@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "src/functions/alog.h"
#include "src/functions/alog.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QCompleter>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
NewNewFlightDialog::NewNewFlightDialog(ACompletionData &completion_data,
NewNewFlightDialog::NewNewFlightDialog(ACompletionData &completion_data,
QWidget *parent)
QWidget *parent)
@@ -23,29 +24,51 @@ NewNewFlightDialog::~NewNewFlightDialog()
void NewNewFlightDialog::init()
void NewNewFlightDialog::init()
// Initialise line edit lists
// Initialise line edit lists
- QList<QLineEdit*> time_line_edits = {ui->tofbTimeLineEdit, ui->tonbTimeLineEdit};
- timeLineEdits = &time_line_edits;
- QList<QLineEdit*> location_line_edits = {ui->deptLocationLineEdit, ui->destLocationLineEdit};
- locationLineEdits = &location_line_edits;
- QList<QLineEdit*> pilot_name_line_edits = {ui->picNameLineEdit, ui->sicNameLineEdit, ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit};
- pilotNameLineEdits = &pilot_name_line_edits;
+ timeLineEdits = {ui->tofbTimeLineEdit, ui->tonbTimeLineEdit};
+ locationLineEdits = {ui->deptLocationLineEdit, ui->destLocationLineEdit};
+ pilotNameLineEdits = {ui->picNameLineEdit, ui->sicNameLineEdit, ui->thirdPilotNameLineEdit};
+ // {doft = 0, dept = 1, dest = 2, tofb = 3, tonb = 4, pic = 5, acft = 6}
+ mandatoryLineEdits = {ui->doftLineEdit, ui->deptLocationLineEdit, ui->destLocationLineEdit,
+ ui->tofbTimeLineEdit, ui->tonbTimeLineEdit,
+ ui->picNameLineEdit, ui->acftLineEdit};
- //setupSignalsAndSlots();
+ setupSignalsAndSlots();
+ * \brief NewNewFlightDialog::eventFilter the event filter is used to invalidate mandatory line edits on entering. This acts as a double-check against
+ * false inputs for cases when the editingFinished() signal is not emitted due to the QValidators blocking it.
+ */
+bool NewNewFlightDialog::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
+ auto line_edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(object);
+ if (line_edit != nullptr) {
+ if (mandatoryLineEdits.contains(line_edit) && event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn) {
+ //DEB << "Invalidating " << line_edit->objectName() << "(Focus In Event)";
+ validationState.invalidate(mandatoryLineEdits.indexOf(line_edit));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * \brief NewNewFlightDialog::setupRawInputValidation outfits the line edits with QRegularExpresionValidators and QCompleters
+ */
void NewNewFlightDialog::setupRawInputValidation()
void NewNewFlightDialog::setupRawInputValidation()
- for (const auto& line_edit : *timeLineEdits) {
- DEB << "Setting up: " << line_edit->objectName();
+ // Time Line Edits
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(timeLineEdits)) {
auto validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]?"), line_edit);
auto validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression("([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):?[0-5][0-9]?"), line_edit);
- for (const auto& line_edit : *locationLineEdits) {
+ // Location Line Edits
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(locationLineEdits)) {
auto validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression("[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}"), line_edit);
auto validator = new QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression("[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,4}"), line_edit);
@@ -55,12 +78,168 @@ void NewNewFlightDialog::setupRawInputValidation()
- for (const auto& line_edit : *pilotNameLineEdits) {
+ // Name Line Edits
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(pilotNameLineEdits)) {
auto completer = new QCompleter(completionData.pilotList, line_edit);
auto completer = new QCompleter(completionData.pilotList, line_edit);
+ // Acft Line Edit
+ auto completer = new QCompleter(completionData.tailsList, ui->acftLineEdit);
+ completer->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ completer->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion);
+ completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchContains);
+ ui->acftLineEdit->setCompleter(completer);
+void NewNewFlightDialog::setupSignalsAndSlots()
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(timeLineEdits))
+ QObject::connect(line_edit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
+ this, &NewNewFlightDialog::onTimeLineEdit_editingFinished);
+ // Change text to upper case for location and acft line edits
+ QObject::connect(ui->acftLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
+ this, &NewNewFlightDialog::toUpper);
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(locationLineEdits)) {
+ QObject::connect(line_edit, &QLineEdit::textChanged,
+ this, &NewNewFlightDialog::toUpper);
+ QObject::connect(line_edit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
+ this, &NewNewFlightDialog::onLocationLineEdit_editingFinished);
+ }
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(pilotNameLineEdits))
+ QObject::connect(line_edit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
+ this, &NewNewFlightDialog::onPilotNameLineEdit_editingFinshed);
+ // install event filter for focus in vent
+ for (const auto& line_edit : qAsConst(mandatoryLineEdits)) {
+ line_edit->installEventFilter(this);
+ }
+void NewNewFlightDialog::onGoodInputReceived(QLineEdit *line_edit)
+ DEB << line_edit->objectName() << " - Good input received - " << line_edit->text();
+ line_edit->setStyleSheet(QString());
+ if (mandatoryLineEdits.contains(line_edit))
+ validationState.validate(mandatoryLineEdits.indexOf(line_edit));
+ if (validationState.allValid())
+ DEB << "All mandatory Line Edits valid!";
+ // Go to onMandatoryLineEditsFilled?
+ else
+ validationState.printValidationStatus();
+void NewNewFlightDialog::onBadInputReceived(QLineEdit *line_edit)
+ DEB << line_edit->objectName() << " - Bad input received - " << line_edit->text();
+ line_edit->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("border: 1px solid red"));
+ line_edit->setText(QString());
+ if (mandatoryLineEdits.contains(line_edit))
+ validationState.invalidate(mandatoryLineEdits.indexOf(line_edit));
+ validationState.printValidationStatus();
+// # Slots
+void NewNewFlightDialog::toUpper(const QString &text)
+ const auto line_edit = this->findChild<QLineEdit*>(sender()->objectName());
+ {
+ const QSignalBlocker blocker(line_edit);
+ line_edit->setText(text.toUpper());
+ }
+void NewNewFlightDialog::onTimeLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ auto line_edit = this->findChild<QLineEdit*>(sender()->objectName());
+ DEB << line_edit->objectName() << "Editing finished -" << line_edit->text();
+ const QString time_string = ATime::formatTimeInput(line_edit->text());
+ const QTime time = ATime::fromString(time_string);
+ if (time.isValid()) {
+ line_edit->setText(time_string);
+ onGoodInputReceived(line_edit);
+ } else {
+ onBadInputReceived(line_edit);
+ line_edit->setText(QString());
+ }
+void NewNewFlightDialog::onPilotNameLineEdit_editingFinshed()
+ auto line_edit = this->findChild<QLineEdit*>(sender()->objectName());
+ DEB << line_edit->objectName() << "Editing Finished -" << line_edit->text();
+ if(line_edit->text().contains(self, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ DEB << "self recognized.";
+ line_edit->setText(completionData.pilotsIdMap.value(1));
+ onGoodInputReceived(line_edit);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(completionData.pilotsIdMap.key(line_edit->text()) != 0) {
+ DEB << "Mapped: " << line_edit->text() << completionData.pilotsIdMap.key(line_edit->text());
+ onGoodInputReceived(line_edit);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (line_edit->text().isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!line_edit->completer()->currentCompletion().isEmpty()) {
+ DEB << "Trying to fix input...";
+ line_edit->setText(line_edit->completer()->currentCompletion());
+ emit line_edit->editingFinished();
+ return;
+ }
+ onBadInputReceived(line_edit);
+ TODO << "Add new Pilot...";
+ //addNewPilot(line_edit);
+void NewNewFlightDialog::onLocationLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ const QString line_edit_name = sender()->objectName();
+ const auto line_edit = this->findChild<QLineEdit*>(line_edit_name);
+ DEB << line_edit->objectName() << "Editing Finished -" << line_edit->text();
+ QLabel* name_label;
+ if (line_edit_name.contains(QLatin1String("dept"))) {
+ name_label = ui->deptNameLabel;
+ } else {
+ name_label = ui->destNameLabel;
+ }
+ const auto &text = line_edit->text();
+ int airport_id = 0;
+ // try to map iata or icao code to airport id;
+ if (text.length() == 3) {
+ airport_id = completionData.airportIataIdMap.key(text);
+ } else {
+ airport_id = completionData.airportIcaoIdMap.key(text);
+ }
+ // check result
+ if (airport_id == 0) {
+ // to do: prompt user how to handle unknown airport
+ name_label->setText(tr("Unknown airport identifier"));
+ onBadInputReceived(line_edit);
+ return;
+ }
+ line_edit->setText(completionData.airportIcaoIdMap.value(airport_id));
+ name_label->setText(completionData.airportNameIdMap.value(airport_id));
+ onGoodInputReceived(line_edit);
+void NewNewFlightDialog::on_acftLineEdit_editingFinished()
+ TODO << "Fix looking up and matching...";