@@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@
+ *openPilot Log - A FOSS Pilot Logbook Application
+ *Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Turowsky
+ *
+ *This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "newflight.h"
+#include "ui_newflight.h"
+#include <QSqlRelationalTableModel>
+/// =======================================================
+/// Debug / WIP section
+/// =======================================================
+#define DEBUG(expr) \
+ qDebug() << "~DEBUG" << __func__ << expr
+void NewFlight::on_verifyButton_clicked()//debug button
+ //fillExtrasLineEdits();
+ collectBasicData();
+ collectAdditionalData();
+ * \brief NewFlight::nope for features that are not yet implemented
+ */
+void NewFlight::nope()
+ QMessageBox nope(this); //error box
+ nope.setText("This feature is not yet available!");
+ nope.exec();
+static const auto IATA = QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}");
+static const auto ICAO = QLatin1String("[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}");
+static const auto name = QLatin1String("(\\p{L}+(\\s|'|\\-)?\\s?(\\p{L}+)?\\s?)");
+static const auto self = QLatin1String("(self|SELF)");
+/// Raw Input validation
+const auto TIME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]?");// We only want to allow inputs that make sense as a time, e.g. 99:99 is not a valid time
+const auto LOC_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(IATA + "|" + ICAO);
+const auto AIRCRAFT_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[A-Z0-9]+-?[A-Z0-9]+");
+const auto PILOT_NAME_VALID_RGX = QRegularExpression(self + QLatin1Char('|')
+ + name + name + name + name + ",\\s+" // up to 4 first names
+ + name + name + name + name);// up to 4 last names
+/// Invalid characters (validators keep text even if it returns Invalid, see `onInputRejected` below)
+const auto TIME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^0-9:]");
+const auto LOC_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^a-zA-Z0-9]");
+const auto AIRCRAFT_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^a-zA-Z0-9-]");
+const auto PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX = QRegularExpression("[^\\p{L}|\\s|,]");
+/// Sql columns
+const auto LOC_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(1); // TODO: locations are iata/icao so 1,2 merge columns in sql?
+const auto AIRCRAFT_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(4);
+const auto PILOT_NAME_SQL_COL = SqlColumnNum(6);
+ * Window Construction
+ */
+NewFlight::NewFlight(QWidget *parent) :
+ QDialog(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::NewFlight)
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ auto db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
+ const auto location_settings = \
+ const auto aircraft_settings = \
+ const auto pilot_name_settings = \
+ const auto time_settings = \
+ LineEditSettings(TIME_VALID_RGX, TIME_INVALID_RGX, SqlColumnNum());
+// Set up Line Edits with QValidators, QCompleters
+ auto line_edits = ui->flightDataTab->findChildren<QLineEdit*>();
+ auto le_size = line_edits.size();
+ for(auto i = 0; i < le_size; ++i){
+// auto bit_array = new QBitArray(le_size);
+// bit_array->setBit(i, true);
+ this->lineEditBitMap[line_edits[i]] = i;
+ }
+ this->allOkBits.resize(line_edits.size());
+ this->mandatoryLineEdits = {
+ ui->newDeptLocLineEdit,
+ ui->newDestLocLineEdit,
+ ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit,
+ ui->newDestTimeLineEdit,
+ ui->newPicNameLineEdit,
+ ui->newAcft,
+ };
+ for(auto line_edit : line_edits)
+ {
+ auto le_name = line_edit->objectName();
+ if(QRegularExpression("Loc").match(le_name).hasMatch()){
+ setupLineEdit(line_edit, location_settings);
+ }
+ else if (QRegularExpression("Time").match(le_name).hasMatch())
+ {
+ setupLineEdit(line_edit, time_settings);
+ }
+ else if (QRegularExpression("Acft").match(le_name).hasMatch())
+ {
+ setupLineEdit(line_edit, aircraft_settings);
+ }
+ else if (QRegularExpression("Name").match(le_name).hasMatch())
+ {
+ setupLineEdit(line_edit, pilot_name_settings);
+ }
+ }
+ //fill Lists
+ pilots = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::pilots).list;
+ tails = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::registrations).list;
+ airports = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::airports).list;
+ QString statement = "SELECT iata, icao FROM airports";
+ auto result = Db::customQuery(statement,2);
+ for(int i=0; i<result.length()-2; i += 2){
+ airportMap.insert(result[i],result[i+1]);
+ }
+ // Groups for CheckBoxes
+ QButtonGroup *FlightRulesGroup = new QButtonGroup(this);
+ FlightRulesGroup->addButton(ui->IfrCheckBox);
+ FlightRulesGroup->addButton(ui->VfrCheckBox);
+ QButtonGroup *PilotTaskGroup = new QButtonGroup(this);
+ PilotTaskGroup->addButton(ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox);
+ PilotTaskGroup->addButton(ui->PilotMonitoringCheckBox);
+ ui->deptTZ->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+ ui->destTZ->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+ //set date for new object
+ auto date = QDate::currentDate();
+ ui->newDoft->setDate(date);
+ // Visually mark mandatory fields
+ ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->newDestLocLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->newPicNameLineEdit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ ui->newAcft->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid orange");
+ readSettings();
+ ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+ ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->setFocus();
+ delete ui;
+ * ============================================================================
+ * Functions
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+ * \brief setLineEditValidator set Validators for QLineEdits that end with Time, Loc,
+ * Aircraft or Name
+ */
+inline void NewFlight::setupLineEdit(QLineEdit* line_edit, LineEditSettings settings)
+ auto db = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
+ auto line_edit_objectName = line_edit->objectName();
+ DEBUG("Setting validators for " << line_edit_objectName);
+ auto [valid_rgx, invalid_rgx, sql_col] = settings.getAll();
+ auto validator = new StrictRxValidator(valid_rgx, line_edit);
+ auto comp_model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(line_edit, db);
+ comp_model->database().open();
+ comp_model->setTable("QCompleterView");
+ comp_model->select();
+ auto completer = new QCompleter(comp_model, line_edit);
+ completer->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ completer->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion);
+ completer->setCompletionColumn(sql_col.column());
+ completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchContains);
+ /*if(QRegularExpression("\\w+Loc").match(line_edit_objectName).hasMatch()) { completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchContains); }
+ if(QRegularExpression("\\w+Acft").match(line_edit_objectName).hasMatch()) { completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchContains); }
+ if(QRegularExpression("\\w+Name").match(line_edit_objectName).hasMatch()) { completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchContains); }*/
+ line_edit->setValidator(validator);
+ line_edit->setCompleter(completer);
+ * \brief NewFlight::writeSettings Writes current selection for auto-logging
+ * to settings file.
+ */
+void NewFlight::writeSettings()
+ DEBUG("Writing Settings...");
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/FunctionComboBox",ui->FunctionComboBox->currentText());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/ApproachComboBox",ui->ApproachComboBox->currentText());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/PilotFlyingCheckBox",ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/PilotMonitoringCheckBox",ui->PilotMonitoringCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/TakeoffSpinBox",ui->TakeoffSpinBox->value());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/TakeoffCheckBox",ui->TakeoffCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/LandingSpinBox",ui->LandingSpinBox->value());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/LandingCheckBox",ui->LandingCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/AutolandSpinBox",ui->AutolandSpinBox->value());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/AutolandCheckBox",ui->AutolandCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/IfrCheckBox",ui->IfrCheckBox->isChecked());
+ Settings::write("NewFlight/VfrCheckBox",ui->VfrCheckBox->isChecked());
+ * \brief NewFlight::readSettings Retreives auto-logging settings
+ * and sets up ui accordingly
+ */
+void NewFlight::readSettings()
+ DEBUG("Reading Settings...");
+ QSettings settings;
+ ui->FunctionComboBox->setCurrentText(Settings::read("NewFlight/FunctionComboBox").toString());
+ ui->ApproachComboBox->setCurrentText(Settings::read("NewFlight/ApproachComboBox").toString());
+ ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/PilotFlyingCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->PilotMonitoringCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/PilotMonitoringCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->TakeoffSpinBox->setValue(Settings::read("NewFlight/TakeoffSpinBox").toInt());
+ ui->TakeoffCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/TakeoffCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->LandingSpinBox->setValue(Settings::read("NewFlight/LandingSpinBox").toInt());
+ ui->LandingCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/LandingCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->AutolandSpinBox->setValue(Settings::read("NewFlight/AutolandSpinBox").toInt());
+ ui->AutolandCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/AutolandCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->IfrCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/IfrCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->VfrCheckBox->setChecked(Settings::read("NewFlight/VfrCheckBox").toInt());
+ ui->flightNumberPrefixLabel->setText(Settings::read("userdata/flightnumberPrefix").toString() + QLatin1Char('-'));
+ if(Settings::read("NewFlight/FunctionComboBox").toString() == "PIC"){
+ ui->newPicNameLineEdit->setText("self");
+ ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->setText("");
+ }else if (Settings::read("NewFlight/FunctionComboBox").toString() == "Co-Pilot") {
+ ui->newPicNameLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->setText("self");
+ }
+ * \brief NewFlight::addNewPilotMessageBox If the user input is not in the pilotNameList, the user
+ * is prompted if he wants to add a new entry to the database
+ */
+void NewFlight::addNewPilotMessageBox()
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
+ reply = QMessageBox::question(this, "No Pilot found",
+ "No pilot found.\n Would you like to add a new pilot to the database?",
+ QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
+ if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes)
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Add new pilot selected";
+ DEBUG("This feature is not yet available.");
+ // create and open new pilot dialog
+ auto np = NewPilot(Db::createNew, this);
+ np.open();
+ }
+/// Input Verification and Collection
+ * \brief NewFlight::update check if needed inputs are available and update form
+ */
+void NewFlight::update()
+ QVector<QLineEdit*> notFilled;
+ for(auto lineEdit : mandatoryLineEdits)
+ {
+ if(!allOkBits.testBit(lineEditBitMap[lineEdit]))
+ {
+ notFilled.push_back(lineEdit);
+ }
+ }
+ if(notFilled.empty()){
+ collectBasicData();
+ fillExtras();
+ } else {
+ DEBUG("No update - not enough variables known.");
+ }
+ * \brief NewFlight::collectBasicInput After mandatory inputs have passed
+ * validation, collect values from line edits and combo boxes to create new Data
+ * for flight object.
+ */
+void NewFlight::collectBasicData()
+ DEBUG("Collecting Basic Input...");
+ // Date of Flight
+ auto date = ui->newDoft->date();
+ auto doft = date.toString(Qt::ISODate);
+ newData.insert("doft",doft);
+ // Departure Loc
+ newData.insert("dept",ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->text());
+ // Time Off Blocks
+ auto timeOff = QTime::fromString(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ if(timeOff.isValid()){
+ int tofb = timeOff.hour() * 60 + timeOff.minute();
+ newData.insert("tofb",QString::number(tofb));
+ }
+ // Destination Loc
+ newData.insert("dest",ui->newDestLocLineEdit->text());
+ // Time On Blocks
+ auto timeOn = QTime::fromString(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ if(timeOn.isValid()){
+ int tonb = timeOn.hour() * 60 + timeOn.minute();
+ newData.insert("tonb",QString::number(tonb));
+ }
+ // Aircraft
+ QString reg = ui->newAcft->text();
+ QString acft = Db::singleSelect("tail_id","tails","registration",reg,Db::exactMatch);
+ if(!acft.isEmpty()){
+ newData.insert("acft",acft);
+ } else {
+ emit ui->newAcft->inputRejected();
+ }
+ // Pilot
+ if(ui->newPicNameLineEdit->text() == "self" || ui->newPicNameLineEdit->text() == "self"){
+ newData.insert("pic","1");
+ } else {
+ QString name = ui->newPicNameLineEdit->text();
+ QStringList names = name.split(',');
+ if(names.length()==2){
+ QString firstNames = names[1].simplified();
+ QString lastNames = names[0].simplified();
+ QString query = "SELECT pilot_id FROM pilots WHERE piclastname = \"" + lastNames
+ + "\" AND picfirstname = \"" + firstNames + "\"";
+ QVector<QString> pic = Db::customQuery(query,1);
+ if(!pic.isEmpty()){
+ newData.insert("pic",pic.first());
+ }else {
+ emit ui->newPicNameLineEdit->inputRejected();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG(newData);
+ DEBUG("Basic Input Collected. Should be 7 items. is:" << newData.count());
+void NewFlight::collectAdditionalData()
+ // Pilot 2
+ if(!ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){
+ if(ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->text() == "self" || ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->text() == "self"){
+ newData.insert("secondPilot","1");
+ } else {
+ QString name = ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->text();
+ QStringList names = name.split(',');
+ if(names.length()==2){
+ QString firstNames = names[1].simplified();
+ QString lastNames = names[0].simplified();
+ QString query = "SELECT pilot_id FROM pilots WHERE piclastname = \"" + lastNames
+ + "\" AND picfirstname = \"" + firstNames + "\"";
+ QVector<QString> pic = Db::customQuery(query,1);
+ if(!pic.isEmpty()){
+ newData.insert("secondPilot",pic.first());
+ }else {
+ emit ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit->inputRejected();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Pilot 3
+ if(!ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){
+ if(ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit->text() == "self" || ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit->text() == "self"){
+ newData.insert("thirdPilot","1");
+ } else {
+ QString name = ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit->text();
+ QStringList names = name.split(',');
+ if(names.length()==2){
+ QString firstNames = names[1].simplified();
+ QString lastNames = names[0].simplified();
+ QString query = "SELECT pilot_id FROM pilots WHERE piclastname = \"" + lastNames
+ + "\" AND picfirstname = \"" + firstNames + "\"";
+ QVector<QString> pic = Db::customQuery(query,1);
+ if(!pic.isEmpty()){
+ newData.insert("thirdPilot",pic.first());
+ }else {
+ emit ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit->inputRejected();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Extra Times
+ auto tofb = QTime::fromString(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ auto tonb = QTime::fromString(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ QString blockTime = Calc::blocktime(tofb, tonb).toString("hh:mm");
+ QString blockMinutes = QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(blockTime));
+ DEBUG("Blocktime: " << blockTime << " (" << blockMinutes << " minutes)");
+ auto acft = Aircraft(newData.value("acft").toInt());
+ DEBUG("aircraftDetails: " << acft);
+ if(!acft.data.isEmpty()){// valid aircraft
+ // SP SE
+ if(acft.data.value("singlepilot") == "1" && acft.data.value("singleengine") == "1"){
+ DEBUG("SPSE yes");
+ newData.insert("tSPSE", blockMinutes);
+ }
+ // SP ME
+ if(acft.data.value("singlepilot") == "1" && acft.data.value("multiengine") == "1"){
+ DEBUG("SP ME yes");
+ newData.insert("tSPME", blockMinutes);
+ }
+ // MP
+ if(acft.data.value("multipilot") == "1"){
+ DEBUG("Multipilot yes");
+ newData.insert("tMP", blockMinutes);
+ }
+ }else{DEBUG("Aircraft Details Empty");}//invalid aircraft
+ // TOTAL
+ newData.insert("tblk",blockMinutes);
+ // IFR
+ if(ui->IfrCheckBox->isChecked()){
+ newData.insert("tIFR",blockMinutes);
+ }
+ // Night
+ QString deptDate = ui->newDoft->date().toString(Qt::ISODate) + 'T' + tofb.toString("hh:mm");
+ QDateTime deptDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(deptDate,"yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm");
+ int tblk = blockMinutes.toInt();
+ const int nightAngle = Settings::read("flightlogging/nightangle").toInt();
+ QString nightTime = QString::number(
+ Calc::calculateNightTime(
+ newData.value("dept"), newData.value("dest"),
+ deptDateTime, tblk, nightAngle));
+ newData.insert("tNIGHT", nightTime);
+ // Function times
+ switch (ui->FunctionComboBox->currentIndex()) {
+ case 0://PIC
+ newData.insert("tPIC",blockMinutes);
+ break;
+ case 1://Co-Pilot
+ newData.insert("tSIC",blockMinutes);
+ break;
+ case 2://Dual
+ newData.insert("tDual", blockMinutes);
+ break;
+ case 3://Instructor
+ newData.insert("tFI", blockMinutes);
+ }
+ // Auto-Logging
+ newData.insert("pilotFlying", QString::number(ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox->isChecked()));
+ if(nightTime == "0"){ // all day
+ DEBUG("All Day.");
+ newData.insert("toDay", QString::number(ui->TakeoffSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("ldgDay", QString::number(ui->LandingSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("toNight", "0");
+ newData.insert("ldgNight", "0");
+ }else if (nightTime == blockTime) { // all night
+ DEBUG("All Night.");
+ newData.insert("toNight", QString::number(ui->TakeoffSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("ldgNight", QString::number(ui->LandingSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("toDay", "0");
+ newData.insert("ldgDay", "0");
+ } else {
+ if(Calc::isNight(ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->text(), deptDateTime, nightAngle)){
+ newData.insert("toNight", QString::number(ui->TakeoffSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("toDay", "0");
+ }else{
+ newData.insert("toDay", QString::number(ui->TakeoffSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("toNight", "0");
+ }
+ QString destDate = ui->newDoft->date().toString(Qt::ISODate) + 'T' + tonb.toString("hh:mm");
+ QDateTime destDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(destDate,"yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm");
+ if(Calc::isNight(ui->newDestLocLineEdit->text(), destDateTime, nightAngle)){
+ newData.insert("ldgNight", QString::number(ui->LandingSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("ldgDay", "0");
+ }else{
+ newData.insert("ldgDay", QString::number(ui->LandingSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("ldgNight", "0");
+ }
+ }
+ newData.insert("autoland", QString::number(ui->AutolandSpinBox->value()));
+ newData.insert("ApproachType", ui->ApproachComboBox->currentText());
+ newData.insert("FlightNumber", ui->FlightNumberLineEdit->text());
+ newData.insert("Remarks", ui->RemarksLineEdit->text());
+ DEBUG("Collected Data: " << newData);
+ * \brief NewFlight::fillExtrasLineEdits Fills the deductable items in the newData map and
+ * additional flight time line edits according to ui selections.
+ * Neccessary prerequisites are valid Date, Departure Time and Place, Destination Time and Place,
+ * PIC name (pilot_id) and Aircraft (tail_id)
+ */
+void NewFlight::fillExtras()
+ //Times
+ auto tofb = QTime::fromString(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ auto tonb = QTime::fromString(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ QString blockTime = Calc::blocktime(tofb, tonb).toString("hh:mm");
+ QString blockMinutes = QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(blockTime));
+ DEBUG("Blocktime: " << blockTime << " (" << blockMinutes << " minutes)");
+ auto acft = Aircraft(newData.value("acft").toInt());
+ DEBUG("aircraftDetails: " << acft);
+ if(!acft.data.isEmpty()){// valid aircraft
+ // SP SE
+ if(acft.data.value("singlepilot") == "1" && acft.data.value("singleengine") == "1"){
+ ui->spseTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ }
+ // SP ME
+ if(acft.data.value("singlepilot") == "1" && acft.data.value("multiengine") == "1"){
+ ui->spmeTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ }
+ // MP
+ if(acft.data.value("multipilot") == "1"){
+ ui->mpTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ }
+ }else{DEBUG("Aircraft Details Empty");}//invalid aircraft
+ // TOTAL
+ ui->totalTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ // IFR
+ if(ui->IfrCheckBox->isChecked()){
+ ui->ifrTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ }
+ // Night
+ QString deptDate = ui->newDoft->date().toString(Qt::ISODate) + 'T' + tofb.toString("hh:mm");
+ QDateTime deptDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(deptDate,"yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm");
+ int tblk = blockMinutes.toInt();
+ const int nightAngle = Settings::read("flightlogging/nightangle").toInt();
+ QString nightTime = QString::number(
+ Calc::calculateNightTime(
+ newData.value("dept"), newData.value("dest"),
+ deptDateTime, tblk, nightAngle));
+ ui->nightTimeLineEdit->setText(Calc::minutesToString(nightTime));
+ // Function times
+ switch (ui->FunctionComboBox->currentIndex()) {
+ case 0://PIC
+ ui->picTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ ui->copTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->dualTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->fiTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ break;
+ case 1://Co-Pilot
+ ui->picTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->copTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ ui->dualTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->fiTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ break;
+ case 2://Dual
+ ui->picTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->copTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->dualTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ ui->fiTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ break;
+ case 3://Instructor
+ ui->picTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->copTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->dualTimeLineEdit->setText("");
+ ui->fiTimeLineEdit->setText(blockTime);
+ }
+bool NewFlight::verifyInput()
+ QVector<QLineEdit*> notFilled;
+ for(auto lineEdit : mandatoryLineEdits)
+ {
+ if(!allOkBits.testBit(lineEditBitMap[lineEdit]))
+ {
+ notFilled.push_back(lineEdit);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!notFilled.empty()){
+ QMessageBox notFilledMessageBox(this);
+ auto errorMsg = QString("Not all required fields are filled out.\n\n"
+ "Plase make sure the following are not empty:\n\n"
+ "Departure\nDestination\nTime Off Blocks\nTime On Blocks\n"
+ "Pilot in Command\nAircraft Registration\n\n");
+ notFilledMessageBox.setText(errorMsg);
+ notFilledMessageBox.exec();
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ QStringList lineEditText;
+ for(auto line_edit : mandatoryLineEdits)
+ {
+ lineEditText.push_back(line_edit->text());
+ }
+ this->result = lineEditText;
+ emit mandatoryFieldsValid(this);
+ return true;
+ }
+ * ============================================================================
+ * Slots
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_accepted()
+ DEBUG("OK pressed");
+ if(verifyInput()){
+ DEBUG("Input verified");
+ collectBasicData();
+ collectAdditionalData();
+ auto newFlight = Flight(newData);
+ if(newFlight.commit()){
+ accept();
+ } else {
+ auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
+ auto errorMsg = QString("Unable to commit Flight to Logbook."
+ "The following error has ocurred:\n\n");
+ errorMsg.append(newFlight.error);
+ mb->setText(errorMsg);
+ mb->show();
+ }
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_buttonBox_rejected()
+ DEBUG("CANCEL pressed." << newData);
+ reject();
+ * \brief onInputRejected Set `line_edit`'s border to red and check if `rgx` matches
+ * in order to keep text on line. Ensures corresponding LineEdit bit is 0.
+ */
+void NewFlight::onInputRejected(QLineEdit* line_edit, QRegularExpression rgx){
+ DEBUG("Input rejected" << line_edit->text());
+ line_edit->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid red");
+ this->allOkBits.setBit(this->lineEditBitMap[line_edit], false);
+ auto text = line_edit->text();
+ if(!rgx.match(text).hasMatch())
+ {
+ line_edit->setText(line_edit->text());
+ }
+ * \brief onEditingFinishedCleanup resets styles and sets the corresponding bit to 1
+ */
+void NewFlight::onEditingFinishedCleanup(QLineEdit* line_edit)
+ DEBUG("Input accepted" << line_edit << line_edit->text());
+ line_edit->setStyleSheet("");
+ this->allOkBits.setBit(this->lineEditBitMap[line_edit], true);
+QStringList* NewFlight::getResult() { return &this->result; }
+void NewFlight::on_deptTZ_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1)
+ if(arg1 == "Local"){nope();} // currently only UTC time logging is supported
+ ui->deptTZ->setCurrentIndex(0);
+void NewFlight::on_destTZ_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1)
+ if(arg1 == "Local"){nope();} // currently only UTC time logging is supported
+ ui->destTZ->setCurrentIndex(0);
+/// Departure
+void NewFlight::on_newDeptLocLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ DEBUG("SENDER --->" << sender());
+ ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->setText(ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->text().toUpper());
+ onInputRejected(ui->newDeptLocLineEdit, QRegularExpression(LOC_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newDeptLocLineEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1)
+ ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->setText(arg1.toUpper());
+void NewFlight::on_newDeptLocLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ DEBUG(sender()->objectName() << "EDITING FINISHED");
+ auto line_edit = ui->newDeptLocLineEdit;
+ auto text = ui->newDeptLocLineEdit->text();
+ // check if iata exists, replace with icao code if it does.
+ if(text.length() == 3){
+ text = airportMap.value(text);
+ }
+ // Check if 4-letter code is in locationList
+ if(text.length() == 4 && airports.indexOf(text) == -1){
+ DEBUG("Airport not found.");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ return;
+ }else{
+ DEBUG("Departure accepted: " << text);
+ line_edit->setText(text);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit); //reset style sheet
+ update();
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_newDeptTimeLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ onInputRejected(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit, QRegularExpression(TIME_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newDeptTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->text()));
+ const auto time = QTime::fromString(ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ auto line_edit = ui->newDeptTimeLineEdit;
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ if(time.isValid()){
+ int minutes = time.hour() * 60 + time.minute();
+ QString tofb = QString::number(minutes);
+ DEBUG("Time Off Blocks accepted: " << tofb << " minutes - " << Calc::minutesToString(tofb));
+ }else{
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ }
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ update();
+/// Destination
+void NewFlight::on_newDestLocLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ ui->newDestLocLineEdit->setText(ui->newDestLocLineEdit->text().toUpper());
+ onInputRejected(ui->newDestLocLineEdit, QRegularExpression(LOC_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newDestLocLineEdit_textEdited(const QString &arg1)
+ ui->newDestLocLineEdit->setText(arg1.toUpper());
+void NewFlight::on_newDestLocLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ DEBUG(sender()->objectName() << "EDITING FINISHED");
+ auto line_edit = ui->newDestLocLineEdit;
+ auto text = ui->newDestLocLineEdit->text();
+ // check if iata exists, replace with icao code if it does.
+ if(text.length() == 3){
+ text = airportMap.value(text);
+ }
+ // Check if 4-letter code is in locationList
+ if(text.length() == 4 && airports.indexOf(text) == -1){
+ DEBUG("Airport not found.");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ return;
+ }else{
+ DEBUG("Destination accepted: " << text);
+ line_edit->setText(text);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit); //reset style sheet
+ update();
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_newDestTimeLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ onInputRejected(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit, QRegularExpression(TIME_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newDestTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->text()));
+ auto line_edit = ui->newDestTimeLineEdit;
+ const auto time = QTime::fromString(ui->newDestTimeLineEdit->text(),"hh:mm");
+ if(time.isValid()){
+ int minutes = time.hour() * 60 + time.minute();
+ QString tonb = QString::number(minutes);
+ newData.insert("tonb",tonb);
+ DEBUG("Time On Blocks accepted: " << tonb << " minutes - " << Calc::minutesToString(tonb));
+ }else{
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ }
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ update();
+/// Date
+void NewFlight::on_newDoft_editingFinished()
+ update();
+/// Aircraft
+void NewFlight::on_newAcft_inputRejected()
+ ui->newAcft->setText(ui->newAcft->text().toUpper());
+ onInputRejected(ui->newAcft, QRegularExpression(AIRCRAFT_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newAcft_editingFinished()
+ auto registrationList = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::registrations).list;
+ auto line_edit = ui->newAcft;
+ auto text = ui->newAcft->text();
+ QStringList match = registrationList.filter(line_edit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ DEBUG("aircraft accepted: " << match);
+ if(match.length() != 0) {
+ text = match[0];
+ line_edit->setText(text.toUpper());
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ update();
+ }else{
+ DEBUG("Registration not in List!");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ }
+/// Pilot(s)
+void NewFlight::on_newPicNameLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ onInputRejected(ui->newPicNameLineEdit, QRegularExpression(PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_newPicNameLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ auto line_edit = ui->newPicNameLineEdit;
+ auto text = line_edit->text();
+ if(text == "self" || text == "SELF") // Logbook owner is PIC
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << text);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ ui->FunctionComboBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
+ update();
+ return;
+ }else //check if entry is in pilotList
+ {
+ QStringList pilotList = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::pilots).list;
+ QStringList match = pilotList.filter(line_edit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ if(match.length()!= 0)
+ {
+ QString pic = match[0];
+ line_edit->setText(pic);
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << pic);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ update();
+ }else
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot not found.");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ addNewPilotMessageBox();
+ }
+ }
+ * ============================================================================
+ * The above entris are mandatory for logging a flight,
+ * the rest of the entries are either optional or can
+ * be determined from the entries already made.
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+void NewFlight::on_secondPilotNameLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ onInputRejected(ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit, QRegularExpression(PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_secondPilotNameLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ auto line_edit = ui->secondPilotNameLineEdit;
+ auto text = line_edit->text();
+ if(text == "self" || text == "SELF") // Logbook owner is Pilot
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << text);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ ui->FunctionComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
+ return;
+ }else //check if entry is in pilotList
+ {
+ QStringList pilotList = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::pilots).list;
+ QStringList match = pilotList.filter(line_edit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ if(match.length()!= 0)
+ {
+ QString pic = match[0];
+ line_edit->setText(pic);
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << pic);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ }else
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot not found.");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ addNewPilotMessageBox();
+ }
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_thirdPilotNameLineEdit_inputRejected()
+ onInputRejected(ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit, QRegularExpression(PILOT_NAME_INVALID_RGX));
+void NewFlight::on_thirdPilotNameLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ auto line_edit = ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit;
+ auto text = line_edit->text();
+ if(text == "self" || text == "SELF") // Logbook owner is Pilot
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << text);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ return;
+ }else //check if entry is in pilotList
+ {
+ QStringList pilotList = CompletionList(CompleterTarget::pilots).list;
+ QStringList match = pilotList.filter(line_edit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ if(match.length()!= 0)
+ {
+ QString pic = match[0];
+ line_edit->setText(pic);
+ DEBUG("Pilot selected: " << pic);
+ onEditingFinishedCleanup(line_edit);
+ }else
+ {
+ DEBUG("Pilot not found.");
+ emit line_edit->inputRejected();
+ addNewPilotMessageBox();
+ }
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_FlightNumberLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ qDebug() << "tbd: FlightNumber slot";
+ // Setting for optional Prefix (e.g. LH, LX etc.)
+ * ============================================================================
+ * Extras Tab - These are for user convenience. From many of
+ * these selections, determinations can be made on how to log
+ * details, so that the user does not have to enter each item
+ * manually. See also fillExtrasLineEdits()
+ * ============================================================================
+ */
+void NewFlight::on_setAsDefaultButton_clicked()
+ writeSettings();
+void NewFlight::on_restoreDefaultButton_clicked()
+ readSettings();
+ * \brief On a given flight, time can either be logged as Pilot Flying (PF) or
+ * Pilot Monitoring (PM). Cases where controls are changed during the flight
+ * are rare and can be logged by manually editing the extras.
+ */
+void NewFlight::on_PilotFlyingCheckBox_stateChanged(int)
+ if(ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox->isChecked()){
+ ui->TakeoffSpinBox->setValue(1);
+ ui->TakeoffCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
+ ui->LandingSpinBox->setValue(1);
+ ui->LandingCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
+ }else if(!ui->PilotFlyingCheckBox->isChecked()){
+ ui->TakeoffSpinBox->setValue(0);
+ ui->TakeoffCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
+ ui->LandingSpinBox->setValue(0);
+ ui->LandingCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_ApproachComboBox_currentTextChanged(const QString &arg1)
+ if(arg1 == "ILS CAT III"){ //for a CAT III approach an Autoland is mandatory, so we can preselect it.
+ ui->AutolandCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
+ ui->AutolandSpinBox->setValue(1);
+ }else{
+ ui->AutolandCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
+ ui->AutolandSpinBox->setValue(0);
+ }
+ * Extra Times - These line edits should be filled out automatically,
+ * based on the ui selections and the user provided input. However,
+ * manual adjustments are possible to cater for situations where for
+ * example one portion of the flight is logged under different rules
+ * than the rest of it.
+ *
+ * For example,
+ * if we know the aircraft details we can determine how to log these times.
+ * Some times are mutually exclusive, others can be combined.
+ *
+ * For example,
+ * for a commercial Passenger flight, the commander can log all time as
+ * Total Time and PIC time. If the aircraft is a multi-engine jet he can
+ * also log Multi-Pilot time, and if he is an instructor, instructor time.
+ *
+ * It is not possible, however to log flight time as VFR or IFR time
+ * simultaneously, as a flight at any given point in time can only follow
+ * one set of rules. It is possible, to change flight rules and log the first
+ * x minutes as VFR and the rest of it as IFR, for example. Hence the need
+ * for the possibility to edit these times manually.
+ *
+ * The most complex time to determine is night time, see documentation of
+ * the calc class for details.
+ *
+ * In General, the idea is to automatically fill as much as possible, but
+ * if the user decides to change these times, accept the inputs, as long as
+ * they are generally valid. We cannot cater for all possibilities, so as long
+ * as the time the user has put in is a valid time <= Total Time, it can be
+ * accepted to the database.
+ */
+inline bool NewFlight::isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(QString timeString)
+ if(newData.value("tblk").isEmpty()){
+ DEBUG("Total Time not set.");
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ int minutes = Calc::stringToMinutes(timeString);
+ if (minutes <= newData.value("tblk").toInt()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ auto mb = new QMessageBox(this);
+ mb->setText("Cannot be more than Total Time of Flight (" + Calc::minutesToString(newData.value("tblk")) + ')');
+ mb->show();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_spseTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->spseTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tSPSE",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_spmeTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->spmeTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tSPME",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_mpTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->mpTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tMP",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_ifrTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->ifrTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tIFR",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_nightTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->nightTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tNIGHT",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_picTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->picTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tPIC",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_copTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->copTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tSIC",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_dualTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->dualTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tDual",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewFlight::on_fiTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const auto &le = ui->fiTimeLineEdit;
+ le->setText(Calc::formatTimeInput(le->text()));
+ const auto &text = le->text();
+ if(isLessOrEqualToTotalTime(text)){
+ newData.insert("tFI",QString::number(Calc::stringToMinutes(text)));
+ } else {
+ le->setText(QString());
+ }