@@ -95,221 +95,6 @@ public:
* QVariant::toString() and QVariant::toInt() to convert variants to QString and int.
- /*
- * Flights Database Related Functions
- */
- /*!
- * \brief SelectFlightById Retreives a single flight from the database.
- * \param flight_id Primary Key of flights database
- * \return Flight details of selected flight.
- */
- static QVector<QString> SelectFlightById(QString flight_id)
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("SELECT * FROM flights WHERE id = ?");
- query.addBindValue(flight_id);
- query.exec();
- if(query.first());
- else
- {
- qDebug() << "db::SelectFlightById - No Flight with this ID found";
- QVector<QString> flight; //return empty
- return flight;
- }
- QVector<QString> flight;
- flight.append(query.value(0).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(1).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(2).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(3).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(4).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(5).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(6).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(7).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(8).toString());
- qDebug() << "db::SelectFlightById - retreived flight: " << flight;
- return flight;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief CreateFlightVectorFromInput Converts input from NewFlight Window into database format
- * \param doft Date of flight
- * \param dept Place of Departure
- * \param tofb Time Off Blocks (UTC)
- * \param dest Place of Destination
- * \param tonb Time On Blocks (UTC)
- * \param tblk Total Block Time
- * \param pic Pilot in command
- * \param acft Aircraft
- * \return Vector of values ready for committing
- */
- static QVector<QString> CreateFlightVectorFromInput(QString doft, QString dept, QTime tofb, QString dest, QTime tonb, QTime tblk, QString pic, QString acft)
- {
- QVector<QString> flight;
- flight.insert(0, ""); // ID, created as primary key during commit
- flight.insert(1, doft);
- flight.insert(2, dept);
- flight.insert(3, QString::number(calc::time_to_minutes(tofb)));
- flight.insert(4, dest);
- flight.insert(5, QString::number(calc::time_to_minutes(tonb)));
- flight.insert(6, QString::number(calc::time_to_minutes(tblk)));
- flight.insert(7, pic); // lookup and matching tbd
- flight.insert(8, acft);// lookup and matching tbd
- //qDebug() << flight;
- return flight;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief CommitFlight Inserts prepared flight vector into database. Also creates
- * a corresponding entry in the extras database to ensure matching IDs.
- * \param flight a Vector of values in database format
- */
- static void CommitFlight(QVector<QString> flight)// flight vector shall always have length 9
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("INSERT INTO flights (doft, dept, tofb, dest, tonb, tblk, pic, acft) "
- "VALUES (:doft, :dept, :tofb, :dest, :tonb, :tblk, :pic, :acft)");
- //flight[0] is primary key, not required for commit
- query.bindValue(":doft", flight[1]); //string
- query.bindValue(":dept", flight[2]);
- query.bindValue(":tofb", flight[3].toInt()); //int
- query.bindValue(":dest", flight[4]);
- query.bindValue(":tonb", flight[5].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":tblk", flight[6].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":pic", flight[7].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":acft", flight[8].toInt());
- query.exec();
- qDebug() << "Error message for commiting flight: " << query.lastError().text();
- QSqlQuery query2;
- query2.prepare("INSERT INTO extras DEFAULT VALUES");
- query2.exec();
- qDebug() << "Creating extras entry" << query2.lastError().text();
- }
- /*!
- * \brief CommitToScratchpad Commits the inputs of the NewFlight window to a scratchpad
- * to make them available for restoring entries when the input fields are being reloaded.
- * \param flight The input data, which was not accepted for commiting to the flights table.
- */
- static void CommitToScratchpad(QVector<QString> flight)// to store input mask
- {
- //qDebug() << "Saving invalid flight to scratchpad";
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("INSERT INTO scratchpad (doft, dept, tofb, dest, tonb, tblk, pic, acft) "
- "VALUES (:doft, :dept, :tofb, :dest, :tonb, :tblk, :pic, :acft)");
- //flight[0] is primary key, not required for commit
- query.bindValue(":doft", flight[1]); //string
- query.bindValue(":dept", flight[2]);
- query.bindValue(":tofb", flight[3].toInt()); //int
- query.bindValue(":dest", flight[4]);
- query.bindValue(":tonb", flight[5].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":tblk", flight[6].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":pic", flight[7].toInt());
- query.bindValue(":acft", flight[8].toInt());
- query.exec();
- qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
- }
- /*!
- * \brief CheckScratchpad Verifies if the scratchpad contains data
- * \return true if scratchpad contains data
- */
- static bool CheckScratchpad() // see if scratchpad is empty
- {
- //qDebug() << "Checking if scratchpad contains data";
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("SELECT * FROM scratchpad");
- query.exec();
- if(query.first())
- {
- //qDebug() << "Scratchpad contains data";
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- //qDebug() << ("Scratchpad contains NO data");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*!
- * \brief ClearScratchpad Deletes data contained in the scratchpad
- */
- static void ClearScratchpad()
- {
- qDebug() << "Deleting scratchpad";
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("DELETE FROM scratchpad;");
- query.exec();
- }
- /*!
- * \brief RetreiveScratchpad Selects data from scratchpad
- * \return Vector of data contained in scratchpad
- */
- static QVector<QString> RetreiveScratchpad()
- {
- //qDebug() << "Retreiving invalid flight from scratchpad";
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("SELECT * FROM scratchpad");
- query.exec();
- if(query.first());
- else
- {
- //qDebug() << ("scratchpad empty");
- QVector<QString> flight; //return empty
- return flight;
- }
- query.previous();
- QVector<QString> flight;
- while (query.next()) {
- flight.append(query.value(0).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(1).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(2).toString());
- flight.append(calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(3).toString())));
- flight.append(query.value(4).toString());
- flight.append(calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(5).toString())));
- flight.append(calc::minutes_to_string((query.value(6).toString())));
- flight.append(query.value(7).toString());
- flight.append(query.value(8).toString());
- }
- ClearScratchpad();
- return flight;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief deleteFlightById Deletes a Flight from the database.
- * Entries in the basic flights table as well as in the extras table are deleted.
- * \param flight_id The primary key of the entry in the database
- * \return True if no errors, otherwise false
- */
- static bool deleteFlightById(QString flight_id)
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("DELETE FROM flights WHERE id = ?");
- query.addBindValue(flight_id);
- query.exec();
- QString error = query.lastError().text();
- QSqlQuery query2;
- query2.prepare("DELETE FROM extras WHERE extras_id = ?");
- query2.addBindValue(flight_id);
- query2.exec();
- QString error2 = query2.lastError().text();
- qDebug() << "db::deleteFlightById: Removing flight with ID#: " << flight_id;
- if(error.length() > 0 || error2.length() > 0)
- {
- qWarning() << "db::deleteFlightsById: Errors have occured: " << error << " " << error2;
- return false;
- }else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
* Pilots Database Related Functions
@@ -906,65 +691,7 @@ public:
- /*
- * Settings Database Related Functions
- */
- /*!
- * \brief retreiveSetting Looks up a setting in the database and returns its value
- * \param setting_id
- * \return setting value
- */
- static QString retreiveSetting(QString setting_id)
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("SELECT setting FROM settings WHERE setting_id = ?");
- query.addBindValue(setting_id);
- query.exec();
- QString setting = "-1";
- while(query.next()){
- setting = query.value(0).toString();
- }
- return setting;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief retreiveSettingInfo Looks up a setting in the database and returns its value and description
- * \param setting_id
- * \return {setting_id, setting, description}
- */
- static QVector<QString> retreiveSettingInfo(QString setting_id)
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE setting_id = ?");
- query.addBindValue(setting_id);
- query.exec();
- QVector<QString> setting;
- while(query.next()){
- setting.append(query.value(0).toString());
- setting.append(query.value(1).toString());
- setting.append(query.value(2).toString());
- }
- return setting;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief storesetting Updates a stored setting in the database
- * \param setting_id
- * \param setting_value
- */
- static void storesetting(int setting_id, QString setting_value)
- {
- QSqlQuery query;
- query.prepare("UPDATE settings "
- "SET setting = ? "
- "WHERE setting_id = ?");
- query.addBindValue(setting_value);
- query.addBindValue(setting_id);
- query.exec();
- }
* Obsolete Functions