-P 3850 7100
-F 0 "#PWR0145" H 3850 6850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3855 6927 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3850 7100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3850 7100 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3850 7100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0146
-U 1 1 6027423A
-P 5450 6250
-F 0 "#PWR0146" H 5450 6000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 5455 6077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5450 6250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5450 6250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    5450 6250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5450 6150 5450 6250
-L Device:C_Small C36
-U 1 1 60276365
-P 2200 5950
-F 0 "C36" H 2000 6050 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "15nF" H 1950 5850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 2200 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2200 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1548" H 2200 5950 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2200 5950
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 5850 2200 5650
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 5650 2650 5650
-L power:+5V #PWR0159
-U 1 1 6027ABED
-P 950 5000
-F 0 "#PWR0159" H 950 4850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+5V" H 965 5173 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 950 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 950 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    950  5000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+3V3 #PWR0147
-U 1 1 6013C2A9
-P 7450 5350
-F 0 "#PWR0147" H 7450 5200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3" H 7465 5523 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7450 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7450 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7450 5350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R41
-U 1 1 602875D0
-P 1700 5600
-F 0 "R41" H 1500 5650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "330k" H 1450 5550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1700 5600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1700 5600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25778" H 1700 5600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1700 5600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R42
-U 1 1 60287738
-P 1700 5950
-F 0 "R42" H 1500 6000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "120k" H 1450 5900 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1700 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1700 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25750" H 1700 5950 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1700 5950
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 6150 1700 6050
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 5750 1700 5700
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 5750 1700 5850
-Connection ~ 1700 5750
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 5350 1700 5500
-L Device:C_Small C35
-U 1 1 60299F43
-P 1250 5700
-F 0 "C35" H 1100 5800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 1050 5600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 1250 5700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1250 5700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 1250 5700 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1250 5700
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1250 5600 1250 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	1250 5350 1700 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 6150 2200 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	1250 6150 1250 5800
-Connection ~ 3050 6150
-Connection ~ 1700 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 6150 1250 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6050 2200 6150
-Connection ~ 2200 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6150 1700 6150
-L Device:L L2
-U 1 1 602A5F6B
-P 4900 5450
-F 0 "L2" V 5000 5450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "15uH" V 4850 5450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:L_6.3x6.3_H3" H 4900 5450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4900 5450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C83374" V 4900 5450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4900 5450
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	5050 5450 5450 5450
-L Device:CP_Small C61
-U 1 1 602A7E22
-P 6300 5750
-F 0 "C61" H 6100 5850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 6050 5650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 6300 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6300 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 6300 5750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6300 5750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:CP_Small C60
-U 1 1 602A83A7
-P 950 5700
-F 0 "C60" H 700 5800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 700 5600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 950 5700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 950 5700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 950 5700 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    950  5700
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	950  5350 1250 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	950  5350 950  5600
-Connection ~ 1250 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	950  5800 950  6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	950  6150 1250 6150
-Connection ~ 1250 6150
-Connection ~ 950  5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 6150 6300 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 5450 6300 5450
-Connection ~ 1700 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 5350 2650 5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 5750 2650 5750
-Wire Wire Line
-	6300 5450 6300 5650
-Connection ~ 6300 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	6300 5450 6700 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	6300 5850 6300 6150
-L Device:LED D26
-U 1 1 6024C492
-P 6700 5950
-F 0 "D26" V 6750 6200 50  0000 R CNN
-F 1 "LED-B" V 6650 6300 50  0000 R CNN
-F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric" H 6700 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6700 5950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C72041" H 6700 5950 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6700 5950
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-L Device:R_Small R43
-U 1 1 6024D9C9
-P 6700 5650
-F 0 "R43" H 6500 5700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "470" H 6500 5550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 6700 5650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6700 5650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25117" H 6700 5650 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6700 5650
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	6700 5450 6700 5550
-Connection ~ 6700 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	6700 5750 6700 5800
-Wire Wire Line
-	6300 6150 6700 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	6700 6150 6700 6100
-Connection ~ 6300 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	950  5000 950  5350
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 6100 4450 6150
-Wire Wire Line
-	3650 5750 5450 5750
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 5450 4450 5800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 7050 3850 7100
-Connection ~ 3850 7050
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 7050 4250 7050
-L Device:C_Small C29
-U 1 1 61D96382
-P 3900 3150
-F 0 "C29" V 3850 3000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "100nF" V 3850 3350 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 3900 3150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3900 3150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 3900 3150 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3900 3150
-	0    1    1    0   
-L Device:D_Schottky D6
-U 1 1 61D9673D
-P 4350 3750
-F 0 "D6" V 4250 3550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" V 4450 3350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 4350 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4350 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 4350 3750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4350 3750
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3250 4150 3250
-L Device:R_Small R47
-U 1 1 61D96749
-P 5350 3400
-F 0 "R47" H 5150 3450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "17k" H 5100 3350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5350 3400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5350 3400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26957" H 5350 3400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5350 3400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R48
-U 1 1 61D96754
-P 5350 3750
-F 0 "R48" H 5150 3800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "3.24k" H 5100 3700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5350 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5350 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11457" H 5350 3750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5350 3750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L sm6uax:TPS54331 U6
-U 1 1 61D9675F
-P 3050 3350
-F 0 "U6" H 3050 3817 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "TPS54331" H 3050 3726 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" H 3100 3000 50  0001 L CIN
-F 3 "" H 3050 3350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C9865" H 3050 3350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3050 3350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3150 3800 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	4000 3150 4150 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 3150 4150 3250
-Connection ~ 4150 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 3250 4350 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 3250 4650 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3250 5350 3300
-Connection ~ 4350 3250
-L Device:C_Small C31
-U 1 1 61D96772
-P 5800 3550
-F 0 "C31" H 5600 3650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 5600 3450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 5800 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5800 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 5800 3550 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5800 3550
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3250 5800 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 3250 5800 3450
-Connection ~ 5350 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 3750 2950 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 3950 4350 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3950 5350 3850
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3950 5800 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 3950 5800 3650
-Connection ~ 5350 3950
-Connection ~ 5800 3950
-Connection ~ 5800 3250
-Connection ~ 4350 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 3950 5350 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3550 5350 3500
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3550 5350 3650
-Connection ~ 5350 3550
-L Device:C_Small C28
-U 1 1 61D9678D
-P 3750 4250
-F 0 "C28" H 3550 4350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "5600pF" H 3450 4150 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 3750 4250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3750 4250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C170143" H 3750 4250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3750 4250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C30
-U 1 1 61D96798
-P 4150 4500
-F 0 "C30" H 3950 4600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "390pF" H 3900 4400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 4150 4500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4150 4500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C363517" H 4150 4500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4150 4500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R46
-U 1 1 61D967A3
-P 3750 4600
-F 0 "R46" H 3550 4700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "12.7k" H 3500 4500 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3750 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3750 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25853" H 3750 4600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3750 4600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3450 3750 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 3450 3750 4100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4100 4150 4100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4100 4150 4400
-Connection ~ 3750 4100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4100 3750 4150
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4350 3750 4500
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4700 3750 4850
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4850 4150 4600
-L power:GND #PWR0148
-U 1 1 61D967B6
-P 3750 4900
-F 0 "#PWR0148" H 3750 4650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3755 4727 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3750 4900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3750 4900 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3750 4900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0149
-U 1 1 61D967C0
-P 5350 4050
-F 0 "#PWR0149" H 5350 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 5355 3877 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5350 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5350 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    5350 4050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 3950 5350 4050
-L Device:C_Small C27
-U 1 1 61D967CC
-P 2100 3750
-F 0 "C27" H 1900 3850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "15nF" H 1850 3650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 2100 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2100 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1548" H 2100 3750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2100 3750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 3650 2100 3450
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 3450 2550 3450
-L Device:R_Small R44
-U 1 1 61D967ED
-P 1600 3400
-F 0 "R44" H 1400 3450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "330k" H 1350 3350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1600 3400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1600 3400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25778" H 1600 3400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1600 3400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R45
-U 1 1 61D967F8
-P 1600 3750
-F 0 "R45" H 1400 3800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "120k" H 1350 3700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1600 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1600 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25750" H 1600 3750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1600 3750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3950 1600 3850
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3550 1600 3500
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3550 1600 3650
-Connection ~ 1600 3550
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3150 1600 3300
-L Device:C_Small C26
-U 1 1 61D96808
-P 1150 3500
-F 0 "C26" H 1000 3600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 950 3400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 1150 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1150 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 1150 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1150 3500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 3400 1150 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 3150 1600 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 3950 2100 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 3950 1150 3600
-Connection ~ 2950 3950
-Connection ~ 1600 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3950 1150 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 3850 2100 3950
-Connection ~ 2100 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 3950 1600 3950
-L Device:L L1
-U 1 1 61D9681D
-P 4800 3250
-F 0 "L1" V 4900 3250 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "15uH" V 4750 3250 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:L_6.3x6.3_H3" H 4800 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4800 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C83374" V 4800 3250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4800 3250
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	4950 3250 5350 3250
-L Device:CP_Small C32
-U 1 1 61D96829
-P 6200 3550
-F 0 "C32" H 6000 3650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 5950 3450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 6200 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6200 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 6200 3550 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6200 3550
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:CP_Small C4
-U 1 1 61D96834
-P 850 3500
-F 0 "C4" H 600 3600 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 600 3400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 850 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 850 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 850 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    850  3500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  3150 1150 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  3150 850  3400
-Connection ~ 1150 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  3600 850  3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  3950 1150 3950
-Connection ~ 1150 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 3950 6200 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 3250 6200 3250
-Connection ~ 1600 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3150 2550 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 3550 2550 3550
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 3250 6200 3450
-Connection ~ 6200 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 3250 6600 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 3650 6200 3950
-L Device:LED D7
-U 1 1 61D96850
-P 6600 3750
-F 0 "D7" V 6650 4000 50  0000 R CNN
-F 1 "LED-B" V 6550 4100 50  0000 R CNN
-F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric" H 6600 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6600 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C72041" H 6600 3750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6600 3750
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-L Device:R_Small R49
-U 1 1 61D9685B
-P 6600 3450
-F 0 "R49" H 6400 3500 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1,5k" H 6400 3350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 6600 3450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6600 3450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25867" H 6600 3450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6600 3450
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 3250 6600 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 3550 6600 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 3950 6600 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 3950 6600 3900
-Connection ~ 6200 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 3900 4350 3950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3550 5350 3550
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 3250 4350 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4850 3750 4900
-Connection ~ 3750 4850
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 4850 4150 4850
-L power:+5V #PWR0150
-U 1 1 61DB1CA0
-P 7500 3150
-F 0 "#PWR0150" H 7500 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+5V" H 7515 3323 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7500 3150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7500 3150 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7500 3150
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+12V #PWR0151
-U 1 1 61DB36EB
-P 850 3050
-F 0 "#PWR0151" H 850 2900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+12V" H 865 3223 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 850 3050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 850 3050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    850  3050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  3050 850  3150
-Connection ~ 850  3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 2900 8800 2900
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 2900 8800 2750
-L power:+3V3 #PWR0152
-U 1 1 61DEEC14
-P 8800 2750
-F 0 "#PWR0152" H 8800 2600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3" H 8815 2923 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8800 2750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8800 2750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8800 2750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 2900 8800 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3000 8900 3000
-Connection ~ 8800 2900
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3000 8800 3100
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3100 8900 3100
-Connection ~ 8800 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3100 8800 3200
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3200 8900 3200
-Connection ~ 8800 3100
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3200 8800 3300
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3300 8900 3300
-Connection ~ 8800 3200
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3300 8800 3400
-Connection ~ 8800 3300
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3400 8900 3400
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3400 8800 3500
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3500 8900 3500
-Connection ~ 8800 3400
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3500 8800 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3600 8900 3600
-Connection ~ 8800 3500
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3600 8800 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3700 8900 3700
-Connection ~ 8800 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3700 8800 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 3800 8900 3800
-Connection ~ 8800 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4700 10950 4700
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 4700 10950 4800
-L power:GND #PWR0153
-U 1 1 61E68F7D
-P 10950 5750
-F 0 "#PWR0153" H 10950 5500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 10955 5577 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 10950 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 10950 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    10950 5750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4800 10950 4800
-Connection ~ 10950 4800
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 4800 10950 4900
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 4900 10950 4900
-Connection ~ 10950 4900
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 4900 10950 5000
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5000 10950 5000
-Connection ~ 10950 5000
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5000 10950 5100
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5100 10950 5100
-Connection ~ 10950 5100
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5200 10950 5200
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5100 10950 5200
-Connection ~ 10950 5200
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5200 10950 5300
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5300 10950 5300
-Connection ~ 10950 5300
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5300 10950 5400
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5400 10950 5400
-Connection ~ 10950 5400
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5400 10950 5500
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5500 10950 5500
-Connection ~ 10950 5500
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5500 10950 5600
-Wire Wire Line
-	10700 5600 10950 5600
-Connection ~ 10950 5600
-Wire Wire Line
-	10950 5600 10950 5750
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 4000 8800 4000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 4000 8800 3800
-Connection ~ 8800 3800
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61EDC345
-P 8000 4600
-AR Path="/61EDC345" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61EDC345" Ref="C13"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C13" H 8092 4646 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "2.2uF" H 8092 4555 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 8000 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8000 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C23630" H 8000 4600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8000 4600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 61EE93E8
-P 8000 4750
-AR Path="/61EE93E8" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61EE93E8" Ref="#PWR0154"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0154" H 8000 4500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8005 4577 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8000 4750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8000 4750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8000 4750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61EF5B8B
-P 8350 4600
-AR Path="/61EF5B8B" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61EF5B8B" Ref="C15"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C15" H 8442 4646 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "2.2uF" H 8442 4555 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 8350 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8350 4600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C23630" H 8350 4600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8350 4600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 4500 8900 4500
-Wire Wire Line
-	8000 4500 8000 4400
-Wire Wire Line
-	8000 4400 8900 4400
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 4700 8350 4750
-Wire Wire Line
-	8000 4700 8000 4750
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 5200 8550 5200
-Wire Wire Line
-	8550 5200 8550 5250
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 61F3F533
-P 8550 5250
-AR Path="/61F3F533" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61F3F533" Ref="#PWR0155"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0155" H 8550 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8700 5200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8550 5250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8550 5250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8550 5250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 5400 8100 5400
-Wire Wire Line
-	8100 5400 8100 5350
-L power:+3V3 #PWR0156
-U 1 1 61F4C845
-P 8100 5350
-F 0 "#PWR0156" H 8100 5200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3" H 8115 5523 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8100 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8100 5350 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8100 5350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 4700 8800 4700
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 4800 8800 4800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 4800 8800 4700
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 4700 8800 4100
-Connection ~ 8800 4700
-Connection ~ 8800 4000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8900 4100 8800 4100
-Connection ~ 8800 4100
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 4100 8800 4000
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 61F82FC0
-P 7850 3900
-AR Path="/61F82FC0" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61F82FC0" Ref="C11"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C11" H 7700 4000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "2.2uF" H 7600 3800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 7850 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7850 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C23630" H 7850 3900 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7850 3900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8400 3900 8900 3900
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 61F90B65
-P 8200 4050
-AR Path="/61F90B65" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61F90B65" Ref="#PWR0157"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0157" H 8200 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8350 3950 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8200 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8200 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8200 4050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 61F19E0B
-P 8350 4750
-AR Path="/61F19E0B" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61F19E0B" Ref="#PWR0158"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0158" H 8350 4500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8355 4577 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8350 4750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8350 4750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8350 4750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7800 4200 8900 4200
-Wire Wire Line
-	8200 4000 8200 4050
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 61FE2DBA
-P 7800 4450
-AR Path="/61FE2DBA" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/61FE2DBA" Ref="#PWR0160"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0160" H 7800 4200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 7800 4300 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7800 4450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7800 4450 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7800 4450
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7800 4400 7800 4450
-Wire Wire Line
-	7850 3800 7850 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	7850 3700 8400 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	8400 3700 8400 3900
-Wire Wire Line
-	8200 3800 8350 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 3800 8350 4000
-Wire Wire Line
-	8350 4000 8800 4000
-L power:GND #PWR?
-U 1 1 6205C39D
-P 7850 4050
-AR Path="/6205C39D" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6205C39D" Ref="#PWR0161"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR0161" H 7850 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8000 3950 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7850 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7850 4050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7850 4050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7850 4000 7850 4050
-L Device:D_Schottky D14
-U 1 1 620AC1A6
-P 6900 3250
-F 0 "D14" H 6700 3150 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" H 7000 3150 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 6900 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6900 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 6900 3250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6900 3250
-	-1   0    0    1   
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 3250 6750 3250
-Connection ~ 6600 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7050 3250 7200 3250
-L Device:C_Small C41
-U 1 1 621659B8
-P 3900 1000
-F 0 "C41" V 3850 850 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "100nF" V 3850 1200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 3900 1000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3900 1000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 3900 1000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3900 1000
-	0    1    1    0   
-L Device:D_Schottky D11
-U 1 1 621659C3
-P 4350 1600
-F 0 "D11" V 4250 1400 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" V 4450 1200 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 4350 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4350 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 4350 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4350 1600
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 1100 4150 1100
-L Device:R_Small R53
-U 1 1 621659CF
-P 5350 1250
-F 0 "R53" H 5150 1300 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "45k" H 5100 1200 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5350 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5350 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26980" H 5350 1250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5350 1250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R54
-U 1 1 621659DA
-P 5350 1600
-F 0 "R54" H 5150 1650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "3.24k" H 5100 1550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5350 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5350 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11457" H 5350 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5350 1600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L sm6uax:TPS54331 U7
-U 1 1 621659E5
-P 3050 1200
-F 0 "U7" H 3050 1667 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "TPS54331" H 3050 1576 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" H 3100 850 50  0001 L CIN
-F 3 "" H 3050 1200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C9865" H 3050 1200 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3050 1200
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 1000 3800 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	4000 1000 4150 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 1000 4150 1100
-Connection ~ 4150 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 1100 4350 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 1100 4650 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1100 5350 1150
-Connection ~ 4350 1100
-L Device:C_Small C43
-U 1 1 621659F8
-P 5800 1400
-F 0 "C43" H 5600 1500 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 5600 1300 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 5800 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5800 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 5800 1400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5800 1400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1100 5800 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 1100 5800 1300
-Connection ~ 5350 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 1600 2950 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 1800 4350 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1800 5350 1700
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1800 5800 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 1800 5800 1500
-Connection ~ 5350 1800
-Connection ~ 5800 1800
-Connection ~ 5800 1100
-Connection ~ 4350 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 1800 5350 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1400 5350 1350
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1400 5350 1500
-Connection ~ 5350 1400
-L Device:C_Small C40
-U 1 1 62165A13
-P 3750 2100
-F 0 "C40" H 3550 2200 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "5600pF" H 3450 2000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 3750 2100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3750 2100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C170143" H 3750 2100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3750 2100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C42
-U 1 1 62165A1E
-P 4150 2350
-F 0 "C42" H 3950 2450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "390pF" H 3900 2250 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 4150 2350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4150 2350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C363517" H 4150 2350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4150 2350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R52
-U 1 1 62165A29
-P 3750 2450
-F 0 "R52" H 3550 2550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "12.7k" H 3500 2350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3750 2450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3750 2450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25853" H 3750 2450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3750 2450
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 1300 3750 1300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 1300 3750 1950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 1950 4150 1950
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 1950 4150 2250
-Connection ~ 3750 1950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 1950 3750 2000
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 2200 3750 2350
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 2550 3750 2700
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 2700 4150 2450
-L power:GND #PWR0166
-U 1 1 62165A3C
-P 3750 2750
-F 0 "#PWR0166" H 3750 2500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3755 2577 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3750 2750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3750 2750 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3750 2750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0167
-U 1 1 62165A46
-P 5350 1900
-F 0 "#PWR0167" H 5350 1650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 5355 1727 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5350 1900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5350 1900 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    5350 1900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 1800 5350 1900
-L Device:C_Small C39
-U 1 1 62165A52
-P 2100 1600
-F 0 "C39" H 1900 1700 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "15nF" H 1850 1500 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 2100 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2100 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1548" H 2100 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2100 1600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 1500 2100 1300
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 1300 2550 1300
-L Device:R_Small R50
-U 1 1 62165A5F
-P 1600 1250
-F 0 "R50" H 1400 1300 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "330k" H 1350 1200 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1600 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1600 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25778" H 1600 1250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1600 1250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R51
-U 1 1 62165A6A
-P 1600 1600
-F 0 "R51" H 1400 1650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "120k" H 1350 1550 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1600 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1600 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25750" H 1600 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1600 1600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1800 1600 1700
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1400 1600 1350
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1400 1600 1500
-Connection ~ 1600 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1000 1600 1150
-L Device:C_Small C34
-U 1 1 62165A7A
-P 1150 1350
-F 0 "C34" H 1000 1450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "47uF" H 950 1250 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 1150 1350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1150 1350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C16780" H 1150 1350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1150 1350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 1250 1150 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 1000 1600 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 1800 2100 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	1150 1800 1150 1450
-Connection ~ 2950 1800
-Connection ~ 1600 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1800 1150 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 1700 2100 1800
-Connection ~ 2100 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	2100 1800 1600 1800
-L Device:L L3
-U 1 1 62165A8F
-P 4800 1100
-F 0 "L3" V 4900 1100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "15uH" V 4750 1100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:L_6.3x6.3_H3" H 4800 1100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4800 1100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C83374" V 4800 1100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4800 1100
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	4950 1100 5350 1100
-L Device:CP_Small C44
-U 1 1 62165A9B
-P 6200 1400
-F 0 "C44" H 6000 1500 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 5950 1300 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 6200 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6200 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 6200 1400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6200 1400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:CP_Small C33
-U 1 1 62165AA6
-P 850 1350
-F 0 "C33" H 600 1450 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "220uF" H 600 1250 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:CP_Elec_6.3x7.7" H 850 1350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 850 1350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127327" H 850 1350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    850  1350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  1000 1150 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  1000 850  1250
-Connection ~ 1150 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  1450 850  1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  1800 1150 1800
-Connection ~ 1150 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 1800 6200 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 1100 6200 1100
-Connection ~ 1600 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1000 2550 1000
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1400 2550 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 1100 6200 1300
-Connection ~ 6200 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 1100 6600 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 1500 6200 1800
-L Device:LED D12
-U 1 1 62165AC0
-P 6600 1600
-F 0 "D12" V 6650 1850 50  0000 R CNN
-F 1 "LED-B" V 6550 1950 50  0000 R CNN
-F 2 "LED_SMD:LED_0603_1608Metric" H 6600 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6600 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C72041" H 6600 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6600 1600
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-L Device:R_Small R55
-U 1 1 62165ACB
-P 6600 1300
-F 0 "R55" H 6400 1350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "4,7k" H 6400 1200 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 6600 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6600 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25900" H 6600 1300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6600 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 1100 6600 1200
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 1400 6600 1450
-Wire Wire Line
-	6200 1800 6600 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 1800 6600 1750
-Connection ~ 6200 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 1750 4350 1800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 1400 5350 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	4350 1100 4350 1450
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 2700 3750 2750
-Connection ~ 3750 2700
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 2700 4150 2700
-L power:+12V #PWR0168
-U 1 1 62165AE0
-P 7700 950
-F 0 "#PWR0168" H 7700 800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+12V" H 7715 1123 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7700 950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7700 950 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7700 950 
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  900  850  1000
-Connection ~ 850  1000
-L Device:D_Schottky D13
-U 1 1 62165AED
-P 6900 1100
-F 0 "D13" H 6650 1000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" H 7000 1000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 6900 1100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6900 1100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 6900 1100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6900 1100
-	-1   0    0    1   
-Wire Wire Line
-	6600 1100 6750 1100
-Connection ~ 6600 1100
-L power:+24V #PWR0169
-U 1 1 621CA70F
-P 850 900
-F 0 "#PWR0169" H 850 750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+24V" H 865 1073 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 850 900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 850 900 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    850  900 
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:D_Schottky D15
-U 1 1 621D44AB
-P 6950 5450
-F 0 "D15" H 6750 5350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "MBRA340T" H 7050 5350 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SMA" H 6950 5450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6950 5450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C26178" V 6950 5450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6950 5450
-	-1   0    0    1   
-Wire Wire Line
-	7100 5450 7150 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	6700 5450 6800 5450
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F7
-U 1 1 6226E0D2
-P 7450 1100
-F 0 "F7" V 7350 1100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 7550 1150 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 7500 900 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7450 1100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 7450 1100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7450 1100
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	7050 1100 7350 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	7550 1100 7700 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	7700 1100 7700 950 
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F6
-U 1 1 622ABBC4
-P 7300 3250
-F 0 "F6" V 7200 3250 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 7400 3250 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 7350 3050 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7300 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 7300 3250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7300 3250
-	0    1    1    0   
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F5
-U 1 1 622AD7C0
-P 7250 5450
-F 0 "F5" V 7150 5450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 7350 5500 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 7300 5250 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7250 5450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 7250 5450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7250 5450
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	7400 3250 7500 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	7500 3250 7500 3150
-Wire Wire Line
-	7350 5450 7450 5450
-Wire Wire Line
-	7450 5450 7450 5350
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 62489810
-P 10750 1300
-AR Path="/62489810" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/62489810" Ref="C45"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C45" H 10842 1346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 10842 1255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 10750 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10750 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 10750 1300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10750 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+3.3V #PWR?
-U 1 1 6248A530
-P 10750 950
-AR Path="/5CDC6C9A/6248A530" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/6248A530" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/5F1899BF/6248A530" Ref="#PWR?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/6248A530" Ref="#PWR02"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "#PWR02" H 10750 800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3.3V" H 10765 1123 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 10750 950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 10750 950 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    10750 950 
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR010
-U 1 1 6248B2F4
-P 10750 1500
-F 0 "#PWR010" H 10750 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 10755 1327 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 10750 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 10750 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    10750 1500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	10750 1400 10750 1450
-Wire Wire Line
-	10750 950  10750 1050
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 624D0C15
-P 10350 1300
-AR Path="/624D0C15" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/624D0C15" Ref="C46"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C46" H 10442 1346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 10442 1255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 10350 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10350 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 10350 1300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10350 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	10350 1200 10350 1050
-Wire Wire Line
-	10350 1050 10750 1050
-Connection ~ 10750 1050
-Wire Wire Line
-	10750 1050 10750 1200
-Wire Wire Line
-	10350 1400 10350 1450
-Wire Wire Line
-	10350 1450 10750 1450
-Connection ~ 10750 1450
-Wire Wire Line
-	10750 1450 10750 1500
-L Device:C_Small C?
-U 1 1 60F6EF2A
-P 8800 5750
-AR Path="/60F6EF2A" Ref="C?"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/619586C3/60F6EF2A" Ref="C47"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "C47" H 8892 5796 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 8892 5705 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8800 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8800 5750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 8800 5750 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8800 5750
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8700 5600 8800 5600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 5600 8800 5650
-Connection ~ 8800 5600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 5600 8900 5600
-L power:GND #PWR0131
-U 1 1 60FAACA0
-P 8800 5900
-F 0 "#PWR0131" H 8800 5650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8805 5727 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8800 5900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8800 5900 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8800 5900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8800 5850 8800 5900
-L Switch:SW_SPST SW1
-U 1 1 60FFEDF2
-P 5700 7050
-F 0 "SW1" H 5700 7285 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "RESET" H 5700 7194 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:SW_Push_1P1T_NO_CK_KSC7xxJ" H 5700 7050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5700 7050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C127509" H 5700 7050 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5700 7050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5400 7050 5500 7050
-L power:GND #PWR0132
-U 1 1 6101DFA2
-P 6000 7100
-F 0 "#PWR0132" H 6000 6850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 6005 6927 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6000 7100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6000 7100 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    6000 7100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 7050 6000 7050
-Wire Wire Line
-	6000 7050 6000 7100
-L Connector:Conn_01x04_Male J3
-U 1 1 60FDE913
-P 1650 6950
-F 0 "J3" H 1758 7231 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Floppy power" H 1758 7140 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:TE_171826-4_1x4_P2.50mm_Horizontal" H 1650 6950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1650 6950 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    1650 6950
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text GLabel 8700 5600 0    50   Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 5400 7050 0    50   Input ~ 0
-L power:+5V #PWR0140
-U 1 1 6106F16A
-P 2150 6700
-F 0 "#PWR0140" H 2150 6550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+5V" H 2165 6873 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2150 6700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2150 6700 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2150 6700
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+12V #PWR0141
-U 1 1 61070447
-P 2250 7000
-F 0 "#PWR0141" H 2250 6850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+12V" H 2265 7173 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2250 7000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2250 7000 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2250 7000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0143
-U 1 1 610715F3
-P 2000 7350
-F 0 "#PWR0143" H 2000 7100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 2005 7177 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2000 7350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2000 7350 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2000 7350
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1850 7150 2250 7150
-Wire Wire Line
-	2250 7150 2250 7000
-Wire Wire Line
-	1850 6850 2150 6850
-Wire Wire Line
-	2150 6850 2150 6700
-Wire Wire Line
-	1850 6950 2000 6950
-Wire Wire Line
-	2000 6950 2000 7050
-Wire Wire Line
-	1850 7050 2000 7050
-Connection ~ 2000 7050
-Wire Wire Line
-	2000 7050 2000 7350

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 171 - 171

+ 0 - 1069

@@ -1,1069 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 4
-$Descr A4 11693 8268
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 3 4
-Title "Greaseweazle F7 Lighting, USB PD"
-Date "2021-07-25"
-Rev "1.01"
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-L Interface_USB:STUSB4500QTR U5
-U 1 1 6190F976
-P 3550 4300
-F 0 "U5" H 3100 5200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "STUSB4500QTR" H 4400 5000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-24-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.7x2.7mm" H 3550 4300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3550 4300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C2678061" H 3550 4300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3550 4300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Greaseweazle:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12 USB2
-U 1 1 61910067
-P 1500 1650
-F 0 "USB2" H 1333 2447 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12" H 1333 2341 60  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12" H 1500 1650 60  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 1500 1650 60  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C165948" H 1500 1650 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1500 1650
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 J4
-U 1 1 61BEF97D
-P 9200 1500
-F 0 "J4" H 9280 1542 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "Power Connector" H 9280 1451 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Connector_Phoenix_MC:PhoenixContact_MC_1,5_4-G-3.81_1x04_P3.81mm_Horizontal" H 9200 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 9200 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    9200 1500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:D_Schottky D5
-U 1 1 61BF0F20
-P 10650 1050
-F 0 "D5" V 10604 1130 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 10695 1130 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 10650 1050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 10650 1050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 10650 1050 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    10650 1050
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	10650 850  10650 900 
-L power:GND #PWR0123
-U 1 1 61BF280E
-P 10650 1250
-F 0 "#PWR0123" H 10650 1000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 10655 1077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 10650 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 10650 1250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    10650 1250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	10650 1200 10650 1250
-L Device:D_Schottky D3
-U 1 1 61BF640D
-P 2250 2150
-F 0 "D3" V 2200 2000 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 2350 1800 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 2250 2150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2250 2150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 2250 2150 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2250 2150
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 2000 2250 2000
-L power:GND #PWR0124
-U 1 1 61BF71AB
-P 2250 2400
-F 0 "#PWR0124" H 2250 2150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 2255 2227 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2250 2400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2250 2400 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2250 2400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	2250 2300 2250 2350
-L Device:D_Schottky D4
-U 1 1 61BF74DE
-P 2400 1550
-F 0 "D4" V 2354 1630 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 2445 1630 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 2400 1550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2400 1550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 2400 1550 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2400 1550
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1400 2400 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	2400 1700 2400 2350
-Wire Wire Line
-	2400 2350 2250 2350
-Connection ~ 2250 2350
-Wire Wire Line
-	2250 2350 2250 2400
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 2200 1700 2200
-L power:GND #PWR0125
-U 1 1 61BF8580
-P 1700 2400
-F 0 "#PWR0125" H 1700 2150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 1705 2227 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 1700 2400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 1700 2400 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    1700 2400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 2200 1700 2300
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 2300 1700 2300
-Connection ~ 1700 2300
-Wire Wire Line
-	1700 2300 1700 2400
-L power:GND #PWR0127
-U 1 1 61BF9EEA
-P 2450 1150
-F 0 "#PWR0127" H 2450 900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 2455 977 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2450 1150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2450 1150 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2450 1150
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1100 2450 1100
-Wire Wire Line
-	2450 1100 2450 1150
-NoConn ~ 1600 1300
-NoConn ~ 1600 1500
-NoConn ~ 1600 1600
-NoConn ~ 1600 1700
-NoConn ~ 1600 1800
-NoConn ~ 1600 1900
-Text Label 1650 1400 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2050 2100 2050 1900
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 2100 1900 2100
-Wire Wire Line
-	1900 1200 1900 2100
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 1200 1900 1200
-Connection ~ 1900 2100
-Wire Wire Line
-	1900 2100 2050 2100
-Text Label 1650 2000 0    50   ~ 0
-L Device:R_Small R24
-U 1 1 61C03140
-P 2750 4400
-F 0 "R24" V 2554 4400 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1k" V 2645 4400 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 2750 4400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 2750 4400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11702" H 2750 4400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2750 4400
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 4900 2800 4900
-Wire Wire Line
-	2800 4900 2800 5000
-Wire Wire Line
-	2800 5000 2950 5000
-Wire Wire Line
-	2800 5000 2800 5100
-Connection ~ 2800 5000
-L power:GND #PWR0122
-U 1 1 61C052FD
-P 2800 5100
-F 0 "#PWR0122" H 2800 4850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 2805 4927 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2800 5100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2800 5100 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2800 5100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0126
-U 1 1 61C054D5
-P 3550 5250
-F 0 "#PWR0126" H 3550 5000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3555 5077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3550 5250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3550 5250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3550 5250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 5200 3550 5250
-Wire Wire Line
-	2900 4800 2950 4800
-Text Label 2900 4800 2    50   ~ 0
-Text Label 2900 4700 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2900 4700 2950 4700
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 4600 2900 4600
-Text Label 2900 4600 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 4200 2850 4200
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 4200 2850 4100
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 4100 2950 4100
-Text Label 2850 3800 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 3800 2950 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 3800 2850 3900
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 3900 2950 3900
-Text Label 2850 4100 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2950 3600 2850 3600
-Text Label 2850 3600 2    50   ~ 0
-L Connector_Generic:Conn_02x06_Odd_Even J9
-U 1 1 61C0CCD0
-P 1900 6400
-F 0 "J9" H 1950 6817 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "STUBS4500 Programming" H 1950 6726 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Connector_IDC:IDC-Header_2x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 1900 6400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1900 6400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C692422" H 1900 6400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1900 6400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 4200 4900 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4900 4200 4900
-Text Label 2300 6200 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6200 2300 6200
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6300 2300 6300
-Text Label 2300 6300 0    50   ~ 0
-Text Label 4200 4300 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4300 4200 4300
-Text Label 4200 4200 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4200 4200 4200
-Text Label 2300 6600 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6600 2300 6600
-Text Label 2300 6400 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6400 2300 6400
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6500 2300 6500
-Text Label 2300 6500 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	2200 6700 2300 6700
-Wire Wire Line
-	2300 6700 2300 6850
-L power:GND #PWR0128
-U 1 1 61C163D3
-P 2300 6850
-F 0 "#PWR0128" H 2300 6600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 2305 6677 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2300 6850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2300 6850 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    2300 6850
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 1600 6200 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6200 1700 6200
-Text Label 1600 6300 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6300 1700 6300
-Text Label 1600 6400 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6400 1700 6400
-Text Label 1600 6700 2    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	1600 6700 1650 6700
-Connection ~ 1650 6700
-Wire Wire Line
-	1650 6700 1700 6700
-L Device:R_Small R25
-U 1 1 61C1D791
-P 1650 6900
-F 0 "R25" H 1709 6946 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 1709 6855 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 1650 6900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 1650 6900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 1650 6900 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    1650 6900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1650 6700 1650 6800
-L power:GND #PWR0129
-U 1 1 61C1EB9A
-P 1650 7050
-F 0 "#PWR0129" H 1650 6800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 1655 6877 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 1650 7050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 1650 7050 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    1650 7050
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1650 7000 1650 7050
-Text Label 4200 4700 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4700 4200 4700
-Text Label 4200 4800 0    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4800 4200 4800
-L power:VPP #PWR0133
-U 1 1 61C2BEF0
-P 850 6550
-F 0 "#PWR0133" H 850 6400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "VPP" H 865 6723 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 850 6550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 850 6550 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    850  6550
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  6550 850  6600
-Wire Wire Line
-	850  6600 1700 6600
-L power:VCC #PWR0134
-U 1 1 61C2DECE
-P 1050 6450
-F 0 "#PWR0134" H 1050 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "VCC" H 1065 6623 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 1050 6450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 1050 6450 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    1050 6450
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	1050 6450 1050 6500
-Wire Wire Line
-	1050 6500 1700 6500
-L power:VPP #PWR0135
-U 1 1 61C30B1A
-P 4300 6000
-F 0 "#PWR0135" H 4300 5850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "VPP" H 4315 6173 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4300 6000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4300 6000 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    4300 6000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R28
-U 1 1 61C31387
-P 3850 6300
-F 0 "R28" H 3909 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 3909 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3850 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3850 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 3850 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3850 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6200 3850 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6100 4150 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4300 6000 4300 6100
-Text Label 3850 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 6400 3850 6550
-L Device:R_Small R29
-U 1 1 61C36C80
-P 4150 6300
-F 0 "R29" H 4209 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 4209 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 4150 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4150 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 4150 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4150 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 4150 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 6400 4150 6550
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 6100 4150 6200
-Connection ~ 4150 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 6100 4300 6100
-L Device:R_Small R30
-U 1 1 61C39CF4
-P 4450 6300
-F 0 "R30" H 4509 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 4509 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 4450 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4450 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 4450 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4450 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 4450 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 6400 4450 6550
-Text Label 4750 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-L Device:R_Small R31
-U 1 1 61C3B934
-P 4750 6300
-F 0 "R31" H 4809 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 4809 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 4750 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4750 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 4750 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4750 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	4750 6400 4750 6550
-Text Label 5050 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-L Device:R_Small R32
-U 1 1 61C3DF7B
-P 5050 6300
-F 0 "R32" H 5109 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 5109 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5050 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5050 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 5050 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5050 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5050 6400 5050 6550
-L Device:R_Small R33
-U 1 1 61C4031D
-P 5350 6300
-F 0 "R33" H 5409 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 5409 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5350 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5350 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 5350 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5350 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 5350 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 6400 5350 6550
-Wire Wire Line
-	4300 6100 4450 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 6100 4450 6200
-Connection ~ 4300 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4450 6100 4750 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4750 6100 4750 6200
-Connection ~ 4450 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	4750 6100 5050 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	5050 6100 5050 6200
-Connection ~ 4750 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	5050 6100 5350 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	5350 6100 5350 6200
-Connection ~ 5050 6100
-L Device:R_Small R27
-U 1 1 61C47E41
-P 3550 6300
-F 0 "R27" H 3609 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "4.7k" H 3609 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3550 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3550 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25900" H 3550 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3550 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:R_Small R26
-U 1 1 61C48580
-P 3250 6300
-F 0 "R26" H 3309 6346 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "4.7k" H 3309 6255 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 3250 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3250 6300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25900" H 3250 6300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3250 6300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3250 6200 3250 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3250 6100 3550 6100
-Connection ~ 3850 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 6200 3550 6100
-Connection ~ 3550 6100
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 6100 3850 6100
-Text Label 3250 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	3250 6400 3250 6550
-Text Label 3550 6550 3    50   ~ 0
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 6400 3550 6550
-L power:VCC #PWR0136
-U 1 1 61C5199C
-P 3550 3200
-F 0 "#PWR0136" H 3550 3050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "VCC" H 3565 3373 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3550 3200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3550 3200 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3550 3200
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3200 3550 3400
-L Device:C_Small C24
-U 1 1 61C54E11
-P 4000 3100
-F 0 "C24" H 4092 3146 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 4092 3055 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 4000 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4000 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 4000 3100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4000 3100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C25
-U 1 1 61C5650B
-P 4300 3100
-F 0 "C25" H 4392 3146 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 4392 3055 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 4300 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 4300 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 4300 3100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4300 3100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:C_Small C23
-U 1 1 61C56C9B
-P 3200 3100
-F 0 "C23" H 3292 3146 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 3292 3055 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 3200 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3200 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 3200 3100 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    3200 3100
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0137
-U 1 1 61C576D0
-P 3200 3250
-F 0 "#PWR0137" H 3200 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3205 3077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3200 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3200 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3200 3250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0138
-U 1 1 61C5980B
-P 4000 3250
-F 0 "#PWR0138" H 4000 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 4005 3077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4000 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4000 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    4000 3250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0139
-U 1 1 61C5D42D
-P 4300 3250
-F 0 "#PWR0139" H 4300 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 4305 3077 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4300 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4300 3250 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    4300 3250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	4300 3200 4300 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	4000 3200 4000 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 3400 3850 2950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3850 2950 4000 2950
-Wire Wire Line
-	4000 2950 4000 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 3400 3750 2900
-Wire Wire Line
-	3750 2900 4300 2900
-Wire Wire Line
-	4300 2900 4300 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	3200 3200 3200 3250
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 3400 3450 2950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 2950 3200 2950
-Wire Wire Line
-	3200 2950 3200 3000
-L Transistor_FET:IRF7404 Q1
-U 1 1 61C7C2E9
-P 5600 3450
-F 0 "Q1" V 5942 3450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "AO4407C" V 5851 3450 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm" H 5800 3375 50  0001 L CIN
-F 3 "" V 5600 3450 50  0001 L CNN
-F 4 "C469397" V 5600 3450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5600 3450
-	0    1    -1   0   
-Connection ~ 3450 2950
-L Device:R_Small R37
-U 1 1 61C9CD51
-P 5200 3500
-F 0 "R37" H 5259 3546 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100k" H 5259 3455 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5200 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5200 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25741" H 5200 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5200 3500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	4850 3350 5200 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3350 5200 3400
-Connection ~ 5200 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3350 5400 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4000 5200 4000
-L Device:R_Small R38
-U 1 1 61CA64E3
-P 5200 3850
-F 0 "R38" H 5259 3896 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "22k" H 5259 3805 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5200 3850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5200 3850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25768" H 5200 3850 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5200 3850
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3950 5200 4000
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3600 5200 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3700 5600 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	5600 3700 5600 3650
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 3700 5200 3750
-Connection ~ 5200 3700
-L Device:R_Small R39
-U 1 1 61CB587B
-P 5800 3700
-F 0 "R39" V 5604 3700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "100" V 5695 3700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 5800 3700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5800 3700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25076" H 5800 3700 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5800 3700
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	5600 3700 5700 3700
-Connection ~ 5600 3700
-L Device:C_Small C2
-U 1 1 61CB935E
-P 6000 3500
-F 0 "C2" H 6092 3546 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100nF" H 6092 3455 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 6000 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6000 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C1525" H 6000 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6000 3500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	5900 3700 6000 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	6000 3700 6000 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	6000 3350 6000 3400
-Wire Wire Line
-	5800 3350 6000 3350
-L Device:D_Schottky D2
-U 1 1 61CC4ADE
-P 6450 3550
-F 0 "D2" V 6404 3630 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 6495 3630 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 6450 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6450 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 6450 3550 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6450 3550
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	6450 3350 6450 3400
-Connection ~ 6000 3350
-L power:GND #PWR0142
-U 1 1 61CC8DDA
-P 6450 3800
-F 0 "#PWR0142" H 6450 3550 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 6455 3627 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6450 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6450 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    6450 3800
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	6450 3700 6450 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	6000 3350 6250 3350
-Connection ~ 6450 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	4150 4400 6250 4400
-Wire Wire Line
-	6250 3350 6250 3700
-Connection ~ 6250 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	6250 3350 6450 3350
-L Device:R_Small R40
-U 1 1 61CDB3E1
-P 6250 3800
-F 0 "R40" H 6191 3754 50  0000 R CNN
-F 1 "1k" H 6191 3845 50  0000 R CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" H 6250 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 6250 3800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C11702" H 6250 3800 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    6250 3800
-	-1   0    0    1   
-Wire Wire Line
-	6250 3900 6250 4400
-L Device:C_Small C3
-U 1 1 61CE2725
-P 7050 3500
-F 0 "C3" H 7142 3546 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "100uF" H 7142 3455 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_1210_3225Metric" H 7050 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7050 3500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C49066" H 7050 3500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7050 3500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7050 3350 7050 3400
-Connection ~ 7050 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	6450 3350 7050 3350
-L power:GND #PWR0144
-U 1 1 61CEBF91
-P 7050 3650
-F 0 "#PWR0144" H 7050 3400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 7055 3477 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7050 3650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7050 3650 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7050 3650
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7050 3600 7050 3650
-L Device:D_Schottky D8
-U 1 1 620DE268
-P 7500 3350
-F 0 "D8" V 7454 3430 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 7545 3430 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 7500 3350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7500 3350 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 7500 3350 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7500 3350
-	-1   0    0    1   
-Wire Wire Line
-	7050 3350 7350 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	7650 3350 7800 3350
-L Device:D_Schottky D9
-U 1 1 6211342F
-P 8500 1400
-F 0 "D9" V 8454 1480 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 8545 1480 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 8500 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8500 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 8500 1400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8500 1400
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:+12V #PWR0162
-U 1 1 62114235
-P 7650 1300
-F 0 "#PWR0162" H 7650 1150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+12V" H 7665 1473 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7650 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7650 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7650 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8650 1400 9000 1400
-L Device:D_Schottky D10
-U 1 1 6211E054
-P 8700 1500
-F 0 "D10" V 8650 1650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 8750 1650 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 8700 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8700 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 8700 1500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8700 1500
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 1500 9000 1500
-L power:+5V #PWR0163
-U 1 1 621234A8
-P 7450 1300
-F 0 "#PWR0163" H 7450 1150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+5V" H 7465 1473 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7450 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7450 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7450 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0164
-U 1 1 6212DBB5
-P 8850 1850
-F 0 "#PWR0164" H 8850 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 8855 1677 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8850 1850 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8850 1850 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    8850 1850
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	2050 1900 2500 1900
-Wire Wire Line
-	4850 1900 4850 3350
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 1900 3450 2950
-Connection ~ 3450 1900
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 1900 4850 1900
-Connection ~ 2500 1900
-Wire Wire Line
-	2500 1900 3450 1900
-Text Label 4850 1900 0    50   ~ 0
-L power:+24V #PWR0130
-U 1 1 62230106
-P 7800 2800
-F 0 "#PWR0130" H 7800 2650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+24V" H 7815 2973 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7800 2800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7800 2800 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7800 2800
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Text Label 10650 850  2    50   ~ 0
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F2
-U 1 1 6223CE57
-P 7800 3000
-F 0 "F2" H 7868 3046 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" H 7868 2955 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 7850 2800 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 7800 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 7800 3000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    7800 3000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7800 2800 7800 2900
-Wire Wire Line
-	7800 3100 7800 3350
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F3
-U 1 1 6224B5ED
-P 8150 1400
-F 0 "F3" V 8100 1500 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 8050 1200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 8200 1200 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8150 1400 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 8150 1400 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8150 1400
-	0    1    1    0   
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F4
-U 1 1 6225036E
-P 8150 1500
-F 0 "F4" V 8100 1600 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 8100 1150 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 8200 1300 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8150 1500 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 8150 1500 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8150 1500
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	8250 1500 8550 1500
-Wire Wire Line
-	8250 1400 8350 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	7650 1300 7650 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	7650 1400 8050 1400
-Wire Wire Line
-	7450 1300 7450 1500
-Wire Wire Line
-	7450 1500 8050 1500
-Wire Wire Line
-	2850 4400 2950 4400
-Wire Wire Line
-	2500 4400 2650 4400
-Wire Wire Line
-	2500 1900 2500 4400
-L Device:D_Schottky D17
-U 1 1 6110F1FB
-P 8850 1600
-F 0 "D17" V 8850 1850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 8950 1850 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 8850 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8850 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" V 8850 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8850 1600
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L Device:Polyfuse_Small F8
-U 1 1 6110F4B4
-P 8150 1600
-F 0 "F8" V 8100 1700 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 2.2A" V 8100 1100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 8200 1400 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "~" H 8150 1600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C122658" H 8150 1600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    8150 1600
-	0    1    1    0   
-L power:+3V3 #PWR0165
-U 1 1 61117579
-P 7250 1300
-F 0 "#PWR0165" H 7250 1150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+3V3" H 7265 1473 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7250 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7250 1300 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    7250 1300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	7250 1300 7250 1600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8250 1600 8700 1600
-Wire Wire Line
-	7250 1600 8050 1600
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 1850 8850 1700
-Wire Wire Line
-	8850 1700 9000 1700

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 792 - 623

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 717 - 583

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 249 - 180

+ 0 - 244

@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 4
-$Descr A4 11693 8268
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 2 4
-Title "Greaseweazle F7 Lighting, USB PD"
-Date "2021-07-25"
-Rev "1.01"
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-L Device:Polyfuse F1
-U 1 1 5CC74192
-P 5050 2800
-F 0 "F1" V 4950 2800 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "Polyfuse 460mA" V 5200 2800 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:Fuse_1206_3216Metric" H 5100 2600 50  0001 L CNN
-F 3 "" H 5050 2800 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C69680" H 3700 1300 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-F 5 "" H 3700 1300 50  0001 C CNN "MOUSER"
-F 6 "" H 3700 1300 50  0001 C CNN "MPN"
-	1    5050 2800
-	0    1    1    0   
-L power:GND #PWR0102
-U 1 1 5CC8B39C
-P 5650 3300
-F 0 "#PWR0102" H 5650 3050 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 5655 3127 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5650 3300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5650 3300 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    5650 3300
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0103
-U 1 1 5CFA80C4
-P 4300 3700
-F 0 "#PWR0103" H 4300 3450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 4305 3527 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4300 3700 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4300 3700 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    4300 3700
-	1    0    0    -1  
-L power:GND #PWR0104
-U 1 1 5CC7520B
-P 3550 4000
-F 0 "#PWR0104" H 3550 3750 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 3555 3827 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3550 4000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3550 4000 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    3550 4000
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 2700 3550 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 2800 3450 3700
-Connection ~ 3450 2800
-L Greaseweazle:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12 USB1
-U 1 1 5E68A6B6
-P 2950 3250
-F 0 "USB1" H 2950 4453 60  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12" H 2950 4347 60  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Greaseweazle:HRO-TYPE-C-31-M-12" H 2950 4241 60  0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2250 3300 60  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C165948" H 2950 3250 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    2950 3250
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Connection ~ 3550 3800
-L Device:R R1
-U 1 1 5E733708
-P 3250 3000
-F 0 "R1" V 3150 3000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "5.1k" V 3350 3000 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 3180 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3250 3000 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25905" H 3250 3000 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-F 5 "" H 3250 3000 50  0001 C CNN "Supplier"
-	1    3250 3000
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 2700 3550 2700
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 2800 3450 2800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3700 3450 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3800 3550 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3000 3100 3000
-L Device:R R2
-U 1 1 5E79F20F
-P 3250 3600
-F 0 "R2" V 3043 3600 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "5.1k" V 3134 3600 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 3180 3600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 3250 3600 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C25905" H 3250 3600 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-F 5 "" H 3250 3600 50  0001 C CNN "Supplier"
-	1    3250 3600
-	0    1    1    0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3600 3100 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	3400 3000 3550 3000
-Connection ~ 3550 3000
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3000 3550 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	3400 3600 3550 3600
-Connection ~ 3550 3600
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3600 3550 3800
-NoConn ~ 3050 2900
-NoConn ~ 3050 3100
-NoConn ~ 3050 3400
-NoConn ~ 3050 3500
-L Device:C C1
-U 1 1 5E7FEAC9
-P 5650 3100
-F 0 "C1" H 5398 3100 50  0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1uF" H 5450 3200 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric" H 5688 2950 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5650 3100 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C28323" H 4250 2150 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-F 5 "" H 4250 2150 50  0001 C CNN "MOUSER"
-F 6 "" H 4250 2150 50  0001 C CNN "MPN"
-F 7 "" H 5650 3100 50  0001 C CNN "Supplier"
-	1    5650 3100
-	1    0    0    1   
-L Power_Protection:USBLC6-2SC6 U8
-U 1 1 5E95F9CD
-P 4300 3800
-AR Path="/5E95F9CD" Ref="U8"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/5E63B67F/5E95F9CD" Ref="U8"  Part="1" 
-AR Path="/60F22A52/5E95F9CD" Ref="U2"  Part="1" 
-F 0 "U2" V 4650 3550 50  0000 R CNN
-F 1 "USBLC6-2SC6" V 4750 3600 50  0000 R CNN
-F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23-6" H 3550 4200 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4500 4150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C7519" H 4300 3800 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    4300 3800
-	0    -1   -1   0   
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3200 4200 3200
-Wire Wire Line
-	4300 3600 4300 3700
-Wire Wire Line
-	3700 4300 4200 4300
-L power:GND #PWR0105
-U 1 1 5E9ECDE8
-P 4800 3900
-F 0 "#PWR0105" H 4800 3650 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "GND" H 4805 3727 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4800 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4800 3900 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    4800 3900
-	1    0    0    -1  
-Wire Wire Line
-	4800 3800 4800 3900
-Wire Wire Line
-	3050 3300 3700 3300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3700 3300 3700 4300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3450 2800 3800 2800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3800 3800 3800 2800
-Connection ~ 3800 2800
-Wire Wire Line
-	3550 3800 3550 4000
-NoConn ~ 3050 3900
-Wire Wire Line
-	3800 3800 3900 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	4200 3200 4200 3400
-Wire Wire Line
-	4400 3200 4400 3400
-Wire Wire Line
-	4200 4300 4200 4200
-Wire Wire Line
-	4400 4300 4400 4200
-Wire Wire Line
-	4700 3800 4800 3800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5650 3250 5650 3300
-Wire Wire Line
-	3800 2800 4900 2800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5200 2800 5650 2800
-Wire Wire Line
-	5650 2800 5650 2950
-Wire Wire Line
-	5650 2600 5650 2800
-Connection ~ 5650 2800
-Text HLabel 4400 3200 2    50   Input ~ 0
-Text HLabel 4400 4300 2    50   Input ~ 0
-L Device:D_Schottky D16
-U 1 1 62237076
-P 5650 2450
-F 0 "D16" V 5604 2530 50  0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1N5819W" V 5695 2530 50  0000 L CNN
-F 2 "Diode_SMD:D_SOD-123" H 5650 2450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "~" H 5650 2450 50  0001 C CNN
-F 4 "C963381" H 5650 2450 50  0001 C CNN "LCSC"
-	1    5650 2450
-	0    1    1    0   
-L power:+5V #PWR0106
-U 1 1 62237A55
-P 5650 2300
-F 0 "#PWR0106" H 5650 2150 50  0001 C CNN
-F 1 "+5V" H 5665 2473 50  0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5650 2300 50  0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5650 2300 50  0001 C CNN
-	1    5650 2300
-	1    0    0    -1  

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff