@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ BackupWidget::BackupWidget(QWidget *parent) :
+ model = new QStandardItemModel(this);
+ model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList{"Backup File","Total Flights", "Total Tails",
+ "Total Pilots", "Max Doft", "Total Time"}); // [G]: TODO make const but where?
@@ -43,28 +46,66 @@ BackupWidget::~BackupWidget()
-void BackupWidget::on_tableView_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) {
- selected = model->item(index.row(), 0);
- DEB << "Item at row:" << index.row() << "->" << selected->data(Qt::DisplayRole);
+void BackupWidget::on_tableView_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
+ selectedBackupName = model->item(index.row(), 0);
+ DEB << "Item at row:" << index.row() << "->" << selectedBackupName->data(Qt::DisplayRole);
void BackupWidget::on_createLocalPushButton_clicked()
- // Copy database to backupdir
+ QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+ this,
+ "Choose destination file",
+ AStandardPaths::directory(AStandardPaths::Backup).absolutePath(),
+ "*.db"
+ );
+ if(filename.endsWith(".db") == false) { // [G]: clunky im sure it can be enforced by QFileDialog
+ filename.append(".db");
+ }
+ if(aDB->createBackup(filename) == false) {
+ WARN << "Could not create local file:" << filename;
+ }
+ // [G] TODO: propably make a function out of this for future tweaks
+ QFileIconProvider provider;
+ QMap<QString, QString> summary = aDB->databaseSummary(filename);
+ model->appendRow({new QStandardItem(provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::File), QFileInfo(filename).baseName()),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_flights"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_tails"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_pilots"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["max_doft"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_time"])
+ });
void BackupWidget::on_restoreLocalPushButton_clicked()
- // Restore the selected entry from the list
+ if(selectedBackupName == nullptr) {
+ INFO << "No backup selected";
+ return;
+ }
+ QString backup_name = selectedBackupName->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
+ if(aDB->restoreBackup(backup_name) == false) {
+ WARN << "Couldnt restore" << backup_name;
+ }
void BackupWidget::on_deleteSelectedPushButton_clicked()
- DEB << "deleting:" << selected->data(Qt::DisplayRole);
+ if(selectedBackupName == nullptr) {
+ INFO << "No backup was selected";
+ return;
+ }
+ DEB << "deleting:" << selectedBackupName->data(Qt::DisplayRole);
void BackupWidget::on_createExternalPushButton_clicked()
QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
"Choose destination file",
@@ -78,6 +119,7 @@ void BackupWidget::on_createExternalPushButton_clicked()
void BackupWidget::on_restoreExternalPushButton_clicked()
QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
"Choose backup file",
@@ -106,42 +148,28 @@ void BackupWidget::fillTableWithSampleData()
// First column in table, would be created by listing the files in backupdir
QDir backup_dir = QDir(AStandardPaths::directory(AStandardPaths::Backup));
QStringList entries = backup_dir.entryList(QStringList{"*.db"}, QDir::Files, QDir::Time);
- QList<QStandardItem*> filenames;
QFileIconProvider provider;
- for(auto& entry : entries) {
- auto item = new QStandardItem(entry);
- item->setIcon(provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::File));
- filenames.append(item);
- }
// [G]: works but a bit too hardcoded perhaps? The aviation industry wont change overnight
// but still it could be worthwile to at least have the names a bit more encapsulated in the
// database so we have them more "centralised" at least.
// Get summary of each db file and populate lists (columns) of data
- QList<QStandardItem *> total_flights, total_tails, total_pilots, max_doft, total_time;
for (const auto &entry : entries) {
QMap<QString, QString> summary = aDB->databaseSummary(backup_dir.absoluteFilePath(entry));
- total_flights.append(new QStandardItem(summary["total_flights"]));
- total_tails.append(new QStandardItem(summary["total_tails"]));
- total_pilots.append(new QStandardItem(summary["total_pilots"]));
- max_doft.append(new QStandardItem(summary["max_doft"]));
- total_time.append(new QStandardItem(summary["total_time"]));
+ model->appendRow({new QStandardItem(provider.icon(QFileIconProvider::File), entry),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_flights"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_tails"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_pilots"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["max_doft"]),
+ new QStandardItem(summary["total_time"])
+ });
// [G]: Sort entries? based on what? the files are abit inconsistent in their naming atm
// but i assume we could sort based on the time in the file name?
- model = new QStandardItemModel(this);
- model->insertColumn(0, filenames);
- model->insertColumn(1, total_flights); // flight
- model->insertColumn(2, total_tails); // tails
- model->insertColumn(3, total_pilots); // pilots
- model->insertColumn(4, max_doft); // doft
- model->insertColumn(5, total_time); // time
- model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList{"Backup File","Total Flights", "Total Tails",
- "Total Pilots", "Max Doft", "Total Time"}); // [G]: TODO make const but where?
ui->tableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); // [G]: Bit hacky couldnt do it by default