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Edited readme and wiki

Cleaned up and edited readme and wiki, added links to doxygen, moved screenshots into assets dir
Felix vor 4 Jahren

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# openpilotlog changelog
-New folder and organizational structure
-note: Database and settings stored in "data" folder in application directory
-All database functionality now in one class
-Using QSettings class instead of custom solution (storing settings in database)
-settings table in database now obsolete
-New class completionLists, provides lists for QCompleter
-New class aircraft
-Rework of New Aircraft Dialog (WIP)

+ 0 - 5

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-# Code Style Conventions
-- See https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Coding_Style for general code style guidelines.
-- Classes start with a capital letter and are camelCased.
-- Functions start with a lower case letter and are camelCased.


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screenshots/default_view_system_theme.png → assets/screenshots/default_view_system_theme.png

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screenshots/easaView_dark_theme.png → assets/screenshots/easaView_dark_theme.png





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screenshots/pilots_table.png → assets/screenshots/pilots_table.png


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screenshots/screenshot1.png → assets/screenshots/screenshot1.png

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screenshots/screenshot3.png → assets/screenshots/screenshot3.png

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-# The openPilotLog Wiki
-Mirror for the wiki

+ 11 - 0

@@ -33,3 +33,14 @@ The general design of this application shall align with the following guiding pr
 The purpose of this application is to be lightweight, reliable, customizable and stay out of the users way.
+## PilotsWidget <a name="PilotsWidget"></a>
+In the PilotsWiget, a list of the pilots the user has added to the database is shown. On the left side of the screen, all pilots are shown in a table, with their last name, first name and company. On the right side, a line edit is available where the table view can be filtered and searched.
+Once the user selects an entry in the table view, a [NewPilotDialog](#NewPilotDialog) is shown as a widget on the right side of the screen. Here, the user can see all the details related to the entry and edit it.
+Below the table view are push buttons that enable the user to create new entries or edit existing ones.
+## New Pilot Dialog <a name="NewPilotDialog"></a>
+The New Pilot Dialog is used to add new pilots to the database or edit existing ones. It has 7 line edits, which represent the columns of the pilots table in the database. 

+ 29 - 0

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+# openPilotLog
+Welcome to openPilotLog, the free and open source airline pilot logbook application!
+## Tl;dr
+Airline pilots are required to maintain a logbook containing details of their flights. These logbooks were historically written by hand on paper, but of course nowadays more and more people are doing it electronically, be it in their own excel sheet or using a paid logbook software.
+I have used paid solutions for many years, and have seen more and of them move from being a one-time license purchase to becoming a "Logbook as a Service" type subscription. After the one I have been using for the last couple of years, and had bought a "lifetime license" for ended up announcing they also moved to a subscription based service, I decided that it is time for a free and open source alternative that is fast, easy to use, and does not require a subscription.
+## The state of the project!
+openPilotLog is currently in development, so no release is provided yet. If you would like to be informed about upcoming releases, you can [subscribe](https://turowsky.eu/?page_id=112) to our newsletter.
+If you want to learn more about this project, check out the [wiki](https://github.com/fiffty-50/openpilotlog/wiki) or the [blog](https://turowsky.eu/)!
+For developers, the code documentation can be found at our [doxygen](https://fiffty-50.github.io/openpilotlog/) pages. If you are interested in contributing to the project, you can get in touch [here](mailto:felix.turo@gmail.com?subject=[GitHub]%20Contributing%20to%20openPilotLog).
+# How does it look like?
+Here are some early screenshots:
+![Alt Screenshot 1](assets/screenshots/logbookwidget_light.png)
+![Alt Screenshot 2](assets/screenshots/newflight_1_dark.png)
+![Alt Screenshot 3](assets/screenshots/newflight_2_light.png)
+![Alt Screenshot 4](assets/screenshots/pilotsdialog_dark.png)

+ 0 - 0
docs/wiki/coding_style.md → docs/wiki/wiki_coding_style.md

+ 0 - 0
docs/wiki/database_doc.md → docs/wiki/wiki_database.md

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+# Welcome to the openpilotlog wiki!
+On this wiki you will find general information about different aspects of the project.
+## Contribute to the project
+If you want to contribute to the project, get in touch here [here](mailto:felix.turo@gmail.com?subject=[GitHub]%20Contributing%20to%20openPilotLog)
+## Documentation
+For code documentation head over to [doxygen](https://fiffty-50.github.io/openpilotlog/html/index.html)
+You can also find our [code style conventions](https://github.com/fiffty-50/openpilotlog/wiki/Coding-Style) in this wiki.
+A general description of the database layout can be found [here](https://github.com/fiffty-50/openpilotlog/wiki/Database-Layout-and-Description)
+# Project Overview
+Code: C++ (Qt5)
+Database: sqlite3
+This program is suppposed to replace a paper logbook with an electronic version. As a first step, I want to focus on the basics, and then add 'nice-to-haves' later.
+These are the guidelines for this project:
+- Speed: openPilotLog is supposed to be fast, lean and efficient. I have settled on using the Qt framework for the gui and code, as well as sqlite for the database.
+- Cross-Platform Support: I am primarily using Linux, but Windows and Mac (and maybe down the road iOS/Android) should also be supported. Qt provides this cross-platform compatibility.
+- Local: At the moment, I am not planning on implementing a cloud-sync solution. The database is local, on your machine, and moving it around should be as easy as copying it onto a USB stick. While I am not opposed to cloud syncing functionality, I want the application to be independent of external services.
+- Free: This application is and always will be free to use, distribute and modify. I have used commercial solutions before and have been disappointed when a 'lifetime' license expired because the company needs to support their development and cloud infrastructure. That's fair enough, but I believe keeping a logbook of your flights is not rocket science and you should not have to pay a monthly subscription for that. 
+# The state of the project - Should I use this?
+Clear answer for the time being - Don't use it as your primary logbook. This is an early development stage and functionality, layout of the GUI etc. might change drastically. This could lead to database incompatibilies with earlier versions. For this reason, I am not providing a release for now. If you would like to test it, you'll have to compile the project yourself.
+# Compiling the project
+The most straight forward way is to get a copy of [Qt](https://www.qt.io/download) and compile the project using QtCreator and qmake, the PRO file is included in this repository. 
+On first launch, the database will be created. If you want to test the program with a sample database, copy `logbook.db` from the assets folder into your application directory.
+If you want to start a fresh logbook, you can use the debugwidget to create a new database from scratch.