@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#include "dbaircraft.h"
+#include "dbman.cpp"
+ * \brief RetreiveRegistration Looks up tail_id from Database
+ * \param tail_ID Primary Key of tails database
+ * \return Registration
+ */
+QString dbAircraft::retreiveRegistration(QString tail_ID)
+ QString acftRegistration("");
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT registration FROM tails WHERE tail_id == ?");
+ query.addBindValue(tail_ID.toInt());
+ query.exec();
+ if(query.first());
+ else
+ qDebug() << ("No Aircraft with this ID found");
+ query.previous();//To go back to index 0
+ while (query.next()) {
+ acftRegistration.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ }
+ return acftRegistration;
+ * \brief newAcftGetString Looks up an aircraft Registration in the database
+ * \param searchstring
+ * \return Registration, make, model and variant
+ */
+QStringList dbAircraft::newAcftGetString(QString searchstring)
+ QStringList result;
+ if(searchstring.length()<2){return result;}
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT registration, make, model, variant "
+ "FROM aircraft "
+ "INNER JOIN tails on tails.aircraft_ID = aircraft.aircraft_id "
+ "WHERE tails.registration LIKE ?");
+ searchstring.append("%"); searchstring.prepend("%");
+ query.addBindValue(searchstring);
+ query.exec();
+ while(query.next())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString() + " (" + query.value(1).toString() + "-" + query.value(2).toString() + "-" + query.value(3).toString() + ")");
+ }
+ qDebug() << "newAcftGetString: " << result.length() << result;
+ return result;
+ * \brief dbAircraft::newAcftGetId Looks up a registration in the databse
+ * \param registration Aircraft Registration
+ * \return tail_id
+ */
+QString dbAircraft::newAcftGetId(QString registration)
+ QString result;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT tail_id "
+ "FROM tails "
+ "WHERE registration LIKE ?");
+ registration.prepend("%"); registration.append("%");
+ query.addBindValue(registration);
+ query.exec();
+ while(query.next())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ }
+ qDebug() << "newAcftGetId: " << result;
+ return result;
+ * \brief dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftTypeFromReg Searches the tails Database
+ * \param searchstring
+ * \return {registration, type, iata Code, tail_id} or {}
+ */
+QVector<QString> dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftTypeFromReg(QString searchstring)
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT Name, iata, registration, tail_id " //"SELECT Registration, Name, icao, iata "
+ "FROM aircraft "
+ "INNER JOIN tails on tails.aircraft_ID = aircraft.aircraft_id "
+ "WHERE tails.registration LIKE ?");
+ // Returns Registration/Name/icao/iata
+ searchstring.prepend("%");
+ searchstring.append("%");
+ query.addBindValue(searchstring);
+ query.exec();
+ QVector<QString> result;
+ if(query.first())
+ {
+ QString acType = query.value(0).toString();
+ QString iataCode = query.value(1).toString();
+ QString registration = query.value(2).toString();
+ QString tail_id = query.value(3).toString();
+ result.append(registration); result.append(acType);
+ result.append(iataCode); result.append(tail_id);
+ return result;
+ }else
+ {
+ return result; // return empty
+ }
+ * \brief dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftMake Search function to provide a
+ * QStringList to the QCompleter
+ * \param searchstring A possible aircraft manufacturer
+ * \return Possible values according to the aircraft database
+ */
+QStringList dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftMake(QString searchstring)
+ QStringList result;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT make from aircraft WHERE make LIKE ?");
+ searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%");
+ query.addBindValue(searchstring);
+ query.exec();
+ while(query.next())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ }
+ qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftMake... Result:" << result;
+ return result;
+ * \brief dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftModel Search function to provide a
+ * QStringList to the QCompleter
+ * \param make A possible aircraft family (A320, 737,...)
+ * \param searchstring
+ * \return
+ */
+QStringList dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftModel(QString make, QString searchstring)
+ QStringList result;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT model FROM aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model LIKE ?");
+ query.addBindValue(make);
+ searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%");
+ query.addBindValue(searchstring);
+ query.exec();
+ while(query.next())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftModel... Result:" << result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ * \brief dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftVariant Search function to provide a
+ * QStringList to the QCompleter
+ * \param make Aircraft manufacturer
+ * \param model Aircraft family
+ * \param searchstring
+ * \return Aircraft Variant
+ */
+QStringList dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftVariant(QString make, QString model, QString searchstring)
+ QStringList result;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT variant from aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model = ? AND variant LIKE ?");
+ query.addBindValue(make);
+ query.addBindValue(model);
+ searchstring.prepend("%"); searchstring.append("%");
+ query.addBindValue(searchstring);
+ query.exec();
+ while(query.next())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftVariant... Result:" << result;
+ }
+ return result;
+ * \brief dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant Looks up the unique
+ * aircraft id for a given specification of make, model and variant
+ * \param make Aircraft manufacturer (e.g. Boeing)
+ * \param model Aircraft family (e.g. 737)
+ * \param variant Aircraft variant (e.g. -800)
+ * \return arcraft_id primary key of aircraft database
+ */
+QString dbAircraft::retreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant(QString make, QString model, QString variant)
+ QString result;
+ QSqlQuery query;
+ query.prepare("SELECT aircraft_id FROM aircraft WHERE make = ? AND model = ? AND variant = ?");
+ query.addBindValue(make);
+ query.addBindValue(model);
+ query.addBindValue(variant);
+ query.exec();
+ if(query.first())
+ {
+ result.append(query.value(0).toString());
+ qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant: Aircraft found! ID# " << result;
+ return result;
+ }else
+ {
+ result = result.left(result.length()-1);
+ result.append("0");
+ qDebug() << "db::RetreiveAircraftIdFromMakeModelVariant: ERROR - no AircraftId found.";
+ return result;
+ }
+ * \brief dbAircraft::commitTailToDb Creates a new entry in the tails database
+ * \param registration
+ * \param aircraft_id Primary key of aircraft database
+ * \param company optional entry if a/c is associated with a certain company
+ * \return true on success
+ */
+bool dbAircraft::commitTailToDb(QString registration, QString aircraft_id, QString company)
+ QSqlQuery commit;
+ commit.prepare("INSERT INTO tails (registration, aircraft_id, company) VALUES (?,?,?)");
+ commit.addBindValue(registration);
+ commit.addBindValue(aircraft_id);
+ commit.addBindValue(company);
+ commit.exec();
+ if(commit.lastError().text().length() < 0){
+ qWarning() << "db::CommitAircraftToDb:: SQL error:" << commit.lastError().text();
+ return false;
+ }else{
+ return true;
+ }